<head><foreign>Passus primus de visione</foreign></head>
<l> What this montaigne bymeneth · and þe merke dale</l>
<l> And þe felde ful of folke · I shal ȝow faire schewe</l>
<l> A loueli ladi of lere · in lynnen yclothed</l>
<l> Come down fram a castel · and called me faire</l>
<l> And seide sone slepestow · sestow þis poeple</l>
<l> How bisi þei ben · abouten<note>Bx.1.6: <hi>abouten</hi>: The variation is between trisyllabic <hi>abouten</hi> in L, unrevised M, C and alpha, and <hi>alle aboute</hi> in corrected M, CrWHmG. Both are metrical, the former supported by <hi>Ax</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> þe mase</l>
<l> Þe moste partie of þis poeple · þat passeth on þis erthe</l>
<l> Haue þei worschip in þis worlde · þei wilne<note>Bx.1.8: <hi>wilne</hi>: G has <hi>kepe</hi> from <hi>Ax</hi>.</note> no better</l>
<l> Of other heuene þan here · holde þei no tale</l>
<l> ¶ I was aferd of her face · þeiȝ she faire were</l>
<l> And seide mercy Madame · what is þis to mene</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.1.12: <hi></hi>: The paraph in WHm is supported by the new line-group in R (the paraph and first word are lost).</note> Þe toure vp<note>Bx.1.12: <hi>vp</hi>: CrF have <hi>vpon</hi>, WHmG have <hi>on</hi>. Prepositional <hi>vp</hi> is not uncommon, but usually altered to <hi>vpon</hi> by W and later texts: e.g. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.9.109</ref>. Though it is certainly <hi>Bx</hi>, it is not here supported by <hi>AC</hi> mss.</note> þe toft quod she · treuthe is þere-Inne</l>
<l> And wolde þat ȝe wrouȝte · as his worde techeth</l>
<l> For he is fader of feith · fourmed<note>Bx.1.14: <hi>fourmed</hi>: LMCOR, so <hi>Bx</hi>. Others read <hi>and formed</hi> (WF), <hi>that formede</hi> (HmG), <hi>and former of</hi> (Cr). Cr shares the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>. <hi><hi>A</hi></hi> mss. vary between <hi>and fourmide</hi> and <hi>that formed</hi>.</note> ȝow alle</l>
<l> Bothe with fel and with face · and ȝaf ȝow fyue wittis</l>
<l> Forto worschip hym þer-with · þe while þat<note>Bx.1.16: <hi>þe while þat</hi>: LMCR, contested by WHm <hi>whil þat</hi>. <hi>Ax</hi> and the P family of <hi>C</hi> have <hi>whyle</hi> or <hi>whyles</hi>; the X family has <hi>þe whiles</hi>.</note> ȝe ben here</l>
<l> And þerfore he hyȝte þe erthe · to help ȝow vchone</l>
<l> Of wollen of lynnen · of lyflode at nede</l>
<l> In mesurable manere · to make ȝow at ese</l>
<l> ¶ And comaunded of his curteisye [·] in comune þree þinges</l>
<l> Arne none nedful but þo · and nempne hem I thinke</l>
<l> And rekne hem bi resoun · reherce þow<note>Bx.1.22: <hi>þow</hi>: Supported by LWCR, against <hi>ȝe</hi> in CrHmOF and in M as an addition. In ll. <ref>13-19</ref> Holychurch addresses her remarks to the world at large; here and in the next lines she directs her attention to Will. <hi>Ax</hi> supports <hi>þow</hi>; <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> hem after</l>
<l> That one is vesture · from chele þe to saue</l>
<l> And mete atte<note>Bx.1.24: <hi>atte</hi>: "at the" (see <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.19.110</ref>, <ref>487</ref>, etc.). Supported by LMCR, though <hi>Ax</hi> has <hi>at</hi>, as do CrWHmGOF. </note> mele · for myseise of þi-selue</l>
<l> And drynke whan þow dryest · ac do nouȝt out of resoun</l>
<l> That þow worth þe werse · whan þow worche shuldest</l>
<l> ¶ For loth in his lifdayes · for likyng of drynke</l>
<l> Dede bi his douȝtres · þat þe deuel lyked</l>
<l> Delited hym in drynke · as þe deuel wolde</l>
<l> And lecherye hym lauȝt · and lay bi hem boþe</l>
<l> And al he witt it wyn<note>Bx.1.31: <hi>wyn</hi>: LG and alpha, with beta2 and MC reading <hi>þe wyn</hi>. Most <hi><hi>A</hi></hi> mss. have the former; <hi>Cx</hi> has the latter.</note> · þat wikked dede</l>
