Passus terciodecimus
Bx.13.2: : "bold" ( fere MED adj.(2)). R's reading is likely to represent alpha, and is the basis for F's misunderstanding fer. Beta has instead revised to a-feerd which is no more apposite. fre has presumably corrupted Bx, "doomed to die", as in feye (and BmBo), alluding to the opening of the previous passus. Cx were · forth gan I walke
And as a freke þat f[e]reBx.13.3: : L, Beta2 and F have many, but MR are supported by many a. Cx ȝere after
In manere of a mendynaunt · manyBx.13.4KD.13.4
Bx.13.4: : See note to tyme.11.388 Bx . mss. split between C and tyme. tymes · moche þouȝt I hadde
And of þis metyng many tymeBx.13.7: : The paraph is supported by LCR alone. ¶ And how þat freris folwed · folke þat was riche
¶Bx.13.11: : LMWHm are supported by þis. R has Cx. þus coueitise ouercome · clerkes and prestes
And how þisBx.13.14-20: Alpha skips a paragraph and loses seven lines. Lines 14-16 and 19-20 are paralleled in (RK.15.17-19, 21-3). Cx ¶ And how þat ymagynatyf · in dremeles me tolde
Bx.13.19: iustus: Apparently dropped in beta2 and inserted at the end of the line by Hm, though O has it in the same position. Cf. .12.300 Bx . saluabitur vix iustus
And sitthen how ymagynatif seyde [·] Bx.13.24KD.13.24
Bx.13.24: : The paraph is supported by LR, with a new line group in M. ¶ And for conscience of clergye spake · I come wel þe rather
¶Bx.13.29: C and alpha here have a not inappropriate paraph.Ac pacience in þe paleis [·] stode in pilgrymes clothes
Bx.13.30: (1): With support from LMCrHmCR, this seems undoubtedly to be the reading of for, and thus altered independently by WGOF to alliterating Bx. Cf. the almost identical a-verse par / pur.6.30 Bx (and note) with the same range of variants, and .6.260 Bx . In mss. the P family also has C in place of the X family's for, but this is in the b-verse where the alliteration is not structural (RK.15.32). pur charite · for a pore heremyte
And preyde mete forBx.13.32KD.13.32
Bx.13.32: : L's originally correct reading was altered to wye. wyel ȝe go and wasshe · þow shalt sitte sone
Welcome wy[e]Bx.13.39: : Beta2 has of alle, but it is not supported by and of. Cx þe foure euangelistes
Of austyn of ambrose · of alleBx.13.42: : Beta is supported by ete against alpha's Cx. hadde mete of more coste · mortrewes and potages
Ac þei eteBx.13.48KD.13.46
Bx.13.48: : The paraph is recorded by WHmC and alpha, with a line-space in M. ¶ Conscience ful curteisly þo · comaunded scripture
[¶]Bx.13.51: dia: Clearly the reading, with M altering to the more obvious Bx, the reading of GOF. Some diu mss. including X also have C. Schmidt (1987), 92, supposes a pun (ME dia, "drug", as in dia.20.173 Bx ). Perhaps, therefore, it might be interpreted "a concoction whose chief ingredient is persevering" (cf. MED-). Note Cr's dia as one word. diaperseueraunce perseuerans dia
And sith he drough vs drynke · Bx.13.52KD.13.51
Bx.13.52: : R's reading (F reverses) is supported by he as lyf against beta's Cx. I as I lyue · and lycame may dure
As longe quod [he] as ly[f]Bx.13.54: : Although the paraph is not particularly appropriate, it is evidently ¶, supported by LWR and a line-space in M. Bx And þanne he brouȝt vsBx.13.54: : Supported by LMWR, but dropped by others in an unusually long a-verse. vs forth a mees ofBx.13.54: : Dropped by beta4 and altered by the Hm corrector. a mees of other mete · of Mise[r]ere mei deus
¶Bx.13.55: : Dropped by R; The line is not in vs. F, understandably dissatisfied with this and the next line, rewrites them to bring them closer to Psalm 31.1-2, and so is
no use in determining alpha. C of [·] of Beati quorumBx.13.55: (2): R has of, and and of for vir his. F rewrites. virres makyng beatus virres
And he brouȝte vsBx.13.56KD.13.54α-55
Bx.13.56: Et: R's , possibly supported by F's And, deserves serious consideration, although & is part of the quotation from Psalm 31.1. In R this is a new dish; in beta it is all part of the same dish. There is no parallel
in Et. C quorum tecta sunt peccata [·] in a dissh Et
Bx.13.59: orabit: Beta adds , in line with the Vulgate (once again the Second Penitential Psalm, 31.6), but alpha's omission is supported by ad te. Alpha sets the Latin as a separate line, as does beta4 (CGO), which takes Cx from ybroughte to fill out the English line. C omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno pro hac orabit
