<div1>fol. 60v (cont.)I</div1>
<head><add><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>assus <lb/>
<note>O.15.000: The heading is divided after <foreign><hi><hi><hi>P</hi>assus</hi></hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></head>
<l><hi><hi>A</hi></hi>C after my wakyng  it was wondre longe </l>
<l> Er I koude kyndeli knowe  what was do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so my witt wexe & wanyede  til I a fool were</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd sum lakkede my lijf  aloweden<note>O.15.4: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>aloweden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>allowed</hi>.</note> it fewe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd leeten for a lorel  & loþ to reuerencen</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ordis or ladyes  or any lijf ellis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s p<expan>er</expan>souns in pelure  & wiþ pendauntis of siluer</l>
<hi>To sergeauntis</hi>
<milestone>fol. 61rI</milestone>
<l><hi>T</hi>o s<expan>er</expan>geauntis ne to swiche  seyde not ones</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>od loke ȝow lordis  ne loutede fayre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at folk helden me a fool  & in þat folye I rauede</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il resou<expan>n</expan> hadde ruþe on me  & rokkede me a<seg>-</seg>slepe</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il I seyȝ as it sorcery were  &<note>O.15.12: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>&</hi> in place of <hi>a</hi>.</note> sotil þing wiþ<seg>-</seg>alle</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>on wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen tunge & teeþ  tolde me whider I schulde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wher<seg>-</seg>of I cam & what kynde  I co<expan>n</expan>iurede hy<expan>m</expan> at þe laste</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f he were cristis creature  for cristis loue me to telle</l>
O.15.16KD.15.16, 17
<l><hi>I</hi> am c<expan>ri</expan>stis creature quod he  & c<expan>ri</expan>sten in many a place</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n cristis court I<seg>-</seg>knowe wel  & of his kyn a partye</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s neyþ<expan>er</expan> peter þe porter  ne poule wiþ his fauchou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at wole defende me þe dore  dynge ich neu<expan>er</expan>e so late</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>t mydnyȝt . at mydday  my voyce so is knowen<note>O.15.20: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>knowen</hi>; variants include <hi>yknowe</hi> (HmBLMR), <hi>y-knawen</hi> (C), <hi>well Iknowe</hi> (GF), and <hi>knowe</hi> (WCrY).</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at iche a creature of his court  welcomeþ me fayre</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat ar ȝe callid in þat court quod I  among c<expan>ri</expan>stis peple</l>
<foreign><hi>Anima .</hi></foreign>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e whiles I quyk was in þe coors quod he  called am I <foreign>anima</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I wilne or<note>O.15.24: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>or</hi> in place of <hi>and</hi>.</note> wolde  <foreign>anim<expan>us</expan></foreign> ich hatte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for þ<expan>a</expan>t I kan & knowe  called am I <foreign>mens</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I make mone to god  <foreign>memoria</foreign> is my name</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I deme domes  & do as truþe techiþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne is <foreign>rac<expan>i</expan>o</foreign> my riȝt name  &<note>O.15.28: GYOC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>&</hi>.</note> resou<expan>n</expan> on englisch</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I fele þat folk telleþ  my first name is <foreign>sensus</foreign><note>O.15.29: A parasign, with a long horizontal stroke extending from the top, appears in the right margin. The hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 2.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat is witt & wisdam  þe welle of alle craftis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne<note>O.15.31: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>I</hi> before <hi>chalenge</hi>.</note> chalenge or chalenge not  clepe<note>O.15.31: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>clepe</hi> in place of <hi>chepe</hi>.</note> or refuse</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne am <add>I</add> co<expan>n</expan>cience called  goddis clerk & his notarie</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I loue lelly  oure lord . & alle oþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne is leel loue my name  & in latyn <foreign>amor</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I flye fro þe flesch  & forsake þe careyne</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne am I spirit specheles  <foreign>spirit<expan>us</expan></foreign> þa<expan>n</expan>ne ich hatte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ustyn & <sic>þs<del>o</del><add>i</add>dorus</sic><corr>[y]sidorus</corr>  eyþ<expan>er</expan> of hem boþe</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>empnede me þus to name  now þ<expan>o</expan>u myȝtist<note>O.15.38: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>myȝtist</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>myȝt</hi>.</note> chese</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow þ<expan>o</expan>u coueytist to calle me  now knowest þ<expan>o</expan>u alle my names</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>A<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>a p<expan>ro</expan> diu<expan>er</expan>sis acc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> diu<expan>er</expan>sa no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>a sortit<expan>ur</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> viuificat corp<expan>us</expan>  a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>a e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> vult  anim<expan>us</expan> e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> scit  mens e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> recolit  memoria e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> iudicat  rac<expan>i</expan>o e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> sentit  sensus e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> amat  amor e<expan>st</expan> du<expan>m</expan> negat vel <expan>con</expan>sentit  <expan>con</expan>scie<expan>n</expan>cia e<expan>st</expan> / du<expan>m</expan> spirat  sp<expan>irit</expan>us est . <hi>.</hi></hi></foreign><note>O.15.40: This line begins in the right margin of l. 39 and breaks after <foreign><hi>diu<expan>er</expan>sis</hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>scit </hi></foreign>, and <foreign><hi>sensus e<expan>st</expan> du<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, wrapping around to occupy the next three full line spaces.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>e been as a bischop quod I  al bourdynge þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or bisschoppis yblissid  beren many names</l>
