Incipit liber de Petro Plowman
I shope me in[to]Bx.P.2: into: In the absence of R in Bx.P.1-124 and 1.142-2.41, we are obliged to rely on F for alpha readings. This is problematic, partly because of F's eccentricity, and more importantly
because its text is evidently contaminated from A. (See Introduction III.10.) We have therefore been very cautious in adopting readings from F, but have accepted F in agreement with A when it offers a superior text, and also taken the agreement of F with AC against beta as evidence in favour of the F reading. In this line, although L has in, the agreement of CrWHm (and M revised) with F insecurely establishes into, which is confirmed by Ax (into a shroud) and Cx. shroudes · as i a shepe were
I slombred in aBx.P.10: in a: The reading of LMCO is challenged by CrWHmG in-to a and F into. A mss. read variously on a, in a, a, into a, into. There is no equivalent in Cx. slepyng · it sweyuedBx.P.10: sweyued: This is probably the beta reading, supported by LCO, and probably original M, where swei... (three or four letters erased) has been altered to sweyed, in line with beta2 and GF. See MED sweiven, "whirl, sweep", a rare verb cited elsewhere only from Patience and Cleanness. But the noun sweuene in the next line might have given rise to the reading. The variant sweyed is MED sweien v.(1), "sound", or the commoner v.(2), "move along (of water)." There is the same variation in Ax. so merye
I seigh a toure on a toft · trielichBx.P.14: trielich: So LWG and original M. A scribes also have trouble with the adverb (from adj. trie), and Cx rewrites. ymaked
Worchyng and wandryng · as þeBx.P.19: þe: So beta, supported by the P family of C, but F's this is supported by the X family. worlde asketh
Some put hem to þeBx.P.20: þe: Dropped in GF. There is the same variation between to þe and to in AC. plow · pleyed ful selde
In settyng and inBx.P.21: in (2): So LHmCG; dropped in others. There is the same variation in AC. sowyng · swonken ful harde
And wonnen that [þese]Bx.P.22: þese: F has support from AC. All other manuscripts omit it. wastours · with glotonye destruyeth
[¶] In prayers and inBx.P.25: in (2): Agreement of LMCOF is good support for Bx, but it is not in Ax or Cx. penanceBx.P.25: penance: The plural of WHmF is probably prompted by prayers; C mss. are similarly split, but Ax has sg. For variation with and without <-s>, see note to Bx.14.211. · putten hem manye
Al for loueBx.P.26: loue: Beta2 (CrWHm) and GF have the loue. AC mss. are split. of owre lorde · lyueden ful streyte
In hope forto haueBx.P.27: forto haue: Beta2 (CrWHm) and G read to haue after. This is also the reading of two A mss. Cx is revised. · heueneriche blisse
[¶] And somme chosen chaffare · they cheuenBx.P.31: cheuen: In all three versions the present tense varies with the past. LMGOF support the present for Bx. the bettere
AcBx.P.35: Ac: So LWHm, with GF's regular substitution of But. MCrCO have As. A mss. split between Ac and But. Cx has no equivalent line. iapers & iangelers · Iudas chylderen
Qui turpiloquium loquitur · &cBx.P.39: &c: The absence of the b-verse in L, original M, Cr1C (F misses the line) suggests that the English completion was added to the Latin phrase from other versions. WHmG is luciferes hyne is Ax; O's is lucifers knaue (which is added in Cr23) is Cx. A later hand has added est seruus diaboli in M.
And risenBx.P.44: risen: Cx has ryseþ. F's rysen vp is Ax. with ribaudye · tho roberdes knaues
¶ Pilgrymes and palmers · pliȝte[n]Bx.P.46: pliȝten: The form could represent the past tense or the present. LMO with pliȝted take it as past, in line with the verbs in ll. 48-61, but the form receives no support from Ax or Cx. hem togidere
And hadden leue toBx.P.49: to: MGOF's for to has limited support from A mss. and none from Cx. lye · al here lyf after
Bx.P.50-54: These five lines are omitted in F by eyeskip from after to after. I seigh somme that seiden · þei had ysouȝt seyntes
PrechedBx.P.59: Preched: AC have the pres. part., as W, and Hm by correction. Schmidt (1995), 363 explains the source of what is presumably an error
in Bx as "the unexpectedness of a participle in a sequence of preterites". þe peple · for profit of hem-seluen
Many of þis maistresBx.P.62: maistres: The reading also of Ax, meaning "learned professional theologian" (Kane, 2005), cf. Bx.13.25. The retention of the pl. form maistres in L suggests that Freris was an interlinear gloss in beta, but not present in alpha. Cx's explanatory revision "Mony of þise maistres of mendenant freres" (RK.P.60) might imply that the gloss was in his exemplar. [·] mowe clothen hem at lykyng
For here money andBx.P.63: and: Beta2 (CrWHm) has and her. AC show the same variation. marchandise · marchen togideres
But holychirche and hijBx.P.66: hij: The form in L, original M, and WC is necessary for alliteration. See Introduction IV.1. · holde better togideres
The moste my[s]chiefBx.P.67: myschief: In L the line is marked for correction. on molde · is mountyngBx.P.67: mountyng: F has mountynge. The beta reading is mountyng wel, though GO share the reading vp with AC. We suppose, with Schmidt (1995), 364, that Bx dropped vp, and beta supplied the adverb for the metre. F's final -e compensates for the omission of the adverb, avoiding the x / x / x b-verse rhythm, but there is no reason to suppose it represents
Bx. See note to l. 104. faste
And rauȝte with his ragman · rynges and brochesBx.P.75: F follows this with two lines not supported by AC.
