fol. 81v (cont.)I
passus xixus & explicit
dobet & incipit dobest
Passus xixusVndevicesimus
ThusL.19.1: A small guide letter <t> appears in the left margin. I awaked & wrote · what I had dremed
And diȝte me derely · & dede me to cherche
To here holy þe masse · & to be houseled after
In myddes of þe masse · þo men ȝede to offrynge
I fel eftsones a-slepe · & sodeynly me mette
That Pieres þe plowman · was paynted al blody
And come in with a crosse · bifor þe comune peple
And riȝte lyke in alle lymes · to owre lorde ihesu
And þanne called I conscience · to kenne me þe sothe
Is þis ihesus þe iuster quod I · þat iuwes did to deth
Or it is Pieres þe plowman · who paynted hym so rede
Quod conscience & kneled þo · þise aren Pieres armes
His coloures & his cotearmure · ac he þat cometh so blody
Is cryst with his crosse · conqueroure of crystene
Why calle ȝe hym cryst quod I · sithenes iuwes calle hym ihesus
Patriarkes & prophetes · prophecyed bifore
Þat alkyn creatures · shulden knelen & bowen
Anon as men nempned · þe name of god Ihesu
Ergo is no name · to þe name of ihesus
Ne none so nedeful to nempne · by nyȝte ne by daye
For alle derke deuelles · aren adradde to heren it
And synful aren solaced · & saued bi þat name
And ȝe callen hym cryst · for what cause telleth me
Is cryst more of myȝte · & more worthy name
Þan ihesu or ihesus · þat al owre ioye come of
Thow knowest wel quod conscience · and þow konne resoun
That knyȝte kynge conqueroure · may be o persone
To be called a kniȝte is faire · for men shal knele to hym
To be called a Kynge is fairer · for he may knyȝtes make
Ac to be conquerour called · þat cometh of special grace
And of hardynesse of herte · & of hendenesse
To make lordes of laddes · of londe þat he wynneth
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And fre men foule thralles · þat folweth nouȝt his lawes
The iuwes þat were gentil men · ihesu þei dispised
Bothe his lore & his lawe · now ar þei lowe cherlis
As wyde as þe worlde is wonyeth · þere none
But vnder tribut & taillage · as tykes & cherles
And þo þat bicome crysten · by conseille of þe baptisteL.19.38: L alone reads baptiste; other B manuscripts have baptisme.
Aren frankeleynes fre men · þorw fullyng þat þei toke
And gentel men with ihesu · for Ihesus was yfolled
And vppon caluarye on crosse · ycrouned kynge of iewes
It bicometh to a Kynge · to kepe and to defende
And conquerour of conquest · his lawes & his large
And so ded Ihesus þe iewes · he iustified & tauȝte hem
Þe lawe of lyf · that last shal euere
And fended fram foule yueles · feueres & fluxes
and fro fendes þat in hem wasL.19.47: LF alone read was; other B manuscripts have some form of were. & fals bileueL.19.47: This line is written in the right margin by the original scribe. A cross with a punctus in each quadrant appears in both margins as a signe de renvoie for the supplied line.
Þo was he ihesus of iewes called · gentel prophete
And kynge of her kyngdome · & croune bar of þornes
And þo conquered he on crosse · as conquerour noble
Myȝt no deth hym fordo · ne adown brynge
That he ne aros & regned · and rauysshed helle
And þo was he conquerour called · of quikke & of ded
For he ȝaf Adam & Eue · and other mo blisse
Þat longe hadde leyne bifore · as lucyferes cherles
And sith he ȝaf largely · alle his lele lyges
Places in paradys · at her partynge hennes
He may wel be called conquerour · & þat is cryst to mene
Ac þe cause þat he cometh þus · with crosse of his passioun
Is to wissen vs þere-wyth · þat whan þat we ben tempted
Þer-with to fyȝte & fenden vs · fro fallyng in-to synne
And se bi his sorwe · þat who-so loueth ioye
To penaunce & to pouerte he moste putten hym-seluen
And moche wo in þis worlde · willen & suffren
Ac to carpe more of cryst · and how he come to þat name
Faithly forto speke · his firste name was ihesus
Tho he was borne in bethleem as þe boke telleth
And cam to take mankynde · kynges and aungeles
Reuerenced hym faire · with richesse of erthe
Angeles out of heuene · come knelyng & songe
Gloria in excelsis deo &c
Kynges come after · kneled & offred
Mirre & moche golde · with-outen mercy askynge
Or any kynnes catel · but knowlechyng hym soeuereigne
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Bothe of sonde sonne & see · & sithenes þei went
In-to her kyngene kyth · by conseille of angeles
And there was þat worde fulfilled · þe which þow of speke
Omnia celestia terrestria flectantur in hoc nomine Ihesu
For alle þe angeles of heuene · at hi.s burth kneled
And al þe witte of þe worlde · was in þo þre kynges
Resoun & riȝtfulnesseL.19.81: LBC alone read riȝtfulnesse; all other manuscripts have Rightwisnesse. · & reuth þei offred
Wherfore & whi · wyse men þat tyme
Maistres & lettred men · Magy hem called
That o kynge cam with resoun · keuered vnder senseL.19.84-86: A drypoint <X> appears in the left margin.