<l> <foreign>Inebriamus<note>Bx.1.32: <hi><foreign>Inebriamus</foreign></hi>: ROC correct to the subjunctive, "Let us get him drunk". <hi>C</hi> mss. vary similarly.</note> eum vino · dormiamusque cum eo</foreign></l>
<l> <foreign>Vt seruare possimus de patre nostro semen</foreign></l>
<l> Thorw wyn and þorw women · þere was loth acombred</l>
<l> And þere gat in glotonye · gerlis þat were cherlis</l>
<l> For-þi drede delitable drynke · and þow shalt do þe bettere</l>
<l> Mesure is medcyne · þouȝ þow moche ȝerne</l>
<l> It is nauȝt al gode to þe goste · þat þe gutte axeþ</l>
<l> Ne liflode to þi likam · [þat lief is to þi soule<note>Bx.1.39-40: LMWHmC dropped the b-verse of l. 39 and the a-verse of l. 40 through eyeskip on <hi>likam</hi>. M is later corrected. Cr dropped l. 39 altogether; FG dropped l. 40.</note></l>
<l> Leue not þi likam ·] for a lyer him techeth</l>
<l> That is þe wrecched worlde · wolde þe bitraye</l>
<l> For þe fende and þi flesch · folweth þe<note>Bx.1.42: <hi>folweth þe</hi>: WHmG omit <hi>þe</hi>, as do <hi>Ax</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>. <hi>Bx</hi> perhaps picked it up from the previous line.</note> to-gidere</l>
<l> This and þat see[th]<note>Bx.1.43: <hi>seeth</hi>: The beta reading is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (RK.1.39), though alpha has <hi>sueth</hi> (F <hi>sewe</hi>). <hi>Ax</hi> has instead <hi>shendith</hi>.</note> þi soule · and seith it in þin herte</l>
<l> And for þow sholdest ben ywar · I wisse þe þe beste</l>
<l> ¶ Madame<note>Bx.1.45: <hi>Madame</hi>: F's interjection <hi>A</hi> is in agreement with <hi>AC</hi>. Probably it is derived from an <hi><hi>A</hi></hi> text.</note> mercy quod I · me liketh wel ȝowre wordes</l>
<l> Ac þe moneye of þis molde · þat men so faste <app><rdg>holdeth</rdg><rdg>kepeth</rdg></app><note>Bx.1.46: <hi>holdeth / kepeth</hi>: Beta agrees with <hi>Ax</hi>; alpha's <hi>kepeth</hi> is in agreement with <hi>Cx</hi>. See Introduction <xref>II.2</xref>.</note></l>
<l> Telle me to whom Madame<note>Bx.1.47: <hi>Madame</hi>: This is secure for <hi>Bx</hi>, though it is not in either <hi>Ax</hi> or <hi>Cx</hi>. Its position in the line is uncertain. It is likely enough, as KD argue (p. 168), that it is caught up from two lines above. As in that line, F's agreement with <hi>Ax</hi> may reflect contamination, as Schmidt (1995), 365, suggests.</note> · þat tresore appendeth</l>
<l> ¶ Go to þe gospel quod she · þat god seide hym-seluen</l>
<l> Tho þe poeple hym apposed · wiþ a peny in þe temple </l>
<l> Whether þei shulde þer-with · worschip þe kyng Sesar</l>
<l> And god axed of hem · of whome spake þe lettre</l>
<l> And þe ymage ilyke [·] þat þere-inne stondeth</l>
<l> Cesaris<note>Bx.1.53: <hi>Cesaris</hi>: Of those that have a genitive, LOR have the Vulgate form (Matt 22.21), while M and beta2 (CrWHm) have <hi>Cesares</hi>.</note> þei seide [·] we sen hym wel vchone</l>
<l><foreign>Reddite cesari</foreign> quod god · þat <foreign>cesari</foreign> bifalleth</l>
<l> <foreign>Et que sunt dei deo</foreign> · or elles ȝe done ille</l>
<l> For riȝtful<note>Bx.1.56: <hi>riȝtful</hi>: The adjective seems clearly the <hi>Bx</hi> reading, but W shares the adverb with <hi>Ax</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>. The latter is superior in sense; possibly an independent correction in W.</note> reson · shulde rewle ȝow alle</l>
<l> And kynde witte be wardeyne · ȝowre welthe to kepe</l>
<l> And tutour of ȝoure tresore · and take it ȝow at nede</l>
<l> For housbonderye & hij<note>Bx.1.59: <hi>hij</hi>: The plural in beta, referring to Reason and Kind Wit, probably represents <hi>Bx</hi>. Alpha, taking the reference to be to Kind Wit alone, alters to the singular, with fem. in R (perhaps as alpha), masc. in F as in <hi>AC</hi>. If <hi>Bx</hi> had read <hi>he</hi>, it would be difficult to understand that causing confusion.</note> · holden togideres</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.1.60: <hi></hi>: The paraph in WHm is supported by a new line-group in alpha.</note> Þanne I frained hir faire · for hym þat hir<note>Bx.1.60: <hi>hir</hi> (2): LMCO and alpha, as in <hi>AC</hi>. Beta2 and G have <hi>me</hi>.</note> made</l>
