<head><foreign>Passus undecimus</foreign></head>
<l> Thanne scripture scorned me · and a skile tolde</l>
<l> And lakked me in latyne · and liȝte by me she<note>Bx.11.2: <hi>she</hi>: Scripture is female in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.10.160-1</ref>. Alpha reads <hi>he</hi>, either as the feminine pronoun or taking Scripture as a male personification. <hi>Cx</hi> omits the pronoun (RK.11.162). Though she is clearly female in l. <ref>4</ref>, in l. <ref>110</ref> Scripture is referred to as <hi>he</hi> by GOCF.</note> sette</l>
<l> And seyde <foreign>multi multa sciunt [·]<note>Bx.11.3: MHmO and alpha treat this as a standard alliterative line with medial punctuation.</note> & seipsos nesciunt</foreign></l>
<l> Þo wepte I for wo<note>Bx.11.4: <hi>wo</hi>: Supported by alliteration and <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>sorwe</hi>.</note> · and wratth of her speche</l>
<l> And in a wynkyng wratth · wex [til] I [was]<note>Bx.11.5: <hi>til I was</hi>: R's reading is taken to be alpha and <hi>Bx</hi>. In the a-verse the form <hi>wratth</hi> is pretty clearly a <hi>Bx</hi> error (prompted by the previous line) for <hi>warth</hi>, "entered, fell", where <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>I warth</hi> (RK.11.165). We assume that beta rewrote the b-verse, supposing that the a-verse meant something like "in an angry sleepiness" or "in a sleepy anger". The b-verse in <hi>Cx</hi> is quite different. F rewrote the whole line and added another five, avoiding the dream within a dream by waking Will up and sending him swiftly back to sleep again.</note> aslepe</l>
<l> A merueillouse meteles · mette me þanne<note>Bx.11.6: <hi>mette me þanne</hi>: Alpha's <hi>me tydde to dreme</hi> has less satisfactory alliteration. Surprisingly, the verb <hi>tiden</hi> is never used in the poem.</note></l>
<l> [For]<note>Bx.11.7: <hi>For</hi>: Alpha's reading is confirmed by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.11.166).</note> I was rauisshed riȝt þere · and<note>Bx.11.7: <hi>and</hi>: R's reading <hi>for</hi>, though not supported by F, may be <hi>Bx</hi>, since it is paralleled by the X family of <hi>C</hi>. The P family has no conjunction.</note> fortune me fette</l>
<l> And in-to þe londe of longynge · allone<note>Bx.11.8: <hi>allone</hi>: Beta and F are supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>, although the P family as well as two of the X family (YU) support R's <hi>& loue</hi>. For the collocation of <hi>love</hi> and <hi>longing</hi>, see <title>MED</title> <hi>longing(e</hi> (1) (b) and (c). Either reading could easily have given rise to the other.</note> she me brouȝte</l>
<l> And in a myroure þat hiȝt mydlerd · she mad me to biholde</l>
<l> Sitthen she sayde to me · here myȝtow se wondres</l>
<l> And knowe þat þow coueytest · and come þer-to par-aunter</l>
<l> ¶ Þanne hadde fortune folwyng hir [·] two faire damoyseles</l>
<l> <foreign>Concupiscencia carnis</foreign> · men called þe elder mayde</l>
<l> And coueytise of eyes · ycalled was þat oþer</l>
<l> Pryde of parfyte lyuynge · pursued hem bothe</l>
<l> And badde me for my contenaunce · acounte clergye liȝte</l>
<l><foreign>Concupiscencia carnis ·</foreign> colled me aboute þe nekke</l>
<l> And seyde þow art ȝonge and ȝepe · and hast ȝeres ynowe</l>
<l> For to lyue longe · and ladyes to louye</l>
<l> And in þis myroure þow myȝte se · myrthes<note>Bx.11.20: <hi>myrthes</hi>: Beta2's <hi>myȝtes</hi> has no support from <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> ful manye</l>
<l> Þat leden þe wil to lykynge · al þi lyf-tyme</l>
<l><note>Bx.11.22: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F.</note> Þe secounde seide þe same · I shal suwe þi wille</l>
<l> Til þow be a lorde and haue londe · leten þe I nelle</l>
<l> Þat I ne shal folwe þi felawship · if fortune it lyke</l>
<l> He shal fynde me his frende · quod fortune þer-after</l>
<l> Þe freke þat folwed<note>Bx.11.26: <hi>folwed</hi>: Alpha's present tense might equally represent <hi>Bx</hi>. <hi>C</hi> has a different line, with present-tense <hi>liketh</hi>.</note> my wille · failled neuere blisse</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne was þere one þat hiȝte elde [·] þat heuy was of chere</l>
<l> Man quod he if I mete with þe · bi Marie of heuene</l>
<l> Þow shalt fynde fortune þe faille ·<note>Bx.11.29: R places the punctuation after <hi>fortune</hi>, thus alliterating aa/ax rather than aaa/xx.</note> at þi moste nede</l>
<l> And <foreign>concupiscencia carnis</foreign> · clene þe forsake</l>
<l> Bitterliche shaltow banne þanne · bothe dayes and niȝtes</l>
<l> Coueytise of eyghe · þat euere þow hir knewe</l>
<l> And pryde of parfyt lyuynge · to moche peril þe brynge</l>
<l> ¶ Ȝee recche þe neuere quod recchelesnes · stode forth in ragged clothes</l>
<l> Folwe forth þat fortune wole · þow hast wel fer t[o]<note>Bx.11.35: <hi>to</hi>: MHmCGO and alpha, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, against <hi>til</hi> in LCrW. Cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.9.88</ref>, <ref>11.83</ref>.</note> elde</l>
<l> A man may stoupe tymes<note>Bx.11.36: <hi>tymes</hi>: LMHmR have the plural, presumably representing <hi>Bx</hi>, though the regular adverbial expression is <hi>time enough</hi>, "soon enough"; see <title>MED</title> <hi>time</hi> n.(2), 8c(c). The other <hi>B</hi> mss. and most <hi>C</hi> mss. have the regular singular. See Adams (2000), 179.</note> ynow · whan he shal tyne þe croune</l>
<l><foreign>Homo proponit</foreign> quod a poete [þo]<note>Bx.11.37: <hi>þo</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.11.303).</note> · and plato he hyght</l>
<l> And <foreign>deus disponit</foreign> quod he · lat god done his wille</l>
<l> If trewthe wil witnesse it be wel do · fortune to folwe</l>
<l> <foreign>Concupiscencia carnis · </foreign> ne coueityse of eyes</l>
<l> Ne shal nouȝt greue þe gretly<note>Bx.11.41: <hi>gretly</hi>: So beta and <hi>Cx</hi>, but it is hard to explain why alpha might have replaced it with <hi>graythly</hi>, "quickly, readily". Yet the only other occurrence of <hi>graythely</hi> in <hi>B</hi> is <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.18.298</ref>, where it causes the scribes no difficulty.</note> · ne bigyle þe but þow wolt</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.11.42: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in WHmC and alpha, with a line-space in M. In L, which lacks the usual line-space, the scribe's paraph marker is unrubricated.</note> Ȝee farewel phippe quod fauntelte [·] and forth gan me drawe</l>
<l> Til <foreign>concupiscencia carnis</foreign> · acorded [til]<note>Bx.11.43: <hi>til</hi>: In beta the verb <hi>acorded</hi> is used most unusually with direct object; alpha has the prepositions <hi>til</hi> (R) and <hi>with</hi> (F). For <hi>acord with</hi> cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.20.304</ref>, <ref>354</ref>. <hi>Cx</hi> supports R.</note> alle my werkes</l>
<l> ¶ Allas eye quod elde · and holynesse bothe</l>
<l> Þat witte shal torne to wrecchednesse · for wille to haue his lykyng</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.46-9: Omitted by alpha, an easy case of eye-skip, with the same a-verse in ll. 46 and 50, both lines beginning with a paraph. F then also omits ll. 50-1. It is worth noting that <hi>Bx</hi>.11.47-52 are absent from <hi>C</hi>, and this may also be attributable to eye-skip.</note> ¶ Coueityse of eyghes · conforted me anon after</l>
<l> And folwed me fourty wynter · and a fyfte more</l>
<l> Þat of dowel ne dobet · no deyntee me ne<note>Bx.11.48: <hi>ne</hi> (2): LM only (alpha is absent).</note> þouȝte</l>
<l> I had no lykynge leue me if þe<note>Bx.11.49: <hi>þe</hi>: LMW; Hm has <hi>thu</hi> and Cr has <hi>ye</hi>.</note> leste · of hem auȝte to knowe</l>
<l><note>Bx.11.50: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in LR only (F is absent).</note> Coueytyse of eyes · cam ofter in<note>Bx.11.50: <hi>in</hi>: GOR have <hi>in my</hi>. The line is not in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> mynde</l>
<l> Þan dowel or dobet [·] amonge my dedes alle</l>
<l> Coueytise of eyes [·] conforted me ofte</l>
<l> And seyde haue no conscience [·] how þow come to gode</l>
<l> Go confesse [þe]<note>Bx.11.54: <hi>þe</hi>: LF omit, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> to sum frere · and shewe hym þi synnes</l>