Þe secounde kynge sitthe · sothliche offred
Riȝtwisnesse vnder red golde resouns felawe
Golde is likned to leute · þat last shal euere
And resoun to riche golde · to riȝte & to treuthe
The þridde kynge þo cam · knelyng to ihesu
And presented hym with pitee · apierynge by myrre
For mirre is mercy to mene · & mylde speche of tonge
Thre yliche honest þinges · wasL.19.92: LF alone read was; other B manuscripts have some form of were. offred þus at ones
Þorw þre kynne kynges · knelynge to ihesu
Ac for alle þise preciouse presentz · owre lorde prynce ihesus
Was neyther kynge ne conquerour · til he gan to wexe
In þe manere of a man · & þat by moche sleight
As it bicometh a conquerour · to konne many sleightes
And many wyles & witte · þat wil ben a leder
And so did ihesu in his dayes · who-so had tyme to telle it
Sum-tyme he suffred · & sum-tyme he hydde hym
And sum-tyme he fauȝte faste · & fleigh otherwhile
And some-tyme he gaf good · & graunted hele bothe
Lyf & lyme · as hym lyste he wrought
As kynde is of a conquerour · so comsed ihesu
Tyl he had alle hem · þat he fore bledde
In his iuuente þis ihesus · atte iuwen feste
Water in-to wyn tourned · as holy writ telleth
And þere bigan god · of his grace to dowel
For wyn is lykned to lawe · & lyf of holynesse
And lawe lakked þo · for men loued nouȝt her enemys
And cryst conseilleth þus · & comaundeth bothe
Bothe to lered & to lewed · to louye owre enemys
So atte feste firste as I bifore tolde
Bygan god of his grace & goodnesse to dowel
And þo was he cleped & called nouȝt holy cryst but Ihesu
A fauntfyn ful of witte · filius marie
For bifor his moder marie · made he þat wonder
Þat she furste & formest · ferme shulde bilieue
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That he þorw grace was gete · & of no gome elles
He wrouȝt þat bi no witte · but þorw worde one
After þe kynde þat he come of · þere comsed he dowel
And whan he was woxen more · in his moder absence
He made lame to lepe · & ȝaue liȝte to blynde
And fedde with two fisshes · & with fyue loues ·
Sore afyngred folke · mo þan fyue thousande
Þus he conforted carful · & cauȝte a gretter name
Þe whiche was dobet · where þat he went
For defe þorw his doynges to here · & dombe speke he made
And alle he heled & halpe · þat hym of grace asked
And þo was he called in contre of þe comune peple
For þe dedes þat he did · fili dauid ihesus
For dauid was douȝtiest · of dedes in his tyme
The berdes þo songe · Saul interfecit mille · et dauid decem milia ·
For-þi þe contre þere ihesu cam · called hym fili dauid
And nempned hym of nazereth · & no man so worthi
To be kaisere or kynge · of þe kyngedome of iuda
Ne ouer iuwes iustice · as ihesus was hem þouȝte
Where-of caiphas hadde enuye · & other of þe iewes
And forto doun hym to deth · day & nyȝte þei casten
Kulleden hym on crosse-wyse · at caluarie on fryday
And sithen buryden his body · & beden þat men sholde
Kepen it fro niȝt-comeres · with knyȝtes yarmed
For no frendes shulde hym fecche · for prophetes hem tolde
Þat þat blessed body · of burieles shulde rise
And gone in-to galile · and gladen his apostles
And his moder Marie · þus men bifore demed
The knyȝtes þat kepten it · biknewe it hem-seluen
Þat angeles & archangeles · ar þe day spronge
Come knelynge to þe corps · & songen cristus resurgens
Verrey man bifor hem alle · & forth with hem he ȝede
The iewes preyed hem pees · & bisouȝte þe knyȝtes
Telle þe comune þat þere cam · a compaignye of his aposteles
And bywicched hem as þei woke · & awey stolen it
