<div1>fol. 59v (cont.)I</div1>
<head><hi><hi><foreign><hi>Passus vndecim<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign></hi></hi></head>
<l> <hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hanne Sc<expan>ri</expan>pture scorned me . and a skile tolde</l>
<l> And lakked me in latyn . and liȝt by me she sette</l>
<l> And seide <hi><foreign><hi>Multi multa sciunt & seip<expan>s</expan>os nesciunt</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<milestone>fol. 60rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho wepte I for wo . and wraþe of hir speche</l>
<l> And in a wynkynge wraþe . weex I aslepe</l>
<l> A m<expan>er</expan>ueillous metels mette me þanne</l>
<l> That I was rauysshed riȝt þ<expan>er</expan>e . and Fortune me fette</l>
<l> And in<seg>-</seg>to þe lond of longynge . allone she me brouȝte</l>
<l> And in a Miro<expan>ur</expan> þat hiȝte middelerþe . she made me to biholde</l>
<l> Sone<note>W.11.10: W alone reads <hi>Sone</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Siþen</hi>.</note> she seide to me . here myȝtow se wondres</l>
<l> And knowe þat þow coueitest . and come þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>to p<expan>ar</expan>aunter</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne hadde Fortune folwynge hire . two faire damyseles</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>oncupiscencia carnis</hi></foreign></hi> . men called þe elder mayde</l>
<l> And Coueitise of eiȝes . ycalled was þat ooþer</l>
<l> Pride of parfit lyuynge . pursued hem boþe</l>
<l> And bad me for my contenaunce . acounten Clergie liȝte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>oncupiscencia carnis</hi></foreign></hi> . colled me aboute þe nekke</l>
<l> And seide þow art yong and yeep . and hast yeres ynowe           <note>W.11.18:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For to lyue longe . and ladies to louye           <note>W.11.19:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And in þis Mirour þow myȝt se . myȝtes ful manye</l>
<l> That leden þee wole to likynge . al þi lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The secounde seide þe same . I shal sewe þi wille</l>
<l> Til þow be a lord and haue lond . leten þee I nelle</l>
<l> That I ne shal folwe þi felawship . if Fortune it like</l>
<l> He shal fynde me his frend . quod Fortune þer<seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l> The freke þat folwede my wille . failled neu<expan>er</expan>e blisse           <note>W.11.26:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne was þ<expan>er</expan> oon þat hiȝte Elde . þat heuy was of chere</l>
<l> Man quod he if I mete wiþ þe . by Marie of heuene</l>
<l> Thow shalt fynde Fortune þee faille . at þi mooste nede</l>
<l> And <hi><foreign><hi>Concupiscencia carnis</hi></foreign></hi> . clene þee forsake</l>
<l> Bittrely shaltow banne þanne . boþe dayes and nyȝtes</l>
<l> Coueitise of eiȝe . þat euere þow hir knewe</l>
<l> And pride of parfit lyuynge . to muche p<expan>er</expan>il þee brynge</l>
<milestone>fol. 60vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye recche þee neu<expan>er</expan>e quod Rechelesnesse . stood forþ in raggede cloþes</l>
<l> Folwe forþ þat Fortune wole . þow hast wel fer til Elde</l>
<l> A man may stoupe tyme ynoȝ . whan he shal tyne þe crowne           <note>W.11.36:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>H</hi>omo p<expan>ro</expan>ponit</hi></foreign></hi> quod a poete . and Plato he hiȝte</l>
<l> And <hi><foreign><hi>Deus disponit</hi></foreign></hi> quod he . lat god doon his wille</l>
<l> If truþe wol witnesse it be wel do . Fortune to folwe</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Concupiscencia carnis</hi></foreign></hi> . ne Coueitise of eiȝes</l>
<l> Ne shal noȝt greue þee gretly . ne bigile<note>W.11.41: W alone omits <hi>þee</hi> after <hi>bigile</hi>.</note> but if þow wolt þi<seg>-</seg>selue<note>W.11.41: W alone reads <hi>þi-selue</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye fare<seg>-</seg>wel Phippe quod Faunteltee . and forþ gan me drawe</l>
<l> Til <hi><foreign><hi>Concupiscencia carnis</hi></foreign></hi> . acorded alle my werkes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Allas eiȝe quod Elde . and holynesse boþe</l>
<l> That wit shal torne to wrecchednesse . for wil to haue his likyng           <note>W.11.45:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Coueitise of eiȝes . conforted me anoon after</l>
<l> And folwed me fourty wynter . and a fifte moore</l>
<l> That of dowel ne dobet . no deyntee me þouȝte</l>
<l> I hadde no likyng leue me if þee list . of hem ouȝt to knowe</l>
<l> Coueitise of eiȝes . com ofter in mynde</l>
<l> Than dowel or dobet . among my dedes alle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Coueitise of eiȝes . conforted me ofte           <note>W.11.52:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And seide haue no conscience . how þow come to goode           <note>W.11.53:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Go confesse þee to som frere . and shewe hym þi synnes           <note>W.11.54:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For whiles Fortune is þi frend . freres wol þee louye           <note>W.11.55:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And fecche þee to hir Frat<expan>er</expan>nitee . and for þe biseke           <note>W.11.56:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> To hir Priour p<expan>ro</expan>uincial . a pardon for to haue           <note>W.11.57:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And preien for þee pol by pol . if þow be <hi><foreign><hi>pecuniosus</hi></foreign></hi>           <note>W.11.58:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi>et pena pecuniaria non sufficit p<expan>ro</expan> sp<expan>irit</expan>ualib<expan>us</expan> delictis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> By wissynge of þis wenche I wrouȝte . hir wordes were so swete</l>
