fol. 8v (cont.)I
Passus secundus de visione vt supra
¶W.2.9: The paragraph sign was probably entered in error, since it is not motivated by the syntax, and there is not the usual space
separating paragraphs. Purfiled wiþ Pelure . þe fyneste vp- on erþe
nd diamaundes A
fol. 9rI
ota n
ota n
ota n
fol. 9vI
ota n
ota n
fol. 10rI
ota n
ota n
fol. 10vI
Yeldynge for þis þyng . at one dayes tyme ¶W.2.107: W alone reads . All other dayes tyme manuscripts have B. yeres ende
- toW.2.118: W alone reads . All other vn-to manuscripts have B. to Cyuyle . now sorwe mote þow haue
And seide vn ota n
fol. 11vI
fol. 12rI
I haue no tome to telle . þe tail þ ¶t hire folwed aW.2.188: Following this line, all manuscripts except WCr BGHm have the line: 1 (in the spelling of L). Of many maner man . þat on þis molde libbeth
ota n
fol. 12vI
W.2.220: The reading could equally well be . yhouted manuscripts vary between forms of B and hunten. houten . and yhote trusse
Ouer al yhontedW.2.224KD.2.225
W.2.224: W alone reads , while all other yeuen manuscripts have B or gaf. ȝaf pardoun for pens . poundemele aboute
And yeuen fol. 13rI