Ac Marie Magdeleyne · mette hym bi þe wey
Goynge toward galile · in godhed & manhed
And lyues & lokynge · & she aloude cryde
In eche a compaignye þere she cam · cristus resurgens
Þus cam it out þat cryst ouer-cam · rekeuered & lyued
Sic oportet cristum pati & intrare &c ·
For þat wommen witeth · may nouȝte wel be conseille
Peter parceyued al þis · & pursued after
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Bothe iames & Iohan · Ihesu for to seke
Tadde & ten mo · with Thomas of ynde
And as alle þise wise wyes · weren togideres
In an hous al bishette · & her dore ybarred
Cryst cam in & al closed · bothe dore & ȝates
To peter & to his aposteles · and seyde pax vobis
And toke Thomas by þe hande · and tauȝte hym to grope
And fele with his fyngres · his flesshelich herteL.19.169: The scribe appears to have failed to skip a line for the strophe break and scraped the text.
Thomas touched it · & with his tonge seydeL.19.170: We have characterized this word as an addition, though it is clearly the original scribe's hand. The <d> is somewhat extravagantly flourished, and a word-initial long <s> is not common in his hand.
Deus meus & dominus meus
Thow art my lorde · I bileue · god lorde ihesu
Þow deydest & deth þoledest · and deme shalt vs alle
And now art lyuynge & lokynge · & laste shalt euere
Crist carped þanne · and curteislich seyde
Thomas for þow trowest þis · & trewliche bileuest it
Blessed mote þow be · & be shalt for euere
And blessed mote þei alle be · in body & in soule
That neuere shal se me in siȝte · as þow doste nouthe
And lellich bileuen al þis · I loue hem & blesse hem
Beati qui non viderunt &c ·
And whan þis dede was done · dobest he tauȝte
And ȝaf Pieres power · and pardoun he graunted
To alle manere men · mercy & forȝyfnes
Hym myȝte men to assoille · of alle manere synnes
In couenant þat þei come · & knewleche to paye
To pieres pardon þe plowman · redde quod debes
Thus hath pieres powere · be his pardoun payed
To bynde & toL.19.189: LC2 alone read to. vnbynde · bothe here & ellesL.19.189: LF alone — R is absent here — read elles, which probably explains the corrector's <+> to the right of and slightly higher than this line. Other B manuscripts have ellis-where. It is equally possible that the corrector's mark was intended to call attention to the repeated to of the a-verse or to both differences from beta.
And assoille men of alle synnes · saue of dette one
Anone after an heigh · vp in-to heuene
He went & wonyeth þere · & wil come atte laste
And wilL.19.193: LG alone have wil. rewarde hym riȝte wel · þat reddit quod debet
Payeth parfitly as pure trewthe wolde
And what persone payeth it nouȝt · punysshen he þinketh
And demen hem at domes-daye · bothe quikke & ded
Þe gode to þe godhede · & to grete ioye
And wikkeL.19.198: L alone reads wikke; all other B manuscripts have wikkede. to wonye · in wo with-outen ende
Þus conscience of crist · & of þe crosse carped
And conseilled me to knele þer-to · & þanne come me þouȝte
One spiritus paraclitus · to Pieres & to his felawes
In lyknesse of a liȝtnynge · he lyȝte on hem alle
And made hem konne & knowe · alkyn langages
L.19.204: An unrubricated paraph marker appears in the left margin. Since the scribe failed to skip a line, the rubricating scribe may have failed to notice it. ¶ I wondred what þat was · & wagged conscience
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And was afered of the lyȝte · for in fyres lyknesseL.19.205: A few characters, no longer legible, are erased in the right margin.