<l> For whiles fortune is þi frende · Freres wil þe louye</l>
<l> And fe[tt]e<note>Bx.11.56: <hi>fette</hi>: R (= alpha) with F misreading as <hi>sette</hi>. <title>MED</title> <hi>fetten</hi> notes that "in the ME and Early MnE period <hi>fetten</hi> is gradually replaced by <hi>fecchen</hi>", whence beta's reading. <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>festene</hi> (RK.12.8). At <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.18.344</ref> R has <hi>fecchest</hi> for <hi>Bx</hi> <hi>fettest</hi>.</note> þe to her fraternite · and for þe biseke</l>
<l> To her priour prouyncial · a pardoun forto haue</l>
<l> And preyen for þe pol bi pol · ȝif þow be <foreign>peccuniosus</foreign></l>
<l> <foreign>[P]ena<note>Bx.11.59: <hi><foreign>Pena</foreign></hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Presumably beta's <hi>Set pena</hi> is an attempt to link the quotation more closely to the argument. Alford (1992), 72.</note> pecuniar[i]a non sufficit pro spiritualibus delictis</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ By wissynge of þis wenche I [dede]<note>Bx.11.60: <hi>dede</hi>: The choice of reading is difficult. R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. We therefore suppose that beta corrupted to <hi>wrouȝte</hi> by alliterative attraction, while F coincidentally included <hi>wrowhte</hi> in a rewritten a-verse, again prompted by the alliteration.</note> · here wordes were so swete</l>
<l> Tyl I forȝat ȝouthe · and ȝarn<note>Bx.11.61: <hi>ȝarn</hi>: "ran", the form regularly used for alliteration, which HmR lose with <hi>ran</hi>. Cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.3.215</ref> and note.</note> in-to elde</l>
<l> And þanne was fortune my foo · for al hir faire biheste</l>
<l> And pouerte pursued me · and put me lowe</l>
<l> And þo fonde I þe Frere aferde · and flyttynge bothe</l>
<l> Aȝeines owre firste forward · for I seyde I nolde</l>
<l> Be buryed at her hous · but at my parissh cherche</l>
<l> For I herde onys · how conscience it tolde</l>
<l> Þat þere a man were crystened · by kynde he shulde be buryed</l>
<l> Or where he were parisshene<note>Bx.11.69: <hi>parisshene</hi>: Alpha adds the indefinite article. There is no parallel in <hi>C</hi>.</note> · riȝt þere he shulde be grauen</l>
<l> And for I seyde þus to freres · a fool þei me helden</l>
<l> And loued me þe lasse [·] for my lele speche</l>
<l> Ac ȝet I cryed on my confessoure [·] þat helde hym-self so kunnyng</l>
<l> By my feith frere quod I · ȝe faren lyke þise woweres</l>
<l> Þat wedde none wydwes · but forto welde here godis</l>
<l> Riȝte so by þe Rode · rouȝte ȝe neuere</l>
<l> Where my body were buryed · bi so ȝe hadde my siluer</l>
<l> Ich haue moche merueille of ȝow · and so hath many another<note>Bx.11.77: <hi>another</hi>: R's <hi>other</hi> has support from CrCGO. The line is not in <hi>C</hi>, and is rejected by KD.</note></l>
<l> Why ȝowre couent coueyteth · to confesse and to burye</l>
<l> Rather þan to baptise barnes · þat ben catekumelynges</l>
<l> Baptizyng and burying · bothe ben ful nedeful</l>
<l> Ac moche more merytorie · me þynke[th]<note>Bx.11.81: <hi>þynketh</hi>: Only L has <hi>þynke</hi>.</note> it is to baptize</l>
<l> For a baptized man ·<note>Bx.11.82: L's placing of the punctuation after <hi>man</hi> has the support of MCR, suggesting a <hi>Bx</hi> error. Beta2 (CrWHm) and OF correct by placing it after <hi>may</hi>.</note> may as maistres telleth</l>
<l> Þorugh contricioun come · to<note>Bx.11.83: <hi>to</hi>: R has <hi>til</hi>, and F has <hi>into</hi>.</note> þe heigh heuene <foreign>Sola contricio &c<note>Bx.11.83: <hi><foreign>&c</foreign></hi>: HmCGO extend the "common saying" (Alford (1992), 72) by adding <hi>delet peccatum</hi>. In beta (LMCrWHmO) the Latin follows the English on the same line, either as part of the line (MCr) or separated from the English with a space, in L (boxed in red), W (boxed in red preceded by // to indicate an omission), Hm (with caret to indicate omission), and O (which commonly sets Latin quotations in the right margin, underlined in red). In alpha the Latin is given a separate line. Compare l. <ref>85</ref>, where it is clear that <hi>Bx</hi> treats the Latin as the first part of the line. See note to <ref>11.85</ref>.</note> ·</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Ac a barne with-oute bapteme · may nouȝt so be saued</l>
<l> <foreign>Nisi quis renatus fuerit</foreign><note>Bx.11.85: CGO extend the quotation (from John 3.5) but LMCrWR show that <hi>Bx</hi> took the four Latin words as the start of the English line. Cf. <ref>11.83</ref>.</note> loke ȝe lettred men · whether I lye or do nouȝte</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.86: Hm and F have a paraph and M has a line-space.</note>And lewte [þo]<note>Bx.11.86: <hi>þo</hi>: Alpha's reading has some support from the parallel line in <hi>Cx</hi>: <hi>And thenne louhe leaute for y loured on þe frere</hi> (RK.12.23).</note> loked on me · and I loured after</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.87: A paraph would be appropriate here to mark the beginning of direct speech, but it is supported by WR only. In the next line it has stronger support from WHm and alpha, and in l. <ref>89</ref> from W and alpha. W is much more regular than other scribes in paragraphing speech, and his testimony therefore carries less weight.</note>Wherfore lourestow quod lewte · and loked on me harde</l>
<l> Ȝif I durste quod I amonges men · þis meteles auowe</l>
<l> Ȝe bi peter and bi poule quod he · and take<note>Bx.11.89: <hi>take</hi>: The imperative is supported by the crucial witnesses LMR, as well as G. Others have the easier past tense. See Adams (2000), 179.</note> hem bothe to witnesse</l>
<l> <foreign>Non oderis fratres secrete in corde tuo · set publice argue illos</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Þei wol alleggen also quod I · and by þe gospel preuen</l>
<l> <foreign>Nolite iudicare quemquam ·</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ And wher-of serueth lawe quod lewte<note>Bx.11.93: <hi>lewte</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> does not support R's addition of <hi>þanne</hi>.</note> · if no lyf vndertoke it</l>
<l> Falsenesse ne faytrye · for sumwhat þe apostle seyde</l>
<l> <foreign>Non oderis fratrem</foreign><note>Bx.11.95: All scribes except F incorporate the Latin quotation into the line. Cf. <ref>11.85</ref>.</note> · and in þe sauter also seithe dauid þe prophete</l>
<l> <foreign>Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis &c</foreign></l>
<l> It is <foreign>licitum</foreign> for lewed men · to segge þe sothe</l>
<l> If hem lyketh and leste · eche a lawe it graunteth</l>
<l> Excepte parsones and prestes · and prelates of holycherche</l>
<l> It falleth nouȝte for þat folke · no tales to telle</l>
<l> Þough þe tale were trewe · and it touched synne</l>
<l> ¶ Þinge<note>Bx.11.102: <hi>Þinge</hi>: Alpha may have started the line with <hi>A</hi> (F) or <hi>Ac</hi> (R), but neither is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> þat al þe worlde wote · wherfore shuldestow spare</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.11.103: <hi>And</hi>: Clearly the <hi>Bx</hi> reading, though probably an error for <hi>To</hi> as in WHm and also <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> reden it in Retoryke · to arate dedly synne</l>
<l> Ac be<note>Bx.11.104: <hi>be</hi>: HmF add <hi>thu</hi>, as does the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> neuere-more þe fyrste · þe defaute to blame</l>
<l> Þouȝe þow se yuel sey it nouȝte fyrste · be sorye it nere amended</l>
<l> No þinge þat is pryue · publice þow it neuere</l>
<l> Neyther for loue laude<note>Bx.11.107: <hi>laude</hi>: R has <hi>lakke</hi>, anticipating the b-verse, while F rewrites. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>labbe it out</hi>, "blurt it out", for <hi>laude it nouȝt</hi>.</note> it nouȝt · ne lakke it for enuye</l>
<l> <foreign>Parum lauda vitupera parcius</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ He seith sothe quod scripture þo · and skipte an heigh & preched</l>
<l> Ac þe matere þat she meued · if lewed men it knewe<note>Bx.11.110: <hi>if lewed men it knewe</hi>: R's b-verse <hi>lewed men it knowe</hi> probably represents corruption in alpha (cf. F). <hi>Cx</hi> supports beta.</note></l>