<milestone>fol. 61rI</milestone>
<l> Til I foryat youþe . and yarn in<seg>-</seg>to Elde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne was Fortune my foo . for al hir faire speche<note>W.11.62: W alone reads <hi>speche</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>biheste</hi>.</note>           <note>W.11.62:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And pou<expan>er</expan>te p<expan>ur</expan>sued me . and putte me lowe           <note>W.11.63:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þo fond I þe frere afered . and flittynge boþe</l>
<l> Ayeins oure firste forward . for I seide I nolde</l>
<l> Be buried at hire hous . but at my parisshe chirche</l>
<l> For I herde ones . how Conscience it tolde</l>
<l> That þ<expan>er</expan>e a man were cristned . by kynde he sholde be buryed</l>
<l> Or wher<expan>e</expan> he were parisshen . riȝt þ<expan>er</expan>e he sholde be grauen</l>
<l> And for I seide þus to freres . a fool þei me helden</l>
<l> And loued me þe lasse . for my lele speche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac yet I cryde on my Confesso<expan>ur</expan> . þat heeld hym<seg>-</seg>self so konnyng           <note>W.11.72:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> By my feiþ frere quod I . ye faren lik þise woweris           <note>W.11.73:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That wedde none widwes . but for to welden hir goodes           <note>W.11.74:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Riȝt so by þe roode . rouȝte ye neuere           <note>W.11.75:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Where my body were buryed . by so ye hadde my siluer           <note>W.11.76:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ich haue muche m<expan>er</expan>ueille of yow . and so haþ many anoþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l> Whi youre Couent coueiteþ . to confesse and to burye</l>
<l> Raþ<expan>er</expan> þan to baptize barnes . þat ben Catecumelynges</l>
<l> Baptizynge and buryinge . boþe beþ ful nedefulle</l>
<l> Ac muche moore meritorie . me þynkeþ it is to baptize</l>
<l> For a baptized man may . as þise maistres telleþ</l>
<l> Thoruȝ contricion come . to þe heiȝe heuene</l>
<l> <note>W.11.84: This boxed line appears as an insertion placed immediately to the right of the previous line with two red diagonal pen strokes to indicate its proper place in the sequence. The hand of the text is that of the original scribe.</note> <hi><foreign><hi>Sola contricio &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> Ac barn wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen bapteme . may noȝt so be saued</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>isi quis renat<expan>us</expan> fuerit</hi></foreign></hi> . loke ye lettred men . wheiþ<expan>er</expan> I lye or do noȝt .</l>
<l> And lewte loked on me . and I loured after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wher<seg>-</seg>fore lourestow quod lewtee . and loked on me harde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> If I dorste quod I amonges men . þis metels auowe</l>
<milestone>fol. 61vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝis by Peter and by Poul quod he . and took hem boþe to witnesse</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>on oderis fr<expan>atr</expan>es secrete in corde tuo . set publice argue illos</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> They wole aleggen also quod I . and by þe gospel preuen</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>olite iudicare quemquam</hi></foreign></hi> .</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And wher<seg>-</seg>of serueþ lawe q<expan>uo</expan>d lewtee . if no lif vndertoke it</l>
<l> Falsnesse ne faiterie . for som<seg>-</seg>what þe Apostle seide</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>on oderis fr<expan>atr</expan>em</hi></foreign></hi> . And in þe Saut<expan>er</expan> also . seiþ dauid þe p<expan>ro</expan>phete</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Existimasti iniq<expan>ue</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d ero tui similis &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> It is <hi><foreign><hi>licitum</hi></foreign></hi> for lewed men . to sigge þe soþe           <note>W.11.98:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> If hem likeþ and lest . ech a lawe it graunteþ           <note>W.11.99:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Excepte p<expan>er</expan>sons and preestes . and p<expan>re</expan>lates of holy chirche           <note>W.11.100:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> It falleþ noȝt for þat folk . no tales to telle           <note>W.11.101:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Thouȝ þe tale be trewe . and it touche synne           <note>W.11.102:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Þyng þ<expan>a</expan>t al þe world woot . wher<seg>-</seg>fore sholdestow spare</l>
<l> To reden it in Retorik . to arate dedly synne</l>
<l> Ac be neu<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>moore þe firste . defaute<note>W.11.105: W alone omits <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>defaute</hi>.</note> to blame</l>
<l> Thouȝ þow se yuel seye it noȝt first . be sory it nere amended</l>
<l> No þyng þat is pryue . publice þow it neu<expan>er</expan>e           <note>W.11.107:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Neiþer for loue preise<note>W.11.108: W alone reads <hi>preise</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>laude</hi>.</note> it noȝt . ne lakke it for enuye           <note>W.11.108:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>arum lauda vitupera parcius</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> He seiþ sooþ quod Scripture þo . and skipte <orig>anheiȝ</orig><reg>an heiȝ</reg> and p<expan>re</expan>ched</l>
