Passus tercius de visione vt supra

Now is Mede þe Maide · and namo of hem alle
With bedellus & wiþBx.3.2: wiþ (2): Supported for Bx by LR and WHmC, against MCrGOF (F reverses the half lines). Yet neither Ax or Cx repeats the preposition (Cx has Thorw Bedeles). bayllyues · brouȝt bifor þe kyng
The kyng called a clerke · can I nouȝt his name
To take Mede þe mayde · and make hire at ese
I shal assaye hir my-self · and sothelichBx.3.5: sothelich: Beta supported by AC though the word (meaning "openly, plainly"? or "effectively"? as glossed by Kane (2005)) causes some problems in all versions. R's couthliche is presumably the alpha reading, improved by F to sotilly. See Hanna (1996), 227. appose
What man of þis [worlde]Bx.3.6: worlde: R's reading is supported by AC. The beta reading molde is prompted by the common alliterative formula, just as F alters man to wyȝe for the same consideration. Alliteration may fall on What. · þat hire were leueste
And if she worche bi myBx.3.7: my(1): Omitted by beta2 and some A mss.; C rewrites. witte · and my wille folwe
I wil forgyue hir þis giltegiltesBx.3.8: gilte / giltes: Though beta and Ax have the sg., alpha and Cx have the pl. Hanna (1996), 228, regards this as "a possible product of Langlandian revision". · so me god help
¶ Curteysliche þe clerke þanne [·] as þe Kyng hight
Toke Mede bi þe Middel · and brouȝteBx.3.10: brouȝte: F's alliterating mente has no parallel in any version. Cx rewrites the b-verse. Following this line, F alone has a line without support from other versions. hir in-to chaumbre
A[c]Bx.3.11: Ac: R is supported in the less obvious reading by the X family of C. The P family omits the conjunction. Beta and F (where the beginning of the line is revised) read And, as do some A mss. (varying with But, Ac, Þan). Kane (2005), in a subtle entry for ac, glosses "moreover" here. þere was myrthe and mynstralcye · Mede to plese
[¶]Bx.3.12: : In L the paraph is indicated by cc, but not inserted. The line is at the top of the page. They þat wonyeth [at]Bx.3.12: at: The reading of MG + alpha is supported by Ax. Cx rewrites. westmynstre · worschipedBx.3.12: worshiped: So LR and CrHmCO. C mss. and A mss. also divide between past and the easier present. hir alle
Gentelliche wiþ ioye · þe Iustices somme
Busked hem to þe boure · þere þe birde dwelled
To conforte hire kyndely · by clergise leue
And seiden mourneBx.3.16: mourne: MHmO have mourne þow, a minor variant in all three versions. nought Mede · ne make þow no sorwe
For we [wil]Bx.3.17: wil: The omission in L, original M, and CO is probably a beta error corrected in other mss. wisse þe kynge · and þi wey shape
To be wedded at þi wille · and where þe leue liketh
For al conscience caste · [and] craftBx.3.19: caste and craft: AC support beta's word-order against alpha's, and alpha's and against beta's or. as I trowe
¶ Mildeliche Mede þanne · mercyed hem alle
Of þeire gret goodnesse · and gaf hem vchone
Coupes of clene golde · and coppis of siluer
Rynges with rubies · and ricchessesBx.3.23: richesses: As a romance loan ending in a sibilant, alpha's reading without -s can also be a pl. form. See notes to Bx.3.101, 10.90, 223, 227, 19.73, etc. manye
The leste man of here meyne · a motoun of golde
Thanne lauȝte þei leue · þis lordes at Mede
¶ With that comen clerkis · to conforte hir þe same
And beden hire be blithe · for we beth þine owne
Forto worche þi wille · þe while þow myȝte lasteBx.3.28: þow myȝte laste: Hm's thy lyfe lasteth is the reading of some A mss. For þow myȝte CrG have we moune / we may, the reading of the P family of C.