<l> That dongeoun in þe dale [·] þat dredful is of siȝte</l>
<l> What may it be to mene<note>Bx.1.62: <hi>be to mene</hi>: Schmidt (1995), 365, suggests GF's <hi>bemene</hi> is from <hi>AC</hi> versions.</note> · ma-dame I ȝow biseche</l>
<l> ¶ Þat is þe castel of care · who-so cometh þerinne</l>
<l> May banne þat he borne was · to body or to soule</l>
<l> Þerinne wonieth a wiȝte · þat wronge is yhote</l>
<l> Fader of falshed · and founded it hym-selue</l>
<l> Adam and Eue · he egged to ille</l>
<l> Conseilled caym · to kullen his brother</l>
<l> Iudas he iaped · with iuwen<note>Bx.1.69: <hi>iuwen</hi>: CrG and alpha have <hi>Iewes</hi> or <hi>þe Iewys</hi>. There is some variation in <hi>AC</hi>, but <hi>iuwen</hi> is probably archetypal in all three versions.</note> siluer</l>
<l> And sithen on an eller [·] honged hym after<note>Bx.1.70: <hi>hym after</hi>: The variation <hi>hym-selue</hi> as in WF is also in <hi>A</hi>. The b-verse is revised in <hi>C</hi>.</note></l>
<l> He is letter of loue · and lyeth hem alle</l>
<l> That trusten on his tresor · <app><rdg>bitrayeth he</rdg><rdg>bytrayed aren</rdg></app><note>Bx.1.72: <hi>bitrayeth he/bytrayed aren</hi>: The beta reading is essentially that of <hi>Cx</hi>, <hi>he bytrayeth</hi>. Alpha's reading <hi>bytrayed aren</hi> is shared with <hi>Ax</hi>. G's reading is presumably contaminated from an <hi>A</hi> source (Schmidt (1995), 365).</note> sonnest</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne had I wonder in my witt · what womman <app><rdg>it</rdg><rdg>she</rdg></app><note>Bx.1.73: <hi>it/she</hi>: Beta agrees with <hi>Ax</hi>; alpha's fem. pronoun is in agreement with <hi>Cx</hi>. </note> were</l>
<l> Þat such wise wordes · of holywrit shewed</l>
<l> And asked<note>Bx.1.75: <hi>asked</hi>: F alone has <hi>halsede</hi>, probably by contamination from <hi>A</hi>; see Schmidt (1995), lxiii. <hi>C</hi> mss. have <hi>halsede</hi> or <hi>halsnede</hi>. The verb does not occur elsewhere in the poem, and it was perhaps obsolescent.</note> hir on þe hieȝe name · ar heo<note>Bx.1.75: <hi>heo</hi>: The form is secure for <hi>Bx</hi>, with LMR support.</note> þennes ȝeode</l>
<l> What she<note>Bx.1.76: <hi>she</hi>: R alone has the form <hi>he</hi>. See also l. <ref>87</ref> and note to l. <ref>77</ref>.</note> were witterli · þat wissed me so faire</l>
<l> ¶ Holicherche I am quod she<note>Bx.1.77: <hi>she</hi>: R again has <hi>he</hi>, as in the previous line. The form is not necessary for the alliteration.</note> · þow ouȝtest me to knowe</l>
<l> I vnderfonge þe firste · and þe feyth<note>Bx.1.78: <hi>þe feyth</hi>: The apparent agreement of Hm and F recorded by KD, <hi>þe feyþ þe</hi>, is not significant, since Hm's reading results from a misdivision of <hi>feythe</hi>.</note> tauȝte</l>
<l> And brouȝtest<note>Bx.1.79: <hi>brouȝtest</hi>: <hi>Bx</hi> idiomatically lacks the subject pronoun, added in CrHmGOF, bringing them into line with <hi>AC</hi> versions.</note> me borwes · my biddyng to fulfille</l>
<l> And to loue me lelly<note>Bx.1.80: <hi>me lelly</hi>: Reversed in alpha. Beta is supported by <hi>Ax</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> · þe while þi lyf dureth</l>
<l><note>Bx.1.81: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F. The line is at the bottom of the page in R.</note> Thanne I courbed on my knees · and cryed hir of grace</l>
<l> And preyed hir pitousely · [to]<note>Bx.1.82: <hi>to</hi>: Omitted by beta. Alpha is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>, though the addition of <hi>to</hi> before an infinitive is a common scribalism.</note> prey for my synnes</l>
