<div1>fol. 87r (cont.)I</div1>
<foreign>p<expan>assus</expan> xx<expan>us</expan> de visione & p<expan>ri</expan>m<expan>us</expan> <lb/>
<head><foreign><hi>Pass<expan>us</expan> <orig>xx<expan>us</expan></orig><reg>vicesimus</reg> & p<expan>ri</expan>m<expan>us</expan> <add>de</add></hi></foreign> <hi>dobest</hi></head>
<l> <hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hanne<note>L.20.1: A small guide letter <t> appears in the left margin. The ornamental capital is in a different style from the other passus beginnings.</note> as I went by þe way · whan I was þus awaked</l>
<l> Heuy<seg>-</seg>chered I ȝede · and elynge in herte</l>
<l> I ne wiste where to ete · ne at what place</l>
<l> And it neighed nyeghe þe none · & with nede I mette</l>
<l> That afronted me foule · and faitour me called</l>
<l> Coudestow<note>L.20.6: LF alone read <hi>Coudestow</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Kanstow</hi>.</note> nouȝte excuse þe · as dede þe Kynge & other</l>
<l> Þat þow toke to þi bylyf · to clothes and to sustenance</l>
<l> As<note>L.20.8: LCrM read <hi>As</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>And</hi>. Among <hi>C</hi> manuscripts, PEcRcMcVcAcQScZNc also read <hi>As</hi> here.</note> by techynge & by tellynge · of <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> And þow nome namore · þan nede þe tauȝte</l>
<l> And nede ne hath no lawe · ne neure shal falle in dette</l>
<l> For þre thynges he taketh · his lyf forto saue</l>
<l> That is mete whan men hym werneth · & he no moneye weldeth</l>
<milestone>fol. 87vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Ne wyght none wil ben his borwe · ne wedde hath none to legge</l>
<l> And he cauȝte in þat cas · & come þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>to by sleighte</l>
<l> He synneth nouȝte sothelich · þat so wynneth his fode</l>
<l> And þough he come so to a clothe · and can no better cheuysaunce</l>
<l> Nede anon<seg>-</seg>riȝte · nymeth hym vnder meynpryse</l>
<l> And if hym lyst for to lape · þe lawe of kynde wolde</l>
<l> That he dronke at eche diche · ar he for thurste deyde</l>
<l> So nede at grete nede · may nymen as for his owne</l>
<l> Wyth<seg>-</seg>oute conseille of conscience · or cardynale vertues</l>
<l> So þat he suwe & saue · <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> For is no vertue by fer to <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> Neither <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s iusticie</hi></foreign> · ne <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s fortitudinis</hi></foreign></l>
<l> For <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s fortitudinis</hi></foreign> · forfaiteth ful oft</l>
<l> He shal do more þan mesure · many tyme & ofte</l>
<l> And bete men ouer bitter · and so<expan>m</expan>me of hem to litel</l>
<l> And greue men gretter · þan goode faith it wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And <foreign><hi>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s iusticie</hi></foreign>  shal iuggen wolhe nolhe</l>
<l> After þe kynges conseille · & þe co<expan>mun</expan>e lyke</l>
<l> And <foreign>sp<expan>iritu</expan>s prudencie</foreign> · in many a poynte shal faille</l>
<l> Of þat he weneth wolde falle · if his wytte ne were</l>
<l> Wenynge is no wysdome · ne wyse ymagynaciou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Homo p<expan>ro</expan>ponit & d<expan>eu</expan>s disponit</hi></foreign> · & gouerneth alle good vertues</l>
<l> Ac nede is next hym · for anon he meketh</l>
<l> And as low as a lombe · for lakkyng of þat hym nedeth</l>
<l> Wyse men forsoke wele · for þey wolde be nedy</l>
<l> And woneden in wildernesse · & wolde nouȝte be riche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And god al his grete ioye · gostliche he left</l>
<l> And cam & toke mankynde · and bycam nedy</l>
<l> So nedy he was as seyth þe boke · in many sondry places</l>
<l> Þat he seyde in his sorwe · on þe selue Rode</l>
<l> Bothe fox & foule · may fleighe to hole & crepe</l>
<l> And þe fisshe hath fyn · to flete with to reste</l>
