<head><foreign>Passus octauus de visione & hic explicit & incipit inquisicio prima de</foreign> dowel</head>
<l> Thus yrobed in russet · I rowmed aboute</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.2: F omits the line.</note> Al a somer sesoun · for to seke dowel</l>
<l> And frayned ful oft · of folke þat I mette</l>
<l> If ani wiȝte wiste · where dowel was<note>Bx.8.4: <hi>was</hi>: alpha's subjunctive <hi>were</hi> is not supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> at Inne</l>
<l> And what man he miȝte be · of many man I axed</l>
<l> ¶ Was<note>Bx.8.6: <hi>Was</hi>: LMWHm begin a paragraph here. Alpha instead begins <hi>And was</hi> (R) or <hi>But þere was</hi> (F), but beta is supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> neuere wiȝte as I went<note>Bx.8.6: <hi>as I went</hi>: R's <hi>in þis worlde</hi> is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>, and so could possibly represent a revision, but F has the beta reading. Schmidt (1995) conjectures that R's reading is contaminated from <hi>Cx</hi> or is "a coincidental substitution of a familiar phrase" (377). The latter seems likely.</note> · þat me wisse couthe</l>
<l> Where þis lede lenged · lasse ne more</l>
<l><note>Bx.8.8: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in LR (M has a line-space).</note> Tyl it bifel on a fryday · two freres I mette</l>
<l> Maistres<note>Bx.8.9: <hi>Maistres</hi>: Alpha begins <hi>And maistres</hi>, without support from <hi>AC</hi>.</note> of þe Menoures · men of grete witte</l>
<l> I hailsed hem hendely [·] as I hadde lerned</l>
<l> And preyed hem <foreign>par<note>Bx.8.11: <hi><foreign>par</foreign></hi>: LMWG; HmOF have <hi>pur</hi> (though in fact abbreviated in all except WHm). <title>MED</title> treats various forms as the same word (s.v. <hi>par</hi> prep.), and all scribes in all versions vary freely. CrCR have <hi>for</hi>, but this is not supported by <hi>AC</hi>. Cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.6.260</ref>, <ref>13.30</ref>.</note> charitee</foreign> · ar þei passed forther</l>
<l> If þei knewe any contre<note>Bx.8.12: <hi>contre</hi>: Alpha's <hi>courte</hi> is a misreading; beta is supported by <hi>AC</hi>. For the reverse error see <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.P.149</ref>.</note> · or costes as<note>Bx.8.12: <hi>as</hi>: Perhaps a little more pointed in its reference to friars than alpha's <hi>þer</hi>. <hi>AC</hi> have instead <hi>costes aboute</hi>.</note> þei went</l>
<l> Where þat dowel dwelleth · doth me to wytene</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.14-17: These four lines omitted in alpha are not paralleled in <hi>Ax</hi> but are in <hi>Cx</hi>. Here the omission can be accounted for as a result of homeoarchy (<hi>dowel</hi> and <hi>dwelle</hi> 8.13, 17) and skipping a paraph.</note><note>Bx.8.14: <hi></hi>: In the absence of alpha, the paraph is only in LC, with a line-space in M.</note> For þei ben men on<note>Bx.8.14: <hi>on</hi>: The LM reading (supported by G) generally secures beta and hence <hi>Bx</hi> (in the absence of alpha). However, <hi>of</hi> in beta2 and CO is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>. We retain copy-text.</note> þis molde · þat moste wyde walken</l>
