<foreign>de passione <expan>Cristi</expan></foreign>
M.18.1KD.18.1<l><hi><hi>W</hi></hi>olleward and weteshod . wente I fo<add>r</add>þ after</l>
M.18.2KD.18.2<l>As a recheles renk þat of no wo reccheþ</l>
M.18.3KD.18.3<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ede forþ lik a lorell . al my lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
M.18.4KD.18.4<l>Til I wex wery of þe world / and wylned efte to slepe</l>
M.18.5KD.18.5<l>And lened me to a lent<del>o</del><add>e</add>n . and longe tyme I slepte</l>
M.18.6KD.18.9<l>And of cristes passiou<expan>n</expan> and penaunce . þe poeple þat of rauȝte</l>
M.18.7KD.18.6<l>Reste me þere and rutte faste . til <hi><foreign>Ramis <hi>palmar<expan>um</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.8KD.18.7<l>Of gerl<del>.</del><add>is</add> and of <hi><foreign><hi>Gloria laus</hi></foreign></hi> gretly me dremed . </l>
M.18.9KD.18.8<l>And how <hi><hi>Osanna</hi></hi> be orgonye . olde folk songen</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.10KD.18.10<l>Oon semblable to þe samaritan . and somdel to piers þe plowman</l>
M.18.11KD.18.11<l>Barfoot on an asse bak . boteles cam prikye</l>
M.18.12KD.18.12<l>With<seg>-</seg>outen spores or spere . spaklich he loked</l>
M.18.13KD.18.13<l>As is þe kynde of a kniȝt . þat comeþ to be dubbed</l>
M.18.14KD.18.14<l>To geten hym gilte spores . or galo<del>...</del><add>ches</add> y<seg>-</seg>couped</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.15KD.18.15<l>Thanne was feith in a Fenestre . and cried a . <foreign><hi>fili dauid</hi></foreign></l>
M.18.16KD.18.16<l>As doþ an heraud of armes . whan au<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ur</expan><del>..</del><add>ous</add> comeþ to Iustes</l>
M.18.17KD.18.17<l>Olde Iewes of Ier<expan>usa</expan>l<expan>e</expan>m . for ioy þei songen</l>
M.18.18KD.18.17α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.22KD.18.21<l>Is piers in þis place quod I . and he prente on me</l>
M.18.23KD.18.22<l>This Ih<expan>esus</expan> of his gentris . wol iuste in piers armes</l>
M.18.24KD.18.23<l>In his helme and his haubergeon <hi><foreign><hi>humana natura</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.25KD.18.24<l>That crist be not knowen here / for <hi><foreign><hi>Consummatus deus</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.26KD.18.25<l>In piers paltok þe plowman / þis priker shal ride</l>
M.18.27KD.18.26<l>For no dynt<del>e</del> shal hym deere / as in <hi><foreign><hi>deitate patris</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.29KD.18.28<l>Nay quod he þe foule fend . and fals dome and deþ</l>
M.18.30KD.18.29<l>Deþ saiþ he shal fordo . and a<seg>-</seg>down bringe</l>
M.18.31KD.18.30<l>Al þat lyueþ or lokeþ in lond or in watre . </l>
<milestone>fol. 86v
M.18.32KD.18.31<l>Lif sai
<del>..</del><add>th</add> þat
<add>he</add><note>M.18.32: M's original reading without <hi>he</hi> agreed with C.</note> lieþ . and ley
<del>eþ</del><add>th</add> his lif to wedde
M.18.33KD.18.32<l>That for al þat deþ kan do . withinne þre daies</l>
M.18.34KD.18.33<l>To walke and fecche from þe fend . Piers fruyt þe plouwman</l>
M.18.35KD.18.34<l>And legge it þere hym likeþ / and Lucifer bynde</l>
M.18.36KD.18.35<l>And forbete and doun bringe bale deþ for euere</l>
M.18.37KD.18.35α<l><hi><foreign><hi>O mors ero mors tua .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.38KD.18.36<l>Than cam <hi>pilatus</hi> with muche poeple <hi><foreign><hi>Sedens p<expan>ro</expan> tribunali</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.39KD.18.37<l>To se how doug<del>..</del><add>ht</add>yliche . deþ shuld<add>e</add> do . and deme hire boþes riȝte</l>
M.18.40KD.18.38<l>The Iuwes and Iustice . aȝein Ih<expan>es</expan>u þei were</l>
M.18.41KD.18.39<l>And al þe court
<del>e</del> vpon
<note>M.18.41: M's <hi>vpon</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>on</hi>.</note> hym criede
<hi><foreign><hi>Crucifige</hi></foreign></hi> sharpe
M.18.42KD.18.40<l>Tho putte hym forth a pilour . byfore Pilat and saide</l>
M.18.43KD.18.41<l>This Ih<expan>esus</expan> of oure Iewes temple iaped and <del>...?...</del><add>dispised</add></l>
M.18.44KD.18.42<l>To fordoon it in oon day . and in þree days after</l>
<del>d</del><note>M.18.45: M's original <hi>Edified</hi>, was not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read present tense. Compare M.16.138.</note> it eft
<del>e</del> newe . here he stant þat saide it
M.18.46KD.18.44<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>it maken it as muche . in alle maner<add><expan>e</expan></add> poyntes</l>
M.18.47KD.18.45<l>Boþe as longe and as large . by lofte and by grounde</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.48KD.18.46<l><hi><foreign>Crucifige</foreign></hi> quod a c<del>h.</del><add>a</add>chepoll<del>e</del> . I warante hym a wicche</l>
M.18.49KD.18.47<l><hi><foreign><hi>Tolle tolle</hi></foreign></hi> quod anoþer / and took of kene þornes</l>
M.18.50KD.18.48<l>And bigan of kene þorn . a garlond for
<note>M.18.50: M's <hi>for</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> to make
M.18.51KD.18.49<l>And sette it soore on his hed . and seide in enuye</l>
M.18.52KD.18.50<l><foreign><hi>Aue raby</hi></foreign> . quod þat ribaude . and þrewe redes at hym</l>
M.18.53KD.18.51<l>Nayled hym w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þre nailes . naked on þe roode</l>
M.18.54KD.18.52<l>And poisou<expan>n</expan> on a pole . þei putte vp to his lippes</l>
M.18.55KD.18.53<l>And beden hym drynken his <orig>deþ<del>e</del><add>y</add>uel</orig><reg>deþ<del>e</del><add> y</add>uel</reg> . his dayes were y<seg>-</seg>done</l>
M.18.56KD.18.54<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if þat þow sotil be . help now þi<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.18.57KD.18.55<l>If þow be crist and kynges sone . com doun of
<note>M.18.57: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here lacks <hi>þe</hi>.</note> Rode
M.18.58KD.18.56<l>Thanne shul we leue þat lif þe loueþ / and wol nouȝt lete þe d<del>...</del><add>eye</add></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.59KD.18.57<l><hi><foreign><hi>Consummatu<expan>m</expan> est</hi></foreign></hi> q<expan>u</expan>od crist . and comsed for to swowe</l>
M.18.60KD.18.58<l>Pitouslich and pale / as a prisou
<expan>n</expan> doþ
<note>M.18.60: M shares the reading <hi>doþ</hi> with Cr. The word is omitted in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> þat deieþ
M.18.61KD.18.59<l>Þe lord of lif and of light / þo leyd<add>e</add> hise eiȝen to<seg>-</seg>gedres</l>
M.18.62KD.18.60<l>The day for drede with<seg>-</seg>drowe . and derk<del>e</del> bicam þe sonne</l>
M.18.63KD.18.61<l>The wal wagged and clef . and al þe world quaued</l>