<l> Þere nede hath ynome me · þat I mote nede <add>a</add>byde<note>L.20.45: The letter <a> was squeezed into the space left as a word break by the original scribe in response to a partially erased corrector's <+> in the left margin.</note></l>
<l> And suffre sorwes ful sowre · þat shal to ioye to<expan>ur</expan>ne</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi be nouȝte abasshed · to byde and to be nedy</l>
<l> Syth he þat wrouȝte al þe worlde · was wilfullich nedy</l>
<l> Ne neuer none so nedy · ne pouerer<expan>e</expan> deyde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Whan nede had vndernome me þus · anon I felle aslepe</l>
<l> And mette ful merueillously · þat in mannes forme</l>
<l> Antecryst cam þanne · and al þe croppe of treuthe</l>
<l> Torned it vp<seg>-</seg>so<seg>-</seg>doune · and ouertilte þe rote</l>
<l> And fals sprynge & sprede · & spede mennes nedes</l>
<l> In eche a contre þ<expan>er</expan>e he cam · he cutte awey treuthe</l>
<l> And gert gyle growe þ<expan>er</expan>e · as he a god were</l>
<milestone>fol. 88rI</milestone>
<l> <note>L.20.57ff.: This leaf, the last of quire 11, and the first leaf of the final quire are quite faded, though entirely legible, probably reflecting some damage while the manuscript was unbound.</note> Freres folwed þat fende · for he ȝaf hem copes</l>
<l> And religiouse reuerenced hym · and rongen here belles</l>
<l> And al þe couent forth cam · to welcome þat tyraunt</l>
<l> And alle hise · as wel as hym · saue onlich folis</l>
<l> Which folis were wel leuer to <del>...?...</del><add>deye þan to ly</add>ue</l>
<l> Lengore sith lenten  was so rebuked</l>
<l> And a fals fende antecriste · ouer alle folke regned</l>
<l> And þat were mylde men & holy · þat no myschief dredden</l>
<l> Defyed al falsenesse · and folke þat it vsed</l>
<l> And what Kynge þat he<expan>m</expan> conforted · knowynge he<expan>m</expan> any while<note>L.20.66: A largely erased corrector's <+> appears to the left of the following line. There is no evidence of error or of a correction in that line, but it is possible that <hi>he any</hi> in this line is written over an erasure. Kane-Donaldson emend conjecturally to <hi>hir gile</hi>, based on the <hi>C</hi> variants and alpha's <hi>hem/hym gyle</hi>. Cf. the note to <ptr></ptr>L.12.123.</note></l>
<l> <note>L.20.67: The corrector's mark is largely erased and somewhat easier to see in the manuscript than in the color image. See the note to the preceding line.</note> They cursed and her conseille · were it clerke or lewed</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Antecriste hadde thus sone · hundredes at his banere</l>
<l> And Pryde it bare · boldely aboute</l>
<l> With a lorde þat lyueth · after lykynge of body</l>
<l> That cam aȝein conscience · þat keper<expan>e</expan> was & gyour<expan>e</expan></l>
<l> Ouer kynde <del>...</del><add>cry</add>stene · and cardynale vertues</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I conseille q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience þo · cometh with me ȝe foles</l>
<l> In<seg>-</seg>to vnyte holy cherche · and holde we vs there</l>
<l> And crye we to kynde · þat he come & defende vs</l>
<l> Foles · fro þis fendes lymes · for Piers loue þe plowman</l>
<l> And crye we to alle þe co<expan>mun</expan>e / þat þei come to vnite</l>
<l> And þere abide and bikere · aȝein beliales children</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Kynd conscience þo herde · and cam out of þe planetes</l>
<l> And sent forth his foreioures feures and fluxes</l>
<l> Coughes and cardiacles · crampes and tothaches</l>
<l> Rewmes & radegoundes · and roynouse <add>s</add>calles</l>
<l> Byles and bocches · and brennyng agues</l>
<l> Frenesyes & foule yueles · forageres of kynde</l>
<l> Hadde yprykked and prayed polles of peple</l>
<l> Þat largelich a legiou<expan>n</expan> · lese<note>L.20.86: L alone reads <hi>lese</hi> (R has <hi>lose</hi>); most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>loren</hi> or <hi>losten</hi>.</note> her lyf sone</l>
<l> <hi></hi> There was harrow and help · here cometh kynde<note>L.20.87: In the right margin are some dark brown pen strokes and evidence of something scraped.</note></l>