[¶]Bx.3.29: : Though L has no paraph, the scribe leaves a blank line, and WHmC have the paraph. In R the left margin is cropped. Hendeliche heo þanne · bihight hem þe same
To loue ȝowBx.3.30: ȝow: Only LR switch to direct address with this line. M probably did too originally, though the corrector altered to hem, the reading of all other B mss., and also of AC. See note on ȝowre in the next line. Cr's additional line is from C (RK.3.33). lelli · and lordes to make
And in þe consistorie [at]Bx.3.31: at: CrHmOR, supported by AC, against atte and at þe in LMWCG and in þe in F. (In L the form atte consistently represents "at the".) But cf. Bx.P.107n. courte · do calle ȝowreBx.3.31: ȝowre: Beta2 and G continue with the 3rd person pl., as does Ax. Cx has ȝoure. names
Shal no lewdnesse lette · þe leodeclerkesBx.3.32: leode / clerkes: The beta reading (alliterating aa/aa) is shared with Ax, but alpha's clerkes is shared with Cx (alliterating aa/xa), though Cx has the sg., whence Cr's clerke. þat I louye
That he neBx.3.33: ne: Beta is supported by AC against alpha's omission. worth first auanced · for I am biknowen
Þere konnyng clerkes · shul clokke bihynde
¶ Þanne come þere a confessoure · coped as a Frere
To Mede þeBx.3.36: þe: Beta is supported by AC against R's þis and F's þat. mayde · he mellud þis wordes
And seide ful softly · in shrifte as it were
Theiȝ lewed men and lered men · had leyne by þe bothe
And false[hede]Bx.3.39: falsehede: (For the spelling cf. Bx.5.300.) R's falsede presumably represents alpha (with F reading Fals) and is supported by AC. Beta reads falseness. (F's variants þey and fyftene are from A.) haued yfolwed þe [·] al þis fyfty wyntre
I shal assoille þe my-selue · for a seme of whete
And also be þi bedeman · and bere wel þi message
Amonges kniȝtes and clerkis · conscience to torne
¶ Thanne Mede for here mysdedes · to þat man kneled
And shroue hire of hire shrewednesse · shamelees I trowe
Tolde hym a tale · and toke hym a noble
Forto ben hire bedeman · and hire brokour alsBx.3.46: hire brokour als: G's hyr bavd after is contamination from A.
¶ Thanne he assoilled hir sone · and sithen he seyde
We han a wyndowe a-wirchyng wil sitten vs [ful]Bx.3.48: ful: Only L has wel. heigh
Woldestow glase þat gable · and graue þere-inneBx.3.49: þere-inne: R's þere merits consideration, since it is the reading of some A mss. and of Cx. Hanna (1996), 228, suggests the reading þere-inne arose from dittographic attraction, þ'in þi-n|ame. þi name
Siker sholde þi soule be · heuene to haue
Bx.3.51-62: In place of these twelve lines in beta, alpha has three lines garbled from two lines of A (K.3.50-1). C has the expanded passage from B, but rewrites Bx.3.50-1 as RK.3.53-4. The Bx archetype may have had the cancelled A lines which had been rendered illegible, with an expanded passage on a separate sheet, followed by beta but for some reason not available to alpha. Or alpha's exemplar may have lost the passage by eyeskip from one paraph to the next. On the other hand Hanna (1996), 316 n.26, suggests that the omission "may be an outright case of shocked scribal censorship with partial restoration", pointing out that "the memorial quality of this reading [in alpha] implies quite precisely that the archetypal scribe had no direct access to a manuscript version of A" (217). [¶]Bx.3.51: : The paraph is attested by alpha and WHmC and an indented line in Cr. It is the first line on the leaf in L, where a paraph is sometimes missed, as on the previous leaf (Bx.3.12). Wist I that quod þat wommanBx.3.51: þat womman: MCr's þe womman could be correct, since it is supported by Ax. Cx rewites. · I wolde nouȝt spare
For to be ȝowre frende frere · and faille ȝow neure
Whil ȝe loue lordes · þat lechery haunteþ
And lakkeþ nouȝt ladis · þat loueþ wel þe same
It is a frelete of flesche · ȝe fynde it in bokes
And a course of kynde · wher-of we komen alle
Who may scape þe sklaundre · þe skaþe is sone amended
It is synne of seueneBx.3.58: seuene: So LMC; beta2 and GO have þe seuene. Cx has as of seuene. · sonnest relessed
¶ Haue mercy quod Mede · of men þat it haunte
And I shal keure ȝowre kirke · ȝowre cloystre do maken
Wowes do whitten · and wyndowes glasen
Do peynten and purtraye · and paye for þe makynge
That euryBx.3.63: eury: The beta reading, supported by Cx. Alpha's vch a finds some support in A mss. segge shal se[e]nBx.3.63: seen: Alpha is supported by Ax and by the X family of C; the P family has see and seye. On grounds of sense, seen is preferable to beta's seyn. · I am sustre of ȝowre housBx.3.63: of ȝowre hous: Beta is supported by Ax and by the derived of ȝoure ordre in Cx against alpha's weak to ȝow alle.