<l> Þe lasse as I leue · louyen it þei wolde</l>
<l> [Þe bileue [of] þat lord<note>Bx.11.112: <hi>of þat lord</hi>: The line is recorded only in alpha, though evidently the a-verse has been corrupted, perhaps simply by omitting <hi>of</hi> as in R. <hi>Cx</hi> reads <hi>of oure lord</hi> (RK.12.44).</note> . þat lettred men techeth]</l>
<l> ¶ This was her teme and her tyxte · I toke ful gode hede</l>
<l> <foreign>Multi</foreign> to a maungerye · and to þe mete were sompned</l>
<l> And whan þe peple was plenere comen · þe porter vnpynned þe ȝate</l>
<l> And plukked in <foreign>pauci</foreign> priueliche · and lete þe remenaunt go rowme</l>
<l> ¶ Al for tene of her tyxte · trembled myn herte</l>
<l> And in a were gan I waxe · and with my-self to dispute</l>
<l> Whether I were chosen or nouȝt chosen · on holicherche I þouȝte</l>
<l> Þat vnderfonge me atte fonte · for one of goddis chosne</l>
<l> For cryste cleped vs alle · come if we wolde</l>
<l> Sarasenes and scismatikes · and so he dyd þe iewes</l>
<l> <foreign>O vos omnes scicientes<note>Bx.11.123: <hi><foreign>scicientes</foreign></hi>: Evidently the <hi>Bx</hi> (and probably <hi>Cx</hi>) spelling for the more formally correct <hi>sicientes</hi>.</note> venite &c</foreign></l>
<l> And badde hem souke for synne · sa[ue]<note>Bx.11.124: <hi>saue</hi>: Beta has <hi>saufly</hi>, but Alpha's word is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>; the P family has <hi>sauete</hi> in a rewritten b-verse. Kane (2005) glosses <hi>saue</hi> RK.12.56 as "decoction of herbs taken internally <hi>fig</hi>.". See <title>MED</title> <hi>save</hi> n.(1).</note> at his breste</l>
<l> And drynke bote for <space></space>bale · brouke it who-so myȝte</l>
<l> ¶ Þanne may alle crystene come quod I · and cleyme þere entre</l>
<l> By þe blode þat<note>Bx.11.127: <hi>þat</hi>: G, Alpha and a few <hi>C</hi> mss. omit.</note> he bouȝte vs with · and þorugh baptesme after</l>
<l> <foreign>Qui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit &c</foreign></l>
<l> For þough a crystene man coueyted · his crystenedome to reneye<note>Bx.11.129: <hi>reneye</hi>: Beta, supported by sense and by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>receyue</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Riȝtfulliche to renye · no resoun it wolde</l>
<l> ¶ For may no cherle chartre make · ne his catel selle</l>
<l> With-outen leue of his lorde · no lawe wil it graunte</l>
<l> Ac he may renne in arrerage · and rowme<note>Bx.11.133: <hi>rowme</hi>: R repeats <hi>renne</hi>; F has <hi>rayke</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> supports the verb as in beta, and the omission of <hi>so</hi> as in alpha, added in beta to fill out a short line.</note> fro home</l>
<l> And as a reneyed caityf [·] recchelesly<note>Bx.11.134: <hi>recchelesly</hi>: The L corrector assumes omission of a verb, and supplies <hi>gon</hi>, while Beta2 (CrWHm) repeats <hi>rennen</hi> from the previous line. Alpha has corrupted the a-verse (R has <hi>he renneth</hi> for <hi>a reneyed</hi>), and it appears likely that <hi>Cx</hi> has to make sense of a corrupted exemplar, since the line becomes <hi>As a recheles caytyf or reneyed as hit semeth</hi> (RK.12.65).</note> aboute</l>
<l> Ac Resoun shal rekne with hym · <note>Bx.11.135-6: As a result of eyeskip on mid-line <hi>with hym</hi>, beta drops 135b and 136a. Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note>[and rebuken hym at þe laste</l>
<l>And conscience a-counte with hym ·] and casten hym in arrerage</l>
<l> And putten [hym]<note>Bx.11.137: <hi>hym</hi>: The omission in LMC suggests that the pronoun may have been lost in beta. It is supported by both alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> after in<note>Bx.11.137: <hi>in</hi>: LM and beta2 (CrWHm) have <hi>in a</hi>, but the article is not in alpha or <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> prisone · in purgatorie to brenne</l>
<l> [And]<note>Bx.11.138: <hi>And</hi>: Beta drops <hi>And</hi>, but alpha is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>. The P family reorders the a-verse.</note> for his arrerages rewarden hym þere · [riȝte]<note>Bx.11.138: <hi>riȝte</hi>: R supplies the <hi>Bx</hi> reading. The alliterating adverb is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. F rewrites the b-verse.</note> to þe daye of dome</l>
<l> But if contricioun w[o]l<note>Bx.11.139: <hi>wol</hi>: LR give strong support for <hi>wel</hi>, which could be right ("happily", etc.). More probably both scribes mistake <hi>wol come</hi> for a spelling of <hi>welcome</hi> (see <title>MED</title>), and in L the line is marked for correction. <hi>Cx</hi> revises the line.</note> come · and crye bi his lyue</l>
<l> Mercy for his mysdedes · with mouth or<note>Bx.11.140: <hi>or</hi>: Well supported for <hi>Bx</hi>, though <hi>and</hi> in WHmF is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> with herte</l>
<l> ¶ Þat is soth seyde scripture [·] may no synne lette</l>
<l> Mercy alle to<note>Bx.11.142: <hi>alle to</hi>: Alpha's <hi>may al</hi> was perhaps the basis for <hi>Cx</hi>, which has the a-verse <hi>Mercy þat he ne may al amende</hi>. However, the syntax is <hi>lette to amende</hi> "prevent from amending".</note> amende · and mekenesse hir folwe<note>Bx.11.142: <hi>and mekenesse hir folwe</hi>: R (= alpha?) muddles through with <hi>þat mekenesse he folweth</hi>, but <hi>Cx</hi> supports the b-verse as in beta.</note></l>
<l> For þey beth as owre bokes telleth · aboue goddes werkes</l>
<l> <foreign>Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Ȝee baw for bokes quod one · was broken oute of helle</l>
<l> Hiȝte troianus had ben a trewe knyȝte · toke witnesse at a pope</l>
<l> How he was ded and dampned · to dwellen in pyne</l>
<l> For an vncristene creature [·] clerkis wyten þe sothe</l>
<l> Þat al þe clergye vnder cryste · miȝte<note>Bx.11.149: <hi>miȝte</hi>: Evidently <hi>Bx</hi> lost <hi>ne</hi>, required for sense and supplied by beta2 (CrWHm), as in <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.12.79).</note> me cracche fro helle</l>
<l> But onliche loue and leaute · [of]<note>Bx.11.150: <hi>of</hi>: So alpha, against beta's <hi>and</hi>. The sense is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> <hi>as in my lawes demynge</hi>, which also sets Trajan's love and integrity in relation to his justice.</note> my lawful domes</l>
<l> ¶ Gregorie wist þis wel · and wilned to my soule</l>
<l> Sauacioun for [þe]<note>Bx.11.152: <hi>þe</hi>: Alpha, dropped by beta, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> sothenesse · þat he seigh in<note>Bx.11.152: <hi>seigh in</hi>: Beta, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, against R's <hi>seith of</hi>.</note> my werkes</l>
<l> And after þat he wepte · and wilned me were graunted</l>
<l> Grace wyth-outen any bede-byddynge · his bone was vnderfonge</l>
<l> And I saued as ȝe may<note>Bx.11.155: <hi>may</hi>: Probably R's <hi>now</hi> is a misreading of an alpha form <hi>mowe</hi>.</note> se · with-oute syngyng of masses</l>
<l> By<note>Bx.11.156: <hi>By</hi>: Probably dropped by alpha, with F patching. Alpha may have stumbled over the non-expression of the subject pronoun "that" in the next line (where F again patches).</note> loue and by lernyng [·] of my lyuyng in treuthe</l>
<l> Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne · þere no biddyng myȝte</l>
<l> ¶ Lo ȝe lordes what leute did · by an Emperoure of Rome</l>
<l> Þat was an vncrystene creature · as clerkes fyndeth in bokes</l>
<l> Nouȝt þorw preyere of a pope · but for his pure treuthe</l>
<l> Was þat sarasene saued · as seynt Gregorie bereth witnesse</l>
<l> Wel ouȝte ȝe<note>Bx.11.162: <hi>ȝe</hi>: Beta, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, against alpha's <hi>þe</hi>.</note> lordes þat lawes kepe · þis lessoun to haue in mynde</l>
<l> And on troianus treuth to thenke · and do treuthe to þe peple</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.164-74: Beta omits these 11 lines, perhaps due to eyeskip from paraph to paraph. KD p. 66 suggest an implausible series of homeoarchy. 11.172 is in R alone. The passage is not in <hi>C</hi>, although <hi>Bx</hi>.11.171-2 lies behind RK.12.97. R's spellings have been altered to those of L.</note> [¶ Þis matir is merke for mani of ȝow · ac men of holy cherche</l>
