<div1>fol. 35r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><hi><hi><foreign><hi>Passus sextus de visione vt sup<expan>ra</expan></hi></foreign></hi></hi></head>
<l> <hi><hi>T</hi></hi>his were a wikkede wey . but who<seg>-</seg>so hadde a gyde</l>
<l> That wolde folwen vs ech a foot . þus þis folk hem mened</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Quod Perkyn þe Plowman . by Seint Peter of Rome</l>
<l> I haue an half acre to erie . by þe heiȝe weye</l>
<l> Hadde I eryed þis half acre . and sowen it after</l>
<l> I wolde wende wiþ yow . and þe wey teche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This were a long lettyng . quod a lady in a Scleyre</l>
<l> What sholde we wommen . werche þe while</l>
<l> <hi></hi> So<expan>m</expan>me shul sowe þe sak quod Piers . for shedyng of þe whete</l>
<l> And ye louely ladies . wiþ youre longe fyngres</l>
<l> That ye haue silk and Sandel . to sowe whan tyme is</l>
<l> Chesibles for Chapeleyns . chirches to honoure</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wyues and widewes . wolle and flex spynneþ</l>
<l> Makeþ cloþ I counseille yow . and kenneþ so youre douȝtres</l>
<l> The nedy and þe naked . nymeþ hede how þei liggeþ</l>
<l> And casteþ hem cloþes . for so comaundeþ truþe</l>
<l> For I shal lenen hem liflode . but if þe lond faille</l>
<l> Flessh and breed boþe . to riche and to poore</l>
<l> As longe as I lyue . for þe lordes loue of heuene</l>
<l> And alle manere of men . þ<expan>a</expan>t þoruȝ mete and drynke libbeþ</l>
<l> Helpeþ hym to werche wiȝtliche . þat wynneþ youre foode</l>
<milestone>fol. 35vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> By crist quod a knyȝt þoo . he kenneþ vs þe beste</l>
<l> Ac on þe teme trewely . tauȝt was I neuere</l>
<l> But kenne me quod þe knyȝt . and by crist I wole assaye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> By Seint Poul quod Perkyn . ye p<expan>ro</expan>fre yow so faire</l>
<l> That I shal swynke and swete . and sowe for vs boþe</l>
<l> And oþ<expan>er</expan>e labours do for þi loue . al my lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l> In couenaunt þ<expan>a</expan>t þow kepe . holy kirke and my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> Fro wasto<expan>ur</expan>s and fro wikked men . þat þis world destruyeþ</l>
<l> And go hunte hardiliche . to hares and to foxes</l>
<l> To bores and to brokkes . þat breken doun myne hegges</l>
<l> And so<note>W.6.32: W alone reads <hi>so</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>go</hi>.</note> affaite þi faucons . wilde foweles to kille</l>
<l> For swiche comeþ to my croft . and croppeþ my whete</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Curteisly þe knyȝt þanne . comsed þise wordes</l>
<l> By my power Piers quod he . I pliȝte þee my trouþe</l>
<l> To fulfille þis forward . þouȝ I fiȝte sholde</l>
<l> Als longe as I lyue . I shal þee mayntene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye and yet a point quod Piers . I preye yow of moore</l>
<l> Loke ye tene no tenaunt . but truþe wole assente</l>
<l> And þouȝ ye mowe am<expan>er</expan>cy hem . lat m<expan>er</expan>cy be taxour</l>
<l> And mekenesse þi maister . maugree Medes chekes</l>
<l> And þouȝ pou<expan>er</expan>e men p<expan>ro</expan>fre yow . p<expan>re</expan>sentes and ȝiftes</l>
<l> Nyme it noȝt an auenture . ye mowe it noȝt deserue</l>
<l> For þow shalt yelde it ayein . at one yeres tyme<note>W.6.44: W alone reads <hi>tyme</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>ende</hi>.</note></l>
<l> In a ful p<expan>er</expan>ilous place . Purgatorie it hatte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And mysbede noȝt þi bonde<seg>-</seg>men . þe bettre may þow spede</l>
<l> Thouȝ he be þyn vnderlyng here . wel may happe in heuene</l>
<l> That he worþ worþier set . and wiþ moore blisse</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>A</hi>mice ascende superius</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> For in Charnel at chirche . cherles ben yuel to knowe</l>
<l> Or a knyȝt from a knaue þ<expan>er</expan>e . knowe þis in þyn herte</l>
<milestone>fol. 36rI</milestone>
<l> And þ<expan>a</expan>t þow be trewe of þi tonge . and tales þ<expan>a</expan>t þow hatie           <note>W.6.52:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> But if þei ben of wisdom or of wit . þi werkmen to chaste</l>
