<div1>fol. 7r (cont.)I</div1>
<hi><foreign>Passus secundus de visione  vt s<expan>up</expan>ra</foreign></hi><note>M.2.0: No blank line follows this rubric, which is centered.</note></head>
<l><hi><hi>Y</hi></hi>et<note>M.2.1: The main scribe always spells <hi>yet</hi> with initial <ȝ> and it is always corrected. Here it looks as though the guide letter has been altered to a <y>. At any event, the initial <Y> was painted after the general correction of the <ȝ> to <y>.</note> I courb<del>.</del><add>e</add>d on m<del>.</del><add>y</add> knees . and criede <del>.......</del><add>hire of</add> grace</l>
<l>And saide mercy ma<seg>-</seg>dame . for marie loue of heuene . </l>
<l>Þat bar þat blisseful barn . þat bouȝte vs on þe rode</l>
<l>Kenne me by som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> crafte  to knowen þe fals . </l>
<l>Loke vppon <del>.....</del><add>thy </add> lefte half . and lo where he stondeth</l>
<l>Boþe fauel and fals<note>M.2.6: M reverses the order of the names found in the other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> . and here feres manye</l>
<l>I loked on my lifte half<del>.</del> as þe lady me tauȝte . </l>
#<foreign>p<expan>ri</expan>ma<expan>m</expan> apparic<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>em mede</foreign>
<l>And was war of a <del>..</del><add>w</add>o<expan>m</expan>man . worth<del>.</del><add>i</add>ly y<seg>-</seg>clothed<del>e</del></l>
<l>Purfiled w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> pelure . þe finest vpon erthe . </l>
<l>Y<seg>-</seg>crouned w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a croune  þe kyng<del>e</del> haþ non bett<del>..</del><add>re</add></l>
<l>Fetislich hire fyngres weren  fretted w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> g<del>.</del><add>o</add>ld wyr<del>e</del></l>
<l>And þere<seg>-</seg>on rede rubies  as red as any glede</l>
<l>And diamauntz of derreste pris  and double man<expan>er</expan>e sa<del>......</del><add>phires</add></l>
<l>Orientales and ewages . venymes to destr<del>.</del><add>u</add>ye</l>
<l>H<del>...</del><add>ir</add> robe was ful riche . of red skarlet<del>e</del> engreyned</l>
<l>With ribanes of rede gol<del>de</del><add>d</add> . and of riche ston<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l>Hire arra<del>..</del><add>y</add> me rauysshede . such<del>e</del> richesse saw I neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>I <del>...?...</del><add>hadde wonder</add> what she was . and whas w<del>.</del><add>y</add>f she were . </l>
<l>What is þis womman q<expan>uo</expan>d I  so wondurly<note>M.2.19: M's reading of <hi>wondurly</hi> is not attested among other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>worþili</hi>.</note> atyred<del>e</del></l>
<l>That is mede þe mayden q<expan>uo</expan>d she  haþ noied<del>e</del> me ful ofte</l>
<l>And ylakked my lemman  þat leaute is hoten . </l>
<l>And bilowen hire to lord<del>..</del><add>es</add> . þat lawes han to kepe . </l>
<l>In þe popes Palais . she is priue as my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<milestone>fol. 7vI</milestone>
<l>But sothnesse wolde nouȝt so  for she is a basta<del>..e</del><add>rd</add></l>
<l>For fals was hire fadur  þat ha<del>.</del><add>þ</add><note>M.2.25: In place of M's corrected <hi>haþ</hi>, YOC<hi>2</hi> read <hi>hadde</hi>.</note> a fikul tonge</l>
<l>And neu<expan>er</expan>e soth saide  sith he com<del>e</del> to þe<note>M.2.26: M is the only <hi>B</hi> manuscript to include <hi>þe</hi> at this point.</note> erþe</l>
<l>And Mede is man<expan>er</expan>ed aftur hym . riȝt<del>e</del> as kynde askeþ</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Qualis pater talis filius . bonus arbor bonu<expan>m</expan> fructu<expan>m</expan> facit .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>I auȝte to ben heiȝer þan she . I cam of a bett<del>..</del><add>re</add></l>