Spiritus paraclitus · ouer-spradde hem alle
Quod concscience & kneled · þis is crystes messager
And cometh fro þe grete god · & grace is his name
Knele now quod conscience · & if þow canst synge
Welcome hym & worshipe hym · with veni creator spiritus
Thanne songe I þat songe · and so did many hundreth
And cryden with conscience · help vs god of grace
And þanne bigan grace · to go with piers plowman
And conseilled hym & conscience · þe comune to sompne
For I wil dele to-daye · & dyuyde grace
To alkynnes creatures · þat kanL.19.216: LF alone read kan; most other B manuscripts have han. Note that R is not present here. her fyue wittes
Tresore to lyue by · to her lyues ende
And wepne to fyȝte with · þat wil neure faille
For antecryst & his · al þe worlde shal greue
And acombre þe conscience · but if cryst þe helpe
And fals prophetes fele · flatereres & glosers
Shullen come & be curatoures · ouer kynges & erlis
And pryde shal be pope · prynce of holycherche
Coueytyse & vnkyndenesse · cardinales hym to lede
For-þi quod grace er I go · I wil gyue ȝow tresore
And wepne to fiȝte with · whan antecryst ȝow assailleth
And gaf eche man a grace · to gye with hym-seluen
That ydelnesse encombre hym nouȝt · envye ne pryde
Diuisiones graciarum sunt &c ·
Some he ȝaf wytte · with wordes to shewe
Witte to wynne her lyflode with · as þe worlde asketh
As prechoures & prestes & prentyce of lawe
Þei lelly to lyue · by laboure of tonge
And bi witte to wissen other · as grace hem wolde teche
And some he kenned crafte · & kunnynge of syȝte
With sellyng & buggynge · her bylyf to wynne
And some he lered to laboure · a lele lyf & a trewe
And somme he tauȝte to tilie · to dyche & to thecche
To wynne with her lyflode · by lore of his techynge
And some to dyuyne & diuide · noumbres to kenne
And some to compas craftily · & coloures to make
And some to se & to saye · what shulde bifalle
Bothe of wel & of wo · telle it or it felle
As Astronomyenes þorw astronomye · & philosophres wyse
And some to ryde & to recoeureL.19.245: LF read recoeure; most other B manuscripts have recouere. Cf. L.17.69 for similar alpha and L agreement. For the spelling, see the Linguistic Description, § III. · þat vnriȝtfully was wonne
He wissed hem wynne it aȝeyne · þorw wightnesse of handes
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And fecchen it fro fals men · with foluyles lawes
And some he lered to lyue · in longynge to ben hennes
In pouerte & in penaunce · to preye for alle crystene
And alle he lered to be lele · & eche a crafte loue other
And forbad hem alle debate · þat none were amonge hem
Thowgh some be clenner þan somme · ȝe se wel quod grace
Þat he þat vseth þe fairest crafte · to þe foulest I couth haue put hymL.19.253: A corrector's <+> appears in the left margin, suggesting that the scribe initially omitted couth haue put hym. Those words appear in ink darker than the rest of the line.
