M.14.1KD.14.1<l><hi><hi>I</hi></hi> haue but oon hool hatre . quod haukyn . I am þe lasse to blame</l>
M.14.2KD.14.2<l>Though it be soilled and selden clene . I slepe þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>inne a<seg>-</seg>nyghtes</l>
M.14.3KD.14.3<l>And also I haue an houswyf . hewen and children . </l>
M.14.4KD.14.3α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Vxorem duxi & ideo non possum venire .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.5KD.14.4<l>That wolen
<del>.....</del><add>bymolen</add><note>M.14.5: In place of M's altered reading <hi>bymolen</hi>, C reads <hi>bifoule</hi> and B read <hi>defoule</hi>.</note> it many tyme . maugre my chekes .
</lg> <lg>M.14.6KD.14.5<l>I<del>...</del><add>t haþ</add> ben laued in lente . and <add>out<del>e</del></add> of lente bothe . </l>
M.14.7KD.14.6<l>With þe sope of seknesse . þat sekeþ wondur depe</l>
M.14.8KD.14.7<l>And with þe losse of catel . loth<del>e</del> for to agilte . </l>
M.14.9KD.14.8<l>God or any good man . by ought<del>e</del> þat I wiste . </l>
M.14.10KD.14.9<l>And was shriuen of þe preest . þat gaf me for my synnes</l>
M.14.11KD.14.10<l>To penaunce pacience . and pou<expan>er</expan>e men to fede . </l>
M.14.12KD.14.11<l><orig>Alfor</orig><reg>Al for</reg> coue<add>i</add>tise of my cristendom<del>e</del> . in clennesse to kepen it</l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> difficile est sane viuere</foreign>
M.14.13KD.14.12<l>And couthe I neu
<expan>er</expan>e by crist kepen
<add>it</add><note>M.14.13: M's original reading without <hi>it</hi> agreed with G.</note> clene an houre
M.14.14KD.14.13<l>That I ne soilled it with sighte . or som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> <del>.</del><add>y</add>del speche</l>
M.14.15KD.14.14<l>Or þorugh werk . or þorugh . <add>word</add> or wille of myn herte . </l>
M.14.16KD.14.15<l>That I ne flob<del>b.</del><add>e</add>r<add>e</add> it foule . from morwe til euen . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.17KD.14.16<l>And I shal kenne þe quod Conscience . of cont<expan>ri</expan>cion to make . </l>
M.14.18KD.14.17<l>That shal clawe þi cote . of alle kynnes filthe</l>
M.14.19KD.14.17α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Cordis contricio & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<foreign><sic><expan>decima</expan></sic><corr><expan>[vn]decima</expan></corr> disc<expan>ri</expan>pc<expan>i</expan>o de</foreign> dowell
<add>shal</add><note>M.14.20: M's original reading without <hi>shal</hi> agreed with GYCBLRF.</note> wasshen it . and wryngen it . þoruȝ a wys confessour .
M.14.21KD.14.18α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Oris confessio & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.22KD.14.19<l>Dobet shal beten it and bouken it . as bright as any scarlet</l>
M.14.23KD.14.20<l>And engreynen it with gode wille . and godes g<expan>ra</expan>ce to amende the</l>
M.14.24KD.14.21<l>And sithen sende þe . to satisfacciou<expan>n</expan> . for to sowen it aftur . </l>
M.14.25KD.14.21α-22<l><hi><foreign><hi>Satisfaccio</hi></foreign> <hi>dobest<del>e</del></hi></hi></l>
<milestone>fol. 64v
M.14.26KD.14.23<l>Shal neu<expan>er</expan>e myst<del>e</del> bimoule<expan>n</expan> it . ne mothe after biten it</l>
M.14.27KD.14.24<l>Ne fende ne fals man . defoulen it in þi liue</l>
M.14.28KD.14.25<l>Shal non heraude ne harpour . haue a fa<del>..</del><add>irer</add> garnement</l>
M.14.29KD.14.26<l>Than haukyn þe actif man . and þow do by my techinge</l>
M.14.30KD.14.27<l>Ne no mynstral be more worth<del>e</del> . amonges pou<expan>er</expan>e and riche . </l>
M.14.31KD.14.28<l>Than haukynes wif þe wafrer with his <hi><foreign><hi>actiua vita</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign>p<expan>ro</expan>uic<expan>io</expan> pacienc<expan>ie</expan></foreign>
M.14.32KD.14.29<l>And I shal p<expan>ur</expan>ueie þe past<del>e</del> quod pacience . though no plough erye</l>
M.14.33KD.14.30<l>And flour to fede folk<del>e</del> with . as best<del>e</del> be for þe soule . </l>
M.14.34KD.14.31<l>Though neu<expan>er</expan>e greyn growed . ne grape vpon vyne</l>
M.14.35KD.14.32<l>Alle þat liueth and loketh . liflode wolde I fynde</l>
M.14.36KD.14.33<l>And þat y<seg>-</seg>nough shal noon faille . of þing<del>e</del> þat hem nedeth . </l>
M.14.37KD.14.33.1<l>We sholde nouȝt be to bysie . aboute oure liflode . </l>
M.14.38KD.14.33α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ne solliciti sitis </hi> & c<expan>etera</expan> . <hi>volucres celi deus pascit</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.39KD.14.33α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Pacientes vincunt</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
M.14.42KD.14.36<l>No quod pacience paciently . and out of his poke hente</l>
M.14.43KD.14.37<l>Vitailles of grete vertues . for alle manere bestes</l>
M.14.44KD.14.38<l>And saide lo here liflode y<seg>-</seg>nough . if oure byleue be trewe . </l>
M.14.45KD.14.39<l>For lent<del>e</del> neu<expan>er</expan>e was lif . but liflode were shapen . </l>
M.14.46KD.14.40<l>Where<seg>-</seg>of . or wherfore . or where<seg>-</seg>by to libbe . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.47KD.14.41<l>Furst<del>e</del> the wilde worme . vnder weet erthe</l>
M.14.48KD.14.42<l>Fisshe to lyue in the flood . and in þe fuyr þe krykat . </l>