¶ And þanne had pacience a pitaunce [·] Bx.13.63: : R has mete, an alpha error which F revises to mene for sense. mowht supports beta. Cx · ac I morned euere
And made hym muirth with his meteBx.13.64KD.13.61
Bx.13.64: : HmR have þe, but it is not supported by þis. Cx heigh dese · dranke wyn so faste
For þis doctoure on þeBx.13.66: : R is supported by And. Following the Latin line, beta adds a paraph and begins Cx. F, with the same motivation, begins He. Þey he eet many sondry metes · mortrewes and puddynges
Bx.13.68: In the punctus follows Bx, though it makes better sense to take it as "in such a way that" as in CO. F has so for þat. so pacience it herde
Þanne seide I to my-self so ·Bx.13.69: : R uniquely has poules, as does the P family of seynt poules in a completely revised line. C
It is nouȝt foure dayes þat þis freke · bifor þe den of poulesBx.13.75: est: Alpha drops the verb. The form of the citation in F is the same as in some of the P family of and in C 329. R's version is unique. Upland's Rejoinder in falsis fratribus Periculum est
Bx.13.77: : This appears to be beta's reading, and perhaps alpha's too, despite the reading On of CrWR. In englisch an auenture · it sholde be reherced to ofte
OnBx.13.78: : L and alpha; other beta mss. drop þat good men ben, while beta2 simplifies to men. goode men · ac gramarienes shul rede
And greue þere-with þat good men benBx.13.79: The punctus after is supported by MWHm, and by RF which additionally break the line at this point. In L custodiat is overwritten in a post-medieval hand. vnusquisque ... dicitur quia vt dicitur periculum est in falsis fratribus Vnusquisque a fratre se custodiat [·]
Bx.13.81: : WHmGF and the M corrector pedantically replace with the sg. her also has the sg., but the referent Cx prompts it in this case. frere is ycald teme · and telle it with-outen glosynge
Taken it for herBx.13.82: : R begins Þei (F Ac þei), not supported by But þey. Cx prechen þat penaunce is · profitable to þe soule
ÞeiBx.13.86: (2): The beta reading, supported by the P family of he. Alpha has C, so that this line completes the previous line: "he performs badly what he preaches", as in many of the X family of and. An original C could have been understood as either "he" or "and". See Schmidt (1995), 390. a preueth nouȝtBx.13.86: : Dropped by alpha, but necessary for the sense. nouȝt · to pacience I tolde
Þat he precheth heBx.13.90: : Kane (2005) appositely glosses iust as "pot-belly". See iust-wombe MED n. Alpha iuste makes an adjective of it, as do a couple of iuysty mss. C-wombe
I shal iangle to þis Iurdan · with his iustBx.13.91: : Probably R's reading rather represents alpha, of which F's þere ay is a revision. The line is not in euere. C
To telle me what penaunce is · of which he preched ratherBx.13.92KD.13.86
Bx.13.92: : "winked admonishingly"; see Burrow (2002), 103-05. Though this reading is in neither beta nor alpha, conjecturing it as
the reading of preynte explains the variants and restores alliteration. Beta substitutes the synonym Bx and alpha conveys the same sense with wynked. The word is used again in l. bad119 and .18.21 Bx . See Introduction . V.3.3 on me to be stille
Pacience parceyued what I thouȝt · and [preynte]Bx.13.97: : Beta is supported by by her. R has Cx, the omission perhaps representing alpha, which F corrects to here. in þe pocalips · and passioun of seynt Auereys
And preuen it by herBx.13.98: : Alpha's blanmangere is supported by the X family of ne blaumanger, beta's omission by the P family. We retain copy-text. C ne mortrewes
Þat neither bacoun ne braune · blanmangereBx.13.99: : Alpha's plural is supported by penauntes. Cx
Is noither fisshe no flesshe · but fode for penaunte[s]Bx.13.102: : So LM + alpha. Beta1, perhaps encouraged by lyne and lyuyng, must have read the word as leue, leading Beta2 to alter lyue to if þe, "unless he first live" to make a modicum of sense. O alters his exemplar's he to lif, so by coincidence or contamination arriving at the leef reading (RK.15.103). Cx be lesyng · leue me neuere after