<l> Hold wiþ none harlotes . ne here noȝt hir tales           <note>W.6.54:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And namely at þe mete . swiche men eschuwe           <note>W.6.55:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For it ben þe deueles disours . I do þe to vnderstonde           <note>W.6.56:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> I assente by Seint Iame . seide þe knyȝt þanne</l>
<l> For to werche by þi wordes . þe while my lif dureþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn . in pilgrymes wise</l>
<l> And wende wiþ yow I wile . til we fynde truþe</l>
<l> And caste on my cloþes . yclouted and hole</l>
<l> My cokeres and my coffes . for cold of my nailes</l>
<l> And hange myn hoper at myn hals . in stede of a Scryppe</l>
<l> A busshel of bred<seg>-</seg>corn . brynge me þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne</l>
<l> For I wol sowe it my<seg>-</seg>self . and siþenes wol I wende</l>
<l> To pilgrymage as palm<expan>er</expan>es doon . pardon for to haue</l>
<l> And who<seg>-</seg>so helpeþ me to erie . and sowen here er I wende</l>
<l> Shal haue leue by oure lord . to lese here in heruest</l>
<l> And make hem murie þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>myd . maugree who<seg>-</seg>so bigruccheþ it</l>
<l> And alle kynne crafty men . þat konne lyuen in truþe</l>
<l> I shal fynden hem fode . þat feiþfulliche libbeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Saue Iagge<note>W.6.72: W alone reads <hi>Iagge</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Iakke</hi>.</note> þe Iogelour . and Ionette of þe Stuwes</l>
<l> And danyel þe dees pleyere . and Denote þe baude</l>
<l> And frere þe faitour . and folk of hire<note>W.6.74: W alone reads <hi>hire</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>his</hi>.</note> ordre</l>
<l> And Robyn þe Ribaudour . for hise rusty wordes</l>
<l> Truþe tolde me ones . and bad me telle it after</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Deleantur de libro viuenciu<expan>m</expan> .</hi></foreign></hi> I sholde noȝt dele wiþ hem</l>
<l> For holy chirche is hote of hem . no tiþe to take</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Quia cum iustis non scribantur</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> They ben ascaped good auenture . god hem amende</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Dame werch whan tyme is . Piers wif hiȝte</l>
<milestone>fol. 36vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> His douȝter hiȝte do riȝt so . or þi dame shal þee bete</l>
<l> His sone hiȝte Suffre þi Sou<expan>er</expan>eyns . to hauen hir wille</l>
<l> Deme hem noȝt for if þow doost . þow shalt it deere abugge</l>
<l> Lat god yworþe wiþ al . for so his word techeþ</l>
<l> For now I am old and hoor . and haue of myn owene</l>
<l> To penaunce and to pilg<expan>ri</expan>mage . I wol passe wiþ þise oþ<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>þi I wole er I wende . do write my biqueste</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>n dei no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e amen</hi></foreign></hi> . I make it my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> He shal haue my soule . þat best haþ des<expan>er</expan>ued it</l>
<l> And fro þe fend it defende . for so I bileue</l>
<l> Til I come to hise acountes . as my <foreign><hi>Credo</hi></foreign> me telleþ</l>
<l> To haue a relees and a remission . on þat rental I leue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The kirke shal haue my caroyne . and kepe my bones</l>
<l> For of my corn and catel . she craued þe tiþe</l>
<l> I paide it ful<note>W.6.96: W alone reads <hi>it ful</hi>. M has <hi>him ful</hi>, and most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>it hym</hi>.</note> p<expan>re</expan>stly . for p<expan>er</expan>il of my soule</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi is he holden I hope . to haue me in his masse</l>
<l> And mengen in his memorie . amonges alle c<expan>ri</expan>stene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> My wif shal haue of þat I wan . wiþ truþe and namoore</l>
<l> And dele among my douȝtres . and my deere children</l>
<l> For þouȝ I deye to<seg>-</seg>day . my dettes are quyte</l>