M.14.49KD.14.43<l>The corluwe by kynde of þe eyr<del>e</del> . moost clennest<del>e</del> flessh of briddes</l>
M.14.50KD.14.44<l>And beestes by gras . and by greyn
<del>e</del> . and by grete
<note>M.14.50: M's <hi>grete</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>grene</hi>.</note> Rotes
M.14.51KD.14.45<l>In menynge þat alle men mighte . do þe same . </l>
M.14.52KD.14.46<l>Lyue þorugh lele bileue . and loue . as god w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesseth . </l>
M.14.53KD.14.46α<l><hi><foreign><hi><sic>Quodcunq<expan>ue</expan></sic><corr>Quodcu[m]q<expan>ue</expan></corr> pecierit<expan>is</expan> a p<expan>at</expan>re . i<expan>n</expan> no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo & c<expan>etera</expan> Et alibi </hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.54KD.14.46α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Non in solo pane viuit h<expan>om</expan>o set i<expan>n</expan> o<expan>mn</expan>i v<expan>er</expan>bo quod p<expan>ro</expan>cedit de ore dei</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
M.14.57KD.14.51<l>Haue haukyn quod pacience . and ete þis whan þe hungreth</l>
M.14.58KD.14.52<l>Or whan þow clomsest for cold . or clyngest for drie . </l>
M.14.59KD.14.53<l>Shul neu<expan>er</expan>e gyues the greue . ne grete lordes wratthe .</l>
<hi>p<expan>ri</expan>sone ne paine for .</hi>
cor <hi>cor</hi>
<milestone>fol. 65r
passus xiiij<expan>us</expan>
M.14.60KD.14.54<l>Prisone ne peyne for <foreign><hi>Pacientes vincunt .</hi></foreign></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.61KD.14.55<l><orig>Byso</orig><reg>By so</reg> þat þow be sobre . of sighte and of tonge</l>
M.14.62KD.14.56<l>In etynge and in handlynge . and in alle þi fyue wittes</l>
M.14.63KD.14.57<l>Darstow neu<expan>er</expan>e care for corn / ne lynnen c<del>h</del><add>l</add>oth ne wollen</l>
M.14.64KD.14.58<l>Ne for drynke ne deth drede / but deie as god liketh</l>
M.14.65KD.14.59<l>Or þoruȝ honger or þoruȝ hete at his wille be it</l>
M.14.66KD.14.60<l>For <del>ȝ</del>if þow lyuest after his loore . þe shorter lif þe better</l>
# <foreign>et it<expan>er</expan>u<expan>m</expan></foreign> #
M.14.67KD.14.60α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Si quis amat <expan>Cristum</expan> mundu<expan>m</expan> non diligit istum .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.68KD.14.61<l>¶ For thorugh his breth . bestes woxen . and abrode <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eden</l>
M.14.69KD.14.61α<l><foreign><hi>Dixit & facta sunt</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></l>
M.14.70KD.14.62<l><foreign><hi>Ergo</hi></foreign> tho<del>...</del><add>ruȝ</add> his breth . mowen men and bestes liuen . </l>
M.14.71KD.14.63<l>As holy writ <sic>w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnessth</sic><corr>w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tness[e]th</corr> . whan men seggen hire graces</l>
M.14.72KD.14.63α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Aperis tu manum tua<expan>m</expan> & imples omne animal b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan>diccione .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
M.14.73KD.14.64<l>¶It is founden that fourty wynter . folk lyued with<seg>-</seg>oute t<del>.</del><add>y</add>ly<del>.</del><add>i</add>ng</l>
M.14.74KD.14.65<l>And out of þe flynt . sprong the flod . þat folk and beestes drunken . </l>
M.14.75KD.14.66<l>And in Elyes tyme . heuene was yclosed . </l>
M.14.76KD.14.67<l>That no rein roon . þus men rede
<note>M.14.76: M shares the reading <hi>men rede</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts reverse the order.</note> in bokes .
M.14.77KD.14.68<l>That many wyntres men lyueden . and no mete ne tulieden . </l>
# <foreign>de sept<expan>em</expan> dormient<expan>ibus</expan></foreign>
M.14.78KD.14.69<l>Seuene slepe as s<del>.</del><add>e</add>ith the book . seuene hunder wyntur</l>
M.14.79KD.14.70<l>And lyueden with<seg>-</seg>oute liflode . and at þe laste thei woken . </l>
M.14.80KD.14.71<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if men lyueden as mesure wolde . shulde neu<expan>er</expan>e more be defaute</l>
M.14.81KD.14.72<l>Amonges cristen creatures . <del>ȝ</del>if cristes wordes ben truwe . </l>
M.14.82KD.14.73<l>Ac vnkyndenesse <hi><foreign><hi>caristia</hi> .</foreign></hi> maketh . amonges cristen poeple</l>
M.14.83KD.14.74<l>And ou<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>plente maketh pride . amonges pou<expan>er</expan>e and riche . </l>
M.14.84KD.14.75<l>Ac mesure is so muche worth . it may not be to deere</l>
M.14.85KD.14.76<l>For þe meschief and þe mesch<del>.</del><add>a</add>unce . amonges men of Sodome . </l>
M.14.86KD.14.77<l>Wex þoruȝ plente of payn . and of pure sleuthe</l>
M.14.87KD.14.77α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ociositas & <add>h</add>abundancia panis . p<expan>e</expan>c<expan>catu</expan>m turpissimum nutriuit</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.88KD.14.78<l>For þei mesured not hem<seg>-</seg>self . of þat þei ete<expan>n</expan> and dronke</l>
<add>i<expan>n</expan></add><note>M.14.89: M's added reading of <hi>i<expan>n</expan></hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> dedly synne . þat þe deuel liked .