And but if þe fyrst lyneBx.13.103: : Kane (2005) glosses "seize", which does not seem quite appropriate. Perhaps the sense is "address" ( take MED v. 39b (a)). In any case OR alter to easier taken, the reading of the P family of talke, and F rewrites. C · and to appose þis doctoure
And þanne is tyme to takeBx.13.104KD.13.98
Bx.13.104: (2): So LMR and CrC, dropped by others. of mss. vary. C dobet · and if dobest be any penaunce
Of dowel and ofBx.13.106: : Evidently the beta reading, and probably also rubbed, since R has Bx. If so, Hm's robbed and F's rudded are picked up from the adj. gan rody in the a-verse. But rody has Cx (RK.15.107), which could represent rodded MED, "rub", or rudden, "redden". Possibly, then, ruden also had Bx, interpreted as synonymous with the much commoner verb rodded. See Schmidt (2008), 414. rubben his chekes
As rody as a rose · rubbedBx.13.109: : Alpha, supported by dobest, against beta's repetition of Cx. Cf. l. dowel104 . any penaunce
¶ What is dowel sire doctour quod I · is do[best]Bx.13.110: : R's reading is supported by dranke after Cx. Scribes reacted to the short b-verse, with both F and beta expanding in different ways. and he dronke aftur
¶ Dowel quod þis doctour · and [dranke after]Bx.13.115: : "if"; so R, supported by And. F substitutes Cx as at If.4.139 Bx , 5.93 etc.; beta reads . And if ȝe fare so in ȝowre fermorie · ferly me þinketh
Bx.13.116: : Dropped by CrCGOF to shorten a long line. R divides the line into two at the caesura. ȝonge childern dorste pleyne
But chest be þere charite shulde be · & ȝongeBx.13.118: : Alpha supported by ful. Dropped by beta. Cx curteisliche · a contenaunce heBx.13.118: : Good support from LM and alpha as well as he. Cx made
¶ Þanne conscience [ful]Bx.13.119: (2): Firm support from LM, beta2 and R. However the word is dropped in to. Cx be stille
And preynte vpon pacience · to preie me toBx.13.122: : The paraph at the start of the speech is in beta and F. ¶ Dowel quod þis doctour · doBx.13.122: : do also has imperative in a revised line (RK.15.124). Cf. R Cx and F dos. ys to doon as clerkes techeth
¶Bx.13.127: : It is not certain that seuene had the numeral. R omits it and the L corrector supplies it in the margin, though it is in M and F. Perhaps it is most likely
that L and R coincidentally omitted it; see Adams (2000), 184. The line is not in Bx. Cx sones he seyde · seruen in a castel
I haue seueneBx.13.128KD.13.121
Bx.13.128: : i.e. the Lord of Life. So LMR; see Schmidt (1995), 391. hym what is dowel
Þere þe lorde of lyf wonyeth · to leren hymBx.13.130: (2): Alpha omits, perhaps rightly. The line is not in to. Cx preue it
I am vnhardy quod he · to any wyȝt toBx.13.141: : The beta2 reading cnoweth is distinctly odd. mouthed
Pacience hath be in many place · and par-auntre cnowethBx.13.144KD.13.136
Bx.13.144: : "in response to". LWHm read At, probably representing beta, though CGO share alpha's Ac, and M is corrected to that reading. At ȝowre preyere quod pacyence þo · so no man displese hym
A[t]Bx.13.151: : R's muddled þow lere þe probably represents alpha, further misunderstood by F. to lere and to louye · for þe lordes loue of heuene
And so þow lere þeBx.13.153: : R is supported by beta2 and by the corrected reading of M. Beta perhaps read of, with beta2 independently altering for sense. and has Cx in this line, but three lines below has "Conforte hym with thy catel and with thy kynde speche" (RK.15.145). Pearsall (2008),
256, refers to of (ed. Millett 7.293-301) for the interpretation of the Ancrene Wisse of Rom. 12.20 as the fire of love. carbones ardentes al kynde speche
Cast coles on his hed · [of]Bx.13.158: : L's form is supported by R. Neither scribe has the form elsewhere. lyte of þyne coueitethBx.13.158: : Beta is supported by coueiteth (RK.15.153). Alpha's Cx avoids the repetition in the following line (dropped in desireth). C
For he þat loueth þe lelly · lyteBx.13.164KD.13.155
Bx.13.164: : WHm confuse the issue with is þe miȝte. On the "middle of the moon" riddle, see Galloway (1995), 68-105, and as þe nyght.3.334 Bx . of bothe
Þe myddel of þe mone [·] is þe miȝteBx.13.166: : Alpha has late. The passage and late.13.159-82 Bx is rewritten in . C þis doctour [sen]Bx.13.166: : The L scribe alters this to sen, in line with beta1, thus correcting the alliteration. But alpha reads deme, which is more probably the reading of se than coincidental error. Bx · ifBx.13.166: : Alpha has if, "whether". where dowel be þer-inne