<l><foreign><hi>P</hi>resul & pontifex</foreign>  and <foreign>metropolitanus</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd oþ<expan>er</expan>e names an heep  <foreign>episcopus</foreign> & <foreign>pastor</foreign></l>
<milestone>fol. 61vI</milestone>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at is soþ seyde he  now I se þi wille</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u woldest knowe & ku<expan>n</expan>ne  þe cause of alle her names</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of myn if þ<expan>o</expan>u myȝtist  me þinkeþ bi þi speche</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>he sire I seyde bi so  no man were a<seg>-</seg>greued</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>lle þe science vndir su<expan>n</expan>ne  & alle þe sutil craftes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> wolde knowe & ku<expan>n</expan>ne  kyndeli in myn herte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne art þ<expan>o</expan>u vnp<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt quod he  & oon . of prides knyȝtis</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or swich a lust & likyng  lucifer fel from heuene</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>ona<expan>m</expan> pede<expan>m</expan> meu<expan>m</expan> in aq<expan>ui</expan>lone  & si<expan>mi</expan>lis ero altissi<expan>m</expan>o</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t were aȝens kynde quod he  & al kyns resou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t any creature schulde ku<expan>n</expan>ne al  except crist oone</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ȝens swiche salomon spekiþ  & dispisiþ her wittis</l>
<l><add>And seiþ . <foreign><hi>sic<expan>u</expan>t qui mel comedit m<expan>u</expan>ltu<expan>m</expan>  no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>st</expan> <add>ei</add> bonu<expan>m</expan> . s<expan>ic</expan> q<expan>ui</expan> sc<expan>ru</expan>tator e<expan>st</expan> magestat<expan>is</expan> opp<expan>ri</expan>mit<expan>ur</expan> a gl<expan>or</expan>ia</hi></foreign><note>O.15.57: This line begins in the right margin of l. 56, breaks after <foreign><hi>qui</hi></foreign>, and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, ending in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o englische men . þis is to mene  þat mowen speke & here</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e man þat myche hony eteþ  his mawe it engleymeþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þe more þ<expan>a</expan>t a man  of good mater hereþ</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut he do þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>after  it dooþ hym double scathe</l>
<l><foreign><hi>B</hi>eat<expan>us</expan> e<expan>st</expan> .</foreign> seiþ seynt Bernard  <foreign>q<expan>ui</expan> sc<expan>ri</expan>pturas legit</foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi>E</hi>t v<expan>er</expan>ba vertit in op<expan>er</expan>a</foreign>  fulliche to his power</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oueytise to kunne  & to knowe science</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ullede<note>O.15.65: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>Pullede</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Putte</hi>.</note> out of p<expan>ar</expan>adice  adam & eue</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Scie<expan>n</expan>cie appetit<expan>us</expan> ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>em i<expan>m</expan>mortalitat<expan>is</expan> gl<expan>or</expan>ia<del>m</del> spoliau<expan>i</expan>t </hi> .</foreign><note>O.15.66: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>mortalitat<expan>is</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd riȝt as hony is yuele to defye  & engleymeþ þe mawe</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so . þat þoruȝ resou<expan>n</expan>  wolde þe rote knowe </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f god . & of hise myȝtis  his grace it lettiþ</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or in þe likyng . lijþ a pride  & a likhams coueytise</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ȝens cristis cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl  & alle clerkis techyng</l>
<l><add> Þat is . <foreign><hi>no<expan>n</expan> pl<expan>us</expan> sap<expan>er</expan>e q<expan>uam</expan> o<expan>po</expan>r<expan>tet</expan> sap<expan>er</expan>e .</hi></foreign><note>O.15.72: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>q<expan>uam</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>reris & fele oþ<expan>er</expan>e maystris  þat to lewede men p<expan>re</expan>chen</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>euen materes i<expan>m</expan>mesurables  to tellen of þe t<expan>ri</expan>nite</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.15.75: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>And</hi> in place of <hi>That</hi>.</note> ofte tymes þe lewed peple  of her beleue douten</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>etter to bileue were<note>O.15.76: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>to bileue were</hi>; variants include <hi>were</hi> (M), <hi>byleue were</hi> (L), <hi>beleue were</hi> (Hm), <hi>beleue where</hi> (Cr<hi>1</hi>), <hi>to leue were</hi> (YCr<hi>23</hi>GCCot), <hi>to leue weren</hi> (BmBo), <hi>byleue</hi> (R), and <hi>it were</hi> (WF).</note> many  doctouris . swich techyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd telle men of þe ten comau<expan>n</expan>deme<expan>n</expan>t<expan>es</expan>  & touche þe seuene sy<expan>n</expan>nes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of þe b<expan>ra</expan>unches þat boriounen of hem  & brynge<expan>n</expan> me<expan>n</expan> to helle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þat folk in folies  myspenden her fyue wittis</l>
<hi>Pride of <lb/>
<note>O.15.80: The rubric is divided after <hi>of</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>A</hi>s wel freris as oþ<expan>er</expan>e folk  foliliche þei spenden<note>O.15.80: YOC<hi>2</hi>M alone have <hi>þei spenden</hi>; variants include <hi>spenen</hi> (CrCLR) and <hi>speken</hi> (B).</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n housyng in hateryng  & hye clergie schewynge</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore for pompe þan for pure charite  þe peple woot þe soþe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t I ne<note>O.15.83: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>ne</hi>.</note> lye not . loo  for lordis ȝe plesen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd reu<expan>er</expan>encen þe riche  þe raþ<expan>er</expan> for her goodis<note>O.15.84: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>goodis</hi> in place of <hi>siluer</hi>.</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>onfu<expan>n</expan>da<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ur</expan> o<expan>mn</expan>es q<expan>ui</expan> adora<expan>n</expan>t sculptilia & c<expan>etera</expan> & ali<expan>bi</expan> / vt q<expan>ui</expan><expan>d</expan> diligit<expan>is</expan> vanitate<expan>m</expan> & q<expan>ue</expan>ritis mendaciu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.85: This line is divided after <foreign><hi>vanitate<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 62rI</milestone>