<l> I bar hom þat I borwed . er I to bedde yede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . by þe Rode of Lukes</l>
<l> I wol worshipe þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wiþ . truþe by my lyue</l>
<l> And ben his pilgrym atte plow . for pou<expan>er</expan>e mennes sake</l>
<l> My plowfoot shal be my pikstaf . and picche atwo þe rotes</l>
<l> And helpe my cultour to kerue . and clense þe furwes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now is Perkyn and hise pilg<expan>ri</expan>mes . to þe plow faren</l>
<l> To erie þis half acre . holpen hym manye</l>
<l> Dikeres and Delu<expan>er</expan>es . digged vp þe balkes</l>
<milestone>fol. 37rI</milestone>
<l> Ther<seg>-</seg>wiþ was Perkyn apayed . and preised hem faste</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Oþere werkmen þ<expan>er</expan> were . þat wroȝten ful yerne</l>
<l> Ech man in his manere . made hym<seg>-</seg>self to doone</l>
<l> And so<expan>m</expan>me to plese Perkyn . piked vp þe wedes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> At heiȝ p<expan>ri</expan>me Piers . leet þe plowȝ stonde</l>
<l> To ou<expan>er</expan>sen hem hym<seg>-</seg>self . and who<seg>-</seg>so best wroȝte</l>
<l> He sholde be hired þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>after . whan heruest tyme come</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne seten so<expan>m</expan>me . and songen atte Nale</l>
<l> And holpen ere þis<note>W.6.119: W alone reads <hi>þis</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>his</hi>.</note> half acre . wiþ how trolly lolly</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now by þe p<expan>er</expan>il of my soule quod Piers . al in pure tene</l>
<l> But ye arise þe raþ<expan>er</expan> . and rape yow to werche</l>
<l> Shal no greyn þ<expan>a</expan>t groweþ . glade yow at nede</l>
<l> And þouȝ ye deye for doel . þe deuel haue þ<expan>a</expan>t reccheþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho were faito<expan>ur</expan>s afered . and feyned hem blynde</l>
<l> So<expan>m</expan>me leide hir legges aliry . as swiche losels konneþ</l>
<l> And made hir mone to Piers . and preide hym of g<expan>ra</expan>ce</l>
<l> For we haue no lymes to laboure w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> . lord yg<expan>ra</expan>ced be þe</l>
<l> Ac we preie for yow Piers . and for youre plowȝ boþe</l>
<l> That god of his g<expan>ra</expan>ce . your<expan>e</expan> greyn multiplie</l>
<l> And yelde yow for your<expan>e</expan> Almesse . þat ye ȝyue vs here</l>
<l> For we may noȝt swynke ne swete . swich siknesse vs eyleþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> If it be sooþ quod Piers þat ye seyn . I shal it soone aspie</l>
<l> Ye ben wastours I woot wel . and truþe woot þe soþe</l>
<l> And I am his olde hyne . and hiȝte hym to warne</l>
<l> Whiche þei were in þis world . hise werkmen apeired</l>
<l> Ye wasten þat men wynnen . wiþ t<expan>ra</expan>uaille and wiþ tene</l>
<l> Ac truþe shal teche yow . his teme to dryue</l>
<l> Or ye shul eten barly breed . and of þe broke drynke</l>
<milestone>fol. 37vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> But if he be blynd or brokelegged . or bolted wiþ Irens</l>
<l> He shal ete whete breed . and drynke wiþ my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> Til god of his goodnesse . amendement hym sende</l>
<l> Ac ye myȝte t<expan>ra</expan>uaille as truþe wolde . and take mete and hyre</l>
<l> To kepe kyen in þe feld . þe corn fro þe beestes</l>
<l> Diken or deluen . or dyngen vp<seg>-</seg>on sheues</l>
<l> Or helpe make morter . or bere Muk a<seg>-</seg>feld</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In lecherie and in losengerie  ye lyuen and in Sleuþe</l>
<l> And al is þoruȝ suffraunce . þ<expan>a</expan>t vengeaunce yow ne takeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac Ancres and heremites . þat eten noȝt but at Nones</l>
<l> And namoore er þe morwe . myn almesse shul þei haue</l>
<l> And of catel to kepe hem wiþ . þat han Cloistres and chirches</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac Rob<expan>er</expan>t Renaboute . shal noȝt haue of myne</l>
<l> Ne Postles but þei p<expan>re</expan>che konne . and haue power of þe bisshop</l>
<l> Thei shul haue payn and potage . and make hem<seg>-</seg>self <orig>atese</orig><reg>at ese</reg></l>