<l>My fad<del>..</del><add>er</add> þe grete god is . & ground<del>e</del> of alle graces . </l>
<l>O god wyth<seg>-</seg>outen gynnynge . and I his goode douȝtur</l>
<l>And haþ <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oue <add>me</add><note>M.2.32: M's orginal omission of <hi>me</hi> agreed with G.</note> mercy . to marye with my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l>And what man be merciful . and lelly me lou<del>..</del><add>ye</add></l>
<l>Shal be my lord and I his leef  in þe heiȝe heuene . </l>
<l>And what man takeþ mede  my lif dar I laye</l>
<l>Þat <add>he</add> shal lese for hire loue  a lappe of <hi><foreign>caritatis</foreign></hi></l>
<l>How construeth kyng<del>e</del> dauyd<note>M.2.37: M's reading of <hi>kyng dauyd</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which except for F read <hi>Dauid þe kyng</hi>.</note> . of men þat take mede</l>
<l>And men of þis moolde . þat mainteigneth truthe . </l>
<l>And how <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e shal saue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure<seg>-</seg>selue . þe sauter bereth w<del>..</del><add>yt</add>nesse . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>D<expan>omi</expan>ne quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo . & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>And now worth þis mede y<seg>-</seg>maried<del>e</del> . <del>al</del> to<note>M.2.41: The original reading <hi>alto</hi> is in line with YOC<hi>2</hi>L. The corrected reading is shared with GFH, whereas WHmCr have <hi>vnto</hi>.</note> a mansed<del>e</del> shrewe . </l>
# <foreign>maritag<expan>e</expan> medis</foreign>
<l>To o<del>..</del><add>on</add> fals fik<del>..</del><add>el</add> tonge . a fend<del>......</del><add>es biy</add>ete . </l>
<l>Fauel þourȝ<del>e</del> his faire speche  haþ þis folk enchaunt<del>..</del><add>ed</add></l>
<l>And al is lieres ledynge  þat she is þus y<seg>-</seg>weddud . </l>
<l>To<seg>-</seg>morwe worth<del>e</del> y<seg>-</seg>made  þe mayd<del>o</del><add>e</add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s brydale</l>
<l>And þere miȝt<del>e</del> þow wyte <del>ȝ</del>if þou wolt . <del>.</del><add>wh</add>iche þei ben alle . </l>
<l>Þat longeth to þat lordshipe  þe lasse and þe more . </l>
<l>Knowe hem þere <del>ȝ</del>if þou kanst . and kepe <del>...</del><add>þ<expan>o</expan>u þi</add><note>M.2.48: M's altered reading <hi>þ<expan>o</expan>u þi</hi> agrees with WHmCrGMH. YOC<hi>2</hi>F read <hi>wel þi</hi>; CLR read <hi>thy</hi>.</note> tonge</l>
<l>And lakke hem nouȝt . but lat he<expan>m</expan> worthe . til leawte be iustice . </l>
<l>And haue power to punissh he<expan>m</expan> . þa<expan>n</expan>ne put forþ<del>e</del> þi resoun</l>
<l>Now I bikenne þe Crist quod she  and his clene mod<del>.</del><add>e</add>r</l>
<l>And late no conscience acombre þe  for couetise of mede . </l>
<l>Thus lefte me þat lady . liggynge a<seg>-</seg>slepe . </l>
<l>And how mede was y<seg>-</seg>maried<del>e</del> . in meteles me þouȝte . </l>
<l>Þat alle þe riche retenaunce  þat regneth w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe fals</l>
<l>Weren boden to þe bridale . on boþe two sid<del>.</del><add>e</add>s </l>
<milestone>fol. 8rI</milestone>
ij<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan>
# thassemble at medis mariag<expan>e</expan>
<l>Of alle man<expan>er</expan>e of men . þe mene and þe riche</l>
<l>To marie þis ma<del>...</del><add>yde</add>n . was many man assembled<del>e</del></l>
<l>As of kniȝtes and clerkes . and oþur comune p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple</l>
<l>As sisours and sompnours . shereues and hire clerkes</l>