M.14.90KD.14.80<l>So vengeaunce fel vpon hem . for hire vile synnes . </l>
M.14.91KD.14.81<l>Thei sonken in<seg>-</seg>to helle . tho Citees ychone . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.95KD.14.85<l>And þouȝgh a mon miȝte nouȝt speke . contricion miȝte hym saue . </l>
<milestone>fol. 65v
# <foreign>b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
M.14.96KD.14.86<l>And bringe his soule to blisse . for
<note>M.14.96: M's <hi>for</hi> agrees with W. CrLRF read <hi>be</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts lack the word.</note> so þat feith bere
<del>th</del><note>M.14.96: M's original reading of <hi>bereth</hi> agreed with HmF.</note> w
<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse .
M.14.97KD.14.87<l>That whiles he lyued . he bileued . in the lore of holychurche</l>
M.14.98KD.14.88<l><foreign>Ergo</foreign> contricion faith and conscience . is kyndelych dowell</l>
M.14.99KD.14.89<l>And surgiens for dedly synnes . whan shrifte of mouthe failleth</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.100KD.14.90<l>¶ Ac shrifte of mouthe more worthi is . if man be ynlich contrit</l>
M.14.101KD.14.91<l>For shrifte of mouthe sleeth synne . be it neu<expan>er</expan>e so dedly . </l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> p<expan>er</expan> <expan>con</expan>ffescione<expan>m</expan> occidu<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ur</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a s<expan>ed</expan> p<expan>er</expan> <expan>con</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>c<expan>i</expan>o<expan>nem</expan> delent<expan>ur</expan> in veniale</foreign>
M.14.102KD.14.92<l><hi><foreign><hi>P<expan>er</expan> confessionem</hi></foreign></hi> to a preest . <hi><foreign><hi>p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a occiduntur .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.103KD.14.93<l>Ther contriciou
<expan>n</expan> doth but dryueth dou
<expan>n</expan><note>M.14.103: Only M and Cr omit <hi>it</hi> before <hi>doun</hi>.</note> . in
<seg>-</seg>to a venial synne
M.14.104KD.14.94<l>As dauid saith in þe sautier . <hi><foreign><hi>Et quor<expan>um</expan> tecta sunt p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.105KD.14.95<l>Ac satisfaccion seketh out þe roote . and bothe sleeth and voideth</l>
M.14.106KD.14.96<l>And as it neu<expan>er</expan>e hadde y<seg>-</seg>be . to nouȝt bringeth dedly synne . </l>
M.14.107KD.14.97<l>That it neu<expan>er</expan>e efte is sene ne sore . but semeth a wounde yheled . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.114KD.14.104<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e <hi><foreign><hi>quis est ille</hi></foreign></hi> quod pacience quik . <hi><foreign><hi>lauda<del>.....</del><add>bimus</add> eum .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
# <foreign>t<expan>er</expan>ribile hoc</foreign>
M.14.115KD.14.105<l>Thouȝ men
<note>M.14.115: M's original <hi>drede</hi> was not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> of richesse . riȝt to þe worldes ende
M.14.116KD.14.106<l>I wiste neu<expan>er</expan>e renke þat riche was . þat whan he rekkene shulde . </l>
M.14.117KD.14.107<l>Whan he drouȝ to his deth<seg>-</seg>day . þat he ne dredde hym soore . </l>
M.14.118KD.14.108<l>And at þe rekenynge in arrerage fel . rather þan out of dette . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.119KD.14.109<l>There þe pou<expan>er</expan>e dar plede . and proue by pure resou<expan>n</expan> . </l>
M.14.120KD.14.110<l>To haue allowance of his lord . by þe lawe he it claymeth</l>
M.14.121KD.14.111<l>Iooie þat neu<expan>er</expan>e ioie hadde . of riȝtful Iuge he axeth . </l>
M.14.122KD.14.112<l>And seith lo briddes and bestes . þat no blisse ne knoweth</l>
M.14.123KD.14.113<l>And wilde wormes in wodes . þoruȝ wyntres þow hem greuest</l>
M.14.124KD.14.114<l>And makest hem wel neiȝe meke . and mylde for defaute</l>
M.14.125KD.14.115<l>And after þow sendest hem somer . þat is hire sou<expan>er</expan>aigne ioie</l>
<expan>n</expan><note>M.20.163: See also M.20.163 and Introduction I.11 "Provenance."</note>
M.14.126KD.14.116<l>And blisse to alle þat ben . bothe wilde and tame . </l>
M.14.127KD.14.117<l>Than may beggers
<del>...</del><add>as</add><note>M.14.127: M's revised reading agrees with WCrL. M's original reading was perhaps <hi>and</hi>, the reading of the other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> bestes . aftur bote wayten .