¶ Ac god to alle good folke · suche grauynge defendeth
To writen in wyndowes · of here wel-dedes
On auenture pruyde be peynted þere · and pompe of þe worlde
For cristBx.3.67: crist: The reading of all except R, whose god might have been picked up from l. 64, although it is also the reading of Cx (the passage is not in A). K-D argue, perhaps rightly, that R's reading is original, and that F's agreement with beta is the common variation of a more explicit reading (p. 168 and n. 89). knoweþ þi conscience · and þi kynde wille
AndBx.3.68: And: As in the previous line, R's reading without And is unique in B mss. but it is the reading of the P family of C (the X family conflate this line with the previous). Here F has Boþe þe for And þi. þi coste and þi coueitise · and who þe catel ouȝte
¶ For-þi I lere ȝow lordes · leueþ suche werkes
To writen in wyndowes · of ȝowre wel-dedes
Or to greden after goddis men · whan ȝe delen doles
An auenture ȝe han ȝowre hire here · and ȝoure heuene als
Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra ·
Lat nouȝte þi left half · late no rathe
Wyte what þow worchest · with þi riȝt syde
For þus bit þe gospel · gode men do here almesse
¶ Meires and maceres · that menes ben bitwene
Þe kynge and þe comuneBx.3.78: comune: F regularly has comounys with its political implications (see MED communes), e.g. at Bx.P.115, 117, 118, 121, 143, usually joined by Cr. Here F is joined by GO. [·] to kepe þe lawes
To punyschen onBx.3.79: on: Beta supported by Ax and the P family of C, against alpha's vppon and the X family. pillories · andBx.3.79: and: F's & on may be from A. Yet C mss. have and on or and vppon. pynynge stoles
Brewesteres and bakesteres · bocheres and cokes
For þise aren men onBx.3.81: on: Alpha again reads vppoun; A mss. divide between on and of (as in HmC); Cx rewrites. þis molde · þat moste harme worcheth
To þe pore peple [·] þat parcel-mele buggen
¶ For theyBx.3.83: For they: Beta is supported by Ax against alpha's & or And also. poysoun þe peple · priueliche and oft
Thei rychen þorw regraterye · and rentes hem buggen
With þat þe pore people [·] shulde put in here wombeBx.3.85: wombe: The distributive sg. is supported by AC.
For toke þei on trewly · þei tymbred nouȝt so heiȝe
Ne bouȝte non burgagesBx.3.87: burgages: The plural is supported by AC against the sg. in alpha (F bargayn). · be ȝe ful certeyne
¶ Ac Mede þe Mayde [·] þe Maire hath bisouȝte
Of alle suche sellers · syluer to take
Or presentz withoute pens · as peces of siluer
Ringes or other ricchesse · þe regrateres to maynetene
¶ For my loueBx.3.92: loue (1): Beta is supported by Ax and by Cx (RK.3.119), against alpha's lord, perhaps substituted to avoid repetition. quod that lady loue [·] hem vchone
And soffre hem to selle · somdele aȝeins resoun
¶ Salamon þe sage · a sarmoun he made
For to amende Maires · and men þat kepen lawes
And tolde hem þis teme · þat I telle thynke
Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera &cBx.3.97: Alpha's version of the quotation, omitting the last two words, is not supported by AC.
Amonge þis lettered ledes · þis latyn is to mene
That fyre shal falle and berne · al to blo askes
The houses and þeBx.3.100: þe: Omitted by Beta2 and G, but supported by AC. homes · of hem [þat]Bx.3.100: þat: Omitted in L, although a corrector's mark appears in the margin. desireth
Ȝiftes or ȝeresȝyues · bi-cause of here officesBx.3.101: offices: As a romance loan ending in a sibilant, alpha's form may represent a distributive sg. or a plural. See note to l. 23. There is no parallel in AC.
¶ The kynge fro conseille cam · and called after Mede
And ofsent hir alswythe · with seriauntes manye
ThatBx.3.104: That: W's agreement with Ax on And is presumably coincidental. brouȝten hir to bowre · with blisse and with ioye
¶ Curteisliche þe kynge þanne · comsedBx.3.105: comsed: R has the present, presumably by attraction to melleth, yet it agrees with Ax. The verb is past tense in the rewritten passage in Cx. to telle
To Mede þe mayde · melleth þise wordes
Vnwittily womman · wrouȝte hastow oft
Ac worse wrouȝtestow neure · þan þo þow fals toke
But I forgyue [þe]Bx.3.109: þe (1): Omitted in L and added in W. Supported by AC. þat gilte · and graunte þe my grace
Hennes to þi deth-day · do so namoreBx.3.110: The short b-verse of beta is expanded variously in G, R and F. Ax has do þou for Bx do.