<l>Bedelles and Bailliues . and Brokours of chaffares<note>M.2.61: M alone of the <hi>B</hi> manuscripts has the plural form of the word.</note> .</l>
<l>Forg<del>.....</del><add>oeris</add> and vitaillers . and vocates of þe arche<del>.</del><add>s</add></l>
<l>I can not rekkenen þe route . þat ran aboute Mede . </l>
<l>Ac symonye and Cyuile . and sisours of courtes</l>
<l>Were mo<del>...</del><add>ost</add> priue w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> Mede  of any men as<note>M.2.65: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts includes <hi>as</hi> at this point.</note> me thouȝte</l>
<l>Ac Fauel was þe furste  þat fet here out<del>e</del> of boure</l>
<l>And as a brok<del>ur</del><add>o<expan>ur</expan></add> brouȝte hire . to be w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fals enioyned<del>e</del> . </l>
<l>Whanne symonye and Cyuyle  seiȝ hire boþ<expan>er</expan>e wille . </l>
<l>Thei assented for siluer . to saie as boþe wolde</l>
<l>Thanne leep liere forth . and saide lo here a chartre</l>
<l>Þat Gile with his grete othes . gaf hem to<seg>-</seg>gedre . </l>
<l>And preide Cyuile to see . and Symonie to rede it</l>
<l>Þanne symonye and Cyuile . stoden forth bothe . </l>
<l>A<del>.....</del><add>nd vn</add>folden þe Feffement . þat fals ha<del>.</del><add>þ</add> y<seg>-</seg>maked<del>e</del></l>
<l>And þus bigynnen þes gomes . to greden ful heiȝe</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Sciant p<expan>re</expan>sentes <del>.</del><add>&</add> fut<expan>ur</expan>i & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
<hi>Medis Fefment</hi>
<l>Witeth and wittenesseth . þat wonieth vpon þis erþe</l>
<l>Þat Mede is y<seg>-</seg>maried . more for hire good<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l><del>.....</del><add>Than</add> for any vertue or fairenesse . or for any free kynde . </l>
<l>Falsenesse is fain of hire . for he wot hire riche</l>
<l>And fauel with his fikel speche . feffeth by þis chartre</l>
<l>To be <add>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan></add><note>M.2.82: The inserted <hi>with</hi> is not attested in any other <hi>B</hi> manuscript.</note> princes in pride . and pou<expan>er</expan>te to despise</l>
<l>To bakbyte<note>M.2.83: M shares the reading <hi>bakbyte</hi> with H; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>bakbyte and</hi>.</note> : to boosten . and beren fals w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
<l>To scorne and to scoolde . and sclaundre to make</l>
<l>Vnbuxome : and bolde : to breke þe ten heestus . </l>
<l>And þerldome of enuye . and wrath to<seg>-</seg>gedres . </l>
<l>With þe chastlet<del>e</del> of cheste  and chatering out of resoun</l>
<l>Þe countee of Coue<add>i</add>tyse . and alle þe coo<del>...</del><add>ste</add>s aboute</l>
<l>That is vsure and Auarice . alle I hem graunte . </l>
<del>+ burgh</del>
<l>In bargaines and in brocages . with all<del>e</del> þe b<del>....</del><add>urgh</add> of thefte . </l>
<l>And all<del>e</del> þe lordshipe of lecherie . in lengthe and in brede</l>
<l>As in werkes and in word<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . and waitinges with eiȝes . </l>
<l>And in wed<del>..</del><add>es</add> and <del>..</del><add>wy</add>sshinges . and with <del>.</del><add>i</add>del thouȝt<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . </l>
<milestone>fol. 8vI</milestone>
<l>There as wille wolde . and wer<del>...?...</del><add>kmanship</add> failleth</l>
<l>Glotonye he gaf hem eke . and grete othus to<seg>-</seg>gedre</l>
<l>And all<del>e</del> day to drinke . at diu<expan>er</expan>se tauernes</l>
<l>And þere to iangle and to iape  and iuggen here euene<seg>-</seg>cristene . </l>
<l>And in fastinge<seg>-</seg>days to frete . ar ful tyme were . </l>