M.14.128KD.14.118<l>That al hire lyue han lyued . in langour and in defaute</l>
M.14.129KD.14.119<l>But god sente hem s
<del>u</del><add>o</add>mtyme . som
<del>e</del> man
<expan>er</expan>e of
<note>M.14.129: M shares the reading <hi>of</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note> Ioie
M.14.130KD.14.120<l>Owther<del>e</del> here or elles<seg>-</seg>where . kynde wolde it neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<milestone>fol. 66r
passus xiiij<expan>us</expan>
M.14.131KD.14.121<l>For to wrotherhele was he wrouȝt . þat neu<expan>er</expan>e was ioie shaped<del>e</del></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.132KD.14.122<l>Angeles þat in helle now ben . hadden ioie s<del>u</del><add>o</add>mtyme</l>
# <foreign>notabile bonu<expan>m</expan> p<expan>ro</expan> eo qui pacient<expan>er</expan> suffert paup<expan>er</expan>t<expan>atem</expan></foreign>
M.14.133KD.14.123<l>And <hi><hi>Diues</hi></hi> in deintees liued . and in <foreign>douce vie</foreign></l>
M.14.134KD.14.124<l>Right so reson sheweth . þat þo men þat were riche</l>
M.14.135KD.14.125<l>And hire makes also . lyued hire lif in murthe</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.136KD.14.126<l>Ac god is of a won<del>n</del>dur wille . by þat kynd<add>e</add> wit sheweth</l>
M.14.137KD.14.127<l>To <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue many men his mercimonye . er he it haue deserued . </l>
M.14.138KD.14.128<l>Right so fareth god by so<expan>m</expan>me riche . ruthe me it thinketh . </l>
M.14.139KD.14.129<l>For þei han h<del>..</del><add>ir</add> / hire heere . an heuen<add>e</add> as it were . </l>
M.14.140KD.14.130<l>And <del>is</del> gret<del>e</del> likynge to lyue . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>oute labour of body</l>
M.14.141KD.14.131<l>And whan he deieth ben disalowed . as dauid seith in þe sautier . </l>
M.14.142KD.14.131α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dormierunt & nichil inuenerunt</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.14.143KD.14.131α<l>And in a<seg>-</seg>nother stede also . <hi><foreign><hi>Velud sompnu<expan>m</expan> surgencium d<expan>omi</expan>ne <lb/>
In ciuitate tua . & ad nichilum rediges</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<lg>M.14.146KD.14.134<l>Hewen þat han hir<del>e</del> hire a<seg>-</seg>fore . aren eu<expan>er</expan>emore nedy</l>
M.14.147KD.14.135<l>And selden dei<add>e</add>th he out of dette . þat dyneth er he des<expan>er</expan>ue it</l>
M.14.148KD.14.136<l>And til he haue doon his deuoir . and his daies iourne</l>
M.14.149KD.14.137<l>For whan a werkeman hath wrouȝt þan may men se þe sothe</l>
M.14.150KD.14.138<l>What he were worthy for his werk . and what he hath des<expan>er</expan>ued</l>
M.14.151KD.14.139<l>And nouȝt to fonge byfore . for drede of disallowynge . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.152KD.14.140<l>So I segge by <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow riche . it semeth not þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e shulle</l>
M.14.153KD.14.141<l>Haue heuene in
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre here b
<note>M.14.153: Scribes had difficulty with the phrase and there are many variations on it. M shares its revised reading with OCr<hi>23</hi>LR.</note> . and heuene here
<seg>-</seg>aftur .
M.14.154KD.14.142<l>Right as a s<expan>er</expan>uaunt taketh his salarie bifore . and sith wold cl<del>.</del><add>a</add>yme more</l>
M.14.155KD.14.143<l>As he þat non hadde . and hath hire at þe laste</l>
# <foreign>b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
M.14.156KD.14.144<l>It may not be <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e riche men . or Mathew on god lieth<del>e</del></l>
M.14.157KD.14.144α<l><hi><foreign><hi>De delicijs ad delicias deficile est transire</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.158KD.14.145<l>Ac if þe riche haue ruthe . and rewarde wel þe pou<expan>er</expan>e</l>
M.14.159KD.14.146<l>And lyuen as lawe techeth . doon leaute to hem alle . </l>
M.14.160KD.14.147<l>Crist of his courtesie . shal conforte <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow at þe laste</l>
M.14.161KD.14.148<l>And rewarde
<add>yow</add><note>M.14.161: The addition of <hi>yow</hi> brings M into agreement with Cr.</note> alle double richesse . þat reweful hertes habbeth
M.14.162KD.14.149<l>And as an hyne þat hadde . his hire er he bygonne</l>
M.14.163KD.14.150<l>And whan he hath doon his deuoir wel . me<expan>n</expan> doth hym other bounte . </l>
<milestone>fol. 66v
# a Cote above h<expan>i</expan>s Couen<expan>au</expan>nt
M.14.164KD.14.151<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>eueth hym a cote aboue his couenaunt . riȝt so Crist <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth heuene</l>
M.14.165KD.14.152<l>Bothe to riche and to nouȝt riche . þat rewfulliche libbeth</l>
M.14.166KD.14.153<l>And alle þat doon hire deuoir . well . han double hire for hire t<expan>ra</expan>uaill . </l>
M.14.167KD.14.154<l>Here forȝiuenesse of hire sinnes . and <orig>heueneblisse</orig><reg>heuene blisse</reg> after</l>
</lg> <lg>
M.14.168KD.14.155<l>Ac it nys but selde yseyyn . as by holy seintes liues</l>
M.14.169KD.14.156<l>That god rewarded double reste . to any riche wye</l>
M.14.170KD.14.157<l>For muche murthe is amonges riche . as in mete and clothynge</l>
M.14.171KD.14.158<l>And muche murthe in May is . amonges wilde beestes</l>
M.14.172KD.14.159<l>And so forth <del>....</del><add>whil</add> somer lasteth . hire solace dureth</l>
M.14.173KD.14.160<l>Ac beggers aboute Midsomer . bredles þei soupe</l>
M.14.174KD.14.161<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et is wyntur for hem worse . for wete<seg>-</seg>shod þei gange . </l>
M.14.175KD.14.162<l>A<seg>-</seg>furst<del>e</del> sore and afyngred . and foule y<seg>-</seg>rebuked</l>
M.14.176KD.14.163<l>And arated of riche men . þat ruthe is to here</l>
M.14.177KD.14.164<l>Now lord sende hem somer . and som<del>e</del> man<expan>er</expan>e ioie</l>
M.14.178KD.14.165<l>Heuene aftur hire hennes<seg>-</seg>goynge . þat here han such<del>e</del> defaute</l>
M.14.179KD.14.166<l>For al miȝtest þow haue maad<del>e</del> . noon menere þan other</l>
M.14.180KD.14.167<l>And yliche witty and wys . <del>ȝ</del>if þi wille hadde liked</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> orat p<expan>ro</expan> diuitib<expan>us</expan></foreign>
M.14.181KD.14.168<l>And haue ruthe on þise riche men . þ<expan>a</expan>t reward nouȝt þi p<expan>ri</expan>soners</l>
M.14.182KD.14.169<l>Of þe good þat þow hem
<note>M.14.182: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts has the verb in the past tense.</note> .