¶ I haue a knyȝte conscience · cam late fro biȝunde
Ȝif he wilneth þe to wyf · wyltow hym haue
¶ Ȝe lorde quod þat lady · lorde forbedeBx.3.113: forbede: LCrCGOF are supported by Ax; WHm read forbede it, and M is corrected to that reading. R's b-verse is that found in Cx. It may therefore represent alpha, and an authorial revision to avoid metrical demotion of the verb. However, since F agrees with beta, R's reading is more probably attracted to the b-verse of l. 121 below. elles
But I be holely at ȝowre heste · lat hange me sone
¶ And þanne was conscience calde · to come and appiere
Bifor þe Kynge and his conseille · as clerkes and othere
Bx.3.117: W and alpha have a paraph.Knelynge conscience · to þe kynge louted
To wite what his wille were · and what he do shulde
¶ Woltow wedde þis womman quod þe kynge · ȝif I wil assente
For she is fayne of þi felawship · for to be þi make
¶ Quod conscience to þe kynge · cryst it me forbede
Ar I wedde suche a wyf · wo me bityde
For she is frele of hir feith · fykeland fykelBx.3.123: fykel / and fykel: fykel is the beta reading, despite Hm; supported by Ax. R's and fykel is the alpha reading (F has & fals), supported by Cx. of here speche
And maketh men mysdo · many score tymes
Truste of hire tresore · treiethBx.3.125: treieth: CrWG have betrayeth, a reversion to the commoner form. AC are not parallel here. ful manye
Wyues and widewes · wantounesBx.3.126: wantounes: MED records this as a spelling of wantonness, and cf. the CrHm spellings of the word at Bx.12.6. she techeth
And lereth hem leccherye · that loueth hire ȝiftes
Ȝowre fadre she felled · þorw falsBx.3.128: fals: Beta is supported by Ax, though three mss. agree with alpha's variant faire. The common proverb "Fair behest maketh a fool glad" (MED bihest(e 1b.(b)) may have prompted the reading. Cf. Bx.11.62 and 20.118 for faire beheste. biheste
And hath apoysounde popis · [ap]peiredBx.3.129: appeired: Alpha and most beta mss. read and (ap)peired, but L, original M, and C are without and, as is Ax, which suggests that scribes supplied it for a smoother reading. Most beta mss. have the aphetic form of the verb, but appeired is the form in alpha + Hm, supported by Cx and the majority of A mss. R's present tense may represent alpha, since it is shared with Cx. holicherche
Is nauȝt a better baude · bi hym þat me made
Bitwene heuene and helle · [and]Bx.3.131: and (2): R's reading appears to represent alpha. It is supported by most A mss. (though five have in) and the X family of C (the P family has alle). The apparent illogicality of the expression (what lies between heaven, hell and earth?) perhaps prompted beta to revise to in and F to revise to þey men al erthe sowhte. Schmidt (1995) and Kane (2005) interpret and as "if". erthe þough men souȝte
For she is tikil of hire taile · talwis of tongeBx.3.132: tonge: Beta reads hir tonge, prompted by the parallel of hire taile, but alpha's omission of the pronoun is paralleled by many A mss. and by Cx.
As comune as a cartwey · to eche a knaue þat walketh
To monkes toBx.3.134: to (2): R's and to may represent alpha (cf. F), joined by Cr. Beta seems to have the support of AC, though some mss. have and. mynst[r]alles · to meseles in hegges
Sisoures and sompnoures · suche men hir preiseth
Shireues of shires · were shent ȝif she nere
For she doþ men lese here londe · and here lyf bothe
She leteth passe prisoneresBx.3.138: prisoneres: R has prisons again at Bx.7.30 (together with most B mss.), 14.180 and 186, and 15.190 (together with LM). See MED prisoun, n. 7. All three versions have both variants here. We follow copy-text. · and payeth for hem ofte
And gyueth þe gailers golde · and grotes togideres
To vnfettre þe fals [·] fle where hymBx.3.140: hym: Supported by most AC mss. against the plural in MC. lyketh
And takeþ þe treweBx.3.141: þe trewe: Alpha has trewthe, perhaps rightly, but cf. notes to ll. 155 and 247. There is similar variation in A and C mss. The X family of C has treuthe, with the P family reading trewe or improving to þe trewe. bi þe toppe · and tieth hymBx.3.141: hym: MWG have plural (cf. l. 140). The sg. is supported by A and the X family in C. faste
And hangeth hymBx.3.142: hym: MCrWG have plural (cf. ll. 140-1). The sg. is supported by A and the X family of C. for hatred · þat harme dede neure
¶ To be cursed in consistorie · she counteth nouȝte a russheBx.3.143: russhe: The reading is supported by AC against bene in beta2 and G. Langland repeats the phrase at Bx.11.450.
For she copeth þe comissarie · and coteth his clerkis
She is assoilled as sone · as hir-self liketh
And may neiȝe as moche do · in a moneth one[s]Bx.3.146: ones: Alpha, supported by Ax and the X family of C, against the probable beta reading one.
As ȝowre secret seel · in syx score dayes
For she is priue with þe pope · prouisoures it knoweth
For sire symonye and hir-selue · seleth hireBx.3.149: hire: LMWCOR, supported by Cx, against þe. A mss. split. bulles
¶ She blesseth þise bisshopes · þeiȝe þey be lewedBx.3.150-51: R's conflation into one line represents loss in alpha, which F makes good by invention.