¶ Vndo it lateBx.13.174-82: These nine lines are omitted by beta, skipping from one short Latin line to the next. Lines 179 and 181 are also omitted
in F. The passage is rewritten in (RK.15.165-9). C [And eke haue god my soule · and þow wilt it craue
Bx.13.177: : "thee". In F it appears more comfortably in the previous line before Þe. make maister of alle þo men · þorugh miȝt of þis redeles
Bx.13.180: : "as to you who are". F's as þe for gives the sense "since you are (the best guardian)". as þou for best ȝemere
Ȝyue þe alle þat þei may ȝiue · as þe forBx.13.183: : The L scribe wrote a paragraph marker which the rubricator missed because the scribe did not leave a line-space. The paraph
is in WHmC and alpha. ¶ It is but a dido quod þis doctour · a dysoures tale
Bx.13.184: : Beta is supported by the X family of and. Alpha's C, which makes the meaning clearer, is supported by the P family of ne. C wiȝte mennes strengthe
Al þe witt of þis worlde · andBx.13.189: : Beta2 has þo, and M revises to that reading. þou moste passe · for pilgrimes kunne wel lye
Þat pacience þoBx.13.192KD.13.181
Bx.13.192: : LMW, and so probably beta's form, with other beta mss. and alpha altering to ȝiue as a result of alliterative attraction. gyue me grace
For I wil go with þis gome · if god wil ȝiueBx.13.197: : So beta, while alpha has ȝow lyke. Elsewhere the verb is always constructed as impersonal with a dative pronoun. ȝe liken · þe leest poynte to knowe
And lere ȝow if ȝow lykeBx.13.201: : LC, original M and R, so secure for wille folke. Other scribes have Bx, repeating wille of folke from the a-verse, and M is altered to bring it in line with beta2. But wille of is the adjective wille, "wandering" (so R's spelling), so that the line means "But the wilfulness of this man (the Doctor) and of the errant folk
here". Note that wil MED adj. records the spellings wil and will. See Burrow, wille (2008), 124-5. N&Q here
Ac þe wille of þe wye · and þe wille folkeBx.13.203: : Alpha's a makes poorer sense. vch a / euery wiȝte · was neure bouȝte to þe fulle
Þe good wille of aBx.13.204KD.13.193
Bx.13.204: : Supported by LWR against nys in other mss. is no tresore þerto · to a trewe wille
For þere nysBx.13.205: : Omitted by beta. Alpha is supported by the alliterative pattern (aaa/xx). Marie Magdeleigne more · for a boxe of salue
¶ Haued nouȝt [Marie]Bx.13.209: : Omitted by GO, and (presumably coincidentally) by M. fyrst þe Frere
¶ Þus curteislich conscience · congeyde fyrstBx.13.213: : So LHmCO and probably uncorrected M. CrWG have easier to, but the phrase means "offer no farewell to". This sense of of, usually followed by a dative pronoun, is common in the poem, e.g. take.1.57 Bx , etc. Alpha's is ruled out by the next line, where the speaker must be Clergy. See Schmidt (1995), 392. and/ne conscience · no congeye wolde take
¶ Clergye toBx.13.216KD.13.205
Bx.13.216: : So LMR and CrHm. The others have seyde, perhaps by semi-alliterative association with quod, or picked up from l. Conscience222 . conscience · so me god helpe
¶ Þat is soth seydeBx.13.219: (2): Beta's reading makes better sense than alpha's and, which leads to alpha's addition of of at the beginning of the next line. And al-kynnes londes ·
And confourmen Kynges to pees · andBx.13.224KD.13.213
Bx.13.224: : "strengthen in faith"; R (= alpha) repeats confermen, "make agree", from l. conformen219 , as does G. fauntekynes · and other folke ylered
And confermenBx.13.231: : The paraph is in beta and F. ¶ And as þei went by þe weye · of dowel þeiBx.13.231: : Beta's b-verse is supported by of dowel þei, although alpha's Cx goes smoothly with the next line. and of dowel carped
¶Bx.13.233: (2): LMR, so secure for hym, but possibly an error. Others drop the repeated Bx, although F includes it in a revised b-verse. Cr follows hym with the simplified Cx. prayed he should tel he sholde hem telle
Pacience apposed hym fyrste · and preyed hymBx.13.239: : Alpha is supported by and. Cx do men laughe · þanne lacchen I shulde
Couthe I lye [and]Bx.13.246: : Beta's present tense has support from brynge in a rewritten line. Cx forth · saue a beneson on þe sonday