<hi><foreign><hi>ingrati</hi></foreign></hi> ben manye
M.14.183KD.14.170<l>Ac god of þi goodnesse . g<del>.</del><add>i</add>f hem g<expan>ra</expan>ce to amende</l>
M.14.184KD.14.171<l>For may no d<del>...</del><add>erþe</add> be hem deere . drouȝte ne wete</l>
M.14.185KD.14.172<l>Ne neither hete ne haille . haue þei hire hele . </l>
M.14.186KD.14.173<l>Of þat <add>þei</add> wilne and wolde . wanteth hem nouȝt here</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.187KD.14.174<l>Ac pore p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple þi prison<expan>er</expan>s . lord in þe put<del>te</del> of meschief</l>
M.14.188KD.14.175<l>Conforte þo creatures . þat muche care suffren</l>
M.14.189KD.14.176<l>Thorugh derthe . þorugh drouȝte . alle hire daies here</l>
M.14.190KD.14.177<l>Wo in <orig>wyntertymes</orig><reg>wyntur tymes</reg> . for wantynge of clothes</l>
M.14.191KD.14.178<l>And in somer tyme selde . soupen to þe fulle</l>
M.14.192KD.14.179<l>Conforte þi careful . crist in þi rich
<del>...</del><add>esse</add><note>M.14.192: This alteration occurs at a place where WHmCr also attest <hi>richesse</hi> and YGOC<hi>2</hi>CBLRF attest <hi>riche</hi>.</note></l>
M.14.193KD.14.180<l>For how þow confortest alle creatures . clerkes bereth w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.14.194KD.14.180α<l><hi><foreign><hi><sic>Conuertimni</sic><corr>Conuertim[i]ni</corr> ad me & salui eritis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.195KD.14.181<l>Thus in gen<expan>er</expan>e of gentryes . <hi>Ih<expan>es</expan>u</hi> Crist saide</l>
M.14.196KD.14.182<l>To Robbers and to reuers . to riche and to pore . </l>
M.14.197KD.14.184<l>Thow tauȝtest hem in þe trynite . to take baptesme</l>
M.14.198KD.14.185<l>And be clene þoruȝ þat cristenynge . of alle kynnes s<del>u</del><add>y</add>nnes</l>
<del>..</del><note>M.14.199: Apparently an insertion has been subsequently erased between <hi>and</hi> and <hi>vs</hi>. WCrFR attest <hi>if</hi> at this point.</note> vs fel þoruȝ folye . to falle in synne
<del>.</del><add>a</add>ftur .
M.14.200KD.14.187<l>Confession and knowlechyng . and crauynge þi m<expan>er</expan>cy . </l>
M.14.201KD.14.188<l>Shulde amende vs as many sithes . as man wold<add>e</add> desire . </l>
<milestone>fol. 67r
pass<expan>us</expan> xiiij<expan>us</expan>
M.14.202KD.14.189<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del>if þe pope wolde plede here aȝein . and punisshe vs in conscience</l>
M.14.203KD.14.190<l>He shulde take þe aquitaunce as quik . and to þe qued shewe it</l>
M.14.204KD.14.190α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Pateat & c<expan>etera</expan> p<expan>er</expan> passionem domini .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<foreign>no<expan>t</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
M.14.205KD.14.191<l>And putten of so þe pouke . and preuen vs vndur borwe</l>
M.14.206KD.14.192<l>Ac þe p<expan>ar</expan>chemyn of þe patente . of pou<expan>er</expan>te be moste</l>
M.14.207KD.14.193<l>And of pure pacience and p<expan>ar</expan>fit bileue</l>
M.14.208KD.14.194<l>Of pompe and of pride . þe p<expan>ar</expan>chemyn decorreth</l>
M.14.209KD.14.195<l>And <sic>prncipaliche</sic><corr>pr[i]ncipaliche</corr> of alle þe puple . but þei be pou<expan>er</expan>e of herte</l>
M.14.210KD.14.196<l>Elles is al on ydel . al þat eu<expan>er</expan>e we wryten . </l>
M.14.211KD.14.197<l>Paternostres and penaunce . and pilgrimage to Rome . </l>
M.14.212KD.14.198<l>But oure spenses and spendynge . springe . of a trwe welle</l>
M.14.213KD.14.199<l>Elles is al oure labour lost . lo how men write<del>.</del><add>th</add></l>
M.14.214KD.14.200<l>In fenestres at þe freres . <del>ȝ</del>if fals be þe foundement</l>
M.14.215KD.14.201<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi Cristene shuld<add>e</add> ben in comune riche . noon coue<add>i</add>tous for hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.216KD.14.202<l>For seuene synnes þat þere ben . assaillen vs eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
M.14.217KD.14.203<l>The feend folweth hem alle . and fondeth hem to helpe</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> p<expan>er</expan> diuicias cici<expan>us</expan> Fallim<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