<l> Ac þe matere þat she meued . if lewed men it knewe</l>
<l> Þe lasse as I leue . louyen it þei wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This was hir teme and hir text . I took ful good hede</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Multi</hi></foreign></hi> to a mangerie . and to þe mete were sompned</l>
<l> And whan þe peple was plener comen . þe porter vnpynned þe yate</l>
<l> And plukked In <hi><foreign><hi>Pauci</hi></foreign></hi> pryueliche . and leet þe remenaunt go rome</l>
<milestone>fol. 62rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Al for tene of hir text . trembled myn herte</l>
<l> And in <orig>aweer</orig><reg>a weer</reg> gan I wexe . and wiþ my<seg>-</seg>self to dispute</l>
<l> Wheiþ<expan>er</expan> I were chosen or noȝt chosen . on holichirche I þouȝte</l>
<l> That vnderfonged me atte font . for oon of goddes chosene</l>
<l> For crist cleped vs alle . come if we wolde</l>
<l> Sarzens and scismatikes . and so he dide þe Iewes</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>O</hi> vos omnes sicientes venite &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> And bad hem souke for synne . safly at his breste</l>
<l> And drynke boote for bale . brouke it who<seg>-</seg>so myȝte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne may alle cristene come quod I . and cleyme þ<expan>er</expan>e entree</l>
<l> By þe blood þat he bouȝte vs wiþ . and þoruȝ bapteme after</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>Q</hi>ui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> For þouȝ a cristen man coueited . his cristendom to reneye</l>
<l> Riȝtfully to reneye . no reson it wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For may no cherl chartre make . ne his catel selle</l>
<l> Wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen leue of his lord . no lawe wol it graunte</l>
<l> Ac he may renne in arerage . and rome so fro home</l>
<l> And as a reneyed caytif . recchelesly rennen aboute</l>
<l> And reson shal rekene wiþ hym . and casten hym in arerage</l>
<l> And putten hym after in a prison . in purgatorie to brenne</l>
<l> For hise arerages rewarden hym þ<expan>er</expan>e . to þe day of dome</l>
<l> But if Contricion wol come . and crye by his lyue</l>
<l> Mercy for hise mysdedes . wiþ mouþe and wiþ herte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is sooþ seide Scripture . may no synne lette</l>
<l> Mercy al to amende . and Mekenesse hir folwe</l>
<l> For þei beþ as oure bokes telleþ . aboue goddes werkes</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>M</hi>isericordia eius sup<expan>er</expan> omnia opera eius</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye baw for bokes quod oon . was broken out of helle</l>
<l> Hiȝte <hi><hi>Troianus</hi></hi> hadde ben a trewe knyȝt . took witnesse at a pope</l>
<l> How he was ded and dampned . to dwellen in pyne</l>
<milestone>fol. 62vI</milestone>
<l> For an vncristene creature . clerkes wite þe soþe</l>
<l> That al þe clergie vnder crist . ne myȝte me cracche fro helle</l>
<l> But oonliche loue and leautee . and my laweful domes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Gregorie wiste þis wel . and wilned to my soule</l>
<l> Sauacion for sooþnesse . þat he seiȝ in my werkes</l>
<l> And after þat he wepte . and wilned me were graunted</l>
<l> Grace . wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen any bede biddyng . his boone was vnderfongen</l>
<l> And I saued as ye see . wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen syngynge of masses</l>
<l> By loue and by lernyng . of my lyuynge in truþe           <note>W.11.155:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne . þer no biddyng myȝte           <note>W.11.156:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Lo ye lordes what leautee dide . by an Emp<expan>er</expan>our of Rome</l>
<l> That was an vncristene creature . as clerkes fyndeþ in bokes</l>
<l> Nouȝt þoruȝ preiere of a pope . but for his pure truþe</l>
<l> Was þat Sarsen saued . as Seint Gregorie bereþ witnesse</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wel ouȝte ye lordes þ<expan>a</expan>t lawes kepe . þis lesson to haue in mynde</l>
<l> And on Troianus truþe to þenke . and do truþe to þe peple</l>
<l> Lawe wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen loue quod Troianus . ley þer a bene           <note>W.11.163:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Or any Science vnder sonne . þe seuene artz and alle</l>
<l> But þei ben lerned for oure lordes loue . lost is al þe tyme</l>
<l> For no cause to cacche siluer þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>by . ne to be called a maister</l>
<l> But al for loue of oure lord . and þe bet to loue þe peple</l>
<l> For Seint Ioh<expan>a</expan>n seide it . and soþe arn hise wordes</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>Q</hi>ui non diligit manet in morte</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Who<seg>-</seg>so loueþ noȝt leue me . he lyueþ in deeþ<seg>-</seg>deyinge</l>
<l> And þ<expan>a</expan>t alle manere men . enemyes and frendes           <note>W.11.171:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Loue hir eyþer ooþer . and lene hem as hem<seg>-</seg>selue           <note>W.11.172:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Who<seg>-</seg>so leneþ noȝt he loueþ noȝt . god woot þe soþe           <note>W.11.173:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Crist<note>W.11.174: W alone reads <hi>Crist</hi>; F reads <hi>he</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>And</hi>.</note> comaundeþ ech a creature . to conformen hym to louye           <note>W.11.174:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And souereynly þe pou<expan>er</expan>e peple . and hir enemyes after           <note>W.11.175:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For hem þat haten vs . is oure merite to louye           <note>W.11.176:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 63rI</milestone>