<l> And knowen contrees and courtes · and many kynnes places</l>
<l> Bothe prynces paleyses · and pore mennes cotes</l>
<l> And dowel and doyuel · where þei dwelle bothe</l>
<l> ¶ Amonges vs<note>Bx.8.18: <hi>Amonges vs</hi>: F has the <hi>Ax</hi> reading <hi>Marye</hi>, and its b-verse is also from <hi>A</hi>. For other lines in this passus which suggest F's contamination from an <hi>A</hi> text, see notes to ll. <ref>25</ref>, <ref>28</ref>, <ref>38</ref>, <ref>43</ref>, <ref>45</ref>, <ref>49</ref>, <ref>74</ref>, <ref>76</ref>, <ref>78</ref>, <ref>79</ref>, <ref>87</ref>, <ref>100-05</ref>, <ref>106</ref>, <ref>109</ref>, <ref>121</ref>, <ref>124</ref>.</note> quod þe Menours · þat man is dwellyng</l>
<l> And euere hath as I hope · and euere shal here-after</l>
<l><foreign>Contra</foreign> quod I as a clerke · and comsed to disputen</l>
<l> And seide sothli<note>Bx.8.21: <hi>seide sothli</hi>: The reading of LM is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. The other beta mss. add a pronoun object. R has no pronoun and loses the alliteration by omitting <hi>sothli</hi>. F drops the line. Since both LM place the punctuation after <hi>sepcies</hi> (R is without punctuation here), that is probably beta or archetypal error.</note> <foreign>sepcies · in die cadit iustus</foreign></l>
<l> Seuene sythes seith þe boke · synneth þe riȝtful</l>
<l> And who-so synneth I seyde · doth yuel as me þinketh</l>
<l> And dowel and do yuel · mow nouȝt dwelle togideres</l>
<l> <foreign>Ergo</foreign> he nys<note>Bx.8.25: <hi>nys</hi>: LMW against <hi>is</hi> in other mss. <hi>AC</hi> mss. vary similarly. We retain copy-text.</note> nauȝt alway<note>Bx.8.25: <hi>alway</hi>: F's <hi>alwey at hoom</hi> is the <hi>AC</hi> reading.</note> · amonge ȝow freres</l>
<l> He is otherwhile ellis-where · to wisse þe peple</l>
<l> ¶ I shal sey þe my sone · seide þe frere þanne</l>
<l> How seuene sithes þe sad man · on þe<note>Bx.8.28: <hi>on þe</hi>: LM and alpha, against <hi>on a</hi> in beta1. F's word-order is that of <hi>AC</hi>.</note> day synneth</l>
<l> By a forbisene quod þe frere · I shal þe faire shewe</l>
<l> ¶ Lat brynge a man in a bote · amydde a<note>Bx.8.30: <hi>a</hi> (3): LR supported by <hi>AC</hi>, against <hi>þe</hi> in other mss.</note> brode water</l>
<l> Þe wynde and þe water · and þe bote waggynge</l>
<l> Maketh þe man many a<note>Bx.8.32: <hi>many a</hi>: CrOR have <hi>many</hi>, as do <hi>AC</hi>.</note> tyme · to falle and to stonde</l>
<l> For stonde he neuere so styf · he stombleth ȝif he moeue</l>
<l> Ac ȝit is he sauf and sounde · and so hym bihoueth</l>
<l> For ȝif he ne arise þe rather · and rauȝte to þe stiere<note>Bx.8.35: <hi>stiere</hi>: The beta reading, vs. alpha (and Hm) <hi>sterne</hi>. Both words mean "rudder", and are used to translate "clavus" in Prov.23.34 from which the friar's example comes. Neither is used elsewhere in the poem. See <title>MED</title> <hi>ster(e</hi> n.(2) and <hi>stern(e</hi> n.(2). <hi>A</hi> mss. also vary.</note></l>
<l> Þe wynde wolde wyth<note>Bx.8.36: <hi>wyth</hi>: R's <hi>and</hi> is probably alpha, altered for sense to <hi>on</hi> by F. Beta is supported by <hi>Ax</hi>.</note> þe water · þe bote ouerthrowe</l>