<l> And also ken[n]e<note>Bx.1.83: <hi>kenne</hi>: L has <hi>kende</hi>, with the line marked for correction.</note> me kyndeli · on criste to bileue</l>
<l> <note>Bx.1.84: The line is attested by beta and <hi>Ax</hi>, but omitted in alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> That I miȝte worchen his wille · þat wrouȝte me to man</l>
<l> Teche me to no tresore · but telle me þis ilke</l>
<l> How I may saue my soule · þat seynt art yholden</l>
<l> ¶ Whan alle tresores aren tried quod she · trewthe is þe best</l>
<l> I do it on <foreign>deus caritas</foreign> · to deme þe soþe</l>
<l> It<note>Bx.1.89: <hi>It</hi>: Alpha's <hi>Þat it</hi> has no support from <hi>AC</hi>.</note> is as derworth a drewery · as dere god hym-seluen</l>
<l> ¶ Who-so<note>Bx.1.90: <hi>Who-so</hi>: The beta reading, but alpha has <hi>He</hi> (R) or <hi>He þat</hi> (F). <hi>Ax</hi> supports beta; in <hi>C</hi> the P family begins <hi>For who</hi>, the X family has <hi>For he</hi>.</note> is trewe of his tonge · & telleth none other</l>
<l> And doth þe werkis þer-with · and wilneth no man ille</l>
<l> He is a god bi þe gospel · agrounde and aloft</l>
<l> And ylike to owre lorde · bi seynte lukes wordes</l>
<l> Þe clerkes þat knoweþ þis · shulde kenne it aboute</l>
<l> For cristene and vncristne · clameþ it vchone</l>
<l> ¶ Kynges & kniȝtes · shulde kepe it bi resoun</l>
<l> Riden and rappe down<note>Bx.1.97: <hi>down</hi>: This varies in all three versions with <hi>adoun</hi>, though <hi>Ax</hi> has the former and <hi>Cx</hi> the latter.</note> · in reumes aboute</l>
<l> And taken tran[s]gressores · and tyen hem faste</l>
<l> Til treuthe had ytermyned · her trespas to þe ende</l>
<l> And þat is þe professioun appertly · þat appendeth for<note>Bx.1.100: <hi>for</hi>: So LCR, which is good evidence for <hi>Bx</hi>. But <hi>AC</hi> have the obvious <hi>to</hi>, as in all other mss.</note> knyȝtes</l>
<l> And nouȝt to fasten a fryday · in fyue score wynter</l>
<l> But holden wiþ him & with hir · þat wolden<note>Bx.1.102: <hi>wolden</hi>: G's alliterating <hi>asketh</hi> is from <hi>Ax</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> al treuthe</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.1.103: <hi>And</hi>: The beta reading is supported by <hi>AC</hi> against alpha's <hi>Ne</hi>.</note> neuer leue hem for loue · ne for lacchyng of syluer</l>
<l> ¶ For dauid in his dayes · dubbed kniȝtes</l>
<l> And did hem swere on here swerde · to serue trewthe euere</l>
<l> And who-so passed þat poynte · was <foreign>apostata</foreign> in þe ordre</l>
<l> ¶ But criste kingene kynge · kniȝted ten</l>
<l> Cherubyn and seraphin · suche seuene and an othre<note>Bx.1.108: <hi>an othre</hi>: The reference is to the ten orders of angels at Creation; see the comprehensive note in Skeat (1886), ii. 24-5. Beta2 and R (perhaps additionally confused by preceding <hi>and</hi>) miss the point and drop <hi>an</hi>, but <hi>AC</hi> support <hi>an othre</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And ȝaf hem myȝte in his maieste · þe murger hem þouȝte</l>
<l> And ouer his mene meyne · made hem archangeles</l>
<l> Tauȝte hem bi þe Trinitee · treuthe to knowe</l>
<l> To<note>Bx.1.112: <hi>To</hi>: Beta has the support of <hi>Ax</hi> against alpha's <hi>And</hi>. Nevertheless, the latter may be the better reading: "God taught them to know truth and be obedient".</note> be buxome at his biddyng · he bad hem nouȝte elles</l>
<l><note>Bx.1.113: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F. The line is at the bottom of the page in R.</note> Lucifer wiþ legiounes · lerned it in heuene</l>