M.14.218KD.14.204<l>Ac with richesse þat Ribaud . rathest men bigileth</l>
M.14.219KD.14.205<l>For þere þat richesse regneth . reu<expan>er</expan>ence folweth</l>
M.14.220KD.14.206<l>And þat is plesaunt to pride . in pou<expan>er</expan>e and in riche</l>
M.14.221KD.14.207<l>And þe riche is reu<expan>er</expan>enced . by reson of his richesse</l>
M.14.222KD.14.208<l>There þe pou<expan>er</expan>e is put byhinde . and p<expan>ar</expan>auenture k<del>.</del><add>a</add>n more</l>
M.14.223KD.14.209<l>Of wit and <add>of</add> wisdome . þat fer awey is bettre</l>
M.14.224KD.14.210<l>Than richesse or reaute . and rather y<seg>-</seg>herd<del>e</del> in heuene</l>
M.14.225KD.14.211<l>For þe Riche haþ muche to rekene . and riȝt softe walkeþ</l>
M.14.226KD.14.212<l>The heiȝe waye to heueneward . ofte richesse letteth . </l>
M.14.227KD.14.212α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ita impossibile diuiti</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign>Audaciam paup<expan>er</expan>t<expan>atis</expan></foreign> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a pak at h<expan>i</expan>s rugge
M.14.228KD.14.213<l>There þe pou<expan>er</expan>e presseth bifore þe riche . with a pak at his rugge</l>
M.14.229KD.14.213α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Op<expan>er</expan>a enim illor<expan>um</expan> sequntur illos</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.14.230KD.14.214<l>Batauntliche as begers doon . and baldeliche he craueth</l>
M.14.231KD.14.215<l>For his pou<expan>er</expan>te and pacience a p<expan>er</expan>petuel<del>e</del> blisse . </l>
M.14.232KD.14.215α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Beati paup<expan>er</expan>es q<expan>uonia</expan>m ip<expan>s</expan>or<expan>um</expan> est regnu<expan>m</expan> celorum</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.233KD.14.216<l>And pride in richesse regneth . rather þan in pou<expan>er</expan>te . </l>
M.14.234KD.14.217<l>Arst in þe maist<del>..</del><add>er</add> þan in þe man . som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> mansiou<expan>n</expan> he ha<del>...</del><add>ueth</add></l>
M.14.235KD.14.218<l>Ac in pou<expan>er</expan>te þere pacience is . pride hath no mighte</l>
M.14.236KD.14.219<l>Ne noon of þe seuene synnes . sitten ne mowe þere longe</l>
M.14.237KD.14.220<l>Ne haue power in pou<expan>er</expan>te . if pacience it folwe</l>
M.14.238KD.14.221<l>For þe pou<expan>er</expan>e is ay prest . to plese þe Riche . </l>
<milestone>fol. 67v
M.14.239KD.14.222<l>And buxom at his biddynge . for his broke loues</l>
# Buxom & bost be eu<expan>er</expan> at werre
M.14.240KD.14.223<l>And bux<del>u</del><add>o</add>mnesse and boost . aren eu<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>more at werre</l>
M.14.241KD.14.224<l>And either hateth other . in alle man
<expan>er</expan>e of
<note>M.14.241: M shares the reading <hi>of</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note> werkes
M.14.242KD.14.225<l>If wrathe wrastle with þe pou<expan>er</expan>e . he hath þe worse ende</l>
M.14.243KD.14.226<l>For if þei bothe pleyne . þe pou<expan>er</expan>e is but fieble</l>
M.14.244KD.14.227<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if he chide or chatre . hym cheueth þe worse</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.245KD.14.239<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if couetise cacche þe pou<expan>er</expan>e . þei may nouȝt come to<seg>-</seg>gedres . </l>
M.14.246KD.14.240<l>And by þe nek<add>ke</add> namely . hire non may hente other . </l>
M.14.247KD.14.241<l>For men knowen wel þat couetise . is of a kene wille</l>
M.14.248KD.14.242<l>And hath hondes & armes . of a longe lengthe</l>
M.14.249KD.14.243<l>And pou<expan>er</expan>te nys but a petit thyn<del>k</del><add>g .</add> appereth nouȝt to his nauele</l>
# layke bytwen long & short
M.14.250KD.14.244<l>And louely layke was it neu<expan>er</expan>e . bytwen<del>.</del><add>e</add> þe longe and þe shorte</l>
M.14.251KD.14.245<l>And þouȝ<del>g</del> Auarice wolde angre þe pou<expan>er</expan>e . he hath but litel miȝte</l>
M.14.252KD.14.246<l>For pou<expan>er</expan>te hath but pokes . to putten in hise goodis . </l>
M.14.253KD.14.247<l>Ther Auarice hath Almaries . and yren<seg>-</seg>bou<expan>n</expan>den coffres</l>
M.14.254KD.14.248<l>And whether be liȝter to breke .