<l>And þanne to sitten and soupen  til slep<del>e</del> h<del>.</del><add>e</add>m<note>M.2.99: M's revised reading is that of all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except F which has <hi>hym</hi>.</note> assaille . </l>
<l>And bred<del>.</del><add>e</add>n as burgh swyn . and bedden hem esily</l>
<l>Til sleuthe and sle<del>..</del><add>ep</add> . sliken hi<del>.</del><add>r</add><note>M.2.101: M's alteration of the word to <hi>hir</hi> brings it into agreement with HmCrYH. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>hise</hi>.</note> sides</l>
<l>And þanne <del>..</del><add>w</add>anhope to awake hym so  w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> no wille to amende</l>
<l>For he leueth b<del>.</del><add>e</add> l<del>.</del><add>o</add>st<note>M.2.103: M's revised reading is that of most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except Cr which has <hi>by lust</hi>.</note> . þis is here laste ende . </l>
<l>And þei to haue and to holde . and h<del>..</del><add>ir</add> heires a<del>...</del><add>fte</add>r</l>
<l>A dwellinge with þe deuel  and dampned be for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>With alle þe purteinaunce of purgatorie . in<seg>-</seg>to þe pyne of helle . </l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>eldinge for þis þing<del>e</del> . at on <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eres eende</l>
<l>Here soules to s<del>...?...</del><add>athan . to suffre</add> with hym paines . </l>
<l>And with hym to wonye in wo  whil god is in heuene . </l>
<l>In wittnesse of w<del>....</del><add>hich</add> þing<del>e</del>  wrong<del>e</del> was þe furste . </l>
<l>And Piers þe Pardon<expan>er</expan><del>e</del> . of Paulines doctrine</l>
<l>Bette þe Bedelle . of Bokyngh<expan>a</expan>m shire . </l>
<l>Raynalde þe Reue . of Rotlande sokene</l>
<l>Munde þe Mellere  and many mo other<add>e</add></l>
<l>In þe date of þe deuel . þis dede I assele . </l>
<l>Bi siȝte of sire Symonye . and Ciuiles leue . </l>
# <foreign>Irascebat<expan>ur</expan> theolog<expan>ia</expan></foreign>
<l>Thanne tened hym Theologie . wha<expan>n</expan> he þis tale herde</l>
<l>And saide to Cyuyle . now sorwe moot þow haue . </l>
<l>Suche weddinges to worche . to wratthe with truthe</l>
<l>And er þis weddyng<del>e</del> be wrouȝt<del>e</del>  wo þe bitide<note>M.2.120: first vowel is damaged by a wormhole.</note></l>
<l>For mede is m<del>.....</del><add>oliree</add> of amendes engendred</l>
<l>And god graunteth to <del>...</del><add>gyue</add>  mede to truthe</l>
<l>And þow hast <del>....</del><add>giuen</add> hire to a gilour  now god <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue þe sorwe</l>
<l>Thi tixte telleþ þe not so . truthe wot þe soþe . </l>
<l>For <hi><foreign>dignus est op<expan>er</expan>arius</foreign></hi> . his hire to haue . </l>
<l>And þou hast<del>.</del> fest<del>e</del> hire to fals . fy on thi lawe . </l>
<l>For al by lesinges þou l<del>.</del><add>y</add>uest . and leccherouse werkes . </l>
<l>Symonye and þi<seg>-</seg>self . shenden holichurche</l>
<l>Þe notaries and <del>ȝ</del><add>ye</add> . noieth þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple</l>
<l>Ȝe shul abiggen it boþe . by god þat me made . </l>
Wel ȝe wyten wernardus
<milestone>fol. 9rI</milestone>
ij<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan>
<l><note>M.2.131: The <//> is to indicate that a paraph should be rubricated. See Introduction I.7.</note> Wel <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e wyten wernardes . but <del>ȝ</del>if <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure wit<del>te</del> faille</l>
<l>That fals is faitheles . and fikul in his werkes</l>
<l>And was a bastard<del>e</del> ybore . of belsabubbes kynne . </l>
<l>And mede is moylere . a mayden of gode . </l>
<l>And miȝte kysse þe kyng<del>e</del> . for cosin and she wolde</l>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi worcheþ bi wisdome . and by wit<del>te</del> also</l>