And leneth [it]Bx.P.77: it: Supported by AC as well as by sense. Omitted by LC and original M, presumably taking the verb as leueth, "believe": see F's be-leven on. such loseles · þat lecherye haunten
Ac it is nauȝt by þe bischop · þat þe boy prechethBx.P.80: F follows this with a line not supported by AC.
That þe porailleBx.P.82: poraille: Not elsewhere in the poem. O expands to pore porayle to explain the word; M perhaps originally read pore peple, which is the reading of Ax and Cx. F's pore men seems a typical avoidance of a difficult word, as is Cr's pouerty. However, the reading of Bx lacks alliteration in the b-verse. of þe parisch · sholde haue ȝif þei nere
To haue a lycence and leueBx.P.85: leue: LC have a leue, induced by a lycence. A few AC mss. have the same error. · at London to dwelle
Arn don vndeuoutlych · drede is at þe lasteBx.P.98: An entirely different line referring to Sarum Use replaces this and the next line in F.
Amonges foure vertues · þe best of alle vertuesBx.P.103: þe best of alle vertues: Beta alliterates aa/xa with /f/ + /v/ alliteration. F's reading, most vertuous of hevene, might represent alpha. See KD, p. 180, for discussion. It could be that the Cx b-verse, most vertuous of vertues (RK.P.131), was also Bx, with alpha and beta taking different action to avoid the repetition.
Þat cardinales ben called · & closyngBx.P.104: closyng: We have retained L's spelling, though final -e as in MWHm would improve the metre; see Duggan (1988), 143 and n. 58, and for the disyllabic ending in Hoccleve, see Burrow
(1999), liii. F characteristically rewrites to avoid the short b-verse. Among C mss., X has and closyng ȝates thare, P has and closynde yates. ȝatis
Þere crist is inBx.P.105: in: WHmF have in his, not supported by Cx. kyngdome · to close and to shutte
Ac of þe cardinales atteBx.P.107: atte: "at the", as usual in L. The reading of LMHmCF establishes this as Bx, even though at in CrWGO is the Cx reading. Courte · þat cauȝt of þat name
To han þ[e]Bx.P.109: þe: Beta has þat, but F is supported by Cx. power þat peter hadde · inpugnen I nelle
For in loue andBx.P.110: and: WF have and in, not supported by Cx. letterure · þe eleccioun bilongeth
And for profit of alleBx.P.119: of alle: LCrWCO, and probably beta, but MHmGF drop alle. There is no help from the revised line in Cx. We retain copy-text. þe poeple · plowmen ordeygned
Shope lawe & lewte · eche [lyf]Bx.P.122: lyf: So F. Although the reading could derive from two lines above, it is probable that non-alliterating man is a substitution in beta. to knowe his owne
And to þe angel an heiȝ · answeresBx.P.140: answeres: All mss. except LR have the past tense following greued, though both MHm probably shared the present before correction. Lines 139-45 are not paralleled in Cx. after
¶ AndBx.P.143: And: LRC only; others omit. Although this is strong evidence for Bx, it could of course be coincidental error. þanne gan alle þe comune · crye in [a]Bx.P.143: a: "one". R probably represents alpha, obscured by F's rewriting. Beta's omission loses the sense, "one line", referring to
Bx.P.145. vers of latin
Bx.P.144: The line is omitted by alpha. The passage differs in Cx. To þe kynges conseille · construe ho-so wolde
And comen to a conseille · for hereBx.P.148: here: LMCOR supported by Cx. comune profit
For a cat of a courteBx.P.149: courte: The reading of LCO and alpha is obviously right and supported by Cx. Beta2 (CrWHm), joined by G, read contree, either a simple misreading or avoidance of a politically sensitive reference. M's contre is a correction, but apparently just a respelling. · cam whan hym lyked
And pleyde wiþ hem perilouslych · and possed [hem]Bx.P.151: hem (2): Supported by alpha (though F switches to first-person pronoun in both instances in the line), as well as by MCO. Cx includes hem in a revised b-verse. aboute
And ȝif we grucche ofBx.P.153: grucche of: "complain about". Alpha drops of, but beta is supported by Cx. his gamen · he wil greue vs alle
¶Bx.P.158: ¶: The paraph is in beta and F. The line is at the top of the page in R. A raton of renon [·] most renable of tonge
Bx.P.159: L has an otiose paraph. The line is at the top of the page. Seide for a souereygne · help to hym-selueBx.P.159: hym-selue: Skeat (1886) translates: "`Said for a sovereign remedy for himself'; i.e. as far as himself was concerned". Alpha's hem alle is suspiciously easier, and credits the rat with a community spirit which he probably does not deserve. The line is not in
Boþe in wareine & in waste · where hem leue lykethBx.P.163: leue lyketh: So LCOR. F altersleue to the superlative, best; beta2 and G corrupt to the common phrase. CrWG switch to the past tense both here and in the previous line; the M corrector
alters both verbs from present to past.