M.18.64KD.18.62<l>Dede men for þat dyne . come out of depe graues</l>
M.18.65KD.18.63<l>And tolde why þat tempest . so longe tyme dured</l>
M.18.66KD.18.64<l>For a bittur bataille . þe ded body saide</l>
M.18.67KD.18.65<l>Lif and deþ in þis derknesse . hire oon fordoþ hire oþur</l>
M.18.68KD.18.66<l>Shal no wight wite witurly . who shal haue þe maistrye</l>
M.18.69KD.18.67<l>Er sonday aboute s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne rysynge . and sank with þat til erþe . </l>
M.18.70KD.18.68<l>So<expan>m</expan>me saide þat he was godes sone . þat so faire deied . </l>
<milestone>fol. 87r
passus xviij<expan>us</expan> de passu
M.18.71KD.18.68α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Vere filius dei erat iste & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.72KD.18.69<l>And so<expan>m</expan>me saide he was a wicche . good is þat we assaien</l>
M.18.73KD.18.70<l>Wher he be ded or nouȝt ded / doun er he be taken</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.74KD.18.71<l>T
<del>..</del><add>owo</add><note>M.18.74: This alteration is clumsily executed over damaged parchment. The final letter looks like an <o> but is perhaps the final
stroke of <w>.</note> þeues also . þoled deþ þat tyme
<seg>-</seg>sides crist vpon a crosse
<note>M.18.75: M's <hi>Bi<seg>-</seg>sides crist vpon a crosse</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts reverse the syntax.</note> . so was þe comune lawe
M.18.76KD.18.73<l>A cacchepol com forth . and kraked boþe here legges</l>
M.18.77KD.18.74<l>And hire armes after of <sic>eþther</sic><corr>e[y]ther</corr> of þo þeues</l>
M.18.78KD.18.75<l>Ac was no boy so bold / godes body to touche</l>
M.18.79KD.18.76<l>For he was kniȝt and kynges sone . kynde forȝaf þat time</l>
M.18.80KD.18.77<l>Þat noon harlot were so hardy . to lay<del>..</del><add>n</add> hond vp<seg>-</seg>on hym</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.81KD.18.78<l>Ac þere com<del>e</del> forþ a kniȝt . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a kene spere ygrounde</l>
M.18.82KD.18.79<l>Hiȝte <hi><hi>Longeus</hi></hi> as þe l<expan>ett</expan>re telleþ . and longe hadde lore his siȝte</l>
M.18.83KD.18.80<l>Bifore pilat and oþer poeple / in þe place he houed</l>
M.18.84KD.18.81<l>Maugre<del>y</del><add>e</add> his many teeth . he was mad þat tyme</l>
M.18.85KD.18.82<l>To taken þe spere in his hond / and Iusten w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <hi><hi>Ih<expan>esus</expan></hi></hi> . </l>
M.18.86KD.18.83<l>For alle þai were vnhardy . þat houed on hors or stoode</l>
M.18.87KD.18.84<l>To touchen hym or tasten hym . or taken doun of Rode</l>
M.18.88KD.18.85<l>But þis blynde bacheler . bar him þoruȝ þe herte</l>
M.18.89KD.18.86<l>The blood sprang<del>e</del> doun by þe speere . and vnspered þe knyȝtes eiȝen</l>
M.18.90KD.18.87<l>Thanne fel þe kniȝt vpon knees . and criede hym mercy</l>
M.18.91KD.18.88<l>Aȝein my wille it was lord . to wounde ȝow so soore</l>
M.18.92KD.18.89<l>He seiȝhed and seide . soore it me a<seg>-</seg>thynkeþ</l>
M.18.93KD.18.90<l>For þe dede þat I haue doon . I do me in <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure grace</l>
M.18.94KD.18.91<l>Haue on me ruthe riȝtful Ih<expan>es</expan>u . and riȝt with þat he wepte</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.95KD.18.92<l>Thanne gan feyþ felly . þe false Iewes despise</l>
M.18.96KD.18.93<l>Called hem caitifs . accursed for euere</l>
M.18.97KD.18.94<l>For þis foule vil<del>.</del><add>e</add>inye . vengeaunce to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow alle</l>
M.18.98KD.18.95<l>To do þe blynde bete hym y<seg>-</seg>bounde . it was a boyes conseill</l>
<del><add>e</add></del> caytif
<del><add>s</add></del><note>M.18.99: It appears that plural endings have been added to adjective and noun and then incompletely erased. OHmCrBRF have the plural.</note> . kniȝthod
<del>e</del> was it neuere
M.18.100KD.18.97<l>To misdo a ded body . by day / ne
<note>M.18.100: M's <hi>ne</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>or</hi>. Cr has <hi>nor</hi>.</note> by niȝte
M.18.101KD.18.98<l>The gree <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et haþ he geten / for al his grete wounde</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.102KD.18.99<l>For <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure champion chiualer / chief knyȝt of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow alle</l>
M.18.103KD.18.100<l><del>Ȝ...</del><add>Yelt</add> hym recreaunt rennyng . riȝt at Ih<expan>esus</expan> wille</l>
M.18.104KD.18.101<l>For b
<del>y</del><add>e</add><note>M.18.104: M's original reading <hi>by</hi> agreed with Cr<hi>12</hi>.</note> þis derkenesse y
<seg>-</seg>do . his deþ worth avenged
M.18.105KD.18.102<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e lurdeyns han y<seg>-</seg>lost . for lif shal haue þe maistrye</l>
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure Fraunchise þat fre was . fallen in his
<note>M.18.106: M's <hi>in his</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>is in</hi>.</note> þraldom
M.18.107KD.18.104<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e ch<del>.</del><add>e</add>rles and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure children / chieue shullen <del>ȝe</del><add>ye</add> neuere . </l>
<milestone>fol. 87v
M.18.108KD.18.105<l>Ne haue lordshipe in londe . ne no lond<del>e</del> tilye</l>
M.18.109KD.18.106<l>But <del>.......</del><add>al bareyne</add> be . and vsurie vsen</l>
M.18.110KD.18.107<l><del>T...</del><add>Which</add><note>M.18.110: The corrector has made a hole in the parchment by too vigorous erasure. The remains of an initial <T> remain, and <hi>Which</hi> has been rewritten to the right of the hole.</note> is lif þat oure lord . in alle lawes acurseþ
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure goode dayes arn doon . as danyel
<del>es</del> p
<del>s</del><add>d</add><note>M.18.111: M's original reading of <hi>danyeles p<expan>ro</expan>phecies</hi> was unattested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note></l>
M.18.112KD.18.109<l>Whanne crist com
<del>e</del> <add>of</add><note>M.18.112: M's addition of <hi>of</hi>, inserted subsequent to the erasure of the <e> of <hi>come</hi>, puts it into agreement with WHmCr<hi>1</hi>.</note> hire kyngedom
<del>e</del> . þe croune shulde cesse
M.18.113KD.18.109α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Cum ven<expan>er</expan>it<note>M.18.113: M's <hi>ven<expan>er</expan>it</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>veniat</hi>.</note> s<expan>anc</expan>tus s<expan>anc</expan>tor<expan>um</expan> tunc<note>M.18.113: M's <hi>tunc</hi> is shared with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit the word.</note> cessabit vnctio v<expan>est</expan>ra</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.114KD.18.110<l>What for feere of þis ferly . and of þe false Iewes</l>
