fol. 15v (cont.)I
ra Passus quartus de visione vt sup
# t Consc i adq ientiamrere Rac ui ionem Rex mandau
#M.4.17: The text from here to the end of the page is marked with a bracket in the left margin.
M.4.19: All other manuscripts except F begin the line with B. M's omission of the word agrees with the And text. A my sadel vpon suffre . tyl I se my tyme
Sette fol. 16rI
iiij p us assus
M.4.27: M's reading of is not shared by other he manuscripts, most of which read B. þei h....e to doone adde
Folwed hem faste for heM.4.44KD.4.42
.... faste þe riȝte heiȝe weye roodM.4.44: M's reading of is not shared by other weye manuscripts, which read B. gate
And þanne resoun # t cu i rac mon i e Rex obuiau
# quest n est pax con us Iniuriam tra co
h. heM.4.51: The original reading may have omitted , as F. how rauysshede Rose . Re how ..naldes loue ig
And # the borowing off bayerd
fol. 16vI
ereM.4.60: M shares the reading er with Cr. Kane and Donaldson record the erased letter as <s>, which would agree with the form in all other quart manuscripts, but the letter seems clearly to be an <e>. B Ot.s e
And taketh me but a taille . for ten quartham nM.4.62: M's revised reading, motivated by the otiose initial <h>, is shared with CL. nouȝt hardy for hym . vnnethe to loke
I M.4.64KD.4.62
e was a wikked li..M.4.64: This use of puzzles the scribes, who write lift GBR, lust Cr, as well as wilder variants. luske and wrouȝte moche sorwe ft
Þat wrong... — make pees with his pens . he ToM.4.66: M's agrees with F; other he manuscripts have B. and pferede hym manye ro
IM.4.67: M's original reading without agreed with F. I loue of my lorde þe kynge litul wolde I recche
And saide hadde # wyt & warin wisdom
.... enteM.4.69: The altered word brings M into line with most manuscripts, though LR read B, and CBoCot read wan. whan w..dome . and sire warin þe witty is
Þo w.. myM.4.73: M's altered reading agrees with most my manuscripts. YOC BLRF read 2. thy- self . þou shalt it wel fynde .
I seie it by #
hisM.4.77: M's original reading without agreed with WH. his pees with his pens handi- dandi payede
To make M.4.83: M's reading is not attested in other witty manuscripts, which read B. wit . weren abouten faste
Ac wysdom and witty# noa tM.4.93: This paragraph is marked with lines in the right margin.
. accord.d here eM.4.93: M's reading is unattested among other here manuscripts, which read B. þer- wiþ . and saide þe same
Wit...?... ofte ide hymM.4.101: It is likely that the original reading was as in most him so ofte manuscripts. Only G shares M's omission of B, though it is the reading of so manuscripts. Here there are apparently two correctors at work. The first is responsible for A, while a second has altered the second <i> to <y> and added <m> for ide hi. hym .
To haue mercy on þat man . þat mysdM.4.102: M alone among manuscripts lacks B at this point. haþ waged me wel . as wisdome hym tauȝte
For hemede haþ made me amendes . I can MM.4.105: M's reading of is not shared by other can manuscripts, which read B. may no more axen .
For a ot n
# n e Iudicat e est Rex us B
# e dic mt Rac io i opti
itM.4.117: M's revised reading agrees with WHmCrG. Other manuscripts have B. heren it or to mouthe it
And haten al harlotrie . to heren #
M.4.118-125: These lines are marked with a bracket in the right margin.
tise be to clothe pore iM.4.121: The reading is shared with Hm. Other pore manuscripts have B. þe pore and fede .
Til clerken coueeM.4.123: All other manuscripts have the names B and Bernard in the other order. Benet and Fraunceis
As seint Bernard hem bad . Benet fol. 17vI
# lex laborab uodt i & lede a q- Feld dong
...?... failleM.4.158: M's altered reading agrees with Cr. Hm also alters the word to faille. Most fayle manuscripts read B, and an erased falle in is likely here. in Flor.nes quod þat freyke . and faille speche ofte . y
I fol. 18rI
iiij p us assus
te accord.d her ee- wt i hM.4.160: M's reading of t i h is not shared by other her-w manuscripts, which read B. þerwith . and comend.d his word e.s e
And wit¶
a ot n
# þt mede is Callyd a hore
he sM.4.171: M's original agrees with FH. Hm also alters he to he. she holpe .ow at y ba the... rre
For ofte haue I quod M.4.176KD.4.174
t i lawe . for mede . hadde almoost heM.4.176: All other manuscripts except Y reverse the order of B. hadde almoost shent it .
And gan waxe wroth w..... seithM.4.190: B manuscripts vary considerably at this point between and various forms of quod. seith þe kynge by seinte marie my lady
And I assente fol. 18vI
ns ncience be of ȝowre yM.4.195: M and C agree in reading 2, corrected from yowre in M; all other ȝowre manuscripts have B, except for H which has oure. The majority of my manuscripts have A. ȝour conseille . I kepe no bett.r e re
So co