<l> With deth þat is dredful · to vndone vs alle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The lorde that lyued after lust · tho alowde cryde</l>
<l> After <del>....</del><add>co<expan>n</expan>f</add>orte a knyghte · to come and bere his baner<expan>e</expan></l>
<l> Alarme alarme q<expan>uo</expan>d þat lorde eche lyf kepe his owne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne mette þis men · ar mynstralles myȝte pipe</l>
<l> And ar heraudes of armes · hadden descreued lordes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Elde þe hore · he was in þe vauntwarde</l>
<l> And bare þe banere bifor deth · by riȝte he it claymed</l>
<l> Kynde come after · with many kene sores</l>
<l> As pokkes and pestilences · and moche poeple shente ·</l>
<milestone>fol. 88vI</milestone>
<l> <note>L.20.98ff.: This page, though pale, looks like the original scribe's usual script. A streak of damage has affected the first words of the first three lines, but they are readable.</note> So kynde þorw corupciou<expan>n</expan>s · kulled ful manye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Deth cam dryuende<note>L.20.99: LRF have the <hi>-ende</hi> form of the present participle; most other <hi>B</hi> witnesses read <hi>dryuynge</hi>. See the <xref>Linguistic Description § III.</xref>.</note> after · and al to doust passhed</l>
<l> Kynges & Knyȝtes · kayseres and popes</l>
<l> Lered ne lewed · he let no man stonde</l>
<l> That he hitte euene · þat euere stired after</l>
<l> Many a louely lady · and le<expan>m</expan>manes of knyghtes</l>
<l> Swouned and swelted · for sorwe of dethes dyntes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscience of his curteisye · to kynde he bisouȝte</l>
<l> To cesse & <del>..</del><add>su</add>ffre · and see where þei wolde</l>
<l> Leue pryde pryuely · and be parfite cristene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And kynde cessed tho · to se þe peple amende</l>
<l> Fortune gan flateren thenne · þo fewe þat were alyue</l>
<l> And byhight hem longe lyf · and lecherye he sent</l>
<l> Amonges al manere men · wedded & vnwedded</l>
<l> And gadered a gret hoste · al agayne conscience</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This lecherye leyde on · with a laughyng chiere</l>
<l> And with pryue speche · and peynted wordes</l>
<l> And armed hym in ydelnesse · and in hiegh berynge</l>
<l> He bare a bowe in his hande · and manye blody arwes</l>
<l> Weren fethered with faire biheste · and many a false truthe</l>
<l> Wit<note>L.20.118: The corrector's <+> beside the following line probably refers to the scribe's rendering of <hi>Wit</hi> for <hi>Wiþ</hi> here. The corrector marked the same form at L.5.612. It was not corrected either place.</note> his vntydy tales · he tened ful ofte</l>
<l> Conscience and his compaignye · of holicherche þe techeres</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne cam coueityse · and caste how he myȝte</l>
<l> Ouercome conscience · and cardynal vertues</l>
<l> And armed hym in auaryce · and hungriliche lyued</l>
<l> His wepne was al wiles · to wynnen & to hyden</l>
<l> With glosynges and with gabbynges · he gyled þe peple</l>
<l> Symonye hym sent · to assaille conscience</l>
<l> And p<expan>re</expan>ched to þe peple · and prelates þei hem maden</l>
<l> To holden with antecryste · her temp<expan>er</expan>altes to saue</l>
<l> And come to þe kynges conseille · as a kene baroun</l>
<l> And kneled to conscience in courte afor hem alle</l>
<l> And gart gode feith flee · and fals to abide</l>
<l> And boldeliche bar adown · with many a briȝte noble</l>
<l> Moche of þe witte and wisdome · of westmynster halle</l>
<l> He iugged til a iustice · and iusted in his ere</l>
<l> And ouertilte al his treuthe · with take þis vp amendement</l>
<l> And to þe arches in haste · he ȝede anone after</l>
<l> And torned Ciuile in<seg>-</seg>to symonye · and sitthe he toke þe official</l>
<l> For a mentel of menyuer<expan>e</expan> · he made lele matrimonye</l>
<l> Departen ar deth cam · & deuos shupte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Allas q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience & cried þo · wolde criste of his grace</l>