<l>And ledeth here to londou<expan>n</expan> . þere þe<note>M.2.137: M shares the reading <hi>þe</hi> with H. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit.</note> lawe is shew<del>..</del><add>ed</add></l>
<l>If any lawe wol loke  þei liggen to<seg>-</seg>gedres . </l>
<l>And þouȝ Iustices iugge hire  to be ioyned with fals</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>et be war of weddynge . for witty is truthe . </l>
<l>And conscience is of his conseille . and knoweth <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow echone</l>
<hi><foreign>Notate v<expan>er</expan>ba</foreign></hi>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if he fynde <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow in defaute . and w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe fals holde</l>
<l>It shal bisitte <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure soules . ful soure atte laste . </l>
<l><note>M.2.144: The scribe did not fill the space left for a capital letter but instead wrote an indication for a paragraph mark which was never inserted.</note>Herto assent<del>.</del><add>e</add>de Cyuyle . ac symonye ne wolde</l>
<l>Til he had siluer for his seruice . and also þe Notaries . </l>
<l>Thanne fette fauel forth . flo<del>..</del><add>ry</add>ns y<seg>-</seg>nowe . </l>
<l>And bad gile to geue . gold<del>e</del> <orig>alaboute</orig><reg>al aboute</reg> . </l>
<l>And namelich to þe Notaries  þat hem non<del>e</del> faille</l>
<l>And feffe fals wittnesses<note>M.2.149: M shares the plural form <hi>wittnesses</hi> with W. See Introduction IV.2.2.4.</note> . with Flor<del>u</del><add>y</add>ns y<seg>-</seg>nowe . </l>
<l>For <del>..</del><add>they</add><note>M.2.150: M's altered reading agrees with WHmCrGYOC<hi>2</hi>CH. LRF read <hi>he</hi>.</note> may mede amaistrye  and maken at my wille /</l>
<l>Tho þis gold was g<del>.</del><add>y</add>ue  grete was þe þonkynge</l>
<l>To fals and to fauel . for here faire <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>iftes</l>
<l>And comen to conforte . from care þe fals . </l>
<l>And saiden certes sire . cesse shal we neuere . </l>
<l>Til mede be þi wedded wif . þoruw witt<del>..</del><add>es</add> of vs alle</l>
<l>For we haue mede amaistriede . with oure merie speche</l>
<l>That she graunteþ to gon . with a gode wille . </l>
<l>To londou<expan>n</expan> to loke . <del>ȝ</del>if þat þe lawe wolde</l>
<l>Iuggen <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow ioyntly . in ioye for euere . </l>
<l>Thanne was fals<del>.</del><add>e</add>nesse fayn<del>e</del> <add>.</add> and fauel as blithe</l>
<l>And leten sompne alle segges . in shyres aboute</l>
<l>And bade<note>M.2.162: M alone omits the word <hi>hem</hi> at this point.</note> alle ben boun  beggers and othere</l>
<l>To wende with hem to westmynstre  to w<del>..</del><add>it</add>nesse þis dede</l>
<l>Ac þanne carede þei for capl<del>..</del><add>es</add> . to kayren hem þidur . </l>
<l>And fauel fette forth þanne . fol<del>..</del><add>es</add> ynowe . </l>
b j
<milestone>fol. 9vI</milestone>
<l>And sette mede vpon a shyreue . <del>......</del><add>shood</add> al newe</l>
<l>And fals sat on a sisour . þat softely trotted</l>
<l>And fauel on a flaterere . fetisliche attired<del>e</del></l>
<l>Tho h<del>....</del><add>ad þe</add><note>M.2.169: M uniquely reads <hi>þe</hi> at this point, though the reading is shared with two <hi>A</hi> manuscripts.</note> notaries none . annoyede thei were . </l>
<l>For Symonye <del>..</del><add> & </add> Cyuyl<add>e</add>  shulde on here <add>feet</add> gange</l>
<l>Ac þanne swo<del>..</del><add>or</add> Symonye . <del>..</del><add>and</add> Cyuyle bothe</l>
<l>That sompnours shulde be sadlede . and seruen he<expan>m</expan> <del>.</del><add>e</add>chone . </l>