For no bred þat I bryngeBx.13.249: : Beta4 and R have, less satisfactorily, the standard word-order. F has (by coincidence or contamination) þat am I, as does for me (RK.15.213) which follows more smoothly from the previous lines, "prays ... for me". Cx actyf · þat ydelnesse hatye
And þat am IBx.13.251: : M is corrected to wafres to bring the text in line with CrW. my wafres
Fro mychelmesse to mychelmesse · I fynde hem with wafresBx.13.257: : The form is attested by LMCR, against amydde in beta2 and GOF. amyddes
Saue a pardoun with a peys of led · and two pollis amyddeBx.13.258: : This is the only example of this spelling in L. "I" is elsewhere spelt iche, and "each" is ich. The former sense is very obviously intended, but the odd confusion of scribes may suggest a ech(e) reading Bx, or iche as in CG, giving rise to F's ech(e). euery a clerke þat couthe write · I wolde caste hym a bille
Hadde icheBx.13.260KD.13.249
Bx.13.260: : Alpha drops. And þat his blessyng & his bulles · bocches miȝte destroye
AndBx.13.261: eicient: L has the present, as M perhaps did before correction, suggesting a beta error. & super egros manus imponent & bene habebunt In nomine meo demonia eici[e]nt
Bx.13.262: : Not in LHm, and supplied in M by the corrector. It is therefore likely that it was lost by beta. þe peple · paste for to make
And þanne wolde I be prest to [þe]Bx.13.268KD.13.254α
Bx.13.268: tibi: Alpha has , as does O, in line with the Vulgate. hoc tibi mss. split. C do in nomine domini surge & ambula Argentum & aurum non est michi quod autem habeo tibi
Bx.13.270: (1): Alpha's þe is not supported by no. Cx grace of god · & no gylte of þe pope
To haue þeBx.13.271: : Dropped by R, but supported by For. Cx may no blyssyng done vs bote · but if we wil amende
ForBx.13.273: : Alpha's purelich is not supported by priueliche (RK.15.229). Cx fordo · and þatBx.13.273: : Dropped by MCrWF, and replaced by þat in R, but supported by alle. Cx þourgh payn defaute
Tyl pruyde be purelichBx.13.278: (1): Alpha has it, as do CrW. It is likely that W, at least, was prompted to adopt the plural for grammatical concord and to avoid the repetition
of hem. The passage from it.13.274-90 Bx has no parallel in . C · it is nouȝt longe ypassed
And lowren whan þei lakken itBx.13.280KD.13.266
Bx.13.280: : Dropped by beta to the detriment of the alliteration. bake bred fro stretforth · þo gan beggeres wepe
With [bake]Bx.13.283: : This does not alliterate and is a twenty error (the events occurred in 1370); LR correct to the obvious Bx. This is a rare instance where LR have corrected rather than copy an obvious mistake. M and Hm both realise the error and
correct in different ways. Numerals are easy to confuse and easy to correct. thretty & ten
A þousande and thre hondreth · tweis [twenty]Bx.13.285: : Beta has the standard phrase; for that reason alpha's gode might be preferred. We follow copy-text. grete kepe by cryst · and conscience bothe
¶ I toke godeBx.13.289: The placing of the punctus causes scribes problems. M has it after each , as though first inserting it too early; HmCO and crucially R have it after the second (hence aaa/xx); LCrW have the second
plotte in the b-verse (aa/ax). plotte of vnboxome speche
Of pruyde here a plotte and þere a plotte [·]Bx.13.292KD.13.278
Bx.13.292: : R has or; F, understandably puzzled by the line, rewrites the b-verse, as does and, C (RK.6.31). withynne or withouten syȝte shewynge
Otherwyse þan he hath · with herte orBx.13.293: : R's reading is perhaps slightly preferable to beta's wilnynge on grounds of sense ("with him being keen that"). It also has support from the parallel line in willynge (RK.6.32), and from the variants at l. Cx305 , where some scribes corrupt to . Mustanoja (1960), 115, quotes this instance of the absolute construction. F corrupts to willynge. wenynge þat alle men wende · he were þat he is nouȝte
Hym wil[n]yngeBx.13.296KD.13.282
Bx.13.296: Only L + alpha preserve 296b and 297a, all others (including M) skipping from (296) to hymself (297). Both lines are in hymself. Cx
And so syngulere by hym-self · as to syȝte of þe poepleBx.13.297: : Probably beta read pope-holy (as do a few pompe-holy mss.), corrected by several scribes. C