<l> And þanne were his lyf loste · þourgh lacchesse of hym-self</l>
<l> ¶ And<note>Bx.8.38: <hi>And</hi>: F's <hi>Ryght</hi> is from <hi>Ax</hi>.</note> þus it falleth<note>Bx.8.38: <hi>falleth</hi>: GF's <hi>fareþ</hi> is the <hi>AC</hi> reading.</note> quod þe frere · bi folke here on erthe</l>
<l> Þe water is likned to þe worlde · þat wanyeth and wexeth</l>
<l> Þe godis of þis grounde aren like ·<note>Bx.8.40: Scribes vary in their placement of the punctus before or after <hi>aren like</hi>, responding to the awkwardness of the line. The hesitation is visibly expressed in M, with a punctus elevatus erased before the phrase and inserted after it.</note> to þe grete wawes</l>
<l> Þat as wyndes and wederes · walweth<note>Bx.8.41: <hi>walweth</hi>: The LM reading, which is therefore likely to represent beta. It is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> and the better <hi>C</hi> mss. against <hi>walketh</hi> in alpha and four mss. of <hi>C</hi>. KD, 154 and n. 73, argue that in context <hi>walweth</hi> is "an easier reading"; nevertheless it is a rarer word. The primary sense of <hi>walken</hi> is "roll about" (<title>MED</title> <hi>walken</hi> v.(1), 1) rather than "go on foot" (3a). For the same variation see <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.9.56</ref>.</note> aboute</l>
<l> Þe bote is likned to owre body · þat brutel is of kynde</l>
<l> Þat þorugh þe fende and þi<note>Bx.8.43: <hi>þi</hi>: LR, and so presumptively <hi>Bx</hi>. But choice is difficult. F has <hi>oure</hi>, perhaps from the previous line but also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>, while the other beta mss. have <hi>þe</hi>, the reading of <hi>Ax</hi>. We follow copy-text.</note> flessh · and þe frele<note>Bx.8.43: <hi>þe frele</hi>: The beta reading. F has <hi>þe false</hi>, which is the <hi>Ax</hi> reading. R has <hi>þis frele</hi>, the reading also of <hi>Cx</hi>. Possibly R's reading is a revision. We follow copy-text.</note> worlde</l>
<l> Synneth þe sadman · a day seuene sythes</l>
<l> ¶ Ac dedly synne doth he nouȝt · for dowel hym kepith<note>Bx.8.45: <hi>kepith</hi>: F has the <hi>AC</hi> reading <hi>helpiþ</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And þat is charite þe champioun · chief help aȝein synne</l>
<l> For he strengtheth man to stonde · and stereth mannes soule</l>
<l> [Þat]<note>Bx.8.48: <hi>Þat</hi>: The alpha reading is also that of <hi>Ax</hi>. Lines 46-56 are rewritten in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> þowgh þi<note>Bx.8.48: <hi>þi</hi>: LMCO and alpha, supported by <hi>Ax</hi>, against <hi>þe</hi> in WHmG.</note> body bow · as bote doth in þe water</l>
<l> Ay is þi soule sauf · but<note>Bx.8.49: <hi>but</hi>: LMR are supported by <hi>Ax</hi> against <hi>but if</hi> in the others.</note> þi-self<note>Bx.8.49: <hi>þi-self</hi>: M reads <hi>þou þi-seluen</hi> as does <hi>Ax</hi>; WCr alter the word-order to <hi>þow wole þi-selue</hi> to the detriment of the alliteration.</note> wole<note>Bx.8.49: Following this line, F introduces a line from <hi>A</hi> (K.9.45).</note></l>
<l> Do a dedly synne · and drenche so þi soule<note>Bx.8.50: <hi>soule</hi>: R alone has <hi>selue</hi>, perhaps from the previous line, though it is the reading of all but three <hi>A</hi> mss.</note></l>