<l> <note>W.6.154: A much later hand has written <add><hi><foreign>no<expan>ta</expan></foreign></hi></add> in the left margin.</note> For it is an vnresonable Religion . þat haþ riȝt noȝt of c<expan>er</expan>tein</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne gan wastour to wraþen hym . and wolde haue yfouȝte</l>
<l> And to Piers þe Plowman . he p<expan>ro</expan>frede his gloue</l>
<l> A Bretoner a bragger<expan>e</expan> . <orig>abosted</orig><reg>a bosted</reg><note>W.6.157: <hi>a</hi>, "he."</note> Piers als</l>
<l> And bad hym go pissen w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his plowȝ . forpynede sherewe</l>
<l> Wiltow or neltow . we wol haue oure wille</l>
<l> Of þi flour and of þi flessh . fecche whanne vs likeþ</l>
<l> And maken vs murye þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>myde . maugree þi chekes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne Piers þe <hi>Plowman .</hi> pleyned hym to þe knyȝte</l>
<l> To kepen hym as couenaunt was . fro cursede sherewes</l>
<l> And fro þise wastours wolueskynnes . þ<expan>a</expan>t makeþ þe world deere</l>
<l> For þo wasten and wynnen noȝt . and þat ilke while</l>
<l> Worþ neu<expan>er</expan>e plentee among þe peple . þe while my plowȝ liggeþ</l>
<milestone>fol. 38rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Curteisly þe knyȝt þanne . as his kynde wolde</l>
<l> Warnede wastour . and wissed hym bettre</l>
<l> Or þow shalt abigge by þe lawe . by þe ordre þ<expan>a</expan>t I bere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I was noȝt wont to werche quod wasto<expan>ur</expan> . and now wol I noȝt bigynne</l>
<l> And leet liȝt of þe lawe . and lasse of þe knyȝte</l>
<l> And sette Piers at a pese . and his plowȝ boþe</l>
<l> And manaced Piers and his men . if þei mette eftsoone</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now by þe p<expan>er</expan>il of my soule quod Piers . I shal apeire yow alle</l>
<l> And houped after hunger . þat herde hym at þe firste</l>
<l> Awreke me of þise wasto<expan>ur</expan>s quod he . þat þis world shendeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Hunger in haste þoo . hente wastour by þe wombe<note>W.6.177: W alone reads <hi>wombe</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>mawe</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And wrong hym so by þe wo<expan>m</expan>be . þ<expan>a</expan>t boþe hise eiȝen watrede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> He buffetted þe Bretoner . aboute þe chekes</l>
<l> That he loked lik a lant<expan>er</expan>ne . al his lif after</l>
<l> He bette hem so boþe . he brast ner hire guttes</l>
<l> Ne hadde Piers wiþ a pese loof . preyed hunger to cesse</l>
<l> They hadde be doluen . ne deme þow noon ooþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Suffre hem lyue he seide . and lat hem ete wiþ hogges</l>
<l> Or ellis benes or<note>W.6.185: W alone reads <hi>or</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>and</hi>.</note> bren . ybaken togideres</l>
<l> Or ellis melk and mene ale . þus preied Piers for hem</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Faito<expan>ur</expan>s for fere her<seg>-</seg>of . flowen in<seg>-</seg>to Bernes</l>
<l> And flapten on wiþ flailes . fro morwe til euen</l>
<l> That hunger was noȝt so hardy . on hem for to loke</l>
<l> For a potful of peses . þat Piers hadde ymaked</l>
<l> <hi></hi> An heep of heremytes . henten hem spades</l>
<l> And kitten hir copes . and courtepies hem maked</l>
<milestone>fol. 38vI</milestone>
<l> <hi>A</hi>nd wente as werkmen . wiþ spades and wiþ shoueles</l>
<l> And doluen and dikeden . to dryue awey hunger</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Blynde and bedreden . were bootned a þousand</l>
<l> That seten to begge siluer . soone were þei heeled</l>
<l> For þat was bake for bayard . was boote for many hungry</l>
<l> And many a beggere for benes . buxum was to swynke</l>
<l> And ech a pou<expan>er</expan>e man wel apaied . to haue pesen for his hyre</l>
<l> And what Piers preide hem to do . as prest as a Sperhauk</l>
<l> And þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>of was Piers proud . and putte hem to werke</l>
<l> And yaf hem mete as he myȝte aforþe . and mesurable hyre</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne hadde Piers pite . and preide hunger to wende</l>