<hi>That Coueitise were crist<damage>ene</damage></hi><note>L.20.139: The last three letters of the catchword have faded or been partially erased.</note>
<milestone>fol. 89rI</milestone>
<l> That coueityse were cristene · þat is so kene a fiȝter</l>
<l> And bolde and bidyng · while his bagge lasteth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne lowgh lyf · and leet dagge his clothes</l>
<l> And armed hym in haste · in harlotes wordes</l>
<l> And helde holynesse a iape · and hendenesse a wasto<expan>ur</expan></l>
<l> And lete leute a cherle · and lyer a fre man ·</l>
<l> Conscience and conseille · he counted it a<note>L.20.146: LHmMW alone have <hi>a</hi>.</note> folye ·</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus relyed lyf · for a litel fortune</l>
<l> And pryked forth with pryde preyseth he no vertue</l>
<l> A<note>L.20.149: <hi>A</hi> probably was written for "he."</note> careth nouȝte how kynde slow · and shal come atte laste</l>
<l> And culle alle erthely creature<note>L.20.150: LYR alone have the singular form <hi>creature</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the plural.</note> · saue conscience one</l>
<l> Lyf leep asyde · and lauȝte hym a lemman</l>
<l> Heel & I q<expan>uo</expan>d he · and hieghnesse of herte</l>
<l> Shal do þe nouȝte drede · noyther deth ne elde</l>
<l> And to forȝete sorwe · and ȝyue nouȝte of synne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This lyked lyf · and his lemman fortune</l>
<l> And geten in her glorie · a gadelyng atte laste</l>
<l> One þat moche wo wrouȝte · sleuthe was his name</l>
<l> Sleuthe wex wonder ȝerne · and sone was of age</l>
<l> And wedded one wanhope · a wenche of þe stuwes</l>
<l> Her syre was a sysour · þat neure swore treuthe</l>
<l> One Tho<expan>m</expan>me two tonge · ateynte at vch a queste</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This sleuthe was war of werre · and a slynge made</l>
<l> And threwe drede of dyspayre · a dozein myle aboute</l>
<l> For care conscience þo · cryed vpon elde</l>
<l> And bad hym fonde to fyȝte · and afere wanhope</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And elde hent good hope · and hastilich he shifte hym</l>
<l> And wayued awey wanhope · and with lyf he fyȝteth</l>
<l> And lyf fleigh for fere to fysyke after helpe</l>
<l> And bisouȝte hym of socoure · and of his salue hadde</l>
<l> And gaf hym golde good woon · þat gladded his herte</l>
<l> And þei gyuen hym agayne a glasen houve</l>
<l> Lyf leued þat lechecrafte · lette shulde elde</l>
<l> And dryuen awey deth · with <hi>dyas and dragges</hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And elde auntred hym on lyf · and atte laste he hitte</l>
<l> A Fisicien with a forred hood · þat he fel in a palsye</l>
<l> And þere deyed þat doctour · ar thre dayes after</l>
<l> Now I see seyde lyf · þat surgerye ne Fisyke</l>
<l> May nouȝte a myte auaille · to medle aȝein elde</l>
<l> And in hope of his hele · gode herte he hente</l>
<l> And rode so to reuel · a ryche place and a merye</l>
<milestone>fol. 89vI</milestone>
<l> <note>L.20.181ff.: This page is extremely faded.</note> The companye of conforte · men cleped it sumtyme</l>
<l> And elde anone after me <damage>·</damage> and ouer myne heed ȝede</l>
<l> And made me balled bifore · and bare on þe croune</l>
<l> So harde he ȝede ouer myn hed · it wil be seen eure</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sire euel ytauȝte elde q<expan>uo</expan>d I · vnhende go with the</l>
<l> Sith whanne was þe way · ouer men<note>L.20.186: L alone reads <hi>men</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>mennes</hi>.</note> hedes</l>
<l> Haddestow be hende q<expan>uo</expan>d I · þow woldest haue asked leue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝe leue lordeyne q<expan>uo</expan>d he · and leyde on me with age</l>
<l> And hitte me vnder þe ere · vnethe may ich here</l>
<l> He buffeted me aboute þe mouthe · & bett out my tethe</l>
<l> And gyued me in goutes · I may nouȝte go at large</l>
<l> And of þe wo þat I was in · my wyf had reuthe</l>