<hi>Freris</hi><note>O.15.86: The letter <V>, about two lines in height, appears in the extreme right margin, written apparently by hand 2.</note>
<l><hi>G</hi>o to þe glose of þe vers  ȝe grete clerkis </l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f I lye on ȝow to my lewede witt  ledeþ me to brennyng</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or as it semeþ . ȝe forsaken  no mannes almesse</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f vsureris of horis  of auarouse chapmen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd louten to þeise lordis  þat mowen lene ȝow nobles</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ȝeyn ȝoure rule & religiou<expan>n</expan>  I take record of <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at seyde to hise disciplis  <foreign><hi>ne sitis p<expan>er</expan>sonaru<expan>m</expan> acceptores</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f þis mateer I myȝte  make a longe bible</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c of curatouris of c<expan>ri</expan>sten peple  as clerkys<note>O.15.94: An irregular tear in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears between <hi>clerkys</hi> and <hi>beren</hi>.</note> beren witnesse </l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schal tellen it for truþes sake  take heed . who<seg>-</seg>so likiþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s holynesse & honeste  out of holy chirche sprediþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ lele libbynge men  þat goddis lawe techen</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so . out of holy chirche  alle yueles spreden</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere imp<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt preesthode is  p<expan>re</expan>chouris & techeris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd see it bi ensau<expan>m</expan>ple  in som<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme on trowes</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e su<expan>m</expan>me bowis been leued  & su<expan>m</expan>me beren noon</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e is a myscheef in þe moore  of swiche man<expan>er</expan>e bowis</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so p<expan>er</expan>souns & preestis  & p<expan>re</expan>chouris of holi chirche</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at arn rote of þe riȝt feiþ  to rule þe peple</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þ<expan>er</expan>e þe rote is roten  resoun woot þe soþe</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chal neu<expan>er</expan>e floure ne fruyt  ne fayre leef be grene</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi wolden<note>O.15.107: O alone has the form <hi>wolden</hi> in place of <hi>wolde</hi>.</note> ȝe lettred men leue  þe lecherie of cloþing</l>
<l> And be kynde . as fel<note>O.15.108: GOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>fel</hi> in place of <hi>bifel</hi>.</note> for clerkis  & curteys of cristis goodis</l>
<l> Trewe of ȝoure tunge  & of ȝoure tayl boþe</l>
<l> And hate to here harlotrie  & not to vndirfonge </l>
<l> Tyþes of vntrewe þing  ytilied or chaffared</l>
<l> Loþe weren lewede men  but þei ȝoure lore foloweden<note>O.15.112: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>foleweden</hi> in place of <hi>folwede</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And amenden hem þat mysdoon  more for ȝoure ensau<expan>m</expan>ples </l>
<l> Þan for to p<expan>re</expan>che & p<expan>re</expan>uen it not  ypocrisie it semeþ</l>
<l> For ypocrisye in latyn  is likned to a dong<seg>-</seg>hil</l>
<l> Þat were besnewid wiþ snow  & snakes wiþ<seg>-</seg>Inne</l>
<l> Or to a wal þat were whyȝt<seg>-</seg>lymed  wiþ<seg>-</seg>out & foul wiþ<seg>-</seg>inne</l>
<l> Riȝt so many preestis  prechouris & p<expan>re</expan>latis</l>
<l> Arn emblaunched wiþ <foreign>bele p<expan>ar</expan>oles</foreign>  & wiþ cloþes also</l>
<l> Ac ȝoure werkis & wordis þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>vndir  arn ful vnlouelich</l>
<l> Iohanne<note>O.15.121: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <s> in <hi>Iohannes</hi>.</note> c<expan>ri</expan>sostom<expan>us</expan>  of clerkis spekiþ & preestis</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Sic<expan>ut</expan> de te<expan>m</expan>plo o<expan>mn</expan>e bonu<expan>m</expan> eg<expan>re</expan>dit<expan>ur</expan>  Sic de te<expan>m</expan>plo o<expan>mn</expan>e malu<expan>m</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>cedit / Si sac<expan>er</expan>dociu<expan>m</expan> i<expan>n</expan>tegru<expan>m</expan> fu<expan>er</expan>it  tota floreret<note>O.15.122: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <foreign><hi>floreret</hi></foreign> in place of <foreign><hi>floret</hi></foreign>.</note> ecc<expan>les</expan>ia / Si a<expan>ut</expan>e<expan>m</expan> corruptu<expan>m</expan> fu<expan>er</expan>it  o<expan>mn</expan>i<expan>u</expan>m fides marcida e<expan>st</expan> / Si sac<expan>er</expan>dociu<expan>m</expan> fu<expan>er</expan>it i<expan>n</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>a</expan>tis  tot<expan>us</expan> p<expan>o</expan>p<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>s conu<expan>er</expan>tit<expan>ur</expan> ad p<expan>ec</expan>cand<expan>um</expan> / Sic<expan>ut</expan> cu<expan>m</expan> vid<expan>er</expan>is arbore<expan>m</expan> marcida<expan>m</expan> & pallida<expan>m</expan>  i<expan>n</expan>telligis q<expan>uod</expan> viciu<expan>m</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>et in radice / Ita cu<expan>m</expan> vid<expan>er</expan>is p<expan>o</expan>p<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m i<expan>n</expan>disciplinatu<expan>m</expan> & irreligiosu<expan>m</expan>  s<expan>i</expan>n<expan>e</expan> dubio . sacerdociu<expan>m</expan> eius non est sanu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.122: This line begins in the right margin of l. 121, breaks after <foreign><hi>eg<expan>re</expan>dit<expan>ur</expan></hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>ec<expan>c</expan>les<expan>ia</expan> Si</hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>con-</hi></foreign> in <foreign><hi>conu<expan>er</expan>tit<expan>ur</expan></hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>viciu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, and <foreign><hi>sacer-</hi></foreign> in <foreign><hi>sacerdociu<expan>m</expan> eius</hi></foreign>, wraps around to occupy the next four full line spaces, and ends at bottom right of the fifth line. A red parasign precedes the last line of the text, which is followed by five ticks in black and red.</note></add></l>
<milestone>fol. 62vI</milestone>
<hi><hi>P</hi>restis</hi> .