<l> Hoom vn<seg>-</seg>to his owene yerd . and holden hym þ<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> For I am wel awroke . of wastours þoruȝ þy myȝte</l>
<l> Ac I preie þee er þow passe . quod Piers to hunger</l>
<l> Of beggeris and of bidderis . what best be to doone</l>
<l> For I woot wel be þow went . þei wol werche ful ille</l>
<l> For meschief it makeþ . þei be so meke nouþe</l>
<l> And for defaute of hire foode . þis folk is at my wille</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thei are my blody breþ<expan>er</expan>en quod Piers . for god bouȝte vs alle</l>
<l> Truþe tauȝte me ones . to louen hem echone</l>
<l> And to helpen hem of alle þyng . ay as hem nedeþ</l>
<l> And now wolde I wite of þee . what were þe beste</l>
<l> And how I myȝte amaistren hem . and make hem to werche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Here now quod hunger . and hoold it for a wisdom .</l>
<l> Bolde beggeris and bigge . þ<expan>a</expan>t mowe hir breed biswynke</l>
<l> Wiþ houndes breed and horse<seg>-</seg>breed . hoold vp hir hertes</l>
<l> Abate hem wiþ benes . for bollynge of hir wombes</l>
<l> And if þe gomes grucche . bidde hem go swynke</l>
<l> And he shal soupe swetter . whan he it haþ des<expan>er</expan>ued</l>
<milestone>fol. 39rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> And if þow fynde any freke . þat Fortune haþ apeired</l>
<l> Or any manere false men . fonde þow swiche to knowe</l>
<l> Conforte hym wiþ þi catel . for cristes loue of heuene</l>
<l> Loue hem and lene hem . so lawe of god techeþ</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Alter alterius onera portate</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And alle manere of men . þ<expan>a</expan>t þow myȝt aspie</l>
<l> That nedy ben and nouȝty . help hem wiþ þi goodes</l>
<l> Loue hem and lakke hem noȝt . lat god take þe vengeaunce</l>
<l> Theiȝ þei doon yuele . lat god yworþe</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Michi vindictam & ego retribuam</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And if þow wilt be g<expan>ra</expan>cious to god . do as þe gospel techeþ</l>
<l> And biloue þee amonges lewed men . so shaltow lacche g<expan>ra</expan>ce</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Facite vos<note>W.6.234: W alone reads <hi><foreign>vos.</foreign></hi> Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi><foreign>vobis.</foreign></hi></note> amicos de ma<expan>m</expan>mona iniquitatis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> I wolde noȝt greue god quod Piers . for al þe good on grounde</l>
<l> Miȝte I synnelees do as þow seist . seide Piers þanne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye I bihote þee quod hunger . or ellis þe bible lieþ</l>
<l> Go to Genesis þe geaunt . þe engendrour of vs alle</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>In sudore</hi></foreign></hi> and swynk . þow shalt þi mete tilie</l>
<l> And laboure for þi liflode . and so oure lord hiȝte</l>
<l> And Sapience seiþ þe same . I seiȝ it in þe bible</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Piger pro frigore</hi></foreign> . no feeld nolde tilie</l>
<l> And þer<seg>-</seg>fore he shal begge and bidde . and no man bete his hunger</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Mathew wiþ mannes face . mouþed þise wordes</l>
<l> That <hi><foreign><hi>seruus neq<expan>ua</expan>m</hi></foreign></hi> hadde a <hi><foreign><hi>Mnam</hi></foreign></hi><note>W.6.245: The gloss <hi><foreign>.i<expan>d est</expan>.</foreign> A besaunt</hi> is written above <hi><foreign>Mnam</foreign></hi> in a smaller script but by the main hand. The red box around <hi><foreign>Mnam</foreign></hi> was drawn subsequently and left incomplete at the top. A similar gloss appears in HmLM. C. David Benson and Lynne S. Blanchfield, <title>The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman: the B-version</title> (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1997), 162, mistakenly offer to correct Kane-Donaldson's <hi><foreign>Mnam</foreign></hi> to <hi>amam</hi>.</note> . and for he wolde noȝt chaffare</l>
<l> He hadde maugree of his maister . euere<seg>-</seg>moore after</l>
<l> And bynam hym his <hi><foreign><hi>Mnam .</hi></foreign></hi> for he ne wolde werche</l>