<l> <hi>A</hi>nd pou<expan>er</expan>e peple to plese . hir preieres maye vs helpe           <note>W.11.177:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And oure Ioye and oure heele . <expan>Iesu</expan> crist of heuene           <note>W.11.178:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> In a pou<expan>er</expan>e mannes apparaille . pursued vs euere           <note>W.11.179:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And lokeþ on vs in hir liknesse . and þat wiþ louely chere           <note>W.11.180:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> To knowen vs by oure kynde herte . and castynge of oure eiȝen           <note>W.11.181:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Wheiþ<expan>er</expan> we loue þe lordes here . bifore þe lord of blisse           <note>W.11.182:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And exciteþ vs by þe Eu<expan>au</expan>ngelie . þ<expan>a</expan>t whan we maken festes</l>
<l> We sholde noȝt clepe oure kyn þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>to . ne none kynnes riche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>um facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> Ac calleþ þe carefulle þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>to . þe croked and þe pou<expan>er</expan>e           <note>W.11.186:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For youre frendes wol feden yow . and fonde yow to quyte</l>
<l> Youre festynge and youre faire ȝifte . ech frend quyteþ so ooþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac for þe pou<expan>er</expan>e I shal paie . and pure wel quyte hir t<expan>ra</expan>uaille           <note>W.11.189:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That ȝyueþ hem mete or moneie . or loueþ hem for my sake           <note>W.11.190:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For þe beste ben som riche . and some beggeres and pouere           <note>W.11.191:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For alle are we cristes creatures . and of his cofres riche           <note>W.11.192:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And breþ<expan>er</expan>en as of oo blood . as wel beggeres as Erles           <note>W.11.193:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For on Caluarie of cristes blood . cristendom gan sprynge           <note>W.11.194:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And blody breþ<expan>er</expan>en we bicome þ<expan>er</expan>e . of o body ywonne           <note>W.11.195:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> As <hi><foreign><hi>quasi modo geniti</hi></foreign></hi> . and gentil men echone           <note>W.11.196:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> No beggere ne boye amonges vs . but if it synne made</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> In þe olde lawe . as holy lettre telleþ</l>
<l> Mennes sones . men callen<note>W.11.200: W alone reads <hi>callen</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>called</hi>, though B has <hi>calliþ</hi>.</note> vs echone</l>
<l> Of Adames issue and Eue . ay til god<seg>-</seg>man deide</l>
<l> And after his resurexcion . <hi><foreign><hi>Redemptor</hi></foreign></hi> was his name</l>
<l> And we hise breþ<expan>er</expan>en þoruȝ hym ybouȝt . boþe riche and pou<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>þi loue we as leue breþ<expan>er</expan>en . and ech man laughe of ooþ<expan>er</expan>           <note>W.11.204:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And of þat ech man may forbere . amende þ<expan>er</expan>e it nedeþ           <note>W.11.205:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And euery man helpe ooþ<expan>er</expan> . for hennes shul we alle           <note>W.11.206:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>A</hi>lter alterius onera portate</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<milestone>fol. 63vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> And be we noȝt vnkynde of oure catel . ne of oure konnyng neiþ<expan>er</expan>           <note>W.11.208:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For woot no man how neiȝ it is . to ben ynome fro boþe           <note>W.11.209:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi lakke no lif ooþ<expan>er</expan> . þouȝ he moore latyn knowe</l>
<l> Ne vndernyme noȝt foule . for is noon wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute defaute</l>
<l> For what<seg>-</seg>euere clerkes carpe . of cristendom or ellis</l>
<l> Crist to a co<expan>m</expan>mune wo<expan>m</expan>man seide . in co<expan>m</expan>mune at a feste</l>
<l> That <hi><foreign><hi>Fides sua</hi></foreign></hi> sholde sauen hire . and saluen hire of synnes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi>T</hi>hanne is bileue a lele help . aboue logyk or lawe</l>
<l> Of logyk or of lawe . in <foreign><hi>legenda s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>or<expan>um</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> Is litel alowaunce maad . but if bileue hem helpe</l>
<l> For it is ouer<seg>-</seg>longe er logyk . any lesson assoille</l>
<l> And lawe is looþ to louye . but if he lacche siluer</l>
<l> Boþe logyk and lawe . þat loueþ noȝt to lye</l>
<l> I conseille alle cristene . clyue noȝt þer<seg>-</seg>on to soore</l>
<l> For some wordes I fynde writen . þ<expan>a</expan>t were of Feiþes techyng</l>