<l><hi>I</hi>f<note>O.15.123: The initial capital is larger than usual and decorated with flourishes.</note> lewede men wisten  what þis latyn meneþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd who was myn autour  myche wondir me þinkeþ</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut if many a preest heer<note>O.15.125: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>heer</hi> in place of some variant of <hi>bere</hi>.</note>  for her baslardis & her brohchis</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chulden go synge s<expan>er</expan>uyseles  wiþ sire philip þe sparwe<note>O.15.126: OC<hi>2</hi> alone substitute this line for the completely different one which appears in other manuscripts and which Kane and Donaldson render as "[And beere] bedes in hir hand and a book vndir hir arme." See Skeat's note in Vol. II, 218. In his description of this manuscript in the endleaves, Skeat writes: "There is one variation in it which must not be passed over, viz. the allusion to Sir Philip the Sparrow in the line 'Schulden go synge seruyseles / wiþ sire philip þe sparwe' which, as explained in the footnote to xv. 119, is totally different from the corresponding line in the other copies."</note></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>ire ion & sire ieffrey  han gyrdeles<note>O.15.127: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone have the plural form.</note> of siluer</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> baslard &<note>O.15.128: O alone lacks <hi>a</hi> before <hi>ballok-knyf</hi>.</note> ballok<seg>-</seg>knyf  &<note>O.15.128: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone have <hi>&</hi> in place of <hi>wiþ</hi>.</note> barres<note>O.15.128: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>barres</hi> in place of <hi>botons</hi>.</note> ou<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>gylt</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c a porthos þat schulde be his plow  <foreign>placebo</foreign> to segge</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>adde he neu<expan>er</expan>e<note>O.15.130: An irregular tear in the vellum, present at the time of copying, appears between <hi>neuere</hi> and <hi>seruyse</hi>.</note> s<expan>er</expan>uyse to saue sylu<expan>er</expan> þ<expan>er</expan>to  for spendyng at ale<note>O.15.130: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>for spendyng at ale</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>seiþ it with ydel wille</hi>. Kane and Donaldson divide the line into two, the second with a conjectural a-verse.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>llas ȝe lewede men  myche lesen<note>O.15.131: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>lesen</hi> in place of <hi>lese</hi>.</note> ȝe on preestis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þing þat wickidlich is wonnen<note>O.15.132: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>wonnen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wonne</hi>.</note>  & wiþ false sleyȝtis</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>olde neu<expan>er</expan>e . of witty god þe witt  but wickide me<expan>n</expan> it hadde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e whyche arn preest<expan>is</expan> i<expan>m</expan>p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt  & p<expan>re</expan>chouris after siluer</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>ectouris & suddenes  somono<expan>ur</expan>s & her lemmans</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>is þat wiþ gyle was geten  vng<expan>ra</expan>ciousli is spendid</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o harlottis & hores  arn holpen þoruȝ<note>O.15.137: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>þoruȝ</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>wiþ</hi>.</note> swiche goodis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd goddis folk for defaute þ<expan>er</expan>of  forfaren & spillen</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>uratouris of holy chirche  as clerkis þat been auarouse</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>iȝtlich þat þei leuen  losellis it habben</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r dyen intestat  & þa<expan>n</expan>ne þe bischop entreþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd makeþ myrþe þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wiþ  & his men boþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seggen . he was a nygard  þat no good myȝte spare</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o freend ne to fremde  þe feend haue his soule</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or a wrecchid hous he helde  al his lijf<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat he sparede & bisperde  spende we in myrþe</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e þei lered . be þei lewide<note>O.15.147: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include both occurrences of <hi>þei</hi>; although HmBM also have <hi>Be</hi>, most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>By lered by lewed</hi>.</note>  þat loþ is to spende</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us goon her goodis  be þe goost faren</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c for goode men god woot  greet deel men maken</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bymeneþ goode mete<seg>-</seg>ȝyueris  & i<expan>n</expan> mynde hauen </l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n<note>O.15.151: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish.</note> preyeris & i<expan>n</expan> penau<expan>n</expan>ce  & i<expan>n</expan> p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt charite</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat is charite quod I þoo  a childisch þing he seyde</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>isi efficiamini sic<expan>ut</expan> p<expan>ar</expan>uuli no<expan>n</expan> i<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ra</expan>bit<expan>is</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.153: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>efficiamini</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>oute<expan>n</expan> fau<expan>n</expan>tee<note>O.15.154: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>fauntee</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>faunteltie</hi>.</note> or folye  a fre liberal wille </l>
<l><hi>W</hi>here schulde<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.155: O alone has the form <hi>schulde<expan>n</expan></hi> in place of <hi>sholde</hi>.</note> me<expan>n</expan> fynde swich a freend  w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> so fre an herte</l>
<hi>Longe <lb/>
<note>O.15.156: The rubric is divided after <hi>Longe</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>I</hi><note>O.15.156: The initial capital is decorated with a flourish.</note> haue lyued in londe quod I  my name is longe wille </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd fonde I neu<expan>er</expan>e ful charite  bifore ne bi<seg>-</seg>hynde</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>en been m<expan>er</expan>cyable to me<expan>n</expan>dynau<expan>n</expan>tis  & to þe<note>O.15.158: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>þe</hi>.</note> pore</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wolen lene þ<expan>er</expan>e þei leuen<note>O.15.159: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>leuen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>leue</hi>.</note>  lelli to be payed</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c charite þat poule p<expan>re</expan>cheþ<note>O.15.160: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>p<expan>re</expan>cheþ</hi> in place of <hi>preiseþ</hi>.</note> best  & moost pleseþ oure saueo<expan>ur</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s . <foreign><hi>no<expan>n</expan> i<expan>n</expan>flat<expan>ur</expan> . no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>st</expan> ambic<expan>i</expan>osa . no<expan>n</expan> q<expan>ue</expan>rit que sua su<expan>n</expan>t</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>I</hi><note>O.15.162: The initial capital is accompanied by a flourish.</note> seyȝ neu<expan>er</expan>e swich a man  so me god helpe</l>