<l> Þe <hi>legend[a]<note>Bx.11.165: <hi><foreign>legenda</foreign></hi>: RF write <hi>legende</hi>, but cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.11.229</ref> and <ref>15.280</ref>.</note> sanctorum</hi> ȝow lereth · more larger þan I ȝow telle </l>
<l> Ac þus lele loue · and lyuynge in treuthe</l>
<l> Pulte<note>Bx.11.167: <hi>Pulte</hi>: From <hi>pilten</hi> (cf. RK.11.206) rather than <hi>pullen</hi>, <hi>pace</hi> Kane (2005). Cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.1.128</ref>, <ref>15.66</ref>.</note> oute of pyne · a paynym of rome</l>
<l> Yblessed be treuthe · þat so brak<note>Bx.11.168: <hi>so brak</hi>: F reverses the word-order.</note> helle ȝates</l>
<l> And saued þe sarasyn · fram sathanas and his power</l>
<l> Þere no clergie ne couthe · ne konnynge of lawes</l>
<l> Loue and leute [·] is a lele science</l>
<l> For þat is þe boke blessede · of blisse and of ioye</l>
<l> God wrouȝt it and wrot hit · with his one<note>Bx.11.173: <hi>one</hi>: R's <hi>on</hi> is his usual form of "one". F has <hi>owne</hi>.</note> fynger</l>
<l> And toke it moyses vpon þe mount · alle men to<note>Bx.11.174: <hi>to</hi>: F supplies an object <hi>it</hi>, perhaps rightly.</note> lere]</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.11.175: <hi></hi>: Since we suppose that the beta scribe skipped from one paraph to another, we insert the paraph supplied only in R and Hm. In L the line is at the top of the leaf.</note>Lawe with-outen loue quod troianus [·] leye þere a bene</l>
<l> Or any science vnder sonne · þe seuene artz and alle</l>
<l> But<note>Bx.11.177: <hi>But</hi>: In L the corrector has added <hi>if</hi>, but it is without support.</note> þei ben lerned for owre lordes loue · loste is alle þe tyme</l>
<l> For no cause to cacche siluer þere-by · ne to be called a mayster</l>
<l> But al for loue of owre lorde · and þe bet to loue þe peple</l>
<l> For seynte Iohan seyde it · and soth aren his wordes</l>
<l> <foreign>Qui non diligit manet in morte</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.182: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta only. In R the line is at the top of the page.</note> Who-so loueth nouȝte leue me · he lyueth in deth-deyinge</l>
<l> And þat alle manere men · enemys and frendes</l>
<l> Louen her eyther other · and lene hem as her-selue</l>
<l> Who-so<note>Bx.11.185: <hi>Who-so</hi>: Alpha begins <hi>For ho-so</hi>, obscuring the parallel with l. <ref>182</ref>.</note> leneth<note>Bx.11.185: <hi>leneth</hi>: Alpha's <hi>leueth</hi> (also Cr) is not approprate to the argument that follows.</note> nouȝte he loueth nouȝte · [oure lorde]<note>Bx.11.185: <hi>oure lorde</hi>: The reading is very uncertain since it is attested by R alone. Possibly R altered <hi>Bx</hi> <hi>god</hi> for the sake of alliteration, but that would be very untypical behaviour. More probably beta read <hi>god</hi>, coincidentally adopted by F. These lines are not in <hi>C</hi>. Perhaps reflecting the lack of b-verse alliteration with the reading <hi>god</hi>, all scribes except W, beta4 and R punctuate after each <hi>nouȝte</hi>.</note> wote þe sothe</l>
<l> And comaundeth<note>Bx.11.186: <hi>comaundeth</hi>: O and Alpha have the past tense. Either alpha or beta could be right.</note> eche creature · to confourme hym to louye</l>
<l> And souereynelyche pore poeple · and here ennemys after</l>
<l> For hem þat hateth vs · is owre meryte to louye</l>
<l> And pore peple to plese · here prayeres may vs helpe</l>
<l> For owre ioye and owre [Iuwel]<note>Bx.11.190: <hi>Iuwel</hi>: KD's conjecture, proposed on p. 184, is persuasive as the reading of <hi>Bx</hi>, and fits the alliteration on /j/. R's nonsensical <hi>euel</hi> can hardly have been prompted by the commonplace <hi>hele</hi>, <hi>helthe</hi> of beta and F, but is more likely to be a misinterpretation of an alpha spelling <hi>iuel</hi>. If so, then beta and F misunderstood or objected to the rare use of "jewel" to refer to Christ. The closest parallel is <title>Pearl</title> 795; cf. also <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.18.447</ref>.</note> · Ihesu<note>Bx.11.190: <hi>Ihesu</hi>: Alpha has <hi>is ihesu</hi>, but <hi>Ihesu</hi> is subject of <hi>pursueth</hi> in the next line.</note> cryst of heuene</l>
<l> In a pore mannes apparaille · pursueth vs euere</l>
<l> And loketh on vs in her liknesse · and þat with louely chere</l>
<l> To knowen vs by owre kynde herte · and castyng of owre eyen</l>
<l> Wheþer we loue þe lordes here · byfor owre<note>Bx.11.194: <hi>owre</hi>: Strong support from LMR and CO, against <hi>þe</hi> in beta2 and GF.</note> lorde of blisse</l>
<l><note>Bx.11.195: <hi></hi>: Only LR have a paraph.</note> And exciteth vs bi þe euangelye · þat when we maken festes</l>
<l> We shulde nouȝte clepe owre kynne þer-to · ne none kynnes riche<note>Bx.11.196: <hi>kynnes riche</hi>: Probably "rich of any sort", translating Luke 14.12 "vicinos divites". R may have confused with <hi>kine-riche</hi>, "kingdom", or interpreted as "rich kin", following <hi>kyn</hi> (Luke's "cognatos") in the a-verse. Cf. also GO, and F's apparent difficulty with the b-verse. It is noteworthy that <hi>Cx</hi>, which has <hi>knyhtes</hi> in the a-verse, has <hi>none kyne ryche</hi>, "no rich kin" in the b-verse (RK.12.103).</note></l>
<l> <foreign>Cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos</foreign></l>
<l> Ac calleth þe careful þer-to [·] þe croked and þe pore</l>
<l> For ȝowre frendes wil feden ȝow · and fonde ȝow to quite</l>
<l> Ȝowre festynge and ȝowre faire ȝifte<note>Bx.11.200: <hi>ȝifte</hi>: Clearly beta, though beta4 (CGO) has plural, as does alpha.</note> · vche frende quyteth so other</l>
<l> ¶ Ac for þe pore I shal paye · and pure wel quyte her trauaille</l>
<l> Þat ȝiueth hem mete or moneye · and loueth hem for my sake</l>
<l> [¶ God myȝte riche haue made . alle men if he wolde]<note>Bx.11.203: <hi>God myȝte riche haue made alle</hi>: We suppose that F represents alpha and also <hi>Bx</hi>, in a line that is lost in beta. We take F's <hi>a</hi> as "have". R is defective in sense, though KD's emendation based on R is attractive: "Alle myȝte god haue maad riche men if he wolde". Lines 202-6 are not in <hi>C</hi>.</note></l>
<l> [Ac]<note>Bx.11.204: <hi>Ac</hi>: So R. Having lost the previous line, beta drops the co-ordinating conjunction. F as usual alters to <hi>But</hi>.</note> for þe best ben somme riche · and somme beggers and pore</l>
<l> For alle are we crystes creatures · and of his coffres riche</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.11.206: <hi>And</hi>: R has <hi>As</hi>, but it is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> bretheren as of o blode · as wel beggares as erles</l>
<l> For [at]<note>Bx.11.207: <hi>at</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.12.109).</note> caluarye of crystes blode · crystenedome gan sprynge</l>
<l> And blody bretheren we bycome þere · of o body ywonne</l>
<l> As <foreign>quasi modo geniti · </foreign> and gentil men vche one</l>
<l> No beggere ne boye amonges vs · but if it synne made</l>
<l> <foreign>Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ In þe olde lawe · as [þe]<note>Bx.11.212: <hi>þe</hi> (2): Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta is probably filling out a short b-verse. In <hi>Cx</hi>, this whole line becomes the a-verse, and the next line the b-verse, dropping <hi>vchone</hi>.</note> lettre telleth</l>
<l> Mennes sones · men called vs vchone</l>
<l> Of adames issue and Eue · ay til god-man deyde</l>
<l> And after his resurreccioun · <foreign>Redemptor</foreign> was his name</l>
<l> And we his bretheren þourgh hym ybouȝt · bothe riche and pore</l>
<l> For-þi loue we as leue [children]<note>Bx.11.217: <hi>children</hi>: Alpha, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>; beta repeats <hi>bretheren</hi> from the previous line.</note> shal<note>Bx.11.217: <hi>shal</hi>: Strong support for <hi>Bx</hi> from all except WCrF, which omit as in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · and vche man laughe vp<note>Bx.11.217: <hi>vp</hi>: LMCR, against <hi>on</hi> GOF and <hi>of</hi> WHm. The b-verse is revised in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> other</l>
<l> And of þat eche man may forbere · amende þere it nedeth</l>
<l> And euery man helpe other<note>Bx.11.219: <hi>other</hi>: Alpha adds <hi>here</hi>, but <hi>Cx</hi> supports beta.</note> · for hennes shal we alle</l>