Was none suche as hym-self · ne none so po[p]e-holyBx.13.303: : Alpha's reading is obviously preferable to beta's (?) bolde (written over an illegible erasure in L). badde name
As best for his body be · to haue a b[ol]deBx.13.306-12: Seven lines are omitted by beta; 306-8 and 310 are represented in revised form in (RK.6.42-6). There seems no obvious reason for omission, though KD, p. 66, suggest resumption at the wrong point prompted
by Cx (308) and to loken on (315). on to loke [Or for his crafty kunnynge · or of clerkes þe wisest
Bx.13.307: : R is supported by vnder against F's Cx. gyrt with gerdel
Or strengest on stede · or styuest vnderBx.13.312KD.13.298
Bx.13.312: : "repute". R has loos, listed by losse as a possible spelling of MED n.(2), but R elsewhere spells it as los ( los.11.311 Bx ) and ( loos.13.471 Bx ) so may here have misunderstood the word as "loss". F's (in a-verse) perhaps suggests that alpha had the form looþ. loos þere-by to cacche]
And large to lene · loosBx.13.313: : All except LR have pore. to pore gomes · telle what he deleth
And if he gyueth ouȝte poreBx.13.314: : Beta evidently misplaced the punctus after coffre, prompting the addition of purse in all mss. except LR. (F omits the line.) It is significant that M shares the beta1 error. bothe
Pore of possessioun [·] in purse and in coffreBx.13.315: : R's omission could be right but is not supported by F, which has it after the verb. on to loke · and lordeliche of speche
And as a lyon onBx.13.332KD.13.316
Bx.13.332: : Probably the beta reading, though MC drop and what on, and GO drop and. Alpha also drops what. what.13.329-39 have no parallel in Bx. C body half · & by þe two sydes
What on bakke and what onBx.13.334: : In L the scribe indicated the paraph but forgot to leave a line-space, so the rubricator missed it. It has support from
WCR. ¶ And he torned hym as tyte · and þanne toke I hede
[¶]Bx.13.338: : Alpha's reading is greatly preferable to beta's lakkynge on grounds of sense. laughynge · [a]Bx.13.338: : R only, but apparently alpha since F expands to a. Beta thus interpreted & with a Bx as "and". Cf. note to l. a88 above. The b-verse "a tongue eager to chide" defines . lakkynge leue tonge to chyde
Lyinge and la[kk]yngeBx.13.341: : LMWCG, hence the beta reading, with CrHmO and alpha reading watte. The parallel b-verse in to watte is RK.6.71, Cx, rather than RK.6.70, tolde hit wille aftur. to watekyn he tolde hit
And þat he wist bi wille · tellen it watteBx.13.345: : Despite lack of support from other Auenged mss., R's past tense is preferable on grounds of syntax, and is supported by B. Hence Cx is also past tense, as in frete. Cx me fele tymes · other frete my-selue
Auenge[d]Bx.13.346: : Interpreted by Skeat and I shrewed MED as past participle, but this is syntactically impossible. Kane (2005) and Schmidt (1995) take shreuen as past tense, but ishrewed does not record a verb MED. See F's rewriting, and cf. ishrewen past tense Cx (RK.6.75). shrewed men & cursed
Wyth-inne as a shepster shere · I shrewedBx.13.349: : The paraph is in beta only, following the Latin lines. ¶ Þere is no lyf þat I louyeBx.13.349: : KD, p. 148, argue for the CrW reading I louye, but it cannot be me loueth. Bx · lastyng any while
¶Bx.13.351: : The spelling of F probably represents swich. R misread as Bx. Beta apparently misread as which, though CrW have with (by conjecture?) and MHm are both visibly altered to that reading. The such reading is also Cx. L retains the spelling such only in swich.15.17 Bx . malencolye I take
And whan I may nouȝt haue þe maistrye · [swich]Bx.13.355: : So LR. Clearly an error for or, with the obvious correction (supported by of) made by all other scribes. Cx owre lorde · and leue on a wicche
Lechecrafte orBx.13.360KD.13.342
Bx.13.360: : F has it, emphasising that he in the a-verse refers to Will. R's I is perhaps prompted by the alpha reading I for myn in the next line. his soiled
¶ I wayted wisloker · and þanne was itBx.13.361: : A number of scribes (Hm, beta4 and R) have the easier as. and by lokyng of hisBx.13.361: : Alpha's his is obviously an error, suggesting a muddle over the speaker here. See note to l. myn363 . eye