<milestone>fol. 63rI</milestone>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t he ne wolde aske after his  & oþ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wyle coueyte </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ing þat nediþ hym not  & nyme it if he myȝte</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>lerkis tellen<note>O.15.165: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>tellen</hi> in place of some variant of correctly alliterating <hi>kennen</hi>.</note> me þ<expan>a</expan>t crist  is . in alle places</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c I seyȝ hym<note>O.15.166: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>neuere</hi> before <hi>soþeli</hi>.</note> soþeli  but as my<seg>-</seg>self in a myrour</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ita in enigmate . tu<expan>n</expan>c facie ad faciem</hi></foreign><note>O.15.167: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>facie</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so I trowe truly  bi þat men tellen of charite</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is not champiou<expan>n</expan>s fiȝt  ne chaffare as I trowe</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>harite quod he ne chaffareþ not  ne chalengeþ ne craueþ </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s proude of a peny  as of a pound of gold</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd is as glad of a gowne  of a grey russet</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s of a tunycle of tarse  or of tried scarlet</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e is glad wiþ al glad  & good til alle wickide</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd leneþ & loueþ alle  þat oure lord made</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>urseþ he no creature  ne<note>O.15.176: HmOC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>he</hi> before <hi>can</hi>.</note> can bere no wraþþe</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no likyng haþ to lye  ne lawȝhe men to scorn</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l þat men seyen . he lat it soþ  & in solace takeþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd alle man<expan>er</expan>e mescheues  in myldenesse he suffreþ</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oueytiþ he noon erþeli good  but heuene<seg>-</seg>riche blisse</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aþ he any rentes or richesse  or any riche freendis </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f rentes ne of richesse  reccheþ he neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or a freend þat fyndeþ hym  faylede hym neu<expan>er</expan>e at nede</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>F</hi>iat voluntas tua</hi></foreign>  fyndiþ hym eu<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>more</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if he soupe . he etiþ but a soppe  of <foreign>spera in deo</foreign></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e can portreye<note>O.15.186: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>wel</hi> before <hi>þe</hi>.</note> þe pat<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>nost<expan>er</expan>  & peynte it wiþ auees</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd oþ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wyle he is wone  to wende on pilg<expan>ri</expan>mage</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e pore men & p<expan>ri</expan>soun<expan>er</expan>s been<note>O.15.188: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>been</hi> in place of some variant of <hi>liggen</hi>.</note>  her p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan> to haue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ouȝ he bere hem no breed  he bereþ hem swetter<note>O.15.189: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack a noun after <hi>swetter</hi>; most B manuscripts have <hi>liflode</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oueþ hem as oure lord biddiþ  & lokeþ how þei faren</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne he <add>is</add> wery of þat werk  þa<expan>n</expan>ne wole he su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>abouren in lauendrie<note>O.15.192: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <hi>wel</hi> before <hi>þe</hi>.</note>  þe lenkþe of a myle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝerne in<seg>-</seg>to ȝouþe  & ȝepli speke<note>O.15.193: A caret/punctus appears in the extreme right margin. Correction of <hi>speke</hi> may have been intended, since the reading of <hi>Bx</hi> is <hi>seche</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ride . wiþ al þe ap<expan>ur</expan>tenau<expan>n</expan>ce  & pakken hem to<seg>-</seg>gyd<expan>er</expan>es</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bowken hem at his brest  & beten hem clene</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd leggen on . longe  wiþ <foreign>laboraui in gemitu meo</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wiþ warm water at hise yen  wasschen hem after </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne he syngeþ wha<expan>n</expan>ne he dooþ so  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme seiþ wepynge</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Cor <expan>con</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>tu<expan>m</expan></hi> & <hi>hu<expan>m</expan>iliatu<expan>m</expan><note>O.15.199: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <foreign><hi>deus</hi></foreign> before <foreign><hi>non</hi></foreign>.</note> no<expan>n</expan> despicies</hi></foreign><note>O.15.199: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <hi><expan>con</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>tu<expan>m</expan></hi>, and a red parasign precedes the ampersand.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>i c<expan>ri</expan>st I wolde þ<expan>a</expan>t I knewe hy<expan>m</expan>  no creature leu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>oute<expan>n</expan> help of peers plowman quod he  his p<expan>er</expan>soone seest<seg>-</seg>þ<expan>o</expan>u neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>her clerkis knowen hym quod I  þat kepen holy chirche</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>lerkis han no knowyng quod he  but bi werkis & wordis</l>
