fol. 5r (cont.)I
Passus primus de visione
¶ For LothW.1.27: One character, probably <h>, was erased after Lot. in hise lifdayes . for likynge of drynke
It is nouȝt al good to þe goost . þat þe gut askeþW.1.38: A later hand has inserted a feyrse in the right margin. Cf. W.P.195 and W.1.86.
Ne liflode to þi likame . for a liere hym techeþW.1.39: After likame WHmCL omit the b-verse and following a-verse: . . . þat lief is to þe soule / Leue not þi likam . . . (in the spelling of M).
¶ And god asked of hymW.1.50: W alone reads singular hym. Other B witnesses have hem. . of whom spak þe lettre
fol. 6rI
For riȝtfullyW.1.55: W alone reads riȝtfully. Other B witnesses have riȝtfull. reson . sholde rule yow alle
fol. 6vI
¶ Whan alle tresors arn tried quod she . treuþe is þe besteW.1.86: The words a feyrse are written in the right margin in a more cursive hand. Cf. W.P.195 and W.1.38.
And þat isW.1.99: WG agree in reading is. Most other B witnesses have is þe. profession apertli . þat apendeþ to knyȝtes
fol. 7rI
And mo þousandes mydW.1.116: W alone reads myd; all other B witnesses have wyth. hym . þan man kouþe nombre
Til god of his goodnesse . gan stablisseW.1.122: W is alone in reading stablisse. Most other B witnesses have stable. and stynte
¶ YetW.1.138: The mark over line-initial <Y> resembling a nota abbreviation is to distinguish the letter from capital <Þ>. haue I no kynde knowyng quod I . ye mote kenne me bettre
fol. 7vI
fol. 8rI
But mekely wiþ mouþe . mercy bisouȝteW.1.170: W alone reads bisouȝte. Other B witnesses have he bisouȝte.
fol. 8vI