<l> That saued synful men . as Seint Ioh<expan>a</expan>n bereþ witnesse</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>E</hi>adem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>þi lerne we þe lawe of loue . as oure lord tauȝte           <note>W.11.225:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And as Seint Gregorie seide . for mannes soule helþe           <note>W.11.226:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>M</hi>elius est scrutari scelera n<expan>ost</expan>ra q<expan>ua</expan>m naturas rer<expan>um</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Why I meue þis matere . is moost for þe pouere</l>
<l> For in hir liknesse oure lord . ofte haþ ben yknowe</l>
<l> Witnesse in þe Pask wyke . whan he yede to <hi><hi><hi>E</hi>m<hi>a</hi>us</hi></hi></l>
<l> <hi><hi><hi>C</hi>leophas</hi></hi> ne knew hym noȝt . þ<expan>a</expan>t he crist were</l>
<l> For his pou<expan>er</expan>e apparaill<expan>e</expan> . and pilgrymes wedes</l>
<l> Til he blessede and brak . þe breed þ<expan>a</expan>t þei eten</l>
<l> So bi hise werkes þei wisten . þ<expan>a</expan>t he was <expan>Iesus</expan></l>
<l> Ac by cloþyng þei knewe hym noȝt . ne by carpynge of tunge</l>
<milestone>fol. 64rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> And al was in ensample . to vs synfulle here           <note>W.11.236:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That we sholde be lowe . and loueliche of speche           <note>W.11.237:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And apparaille vs noȝt ouer<seg>-</seg>proudly . for pilgrymes are we alle           <note>W.11.238:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And in þe apparaille of a pou<expan>er</expan>e man . and pilgrymes liknesse           <note>W.11.239:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Many tyme god haþ ben met . among nedy peple           <note>W.11.240:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ther neuere segge hym seiȝ . in secte of þe riche           <note>W.11.241:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Seint Ioh<expan>a</expan>n and oþ<expan>er</expan>e seintes . were seyen in poore cloþyng</l>
<l> And as pou<expan>er</expan>e pilgrymes . preyed mennes goodes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <expan>Iesu</expan> crist on a Iewes doȝter liȝte . gentil wo<expan>m</expan>man þouȝ she were</l>
<l> Was a pure pouere maide . and to a pou<expan>er</expan>e man ywedded</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Martha on Marie Maudeleyne . <orig>anhuge</orig><reg>an huge</reg> pleynt made</l>
<l> And to oure Saueour self . seide þise wordes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi><expan>omi</expan>ne non est tibi cure q<expan>uo</expan>d soror mea reliquit me sola<expan>m</expan> ministrare</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And hastily god answerde . and eiþ<expan>er</expan>es wille folwed</l>
<l> Boþe Marthaes and Maries . as Mathew bereþ witnesse</l>
<l> Ac pouerte god putte bifore . and preised þat þe bettre           <note>W.11.251:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>M</hi>aria optimam partem elegit que non &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And alle þe wise þ<expan>a</expan>t eu<expan>er</expan>e were . by auȝt I kan aspye</l>
<l> Preiseden<note>W.11.254: The past tense <hi>Preiseden</hi> is shared with M; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Preisen</hi>.</note> pouerte for best lif . if Pacience it folwed<note>W.11.254: W alone reads <hi>folwed</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>folwe</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And boþe bettre and blesseder . by many fold þan Richesse</l>
<l> For<note>W.11.256: W alone reads <hi>For</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>And</hi> or <hi>Al</hi>.</note> þouȝ it be sour to suffre . þer<seg>-</seg>after comeþ swete           <note>W.11.256:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> As on a walnote wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute . is a bitter barke           <note>W.11.257:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And after þat bitter bark . be þe shelle aweye           <note>W.11.258:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Is a kernel of confort . kynde to restore           <note>W.11.259:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> So is after pouerte or penaunce . paciently ytake           <note>W.11.260:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For it makeþ a man to haue mynde . in god and a gret wille           <note>W.11.261:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 64vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> To wepe and to wel bidde . wher<seg>-</seg>of wexeþ Mercy           <note>W.11.262:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Of which crist is a kernell<expan>e</expan> . to conforte þe soule           <note>W.11.263:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And wel sikerer he slepeþ . þe man þat is pou<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> And lasse he dredeþ deeþ . and in derke to ben yrobbed           <note>W.11.265:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Than he þat is riȝt riche . Reson bereþ witnesse           <note>W.11.266:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>aup<expan>er</expan> ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Al<seg>-</seg>þouȝ Salomon seide . as folk seeþ in þe bible</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi>iuicias nec paupertates &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> Wiser þan Salomon was . bereþ witnesse and tauȝte</l>
<l> That parfit pouerte was . no possession to haue           <note>W.11.271:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And lif moost likynge to god . as luc bereþ witnesse           <note>W.11.272:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi>i vis p<expan>er</expan>fectus esse . vade & vende<note>W.11.273: W alone omits <hi><foreign>&c</foreign></hi> after <hi><foreign>vende</foreign></hi>.</note></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And is to mene to men . þat on þis moolde lyuen</l>