<milestone>fol. 63vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>c peers þe plowman  p<expan>ar</expan>ceyuede<note>O.15.204: OC<hi>2</hi>C alone have the preterite form.</note> more depper</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>here is þe wille & wherfore  þ<expan>a</expan>t many a<note>O.15.205: GOC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>a</hi>.</note> wiȝt suffreþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Et vidit d<expan>eu</expan>s cogitac<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>es eo<expan>rum</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.206: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>d<expan>eu</expan>s</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þ<expan>er</expan> arn ful proude<seg>-</seg>herted men  pacient of tunge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd buxu<expan>m</expan> as of beryng  to burgeys & to lordis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd to pore peple  han pep<expan>er</expan> in þe nose</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as a lyou<expan>n</expan> he lokeþ  þ<expan>er</expan>e men lakken hise werkis</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þ<expan>er</expan> arn begg<expan>er</expan><add>s</add> & bidders  bedemen as it were</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oken as lambren  & semen lijf<seg>-</seg>holy</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c it is more to haue her mete  in swich esy man<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan> for penau<expan>n</expan>ce or p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝtnesse  þe pou<expan>er</expan>t þat swiche taken</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>fore bi colour ne bi clergie  knowe schalt þ<expan>o</expan>u hym neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> þoruȝ wordis ne werkis  but þoruȝ wille one</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat knowiþ no clerk  ne creature in erþe</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut peers þe plowman  <foreign><hi>petrus id est <expan>christus</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he is not in losellis<note>O.15.219: Cr<hi>2</hi>OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>losellis</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>lolleris</hi></note>  ne in land<seg>-</seg>lep<expan>er</expan>s h<expan>er</expan>emytis</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e in ankris þ<expan>er</expan>e a box hangeþ  alle swiche þei fayten</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>y on faytouris  and <foreign>in fautores suos</foreign></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or charite is goddis champiou<expan>n</expan>  & as a good chyld . heende</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þe myriest of mouþe  at mete . where he sittiþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e loue þat lijþ in his herte  makiþ hy<expan>m</expan> liȝt of speche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd is companable & co<expan>n</expan>fortatijf  as c<expan>ri</expan>st bit hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>olite f<expan>ier</expan>i sic<expan>ut</expan> ypoc<expan>ri</expan>te t<expan>ri</expan>stes</hi></foreign><note>O.15.226: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>sic<expan>ut</expan></hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or I haue seen hy<expan>m</expan> in silk  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme in russet</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe in grey & in griys  & in gylt harneys</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as gladlich he it gaaf  to gomes þat it nedede</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>dmund & Edward  eyþ<expan>er</expan> were kyngys</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyntis yset  til charite hem folewede</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> haue seen charite also  syngen & reden</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iden & rennen  in raggede wedis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c biddynge as begg<expan>er</expan>s  bihelde I hym neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c in riche robes  raþest he walkiþ</l>
<l><hi>Y</hi>called<note>O.15.236: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>and</hi> before <hi>ycrymaylid</hi>.</note> ycrymaylid  & his crowne schauen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd clenlich ycloþed  in cipres & in tartaryne<note>O.15.237: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC<hi>2</hi>CB, on the grounds that it is scribal.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in a freris frokke  he was founden onys</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c it is fer agoo  in seynt fraunceys tyme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in þat secte siþþe  to selden<note>O.15.240: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>he</hi> before <hi>haþ</hi>.</note> haþ be knowen</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iche men he reco<expan>m</expan>mendiþ  & of her robes takeþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen wyles  leden her lyues</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Beat<expan>us</expan> e<expan>st</expan> diues q<expan>ui</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.243: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n kyngys court he comeþ often<note>O.15.244: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>often</hi> in place of <hi>ofte</hi>.</note>  þ<expan>er</expan>e þe cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl is trewe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c if coueytise be of þe cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl  he wole not come þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne</l>
<milestone>fol. 64rI</milestone>
<l><hi>I</hi>n court among iapers  he comeþ not but selde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or braulyng & bacbytyng  & beryng of fals witnesse</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n þe co<expan>n</expan>sistorie bifore þe comyssarie  he comeþ not ful ofte </l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or her lawe dureþ ou<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>longe  but if þei lacchen siluer</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd mat<expan>ri</expan>moyne for money  maken & vnmaken</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat concience & crist  haþ yknyt faste</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei vndoon it vnworþili  þoo doctouris of lawe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c I ne lakke no lijf  but lord amende vs alle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd gyue vs grace good<add>e</add> god  charite to folewe</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or who<seg>-</seg>so myȝte mete wiþ hym  swiche man<expan>er</expan>es hym ayliþ</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> he banneþ ne blameþ  boosteþ ne preyseþ</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>raueþ ne coueytiþ  ne crieþ after more</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>akkeþ ne loseþ  ne lokeþ vp sterne</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>In pace in idip<expan>su</expan>m dormia<expan>m</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.259: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e moost lijflode he lyueþ bi  is loue in goddis passiou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> he biddiþ ne beggeþ  ne borweþ to ȝelde</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>isdooþ he no man  ne wiþ his mouþ greueþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>mong<expan>ys</expan> c<expan>ri</expan>sten men  þis myldenesse scholde laste</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n alle man<expan>er</expan>e angres  haue þis at herte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þouȝ þei suffreden<note>O.15.265: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>suffreden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>suffrede</hi>.</note> al þis  god suffrede for vs more</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n ensau<expan>m</expan>ple we schulden<note>O.15.266: O alone has the form <hi>schulden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>sholde</hi>.</note> do so  & take no veniaunce </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f oure foos þat doon vs falsnesse  þat is<note>O.15.267: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack any word between <hi>is</hi> and <hi>fadris</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>oure</hi>.</note> fadris wille</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or wel may eu<expan>er</expan>y man wite  if god hadde wolde hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chulde neu<expan>er</expan>e iudas ne iew  haue <expan>iesu</expan> doon on rode</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e haue martired <add>petir</add> ne poule  ne in prisou<expan>n</expan> holden</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c he suffrede in ensau<expan>m</expan>ple  þ<expan>a</expan>t we schulden<note>O.15.271: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>schulden</hi> in place of <hi>sholde</hi> or omission.</note> suffre also</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyde<del>n</del><note>O.15.272: O alone has the form <hi>seyde<del>n</del></hi> in place of <hi>seide</hi>.</note> to swiche þat suffre wolde<expan>n</expan>  þ<expan>a</expan>t <foreign><hi>pacientes vincunt</hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>V</hi>erbi gr<expan>ati</expan>a</hi></foreign> quod he  & verrey ensau<expan>m</expan>ples many</l>