<l> God wole suffre wel þi sleuthe<note>Bx.8.51: <hi>sleuthe</hi>: Alpha and Hm read <hi>soule</hi>, perhaps picked up from 49-50. F revises to make sense of this. The line is revised from <hi>Ax</hi>.</note> · ȝif þi-self lyketh</l>
<l> For he ȝaf þe to ȝeresȝyue · to ȝeme wel þi-selue</l>
<l> And þat is witte a<note>Bx.8.53: <hi>a</hi> (1): "and" (LM). See note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.P.227</ref>. KD, pp. 193-4, take <hi>Bx</hi> <hi>And þat is</hi> to be an interpolation, and their emendation makes much clearer sense of <hi>to ȝeresȝyue</hi> "(wit and free will) as a gift". Hence the variants <hi>two ȝeresȝevis</hi> in CrF and <hi>a yeresȝyue</hi> in WG in l. <ref>52</ref>. In M, <hi>wit</hi> is a correction, possibly of <hi>with a fre wille</hi>.</note> fre wille · to euery wyȝte a porcioun</l>
<l> To fleghyng foules · to fissches & to bestes</l>
<l> Ac man hath moste þerof · and moste is to blame</l>
<l> But if he worche wel þer-with · as dowel hym techeth</l>
<l> ¶ I haue no kynde knowyng quod I · to conceyue alle [þi]<note>Bx.8.57: <hi>þi</hi>: Alpha agrees with <hi>Ax</hi> against beta <hi>ȝowre</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>this speche</hi>.</note> wordes</l>
<l> Ac if I may lyue and loke · I shal go lerne bettere</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.59: W and alpha here supply a paraph, and also (see next note) have <hi>quod he</hi>, recognising that the speaker has changed. It may be, therefore, that the paraph was added to <hi>Bx</hi> to make this clear.</note>I bikenne þe <app><rdg>cryst</rdg><rdg>cryst quod he</rdg></app><note>Bx.8.59: <hi>cryst / cryst quod he</hi>: Alpha and WHm are supported by <hi>quod he</hi> in <hi>Cx</hi>, making clear that the friar is the speaker rather than Will. However, most beta mss. are supported by <hi>Ax</hi>. R's plural pronoun is presumably an error, though indeed there are two friars.</note> · þat on þe crosse deyde</l>
<l> And I seyde þe same · saue ȝow fro myschaunce</l>
<l> And ȝiue ȝow grace on þis grounde · good men to worthe</l>
<l> ¶ And þus I went wide-where [·] walkyng myne one</l>
<l> By a wilde wildernesse · and bi a wode-syde</l>
<l> Blisse of þ[e]<note>Bx.8.64: <hi>þe</hi>: Though this is the reading of most mss., LHmR give strong support to <hi>þo</hi>. However the birds have not been previously mentioned, and <hi>þe</hi> is supported by <hi>AC</hi> (but see next note).</note> briddes · [abide] me [made]<note>Bx.8.64: <hi>abide me made</hi>: Alpha's reading is obviously correct, since beta's <hi>brouȝte me aslepe</hi> sends the dreamer to sleep too early. Alpha is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> (<hi>made me abide</hi>) and <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.10.63). Beta's reading, anticipating l. <ref>67</ref>, is puzzling, since the line is identical to K.9.58. The passage in <hi>A</hi> reads: Blisse of þe briddes made me abide<lb/>
And vndir a lynde vpon a launde lenide I me a stounde<lb/>
To lerne þe laies þat [<hi>var</hi>. þat þe] louely briddes [<hi>var</hi>. foulis] maden<lb/>
Blisse of þe [<hi>var</hi>. þise] briddis brouȝte me a slepe (K.9.55-8).