<l> Who<seg>-</seg>so wole be pure parfit . moot possession forsake</l>
<l> Or selle it as seiþ þe book . and þe siluer dele</l>
<l> To beggeris þat goon and begge . and bidden good for goddes loue</l>
<l> For failed neuere man mete . þat myȝtful god serueþ           <note>W.11.278:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> As Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter . to swiche þ<expan>a</expan>t ben in wille</l>
<l> To serue god goodliche . ne greueþ hym no penaunce</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>ichil inpossibile volenti</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> Ne lakkeþ neu<expan>er</expan>e liflode . lynnen ne wollen</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>nquirentes autem d<expan>omin</expan>um non minuent<expan>ur</expan> om<expan>n</expan>i bono</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> If preestes weren parfite . þei wolde no siluer take           <note>W.11.284:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For masses ne for matyns . noȝt hir mete of vsureres           <note>W.11.285:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ne neiþer kirtel ne cote . þeiȝ þei for cold sholde deye</l>
<l> And þei hir deuoir dide . as Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>udica me deus & discerne causam meam</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi>pera in deo</hi></foreign></hi> . spekeþ of preestes . þat haue no spendyng siluer</l>
<l> That if þei trauaille truweliche . and truste in god almyȝty           <note>W.11.290:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Hem sholde lakke no liflode . neyþer lynnen ne wollen           <note>W.11.291:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<hi><hi>And þe title þ<expan>a</expan>t þei</hi></hi>
<milestone>fol. 65rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi>A</hi>nd þe title þat ye<note>W.11.292: W and R read <hi>ye</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þey</hi>, which is the reading in W's catchwords at the foot of fol. 64v.</note> take ordres by . telleþ ye ben auaunced</l>
<l> Thanne nedeþ yow noȝt to take siluer . for masses þat ye syngen</l>
<l> For he þat took yow youre title . sholde take yow youre wages</l>
<l> Or þe bisshop þat blessed yow . if þ<expan>a</expan>t ye ben worþi</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For made neu<expan>er</expan>e kyng no knyȝt . but he hadde catel to spende           <note>W.11.296:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> As bifel for a knyȝt . or foond hym for his strengþe</l>
<l> It is a careful knyȝt . and of a caytif kynges makyng           <note>W.11.298:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That haþ no lond ne lynage riche . ne good loos of hise handes           <note>W.11.299:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> The same I segge for<seg>-</seg>soþe . by alle swiche preestes           <note>W.11.300:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That han neiþ<expan>er</expan> konnynge ne kyn . but a crowne one           <note>W.11.301:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And a title a tale of noȝt . to his liflode at his meschief           <note>W.11.302:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> He haþ moore bileue as I leue . to lacche þoruȝ his croune           <note>W.11.303:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Cure . þan for konnyng . or knowen for clene berynge           <note>W.11.304:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> I haue wonder for why<note>W.11.305: W alone reads <hi>for</hi>; most other manuscripts have <hi>and</hi>.</note> . and wher<seg>-</seg>fore þe bisshop .           <note>W.11.305:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Makeþ swiche preestes . þat lewed men bitrayen           <note>W.11.306:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> A chartre is chalangeable . bifore a chief Iustice           <note>W.11.307:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> If fals latyn be in þat lettre . þe lawe it impugneþ           <note>W.11.308:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Or peynted p<expan>ar</expan>entrelynarie . or p<expan>ar</expan>celles ouer<seg>-</seg>skipped</l>
<l> The gome þat gloseþ so chartres . for a goky is holden</l>
<l> <hi></hi> So is it a goky by god . þat in his gospel failleþ           <note>W.11.311:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Or in masse or in matyns . makeþ any defaute           <note>W.11.312:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>Q</hi>ui offendit in vno in omnib<expan>us</expan> est reus</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And also in þe sauter . seiþ dauid to ouerskipperis</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Psallite deo nostro psallite q<expan>uonia</expan>m rex terre deus Isr<expan>ae</expan>l psallite sapien<damage><supplied>ter</supplied></damage><note>W.11.315: The page is cropped after <hi><foreign>sapien</foreign></hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi><foreign>sapienter</foreign></hi>.</note></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> The bisshop shal be blamed . bifore god as I leue           <note>W.11.316:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> That crouneþ swiche goddes knyȝtes . þat konneþ noȝt <hi><foreign><hi>sapienter</hi></foreign></hi>           <note>W.11.317:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Synge ne psalmes rede . ne seye a masse of þe day           <note>W.11.318:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And neuer neiþer is blamelees . þe bisshop ne þe Chapeleyn           <note>W.11.319:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 65vI</milestone>