M.18.115KD.18.111<l>I drouȝ<del>we</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> me in þat derkenesse to <hi><foreign><hi>descendit ad inferna</hi></foreign></hi> . </l>
M.18.116KD.18.112<l>And þere I sauȝ<del>e</del> soþly . <hi><foreign><hi>s<expan>e</expan>c<expan>un</expan>d<expan>u</expan>m scripturas</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.117KD.18.113<l>Out of þe west<del>e</del> coste . a wenche as me thouȝte</l>
M.18.118KD.18.114<l>Kam walkynge in þe wey . to helleward she loked</l>
M.18.119KD.18.115<l>Mercy hiȝte þat mayde . a meke þinge with<seg>-</seg>alle</l>
M.18.120KD.18.116<l>A ful benigne burde . and buxom of speche</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.121KD.18.117<l>Hire sustre as it seme<del>.</del><add>d</add> . cam soþly walkynge</l>
M.18.122KD.18.118<l>Euene out of þe Est . and westward she loked</l>
M.18.123KD.18.119<l>A ful comely creature . truþe she hiȝte . </l>
M.18.124KD.18.120<l>For þe vertue þat hire folwede . aferd was she neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.125KD.18.121<l>Whanne þise maydens mette . mercy and truþe</l>
M.18.126KD.18.122<l>Eyþer axed oþer of þis grete
<del>truþe</del><add>m<expan>er</expan>ueille</add><note>M.18.126: M's original reading <hi>truþe</hi>, is unattested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>wonder</hi>. M's altered reading <hi>m<expan>er</expan>ueille</hi> puts M in agreement with Cr.</note></l>
M.18.127KD.18.123<l>Of þe dyne and of þe derkenesse . and how þe day rowed</l>
M.18.128KD.18.124<l>And w<del>.</del><add>h</add>ich<del>e</del> a liȝt and a leme . lay bifore helle</l>
M.18.129KD.18.125<l>Ich haue ferly <del>i ...</del><add>of</add> þis fare . in faiþ<del>e</del> saide truþe</l>
M.18.130KD.18.126<l>And am wendynge to wyte . what þis won<del>...r</del><add>der</add> meneþ</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.131KD.18.127<l>Haue no m<expan>er</expan>ueille quod mercy . murthe it bitokeneþ</l>
M.18.132KD.18.128<l>A mayden þat hatte marie . and modur w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>oute felynge</l>
M.18.133KD.18.129<l>Of any k<del>e</del><add>y</add>nnes creature . conceiued þoruȝ speche</l>
M.18.134KD.18.130<l>And grace of þe holy goost . wex gret<del>e</del> with childe</l>
M.18.135KD.18.131<l>W<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>outen wem . in<seg>-</seg>to þis world she brouȝt hym . </l>
M.18.136KD.18.132<l>And þat my tale be truwe . I take god to w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.18.137KD.18.133<l>Siþ þis barn was born<del>e</del> . ben <orig>.xxx<add>ti</add></orig><reg>þretty</reg> wyntur passed<del>e</del></l>
M.18.138KD.18.134<l>W<del>.</del><add>hi</add>ch<del>e</del> deied and deþ þoled . þis day a<seg>-</seg>boute midday</l>
M.18.139KD.18.135<l>And þat is cause of þis clips . þat closeþ now þe s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne</l>
M.18.140KD.18.136<l>In menynge þat man shal . from m<expan>er</expan>kenesse be drawen</l>
M.18.141KD.18.137<l>The w<del>.</del><add>hi</add>ch<del>e</del> þis liȝt . and þis leem . shal lucifer a<seg>-</seg>bleende</l>
M.18.142KD.18.138<l>For patriakes and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes . han preched here<seg>-</seg>of often . </l>
M.18.143KD.18.139<l>Þat man shal man saue . þoruȝ a mai<del>...</del><add>dens</add> helpe . </l>
<milestone>fol. 88r
passus xviij<expan>us</expan>
M.18.144KD.18.140<l>And þat was tynt þoruȝ tree . tree shal it wynne</l>
M.18.145KD.18.141<l>And þat deþ doun brouȝte . deþ shal releue</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.146KD.18.142<l>That þou tellest quod truþe . is but a tale of waltrot</l>
M.18.147KD.18.143<l>For <hi>Adam</hi> and <hi>Eue</hi> . <hi>Abrah<expan>a</expan>m</hi> and oþer</l>
M.18.148KD.18.144<l>Patriarkes and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes þat in peyne liggen . </l>
M.18.149KD.18.145<l>Leue þow neuere þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>on liȝt . hem a<seg>-</seg>lofte brynge . </l>
M.18.150KD.18.146<l>Ne haue hem out<del>e</del> of helle . holde þi tonge mercy</l>
M.18.151KD.18.147<l>It is but a trifle þat þou tellest . I truþe wot <del>.</del><add>þ</add>e soþe</l>
M.18.152KD.18.148<l>For þat is ones in helle . out comeþ it
<note>M.18.152: A gap has been left to avoid damaged parchment.</note> neuere .
M.18.153KD.18.149<l>Iob þe p
<expan>ro</expan>phete patriarke . reproueþ þi
<add>thy</add><note>M.18.153: M's reading <hi>þi thy</hi> is unique. As in the previous line the scribe left a gap to avoid damaged parchment. The corrector mistakenly assumed a
word had been erased.</note> sawes
M.18.154KD.18.149α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Quia in inferno nulla est rede<expan>m</expan>p<space> </space>cio</hi><note>M.18.154: The scribe wrote around a pre-existing hole. No text has been lost.</note></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.155KD.18.150<l>Thanne mercy ful myldly . mouþed þise wordus</l>
M.18.156KD.18.151<l>Thoruȝ exp<expan>er</expan>ience quod she . I hope þei shul be saued . </l>
M.18.157KD.18.152<l>For venym
<note>M.18.157: Most of the initial letter has been lost through damage.</note> fordoþ venym . and þat I proue by resou
M.18.158KD.18.154<l>For of alle venymes . foulest is þe scorpiou<expan>n</expan></l>
M.18.159KD.18.155<l>May no medicyne helpe . þe place þ<expan>er</expan>e he styngeþ</l>
M.18.160KD.18.156<l>Til he be ded and do þ<expan>er</expan>to . þe <del>.</del><add>y</add>uel he destr<del>..</del><add>uyeth</add></l>
M.18.161KD.18.157<l>The furste venymoustee . þoruȝ venym of hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
M.18.162KD.18.158<l>So shal þis
<note>M.18.162: In place of <hi>fordo</hi>, all other beta manuscripts except Cr<hi>1</hi> have <hi>deeþ fordo</hi>; the alpha reading is <hi>deeþ do</hi>.</note> . I dar my lif legge
M.18.163KD.18.159<l>Al þat deþ did furste . þoruȝ þe deueles entysynge</l>
M.18.164KD.18.160<l>And riȝt as þoruȝ gile / man was bigiled</l>
M.18.165KD.18.161, 162<l>So shal grace þat bigan . make a good<del>e</del> sleighte</l>
M.18.166KD.18.162α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ars vt artem falleret </hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.167KD.18.163<l>Now suffre we saide truþe . I se as me þinkeþ</l>
M.18.168KD.18.164<l>Out of þe nyppe of þe North . nouȝt ful fer he<expan>n</expan>nes</l>
M.18.169KD.18.165<l>Riȝtwysnesse come rennynge . reste we þe while</l>