<add>&</add> lasse
<del><add>&</add></del> boost
<del>it</del> maketh
<note>M.14.254: The corrector brings the line into agreement with WCr, adding an <&>, first misplaced after <hi>lasse</hi> and then moved, and erasing <hi>it</hi> before <hi>maketh</hi>.</note></l>
M.14.255KD.14.249<l>A beggers bagge . þan an yren<seg>-</seg>bounden cofre</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.256KD.14.250<l>Leccherye loueth hym nouȝt . for he <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth but litel siluer</l>
M.14.257KD.14.251<l>Ne doth hym nouȝt dyne delicatly . ne drynke wyn ofte</l>
M.14.258KD.14.252<l>A straw for þe <del>....</del><add>stu</add>wes . it stode nouȝt I trowe</l>
M.14.259KD.14.253<l>Hadde þei no þing<del>e</del> . but of pou<del><expan>er</expan></del><add>re</add> men . hire houses stode vntiled<del>e</del></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.260KD.14.254<l>And þo<del>uȝ</del><add>w</add>gh sleuthe suwe pou<expan>er</expan>te . and serue nouȝt god to paie</l>
M.14.261KD.14.255<l>Mischif is his maist
<del>re</del><add>er</add> and maketh hem
<note>M.14.261: M shares the reading <hi>hem</hi> with Cr<hi>1</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>hym</hi>.</note> to thenke
M.14.262KD.14.256<l>That god is his grettest help<del>e</del> . and no gome elles</l>
<add>he</add><note>M.14.263: The addition of <hi>he</hi> brings M into agreement with WCrRF.</note> his s
<expan>er</expan>uaunt as he saith . and of his suyte bothe
M.14.264KD.14.258<l>And whether he be or be nouȝt . he bereth þe signe of pou<expan>er</expan>te . </l>
M.14.265KD.14.259<l>And in þat secte oure saueour . saued al mankynde</l>
M.14.266KD.14.260<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi al pou<expan>er</expan>e þat pacient is . may claymen and asken</l>
M.14.267KD.14.261<l>After hire endynge here . heueneriche blisse . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.268KD.14.262<l>Muche hard<del>..</del><add>ier</add> may he axen . þat here miȝte haue his wille</l>
M.14.269KD.14.263<l>In lond<del>e</del> and in lordshipe . and likynge of bodye</l>
M.14.270KD.14.264<l>And for godus loue leueth all . and l<del>.</del><add>i</add>ueth as a begger</l>
M.14.271KD.14.265<l>And as a mayde for ma<expan>n</expan>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s loue . hire modur forsaketh</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> puella dimittit p<expan>at</expan>rem & matrem p<expan>ro</expan> viro suo</foreign>
M.14.272KD.14.266<l>Hire fad
<del>re</del><add>er</add> and
<note>M.14.272: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here omits <hi>alle</hi>.</note> hire frendes . and folweth hire make
M.14.273KD.14.267<l>Muche is such<del>e</del> a mayden to loue . of hym þat such<del>e</del> oon taketh</l>
M.14.274KD.14.268<l>More þan a mayden is . þat is maried þoruȝ brokage . </l>
M.14.275KD.14.269<l>As by assent<del>e</del> of sundry p<expan>ar</expan>ties . and siluer to bote</l>
<milestone>fol. 68r
pass<expan>us</expan> xiiij<expan>us</expan>
M.14.276KD.14.270<l>More for coue<add>i</add>tise of go<del>de</del><add>od</add> . þan kynde loue of bothe</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.284KD.14.278<l>In englissh quod pacience . it is wel hard<del>e</del> . wel to expounen</l>
M.14.285KD.14.279<l>Ac somdel I shal sain it . by so þow vndurstonde</l>
M.14.286KD.14.280<l>Pou<expan>er</expan>te is þe furste point . þat pride moost hateth</l>
M.14.287KD.14.281<l>Than is it good by go<add>o</add>de skile . al þat agasteth pride</l>
M.14.288KD.14.282<l>Right as contriciou<expan>n</expan> is confortable þing . conscience woot wel</l>
M.14.289KD.14.283<l>And a sorwe of hym<seg>-</seg>self . and a solas to þe soule . </l>
M.14.290KD.14.284<l>So pouerte p<expan>ro</expan>preliche . penaunce and ioie</l>
M.14.291KD.14.285<l>Is to þe body . pure spiritual helthe</l>
M.14.292KD.14.287<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ergo paup<expan>er</expan>tas est odibile bonum</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<hi><foreign><hi>Contricio</hi></foreign></hi><note>M.14.293: For M's Latin <hi>Contricio</hi>, other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Contricion</hi>, except F, which reads <hi>Contricio is</hi>.</note> confort . and
<hi><foreign><hi>Cura animar<expan>um</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.294KD.14.288<l>Selde sit pou<expan>er</expan>te . þe sothe to declare</l>
M.14.295KD.14.289<l><del>..</del><add>For</add><note>M.14.295: Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Or</hi>. M's alteration brings it into agreement with WCr<hi>1</hi>.</note> as Iustice to iugge men . enioigned is no pou
M.14.296KD.14.290<l>Ne to be a Maire aboue men . ne Mynistre vnder kynges</l>
M.14.297KD.14.291<l>Selden is any pou<expan>er</expan>e put . to punisshen any p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple</l>
M.14.298KD.14.293<l><hi><foreign><hi>Remocio curarum</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.299KD.14.292<l><hi><hi><foreign>Ergo</foreign></hi></hi> pou<expan>er</expan>te and pore men . p<expan>ar</expan>fournen þe comandement</l>
M.14.300KD.14.293<l><hi><hi>Nolite iudicare quemq<expan>ua</expan>m</hi></hi> . the thridde</l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.301KD.14.294<l>Selde is any pou<expan>er</expan>e riche . but of riȝtful heritage</l>
M.14.302KD.14.295<l>Wynneth he nouȝt with wiȝtes false . ne with vnseled mesures</l>
M.14.303KD.14.296<l>Ne borweth of his Neiȝbores . but þat he may wel paie . </l>
M.14.304KD.14.296α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Possessio sine calumpnia</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.305KD.14.297<l>The ferthe is a fortune . þat florissheth þe soule . </l>
<milestone>fol. 68v
M.14.306KD.14.298<l>With sobrete from alle synne . and also <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et moore</l>
<del>..</del><note>M.14.307: Something, perhaps a <¶>, has been erased in the left margin.</note>
M.14.307KD.14.299<l>It <sic>affaiteh</sic><corr>affaite[t]h</corr> the flessh . from folies ful manye</l>
M.14.308KD.14.300<l>A collat<expan>er</expan>al confort<del>e</del> . Cristes owne <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ifte</l>
M.14.309KD.14.300α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Donum dei .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.310KD.14.301-302<l>The fifte is modur of helthe . a frend<del>e</del> in alle fon<del>......</del><add>dynges</add></l>
M.14.311KD.14.303<l>And for þe land eu<expan>er</expan>e a leche . a lemman of alle clennesse</l>
M.14.312KD.14.303α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sanita<del>s</del><add><expan>tis</expan></add><note>M.14.312: M's original reading agreed with WCr<hi>1</hi>YCB. Cf. M.14.282.</note> mater</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.313KD.14.304<l>The sixte is a paath of pees .