<l> And wisshed ful witterly · þat I were in heuene</l>
<l> For þe lyme þat she loued me fore · and leef was to fele</l>
<l> On nyȝtes namely · whan we naked were</l>
<l> I ne myght in no manere · maken it at hir wille</l>
<l> So elde and she sothly · hadden it forbeten</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And as I seet in þis sorwe · I say how kynde passed</l>
<l> And deth drowgh niegh me · for drede gan I quake</l>
<l> And cried to kynde · out of care me brynge</l>
<l> Loo elde þe hoore · hath me biseye</l>
<l> Awreke me if ȝowr<expan>e</expan> wille be · for I wolde ben hennes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝif þow wilt ben ywroken · wende in<seg>-</seg>to vnite</l>
<l> And holde þe þere eure · tyl I sende for þe</l>
<l> And loke þow conne so<expan>m</expan>me crafte ar þow come þennes</l>
<l> Conseille me kynde q<expan>uo</expan>d I · what crafte is best to lerne</l>
<l> <note>L.20.207: The scribe skipped a line as for a strophe break, but the rubricator failed to supply a paraph. A few other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, including RW, supply a parasign at this point.</note>Lerne to loue q<expan>uo</expan>d kynde · & leue of alle othre</l>
<l> <hi></hi> How shal I come to catel so · to clothe me and to fede</l>
<l> And þow loue lelly q<expan>uo</expan>d he · lakke shal þe neure</l>
<l> Mete ne wordly wede · whil þi lyf lasteth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þere by conseille of kynde · I comsed to rowme</l>
<l> Thorw contriciou<expan>n</expan> & confessiou<expan>n</expan> · tyl I cam to vnite</l>
<l> And þere was conscience constable · cristene to saue</l>
<l> And biseged sothly · with seuene grete gyauntz</l>
<l> Þat with Antecrist<del>e</del> helden · hard aȝein conscience</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sleuth with his slynge · an hard saut he made</l>
<l> Proude prestes come with hym moo þan a thousand</l>
<l> In paltokes & pyked shoes · & pisseres longe knyues</l>
<l> Comen aȝein conscience · with coueityse þei helden</l>
<milestone>fol. 90rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi><note>L.20.220: The rubricating scribe failed to erase the <cc> guide from the left margin.</note> By Marie q<expan>uo</expan>d a mansed p<expan>re</expan>ste · of þe marche of yrlonde</l>
<l> I counte namore conscience · bi so I cacche syluer</l>
<l> Than I do to drynke · a drauȝte of good ale</l>
<l> And so seide sexty of þe same · contreye</l>
<l> And shoten aȝein with shotte · many a shef of othes</l>
<l> And brode hoked arwes · goddes herte & his nayles</l>
<l> And hadden almost vnyte · and holynesse adowne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscience cryed helpe · clergye or ellis I falle</l>
<l> Thorw inparfit p<expan>re</expan>stes · and prelates of holicherche</l>
<l> Freres herden hym crye · and comen hym to helpe</l>
<l> Ac for þei couth nouȝte wel her craft · conscience forsoke hem</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Nede neghed tho nere · and conscience he tolde</l>
<l> That þei come for coueityse · to haue cure of soules</l>
<l> And for þei arn poure p<expan>ar</expan><seg>-</seg>auenture · for patrimoigne hem failleth</l>
<l> Thei wil flatre to fare wel · folke þat ben riche<note>L.20.234: There is no evidence of correction within the line, but a corrector's <+> has been erased from the right margin.</note></l>
<l> And sithen þei chosen chele · and cheytifte<note>L.20.235: LWR read <hi>cheytifte</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> witnesses have <hi>chaytyf</hi>.</note> pouerte</l>
<l> Lat hem chewe as þei chese · and charge hem with no cure</l>
<space>     </space><foreign>i<expan>d est</expan> sepius</foreign>
<l> For lomer<note>L.20.237: The gloss <hi><foreign>i<expan>d est</expan> sepius</foreign></hi> is written over <hi>lomer</hi>.</note> he lyeth · þat lyflode mote begge</l>
<l> Þan he þat laboureth for lyflode · & leneth it beggeres</l>
<l> And sithen Freres forsoke · þe felicite of erthe</l>
<l> Lat hem be as beggeres · or lyue by angeles fode</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscience of þis conseille þo · comsed for to laughe</l>