<l> [Til]<note>Bx.1.114: <hi>Til</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> against beta's <hi>But for</hi>. <hi>Bx</hi> lost the preceding line, "And was þe louelokest of siȝt aftir oure lord" (K.1.110), leaving the argument that Lucifer learned obedience until he lost it. Beta rewrote to avoid nonsense. See Donaldson (1955), 208-09.</note> he brake buxumnesse · his blisse gan he tyne</l>
<l> And fel fro þat felawship · in a fendes liknes</l>
<l> In-to a depe derke helle · to dwelle þere for eure</l>
<l> And mo þowsandes wiþ<note>Bx.1.117: <hi>wiþ</hi>: As at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.P.147</ref>, W alters to <hi>myd</hi> to create the standard alliterative pattern, on the model of <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.4.79</ref>. The line is not in <hi>AC</hi>. See also <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.17.243</ref>.</note> him · þan man couthe noumbre</l>
<l> Lopen out wiþ Lucifer · in lothelich forme</l>
<l> For þei leueden vpon hym · þat lyed in þis manere</l>
<l> <foreign>Ponam pedem in aquilone · et similis ero altissimo<note>Bx.1.120: <hi><foreign>et ... altissimo</foreign></hi>: R omits, and F loses the line. Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> ·</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ And alle þat hoped it miȝte be so · none heuene miȝte hem holde</l>
<l> But fellen out in fendes liknesse · nyne dayes togideres</l>
<l> Til god of his goodnesse · gan stable and stynte</l>
<l> And garte þe heuene to stekye · and stonden in quiete</l>
<l> ¶ Whan thise wikked went out · wonderwise<note>Bx.1.125: <hi>wonderwise</hi>: Beta2 has <hi>in wonderwise</hi>, as does the P family of <hi>Cx</hi> in a revised line.</note> þei fellen</l>
<l> Somme in eyre somme in erthe<note>Bx.1.126: <hi>eyre ... erthe</hi>: The versions vary, with <hi>Ax</hi> having the order of most beta mss., and <hi>Cx</hi> the order as in MO and alpha. The beta order is more logical.</note> · & somme in helle depe</l>
<l> Ac lucifer lowest [·] lith of hem alle</l>
<l> For pryde þat he pult out<note>Bx.1.128: <hi>pult out</hi>: The West Midlands form <hi>pult</hi> appears only in LCr, while R has the spelling <hi>pelt</hi>. <hi>Ax</hi> has <hi>put out</hi> as do the remaining <hi>B</hi> mss; <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>pokede</hi>. <title>MED</title> <hi>pilten</hi> v., 3(b) glosses the phrase <hi>pult out</hi> as "exhibit (pride), display", though records no other instance of this sense. In <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.8.97</ref> LR again read <hi>pulte/pelte</hi> against <hi>pull</hi> or <hi>putte</hi> in other <hi>B</hi> witnesses. See also note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.15.66</ref>.</note> · his peyne hath none ende</l>
<l> And alle þat worche with wronge · wenden hij<note>Bx.1.129: <hi>hij</hi>: Only LC, though M's <hi>þei</hi> is a correction. See Introduction <xref>IV.1</xref>.</note> shulle<note>Bx.1.129: Alpha has a new line-group here.</note></l>
<l> After her deth-day · and<note>Bx.1.130: <hi>and</hi>: Supported by <hi>AC</hi> against alpha's <hi>to</hi>.</note> dwelle wiþ þat shrewe</l>
<l> <note>Bx.1.131: W and alpha have a paraph here.</note>Ac þo þat worche wel · as holiwritt telleth</l>
<l> And enden as I ere seide · in treuthe þat is þe best</l>
<l> Mowe be siker þat her soule<note>Bx.1.133: <hi>soule</hi>: Beta2 and G have the plural, and M is altered to that reading. <hi>Ax</hi> supports the distributive sg.</note> · shal wende to heuene</l>
<l> Þer treuthe is in Trinitee · and troneth<note>Bx.1.134: <hi>troneth</hi>: Alpha has non-alliterating <hi>saue</hi>. Beta's b-verse reproduces <hi>Ax</hi>; <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> hem alle</l>
<l> <note>Bx.1.135: Alpha has a new line-group here.</note>For-þi I sey as I seide ere · bi siȝte of<note>Bx.1.135: <hi>siȝte of</hi>: Alpha's b-verse is defective; beta is supported by <hi>Ax</hi>. The line is repeated at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.1.210</ref>.</note> þise textis</l>