And knitten [it]Bx.P.169: it: LCGO omit, and M adds. Probably lost by beta and supplied by individual scribes. Cx also reads hit. on a colere · for owre comune profit
Bx.P.170: The line is lost in beta2 (CrWHm) and G. And hangen it vp-on þe cattes hals · þanne here we mowen
Bx.P.171-72: Alpha omits two lines as a result of eyeskip. Where he ritt or rest · or rennethBx.P.171: renneth: Y has the C reading rometh, by contamination or coincidence. to playe
¶ Alle þisBx.P.175: þis (1): Beta is supported by the X family of C, alpha's þe by the P family. route of ratones · to þis reson þei assented
Ac þo þe belle was ybouȝtBx.P.176: ybouȝt: Beta2 and G read (y)brouȝt. The P family of C have the former, most of the X family the latter. · and on þe beiȝe hanged
Thouȝ we [had] culledBx.P.185: had culled: Beta2 (CrWHm) and G have the present tense, other beta mss. the past, and alpha the pluperfect, as does Cx. þe catte · ȝut sholde þer come an-other
Ve terre vbi puer [est rex]Bx.P.192: est rex: The order in HmOR and Cx; reversed in others. Scribes tend to copy quotations in the form with which they are familiar. &c
For many mannusBx.P.198: mannus: The gen. sg. of LMCR is supported by Cx against the plural of others. malt · we mys wolde destruye
And also ȝeBx.P.199: ȝe: LMW + alpha; among C mss. the P family has ȝe and the X family þe. route of ratones · rende mennes clothes
Nere þ[e] cat of þ[e]Bx.P.200: þe ... þe: So HmGF and Cx; MCrW have þe ... þat, reversed in R; LO have þat ... þat. No certainty is possible. courte · þat can ȝow ouerlepe
For had ȝe rat[ones]Bx.P.201: ratones: The form in alpha and G, supported by Cx against rattes in others. ȝowre wille · ȝe couthe nouȝt reule ȝowre-selue
I sey [it]Bx.P.202: sey it: R is supported by Cx. F has sey þis, and beta drops it. for me quod þe mous · I se so mykel after
And þouȝ it costeBx.P.205: coste: Beta's had coste is not supported by Cx. me catel · biknowen it I nolde
But suffre as hym-self wolde · to do asBx.P.206: do as: F's slen what shows his propensity to correct alliteration. The line is rewritten in Cx. See Schmidt (1995), 364-5. hym liketh
For-þiBx.P.208: For-þi: The beta reading. R has For, F has &. The line is not in AC. vche a wise wiȝte I warne · wite wel his owne
Þow myȝtest better mete mysteBx.P.215: myste: So alpha + WG and the X family of C. Other mss. supply þe, as the scribe of O does. A mss. are split. · on maluerne hulles
Þan gete a momme of here mouthe · [er]Bx.P.216: er: LMCO support for but suggests this is the reading of beta, though comparison of AC versions suggests that the choice lies between alpha er and til in beta2 and G. The X family of C has the former, but most A mss. read til, as does the P family of C. We suppose til arises by contamination or coincidence. monoy [be]Bx.P.216: be: So beta2, GOF (R has hem by), against were in LMC. Ax seems to have be (K.P.89); the P family of C also have be, though the X family probably read wer (RK.P.166). shewed
Of alkinBx.P.223: alkin: The beta reading has force in a list of labourers, but it is challenged by alpha's alle, shared by Z (Bodley 851). AC versions do not have the line. libbyng laboreres · lopen forth somme
And dryuen forth þe dereBx.P.225: dere: The choice is not obvious. The fact that L has dere and that M's longe is a correction (apparently of a shorter word) suggests the possibility that beta1 derives longe by contamination with A or by coincidental error. Alpha is uncertain: F's fayre day has no support, but R's here dayes here is supported by Cx her days. See Donaldson (1955), 197. We retain copy-text by default. day · with dieu vousBx.P.225: vous: So Bx, though omitted by CrWG, Ax and the P family of C. saue dame Emme ·
[¶]Bx.P.226: Alpha and W here start a paragraph (the line is at the top of the page in M). Cokes and here knaues · crieden hote pies hote
White wyn of Oseye · and wynBx.P.229: wyn (2): Beta reads red wyn, making explicit the contrast with White wyn in the a-verse. Alpha omits the adjective (R's b-verse, though defective, is also that of the P family of C), as do the AC versions. of Gascoigne