<l> And vnder a lynde vppon a launde · lened I a stounde</l>
<l> To lythe þe layes · þ[e]<note>Bx.8.66: <hi>þe</hi> (2): The reading of alpha. The beta reading is uncertain, since LCrWGO have <hi>þo</hi> against <hi>þe</hi> in MHmC. The latter has some support from <hi>A</hi> mss. (see previous note); <hi>Cx</hi> is revised.</note> louely<note>Bx.8.66: <hi>louely</hi>: Lost in alpha, but supported by <hi>AC</hi> and necessary for the alliteration.</note> foules made</l>
<l> Murthe of her mouthes · made me þere to slepe</l>
<l> Þe merueillousest meteles · mette me þanne</l>
<l> Þat euer dremed wyȝte · in worlde as I wene</l>
<l> ¶ A moche man as me þouȝte<note>Bx.8.70: <hi>me þouȝte</hi>: R drops <hi>me</hi>, anticipating the identification as Thought. F replaces the phrase with <hi>he was</hi>. Beta is supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> · and lyke to my-selue</l>
<l> Come and called me · by my kynde name</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.72: WHmC and alpha have a paraph to mark Will's question. Cf. ll. <ref>59</ref>, <ref>73</ref>.</note>What artow quod I þo<note>Bx.8.72: <hi>þo</hi>: Omitted only by R, though <hi>Cx</hi> and many <hi>A</hi> mss. also omit, so it is perhaps added by beta and F.</note> · þat þow my name knowest</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.73: W and alpha have a paraph to mark Thought's answer.</note>Þat þow wost wel quod he · and no wyȝte bettere</l>
<l> ¶ Wote I what þow art  <note>Bx.8.74: <hi>what þow art</hi>: F's <hi>who art þou</hi> is the <hi>AC</hi> reading.</note> ·<note>Bx.8.74: The punctus elevatus after <hi>art</hi> in LMOR and F (rather than his usual virgule) must be archetypal, perhaps to indicate the question. LMO also have a punctus following <hi>þought</hi>. On Hoccleve's use of the punctus elevatus to mark this sort of question, see Burrow (2002), 184-5.</note> þought seyde he þanne</l>
<l> I haue suwed þe þis seuene ȝere · sey þow me no rather</l>
<l> ¶ Art þow thought quod I þo · þow couthest me wisse<note>Bx.8.76: <hi>wisse</hi>: F's <hi>telle</hi> is the reading of <hi>Ax</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Where þat dowel dwelleth · and do me þat<note>Bx.8.77: <hi>þat</hi> (2): The beta reading, where alpha has <hi>hym</hi>. <hi>AC</hi> have neither pronoun. We follow copy-text.</note> to knowe</l>
<l> ¶ Dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde quod he<note>Bx.8.78: <hi>quod he</hi>: F's placement of this after <hi>Dowel</hi> is that of <hi>Ax</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Aren three faire vertues · and beth nauȝte fer to fynde<note>Bx.8.79: The line that follows in F only is from <hi>A</hi> (K.9.71).</note></l>
<l> Who-so is trewe of his tonge · and of his two handes</l>
<l> And þorugh his laboure or þorugh<note>Bx.8.81: <hi>þorugh</hi> (2): Clear support for <hi>Bx</hi> from LMWHmR. It is not in <hi>Ax</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> his londe · his lyflode wynneth</l>
<l> And is trusti of his tailende · taketh but his owne</l>
<l> And is nouȝt dronkenlew ne dedeignous<note>Bx.8.83: <hi>dedeignous</hi>: CF have the aphetic form <hi>deygnous</hi>, and R subpuncts initial <hi>de</hi>-. The best X family mss. of <hi>C</hi> have <hi>dedeynus</hi>, but the P family and <hi>Ax</hi> have <hi>deynous</hi>.</note> · dowel hym folweth</l>
<l> ¶ Dobet doth ryȝt þus · ac he doth moche more</l>
<l> He is as low as a lombe · and loueliche of speche</l>
<l> And helpeth alle men · after þat hem nedeth</l>
<l> Þe bagges and þe bigurdeles · he hath to-broken<note>Bx.8.87: <hi>to-broken</hi>: WCO have <hi>to-broke</hi> which improves the metre of the b-verse. There is the same variation in <hi>C</hi> mss. HmGF have <hi>broke(n)</hi>, as do <hi>A</hi> mss.</note> hem alle</l>