<l> <foreign>Alter alterius onera portate</foreign></l>
<l> And be we nouȝte vnkynde of owre catel · ne of owre kunnynge neyther</l>
<l> For noet<note>Bx.11.222: <hi>noet</hi>: Supported by LMCOR against <hi>woot</hi> in others. This passage to l. <ref>237</ref> is not in <hi>C</hi>.</note> no man how neighe it is · to be ynome fro bothe</l>
<l> For-þi lakke no lyf other · þough he more latyne knowe</l>
<l> Ne vnder-nym nouȝte foule · for is none with-oute faute<note>Bx.11.224: <hi>faute</hi>: So LMCrCGO. Curiously the word is only used once in the three versions, at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.10.111</ref> (where F reads <hi>defawte</hi>). In contrast, <hi>defaute</hi>, as in WHm and alpha, is common, though generally in the senses "lack, hardship". We follow copy-text.</note></l>
<l> For what-euere clerkis carpe [·] of crystenedome or elles</l>
<l> Cryst to a comune woman seyde · in comune at a feste</l>
<l> Þat <foreign>fides sua</foreign> shulde sauen hir [·] and saluen hir of alle<note>Bx.11.227: <hi>alle</hi>: So LCrHmR; MGC read <hi>hire</hi>, while WOF omit.</note> synnes</l>
<l> ¶ Þanne is byleue a lele helpe [·] aboue logyke or lawe</l>
<l> Of logyke ne of lawe [·] in <foreign>legenda sanctorum</foreign></l>
<l> Is litel allowaunce made<note>Bx.11.230: <hi>litel allowaunce made</hi>: Although we adopt beta's a-verse, alpha's phrase <hi>litel alowed</hi> has a parallel in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.14.335</ref> <hi>For lordes alloweth hym litel</hi>.</note> · but if<note>Bx.11.230: <hi>if</hi>: Omitted by G and alpha. There are plenty of parallels for either reading.</note> bileue hem helpe</l>
<l> For it is ouerlonge ar logyke · any lessoun assoille</l>
<l> And lawe is loth to louye · but if he lacche syluer</l>
<l> Bothe logyke and lawe · þat loueth nouȝte to lye</l>
<l> I conseille alle crystene<note>Bx.11.234: <hi>crystene</hi>: For independent scribal addition of <hi>men</hi> in this a-verse, cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.9.185</ref>. The a-verse is repeated at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.7.211</ref> and <ref>15.360</ref>.</note> · cleue nouȝte þer-on to sore</l>
<l> For sum wordes I fynde ywryten · were of faithes techyng</l>
<l> Þat saued synful men · as seynt Iohan bereth wytnesse</l>
<l> <foreign>Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.238: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F.</note> For-þi lerne we þe lawe of loue · as owre lorde tauȝte</l>
<l> And as seynte Gregory seide · for mannes soule helthe</l>
<l> <foreign>Melius est scrutari scelera nostra · quam naturas rerum</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Why I moue þis matere · is moste for þe pore</l>
<l> For in her lyknesse owre lorde · ofte hath ben yknowe</l>
<l> Witnesse in þe Paske-wyke · whan he ȝede to Emaus</l>
<l> Cleophas ne knewe hym nauȝte · þat he cryste were</l>
<l> For his pore paraille<note>Bx.11.245: <hi>paraille</hi>: So LR. <hi>C</hi> mss. vary. However, cf. l. <ref>252</ref> where (in the absence of F) R alone has the aphetic form.</note> · and pylgrymes wedes</l>
<l> Tyl he blessed and brak · þe bred þat þei eten</l>
<l> So bi his werkes þei wisten · þat he was Ihesus</l>
<l> Ac by clothyng þei knewe hym nouȝte · ne bi carpynge of tonge</l>
<l><note>Bx.11.238: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta only.</note> And al was ensample [for-sothe]<note>Bx.11.249: <hi>ensample for-sothe</hi>: R's reading, doubtfully adopted on the basis of <hi>Cx</hi> <hi>ensample sothly</hi>. The adverb supplies a second alliterative stave for the a-verse. Beta has <hi>in ensample</hi>, although M shares the reading of F without <hi>in</hi>.</note> · to vs synful here</l>
<l> Þat we shulde be low · and loueliche of speche</l>
<l> And apparaille vs nouȝte ouer-<note>Bx.11.251: <hi>ouer-</hi>: Supported by LMR and WHm (C has <hi>to</hi>), but dropped by CrGOF.</note>proudly · for pylgrymes ar we alle</l>
<l> And in þe apparaille of a pore man · and pilgrymes lyknesse</l>
<l> Many tyme god hath ben mette · amonge nedy peple</l>
<l> Þere neuere segge hym seigh · in secte of þe riche</l>
<l> ¶ Seynt Iohan and other seyntes · were seyne in pore clothynge</l>
<l> And as pore pilgrymes · preyed mennes<note>Bx.11.256: <hi>mennes</hi>: In alpha <hi>men</hi> is object of <hi>preyude</hi>, "begged men (for their) goods", and is so expanded by F.</note> godis</l>
<l> Ihesu cryste on a iewes douȝter alyȝte · gentil woman þough she were</l>
<l> Was<note>Bx.11.258: <hi>Was</hi>: R (F drops lines 257-8) repeats <hi>A</hi>, "she" from the previous line, as does Hm <hi>sche</hi>, but <hi>Cx</hi> is without it.</note> a pure pore mayde · and to a pore man wedded</l>
<l> ¶ Martha on Marye magdeleyne · an huge pleynte she made</l>
<l> And to owre saueour self · seyde þise wordes</l>
<l> <foreign>Domine non est tibi cure quod soror mea reliquit me sola<note>Bx.11.261: <hi><foreign>sola</foreign></hi>: So LM and F (R truncates after <hi>cure</hi>), together with some <hi>C</hi> mss. The accusative <hi>solam</hi> is expected, as in other mss.</note> ministrare &c</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.262: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta only.</note> And hastiliche god answered · and eytheres wille folwed</l>
<l> Bothe Marthaes and Maries · as Mathew bereth witnesse</l>
<l> Ac pouerte god put bifore · and preysed it þe bettre</l>
<l> <foreign>Maria optimam partem elegit · que non &c<note>Bx.11.265: <hi><foreign>non &c</foreign></hi>: LMCrW end at this point; R stops after <hi>elegit</hi>, while the others continue <hi>auferetur ab ea</hi>. <hi>C</hi> mss. show the same variation, though the X family ends with <hi>non &c</hi>.</note></foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.266: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta only.</note> And alle þe wyse þat euere were · by auȝte I can aspye</l>
<l> Preysen<note>Bx.11.267: <hi>Preysen</hi>: Only MW have the past tense, following on from <hi>were</hi> in the previous line. However, it must be observed that <hi>Cx</hi> also has the past. See next note.</note> pouerte for best lyf · if pacience it folwe<note>Bx.11.267: <hi>folwe</hi>: W continues with the past tense, as do six <hi>C</hi> mss. Alpha's <hi>wolde/welde</hi> is presumably a misreading of <hi>folwede</hi>; two <hi>C</hi> mss. have the same curious reading.</note></l>
<l> And bothe bettere and blisseder · by many folde þan ricchesse</l>
<l> Although<note>Bx.11.269: <hi>Although</hi>: The reading of LM and alpha and the X family of <hi>C</hi>. Other beta mss. have <hi>And though</hi>. See Adams (2000), 179.</note> it be soure to suffre · þere cometh swete after</l>
<l> As on a walnot with-oute [·] is a bitter barke</l>
<l> And after þat bitter barke · be þe shelle aweye</l>
<l> Is a kirnelle of conforte · kynde to restore</l>
<l> So is after pouerte or penaunce · pacientlyche ytake</l>
<l> [M]aketh<note>Bx.11.274: <hi>Maketh</hi>: Beta begins <hi>For it maketh</hi>, but the clause without subject as in alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> a man to haue mynde in gode · and a grete wille</l>
<l> To wepe and to wel bydde · wher-of wexeth mercy</l>
<l> Of which cryst is a kirnelle · to conforte þe soule</l>
<l> And wel sykerer he slepyth · þe [segge]<note>Bx.11.277: <hi>segge</hi>: Beta's <hi>man</hi> is a straightforward example of the substitution of an easier reading. <hi>Cx</hi> supports alpha.</note> þat is pore</l>
<l> And lasse he dredeth deth · and in derke to be robbed</l>
<l> Þan he þat is riȝte ryche · resoun bereth wytnesse</l>
<l> <foreign>Pauper ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.281: <hi></hi>: The paraph in L is supported by WF.</note> Alþough salamon seide · as folke<note>Bx.11.281: <hi>folke</hi>: Presumably on this occasion alpha has adopted the easier reading; cf. l. <ref>277</ref>. From here to l. <ref>301</ref> there is no parallel in <hi>C</hi>.</note> seeth in þe bible</l>
<l> <foreign>Diuicias nec paupertates &c</foreign></l>
<l> Wyser þan salamon was · bereth witnesse and tauȝte</l>
<l> Þat parfyte pouert was · no possessioun to haue</l>
<l> And lyf moste lykynge to god · as luke bereth witnesse</l>