M.18.170KD.18.166<l>For he woot more þan we . he was er we boþe</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.171KD.18.167<l>That is soþ saide mercy . and I se heere by southe</l>
M.18.172KD.18.168<l>Where pees comeþ playnge . in pacience cloþ<del>inge</del><add>ed</add></l>
M.18.173KD.18.169<l>Loue haþ coueited hire longe . leue I non other</l>
M.18.174KD.18.170<l>But he sente hire som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> l<expan>ett</expan>re . what þis liȝt bymeneþ</l>
M.18.175KD.18.171<l>That ouer<seg>-</seg>houeþ helle þus . she vs shal telle . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.176KD.18.172<l>Whanne pees in pacience y<seg>-</seg>cloþud . approched neer hem tweyne</l>
M.18.177KD.18.173<l>Riȝtwisnesse hire reu<expan>er</expan>enced . for hire riche cloþinge</l>
M.18.178KD.18.174<l>And praide pees to telle hire / to what place she wolde</l>
M.18.179KD.18.175<l>An<del>...</del><add>d in</add> hire gay garnementz whom she grete þouȝte . </l>
<milestone>fol. 88v
M.18.180KD.18.176<l>¶ My wille is to wende quod she . and welcome hem alle</l>
M.18.181KD.18.177<l>That many day miȝte nouȝt se . for merkenesse of <sic>synnne</sic><corr>synne</corr></l>
M.18.182KD.18.178<l>Adam and Eue . and oþer mo in helle</l>
M.18.183KD.18.179<l>Moises and many mo . mercy shul haue</l>
M.18.184KD.18.180<l>And I shal daunce þerto . do <del>.</del><add>þ</add>ow so sust<del>..</del><add>er</add></l>
M.18.185KD.18.181<l>For Ih<expan>esus</expan> iusted wel . ioye bygynneþ dawe . </l>
M.18.186KD.18.181α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ad vesp<expan>er</expan>um demorabit<expan>ur</expan> fletus & ad matutinum leticia</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.187KD.18.182<l>Loue þat is my lemman . suche l<expan>ett</expan>res me sente</l>
M.18.188KD.18.183<l>That mercy my sust<del>..</del><add>er</add> and I . mankynde shulde saue</l>
M.18.189KD.18.184<l>And þat god haþ forȝeuen . and graunted me pees and m<expan>er</expan>cy</l>
M.18.190KD.18.185<l>To be ma<expan>n</expan>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s mainp<expan>er</expan>nour . for euere<seg>-</seg>more after</l>
M.18.191KD.18.186<l>Lo here þe patente quod
<space> </space><note>M.18.191-192: The scribe has written around a hole in the parchment. No text was lost.</note> pees .
<hi><foreign><hi>In pace <orig>inidip<expan>su</expan>m</orig><reg>in idip<expan>s</expan>um</reg></hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.18.192KD.18.187<l>And þat dede shal <space> </space> dure <hi><foreign>Dormiam & requiescam .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.193KD.18.188<l>What rauestow quod riȝtwisnesse . or þou art riȝt dron<del>...</del><add>ke </add></l>
M.18.194KD.18.189<l>Leuest<del>e</del> þow þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ond liȝt . vnlouke miȝte helle . </l>
M.18.195KD.18.190<l>And saue ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s soule . suster wene it neuere</l>
M.18.196KD.18.191<l>At þe bygynnynge . god <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>af þe doom<del>e</del> hym<seg>-</seg>selue<del>.</del> . </l>
M.18.197KD.18.192<l>That Adam and Eue . and alle þat hem suwed</l>
M.18.198KD.18.193<l>Shulde deiȝe doun<seg>-</seg>riȝt . and dwelle in pyne after</l>
M.18.199KD.18.194<l>If þat þei touched a tree . and þe fruyt eten</l>
M.18.200KD.18.195<l>Adam aftur<seg>-</seg>ward . aȝeins his defence</l>
M.18.201KD.18.196<l>Freet of þat fruyt . and forsook<del>e</del> as it were</l>
M.18.202KD.18.197<l>The loue of oure lord . and his loore boþe</l>
M.18.203KD.18.198<l>And folwed þat þe feend tauȝte . and his felawes wille</l>
M.18.204KD.18.199<l>Aȝeins reson and riȝtwisnesse . recorde þus <add>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan></add> truþe</l>
M.18.205KD.18.200<l>That hire payne be p<expan>er</expan>petuele . and no praiere hem helpe</l>
M.18.206KD.18.201<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi lat<del>e</del> hem chewe as þei chese . and chide we nouȝt sustres . </l>
M.18.207KD.18.202<l>For it is booteles bale / þe bite þat þei eten</l>
</lg> <lg>
<foreign><hi>No<expan>t</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></hi></foreign>
M.18.208KD.18.203<l>And I shal preue quod pees . hire payne moo<del>.</del><add>t</add> haue ende</l>
M.18.209KD.18.204<l>And wo in
<seg>-</seg>to wele mo
<add>t</add><note>M.18.209: The addition of <t> brings M into agreement with F. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the verb <hi>mowe</hi>.</note> . weende at þe laste
M.18.210KD.18.205<l>For hadde þei wist<del>e</del> of no wo . / wele hadde þei not knowen</l>
M.18.211KD.18.206<l>For no wiȝt woot what wel<add>e</add> is . þat neu<expan>er</expan>e wo suffred . </l>
M.18.212KD.18.207<l>Ne what is hoot hungur . þat neu<expan>er</expan>e hadde defaute</l>
M.18.213KD.18.208<l>If no niȝt nere . no man as I leue</l>
M.18.214KD.18.209<l>Shulde wite witturly . what day is to mene</l>
M.18.215KD.18.210<l>Shulde neu<expan>er</expan>e riȝt riche man . þat lyueþ in reste and ese</l>
M.18.216KD.18.211<l>W<del>.</del><add>y</add>te what wo is . ne were þe deþ of kynde</l>
M.18.217KD.18.212<l>So god þat bigan al . of his goode wille</l>
M.18.218KD.18.213<l>By<seg>-</seg>cam man of a mayde . mankynde to saue</l>
M.18.219KD.18.214<l>And suffred to be sold
<del>e</del> . to
<note>M.18.219: M's <hi>to</hi> is shared with Cr<hi>1</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>to se</hi>.</note> þe sorwe of deynge
<hi>¶ The wuche vnknytteþ al</hi>
<milestone>fol. 89r
passus xviij<expan>us</expan>
M.18.220KD.18.215<l>The w<del>....</del><add>hich</add> vnknitteþ alle care . and comsynge is of reste</l>
M.18.221KD.18.216<l>For til <hi><foreign><hi>Modicum</hi></foreign></hi> mete with vs . I may it wel auowe</l>
M.18.222KD.18.217<l>W<del>h...</del><add>oot</add> no wiȝt as I wene . what is yno<del>..</del><add>w</add>gh to mene</l>
</lg> <lg>
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
M.18.223KD.18.218<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi god of his goodnesse . þe furste gome <hi>Adam</hi></l>
M.18.224KD.18.219<l>Sette hym in solace and in sou
<expan>er</expan>aigne murthe
<note>M.18.224: An extra minim has been deleted from the <m> of <hi>murthe</hi>.</note></l>
M.18.225KD.18.220<l>And sith he suffred hym synne . sorwe to fele</l>
M.18.226KD.18.221<l>To wyte what wele was . kyndlich to knowe it<del>.</del></l>
M.18.227KD.18.222<l>And aftur god <del>..</del><add>a</add>uent<del>.</del><add>u</add>red hym<seg>-</seg>self . and took Adames kynde</l>
M.18.228KD.18.223<l>To wyte what he haþ suffred . in þre sundry places</l>
M.18.229KD.18.224<l>Boþe in heuen<add>e</add> and in erthe . and now to helle he þinkeþ</l>