<l> Þat þe Erl auarous · helde and his heires</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.8.89: <hi>And</hi>: Beta's <hi>And þus</hi> is not supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> with Mammonaes mone · he hath made hym frendes</l>
<l> And is ronne in-to<note>Bx.8.90: <hi>in-to</hi>: The reading of LM and alpha, with support from some <hi>A</hi> mss. and the best <hi>C</hi> mss. of both families.</note> Religioun · and hath rendred þe bible</l>
<l> And precheth<note>Bx.8.91: <hi>precheth</hi>: Beta4 and R have the past tense, but <hi>AC</hi> support the present.</note> to þe poeple · seynt Poules wordes</l>
<l> <foreign>Libenter suffertis insipientes<note>Bx.8.92: <hi><foreign>insipientes</foreign></hi>: Several <hi>C</hi> mss. share with alpha the spelling <hi>incipientes</hi> (as if from <hi>incipio</hi>).</note> · cum sitis ipsi<note>Bx.8.92: <hi><foreign>sitis ipsi</foreign></hi>: Reversed in alpha. <hi>Ax</hi> quotes only the first two words of the verse; many <hi>C</hi> mss. omit the second clause.</note> sapientes</foreign></l>
<l> And suffreth þe vnwise · with ȝow forto libbe</l>
<l> And with gladde wille doth hem gode · for so god ȝow hoteth</l>
<l> ¶ Dobest is aboue bothe · and bereth a bisschopes cro[c]e<note>Bx.8.95: <hi>croce</hi>: "crosier", the reading of MO and alpha (OFr <hi>croce</hi>), to be distinguished from <hi>cross</hi> (OE and ON from Irish) in other mss. The description is clearly that of a crosier rather than a cross. In <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.15.598</ref>, however, the bishop's <hi>crosse</hi> is presumably a pectoral cross, unless a pun is intended on <hi>crosse</hi> in 15.608.</note></l>
<l> Is hoked on þat one ende · to halie men fro helle</l>
<l> A pyke is on þat potente · to pulte<note>Bx.8.97: <hi>pulte</hi>: The reading in LOR (<title>MED</title> <hi>pilten</hi>), the source of <hi>putte</hi> or <hi>pul</hi> in other mss. There is the same variation in <hi>C</hi> mss. (RK.10.95).</note> adown þe wikked</l>
<l> Þat wayten any wikkednesse · dowel to tene</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.99: R has a paraph (F drops the line).</note>And dowel and dobet [·] amonges hem ordeigned</l>
<l> <note>Bx.8.100: <hi>to reule hem bothe</hi>: The b-verse (beta only) is defective in alliteration and metre, and is presumably corrupted from K.9.98-9, <hi>Corounid on to be kyng & be here counseil werche / And rewele þe reaum.</hi> <hi>Bx</hi> has reversed the positions of the parallel lines 100 and 105 (= K98 and 91). The reversal is retained in <hi>Cx</hi>, which however repairs the alliteration by completing this line <hi>to kull withoute synne</hi> (RK.10.101).</note><note>Bx.8.100-05: Alpha as represented by R is here deficient, omitting through eyeskip from <hi>kynge</hi> to <hi>kynge</hi> five lines present in beta, so omitting 100b-105a. The lines in beta are a revised version of <hi>Ax</hi>, K.9.91-8, omitting 9.93 and 95, and replacing 9.98 with 91. F repairs the gap from his <hi>A</hi> text, thus: F.6.96 And þus dowel . & dobet . & dobest þe thrydde. (K.9.97)<lb/>
F.6.97 Haue crowne oon to be kyng / & be here conseyl wirche (K.9.98)<lb/>
F.6.98 & to rewle al þe rewhme / be reed of hem alle. (K.9.99)<lb/>
F.6.99 & be non oþir-wyse / but as þey þre wille assente. (K.9.100)<lb/>
F.6.100 For if þat dowel or dobet / dyden a-geyn dobest. (K.9.92)<lb/>
F.6.101 & weryn vn-buxum to don his byddyngge / & bown to do Ille. (K.9.93)<lb/>
F.6.102 Þanne sholde þe kyng come / & comawnde hem to presoun. (K.9.94)<lb/>
F.6.103 & pitte hem þere in penawnce / with-oute pite or grace. (K.9.95)<lb/>
The lines are rewritten in <hi>Cx</hi>.