<l> <foreign>Si vis perfectus esse · vade & vende &c</foreign></l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.287: MWHmC would support a paraph here, but it is not particularly appropriate and not supported by alpha.</note>And is to mene to men · þat on þis molde lyuen</l>
<l> Who-so wil be pure parfyt · mote possessioun forsake</l>
<l> Or selle it as seith þe boke · and þe syluer dele</l>
<l> To beggeres þat gone and begge · and bidden good for goddes loue</l>
<l> ¶ For failled neuere man mete · þat myȝtful god serued<note>Bx.11.291: <hi>serued</hi>: Despite beta2 (CrWHm), beta probably has the past tense and alpha the present. Either could be right: the past following on from <hi>failled</hi>, or the present anticipating <hi>seith</hi> and the verbs in ll. <ref>293</ref> and <ref>295</ref>.</note></l>
<l> As dauid seith in þe sauter · to suche þat ben in wille<note>Bx.11.292: Following this line, alpha evidently had the half line <hi>With eny wel or wo</hi>, reproduced by R. F makes a full line by coupling it with l. 292b which he has replaced by a half-line of his own.</note></l>
<l> To serue god godeliche · ne greueth hym<note>Bx.11.293: <hi>hym</hi>: MCr and alpha have pl. <hi>hem</hi>. We follow copy-text.</note> no penaunce</l>
<l> <foreign>Nichil inpossibile<note>Bx.11.294: <hi><foreign>inpossibile</foreign></hi>: Alford (1992), 75, quotes the proverb in this form. Alpha, with <hi>difficile</hi> instead, may have known another form. The <title>Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs</title>, p. 463, cites Heywood (1546) "Nothing is impossible to a willyng hart", and Fergusson (1641) "Nothing is difficile to a well willit man".</note> volenti</foreign></l>
<l> Ne lakketh neuere<note>Bx.11.295: <hi>neuere</hi>: R has <hi>noyther</hi>; F drops the line.</note> lyflode · lynnen ne wollen</l>
<l> <foreign>Inquirentes autem dominum · non minuentur omni bono</foreign></l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.11.297: <hi></hi>: The rubricator in L misses the paraph since the line is at the top of the page. It is supported by WHmRF and a line-space in M.</note> If prestes weren parfyt<note>Bx.11.297: <hi>parfyt</hi>: Both KD and Schmidt adopt alpha's <hi>wise</hi> for the sake of the alliteration, although Schmidt (1995) considers that alpha gives "less good sense" (p. 386). However, the parallel line in <hi>Cx</hi> (following a divergence from <hi>B</hi> of 190 lines) is <hi>Vch a parfit prest to pouerte sholde drawe</hi> (RK.13.100), which precedes the line parallel to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.11.302</ref>. Perhaps <hi>Bx</hi> <hi>syluer</hi> is an error picked up from that line for <hi>pens</hi>. <hi>Parfit</hi> priesthood is a favourite concept of Langland's; cf. <hi>ȝif presthod were parfit</hi> (<ref><hi>Bx</hi>.15.566</ref>).</note> · þei wolde no syluer take</l>
<l> For masses ne for matynes · nouȝte her mete of vsureres</l>
<l> Ne neither kirtel ne cote · þeigh þey for colde shulde deye</l>
<l> And þei her deuor dede<note>Bx.11.300: <hi>dede</hi>: Dropped in alpha, but necessary for the sense, which leads F to revise.</note> · as dauid seith in þe sauter</l>
<l> <foreign>Iudica me deus & discerne causam meam</foreign></l>
<l> <foreign>Spera in deo</foreign> speketh of prestes · þat haue no spendyng syluer</l>
<l> Þat ȝif þei trauaille trewlich · and trusten in god almiȝti</l>
<l> Hem shulde lakke no lyflode · noyther wollen ne lynnen<note>Bx.11.304: <hi>wollen ne lynnen</hi>: WHm reverse the nouns, as in the nearly identical l. <ref>295</ref>, thus no doubt correcting a <hi>Bx</hi> error. <hi>Cx</hi>, which only uses the line once, has <hi>lynnen ne wollene</hi>, to alliterate aa/ax.</note></l>
<l> And þe title þat [ȝe]<note>Bx.11.305: <hi>ȝe</hi> (1): The reading of R, and also of W's text, but significantly not of the catchword, which has the beta reading <hi>þei</hi>. W's reading is thus an enlightened correction, and it is the <hi>Cx</hi> reading. F revises, but keeping the second person.</note> take ordres by · telleth ȝe ben auaunced</l>
<l> Þanne nedeth nouȝte ȝow<note>Bx.11.306: <hi>nouȝte ȝow</hi>: This appears to be the order in beta, reversed to the commonplace in MW; alpha perhaps had <hi>ȝow nouȝt</hi> as in R. We follow copy-text. <hi>Cx</hi> omits the pronoun, and replaces <hi>take</hi> with alliterating <hi>nyme</hi>.</note> to take syluer · for masses þat ȝe syngen</l>
<l> For he þat toke ȝow ȝowre tytle · shulde take ȝow ȝowre wages</l>
<l> Or þe bisshop þat blesseth ȝow · if þat ȝe ben worthy</l>
<l> ¶ For made neuere kynge<note>Bx.11.309: <hi>kynge</hi>: LHm read <hi>no kynge</hi>. Hm subsequently erases the <hi>no</hi> before <hi>knygth</hi>.</note> no knyȝte · but he hadde catel to spende</l>
<l> As bifel for a kniȝte · or fonde hym for his strengthe</l>
<l> It is a careful knyȝte · and of a caytyue kynges makynge</l>
<l> Þat hath no<note>Bx.11.312: <hi>no</hi>: Alpha's <hi>noþer</hi> may equally be right. The P family of <hi>C</hi> have the beta reading, the X family the alpha.</note> londe ne lynage riche<note>Bx.11.312: <hi>riche</hi>: Omitted by alpha, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · ne good loos of his handes</l>
<l> Þe same I segge for sothe · by alle suche prestes</l>
<l> Þat han noyther kunnynge ne kynne · but a croune one</l>
<l> And a tytle a tale of nouȝte · to his lyflode at<note>Bx.11.315: <hi>at</hi>: Beta2 (CrWHm) adds <hi>his</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> ends the line <hi>as hit were</hi>.</note> myschief</l>
<l> He hath more bileue as I leue · to lacche þorw his croune</l>
<l> Cure ·<note>Bx.11.317: The syntactic punctuation after <hi>Cure</hi> is recorded in LMWOF.</note> þan for konnyng · or knowen for clene of berynge</l>
<l> I haue wonder & why · and wher-fore þe bisshop</l>
<l> Maketh suche prestes · þat lewed men bytrayen</l>
<l> ¶ A chartre is chalengeable · byfor a chief iustice</l>
<l> If false latyne be in þa[t]<note>Bx.11.321: <hi>þat</hi>: L has <hi>þa</hi>; the line is marked for correction.</note> lettre · þe lawe it inpugneth</l>
<l> Or peynted parenterlinarie · parceles<note>Bx.11.322: <hi>parceles</hi>: In beta2 (CrWHm) and F the b-verse begins <hi>or</hi>, but this is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.13.119).</note> ouer-skipped</l>
<l> Þe gome þat gloseth so chartres · for a goky is holden</l>
<l> ¶ So is it a goky by god · þat in his gospel failleth</l>
<l> Or in masse or in matynes · maketh any defaute</l>
<l> <foreign>Qui offendit in vno in omnibus est reus &c</foreign></l>
<l> And also in þe sauter · seyth dauyd to ouerskippers</l>
<l> <foreign>Psallite deo nostro psallite quoniam rex terre deus israel psallite sapienter</foreign></l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.329: LR do not have a paraph here, but it might be added on the basis of MWHmCF.</note>Þe bisshop shal be blamed · bifor god as I leue</l>
<l> Þat crouneth suche goddes kniȝtes · þat conneth nouȝt <foreign>sapienter</foreign></l>
<l> Synge ne psalmes rede · ne segge a messe of þe day</l>
<l> Ac neuer neyther is blamelees · þe bisshop ne þe chapleyne</l>
<l> For her eyther is endited · and þat of<note>Bx.11.333: <hi>of</hi>: Beta2 (CrWHm) alters to <hi>is</hi>; F has <hi>ys be</hi>.</note> <foreign>ignorancia</foreign></l>
<l> <foreign>Non excusat episcopos · nec</foreign> idiotes prestes</l>
<l> ¶ Þis lokynge on lewed prestes · haþ don me lepe fram pouerte</l>
<l> Þe whiche I preyse þere pacyence is · more parfyt þan ricchesse</l>
<l> ¶ Ac moche more in metynge þus · with me gan one dispute<note>Bx.11.337: Instead of this line F has nine lines in which Will wakes, and falls asleep again in the line corresponding to l. 338.</note></l>
<l> And slepynge I seigh al þis · and sithen cam kynde</l>
<l> And nempned me by my name · and bad me nymen hede</l>
<l> And þorw þe wondres<note>Bx.11.340: <hi>wondres</hi>: So beta. R has <hi>wordes</hi>, presumably reproducing alpha, which F improves to <hi>worchynge</hi>.</note> of þis worlde · wytte for to take</l>
<l> And on a mountaigne þat mydelerd hyȝte · as me þo þouȝte</l>
<l> I was fette forth · by ensaumples to knowe</l>
<l> Þorugh eche a creature and kynde · my creatoure to louye</l>
<l> I seigh þe sonne and þe see · and þe sonde after</l>
<l> And where þat bryddes and bestes · by here make<note>Bx.11.345: <hi>make</hi>: CrWGF have <hi>makes</hi>, as does the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> þei<note>Bx.11.345: <hi>þei</hi>: Well supported for <hi>Bx</hi>, but omitted by WGOF and by the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> ȝeden</l>