M.18.230KD.18.225<l>To wite what alle wo is . þat woot of al ioye</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.231KD.18.226<l>So it shal fare by þis folk . hire foly . and hire synne</l>
M.18.232KD.18.227<l>Shal lere hem what langour is . and l<del>.</del><add>i</add>sse w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>outen ende</l>
M.18.233KD.18.228<l>Woot no wiȝt what werre is . þere þat pees regne<del>.</del><add>þ</add></l>
M.18.234KD.18.229<l>Ne what is witturly wele . til w<del>....</del><add>eyla</add>way hym teche</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.235KD.18.230<l>Thanne was þere a wiȝt . with two broode eiȝen</l>
# <foreign>de Iuram<expan>en</expan>t<expan>o</expan></foreign> Boke
M.18.236KD.18.231<l>Book highte þat <foreign>beupere</foreign> . a bold man of speche</l>
M.18.237KD.18.232<l>By godes body quod þis book . I wol bere w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.18.238KD.18.233<l>That þo þis barn was y<seg>-</seg>born . þere blased a sterre</l>
M.18.239KD.18.234<l>That alle þe wise of þis world . in on wit a<seg>-</seg>corden</l>
M.18.240KD.18.235<l>That suche a barn was y<seg>-</seg>born . in Bethleem Citee . </l>
M.18.241KD.18.236<l>That ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s soule shuld saue . and synne destroye</l>
M.18.242KD.18.237<l>And alle þe elementes quod þe book . here<seg>-</seg>of bereþ w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.18.243KD.18.238<l>Þat he was god þat al wrouȝt<add>e</add> . þe walkene furst shewede</l>
M.18.244KD.18.239<l>Tho þat weren in heuen
<add>e</add> . token
<hi><foreign><hi>Stella com<del>..</del><add>ata</add></hi></foreign></hi><note>M.18.244: The revised spelling <hi>comata</hi> brings M into line with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts; WHmCr<hi>23</hi>G have <hi>cometa</hi>.</note></l>
M.18.245KD.18.240<l>And tendeden hire as a torche . to reu<expan>er</expan>encen his burþe</l>
M.18.246KD.18.241<l>The liȝt folwed þe lord in<seg>-</seg>to þe lowe erþe</l>
M.18.247KD.18.242<l>That water w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnessed . þat he was god . for he wente on it</l>
M.18.248KD.18.243<l>Petur þapostoille / p<expan>ar</expan>ceiued his gate</l>
M.18.249KD.18.244<l>And as he wente on þe water . wel hym knew<del>e</del> and saide</l>
M.18.250KD.18.244α<l><hi><foreign>Iube me venire ad te sup<expan>er</expan> aquas</foreign></hi></l>
M.18.251KD.18.245<l>And lo how þe s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne gan louke . hire liȝt in hire<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
M.18.252KD.18.246<l>Whanne she seigh hym suffre . þat s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne & see made</l>
M.18.253KD.18.247<l>The erthe for heuynesse . þat he wold<add>e</add> suffre</l>
M.18.254KD.18.248<l>Quaked as quik þing . and al by<seg>-</seg>quasshet þe roche</l>
M.18.255KD.18.249<l>Loo helle miȝte nouȝt hold<add>e</add> . but opened þo god þolede</l>
M.18.256KD.18.250<l>And leet out symondes sones . to seen hym hange on rode</l>
M.18.257KD.18.251<l>And now shal lucifer leue it . þouȝ hym loth þinke </l>
M.18.258KD.18.252<l>For <hi>gigas</hi> þe geaunt . wiþ a gyn<del>ne</del> engyned </l>
<milestone>fol. 89v
M.18.259KD.18.253<l>To breke and <del>b</del><add>t</add>o bete a<seg>-</seg>doun . þat ben aȝeins Ih<expan>es</expan>us</l>
M.18.260KD.18.255<l>And I book wol be brent . but Ih<expan>es</expan>us rise to lyue</l>
M.18.261KD.18.256<l>In alle miȝtes of man . and his modur gladye . </l>
M.18.262KD.18.257<l>And conforte<expan>n</expan> al his kyn . and out of care bringe</l>
M.18.263KD.18.258<l>And alle þe Iewen ioye / vnioynen and vnlouken</l>
M.18.264KD.18.259<l>And but
<del>ȝ</del>if þei
<del>...?...</del><add>reu<expan>er</expan>ensen</add><note>M.18.264: The original was probably <hi>reu<expan>er</expan>sen</hi>, the reading of WCr<hi>1</hi>. The alteration brings M into line with the other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> his rode and his
M.18.265KD.18.260<l>And bileue on a newe lawe . be lost lif and soule . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.266KD.18.261<l>Suffre we saide truþe . I here and se boþe</l>
M.18.267KD.18.262<l>How a spirit spekeþ to helle and bit vnspere þe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ates . </l>
M.18.268KD.18.262α<l><foreign><hi><hi>Attollite portas</hi></hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></l>
M.18.269KD.18.263<l>A vois loude in þat liȝt . to lucifer cryeth</l>
M.18.270KD.18.264<l>Princes of þis place . vnpynneþ and vnlouketh</l>
M.18.271KD.18.265<l>For here comeþ with croune . þat kynge is of glorie</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.272KD.18.266<l>Than siked <hi><hi>Sathan</hi></hi> . and saide to hem alle</l>
M.18.273KD.18.267<l>Such<del>e</del> a liȝt aȝeins oure leue . lazar it fette</l>
M.18.274KD.18.268<l>Care and combraunce . is comen to vs alle</l>
M.18.275KD.18.269<l>If þis kyng come In . mankynde wol he fecche</l>
M.18.276KD.18.270<l>And lede it þere hym likeþ . and liȝthliche me bynde</l>
M.18.277KD.18.271<l>Patriarkes and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes . han p<expan>ar</expan>led here<seg>-</seg>of longe</l>
M.18.278KD.18.272<l>Þat suche a lord and a liȝt . shulde lede hem alle henn<del>.</del><add>e</add>s</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.279KD.18.273<l>Lusteneþ quod Lucifer . for I this lord knowe</l>
M.18.280KD.18.274<l>Boþe þis lord and þis liȝt . is longe a<seg>-</seg>go I knew<del>e</del> hym . </l>
M.18.281KD.18.275<l>May no deþ hym dere . ne no feendus
<note>M.18.281: In place of <hi>feendus</hi> all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except Cr<hi>1</hi> have <hi>deueles</hi>.</note> <del>....</del><add>coyn</add>tise
M.18.282KD.18.276<l>And where he wol is his way . ac war hym of þe p<expan>er</expan>illes</l>
M.18.283KD.18.277<l>If he reue me my riȝt . he robbeþ me be maistrie</l>
M.18.284KD.18.278<l>For by riȝt and by resoun . þo renkes þat ben here</l>
M.18.285KD.18.279<l>Body and soule ben myne . boþe gode and ille . </l>
M.18.286KD.18.280<l>For him<seg>-</seg>self sayde . þat sire is of heuen<add>e</add></l>
M.18.287KD.18.281<l>If Adam ete þe . appul al sholde deiȝe</l>
M.18.288KD.18.282<l>And dwelle w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vs deueles . þis þretynge he made</l>
M.18.289KD.18.283<l>And he þat sothnesse is . saide þise word<del>.</del><add>e</add>s</l>
M.18.290KD.18.284<l>And sithen I seised . seuen hundre wynt<del>.</del><add>e</add>r</l>
M.18.291KD.18.285<l>I leue þat lawe nil nouȝt . leuen
<note>M.18.291: M's <hi>leuen</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>lete</hi>.</note> hym þe leeste .