<l>And lat apparaille þes prouisours . in palfrays wise . </l>
<l>Sire Symonye hym<seg>-</seg>seluen . shal sitte vpon hire bakkes</l>
<l>Denes and su<del>d</del><add>b</add>denes . drawe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow to<seg>-</seg>g<del>a</del><add>y</add>dres</l>
<l>Erchedekenes and Officiales . and alle <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure Registrers . </l>
<l>Lat sadle hem with siluer . owre synne to suffre</l>
<l>As auoutrie and <del>...?...</del><add>deuorses</add> . and derne vsurye</l>
<l>To bere bisshopes aboute . abr<del>...</del><add>ood</add> in visitinge . </l>
<l><del>...?...</del><add>Paynles<note>M.2.180: M's reading of <hi>Paynles</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>Paulynes</hi>.</note> prives</add> . for plei<del>....</del><add>ntes</add> in þe consistorie</l>
<l>Shullen s<expan>er</expan>uen my<seg>-</seg>selue . þat Ciuyle is nempned</l>
<l>And carte<seg>-</seg>sad<del>..</del><add>le</add> oure Co<expan>m</expan>m<del>.</del><add>i</add>ssar<del>..</del><add>ie</add>  oure carte shal he lede</l>
<l>And fecchen vs vit<del>....</del><add>ailes</add>  at <foreign><hi>Fornicatores </hi></foreign> . </l>
<l>And makeþ of liere a longe carte . to leden alle þes oþ<del>.</del><add>e</add>re</l>
<l>As Freres and fa<del>u</del><add>y</add>tours  þat on hire fete rennen</l>
<l>And þus fals and fauel . fareth<note>M.2.186: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except for H have <hi>forþ</hi> after <hi>fareth</hi>.</note> to<seg>-</seg>gidre<add>s</add></l>
<l>And Mede in þe mydd<del>..</del><add>es</add> . and alle þes oþere aft<del>.</del><add>e</add>r . </l>
<l>I haue no tome to telle . þe ta<del>..</del><add>yl</add><del>e</del> <del>...</del><add>þat</add> hem folw<del>ȝ..</del><add>ed</add><note>M.2.188: M's altered reading <hi>folwed</hi> agrees with WH. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts record present tense.</note></l>
<l>Of many man<expan>er</expan>e of m<del>.</del><add>e</add>n<note>M.2.189: Among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts only MH read <hi>of men</hi>, though it is the <hi>A</hi> text reading. Cr<hi>23</hi> have <hi>men</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>man</hi>. In M the vowel of <hi>men</hi> has been altered.</note> . þat on þis moolde libbeth</l>
<l>Ac gile was forgo<del>..</del><add>ere</add>  and giede hem alle</l>
<l>Sothnesse seiȝ hym wel  and saide but litul</l>
<l>And priked his palfray . and passede hem alle . </l>
<l>And com<del>e</del> to þe kyngges court<del>.</del> <add> & </add> co<del>n</del><add><expan>n</expan>s</add>cience it tolde . </l>
<l>And co<del>n</del><add><expan>n</expan>s</add>cience to þe kyng<del>e</del> . ca<add>r</add>ped it after</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>u</expan>o m<expan>od</expan>o Rex Iurau<expan>i</expan>t punic<expan>i</expan>o<expan>ne</expan>m maleff<expan>ac</expan>tor<expan>um</expan></foreign>
<l>Now bi crist q<expan>uo</expan>d þe kyng<del>e</del> . and I cacche myȝte</l>
<l>Fals o<del>.</del><add>r</add> fauel . or any of his feeres</l>
<l>I wolde be wroke<add><expan>n</expan></add> of þo wrecches . þat wercheþ so ille</l>
<l>And don hem hange by þe hals . and alle þat hem mainteneth . </l>
<milestone>fol. 10rI</milestone>
ij<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan><note>M.2.199a: There is an erasure up in the top left corner of this leaf which is illegible even under ultraviolet light.</note>
<l>Shal neuere man of <add>þis</add><note>M.2.199: M's original reading without <hi>þis</hi> is shared by HmYOC<hi>2</hi>CLRFH.</note> molde . mainprise the leeste</l>
<l>But riȝt<del>e</del> as þe lawe wol loke . lat falle on hem alle . </l>
<l>And comaunded a conestable . þat com<del>e</del> atte f<del>u</del><add>y</add>rste</l>