With lykyng of lecherye · asBx.13.363: In F, ll. 361-8 are in the first person, as they are in where they are part of the confession of lechery (RK.6.176-84). In this line F's Cx is a & summe y gan-text reading and suggests contamination. C
Semynge to synne-ward · and some-tyme he gan tasteBx.13.366: : Beta has wel anticipating the following line, but alpha is supported by wel in (RK.6.182). Cx fastyng-days & frydayes · and forboden nyȝtes
As welBx.13.367: : Beta's lef is prompted by the preceding line. Alpha is supported by the alliteration and wel. Cx in lente as oute of lente · alle tymes ylyche
And as [lef]Bx.13.368KD.13.350
Bx.13.368: : We retain L's plural form, though other mss. have was. See note to were.5.13 Bx and Introduction . V.3.1 neuere oute of sesoun
Suche werkes with hem · wasBx.13.371: (1): Not in F or R, which begins her. Or herlotrie.13.370-8 have no parallel in Bx. C harlotrye and horedome · in her elde tellen
And of herBx.13.372KD.13.354
Bx.13.372: : All except LR supply his (added in M), but of is subject of his cote in the following line: "his coat was grimy with stains". was cote
¶ Thanne pacience parceyued [·] of poyntes hisBx.13.378: : R's spelling whittes weyes suggests the cause of confusion in beta: whittus weyus presumably had the spelling <wh> for /w/ (as sometimes in SW), preserved but perhaps not understood as "wits" by R, and desperately
altered to Bx by beta, who consequently understood which as "way". R has his usual spelling wey, "man". For once, F gets it more or less right. weye to bigile
And awaited þorwgh whi[ttes] [·] wey[es]Bx.13.381: : Alpha is supported by an (RK.6.262). Beta anticipates Cx in the b-verse. any hyne · or any beste elles
And if my neighbore had anBx.13.384KD.13.366
Bx.13.384: : LMW, so beta, supported by the X family of but I it (the P family has Hm's order). R omits C and F rewrites. it had by other waye · atte laste I stale it
And but I itBx.13.390-1: Alpha loses the b-verse of 390 and the a-verse of 391.
Of my nexte neighbore · nymen of his ertheBx.13.391: : Dropped by L, though the line is marked for correction. I ropeBx.13.391: : "reaped" ( rope MED v.(1)); the past tense is supported by repen. Cx ouer-reche · or ȝaf hem red þat ropenBx.13.391: : Cr and alpha have ropen, which may also be a form. repen
And if [I]Bx.13.392KD.13.374
Bx.13.392: : Supported by To against Cx in MCrCGO. And seise to me with her sykel · þat I ne sewe neure
ToBx.13.393: : A spelling of aboute, "bought, paid for", preserved by LGR and altered by the correctors of MHm. It was evidently misunderstood as "about" by
F, who revised. abouȝte þe tyme
¶ And who-so borweth of me · abouteBx.13.395: (2): Omitted by WR. For he, beta4 and F have nouȝt wolde he. he nolde · wynnen I wolde
So walde he or nouȝt wolde heBx.13.400KD.13.382
Bx.13.400: : In beta only; alpha may be right to omit. The line is not in me. C moche more · swore manye othes
Þat it coste meBx.13.402: : LR, the two best witnesses, coincidentally omit the pronoun, which is necessary for the sense and supported by I (RK.6.273). The line is marked for correction in L. Cx neuere wille wot god · witterly to biseche
Hadde [I]Bx.13.404KD.13.386
Bx.13.404: : So R, supported by lykames; all other mss. have Cx, following on from my lykames in the previous line. my mysdedes giltes
For losse of gode leue me · þan for lykamesBx.13.408KD.13.390
Bx.13.408: : Alpha's reading corrects the aa/bb alliteration of beta's conscience. The line is not in herte. C gan hange
Vpon a cruel coueityse · my [conscience]Bx.13.411: : Alpha has eschaunges, but beta is supported by chaunges. Cx
To marchaunden with monoye · and maken her eschaungesBx.13.412KD.13.394
Bx.13.412: : Confirmed by tyme. Beta2 has Cx. while
Miȝte neuere me conforte · in þe mene-tymeBx.13.418-27: These lines are omitted by beta. Probably the scribe skipped from one paraph to the next, though alpha does not record the
expected paraph at 418 following the Latin line. Lines 420 and 422 have some parallel in the text, but are there transferred to the confession of Gluttony (RK.6.428 and 430). C [Ȝet glotounBx.13.418: : R's reading is surprising enough to have prompted F's revision to glotoun. Compare the other sins attributed to Hawkin: lechery ( þat goome361 ), covetousness (373 ), sloth (426 ), though they are not personified as here. On the other hand R's is possibly a reminiscence of glotoun.5.319 Bx and 10.53 , "Glotonye and grete othes". with grete othes · his g[ar]nement hadde soyled