<l> Whan alle tresores arne<note>Bx.1.136: <hi>arne</hi>: Beta's form is supported by most <hi>A</hi> mss. <hi>Cx</hi> revises. </note> ytried · treuthe is þe beste</l>
<l> Lereth it þis<note>Bx.1.137: <hi>it þis</hi>: So LWCO. M is corrected to <hi>it ye</hi>; CrHm read <hi>on thys</hi>; GF have <hi>thys ye</hi>, and R <hi>this</hi>. The variation reflects a <hi>Bx</hi> error, since <hi>AC</hi> read <hi>it þus</hi>.</note> lewde men · for lettred men it knowen</l>
<l> Þat treuthe is tresore · þe triest on erþe </l>
<l><app><rdg>Ȝet haue I</rdg><rdg>I haue</rdg></app><note>Bx.1.139: <hi>Ȝet haue I/I haue</hi>: The beta reading is that of <hi>Ax</hi>, whereas alpha (and Cr) is <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> no kynde knowing quod I · ȝet mote ȝe kenne me<note>Bx.1.139: <hi>ȝet mote ȝe kenne me</hi>: Presumably R represents alpha, and F repairs the alliteration. For some reason <hi>A</hi> mss. have much trouble with this b-verse, and <hi>C</hi> mss. only slightly less, though there the X group has the beta reading we take to be <hi>Bx</hi>, while the P group has <hi>ȝe mot kenne me</hi>, as does W here.</note> better</l>
<l> By what craft in my corps · it comseth and where</l>
<l> <note>Bx.1.141: This is the last line of the Lansdowne fragment of R; the Rawlinson ms. begins with <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.2.42</ref>. On editorial policy where R is lacking, see note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.P.2</ref>.</note> ¶ Þow doted daffe quod she · dulle arne þi wittes</l>
<l> To litel latyn þow lernedest · lede in þi ȝouthe</l>
<l> <foreign>Heu michi qu[od]<note>Bx.1.143: <hi><foreign>quod</foreign></hi>: The quotation is repeated in this form at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.5.452</ref>. In both cases alpha's <hi>quod</hi> for beta's <hi>quia</hi> is also the wording in <hi>Cx</hi>. See Alford (1992), 35-6.</note> sterilem duxi vitam iuuenilem</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ It is a kynde knowyng quod he<note>Bx.1.144: <hi>he</hi>: "she".</note> · þat kenneth in þine herte</l>
<l> For to louye þi lorde · leuer þan þi-selue</l>
<l> No dedly synne to do · dey þouȝ þow sholdest</l>
<l> This I trowe be treuthe · who can teche þe better</l>
<l> ¶ Loke þow suffre hym to sey · and sithen lere it after</l>
<l> For thus witnesseth his worde · worcheth þow þere-after<note>Bx.1.149: The line is lost by beta2 (CrWHm) and G. It is in <hi>Ax</hi> but not <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> For trewthe telleþ þat loue · is triacle of heuene</l>
<l> May no synne be on him sene · þat [þat spise vseth]<note>Bx.1.151: <hi>þat þat spise vseth</hi>: F's inverted order is metrical, and perhaps authorial, with K.7.137 <hi>þat no werk vsiþ</hi> (alliterating on /n/) providing a parallel. Even so, it may be a scribal sophistication, and this is one of the occasions where R is sorely missed. The line is not in <hi>AC</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And alle his werkes he wrouȝte · with loue as him liste</l>
<l> And lered it Moises for þe leuest þing [·] and moste like to heuene</l>
<l> And also þe plente<note>Bx.1.154: <hi>plente</hi>: "fullness"; and cf. the proverb "peace maketh plenty" which may have influenced the <hi>Bx</hi> scribe. Cr's <hi>plant</hi> may have been taken from his <hi>C</hi> ms.; it is probably also <hi>Ax</hi>. See Adams (1991), 7-15.</note> of pees · moste precious of vertues</l>
<l> ¶ For heuene myȝte nouȝte holden it · it was so heuy of hym-self</l>
<l> Tyl it hadde of þe erthe · yeten<note>Bx.1.156: <hi>yeten</hi>: "eaten". See Schmidt (1995), 366. Cr's <hi>yoten it-selue</hi> (<title>MED</title> <hi>yeten</hi> v.3, "poured out") is the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> his fylle</l>