<l>To attache þo tirauntes . for eny þin<del>.</del><add>g</add><del>e</del> I hote</l>
<l>And fettereth faste falsnesse . for enykynnes <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ift<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l>And gurdeth of giles hed . and lat hym go no ferther<del>e</del></l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e lacche lier<del>e</del><add><expan>e</expan><note>M.2.205: It appears here that a letter, perhaps <-e>, has been erased to make space for a punctus, and the curl then added to final <r>. See Introduction III.1.</note> .</add> lat hym nouȝt ascapen</l>
<l>Er he be putte on þe pilor<del>ie</del><add>y</add> . for any<seg>-</seg>þing<del>e</del><note>M.2.206: M's reading of <hi>any<seg>-</seg>þing</hi>, an echo from M.2.202, is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>any prayere</hi>.</note> I hoote</l>
<l>And br<add>i</add>ngeþ mede to me . maugre hem alle . </l>
<l>Drede at þe dore stood<del>e</del> . and þe doom<del>e</del> herde</l>
# drede <foreign>stetit ad host<expan>ium</expan> & audiu<expan>i</expan>t mandat<expan>um</expan> Reg<expan>is</expan></foreign>
<l>And how þe kyng comaunded . constables and s<expan>er</expan>iauntz</l>
<l>Falsenesse and his felash<del>.</del><add>i</add>pe . to fettren <del>..</del><add> & </add> to bynden</l>
<l>Þanne drede wente <del>...?...</del><add>wiȝtliche .</add> and warned þe fals</l>
<l>And bad hym flee for feere  and his felawes alle . </l>
<l>¶ Falsenesse for fere <add>þanne</add><note>M.2.213: M's original reading without <hi>þanne</hi> is shared by HmHm<hi>2</hi>GF.</note> . fledde to þe Freres</l>
<l>And gile doþ him to go . agast for to dye</l>
<l>Ac marchauntz mette with hym . and made him abide</l>
<l>And bishetten hym in here sho<del>..</del><add>p</add> . to shewen hire ware . </l>
<l>And apparailled hym a<del>...?...</del><add>s aprentice</add> . þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple to serue . </l>
<l>Liȝtlich lier . leep a<seg>-</seg>way þanne . </l>
<l>Lorkyng thor<del>ȝ</del><add>w</add> lanes . to <add>be</add><note>M.2.219: The addition of <hi>be</hi>, in an unfamiliar hand and ink, brings M into agreement with Cr<hi>1</hi>.</note> lugged of manye</l>
<l>He was <del>...?...</del><add>nawher welcome </add> for his manye tales . </l>
<l>Ouer<seg>-</seg>al yhowted . and yhote trusse</l>
<l>Til pardoners ha<del>...</del><add>dde</add> pite . and pulled hym to house</l>
<l>Thei wesshen hym and wipped hym  and wounden hym in cloutes</l>
<l>And senten hym w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> seles  on sondays to churches . </l>
# p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan> For pens & powndmele & c<expan>etera</expan>
<l>And gaf pardou<expan>n</expan> for pens  poundmele a<seg>-</seg>boute</l>
<l>Þanne loured leches . and lettres þei sente</l>
<l>Þat he shulde wonye with hem . wateres to loke</l>
<l>Spicers spoke with hym . to spien here ware . </l>
<l>For he couthe of hire craft<del>e</del> . and knew many gommes</l>
<l>Ac mynstrals and messagers . mette w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym ones</l>
<l>And helden hym an half <del>....</del><add>yeer</add> and elleuen daies . </l>
<l>Freres with fair<del>e</del> speche . fetten hym þe<expan>n</expan>nes</l>
<milestone>fol. 10vI</milestone>
<l>And for knowynge of comers . coped hym as a Frere</l>
<l>Ac he hath leue to lepe out . as ofte as him liketh</l>
<l>And is welcome whanne he <del>.....</del><add>wille </add> and woneth w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem ofte</l>
<l>Alle fledden for fere . and flowen in<seg>-</seg>to hernes</l>
<l>Saue mede þe mayden . namo durste abide</l>
<l>Ac truly to telle  she tremblede for drede</l>
<l>And ek wepte and wronge  whanne she was atached<del>e</del> ~</l>