<l> And <sic>curteilich</sic><corr>curtei[s]lich</corr><note>L.20.242: A marginal corrector's <+> notes the scribe's omission of <s> from <hi>curteislich</hi>.</note> conforted hem · and called in alle freres</l>
<l> And seide sires sothly · welcome be ȝe alle</l>
<l> To vnite and holicherche · ac on thyng I ȝow preye</l>
<l> Holdeth ȝow in vnyte · and haueth none envye</l>
<l> To lered ne to lewed · but lyueth after ȝowre rewle</l>
<l> And I wil be ȝowre borghe · ȝe shal haue bred and clothes</l>
<l> And other necessaries anowe · ȝow shal no thyng faille</l>
<l> With þat ȝe leue logyk · and lerneth for to louye</l>
<l> For loue laft þei lordship · bothe londe and scole</l>
<l> Frere Fraunceys and Dominyk · for loue to ben holy</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And if ȝe coueyteth cure · kynde wil ȝow teche</l>
<l> That in mesure god made · alle manere thynges</l>
<l> And sette it at a certeyne · and at a syker noumbre</l>
<l> And nempned names newe · and noumbred þe sterres</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Qui num<expan>er</expan>at multitudi<expan>n</expan>em stellar<expan>um</expan> · & om<expan>n</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> eis &c</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Kynges & knyghtes þat kepen and defenden</l>
<l> Han officers vnder hem · and vch of hem certeyne</l>
<l> And if þei wa<del>..</del><add>ge</add> men to werre · þei write hem in noumbre</l>
<l> Wil no tresorere hem paye · trauaille þei neure so sore</l>
<l> Alle other in bataille · ben yholde bribours</l>
<milestone>fol. 90vI</milestone>
<l> Pilours and pykehernois · in eche a place ycursed</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Monkes and monyals · and alle men of Religiou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> Her ordre and her reule wil · to han a c<expan>er</expan>teyne noumbre</l>
<l> Of lewed and of lered · þe lawe wol and axeth</l>
<l> A certeyn for a certeyne · saue onelich of freres</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience by cryst · kynde witte me telleth</l>
<l> It is wikked to wage ȝow · ȝe wexeth out of noumbre</l>
<l> Heuene hath euene noumbre · and helle is with<seg>-</seg>out noumbre</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi I wolde witterly · þat ȝe were in þe Registre</l>
<l> And ȝowre noumbre vndre notarie sygne · & noyther mo ne lasse</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Enuye herd þis · and heet freres to go to scole</l>
<l> And lerne logyk and lawe · and eke contemplaciou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> And preche men of plato · and preue it by <hi>seneca</hi></l>
<l> Þat alle þinges vnder heuene · ouȝte to ben in comune</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And ȝit he lyeth as I leue · þat to þe lewed so precheth</l>
<l> For god made to men a lawe · and Moyses it tauȝte</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Non concupisces rem proximi tui</hi></foreign></l>
<l> And euele is þis yholde · in parisches of engelonde</l>
<l> For p<expan>ar</expan>sones and <orig>parishprestes</orig><reg>parish prestes</reg> þat shulde þe peple shryue</l>
<l> Ben curatoures called · to knowe and to hele</l>
<l> Alle þat ben her parisshiens · penaunce to enioigne</l>
<l> And shulden be ashamed in her shrifte · ac shame maketh he<expan>m</expan> wende</l>
<l> And fleen to þe freres · as fals folke to westmynstre</l>
<l> That borweth and bereth it þider · and þanne biddeth frendes</l>
<l> Ȝerne of forȝifnesse · or lenger ȝeres leue<note>L.20.286: LR alone read <hi>leue</hi> (or perhaps <hi>lene</hi>); most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>loone</hi>.</note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac whil he is in westmynstre · he wil be bifore</l>
<l> And make hym merye with other mennes goodis</l>
<l> And so it fareth with moche folke · þat to þe freres shryueth</l>