Prouendreth persones · and prestes [she]Bx.3.151: she: Alpha, despite the disruption, retains the pronoun, supported against beta by AC. meynteneth
To haue lemmannes and lotebies · alle here lif-dayes
And bringenBx.3.153: bringen: The infinitive is supported by most A mss., but Cx has bringeth as does beta2. forth barnes · aȝein forbode lawes
There she is wel with þe kynge · wo is þe rewme
For she is fauorable to þeBx.3.155: þe: Beta2 and GF are without the article, treating fals as a personification. This is attractive and appropriate, and has the support of Ax and the P family of C. However, the most reliable B mss. (LMR) and CO read þe fals, with the support of the X family of C. Cf. þe fals in l. 140 above, and the note to l. 141. fals · and fouleth trewthe ofte
¶ Bi ihesus with here ieweles · ȝowreþeBx.3.156: ȝowre / þe: The beta reading ȝowre is shared with Ax; alpha's þe is shared with Cx. iustices she shendeth
And lith aȝein þe lawe · and letteth hym þe gate
That feith may nouȝte haue his forth · here floreines go so þikke
She ledeth þe lawe as hire list · and louedayes maketh
And doth men lese þorw hire loue · þat lawe myȝte wynne
Þe mase for a mene man · þouȝ he mote hirBx.3.161: hir: A Bx error, dropped by GF, presumably by contamination from AC or on grounds of sense. The verb mote, "litigate", is intransitive. eure
Lawe is so lordeliche · and loth to make ende
With-oute presentz or pens · she pleseth welBx.3.163: wel: CrR have ful, perhaps by alliterative attraction, though it is shared with Cx and half the A mss. fewe
¶ Barounes and burgeys · she bryngeth in sorwe
And alle þe comune in kare · þat coueyten lyue in trewthe
For clergye and coueitise · she coupleth togideres
Þis is þe lyf of that lady · now lorde ȝif hir sorwe
And alle that meynteneth here men · meschaunce hem bityde
For pore men mowe haue no powere · to pleyne hem þouȝ þei smerte
Suche a maistre is Mede · amonge men of godeBx.3.170: F drops this line.
Bx.3.171: : The paraph is in beta, with an enlarged rubricated capital in F. The margin is lost in R, and the line is at the bottom of the page. Thanne morned Mede · and mened hire to the kynge
To haue space to speke · spede if she myȝte
¶ The kynge graunted hir grace [·] with a gode wille
Excuse þe ȝif þow canst · I can namore seggen
For conscience acuseth þe · to congey þe for euere
¶ Nay lorde quod þat lady · leueth hym þe worse
Whan ȝe wyten witterly · where þe wronge liggeth
There þat myschief is grete · Mede may helpe
And þowBx.3.179: þow: So beta and Ax; alpha has þat þow, reflected in Cx þat. With þat þow, Mede refers back to the previous line. knowest conscience · I cam nouȝt to chide
Ne depraue þi persone · with a proude herte
Wel þow wost wernard · but ȝif þow wolt gabbe
Þow hast hanged on myne half · elleuene tymes
And also griped my golde · gyueBx.3.183: gyue: FG and gyue is from AC. For pp. gyue, cf. Bx.2.151. it where þe liked
And whi þow wratthest þe now · wonder me thynketh
Ȝit I may as I myȝte · menske þe with ȝiftes
And mayntene þi manhode · more þan þow knoweste
¶ Ac þow hast famed me foule · bifor þe Kynge here
For kulled I neuere no kyngeBx.3.188: kynge: Mede is answering the accusation of Bx.3.128. Beta reads as AC; alpha's kniȝt perhaps avoids a dangerous topic. · ne conseilled þer-after
Ne dede as þow demest · I do [it] onBx.3.189: do it on: "refer it to" (MED don 6(f)), as in Bx.1.88. The lack of the object in LMC suggests a beta error made good in other mss. It is in Ax. þe kynge
¶ In normandye was he nouȝte · noyed for my sake
Ac þow þi-self sothely · shamedest hym ofte
Crope in-to a kaban · for colde of þi nailles
Wendest þat wyntre · wolde haue lasted euere
And draddest to be ded · for a dym cloude
And hiedest homeward · for hunger of þi wombe
¶ Wiþ-out pite piloure · pore men þow robbedest
And bere here bras at þi bakke · to caleys to selle
There I lafte with my lorde · his lyf for to saue
I made his men meri · and mornyng lette
I batered hem on þe bakke · and bolded here hertis
And dede hem hoppe for hope · to haue me at wille
Had I ben Marschal of his men · bi Marie of heuene
I durst haue leyde my lyf · and no lasse wedde
He shulde haue be lorde of þat londe · aBx.3.204: a (1 & 2): We follow copy-text and CRO (M has been altered in the second case) against the in of most other mss. in all three versions. The archetype is not determinable, but preservation of the less usual form (contrast Bx.2.91) in the two most reliable mss. is at least a guide. lengthe and a brede