Þinketh alle quod grace · þat grace cometh of my ȝifte
Loke þat none lakke other · but loueth alle as bretheren
And who þat moste maistries can · be myldest of berynge
And crouneth conscience kynge · & maketh crafte ȝowre stuward
And after craftes conseille · clotheth ȝow & fede
For I make Pieres þe plowman · my procuratour & my reve
And Regystrere to receyue · redde quod debes
My prowor & my plowman · Piers shal ben on erthe
And for to tulye treuthe · a teme shal he haue
Grace gaue Piers a teme · foure gret oxen
Þat on was Luke a large beste · and a lowe-chered
And marke & mathew þe þrydde · myghty bestes bothe
And ioigned to hem one Iohan · most gentil of alle
Þe prys nete of Piers plow · passyng alle other
And grace gaue pieres · of his goodnesse foure stottis
Al þat his oxen eryed · þey to harwe after
On hyȝte Austyne · & ambrose an other
Gregori þe grete clerke · & Ierome þe gode
Þise foure þe feithe to teche · folweth pieres teme
And harwed in an handwhile · al holy scripture
Wyth two harwes þat þei hadde · an olde & a newe
IdestId est vetus testamentum & nouum
And grace gaue greynes · þe cardynales vertues
And sewe it in mannes soule · & sithen he tolde her names
Spiritus prudencie · þe firste seed hyȝte
And who-so eet þat · ymagyne he shulde
Ar he did any dede · deuyse wel þe ende
And lerned men a ladel bugge · with a longe stele
Þat cast for to kepe a crokke · to saue þe fatte abouen
The secounde seed hiȝte spiritus temperancie
He þat ete of þat seed · hadde suche a kynde
Shulde neuere mete ne mochel drynke · make hym to swelle
Ne sholde no scorner ne scolde · oute of skyl hym brynge
Ne wynnynge ne welthe · of wordeliche ricchesse
Waste worde of ydelnesse · ne wykked speche meue
Shulde no curyous clothe · comen on hys rugge
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Ne no mete in his mouth · þat maister Iohan spiced
The thridde seed þat Pieres sewe · was spiritus fortitudinis
And who-so eet of þat seed hardy was eure
To suffre al þat god sent · sykenesse & angres
Myȝte no lesyngeL.19.294: L alone reads lesynge; other B manuscripts have lesynges. ne lyere · ne losse of worldely catel
Maken hym for any mournynge · þat he nas merye in soule
And bolde & abydynge · bismeres to suffre
And playeth al with pacyence · & parce michi domine
And couered hym vnder conseille · of catoun þe wyse
Esto forti animo cum sis dampnatus inique
The fierthe seed þat pieres sewe · was spiritus iusticie
And he þat eet of þat seed · shulde be euere trewe
With god & nouȝt agast · but of gyle one
For gyle goth so pryuely · þat good faith other-while
May nouȝte ben aspyed · for spiritus iusticie
Spiritus iusticie · spareth nouȝte to spille
Hem þat ben gulty · & forto correcte
Þe Kynge ȝif he falle · in gylte or in trespasse
For counteth he no kynges wratthe · whan he in courte sitteth
To demen as a domes-man · adradde was he neure
Noither of duke ne of deth · þat he ne dede þeL.19.310: LF alone have þe; other B manuscripts omit it. Note that R is not present here. lawe
For present or for preyere · or any prynces lettres
He dede equite to alle · euene-forth his powere
Thise foure sedes pieres sewe · and sitthe he did hem harwe
Wyth olde lawe and newe lawe · þat loue myȝte wexe
Amonge þe foure vertues · and vices destroye
For comunelich in contrees · kammokes & wedes
Fouleth þe fruite in þe felde · þere þei growe togyderes
And so don vices · vertues worthy
Quod Piers harweth alle þat kunneth kynde witte · bi conseille of þis doctours
And tulyeth after her techynge · þe cardinale vertues
Aȝeines þi greynes quod grace · bigynneth for to ripe
Ordeigne þe an hous quodL.19.322: LCr1,2M have quod; all other B witnesses omit it. Piers · to herberwe in þi cornes
By god grace quod Piers · ȝe moten gyue tymbre
And ordeyne þat hous · ar ȝe hennes wende
And grace gaue hym þe crosse · with þe croune of þornes
That cryst vpon caluarye · for mankynde on pyned
And of his baptesme & blode · þat he bledde on Rode
He made a maner morter · & mercy it hiȝte
And þere-with grace bigan · to make a good foundement
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And watteled it and walled it · with his peynes & his passioun
And of al holywrit · he made a rofe after
And called þat hous vnite · holicherche on englisshe
And whan þis dede was done · grace deuised