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e þoruȝ þe paa
<del>s</del><add>s</add><note>M.14.313: Apparently a long <s>has been replaced with an 8-shaped <s>. The main scribe usually writes sigma-<s> finally.</note> of aultou
M.14.314KD.14.305<l>Pou<expan>er</expan>te miȝte passe . wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute p<expan>er</expan>ill<del>e</del> of robbynge</l>
M.14.315KD.14.306<l>For þere
<note>M.14.315: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here omits <hi>þat</hi>.</note> pou
<expan>er</expan>te passeth . pees folweth after .
M.14.316KD.14.307<l>And eu<expan>er</expan>e þe lasse þat he bereth . the hardier he is of herte</l>
M.14.317KD.14.309<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi saith <hi><hi><foreign>Seneca / Paup<expan>er</expan>tas est absq<expan>ue</expan> sollicitudine semita .</foreign></hi></hi></l>
M.14.318KD.14.308<l>And an hardy man of herte . among<del>e</del> an heep of theues . </l>
M.14.319KD.14.307<l><hi><foreign><hi>Cantabit paupertas coram latrone viatore</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.320KD.14.310<l>The seuen<del>..</del><add>the</add> is welle of wisdom<del>e</del> . and fewe wordus sheweth</l>
M.14.321KD.14.311<l>For lordes alloweth hym litel . or listeneth to his resou<expan>n</expan> . </l>
M.14.322KD.14.312<l>He tempreth þe tonge to truwth<add>e</add>ward . and no tresour cou<del>.....</del><add>eiteth</add></l>
M.14.323KD.14.312α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sapiencie temp<expan>er</expan>atrix .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.324KD.14.313<l>The eig<del>....</del><add>teth</add> is a lele labour . and loth<del>e</del> to take more</l>
M.14.325KD.14.314<l>Than he may well deserue . in somer or in wyntur</l>
M.14.326KD.14.315<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if he chaffare he chargeth no losse . mowe he charite wynne</l>
M.14.327KD.14.315α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Negocium sine dampno .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.14.328KD.14.316<l>The nynthe is swete to þe soule . no sucre is swettere</l>
M.14.329KD.14.317<l>For pacience is pain . for pou<expan>er</expan>te hym<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.14.330KD.14.318<l>And sobrete swete drynke . and gode leche in sekenesse</l>
M.14.331KD.14.319<l>Thus lerede me a lettred man . for oure lordus loue
<note>M.14.331-333: These lines are variously divided by the manuscripts and M's revised version is unique. Most manuscripts divide after <hi>loue</hi> and <hi>bisinesse</hi> as M did originally. WCr divide after <hi>loue of heuene</hi> and <hi>ladde</hi>; F divides after <hi>heuene</hi> and <hi>bisinesse</hi>.</note></l>
M.14.332KD.14.320<l>Seint austyn a blessud lif . with
<seg>-</seg>owten bisinesse
<add>ladde</add><note>M.14.332: The addition of <hi>ladde</hi> brings M into agreement with WCr.</note></l>
M.14.333KD.14.320-320α<l>For body and for soule <hi><foreign><hi>absq<expan>ue</expan> sollicitudine felicitas</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.14.334KD.14.321<l>Now god þat al good <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth . graunte his soule reste</l>
M.14.335KD.14.322<l>That þus furst wrot<del>e</del> . to wysse men . what pou<expan>er</expan>te was to mene . </l>
</lg> <lg>
M.14.336KD.14.323<l>Allas quod haukyn þe actif man tho . þat after my cristendom<del>e</del></l>
<del>...?...</del><note>M.14.337: Something now illegible has been erased in the margin.</note>
M.14.337KD.14.324<l>I ne hadde ben ded and doluen . for doweles sake</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> defficele est sine p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>o viu<expan>er</expan>e</foreign>
M.14.338KD.14.325<l>So harde it is quod haukyn . to lyue and to do synne</l>
M.14.339KD.14.326<l>Synne suweth vs eu<expan>er</expan>e quod he . and sory gan wexe . </l>
M.14.340KD.14.327<l>And wepte water with his eighen . and weyled þe tyme</l>
M.14.341KD.14.328<l>That eu<expan>er</expan>e he d<del>.</del><add>i</add>de deede . þat dere god displesed . </l>
<milestone>fol. 69r
M.14.342KD.14.329<l>Swowed and sobbed . and siked ful ofte</l>
M.14.343KD.14.330<l>That eu<expan>er</expan>e he hadde lond . or lordshipe . lasse other moore</l>
M.14.344KD.14.331<l>Or maystrie ou<expan>er</expan>e any man . mo þan hym<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
M.14.345KD.14.332<l>I were nouȝt worthy woot god quod haukyn . to werye any clothes</l>
M.14.346KD.14.333<l>Ne neyther sherte ne shone . saue for shame one . </l>
M.14.347KD.14.334<l>To cou<expan>er</expan>e my caroigne quod he . and cryde m<expan>er</expan>cy faste</l>
M.14.348KD.14.335<l>And wepte and wayled . and therwith I awakede . </l>