And also Kyng of þat kitthe · his kynne for to helpe
Þe leste brolle of his blodeBx.3.206: blode: Supported by AC against alpha's non-alliterating lond. · a barounes pere
¶ Cowardliche þow conscience · conseiledest hym þennes
To leuen his lordeship · for a litel siluer
That is þe richest rewme · þat reyne ouer-houeth
¶ It bicometh to a kynge · þat kepeth a rewme
To ȝiue Mede to men · þat mekelich hym serueth
To alienes and to alle men [·] to honoure hem with ȝiftes
Mede maketh hym biloued · and for a man holden
Bx.3.214: WHm and alpha have a paraph, as do W and alpha for l. 216 and W and R for l. 218. Cf. note to l. 222.Emperoures and Erlis · and al manere lordes
[Thorw]Bx.3.215: Thorw: Alpha has firm support from AC against beta's For. ȝiftes han ȝonge menȝoumenBx.3.215: ȝonge men / ȝoumen: These are perhaps just forms of the same word (see MED yong man and yeman). Beta has the former, agreeing with Ax. Alpha has the latter, agreeing with Cx. · to [ȝerne]Bx.3.215: ȝerne: A metathesised form of renne, as in OE, used for the alliteration but frequently altered by scribes. Here beta and Ax have the non-alliterating form, while alpha and Cx have ȝerne. and to ride
The pope and alleBx.3.216: alle: LMCOR, as Cx; CrWG supply the, Hm his. Ax has wiþ his. prelatis · presentz vnderfongen
And medeth men hem-seluen · to meyntene here lawes
SeruauntzBx.3.218: Seruauntz: Beta2 (CrWHm) + G have Sergeauntz, which is a corrected reading in M, as does the P family of C. Otherwise AC agree on seruauntz. for her seruise · we seth wel þe sothe
Taken Mede of here maistre[s]Bx.3.219: maistres: The distributive sg. of LOF, though generally to be preferred, is not supported by AC. · as þei mowe acorde
Beggeres for here biddyngeBx.3.220: biddynge: Alpha's beggynge is not supported by Ax; Cx rewrites. · bidden men Mede
Mynstralles for here murthe · mede þei aske
Bx.3.222: W and alpha have a paraph here, as do W and R at ll. 224 and 226.Þe kynge hath mede of his men · to make pees in londe
Men þat teche chyldren · craue of hem mede
Prestis þat precheth þe poeple · to godeBx.3.224: to gode: "to (adopt) good behaviour" (rather than an inflected form of "God", which is not found in L). It is supported by AC against alpha + Hm to/of god, though in AC Asken mede begins the next line. asken mede
And masse-pans and here mete · at þe mele-tymes
Alkynnes craftyBx.3.226: crafty: Supported by AC against craftes in CrWG. men · crauen Mede for here prentis
Marchauntz and Mede · mote nede go togideres
No wiȝte as I wene · with-oute Mede may libbe
¶ Quatȝ þe kynge to conscience · bi criste as me thynketh
Mede is worthiBx.3.230: worthi: Beta has wel worthi, probably to beef up the alliteration, but the adverb is not supported by AC. Ax has the a-verse as in R; Cx improves the alliteration by adding me thinketh. · þe maistrye to haue
¶ Nay quod conscience to þe Kynge · and kneled to þe erthe
There aren two manere of Medes · my lorde [bi]Bx.3.232: bi: Alpha has support from Ax against beta's with. Cx rewrites. The phrase does not recur, though cf. Bx.3.15. ȝowre leue
Þat one god of his grace · graunteth in his blisse
To þo þat wel worchen · whil þei ben here
The prophete precheth þer-of · and put it in þe sautere
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo
Lorde who shal wonye in þi wones · andBx.3.237: and: Alpha omits; there is no parallel in AC, and nothing to choose between the variants. with þine holi seyntes
Or resten onBx.3.238: on: The reading of LM + alpha; others have in. Notice that two lines above F quotes the Vulgate, "in monte sancto eius", memory of which may have prompted the reading of other mss. þi holy hilles · þis askethBx.3.238: asketh: Alpha has past tense; there is no parallel in AC, though the present has the support of the surrounding context. dauid
¶ And dauyd assoileth it hym-self [·] as þe sauter telleth
Qui ingreditur sine macula · & operatur iusticiam
Tho þat entren of o colour · and of on wille
And han wrouȝte werkis · with riȝte and with reson
And he þat neBx.3.243: ne: So LCOR; omitted by beta2 and GF. vseth nauȝte · þe lyf of vsurye
And enfourmeth pore men · and pursueth treuthe
Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram & munera super innocentem &c ·Bx.3.245: F omits the line.