</lg> <lg>M.18.292KD.18.286<l>That is soth saide Sathan . but I me soore drede</l>
M.18.293KD.18.287<l>For þow
<add>hem</add><note>M.18.293: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts place <hi>hem</hi> after <hi>gete</hi>.</note> gete w
<expan>h</expan> gile . and his gardyn breke
M.18.294KD.18.288<l>And in semblaunce of a serpent sat vp<seg>-</seg>on þe appultree</l>
M.18.295KD.18.289<l>And eg
<del>......</del><add>gedest</add><note>M.18.295: The original reading was perhaps <hi>eggest</hi> as in GYC.</note> hem to ete . Eue by hire
<seg>-</seg>selue .
M.18.296KD.18.290<l>And toldest hire a tale . of tresou<expan>n</expan> were þe wordes . </l>
<milestone>fol. 90r
passus xviij<expan>us</expan>
M.18.297KD.18.291<l>And so þow haddest hem out . and hider at þe laste</l>
M.18.298KD.18.292<l>It is nouȝt graythely geten . þere gile is þe Roote</l>
M.18.299KD.18.293<l>For god wol not be bygiled . quod goblyn ne be<seg>-</seg>iaped . </l>
M.18.300KD.18.294<l>We haue no truwe title to hem . for þoruȝ treson weren þei dampned</l>
M.18.301KD.18.295<l>Certes I drede me quod þe deuel . lest truþe wol hem fecche</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.302KD.18.296<l>This þritty wynter as I wene . he hath goon
<note>M.18.302: M shares the syntax <hi>he hath goon</hi> only with Cr.</note> and p
M.18.303KD.18.297<l>I haue assailled hym w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> synne . and som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del><seg>-</seg>tyme <del>.</del><add>y</add><seg>-</seg>asked</l>
M.18.304KD.18.298<l>Wher he were god or godes sone . he
<del>....</del><add>yaf</add><note>M.18.304: The alteration to <hi>yaf</hi> brings M into line with WOC<hi>2</hi>BF; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have alliterating <hi>gaf</hi>.</note> me short answere
M.18.305KD.18.299<l>And þus haþ he trolled forth . þise two and þretty wynter</l>
M.18.306KD.18.300<l>And whan I seiȝ
<del>e</del> it was so .
<note>M.18.306: The erasure of the <s> brings M into agreement with WHmCr<hi>1</hi>.</note> I wente
M.18.307KD.18.301<l>To warne pilatus wif . what done man was Ih<expan>es</expan>us</l>
M.18.308KD.18.302<l>For Iewes hateden hym . and han don hym to deþe . </l>
M.18.309KD.18.303<l>I wolde haue lengthed his lif . for I leued <del>ȝi</del><add>y</add>f he deiȝed</l>
M.18.310KD.18.304<l>That his soule wolde suffre . no synne in his sighte . </l>
M.18.311KD.18.305<l>For þe body whil it on bones <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ede . aboute was euere . </l>
M.18.312KD.18.306<l>To saue men from synne . if hem<seg>-</seg>selue wolde . </l>
M.18.313KD.18.307<l>And now I se where a soule . comeþ hiderward seillynge</l>
M.18.314KD.18.308<l>With glorie and with grete liȝt . god it is I woot wel</l>
M.18.315KD.18.309<l>I rede we flee quod he . faste / alle hennus . </l>
M.18.316KD.18.310<l>For vs were bettre nouȝt be . þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> byde<expan>n</expan> his siȝte . </l>
M.18.317KD.18.311<l>For þi lesynges lucifer . lost is al oure praye</l>
M.18.318KD.18.312<l>Furste þoruȝ þe . we fellen from heuen<add>e</add> so heiȝ<del>ghe</del><add>e</add></l>
M.18.319KD.18.313, 314<l>For we leued þi lesynges . y<del>lo</del><add><seg>-</seg>l</add>ore we haue Adam . </l>
M.18.320KD.18.315<l>And al oure lordshipe I leue . a lond and on watre . </l>
M.18.321KD.18.315α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nunc princeps huius mundi eicietur foras .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.322KD.18.316<l>Efte þe liȝt bad vnlouke . and lucifer answerede</l>
M.18.323KD.18.317, 316α<l>What lord art þou . quod lucifer <hi><foreign><hi>quis est iste</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.324KD.18.317α, 317<l><hi><foreign><hi>Rex glorie</hi></foreign></hi> þe liȝt soone saide</l>
M.18.325KD.18.318<l>And lord of miȝt and of mayn . and alle manere vertues</l>
M.18.326KD.18.318α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dominu<del>.</del><add>s</add> virtutum .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.327KD.18.319<l>Dukes of þis dym place . anoon vndo þe
<note>M.18.327: M's <hi>þe</hi> agrres with Cr<hi>1</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þise</hi>.</note> <del>.</del><add>y</add>ates
M.18.328KD.18.320<l><add>Þat crist may come <del>i</del><del>n</del><add>y</add>n<del>e</del><note>M.18.328: Original <hi>inne</hi> has been altered to <hi>yn</hi> by erasure of the first and last letters and the alteration of <n> to <y>.</note> / þe <orig>kyngesson</orig><reg>kynges sone</reg> of heuene<del>n</del></add><note>M.18.328-330: These lines were omitted through eye-skip on <hi>yates</hi>. M.18.328 is written in the blank line separating paragraphs. The next two were written at the bottom of the page. The correct
placement of the lines is indicated with red carets. All three are in a different ink but in the main hand and were later
altered in the usual fashion. No other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts share this omission.</note></l>
M.18.329KD.18.321<l><add>And w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þat breþ / helle brak<del>e</del> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> beliales barres</add></l>
M.18.330KD.18.322<l><add>For any wye or warde / wyde opene þe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ates</add></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.331KD.18.323<l><hi>Patriakes and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes . <foreign><hi>Populus in tenebris</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.332KD.18.324<l>Songen seint Iohannes song<del>e</del> <hi><foreign><hi>Ecce agnus dei</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.333KD.18.325<l>Lucifer loke ne miȝte . so liȝt hym ablente</l>
M.18.334KD.18.326<l>And þo þat oure lord loued . in<seg>-</seg>to his liȝt he lauȝte</l>
M.18.335KD.18.327<l>And saide to sathan . lo here my soule to amendes</l>
M.18.336KD.18.328<l>For alle synneful soules . to saue þat ben worthy</l>
M.18.337KD.18.329<l>Myne þay be and of me . I may þe bet<del>..</del> hem clayme</l>
M.18.338KD.18.330<l>Al<seg>-</seg>þouȝ reson recorde . and riȝt of my<seg>-</seg>sel<del>..</del><add>ue</add></l>
M.18.339KD.18.331<l>That if þei ete þe appul . alle / shulde de<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e . </l>
<milestone>fol. 90v
M.18.340KD.18.332<l>I bihiȝte hem nouȝt here . helle for euere</l>
M.18.341KD.18.333<l>For þe dede þat þei d<del>.</del><add>i</add>de þi desceyte it made</l>
M.18.342KD.18.334<l>With gile þou hem gete . a<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein alle resoun . </l>
M.18.343KD.18.335<l>For in my paleis paradys . in p<expan>er</expan>sone of an eddre</l>
M.18.344KD.18.336<l>Falsliche þou fecchedest þere . þing þat I louede</l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign>decept<expan>i</expan>o<expan>ne</expan>m demo<expan>n</expan>is in Forma</foreign> lizard
<del>I...</del><add>ylik<del>e</del></add><note>M.18.345: The original scribe has corrected his initial spelling with <I> to <y>, and the corrector has subsequently deleted <-e>.</note> a lusard . with a lady visage
M.18.346KD.18.338<l>Thefliche þou me robbedest . þe old<add>e</add> lawe graunteth</l>
M.18.347KD.18.339<l>That gilours be bigiled . and þat is good resou<expan>n</expan></l>
M.18.348KD.18.339α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dentem pro dente . & oculum p<expan>ro</expan> oculo .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.349KD.18.340<l><foreign><hi>Ergo</hi></foreign> soule shal soule quyte . and synne to synne wende</l>
M.18.350KD.18.341<l>And al þat man haþ misdo . I man wol amende</l>
M.18.351KD.18.342<l>Membre for membre . be þolde lawe was amendes</l>
M.18.352KD.18.343<l>And lif for lif also . and by þat lawe I clayme it</l>
M.18.353KD.18.344<l>Adam and alle his issue . at my wille her<del>.</del><seg>-</seg>aftur</l>
M.18.354KD.18.345<l>And þat deþ in hem forded<add>e</add> . my deth shal releue</l>
M.18.355KD.18.346<l>And boþe quykene and quyte . þat queynt was þoruȝ synne . </l>
M.18.356KD.18.347<l>And þat grace gile destruye . good feiþ it askeþ</l>
M.18.357KD.18.348<l>So leue
<del>I</del><add>thow</add><note>M.18.357: In its original reading <hi>I</hi>, M agreed with WHmCrGYOC<hi>2</hi>CB. It shares the alteration of <hi>I</hi> to <hi>thow</hi> with G. LRF have <hi>it</hi>.</note> nouȝt lucifer a
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein þe lawe I fecche hem .