<l> ¶ And whan it haued of þis folde [·] flessh & blode taken</l>
<l> Was neuere leef vpon lynde · liȝter þer-after</l>
<l> And portatyf and persant · as þe poynt of a nedle</l>
<l> That myȝte non armure it lette · ne none heiȝ walles</l>
<l> ¶ For-þi is loue leder [·] of þe lordes folke of heuene</l>
<l> And a mene as þe Maire is · bitwene þe kyng and þe comune</l>
<l> Riȝt so is loue a ledere · and þe lawe shapeth</l>
<l> Vpon man for his mysdedes · þe merciment he taxeth</l>
<l> And for to knowe it kyndely · it comseth bi myght</l>
<l> And in þe herte þere is þe heuede · and þe heiȝ welle</l>
<l> ¶ For in kynde knowynge in herte · þere a myȝte bigynneth</l>
<l> And þat falleth to þe fader · þat formed vs alle</l>
<l> Loked on vs with loue · and lete his sone deye</l>
<l> Mekely for owre mysdedes · to amende vs alle</l>
<l> And ȝet wolde he hem no woo · þat wrouȝte hym þat peyne</l>
<l> But mekelich with mouthe · mercy he bisouȝte</l>
<l> To haue pite o[n]<note>Bx.1.173: <hi>on</hi>: MCrHmGO as well as F (= alpha?) are supported by <hi>AC</hi> versions against <hi>of</hi> in LWC. Yet the latter might be <hi>Bx</hi>; cf. l. <ref>177</ref> for a similar case, and note that MCrHmGOF have <hi>pity on</hi> for <hi>pity of</hi> in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.5.260</ref>.</note> þat poeple · þat peyned<note>Bx.1.173: <hi>peyned</hi>: <hi>A</hi> mss. have predominantly <hi>pinede</hi> (<title>MED</title> <hi>pinen</hi>), as do MHmF, whereas <hi>C</hi> mss. have <hi>paynede</hi> (<title>MED</title> <hi>peinen</hi>), but the verbs were often confused.</note> hym to deth</l>
<l> ¶ Here myȝtow see ensamples<note>Bx.1.174: <hi>ensamples</hi>: The singular of WCGF varies with the plural in all three versions. For the argument that the plural is "more exact", see Schmidt (2008), 316.</note> · in hym-selue one</l>
<l> That he was miȝtful & meke · and mercy gan graunte</l>
<l> To hem þat hongen him an heiȝ · and his herte þirled</l>
<l> ¶ For-thi I rede ȝow riche · haueth reuthe of<note>Bx.1.177: <hi>reuthe of</hi>: The beta reading, as in LMWCO. HmCrG have the more usual <hi>ruthe on</hi> (as in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.4.110</ref>, <ref>112</ref>, <ref>5.523</ref>, <ref>14.180</ref>, <ref>15.11</ref>), agreeing here with <hi>AC</hi>, by coincidence or contamination. F has <hi>mercy on</hi>.</note> þe pouere</l>
<l> Thouȝ ȝe be myȝtful to mote · beth meke in ȝowre werkes</l>
<l> ¶ For þe same mesur[e]<note>Bx.1.179: <hi>mesure</hi>: LMWCGO (hence beta) have the plural, but CrHmF have sg., as <hi>AC</hi>. The plural is presumably a beta error, since the word is sg. in the Latin, l. <ref>181</ref>.</note> þat ȝe mete · amys other elles</l>
<l> Ȝe shullen ben weyen þer-wyth · whan ȝe wende hennes</l>
<l> <foreign>Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis · remecietur vobis ·</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ For þouȝ ȝe be trewe of ȝowre tonge · and trewliche wynne</l>
<l> And as chaste as a childe · þat in cherche wepeth</l>
<l> But if<note>Bx.1.184: <hi>if</hi>: Dropped by MF, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. <hi>A</hi> mss. vary.</note> ȝe louen lelliche · and lene þe poure</l>
<l> [Of] such<note>Bx.1.185: <hi>Of such</hi>: <hi>Of</hi> is easily lost, as in beta. F is supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> goed as god ȝow sent [·] godelich parteth</l>
<l> Ȝe ne<note>Bx.1.186: <hi>ne</hi> (1): Dropped by MCrGF, but supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> haue na more meryte · in masse ne in houres</l>
<l> Þan Malkyn of hire maydenhode · þat no man desireth</l>
<l> ¶ For Iames þe gentil · iugged in his bokes</l>