<l> Wylde wormes in wodes · and wonderful foules</l>
<l> With flekked fetheres · and of fele coloures</l>
<l> Man and his make · I myȝte [se bothe]<note>Bx.11.348: <hi>se bothe</hi>: R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Pouerte and plente · bothe pees and werre</l>
<l> Blisse and bale · bothe I seigh at<note>Bx.11.350: <hi>at</hi>: Beta2 (CrWHm) has <hi>al at</hi>, not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> ones</l>
<l> And how men token Mede · and mercy refused</l>
<l> ¶ Resoune I seighe sothly [·] suen alle bestes</l>
<l> In etyng in drynkynge · and in engendrynge of kynde</l>
<l> And after course of concepcioun · none toke kepe of other</l>
<l> As whan þei hadde ryde in rotey-tyme · anon riȝte þer-after</l>
<l> Males drowen hem to males · a-mornynges bi hem-self</l>
<l> And in euenynges also · ȝe[de]<note>Bx.11.357: <hi>ȝede</hi>: In the absence of F which omits ll. 355-7, R represents alpha and also <hi>Bx</hi>. On the evidence of L, beta read <hi>ȝe</hi>, which scribes "corrected" to <hi>þe</hi> (or misread <hi>ye</hi>), and lost the alliteration. Beta2 (CrWHm) then smoothed by adding the verb <hi>ben</hi>. See Schmidt (1995), 387. For alliteration of <hi>ȝede</hi> with vowels, cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.20.136</ref> etc. The line is rewritten in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> males fro femeles</l>
<l> Þere ne was cow ne cowkynde · þat conceyued hadde</l>
<l> Þat wolde belwe after boles · ne bore after sowe</l>
<l> Bothe horse and houndes · and alle other bestes</l>
<l> Medled nouȝte wyth here makes · þat with fole were</l>
<l> ¶ Briddes I bihelde · þat in buskes made nestes</l>
<l> Hadde neuere wye witte · to worche þe leest</l>
<l> I hadde wonder at whom · and where þe pye lerned</l>
<l> To legge stykkes<note>Bx.11.365: <hi>stykkes</hi>: Beta includes the definite article: <hi>Cx</hi> <hi>Lernede to legge stikkes</hi> gives slight support to alpha's omission.</note> · in whiche she leythe<note>Bx.11.365: <hi>she leythe</hi>: An interesting example of how a minor alpha error (<hi>lenth</hi> for <hi>leith</hi>), faithfully reproduced by R, has prompted F to make sense (but the wrong sense). F interprets <hi>a</hi> as "in" rather than "she", takes the additional minim in <hi>lenth</hi> (for <hi>leith</hi>) as a spelling of "length", and sensibly supposes <hi>bredeth</hi> to be an error for <hi>breede</hi>, "breadth".</note> and bredeth</l>
<l> Þere nys<note>Bx.11.366: <hi>nys</hi>: Alpha's <hi>is no</hi> might equally be right; it is shared by <hi>C</hi> mss. (a few have <hi>nys no</hi>).</note> wriȝte as I wene · shulde worche hir neste to paye</l>
<l> If any masoun made a molde þer-to · moche wonder it were</l>
<l> ¶ And ȝet me merueilled more · many<note>Bx.11.368: <hi>many</hi>: Probably R represents the alpha reading, with F adding <hi>of</hi> to complete the construction with <hi>merueilled</hi>. For the same reason most beta mss. add <hi>how</hi> (though G also has <hi>off</hi>). <hi>Cx</hi> supports R with <hi>merueylede more mony of þe briddes</hi>.</note> other briddes</l>
<l> Hudden and hileden · her egges ful derne</l>
<l> In mareys and mores · for men sholde hem nouȝt fynde</l>
<l> And hudden here egges · whan þei þere-fro wente</l>
<l> For fere of other foules · and for wylde bestis</l>
<l> ¶ And some tr[e]den<note>Bx.11.373: <hi>treden</hi>: Alpha's present tense is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> her makes · and on trees bredden</l>
<l> And brouȝten<note>Bx.11.374: <hi>brouȝten</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. R repeats the verb <hi>bredde</hi> from the previous line.</note> forth her bryddes so · al aboue þe grounde</l>
<l> And some bryddes at þe bille · þorwgh brethynge conceyued</l>
<l> And some kauked I toke kepe · how pekokes bredden</l>
<l> Moche merueilled me · what maister þei hadde</l>
<l> And who tauȝte hem on trees · to tymbre so heigh</l>
<l> Þere noither buirn ne beste · may her briddes rechen</l>
<l> ¶ And sythen I loked vpon<note>Bx.11.380: <hi>vpon </hi>(1 & 2): Both in the a-verse and in the b-verse, the readings of LMWR support this as <hi>Bx</hi>, though <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>on</hi> for both, as do other <hi>B</hi> mss. (Hm has <hi>vpon</hi> and <hi>yn</hi>.)</note> þe see · and so forth vpon þe sterres</l>
<l> Many selcouthes I seygh · ben nought to seye nouthe</l>
<l> ¶ I seigh floures in þe fritthe · and her faire coloures</l>
<l> And how amonge þe grene grasse · grewe so many hewes</l>
<l> And somme soure and some swete · selcouthe me þouȝte</l>
<l> Of her kynde and [of]<note>Bx.11.385: <hi>of</hi> (2): R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta evidently dropped it (added in Cr); F rephrases the a-verse.</note> her coloure · to carpe it were to longe</l>
<l> ¶ Ac þat moste moeued me · and my mode chaunged</l>
<l> Þat resoun rewarded · and reuled alle bestes</l>
<l> Saue man and his make · many tyme<note>Bx.11.388: <hi>tyme</hi>: Variation between <hi>many tyme</hi> / <hi>tymes</hi> / <hi>a tyme</hi> is unpatterned, except that alpha shows a tendency to prefer <hi>tymes</hi>, as here: e.g. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.13.4</ref>, <ref>14.4</ref>, and (in the same b-verse) <ref>20.26</ref> (where R is out). There is the same variation in <hi>AC</hi> (e.g. K.8.150, 9.29; RK.4.167, 22.26, etc.). Here, though the majority of <hi>C</hi> mss. have <hi>tymes</hi>, seven have <hi>tyme</hi> (RK.13.181).</note> and ofte</l>
<l> No resoun hem folwed · and þanne I rebuked<note>Bx.11.389: This and the following line are defective in <hi>Bx</hi>. In <hi>Cx</hi> the lines read: <hi>Resoun reulede hem nat, noþer ryche ne pore / Thenne y aresonede resoun and ryht til hym y sayde</hi> (RK.13.182-3). F's line presumably represents an intelligent revision for the alliteration; the reading <hi>rewlyþ</hi> for <hi>folwed</hi> must be contamination from <hi>C</hi> or coincidental, picking up <hi>rewlede</hi> two lines above.</note></l>
<l> Resoun · and riȝte til hym-seluen I seyde<note>Bx.11.390: In this defective line the punctuation follows <hi>Resoun</hi> in LMCrWOR, with R adding a second punctuation after <hi>hym</hi>; HmC punctuate after <hi>right</hi>, creating an aa/bb line. F again revises for the metre.</note></l>
<l> I haue wonder of þe quod I · þat witty art holden</l>
<l> Why þow ne suwest man and his make · þat no mysfait hem folwe</l>
<l> ¶ And resoun arated me · and seyde recche þe neuere</l>
<l> Whi I suffre or nouȝt suffre · þi-self hast nouȝt to done</l>
<l> Amende þow it if þow myȝte · for my tyme is to abyde</l>
<l> Suffraunce is a souereygne vertue · and a swyfte veniaunce</l>
<l> Who suffreth more þan god quod he · no gome as I leue</l>
<l> He miȝte amende in a Minute-while · al þat mys-standeth</l>
<l> Ac he suffreth for somme mannes good · and so is owre bettre</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.400-11: These 12 lines have been lost in beta, probably as a result of eyeskip from one paraph to the next, as so often. Lines 403-09 are paralleled in <hi>Cx</hi>. We follow R, with spellings altered to those of L. There are many differences in F's version.</note> [¶ Holy writt quod þat wye · wisseth men to suffre</l>
<l> <foreign>Propter deum subiecti estote omni creature</foreign></l>
<l> Frenche men and fre men · affaiteth þus her children</l>
<l> <foreign>[B]ele<note>Bx.11.403: <hi><foreign>Bele</foreign></hi>: F is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.13.203).</note> vertue est soffrance · mal dire est pety veniance</foreign></l>
<l> <foreign>Bien dire et bien soffrer · fait lui soffrant a bien venir</foreign></l>
<l> For-þi I rede [þe] quod<note>Bx.11.405: <hi>þe quod</hi>: R is without <hi>þe</hi> and F without <hi>quod</hi>. In the b-verse F has <hi>þou rewle</hi> for R's <hi>rewle</hi>. The X family of <hi>C</hi> has <hi>Forthy quod Resoun y rede thow</hi> while the P family has ... <hi>rede þe</hi>.</note> reson · reule þi tonge bettere</l>
<l> And ar þow lakke my lyf · loke þow<note>Bx.11.406: <hi>þow</hi> (2): R has <hi>if þow</hi> where F has <hi>þyn</hi>, perhaps influenced by <hi>þy tunge</hi> in the previous line. <hi>Cx</hi>'s <hi>loke ho is to preyse</hi>, though different, lends support to R's nominative but not to the conjunction.</note> be to preyse</l>