M.18.358KD.18.349<l>But bi riȝt and by resou
<expan>n</expan> . ranceome
<add>here</add><note>M.18.358: M's original reading without <hi>here</hi> was shared by GC<hi>2</hi>.</note> my liges
M.18.359KD.18.349α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Non veni soluere legem sed ad implere</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.360KD.18.350<l>Þow fettest myne . in my place . a<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eins alle resou<expan>n</expan></l>
M.18.361KD.18.351<l>Falsliche and felounliche . good faith me it tauȝte</l>
M.18.362KD.18.352<l>To recou
<expan>er</expan>e hem by
<note>M.18.362: M's <hi>by</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þoruȝ</hi>.</note> raunceou
<expan>n</expan> . and by no resou
<expan>n</expan> elles
M.18.363KD.18.353<l>So þat þoruȝ gile þou gete . þoruȝ grace it is y<seg>-</seg>wonnen</l>
M.18.364KD.18.354<l>Thow lucifer in likkenesse . of a luther addre</l>
M.18.365KD.18.355<l>Gettest<del>e</del> by gile . þo þat god louede</l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.366KD.18.356<l>And I in likkenesse of <add>a</add> leode . þat lord am of heuene</l>
M.18.367KD.18.357<l>Graciousliche þi gile haue quyt . go gile a<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein gile</l>
M.18.368KD.18.358<l>And as Adam and alle þoruȝ a tre de<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eden</l>
M.18.369KD.18.359<l>Adam & alle þoruȝ a tree . shul tourne a<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein to lyue</l>
M.18.370KD.18.360<l>And gile is bigiled . and in his gile fallen . </l>
M.18.371KD.18.360α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Et cecidit in foueam quam fecit .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.372KD.18.361<l>Now bigynneþ þi gile . agein þe to torne</l>
M.18.373KD.18.362<l>And my grace growe
<note>M.18.373: M's <hi>growe</hi> agrees with Cr<hi>1</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>to growe</hi>.</note> ay grettere and
<del>gretter</del><add>widder</add><note>M.18.373: M's original reading of <hi>gretter</hi> agreed with RF.</note></l>
M.18.374KD.18.363<l>The bitternesse þat þow hast browe . brouke it þi<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.18.375KD.18.364<l>That art doctour of deeþ . drynk<del>e</del> þat þou madest<del>e</del></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.376KD.18.365<l>For I þat am lord of lif . loue is my drynke</l>
M.18.377KD.18.366<l>And for þat drynke to<seg>-</seg>day . I de<del>iȝ</del><add>y</add>ed vpon erþe</l>
M.18.378KD.18.367<l>I fauȝt so me þresteþ <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>it . for ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s soule sake</l>
<milestone>fol. 91r
passus xviij<expan>us</expan> de pas<expan>sione</expan>
M.18.379KD.18.368<l>May no drynke me moiste . ne my þurst<del>e</del> slake</l>
M.18.380KD.18.369<l>Til þe vendage falle . in þe vale of Ios<del>o</del><add>a</add>phat . </l>
M.18.381KD.18.370<l>That I drynke riȝt ripe <del>m</del><add>M</add>ust<del>e</del> . <hi><foreign><hi>Resurectio mortuorum .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.382KD.18.371<l>And þanne shal I come as a kyng<del>e</del> . crowned with angeles</l>
M.18.383KD.18.372<l>And haue out of helle . alle me<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>u</del><add>e</add>s soules</l>
</lg> <lg>
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a luc<expan>ifer</expan></foreign>
M.18.384KD.18.373<l>Fendes <del>.</del>and fendkyns . bifore me shul stande</l>
M.18.385KD.18.374<l>And be at my biddinge . where<seg>-</seg>so<seg>-</seg>euere me likeþ</l>
M.18.386KD.18.375<l>And to be merciable to man . þanne my kynde it askeþ</l>
M.18.387KD.18.376<l>For we been breþeren of blood . but nouȝt of
<note>M.18.387: M's <hi>of</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>in</hi>.</note> baptesme alle
M.18.388KD.18.377<l>Ac alle þat ben myn hole breþeren . in blood and in baptesme</l>
M.18.389KD.18.378<l>Shul nouȝt be dampned to þe deþ . þat is with<seg>-</seg>oute<expan>n</expan> ende</l>
M.18.390KD.18.378α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Tibi soli peccaui</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.391KD.18.379<l>It is not vsed in erþe . to hangen a felou<expan>n</expan></l>
M.18.392KD.18.380<l>Ofter þan ones . þouȝ he were a tretour</l>
M.18.393KD.18.381<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if þe kyng<del>e</del> of þat kyngedome come in þat tyme</l>
<note>M.18.394-397: It looks as though the scribe had initially written M.18.397 following M.18.393, through eyeskip on <hi>There</hi> (394, 397) compounded by confusion resulting from repetition of 393b in 396b and 395b in 398a. Erasing all but the first
word of 394, he has overwritten the erasure with the remainder of that line and copied 395-397 in the margin. The lines were
later altered.</note> <del>...?...?...</del><add>þe feloun thole sholde deth oþer<note>M.18.394: M's <hi>oþer</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>or ooþer</hi>.</note> elles </add><note>M.18.394: M's <hi>elles</hi> is shared with Cr. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Iuwise</hi> or <hi>wise</hi>.</note></l>
M.18.395KD.18.383<l><add>Lawe wolde he <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>af hym lif / if he loked on hy<expan>m</expan></add></l>
M.18.396KD.18.384<l><add><hi>A</hi>nd I þ<expan>a</expan>t am kyng of kynges . shal come such a tyme</add></l>
M.18.397KD.18.385<l><add><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> doom to þe deþ / da<expan>m</expan>pneth alle w<del>e</del><add>i</add>kkede</add></l>
M.18.398KD.18.386<l>And if lawe wol I loke on hem . it lieþ in my grace</l>
M.18.399KD.18.387<l>Whether þei de<del>iȝ</del><add>y</add>e or de<del>iȝ</del><add>y</add>e nouȝt . for þat þei d<del>.</del><add>i</add>den ille</l>
M.18.400KD.18.388<l>Be it any þing
<del>e</del> aboute
<note>M.18.400: In place of <hi>aboute</hi> all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>abouȝt</hi>.</note> . þe boldnesse of hire synnes
M.18.401KD.18.389<l>I do mercy þoruȝ riȝtwisnesse . and alle my word<del>.</del><add>e</add>s trewe</l>