<l> That faith with-oute þe faite<note>Bx.1.189: <hi>þe faite</hi>: G reads <hi>dede</hi>, F has <hi>fewte</hi>, and in M the definite article is inserted by the corrector. The article in this phrase is more easily lost than added, and beta probably had it. <hi>Ax</hi> is without the article; <hi>Cx</hi> is divided, though the best representatives of the X family have it. We follow copy-text.</note> · is riȝte<note>Bx.1.189: <hi>riȝte</hi>: F's omission of the word may represent <hi>Bx</hi>, but the b-verse is corrupt in any case. The <hi>AC</hi> reading is <hi>is feblere þan noȝt</hi>.</note> no-þinge worthi</l>
<l> And as ded as a dore-tre · but ȝif þe dedes folwe</l>
<l> <foreign>Fides sine operibus mortua est &c</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ For-thi chastite with-oute charite · worth cheyned in helle</l>
<l> It is as lewed as a laumpe · þat no liȝte is Inne</l>
<l> ¶ Many chapeleynes arne chaste · ac charite is awey</l>
<l> Aren no men auarousere<note>Bx.1.195: <hi>no men auarousere</hi>: G's <hi>non herder</hi> is by contamination from <hi>AC</hi>. F's <hi>non</hi> for beta's <hi>no men</hi> may be from <hi>A</hi>, but may represent <hi>Bx</hi>.</note> þan hij · whan þei ben auaunced</l>
<l> Vnkynde to her kyn · and to alle cristene</l>
<l> Chewen here charite · and chiden after more</l>
<l> Such chastite wiþ-outen charite · worth cheyned in helle</l>
<l> ¶ Many curatoures kepen hem · clene of here bodies</l>
<l> Thei ben acombred wiþ coueitise · þei konne nouȝt <app><rdg>out crepe</rdg><rdg>nouȝt don it fram hem</rdg></app><note>Bx.1.200: <hi>nouȝt out crepe</hi>: Beta has <hi>nouȝt don it fram hem</hi>, with G's <hi>not cry ovte</hi> an independent improvement or indebted to <hi>AC</hi>, which both have variously <hi>not crepe out</hi> and <hi>not out crepe</hi>. This supports F's <hi>out crepe</hi> (omitting <hi>nouȝt</hi> by oversight), though it may be by contamination.</note></l>
<l> So harde hath auarice · yhasped hem togideres</l>
<l> And þat is no treuthe of þe trinite · but treccherye of helle</l>
<l> And lernyng to lewde men · þe latter for to dele<note>Bx.1.203: <hi>for to dele</hi>: The beta reading, though G omits <hi>for</hi>, aligning it with most <hi>A</hi> mss. F has <hi>to leve synne</hi>. <hi>C</hi> rewrites.</note></l>
<l><note>Bx.1.204: <hi></hi>: L's paraph is shared only with C, but the line is at the top of the page in M (which marks paraphs only with a blank space).</note> For-þi þis wordes [·] ben wryten in þe gospel<note>Bx.1.204: Because of the short line, scribes misplaced the punctus. Only L has it awkwardly after <hi>ben</hi>. We follow MWCO.</note></l>
<l> <foreign>Date & dabitur vobis</foreign> · for I dele ȝow alle</l>
<l> And þat is þe lokke of loue · and<note>Bx.1.206: <hi>and</hi> (2): Clearly the beta reading, supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>. CrGF have <hi>þat</hi> (M is revised to that reading), as does <hi>Ax</hi> and the P family of <hi>C</hi>. Again, F may be alpha or an <hi>A</hi> reading.</note> lateth oute my grace</l>
<l> To conforte þe careful · acombred wiþ synne</l>
<l> ¶ Loue is leche of lyf · and nexte owre lorde selue</l>
<l> And also þe graith gate · þat goth in-to heuene</l>
<l> For-þi I sey as I seide · ere by þe<note>Bx.1.210: <hi>by þe</hi>: G's alliterating <hi>by syght of thes</hi> is supported by <hi>AC</hi>, but is derived by contamination and is not <hi>Bx</hi>. See KD p. 154, Schmidt (1995), 366. Alpha also omits <hi>siȝte of</hi> in the same b-verse at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.1.135</ref>.</note> textis</l>
<l> Whan alle tresores ben ytryed · treuthe is þe beste</l>
<l> Now haue I tolde þe what treuthe is · þat no tresore is bettere</l>
<l> I may no lenger lenge þe with<note>Bx.1.213: <hi>þe with</hi>: In omitting the phrase G again shows contamination from <hi>A</hi>.</note> · now<note>Bx.1.213: <hi>now</hi>: Supported by <hi>Ax</hi> though omitted by F and replaced by <hi>but</hi> in G. <hi>Cx</hi> is rewritten.</note> loke þe owre lorde</l>