To croune one to be kynge [·] to reule hem bothe</l>
<l> Þat ȝif dowel or dobet [·] did aȝein dobest</l>
<l> Þanne shal þe kynge come · and casten hem in yrens<note>Bx.8.102: <hi>yrens</hi>: <hi>Ax</hi> has <hi>presoun</hi>, which is also F's reading. See note to ll. 100-05.</note></l>
<l> And but if dobest bede for hem · þei to be þere for euere</l>
<l> ¶ Thus dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde</l>
<l> Crouned one to be kynge · to kepin hem alle</l>
<l> And to reule þe Reume · bi her thre wittes<note>Bx.8.106: <hi>bi her thre wittes</hi>: F again follows <hi>Ax</hi> (K.9.99). <hi>Cx</hi> follows <hi>Bx</hi>, despite the defective alliteration.</note></l>
<l> And none other wise · but as þei thre assented</l>
<l> ¶ I thonked thouȝt þo · þat he me þus tauȝte</l>
<l> Ac ȝete<note>Bx.8.109: <hi>ȝete</hi>: Lost in R, but supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> sauoureth me nouȝt þi seggyng · I coueite to lerne<note>Bx.8.109: <hi>I coueite to lerne</hi>: <hi>Bx</hi> has evidently conflated two lines in <hi>A</hi>, which F restores (K.9.102-3).</note></l>
<l> How dowel dobet and dobest · don amonges þe peple</l>
<l> ¶ But witte conne wisse þe quod þouȝt · where þo thre dwelle</l>
<l> Ellis wote I none þat can · þat now is alyue</l>
<l> ¶ Þouȝte and I thus · thre days we ȝeden</l>
<l> Disputyng vppon dowel · day after other</l>
<l> And ar we were ywar<note>Bx.8.115: <hi>were ywar</hi>: R 's order <hi>war were</hi> may be right, since it is that of <hi>Ax</hi> as well as the X family of <hi>C</hi>. Beta and F are in line with the P family. We follow copy-text.</note> · with witte gan we mete</l>
<l> He was longe and lene · liche to none other</l>
<l> Was no pruyde on his apparaille · ne pouerte noyther</l>
<l> Sadde of his semblaunt · and of soft chiere</l>
<l> I dorste meue no matere · to make hym to iangle</l>
<l> But as I bad þouȝt þo · be mene bitwene</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.8.121: <hi>And</hi>: Also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>. F's <hi>To</hi> follows <hi>Ax</hi>.</note> put forth somme<note>Bx.8.121: <hi>somme</hi>: Supported by <hi>AC</hi> against R's <hi>his</hi>.</note> purpos · to prouen his wittes</l>
<l> What was dowel fro dobet · and dobest fram hem bothe</l>
<l> ¶ Þanne þouȝt in þat tyme [·] seide þise wordes</l>
<l> Where<note>Bx.8.124: <hi>Where</hi>: R interprets this as <hi>Whether</hi>, which, in this case, it is not.</note> dowel<note>Bx.8.124: <hi>dowel</hi>: F's <hi>dowel &</hi> may be from <hi>Ax</hi>, but it is also the <hi>Cx</hi> reading.</note> dobet [·] and dobest ben<note>Bx.8.124: <hi>ben</hi>: Lost in alpha, with F recasting to make sense. It is added above the line in M, suggesting the possibility that the omission was a <hi>Bx</hi> error, with beta scribes making the obvious correction.</note> in londe</l>
<l> Here is<note>Bx.8.125: <hi>is</hi>: R (= alpha?) loses this, and F rewrites.</note> wille wolde ywyte · ȝif witte couthe teche hym</l>
<l> And whether he be man or [no] man<note>Bx.8.126: <hi>no man</hi>: L's <hi>man</hi> is obviously an error, though it may represent confusion in beta or <hi>Bx</hi>, with other scribes repairing. Alpha and C have <hi>no man</hi>; most beta mss. have <hi>womman</hi>. The line is not in <hi>AC</hi>.</note> · þis man fayne<note>Bx.8.126: <hi>fayne</hi>: Dropped in Hm and beta4, and erased in M.</note> wolde aspye</l>
<l> And worchen as þei thre wolde · þis is his entente</l>