<l> As sysours and excecuto<expan>ur</expan>s · þei wil <sic>þe<add>ue</add></sic><corr>[ȝeue þe]</corr> freres<note>L.20.290: The b-verse of most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts reads <hi>þei wol</hi> (or <hi>schul</hi>) <hi>ȝyue þe freres</hi>. The original scribe wrote <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>freres</hi>. A corrector's <+> appears in the left margin, and <hi>þe</hi> was later changed to <hi>þeue</hi> by a supralinear addition, although the corrector presumably meant <hi>yeue þe</hi>. The confusion of <y> and <þ> is not characteristic of this scribe. See the note to L.7.59.</note></l>
<l> A parcel to preye for hem · & make he<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>self myrye</l>
<l> With þe residue and þe remenaunt · þat other men biswonke</l>
<l> And suffre þe ded in dette · to þe day of dome</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Enuye herfore · hated conscience</l>
<l> And freres to philosofye · he fonde hem to scole</l>
<l> The while coueytise and vnkyndenesse · conscience assailled</l>
<l> In vnite holycherche · conscience helde hym</l>
<l> And made pees porter · to pynne þe ȝates</l>
<l> Of alle taletellers · and tyterers in ydel</l>
<l> Ypocrisye and he · an hard saut þei made</l>
<l> Ypocrysie atte ȝate · hard gan fiȝte</l>
<l> And wounded wel wykkedly · many wise techer</l>
<l> Þat with conscience acorded · and cardinale vertues</l>
<milestone>fol. 91rI</milestone>
<l> Conscience called a leche · þat coude wel shryue</l>
<l> Go salue þo þat syke ben · þorw synne ywounded</l>
<l> Shrifte shope sharpe salue · and made men do penaunce</l>
<l> For her mysdedes þat þei wrouȝte hadden</l>
<l> And þat piers were payed · <foreign><hi>redde quod debes</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> So<expan>m</expan>me lyked nouȝte þis leche · and l<expan>ett</expan>res þei sent</l>
<l> Ȝif any surgien were þe seg<del>g</del>e<note>L.20.310: A later hand has lined through the second <g> of <hi>segge</hi>. The manuscripts differ considerably here. Alpha and Cr have <hi>in þe sege</hi>, but most beta witnesses have <hi>þe segge</hi>. At first glance the second <g> may appear to have been damaged by a worm hole.</note> · þat softer couth plastre</l>
<l> Sire lief to lyue in leccherye · lay þere and groned</l>
<l> For fastyng of a fryday · he ferde as he wolde deye</l>
<l> Ther is a surgiene in þis sege · þat soft can handle</l>
<l> And more of phisyke bi fer · and fairer he plastreth</l>
<l> One frere flaterere is phisiciene and surgiene</l>
<l> Quod contriciou<expan>n</expan> to conscience · do hym come to vnyte</l>
<l> For here is many a man herte · þorw ypocrisie</l>
<l> <hi></hi> We han no nede q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience · I wote no better leche</l>
<l> Than persou<expan>n</expan> or parissh prest · penytancer<expan>e</expan> or bisshop ·</l>
<l> Saue Piers þe plowman · þat hath power<expan>e</expan> ouer hem alle</l>
<l> And indulgence may do · but if dette lette it</l>
<l> I may wel suffre seyde conscience · syn ȝe desiren</l>
<l> That frere flaterer be fette · and phisike ȝow syke</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The Frere her<seg>-</seg>of herde · and hyed faste</l>
<l> To a lorde for a l<expan>ett</expan>re · leue to haue to curen</l>
<l> As a curatour he were · and cam with his l<expan>ett</expan>res</l>
<l> Baldly to þe bisshop · & his brief hadde</l>
<l> In contrees þere he come in · confessiou<expan>n</expan>s to here</l>
<l> And cam þere conscience was · and knokked atte ȝate</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Pees vnpynned it · was porter of vnyte</l>
<l> And in haste asked · what his wille were</l>
<l> In faith q<expan>uo</expan>d þis frere · for profit and for helthe</l>
<l> Carpe I wolde with contriciou<expan>n</expan> · & þerfore come I hider</l>
<l> <hi></hi> He is sike seide pees · and so ar many other</l>
<l> Ypocrisie hath herte hem · ful harde is if þei keure</l>
<l> I am a surgien seide þe segge · and salues can make</l>
<l> Conscience knoweth me wel · and what I can do bothe</l>
<l> I preye þe q<expan>uo</expan>d pees þo · ar þow passe ferther</l>
<l> What hattestow I preye þe · hele nouȝte þi name</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Certes seyde his felow <hi>sire <foreign>penetrans domos</foreign></hi></l>