And alle þat helpeth þe innocent · and halt with þe riȝtful
Withoute mede doth hem gode · and þe trewtheBx.3.247: þe trewthe: R's þe trewe must be alpha (F has trew men). There is no parallel in AC. Cf. Bx.3.141n. helpeth
Suche manere men my lorde · shal haue þis furst Mede
Of god at aBx.3.249: a: CrHm read her, with M altered to that reading. F has his and GO omit. grete nede · whan þei gone hennes
[¶]Bx.3.250: : The paraph, certainly appropriate, is recorded in WHmC and alpha. There is an other Mede mesurelees · þat maistres desireth
To meyntene mysdoers · Mede þei take
And þere-of seith þe sauter · in a salmes ende
In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt [·] dextera eorum repleta est muneribus
And he þat gripeth her golde · so me god helpe
Shal abie it bittereBx.3.255: bittere: FGO bitterly is easier and perhaps from A; R expands to ful bitter. For the same a-verse see Bx.18.418, where FGO again have bitterly. · or þe boke lyeth
¶ Prestes and parsones · þat plesynge desireth
That taketh Mede and mone · for messes þat þei syngeth
Taketh here mede here · as Mathew vs techeth
Amen amen recipiebantBx.3.259: recipiebant: There is variation in the form of the verb in all three versions (as at K.3.64a). The Vulgate has receperunt. mercedem suam ·
¶ That laboreres and loweBx.3.260: lowe: Beta, as against alpha and Hm lewed. A mss. vary similarly. The a-verse Laboreres and lowe folke is repeated at Bx.5.223 (K.5.135, RK.6.227), where there is similar variation in A but not in BC. folke · taketh of her maistres
It is no manere Mede · but a mesurable hire
Bx.3.262: WHm and R have a paraph.In marchandise is no mede · I may it wel avowe
It is aBx.3.263: a (1): Dropped in alpha, but supported by AC. permutacioun apertly · a penyworth for an othre
¶ Ac reddestow neuere Regum · þow recrayed Mede
Whi þe veniaunce fel · on saul and on his children
God sent to saul · bi samuel þe prophete
Þat agag of amaleke · and al his peple aftre
Shulde deye for a dede · þat done had here aldres
¶ For-þi seid samuel to saul · god hym-self hoteth
TheBx.3.270: The: Undoubtedly Bx; LWM follow it with punctuation in response to the line-break between verb and object. HmO have The to. AC instead have To. For discussion see Duggan (1987), 47. · be boxome at [my]Bx.3.270: my: Alpha, against beta's his, which arises by attraction to the pronoun of the b-verse and ignoring the shift to direct speech. The line is revised from Ax, with alpha reading as Cx. Further support for alpha's my biddynge is provided by the source, in which Saul says to Samuel after his disobedience: "Peccavi quia praevaricatus sum sermonem Domini et verba tua" (1 Kings 15.24). biddynge · his wille to fulfille
Wende to amalec with þyn oste · and what þow fyndest þere slee it
Biernes and bestes · brenne hem to ded
Wydwes and wyues · wommen and children
Moebles and vnmoebles · and al þat þow myȝte fynde
Brenne it bere it nouȝte awey · be it neuere so riche
For mede ne for mone · loke þow destruye it
Spille it and spare it nouȝte · þow shalt spede þe bettere
¶ And for he coueyted her catel · and þe kynge spared
Forbare hym and his bestes bothe · as þe bible witnesseth
Otherwyse þan he was · warned of þe prophete
God seide to samuel [·] þat saul shulde deye
And al his sede for þat synne · shenfullichBx.3.282: shenfullich: The word causes problems to scribes of all versions. Neither the adj. or adv. occurs elsewhere in the poem. endeBx.3.282: ende: The past tense in alpha and Hm occurs in isolated mss. in the other versions.
Such a myschief Mede made [·] saul þe kynge to haue
That god hated hym for euere · and alle his eyres after
¶ The culorum of þis cas · kepe I nouȝte to sheweBx.3.285: shewe: LMCOR, supported by AC, against telle of Beta2 (CrWHm) and G; F has expowne. There seems no explanation for the variation.
An auenture it noyed men · none ende wil I make
For so is þis worlde went · wiþ hem þat han powere
That who-so seyth hem sothesBx.3.288: sothes: Pl. noun, or less probably adverb. WG's soþest is easier and prompted by sonnest in the b-verse, although it is the reading of Cx. Galloway (2006), 362, cites other versions of the saying. · is sonnest yblamed
¶ I conscience knowe þis · for kynde witt me itBx.3.289: me it: LHmCRF (and unrevised M); it is differently placed in other B mss. and omitted in C and most A mss. tauȝte
Þat resoun shal regne · and rewmes gouerne
And riȝte as agag hadde · happe shul somme
Samuel shal sleen hym · and saul shal be blamed
And dauid shal be diademed · and daunten hem alle
And one cristene Kynge · kepen hem alleBx.3.294: hem alle: Before correction L read alle, and M may have had the same, revised to hem echone in line with Cr. R has hem alle, as do all others except F which alters inventively. Bx is in error (as several times in these lines), repeating the end of the previous line. AC read vs ichone.