<l> And yaf þat <hi><foreign><hi>Mnam</hi></foreign></hi> to hym . þat ten <hi><foreign><hi>Mnames</hi></foreign></hi> hadde</l>
<l> And wiþ þat he seide . þat holy chirche it herde</l>
<l> He þat haþ shal haue . and helpe þ<expan>er</expan>e it nedeþ           <note>W.6.250:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 39vI</milestone>
<l> And he þ<expan>a</expan>t noȝt haþ shal noȝt haue . and no man hym helpe           <note>W.6.251:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And þat he weneþ wel to haue . I wole it hym bireue</l>
<l> Kynde wit wolde . þ<expan>a</expan>t ech a wiȝt wroȝte</l>
<l> Or in dikynge or in deluynge . or t<expan>ra</expan>uaillynge in preieres</l>
<l> Contemplatif lif or Actif lif . crist wolde þei wroȝte</l>
<l> The Sauter seiþ in þe psalme . of <foreign><hi>Beati omnes</hi></foreign></l>
<l> The freke þat fedeþ hym<seg>-</seg>self . wiþ his feiþful labour</l>
<l> He is blessed by þe book . in body and in soule</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>L</hi>abores manuu<expan>m</expan> tuar<expan>um</expan> &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Yet I preie yow quod Piers . <foreign>par charite</foreign> and ye konne</l>
<l> Any leef of lechecraft . lere it me my deere</l>
<l> For some of my seruauntz . and my<seg>-</seg>self boþe</l>
<l> Of al a wike werche noȝt . so oure wombe akeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I woot wel quod hunger . what siknesse yow eyleþ</l>
<l> Ye han manged ouer<seg>-</seg>muche . and þat makeþ yow grone</l>
<l> Ac I hote þee quod hunger . as þow þyn hele wilnest</l>
<l> That þow drynke no day . er þow dyne som<seg>-</seg>what<note>W.6.267-275: These nine lines are marked in the right margin by marks where notae usually appear, but these marks do not even suggest an <n>.</note>           <note>W.6.267:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ete noȝt I hote þee . er hunger þee take           <note>W.6.268:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And sende þee of his Sauce . to sauore wiþ þi lippes           <note>W.6.269:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And keep som til soper tyme . and sitte noȝt to longe           <note>W.6.270:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And rys vp er Appetit . haue eten his fille           <note>W.6.271:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Lat noȝt sire Surfet . sitten at þi borde           <note>W.6.272:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Leue hym noȝt for he is lecherous . and likerous of tunge           <note>W.6.273:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And after many maner metes . his mawe is afyngred           <note>W.6.274:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <note>W.6.275: A scribe has drawn a rough <add><hi><figure><figDesc>pointing hand</figDesc></figure></hi></add> in the left margin.</note> <hi></hi> And if þow diete þee þus . I dar legge myne eris           <note>W.6.275:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That Phisik shal hise furred hodes . for his fode selle</l>
<l> And his cloke of Calabre . wiþ alle þe knappes of golde</l>
<l> And be fayn by my feiþ . his Phisik to lete</l>
<l> And lerne to laboure wiþ lond . for liflode is swete           <note>W.6.279:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For m<expan>ur</expan>þereris are manye leches . lord hem amende</l>
<l> They do men deye þoruȝ hir drynkes . er destynee it wolde</l>
<milestone>fol. 40rI</milestone>
<l> By Seint Poul quod Piers . þise arn p<expan>ro</expan>fitable wordes</l>
<l> Wend now hunger whan þow wolt . þ<expan>a</expan>t wel be þow eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> For þis is a louely lesson . lord it þee foryelde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Bihote god quod hunger . hennes ne wole I wende</l>
<l> Til I haue dyned bi þis day . and ydronke boþe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I haue no peny quod Piers . pulettes to bugge</l>
<l> Ne neiþer gees ne grys . but two grene cheses</l>
<l> A fewe cruddes and creme . and an hauer cake</l>
<l> And two loues of benes and bran . ybake for my fauntes</l>
<l> And yet I seye by my soule . I haue no salt bacon</l>
<l> Ne no cokeney by crist . coloppes for to maken</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac I haue p<expan>er</expan>cile and porettes . and manye cole plauntes</l>