<l> For is no creature vnder criste · can formen hym-seluen</l>
<l> And if a man miȝte [·] make hym-self good to þe poeple<note>Bx.11.408: With evident corruption in both mss., it is impossible to recover <hi>Bx</hi>. If R reproduces alpha, F has improved by picking up <hi>lakles</hi>, "without fault", from the following line to replace <hi>goed to þe poeple</hi>. F suggests that the punctuation should follow <hi>miȝte</hi> rather than <hi>make</hi> as in R. If so, <hi>Bx</hi> may have read simply <hi>And if a man miȝte · make hymself good</hi>, with alpha expanding a short line. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites with much the same sense: <hi>And if creatures cristene couth make hemsulue</hi> (RK.13.208).</note></l>
<l> Vch a lif wold be lakles · leue þow non other</l>
<l> Ne þow shalt fynde but fewe · fayne for to here</l>
<l> Of here defautes foule · by-for hem rehersed]</l>
<l><note>Bx.11.412: <hi></hi>: The paraph (following the gap in beta) is in LR, with a new line-group in M.</note> Þe wyse and þe witty · wrote þus in þe bible</l>
<l> <foreign>De re que te non molestat noly<note>Bx.11.413: <hi><foreign>noly</foreign></hi>: R has <hi>nolite</hi>. <hi>C</hi> mss. vary between <hi>noli</hi>, <hi>nolite</hi> and <hi>noli te</hi> (RK.13.196a).</note> certare</foreign></l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.414: Only LR are without a paraph here.</note>For be a man faire or foule · it falleth nouȝte forto lakke</l>
<l> Þe shappe ne þe shafte · þat god shope hym-selue</l>
<l> For al þat he [wrouȝt]<note>Bx.11.416: <hi>wrouȝt</hi>: Alpha's reading carries the alliteration. This passage is not in <hi>C</hi>.</note> was wel ydo · as holywrit witnesseth</l>
<l> <foreign>Et vidit deus cunta que fecerat et erant valde bona</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.418: <hi></hi>: Following the Latin line, only LW have the paraph. It is perhaps not archetypal.</note> And badde euery<note>Bx.11.418: <hi>euery</hi>: R has <hi>to vch a</hi>; F has <hi>ech</hi>.</note> creature · in his kynde encrees</l>
<l> Al to murthe with man · þat most woo tholye<note>Bx.11.419: <hi>tholye</hi>: Infinitive dependent upon <hi>most</hi>, "must". O and Alpha take <hi>most</hi> to mean "most", but this gives weak sense.</note></l>
<l> In fondynge of þe flesshe · and of þe fende bothe</l>
<l> For man was made of suche a matere · he may nouȝt wel astert</l>
<l> Þat<note>Bx.11.422: <hi>Þat</hi>: Beta has <hi>Þat ne</hi>, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> some-tymes<note>Bx.11.422: <hi>tymes</hi>: L is supported by R against <hi>tyme</hi> in other mss. <hi>C</hi> mss. are divided. The <hi>-s</hi> form of <hi>sometimes</hi> is rare and late in Middle English; in L it occurs again only at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.13.323</ref>. See Adams (2000), 184 and note to l. <ref>388</ref>.</note> hym bitit · to folwen his kynde</l>
<l> Catoun acordeth þere-with<note>Bx.11.423: <hi>þere-with</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · <foreign>nemo sine crimine viuit</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Tho cauȝte I coloure anon · and comsed to ben aschamed</l>
<l> And awaked þer-with · wo was me þanne</l>
<l> Þat I in meteles ne myȝte · more haue yknowen</l>
<l> And þanne seyde I to my-self · and chidde þat tyme</l>
<l> Now I wote what dowel is quod I · by dere god as me þinketh</l>
<l> And as I caste vp myn eyghen · one loked on me and axed</l>
<l> Of me what þinge it were · ywisse sire I seide</l>
<l> To se moche and suffre more · certes quod I is dowel</l>
<l> ¶ Haddestow suffred he seyde · slepyng þo þow were</l>
<l> Þow sholdest haue knowen þat clergye can · and conceiued<note>Bx.11.433: <hi>conceiued</hi>: The variants <hi>kend</hi> and <hi>contreued</hi> in beta2 are not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> more þorugh<note>Bx.11.433: <hi>þorugh</hi>: As in <hi>Cx</hi>, against <hi>bi</hi> in CrHmGF.</note> resoun</l>
<l> For resoun wolde haue reherced þe · riȝte as clergye saide</l>
<l> Ac for þine entermetyng · here artow forsake</l>
<l> <foreign>Philosophus esses si tacuisses</foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.11.437: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta only.</note> Adam whiles<note>Bx.11.437: <hi>whiles</hi>: R has <hi>þe whiles</hi>, as does the X family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> he spak nouȝt · had paradys at wille</l>
<l> Ac whan he mameled aboute mete · and entermeted<note>Bx.11.438: <hi>entermeted</hi>: MCGO add <hi>hym</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> to knowe</l>
<l> Þe wisdom and þe witte of god · he was put fram blisse</l>
<l> And riȝt so ferde resoun bi the · þow with<note>Bx.11.440: <hi>þow with</hi>: Beta2 (CrWHm) and CF add <hi>thy</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites as <hi>for thy rude speche</hi>.</note> rude speche</l>
<l> Lakkedest and losedest þinge · þat longed nouȝt [þe to] done<note>Bx.11.441: <hi>nouȝt þe to done</hi>: In beta the b-verse probably ends <hi>nouȝt to be done</hi>, though WO have <hi>noȝt to doon</hi> and W adds the pronoun <hi>þe</hi>. W's reading is also that of alpha, "which was not appropriate for you to do", which gives stronger sense than beta's reading. We adopt R's b-verse with its less usual word-order, although we recognise that <hi>þe</hi> may be an alpha addition. The line is not in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Þo hadde he no lykynge · forto lere þe more</l>
<l> ¶ Pruide now and presumpcioun · par-auenture wole þe appele</l>
<l> That clergye þi compaignye · ne kepeth nouȝt to sue<note>Bx.11.444: <hi>to sue</hi>: Alpha sometimes avoids the verb: cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.10.214</ref>, <ref>11.352</ref>, <ref>392</ref>. Here he revises the line, adding <hi>in</hi> before <hi>þi</hi> and ending <hi>efte to sitte</hi>.</note></l>
<l> [For]<note>Bx.11.445: <hi>For</hi>: Alpha's reading is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> shal neuere chalangynge ne chydynge · chaste a man so sone</l>
<l> As shal shame and shenden hym · and shape hym to amende</l>
<l> For lat a dronken daffe · in a dyke falle</l>
<l> Late hym ligge loke nouȝte on hym · til hym lest to ryse</l>
<l> <note>Bx.11.449-51: As a result of eyeskip (mid-line <hi>hym þanne</hi> 449 and 451), beta drops ll. <ref>449b-451a</ref>. The lines are in <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.13.236-8).</note> For þough resoun rebuked hym þanne [· reccheth h[e]<note>Bx.4.449: <hi>he</hi>: F is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against R's <hi>hym</hi>.</note> neuere</l>
<l> Of clergie ne of his conseil · he counteth nouȝt a rusche</l>
<l> Or<note>Bx.11.451: <hi>Or</hi>: Dropped by F. <hi>Cx</hi> begins <hi>To blame hym or to bete</hi>.</note> for to bete hym þanne] · it were but pure synne</l>
<l> Ac whan nede nymeth hym vp · for doute lest he sterue</l>
<l> And shame shrapeth his clothes · & his shynes wassheth</l>
<l> Þanne wote þe dronken daffe · wherfore he is to blame</l>
<l> ¶ Ȝe seggen soth [by my soule]<note>Bx.11.455: <hi>by my soule</hi>: Alpha's phrase is also <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> quod I · ich haue yseyne it ofte</l>
<l> Þere smitte no þinge so smerte · ne smelleth so [foule]<note>Bx.11.456: <hi>foule</hi>: The reading of R alone, but it is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. F rewrites the b-verse, with the sense "upsets no-one so greatly". Beta's <hi>soure</hi> is a simple misreading; G, additionally misreading the verb, adopts an appropriate adverb.</note></l>
<l> As shame þere he sheweth him · for euery man hym shonyeth<note>Bx.11.457: <hi>for euery man hym shonyeth</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> supports beta's verb with <hi>vch man shoneth his companye</hi>, which is perhaps a revision for the sake of the alliteration. Alpha is quite different from either with <hi>no man loueth his felachippe</hi>, though one might note that "fellowship" is a synonym of "company".</note></l>
<l> Why ȝe wisse me þus quod I · was for I rebuked resoun</l>
<l> ¶ Certes quod he þat is soth · and shope hym forto walken</l>
<l> And I aros vp riȝt with þat · and folwed hym after</l>
<l> And preyed hym of his curteisye · to telle me his name</l>