Bx.13.423: : R's surfaites is a misreading of alliterating forfetes, as in F. surfetys ofte
And cauȝte sekenesse sum-tyme · for my [surfai]tesBx.13.425: : R's worthe could be a metathesised form but is probably an error (cf. wrathe.11.5 Bx ). F revises to synonymous . wente · and wende nauȝt to be saued
Þat in-to wanhope he w[or]theBx.13.428KD.13.409
Bx.13.428: : Dropped by beta following the loss of text. For Ac, F has Ac which. R is supported by Þese (RK.7.69). Cx which ben þe braunches · þat bryngeth a man to sleuth
¶ [Ac]Bx.13.429: : Evidently the His woman reading, recorded in LR, original M, and CG. Beta2 and F recognise it as nonsense and so emend by conjecture; O, Bx, has the reading of the P family of Is whanne a man, by conjecture or contamination (RK.7.70). In C these lines are transferred to the confession of Sloth. C morneth nouȝte for his mysdedes · ne maketh no sorwe
His womanBx.13.430: : The reading of LO and probably original M, while G has its usual substitution Ac. The others have But ( And in F). Ne has Cx. The penaunce þat þe prest enioigneth · perfourneth yuel
AcBx.13.435: (2): Dropped by CGOF, but supported by authoritative of mss. of both families. C clennesse of souleBx.13.435: : The sg. is supported by soule. Cx
Whan men carpeth of cryst · or ofBx.13.441: : "wise fools, jesters". R is supported by fole-sages (RK.7.82). Beta reads Cx, i.e. a pl. noun followed by an adj. with a French pl. inflection (Mustanoja (1960), 277). F has foles sages. folis sage · flatereres and lyeres
Þat fedeth fol[e]-sagesBx.13.442: (3): GR omit, as does to, but GR are unmetrical (x / x /) whereas Cx is expanded to x / x x x / by the addition of Cx. Perhaps, though, in hope has preserved the reading that Cx has dropped, leading beta and F to add Bx for the metre. So Schmidt (1995), 392. to lawghe
And han likynge to lythen hem · to do ȝow toBx.13.447: punientur: Alpha has , but beta is supported by puniendi sunt. Alford (1992), 86, quotes beta's form. Cx Consencientes & agentes pari pena punientur
Bx.13.448: WHmR here have a paraph.Patriarkes & prophetes · and prechoures of goddes wordes
Bx.13.449: : Beta2 has the more obvious plural, as does the P family of sarmoun. C · mannes soule fram helle
Sauen þorw her sarmounBx.13.450: : Here, as elsewhere (and in flateres mss.) the form varies with C. Cf. l. flaterers477 below. We follow copy-text. and foles · aren þe fendes disciples
Riȝt so flateresBx.13.454: qui (2): Beta has , but this is supported neither by & qui nor the Vulgate. F drops the last phrase. Cx loquitur iniqua Non habitabit in medio domus mee · qui facit superbiam qui
Bx.13.455: : CrWGF have the sg., as does chambres. Cx
Shulde none harlote haue audience · in halle ne in chambresBx.13.458-76: This block of 19 lines is omitted by beta. The lines are pretty well exactly reproduced in (RK.7.96-113), usually supporting R over F. C [¶ Clerkes and kniȝtes · welcometh kynges mynstralles
Bx.13.459: : F is supported by her against R's Cx. þe lorde · litheth hem at festes
And for loue of [her]Bx.13.464KD.13.441
Bx.13.464: : Evidently the reading of alpha, but not in at. Cx reueles whan ȝe maketh
For-thi I rede ȝow riche · atBx.13.466: (2): So F; R has þe; perhaps rightly, but perhaps an uncharacteristic addition, since þe heyȝ has Cx. þy table
Þe pore for a fol-sage · syttynge at þeBx.13.474: : So R, against F's lythed. But the X family of he lystned has C and the P family lened. loueþ hem · and loued hem to here
Þat bi his lyue lythedBx.13.476KD.13.453
Bx.13.476: : Alpha or welhope has presumably lost Bx as in for a wrouhte so, leading F to expand. Cx · amonges worthi seyntes]
In a welhopeBx.13.477: : "where". Alpha is supported by Þere. Following the loss of the preceding passage, beta has Cx with a paraph. Ac flateres and foles [·] þorw her foule wordes
[Þere]Bx.13.478: : Alpha's past tense is supported by loued's probable reading Cx, though some mss. of the P family have the present. lythed hem · to luciferes feste
Leden þo þat loue[d]