<l><foreign><hi>I</hi>n legenda s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>o<expan>rum</expan></foreign>  þe lijf of holy seyntis</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat penau<expan>n</expan>ce & pou<expan>er</expan>te  & passiou<expan>n</expan> þei suffreden<note>O.15.275: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>suffreden</hi> in place of <hi>suffrede</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n hungre & in hete  in alle man<expan>er</expan>e angrees</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ntony & egidie  & oþ<expan>er</expan>e holi fadris</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>oneden in wildernesse  amonge wylde beestis</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>onkes & mendynau<expan>n</expan>tis  men bi hem<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n spekis & spelonkis  selden speke to<seg>-</seg>gyd<expan>er</expan>es</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c neiþ<expan>er</expan> antony ne egydie  ne heremyte þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f lyouns ne of lep<expan>ar</expan>des  no lijflode ne token</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut of foulis þat flyen<note>O.15.283: O alone has <hi>flyen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>fleeþ</hi>.</note>  þus fynden men in bokis</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>xcept þ<expan>a</expan>t egidie  after an hynde criede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoruȝ þe mylk of þat mylde beeste  þe man was sustened<note>O.15.285: In the extreme bottom right margin there appears a quire signature, so severely cropped as to be illegible.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 64vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd day bi day hadde he hir not  his hungre for to slake</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut selden & sundri tymes  as seiþ þe book & techiþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ntony a<seg>-</seg>dayes  aboute þe<note>O.15.288: HMOC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>þe</hi>.</note> noon tyme</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>adde a brid þat brouȝte hy<expan>m</expan> breed  þat he by . lyuede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þouȝ þe goom hadde a gest  god fonde hem boþe</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>oule <foreign>p<expan>ri</expan>m<expan>us</expan> h<expan>er</expan>emita</foreign>  hadde p<expan>ar</expan>roked hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t no man myȝte hym see  for mosse & for leues</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>oules hym fedden<note>O.15.293: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>fedden</hi> in place of <hi>fedde</hi>.</note>  fele wyntres wiþ<seg>-</seg>alle</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il he fou<expan>n</expan>dede freris  of austyns ordre</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>n<seg>-</seg><expan>er</expan><note>O.15.295: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>An-oþ<expan>er</expan></hi>. The presence of a caret/punctus in the left margin and a solidus/punctus above <hi>An</hi> indicates intended deletion of <hi>An</hi> or perhaps <hi>An-oþ<expan>er</expan></hi>.</note> poule after his p<expan>re</expan>chyng  panyeris he made</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wan wiþ hise handis  þat his wombe nedede</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>etir fischede for his fode  & his felaw andrew</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>um þei solden<note>O.15.298: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>solden</hi> in place of <hi>solde</hi>.</note> & su<expan>m</expan> þei soþen  & so þei lyueden boþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd also marie magdaleyn  bi moores lyuede & dewes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c moost þoruȝ deuociou<expan>n</expan>  & mynde of god almyȝti</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schulde not þis seuene dayes  seggen hem alle</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at lyueden þus for oure lordis loue  many longe ȝeris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þ<expan>er</expan> ne was lyoun ne lep<expan>ar</expan>de  þat on laundes wenten</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> bere ne boor  ne oþ<expan>er</expan> beest wylde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at ne fel to her feet  & faunede<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.305: O alone has the form <hi>faunede<expan>n</expan></hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>fawned</hi>.</note> wiþ þe taylis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if þei couþen<note>O.15.306: O alone has the form <hi>couþen</hi> in place of <hi>kouþe</hi>.</note> haue ycarped  bi crist as I trowe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei wolden haue yfed þat folk  bifore wylde foulis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c god sente hem fode bi foulis  & bi no ferse beestis</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n menyng þat meke þing  mylde þing schulde fede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s who seiþ . religiouse  riȝtful men schulde fynde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd laweful men to lijf<seg>-</seg>holy men  lyuelode brynge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne wolden<note>O.15.312: O alone has the form <hi>wolden</hi> in place of <hi>wolde</hi>.</note> lordis & ladies  be loþ to agulte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd to take of her tenau<expan>n</expan>tis  <del>no</del> more þan truþe wolde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ounden<note>O.15.314: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>Founden</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>Founde</hi>.</note> þei þat freris wolden  forsaken<note>O.15.314: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>forsaken</hi> in place of <hi>forsake</hi>.</note> her almesse</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bidden hem . bere it  þ<expan>er</expan>e it was yborwid</l>
<hi>Dietyng of <lb/>
