fol. 47r (cont.)I
Passus .ixus.nonus de visione vt supra & primus de Dobet
fol. 47vI
That he bitW.9.15: The curved tick over the <i> of bit resembles an <o>. moot be do . he ruleþ hem alle
Thise fyue ben set . to kepeW.9.23: W alone reads kepe; other B manuscripts have saue. þis lady anima
fol. 48rI
And þus god gaf hym a goost . þoruȝW.9.47: W alone reads þoruȝ; other B manuscripts have of. þe godhede of heuene
fol. 48vI
he doþ noȝt wel
fol. 49rI
And siþþe to spille speche . þat spicerieW.9.108: W alone reads spicerie, "spice"; Hm reads spicere, "spice-dealer," while most other B manuscripts have spire, "shoot." is of grace
fol. 49vI
AndW.9.133: W alone reads And; other B manuscripts have For. god sente to Seem . and seide by an Aungel
fol. 50rI
Numquam colligitur de spinis vuaW.9.163: The required reading is vuas, "grapes." The error is owed to the hyparchetypal text of WHmCr and is shared by the corrector of M. nec de tribulis ficus
Haue þei no children but cheeste . and clappyngW.9.180: clappyng, "loud talk." The reading is shared with Cr. hem bitwene
fol. 50vI
¶ Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis W.9.195: The nota appears inside the box to the right of the line.
fol. 51rI