<l> And ek a cow and a calf . and a cart mare           <note>W.6.294:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> To drawe a<seg>-</seg>feld my donge . þe while þe droȝte lasteþ</l>
<l> And by þis liflode we mote lyue . til lammesse tyme</l>
<l> And by þat I hope to haue . heruest in my crofte</l>
<l> And þanne may I diȝte þi dyner . as me deere likeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Al þe pou<expan>er</expan>e peple þo . pescoddes fetten</l>
<l> Benes and baken apples . þei broȝte in hir lappes</l>
<l> Chibolles and Cheruelles . and ripe chiries manye</l>
<l> And p<expan>ro</expan>frede Piers þis p<expan>re</expan>sent . to plese wiþ hunger</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Al hunger eet in haste . and axed after moore</l>
<l> Thanne pou<expan>er</expan>e folk for fere . fedden hunger yerne</l>
<l> Wiþ grene poret and pesen . to poisone hym þei þoȝte</l>
<l> By þat it neȝed neer heruest . & newe corn cam to chepyng</l>
<l> Thanne was folk fayn . and fedde hunger wiþ þe beste</l>
<l> Wiþ good Ale as Gloton taȝte . and garte hunger go slepe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þo wolde wastour noȝt werche . but wandren aboute</l>
<milestone>fol. 40vI</milestone>
<l> <hi>N</hi>e no beggere ete breed . þat benes Inne were</l>
<l> But of Coket and cler<seg>-</seg>matyn . or ellis of clene whete</l>
<l> Ne noon halfpeny ale . in none wise drynke</l>
<l> But of þe beste and of þe brunneste . þ<expan>a</expan>t in Burgh is to selle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Laborers þat haue no land . to lyue on but hire handes<note>W.6.314-321: All the lines in this line-group are marked in the right margin with <hi>nota</hi> in a darker ink of the same attenuated form that appears above in ll. 267-75.</note>           <note>W.6.314:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Deyned noȝt to dyne a<seg>-</seg>day . nyȝt<seg>-</seg>olde wortes           <note>W.6.315:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> May no peny<seg>-</seg>ale hem paie . ne no pece of bacou<expan>n</expan>           <note>W.6.316:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> But if it be fressh flessh ouþ<expan>er</expan> fissh : fryed ouþ<expan>er</expan> ybake           <note>W.6.317:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And þat <foreign>chaud</foreign> and <foreign>plus chaud</foreign> . for chillynge of hir mawe           <note>W.6.318:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And but if he be heiȝliche hyred . ellis wole he chide           <note>W.6.319:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And þ<expan>a</expan>t he was werkman wroȝt . waille þe tyme           <note>W.6.320:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ayeins Catons counseil . comseþ he to Iangle           <note>W.6.321:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi>Paup<expan>er</expan>tatis onus pacienter ferre memento</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> He greueþ hym ageyn god . and gruccheþ ageyn Reson</l>
<l> And þanne corseþ he þe kyng . and al his counseil after</l>
<l> Swiche lawes to loke . laborers to greue</l>
<l> Ac whiles hunger was hir maister . þ<expan>er</expan> wolde noon of hem chide</l>
<l> Ne stryuen ayeins his statut . so sterneliche he loked</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac I warne yow werkmen . wynneþ whil ye mowe</l>
<l> For hunger hiderward . hasteþ hym faste</l>
<l> He shal awake wiþ water . wastours to chaste</l>
<l> Er fyue be fulfilled . swich famyn shal aryse</l>
<l> Thoruȝ flodes and þoruȝ foule wedres . fruytes shul faille</l>
<l> And so seide Saturne . and sente yow to warne</l>
<l> <note>W.6.334: A scribe has drawn a rough <add><hi><figure><figDesc>pointing hand</figDesc></figure></hi></add> in the left margin.</note> <hi></hi> Whan ye se þe sonne amys . and two monkes heddes</l>
<l> And a mayde haue þe maistrie . and multiplie by eiȝte</l>
<l> Thanne shal deeþ wiþ<seg>-</seg>drawe . and derþe be Iustice           <note>W.6.336:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And Dawe þe dyker<expan>e</expan> . deye for hunger</l>
<l> But god of his goodnesse . graunte vs a trewe           <note>W.6.338:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<hi><hi>Truþe herde telle</hi></hi>