fol. 80r (cont.)I
us xiiij &c quartus decimus Passus
fol. 80vI
W.14.35: W alone reads ; other manuscripts omit it. To all þat lyueþ and lokeþ . liflode wolde I fynde e
¶q m pecieritis a p uere in no ati me meo &c Et alibi Non in n Quodcu
i v nbo quod p ercedit de ore dei ro solo pane viuit homo set in om
i v nbo quod p ercedit de ore dei ro solo pane viuit homo set in om
Crgo [E]rgoW.14.68: The W scribe has miswritten , the reading supported by all other manuscripts. Ergo . þoruȝ his breeþ mowen . men and beestes lyuen
fol. 81vI
fol. 82rI
Wheiþer paciente pou ¶te quod Haukyn . be moore plesaunt to oure d er riȝteW.14.110: The word has been cropped after <d>. Most manuscripts read B or driȝte, but CB have driȝten, C sight has 2, and GR have saueoure. lorde
fol. 82vI
W.14.135: W alone reads ; most other manuscripts have mede. mercy monye . er he it haue deserued
To ȝyue many man his mede stede also . er surgencium m velud sompnu
ne in Ciuitate tua et ad nichilum rediges &c omi d
And in anoþne in Ciuitate tua et ad nichilum rediges &c omi d
W.14.152: W alone reads ; other manuscripts omit it. so as a suaunt takeþ his salarie bifore . & siþþe wolde clayme moore er
Riȝt so fol. 83rI
Ac beggeris aboute Midsomer . bredlees þei slepe ¶W.14.171: W alone reads ; other manuscripts have slepe. soupe
W.14.179: W alone reads ; other manuscripts have But lord. And haue ruþe on þise riche men . þat rewarde noȝt þi prisoners
But lord fol. 83vI
W.14.198: W alone reads ; all other manuscripts have in. and crauynge þi mercy
Confession and knowlichynge . inW.14.208KD.14.196
W.14.208: W alone reads ; other manuscripts have writen. we wryten
Ellis is al on ydel . al þat euere writen fol. 84rI
t aW.14.223: W alone reads though Cr reads many tyme hym þatt a and S right ofte him þ. Other manuscripts have ofte him that. riȝt softe walkeþ
For þe riche haþ muche to rekene . and many tyme hym þW.14.237: W alone reads ; all other manuscripts have the singular. hise biddynges . for his broke loues
And buxom at hise biddyngesW.14.246: W alone reads ; most other manuscripts have ful greet. a long lengþe
And haþ hondes and armes . of ful greet fol. 84vI
W.14.256: W alone reads ; all other manuscripts have þei. it stoode noȝt I trowe
A Straw for þe Stuwes . þeiW.14.264KD.14.260
- þi eueryW.14.264: W alone reads ; all other manuscripts have euery. al poore þat pacient is . may cleymen and asken
W.14.272: W alone reads ; other manuscripts have is þat maiden. a maiden is . þat is maried þoruȝ brocage
Than is þat maiden fol. 85rI
¶ Paupertas quod Pacience . est odibile bonum / Remocio
. possessio sine calumpnia . donu um dei . sanitas ma m- curar
sollicitudine semita . sapiencie temp ueatrix . ne er- ter . absq
sine dampno / Incerta fortuna . absq m sollicitudi uee felicitas n gociu
. possessio sine calumpnia . donu um dei . sanitas ma m- curar
sollicitudine semita . sapiencie temp ueatrix . ne er- ter . absq
sine dampno / Incerta fortuna . absq m sollicitudi uee felicitas n gociu
fol. 85vI
fol. 86rI
W.14.339: W alone reads ; other manuscripts have he euere. euere he dide dede . þat deere god displesed
That he euere