M.18.402KD.18.390<l>And þouȝ holy writ<del>t</del> wil þat I be wroke . of hem þat d<del>.</del><add>i</add>den ille</l>
M.18.403KD.18.390α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nullum malum impunitum</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.404KD.18.391<l>Thei shul be clensed clerlich<add>e</add> and <del>wh</del><add>w</add>asshen of hire synnes</l>
M.18.405KD.18.392<l>In my prison purgatorie . til <del>...?... h...?...</del><add>parce it hote</add></l>
M.18.406KD.18.393<l>And my mercy shal be shewed . to many of my breþeren . </l>
M.18.407KD.18.394<l>For blood may suffre blood . boþe hungry and a<seg>-</seg>cale</l>
M.18.408KD.18.395<l>Ac blood may not se blood . blede but hym rewe</l>
M.18.409KD.18.395α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Audiui archana verba que non licet homini loqui</hi></foreign></hi></l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> Iusticia in m<expan>isericord</expan>iam v<expan>er</expan>tet<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
M.18.410KD.18.396<l>Ac my riȝtwisnesse and riȝt shul reulen all<del>e</del> helle</l>
M.18.411KD.18.397<l>And mercy al mankynde . bifore me in heuene . </l>
M.18.412KD.18.398<l>For I were an vnkynde kyng . but I my kynde helpe</l>
M.18.413KD.18.399<l>And namelich<add>e</add> at suche a nede . þere nedes help<del>e</del> bihoueþ</l>
M.18.414KD.18.399α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Non intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.415KD.18.400<l>Thus bi lawe quod þis
<note>M.18.415: M's <hi>þis</hi> agrees with Cr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>oure</hi>.</note> lord . lede I wol from henn
M.18.416KD.18.401<l>Tho þat me loued<add>e</add> and leued in my comynge</l>
M.18.417KD.18.402<l>And for þi lesynge lucifer . þat þou leigh<del>e</del> til Eue</l>
M.18.418KD.18.403<l>Thow shalt abye it bittre . and bond hym <add>wiþ</add> cheynes</l>
M.18.419KD.18.404<l>Astarooth and al þe route . hidden hem in hernes</l>
M.18.420KD.18.405<l>Thei dorste not loke on oure lord . þe boldest of hem alle . </l>
M.18.421KD.18.406<l>But leten hym lede forþ what hym liked . & lete what hym leste . </l>
<milestone>fol. 91v
M.18.422KD.18.407<l>Many hundred of angeles . harpeden and songen</l>
M.18.423KD.18.407α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Culpat caro p<del>....</del><add>urgat</add> caro . regnat deus dei caro .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.424KD.18.408<l>Than piped pees . of poesye a note</l>
M.18.425KD.18.408α-β<l><hi><foreign><hi>Clarior est solito post maxi<expan>m</expan>a nebula phebus post <sic>inimcicias</sic><corr>inim[i]cicias</corr> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.426KD.18.409<l>After sharpe sho<expan>ur</expan><del>..</del><add>es</add> quod pees . moost shene is þe s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne</l>
M.18.427KD.18.410<l>Is no weder warmer . þan after wattri cloudes . </l>
M.18.428KD.18.411<l>Ne no loue leuer . ne leuere frendes</l>
M.18.429KD.18.412<l>Than<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> after werre and wo . whan loue & pees ben maistres</l>
M.18.430KD.18.413<l>Was neu<expan>er</expan>e werre in þis wo<del>...</del><add>rld</add> . ne wikkednesse so kene . </l>
<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add><note>M.18.431: M's original reading agreed with WHmCr<hi>23</hi>GYOC<hi>2</hi>L. The alteration in M brings it into agreement with Cr<hi>1</hi>CBF.</note> loue and hym liste . to lawghynge ne brouȝte
M.18.432KD.18.415<l>And pees þoruȝ pacience . alle p
<expan>er</expan>illes stoppe
<del>d</del><add>þ</add><note>M.18.432: M's original <hi>stopped</hi> agreed with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. The alteration brings M into agreement with WF.</note></l>
M.18.433KD.18.416<l>Trewes quod truþe . þow tellest vs sooth by <hi>Ih<expan>es</expan>us</hi></l>
M.18.434KD.18.417<l>Clippe we in couenaunt . and ich of vs kisse other</l>
M.18.435KD.18.418<l>And lete no poeple quod pees parceyue þat we chide</l>
M.18.436KD.18.419<l>For impossible is noþing . to hym þat
<del>al is</del><add>is al<seg>-</seg></add>miȝty
<note>M.18.436: M's original reading agreed with F.</note></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.437KD.18.420<l>Thow saist
<del>e</del> soth saide
<note>M.18.437: M's reading of <hi>saide</hi> agrees with L; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>quod</hi>.</note> riȝtwisnesse . and reu
<add>e</add> hire kiste
M.18.438KD.18.421<l>Pees and pees here <hi><foreign><hi>Per secula seculorum</hi></foreign></hi></l>
# <foreign>Iusticia & pax Osculati sunt</foreign>
M.18.439KD.18.421α<l><hi><foreign><hi>M<expan>isericord</expan>ia & veritas obuiauerunt sibi . iusticia & pax osculate sunt</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.440KD.18.422<l>Truþe trompede þo . and song <hi><foreign><hi>Te deum laudamus</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.18.441KD.18.423<l>And þanne l
<del>.....</del><add>ewted</add> loue in a lo
<del>....</del><add>wd</add><note>M.18.441: M's altered reading agrees with all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except C, which reads <hi>lowe</hi>, and F, which reads <hi>luddere</hi>.</note> note
M.18.442KD.18.423α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ecce q<expan>ua</expan>m bonum & q<expan>ua</expan>m iocundum</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan> . </foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.18.443KD.18.424<l>Til þe day dawed þise damoisells daunced</l>
M.18.444KD.18.425<l>That men rongen to þe resurexion . and riȝt w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þat I waked</l>
M.18.445KD.18.426<l>And called kitte my wif . and kalot my douȝter</l>
M.18.446KD.18.427<l>Ariseþ and reu
<add>q<expan>uo</expan>d I</add><note>M.18.446: M's addition of <hi>q<expan>uod</expan> I</hi> is unattested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> . godes resurecciou
<expan>n</expan> .
M.18.447KD.18.428<l>And krepeþ to þe crosse on knees . and kisseþ it for a Iuwel</l>
M.18.448KD.18.429<l>For goddes blessed body . it bar for oure boote</l>
M.18.449KD.18.430<l>And it afereþ þe feend . for such<del>e</del> is þe miȝte</l>
M.18.450KD.18.431<l>May no grisly goost . glyde þere it shadeweþ. . </l>