<l> For hir eiþ<expan>er</expan> is endited . and that is <hi><foreign><hi>Ignorancia</hi></foreign></hi>           <note>W.11.320:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>on excusat ep<expan>iscop</expan>os nec</hi></foreign> ydiot<note>W.11.321: The <t> of <hi>ydiot</hi> has a large downward loop. This might be taken as an inflexion, though in this mixture of Latin and English, it is uncertain whether the word should be regarded as Latin, English, or indeed French. The word occurs as <hi>ydioti</hi> in the Latin line W.10.467, and without the loop as <hi>ydiot</hi> in W.16.178. The loop on <t> is usually without function, even within Latin contexts (e. g. <hi>uiuit</hi> W.11.398). Despite their usual practice, but presumably on the basis of the reading of other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, Kane and Donaldson expanded to <hi>ydiot<expan>es</expan></hi>, which Skeat interprets as "an adjective with the French plural ending" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., <title>The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts</title> (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), 2.176). Mustanoja notes in his discussion of the feature that the inflected adjective is usually placed after the noun (<title>A Middle English Syntax. Part I: Parts of Speech</title> Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, 23 (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960), p. 277). See Introduction.</note> preestes</hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> This lokynge on lewed preestes . haþ doon me lepe from pou<expan>er</expan>te</l>
<l> The which I preise þer pacience is . moore p<expan>ar</expan>fit þan richesse</l>
<l> <hi><hi>A</hi></hi>c muche moore in metynge þus . wiþ me gan oon dispute</l>
<l> And slepynge I seiȝ al þis . and siþen cam kynde</l>
<l> And nempned me by my name . and bad me nymen hede</l>
<l> And þoruȝ þe wondres of þis world . wit for to take</l>
<l> And on a mountaigne þat myddel<seg>-</seg>erþe . hiȝte as me þouȝte</l>
<l> I was fet forþ . by ensamples to knowe</l>
<l> Thorugh ech a creature and kynde . my creatour to louye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I seiȝ þe sonne and þe see . and þe sond after</l>
<l> And where þ<expan>a</expan>t briddes and beestes . by hir makes yeden</l>
<l> Wilde wormes in wodes . and wonderful foweles</l>
<l> Wiþ fleckede feþeres . and of fele colours</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Man and his make . I myȝte boþe biholde</l>
<l> Pouerte and plentee . boþe pees and werre</l>
<l> Blisse and bale boþe . I seiȝ al <orig>atones</orig><reg>at ones</reg></l>
<l> And how men token Mede . and Mercy refused</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Reson I seiȝ sooþly . sewen alle beestes</l>
<l> In etynge in drynkynge . and in engendrynge of kynde</l>
<l> And after cours of concepcion . noon took kepe of ooþer</l>
<l> As whan þei hadde ryde in Rotey<seg>-</seg>tyme . anoon riȝt þer<seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l> Males drowen hem to males . amorwenynges by hem<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> And in euenynges also . þe males ben fro femelles</l>
<l> Ther ne was cow ne cowkynde . þat conceyued hadde</l>
<l> That wolde belwe after boles . ne boor after sowe</l>
<l> Boþe hors and houndes . and alle oþere beestes</l>
<l> Medled noȝt wiþ hir makes . þat wiþ fole were</l>
<milestone>fol. 66rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Briddes I biheld . þat in buskes made nestes</l>
<l> Hadde neuere wye wit . to werche þe leeste</l>
<l> I hadde wonder at whom . and wher þe pye lerned</l>
<l> To legge þe stikkes . in whiche she leyeþ and bredeþ</l>
<l> Ther nys wriȝte as I wene . sholde werche hir nestes to paye</l>
<l> If any Mason made a molde þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>to . muche wonder it were</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac<note>W.11.355: W alone reads <hi>Ac</hi>. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>And</hi>.</note> yet me m<expan>er</expan>ueilled moore . how many oþ<expan>er</expan>e briddes</l>
<l> Hidden and hileden . hir egges ful derne</l>
<l> In Mareys and moores . for men sholde hem noȝt fynde</l>
<l> And hidden hir egges . whan þei þer<seg>-</seg>fro wente</l>
<l> For fere of oþ<expan>er</expan>e foweles . and for wilde beestes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And some troden hir makes . and on trees bredden</l>
<l> And brouȝten forþ hir briddes so . al aboue þe grounde</l>
<l> And some briddes at þe bile . þoruȝ breþyng conceyued</l>
<l> And some caukede I took kepe . how pecokkes bredden</l>
<l> Muche m<expan>er</expan>ueilled me . what maister hem made<note>W.11.364: W alone reads <hi>hem made</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þei hadde(n)</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And who tauȝte hem on trees . to tymbre so heiȝe</l>
<l> Ther neiþ<expan>er</expan> burn ne beest . may hir briddes rechen</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And siþen I loked vp<seg>-</seg>on þe see . and so forþ vp<seg>-</seg>on þe sterres</l>
<l> Manye selkouþes I seiȝ . ben noȝt to seye nouþe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I seiȝ floures in þe fryth . and hir faire colours</l>
<l> And how among þe grene gras . growed so manye hewes</l>
<l> And some soure and some swete . selkouþ me þouȝte</l>
<l> Of hir kynde and hir colour . to carpe it were to longe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac þat moost meued me . and my mood chaunged</l>
<l> That Reson rewarded . and ruled alle beestes           <note>W.11.374:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Saue man and his make . many tyme and ofte           <note>W.11.375:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> No Reson hem folwede . and þanne I rebukede           <note>W.11.376:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Reson / . and riȝt til hym<seg>-</seg>seluen I seyde           <note>W.11.377:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 66vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> haue wonder of þee quod I . þat witty art holden</l>