<l> Ȝe go þi gate q<expan>uo</expan>d pees · bi god for al þi phisyk</l>
<l> But þow conne so<expan>m</expan>me crafte · þow comest nouȝt her<seg>-</seg>Inne</l>
<l> I knewe such one ones · nouȝte eighte wynter passed</l>
<l> Come in þus ycoped · at a courte þere I dwelt</l>
<milestone>fol. 91vI</milestone>
<l> And was my lordes leche · & my ladyes bothe</l>
<l> And at þe last þis limito<expan>ur</expan> · þo my lorde was out</l>
<l> He salued so owr<expan>e</expan> wo<expan>m</expan>men · til so<expan>m</expan>me were with childe</l>
<l> Hende speche het pees · opene þe ȝates</l>
<l> Late in þe frere and his felawe · and make hem faire chere</l>
<l> He may se and here · so it may bifalle</l>
<l> That lyf þorw his lore shal leue coueityse</l>
<l> And be adradde of deth · and with<seg>-</seg>drawe hym<note>L.20.352: The ink above <hi>hym</hi> is offset from the following leaf.</note> fram pryde</l>
<l> And acorde with conscience · and kisse her either other</l>
<l> Thus thorw hende speche entred þe frere</l>
<l> And cam in to conscience · and curteisly hym grette</l>
<l> Þow art welcome q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience canstow hele þe syke</l>
<l> Here is contriciou<expan>n</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience · my cosyn ywounded</l>
<l> Conforte hym q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience and take kepe to his sores</l>
<l> The plastres of þe p<expan>er</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> · and poudres biten to sore</l>
<l> He lat hem ligge ouerlonge · and loth is to chaunge hem</l>
<l> Fro lenten to lenten · he lat his plastres bite</l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is ouerlonge q<expan>uo</expan>d this limito<expan>ur</expan> · I leue I shal amende it</l>
<l> And goth and gropeth contriciou<expan>n</expan> · and gaf hym a plastre</l>
<l> Of a pryue payement · and I shal praye for ȝow</l>
<l> For alle þat ȝe ben holde to · al my lyf<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l> And make ȝow my lady · in masse and in matynes</l>
<l> As freres of owre fraternite · for a litel syluer</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus he goth and gadereth · and gloseth þ<expan>er</expan>e he shryueth</l>
<l> Tyl contriciou<expan>n</expan> hadde clene forȝeten · to crye & to wepe</l>
<l> And wake for his wykked werkes · as he was wont to done</l>
<l> For confort of his confesso<expan>ur</expan> · contriciou<expan>n</expan> he lafte</l>
<l> Þat is þe souereynest salue · for alkyn synnes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sleuth seigh þat · and so did pryde</l>
<l> And come with a kene wille · conscience to assaille</l>
<l> Conscience cryde eft · and bad clergye help hym</l>
<l> And also contriciou<expan>n</expan> · forto kepe þe ȝate</l>
<l> He lith and dremeth · seyde pees · and so do many other</l>
<l> The Frere with his phisik · þis folke hath enchaunted</l>
<l> And plastred hem so esyly · þei drede no synne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Bi cryste q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi>conscience</hi> þo · I wil bicome a pilgryme</l>
<l> And walken as wyde · as al þe wordle lasteth</l>
<l> To seke <hi>Piers</hi> þe plowman · þat pryde may destruye</l>
<l> And þat freres hadde a fyndyng · þat for nede flat<expan>er</expan>en</l>
<l> And contrepleteth me conscience · now kynde me auenge</l>
<l> And sende me happe and hele · til I haue piers þe plowman</l>
<foreign><hi><supplied>pass</supplied><expan>us</expan> ij<expan>us</expan> de</hi></foreign> Dobest
<l> And sitthe he gradde after g<expan>ra</expan>ce · til I gan awake<note>L.20.386: In the left margin below the final line of text the scribe has written <foreign><hi><supplied>pass</supplied><expan>us</expan> ij<expan>us</expan> de</hi></foreign> Dobest as an (ignored) instruction for the rubricator. It has been cropped, lacking initial <foreign><hi>pass-</hi></foreign> or <foreign><hi>explicit pass-</hi></foreign>.</note></l>
<trailer><hi><foreign>Explicit hic dialogus petri</foreign> plowman</hi> </trailer>