¶ Shal namore Mede ·Bx.3.295: LR punctuate after Mede, having regard to alliteration; others punctuate after maistre, paying more attention to rhythm. The phrase as she is nouthe replaces Ax on erþe, with a metrical revision in Cx. be maistre as she is nouthe
Ac loue and lowenesse · and lewte togederes
Þise shul be maistres on molde · treuthe to saue
¶ And who-so trespasseth ayein treuthe · or taketh aȝein his wille
Leute shal don hym lawe · and no lyf elles
Shal no seriaunt for hereBx.3.300: here: Even if not strictly grammatical, this is clearly Bx, as in L, original M, HmOC and R. CrWG have corrected to his, followed by the corrector of M. Most AC mss. read þat. seruyse · were a silke howue
Ne no pelure in his cloke · for pledyng atte barre
Mede of mys-doeres · maketh many lordes
And ouer lordes lawes · reuleth þe rewmes
¶ Ac kynde loue shal come ȝit · and conscience togideres
And make of lawe a laborere · suche loue shal arise
And such peesBx.3.306: pees: So alpha, supported by Cx; beta adds the article. Ax does not have this or the succeeding lines to the end of the passus. amonge þe peple · and a parfit trewthe
Þat iewes shal wene in here witte · and waxen wonder glade
Þat Moises or Messie · be come in-to þis erthe
And haue wonder in here hertis · þat men beth so trewe
¶ Alle þat bereth baslarde [·] brode swerde or launce
Axe [o]ther hachet · or eny wepne ellis
Shal be demed to þe deth · but if he do it smythye
In-to sikul or to sithe · to schare or to kulter
Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres &c
Eche man to pleye with a plow · pykoys or spade
Spynne or sprede donge · or spilleBx.3.316: spille: Alpha has non-alliterating lese. Beta is supported by Cx. hym-self with sleuthe
¶ Prestes and parsones · with placebo to hunte
And dyngen vpon dauid · eche aBx.3.318: eche a: LMCR and O (corrected), against eche WHmG or euery CrF. The line is not in AC. day til eue
Huntynge or haukynge · if any of hem vse
His boste of his benefys · worth bynome hym after
Shal neither kynge ne knyȝte [·] constable ne Meire
Ouer-lede þe comune · ne to þe courte sompne
Ne put hem in panel · to don hem pliȝte here treuthe
But after þe dede þat is don · one dome shal rewarde
Mercy or no mercy · as treuthe wil acorde
¶ Kynges courte and comune courte · consistorie and chapitele
Al shal be but one courte · and one baroun be iustice
ThanneBx.3.328: Thanne: Undoubtedly Bx. Cx reads That. worth trewe tonge a tidy man · þat tened me neuere
Batailles shal non be · ne no man bere wepne
And what smyth þat ony smyt[hie]Bx.3.330: smythie: Cx supports alpha's subjunctive. LC's smyteth has no support. · be smyte þer-with to dethe
Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium &c ·
¶ And er þis fortune falle [·] fynde men shal þe worste
By syx sonnes and a schippe · and half a shef of arwes
And þe myddel of a mone · shal make þe iewes torneBx.3.334: torne: Alpha + G, supported by Cx, against beta's to torne.
And saracenes for þat siȝteBx.3.335: þat siȝte: Beta is supported by Cx against alpha's þe siȝte þere-offe. · shulle synge gloria in excelsis &c
For Makomet & Mede · myshappe shal þat tyme
For melius est bonum nomen quam diuicie multe
¶ Also wroth as þe wynde · wex Mede in a while
I can no latyn quod she · clerkis wote þe sothe
Se what salamon seith [·] in sapience bokes
That hijBx.3.341: hij: The form is supported by LMCR against þei in others. See Introduction IV.1. þat ȝiueth ȝiftes · þe victorie wynneth
& mocheBx.3.342: moche: So LMCO + alpha, supported by Cx, against moost in beta2 (CrWHm) and G. worschip hadBx.3.342: had: CrHmF have the expected present tense. The form in the other mss. may be understood as an absolute past participle: "With much honour gained" (Mustanoja, (1960), 559). þer-with · as holiwryt telleth
Honorem adquiret qui dat munera &c
¶ I leue wel lady quod conscience · þat þi latyne be trewe
Ac þow art like a lady · þat redde a lessoun ones
Was omnia probate · and þat plesed here herte
For þat lyne was no lenger [·] atte leues ende
Had [she]Bx.3.348: she: The reading is obviously correct and supported by Cx, but here and in the next line the reading of L is ȝe and M's original reading is altered to she. This suggests that beta had an ambiguous form for she, perhaps even ȝe, recorded in Gloucs. and Worcs. (LALME, 4, 8). loked þat other half · and þe lef torned
[She]Bx.3.349: She: See note to previous line. shulde haue founden feleBx.3.349: fele: CrG have fel, as in three C mss. wordis · folwyng þer-after
Quod bonum est tenete · treuthe þat texte made
Bx.3.351-58: A series of lines that alliterate irregularly in Bx. The lines are omitted or heavily revised in C. F makes several b-verse improvements for the sake of alliteration, but they cannot be regarded as derived from Bx. F's reading in 352 is an easy substitution of seyȝe for loked; ȝee takyn nout þe ende in 353, and þat ȝe to me pitte (356) are inspired by 358 which F omits. F also omits l. 357. ¶ And so ferde ȝe madame · ȝe couthe namore fynde
Tho ȝe loked on sapience · sittynge in ȝoure studie
Þis tixte þat ȝe han tolde · were gode for lordes
Ac ȝow failled a cunnyng clerke · þat couthe þe lef haue torned
And if ȝe seche sapience eft · fynde shal ȝe þat folweth
A ful teneful tixte · to hem þat taketh Mede
And þat is animam autem aufert accipientium · &c ·
And þat is þe taille of þe tixte · of þat þat ȝeBx.3.358: ȝe: Beta2 (CrWHm) + G read she, and M is altered to that reading, evidently ending Conscience's speech at l. 354, with the remainder as a narrator's comment. There is no parallel in AC. F omits the line. schewed
Þat þeiȝe we wynne worschip · and wiþ medeBx.3.359: mede: Alpha's me is clearly an error. haue victorie
Þe soule þat þe soude taketh · bi so moche is bounde