<l> Why þow ne sewest man and his make . þ<expan>a</expan>t no mysfeet hem folwe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And Reson arated me . and seide recche þee neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> Why I suffre or noȝt suffre . þi<seg>-</seg>self hast noȝt to doone           <note>W.11.381:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Amende þow it if þow myȝt . for my tyme is to abide           <note>W.11.382:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Suffraunce is a souerayn v<expan>er</expan>tue . and a swift vengeaunce</l>
<l> Who suffrede moore þan god quod he . no gome as I leeue</l>
<l> He myȝte amende in a Minute<seg>-</seg>while . al þat mysstandeþ</l>
<l> Ac he suffreþ for som mannes goode . and so it<note>W.11.386: W alone reads <hi>it</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note> is oure bettre</l>
<l> The wise and þe witty . wroot þus in þe bible</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi>e re que te non molestat noli certare</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> For be a man fair or foul . it falleþ noȝt for to lakke</l>
<l> The shap ne þe shaft . þat god shoop hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> For al þat he dide was wel ydo . as holy writ witnesseþ</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>E</hi>t vidit deus cuncta que fecerat & erant valde bona</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And bad euery creature . in his kynde encreesse</l>
<l> Al to murþe wiþ man . þat moste wo þolie</l>
<l> In fondynge of þe flessh . and of þe fend boþe</l>
<l> For man was maad of swich a matere . he may noȝt wel asterte</l>
<l> That ne som<seg>-</seg>tyme hym bitit . to folwen his kynde</l>
<l> Caton acordeþ þer<seg>-</seg>wiþ . <hi><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>emo sine crimine viuit</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho cauȝte I colour anoon . and comsed to ben ashamed</l>
<l> And awaked þer<seg>-</seg>wiþ . wo was me þanne</l>
<l> That I in metels ne myȝte . moore haue yknowen</l>
<l> And þanne seide I to my<seg>-</seg>self . and chidde þat tyme</l>
<l> Now I woot what dowel is quod I . by deere god as me þynkeþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And as I caste vp myne eiȝen . oon loked on me and asked</l>
<l> Of me what þyng it were . ywis sire I seide</l>
<l> To se muche and suffre moore . certes quod I is dowel           <note>W.11.406:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<milestone>fol. 67rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Haddestow suffred he seide . slepynge þo þow were</l>
<l> Thow sholdest haue knowen þat clergie kan . & co<expan>n</expan>treued moore þoruȝ Res<damage><supplied>on</supplied></damage><note>W.11.408: The leaf is cropped after <hi>Res</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Resoun</hi>.</note></l>
<l> For Reson wolde haue reherced þee . riȝt as Clergie seide</l>
<l> Ac for þyn entremetynge . here artow forsake</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>hilosophus esses si tacuisses</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Adam whiles he spak noȝt . hadde paradis at wille           <note>W.11.412:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ac whan he mamelede aboute mete . and entremetede to knowe           <note>W.11.413:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> The wisedom and þe wit of god . he was put fram blisse           <note>W.11.414:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And riȝt so ferde Reson bi þee . þow wiþ þi rude speche</l>
<l> Lakkedest and losedest þyng . þat longed þe noȝt to doone</l>
<l> Tho hadde he no likyng . for to lere þe moore</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Pryde now and p<expan>re</expan>sumpcion . p<expan>ar</expan>auent<expan>ur</expan>e wol þee appele</l>
<l> That Clergie þi compaignye . kepeþ noȝt to suwe</l>
<l> Shal neu<expan>er</expan>e chalangynge ne chidynge . chaste a man so soone           <note>W.11.420:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> As shal shame and shenden hym . and shape hym to amende           <note>W.11.421:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> For lat a dronken daffe . in a dyk falle           <note>W.11.422:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Lat hym ligge loke noȝt on hym . til hym liste aryse<note>W.11.423: W alone reads <hi>aryse</hi>; Cr has <hi>to aryse</hi>, and most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>to ryse</hi>.</note>           <note>W.11.423:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
W.11.424KD.11.429, 431
<l> For þouȝ Reson rebuked hym þanne . it were but pure synne           <note>W.11.424:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Ac whan nede nymeþ hym vp . for doute lest he sterue           <note>W.11.425:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> And shame shrapeþ hise cloþes . and hise shynes wassheþ           <note>W.11.426:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> Thanne woot þe dronken daffe . wher<seg>-</seg>fore he is to blame           <note>W.11.427:<add><foreign>n<expan>ota</expan></foreign></add></note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ye siggen sooþ quod I . ich haue yseyen it ofte</l>
<l> Ther smyt no þyng so smerte . ne smelleþ so soure</l>
<l> As shame þ<expan>er</expan>e he sheweþ hym . for euery man hym shonyeþ</l>
<l> Why ye wisse me þus quod I . was for I rebuked Reson</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Certes quod he þat is sooþ . and shoop hym for to walken</l>
<l> And I aroos vp riȝt wiþ þat . and folwed hym after</l>
<l> And preyde hym of his curteisie . to telle me his name</l>