A carte hyȝte cristendome · to carye pieres sheues
And gaf hym caples to his carte · contricioun & confessioun
And made presthode haywarde · þe while hym-self went
As wyde as þe worlde is · with pieres to tulye treuthe
Now is Pieres to þe plow · & pruyde it aspyde
And gadered hym a grete oest · to greuen he þinketh
Conscience and al crystene · and cardinale vertues
Blowe hem doune & breke hem · & bite atwo þe mores
And sent forth surquydous · his seriaunt of armes
And his spye spille-loue · one speke yuel byhynde
Þise two come to conscience · and to crystene peple
And tolde hem tydynges · þat tyne þei shulde þe sedes
That Pieres þere hadde ysowen · þe cardynal vertues
And Pieres berne worth broke · & þei þat ben in vnite
Shulle come out · & conscience & ȝowre two caples
Confessioun & contricioun · and ȝowre carte þe byleue
Shal be coloured so queyntly · and keuered vnder owre sophistrie
Þat consciounconsci[ence]L.19.351: The corrector's <+> in the left margin notes the scribe's conscioun for conscience. shal nouȝte  knowe by contricioun
Ne by confessioun  who is cristene or hethen
Ne no maner marchaunt · þat with moneye deleth
Where he wynne wyth riȝte · with wronge or with vsure
With suche coloures & queyntise  cometh pryde yarmed
With þe lorde þat lyueth after · þe luste of his body
To wasten on welfare · and on wykked kepynge
Al þe worlde in a while · þorw owre witte quod pruyde
Quod conscience to alle crystene þo · my conseille is to wende
Hastiliche in-to vnyte · & holde we vs þere
And preye we þat a pees were · in Piers berne þe plowman
For witterly I wote wel · we beth nouȝte of strengthe
To gone agayne pryde · but grace were with vs
And þanne cam kynde wytte · conscience to teche
And cryde & comaunded · al crystene peple
For to deluen a dyche · depe aboute vnite
That holycherche stode in vnite · as it a pylepyle [were]L.19.367: A corrector's <+> in the left margin notes L's omission of were after pyle, attested by all other B manuscripts.
Conscience comaunded þo · al crystene to delue
And make a muche mote · þat myȝte ben a strengthe
To helpe holycherche · & hem þat it kepeth
Thanne alkyn crystene · saue comune wommen
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Repenteden & refused synne · saue they one
And fals men flateres · vsureres and theues
Lyeres and questmongeres · þat were forsworen ofte
Wytynge and willefully · with þe falseL.19.375: The <s> of false is unclear because of scuffing. helden
And for syluer were forswore · sothely þei wist it
Þere nas no crystene creature · þat kynde witte hadde
Saue schrewes one · suche as I spak of
That he ne halpe a quantite · holynesse to wexe
Somme þorw bedes byddynge · and some þorw pylgrymage
And other pryue penaunce · and some þorw penyes delynge
And þanne welled water · for wikked werkes
Egerlich ernynge · out of mennes eyen
Clennesse of þe comune · & clerkes clene lyuynge
Made vnite holicherche · in holynesse to stonde
I care nouȝte quod conscience · þough pryde come nouthe
Þe lorde of luste shal be letted · al þis lente I hope
Comeþ quod conscience · ȝe cristene and dyneth
Þat han laboured lelly · al þis lente tyme
Here is bred yblessed · and goddes body þer-vnder
Grace þorw goddes worde · gaue Pieres power
Myȝtes to maken it · & men to ete it after
In helpe of her hele · onys in a moneth
Or as ofte as þey hadden nede · þo þat hadde ypayed
To pieres pardoun þe plowman · redde quod debes
How quod al þe comune · þow conseillest vs to ȝelde
Al þat we owen any wyȝte · ar we go to housel
That is my conseille quod conscience & cardynale vertues
Þat vche man forȝyue other · and þat wyl þe pater noster
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra · &c ·
And so to ben assoilled · & sithen ben houseled
Ȝe bawe quod a brewere · I wil nouȝt be reuled
Bi ihesu for al ȝowre ianglynge · with spiritus iusticie
Ne after conscience by cryste · whil I can selle
Bothe dregges & draffe · and drawe it at on hole
Þikke ale and þinne ale · for þat is my kynde
And nouȝte hakke after holynesse · holde þi tonge conscience
Of spiritus iusticie · þow spekest moche an ydel
Caytyue quod conscience · cursed wrecche
Vnblessed artow brewere · but if þe god helpe
But þow lyue by lore · of spiritus iusticie
Þe chief seed þat Pieres sewe · ysaued worstow neure
But conscience þe comune fede · and cardynale vertues
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Leue it wel þei ben loste · bothe lyf & soule
Thanne is manyL.19.415: L alone omits a after many. man ylost quod a lewed vycory
I am a curatour of holykyrke · and come neure in my tyme
Man to me þat me couth telle · of cardinale vertues
Or þat acounted conscience · at a cokkes fether or an hennes
I knewe neure cardynal · þat he ne cam fro þe pope
And we clerkes whan þey come · for her comunes payeth
For her pelure and her palfreyes mete · & piloures þat hem folweth
Þe comune clamat cotidie · eche a man to other
Þe contre is þe curseder · þat cardynales come Inne
And þere they ligge and lenge moste · lecherye þere regneth
For-þi quod þis vicori · be verrey god I wolde
That no cardynal come · amonge þe comune peple
But in her holynesse · holden hem stille
At Auynoun amonge þe iuwes · cum sancto sanctus eris &c
Or in Rome as here rule wole · þe reliques to kepe
And þow conscience in kynges courte · & shuldest neure come þennes
And grace þat þow gredest so of : gyour of alle clerkes
And Pieres with his newe plow · & eke with his olde
Emperour of al þe worlde · þat alle men were cristene
Inparfyt is þat pope · þat alL.19.434: LB alone omit þe before peple. peple shulde helpe
And sendeth hem þat sleeth suche · as he shulde saue
And wel worth piers þe plowman · þat pursuethL.19.436: L alone reads sueth; all other B manuscripts have pursueþ, the probably original reading here with <pur-> erased. god in doyng
Qui pluit super iustos · & iniustos at ones
And sent þe sonne to saue · a cursed mannes tilthe
As bryȝte as to þe best man · & to þe beste woman
Riȝte so Pieres þe plowman · peyneth hym to tulye
As wel for a wastour · & wenches of þe stuwes
As for hym-self & his seruauntz · saue he is firste yserued
And trauailleth & tulyeth · for a tretour also sore
As for a trewe tydy man · al tymes ylyke
And worshiped be he þat wrouȝte al · bothe good & wykke
And suffreth þat synful be · til some-tyme þat þei repente
And god amende þe pope · þat pileth holykirke
And cleymeth bifor þe kynge · to be keper ouer crystene
And counteth nouȝt þough crystene ben · culled & robbed
And fynt folke to fyȝte · and cristene blode to spille
Aȝeyne þe olde lawe & newe lawe · as Luke þer-of witnesseth
Non occides michi vindictam &c
It semeth · by so  hym-self hadd his wille
That he ne reccheth riȝte nouȝte · of al þe remenaunte
And cryst of his curteisye · þe cardinales saue
And tourne her witte to wisdome · & to wele of soule
For þe comune quod þis curatour counten ful litel
Þe conseille of conscience · or cardinale vertues
But if þei soweL.19.459: L alone reads sowe; most other B manuscripts have some form of seiȝe. as by syȝte · somwhat to wynnynge
fol. 87rI
Of gyle ne of gabbynge · gyue þei neuere tale
For spiritus prudencie · amonge þe peple is gyle
And alle þo faire vertues · as vyces þei semeth
Eche man sotileth a sleight · synne forto hyde
And coloureth it for a kunnynge · and a clene lyuynge
Thanne loughe þere a lorde · & by þis liȝte sayde
I halde it ryȝte & resoun · of my reue to take
Al þat myne auditour or elles my stuwarde
Conseilleth me by her acounte · & my clerkes wrytynge
With spiritus intellectus · they seke þe reues rolles
And with spiritus fortitudinis · fecchefecche [it]L.19.470: The corrector's <+> in the right margin notes L's omission of it after fecche, attested by other B manuscripts. I wole
And þanne come þere a kynge · & bi his croune seyde
I am Kynge with croune · þe comune to reule
And holykirke & clergye · fro cursed men to defende
And if me lakketh to lyue by · þe lawe wil I take it
Þere I may hastlokest it haue · for I am hed of lawe
For ȝe ben but membres · & I aboue alle
And sith I am ȝowre aller hed · I am ȝowre aller hele
And holycherche chief help · & chiftaigne of þe comune
And what I take of ȝow two · I take it atte techynge
Of spiritus iusticie for I · iugge ȝow alle
So I may baldely be houseled · for I borwe neuere
Ne craue of my comune · but as my kynde asketh
In condicioun quod conscience · þat þow konne defende
And rule þi rewme in resoun · riȝt wel & in treuth
Take þow may in resoun as þi lawe asketh
Omnia tua sunt ad defendendum set non ad depre..dandum
Þe vyker hadde fer home · & faire toke his leue
And I awakned þere-with · & wrote as me mette