<note>O.15.316: The rubric is divided after <hi>of</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>F</hi>or we bee goddis fowles<note>O.15.316: A solidus/punctus above <hi>fowles</hi>, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the left margin, indicate deletion, although no substitute is supplied. The only variant reading, <hi>Foles</hi>, is attested by Cr<hi>23</hi>; Kane and Donaldson emend to <hi>behestes</hi>.</note>  and abide<note>O.15.316: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>abide</hi> in place of <hi>abiden</hi>.</note> alwey . </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il briddis brynge vs mete  þat we schulden lyue by .</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or haue<note>O.15.318: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone have the present-tense form.</note> ȝe potage & payn<note>O.15.318: GOC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <hi>ynogh</hi> before <hi>&</hi>.</note>  & peny<seg>-</seg>ale to drynke</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd a messe þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wiþ  of any man<expan>er</expan>e kynde</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>e han<note>O.15.320: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the present indicative form.</note> riȝt ynow ȝe religious  & so ȝoure rule me tolde</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Nu<expan>m</expan>q<expan>uam</expan> dic<expan>i</expan>t iob rug<expan>i</expan>t onag<expan>er</expan>  cu<expan>m</expan> herba<expan>m</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>u<expan>er</expan>it<note>O.15.321: A double solidus above both words indicates transposition of original <hi>h<expan>ab</expan>u<expan>er</expan>it herba<expan>m</expan></hi>. The reading is shared with RF.</note> / aut mugiet bos  cu<expan>m</expan> an<expan>te</expan> plenu<expan>m</expan> p<expan>re</expan>sepe stet<expan>er</expan>it / Bruto<expan>rum</expan> a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>aliu<expan>m</expan> nat<expan>ur</expan>a te <expan>con</expan>de<expan>m</expan>pnat <note>O.15.321: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <foreign><hi>quia</hi></foreign> before <foreign><hi>cum</hi></foreign>.</note> cu<expan>m</expan> eis pabulu<expan>m</expan> co<expan>mun</expan>e sufficiat . ex adipe p<expan>ro</expan>dijt i<expan>n</expan>iq<expan>ui</expan>tas tua</hi></foreign><note>O.15.321: This line begins in the right margin of l. 320, breaks after <foreign><hi>iob</hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>stet<expan>er</expan>it</hi></foreign>, and <foreign><hi>p<expan>ro</expan>dijt</hi></foreign>, wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 322. A red parasign precedes the last line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f lewede me<expan>n</expan> knewe<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.322: O alone has the form <hi>knewe<expan>n</expan></hi> in place of <hi>knewe</hi>.</note> þis latyn  þei wolde<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.322: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>wolde<expan>n</expan></hi> in place of <hi>wolde</hi>.</note> loke whom þei ȝyuen<note>O.15.322: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>ȝyuen</hi> in place of <hi>yeue</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd avise hem bifore  fyue dayes or sixe</l>
<milestone>fol. 65rI</milestone>
<hi>Of ȝiftis into <lb/>
<note>O.15.324: The rubric is divided after <hi>into</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>E</hi>r þei mortiseden<note>O.15.324: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>mortiseden</hi> in place of <hi>amortisede(n)</hi> or <hi>enmorteisid</hi>.</note> to monkes  or chanou<expan>n</expan>s her rentis </l>
<foreign><hi>. no<expan>ta</expan> .</hi></foreign><note>O.15.325: The word <foreign><hi><hi>no<expan>ta</expan></hi></hi></foreign> is accompanied by a flourish beneath.</note>
<l><hi>A</hi>llas lordis & ladies  lewed counceyl han ȝe </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o ȝyue from ȝoure eires  þat ȝoure ayles ȝow laften<note>O.15.326: OF alone have <hi>laften</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>lefte</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝyuen to bidde for ȝow  to swiche þat been riche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd been founded & <sic>fessed</sic><corr>fe[ff]ed</corr> eke  to bidde for oþ<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ho p<expan>ar</expan>forneþ þe p<expan>ro</expan>phecie  of<note>O.15.329: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>peple</hi>.</note> peple þat now libbeþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Disp<expan>er</expan>sit . dedit paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.330: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f any peple p<expan>ar</expan>forne þis text  it arn þe pore freris</l>
<hi>.</hi><hi>Deridendo . <hi>.</hi></hi>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þat þei beggen aboute  in beeldyng þei spenen<note>O.15.332: O alone has <hi>spenen</hi>; variants include <hi>spende</hi> (GBR), <hi>spendyn</hi> (C<hi>2</hi>), <hi>spene</hi> (YLM), <hi>it spende</hi> (HmF), and <hi>spende it</hi> (WCrC).</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd on hem<seg>-</seg>self su<expan>m</expan>  & swiche as been her laboreris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of hem þat habben þei taken  & ȝeuen hem þat ne habben</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c clerkis & knyȝtis  & comuneris þat been riche</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>eel of ȝow faren  as if I a forest hadde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at were ful of fayre trees  & I fondede & caste </l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow I myȝte . moo þ<expan>er</expan>i<expan>n</expan>ne  amonges hem sette</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so ȝe riche  ȝe robben<note>O.15.339: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>robben</hi>; variants include <hi>robbeþ</hi> (HmBR), <hi>robbe</hi> (CrGF), and <hi>robeþ</hi> (WYLMR).</note> þat ben riche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd helpen hem þat helpen ȝow  & ȝyuen þ<expan>er</expan>e no nede is</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s who<seg>-</seg>so fillede a tunne  of a fresch ryuer</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wente forþ wiþ þat water  to wooke wiþ þe<note>O.15.342: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone include <hi>þe</hi>.</note> temse</l>
<foreign><hi>Q<expan>ui</expan>d e<expan>st</expan> dare i<expan>m</expan>pijs</hi></foreign>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so ȝe riche  ȝe robben & feden  </l>
. <hi>Of munkys .</hi><note>O.15.344: The word <hi><hi>munkys</hi></hi> is accompanied by a flourish beneath.</note>
<l><hi>H</hi>em . þat han as ȝe han  hem ȝe maken at ese </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c religious þat riche been  schulden raþ<expan>er</expan> feste begg<expan>er</expan>s</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an burgeys þat riche been  as þe book telleþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Q<expan>uia</expan> sac<expan>ri</expan>legiu<expan>m</expan> e<expan>st</expan> res paup<expan>er</expan>u<expan>m</expan>  non paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> dare / Ite<expan>m</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>orib<expan>us</expan> dare  e<expan>st</expan> demo<expan>n</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> i<expan>m</expan>molare / <hi>I</hi>t<expan>em</expan> . Monache si indiges & accipis  poci<expan>us</expan> das q<expan>uam</expan> accipis / <hi>S</hi>i a<expan>ut</expan>e<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> eges & accipis  rapis / <hi>P</hi>orro no<expan>n</expan> i<expan>n</expan>dig<expan>et</expan> monachus . si h<expan>ab</expan>eat q<expan>uo</expan>d nat<expan>ur</expan>e sufficit</hi></foreign><note>O.15.347: This line begins in the right margin of l. 346 and breaks after <foreign><hi>non</hi></foreign>, <foreign><hi>ac-</hi></foreign> in <foreign><hi>accipis</hi></foreign>, and <foreign><hi>monachus .</hi></foreign>, wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 348. A red parasign precedes the last line of text. A wavy red bracket connects the first two lines of text with the rubric in the right margin of l. 344. Line 347 is followed by three ticks.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>þi I cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl alle c<expan>ri</expan>sten  to co<expan>n</expan>forme he<expan>m</expan> to charite</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or charite wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen chalengyng  vnchargeþ þe soule</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd many a p<expan>ri</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> fro p<expan>ur</expan>gatorie  þoruȝ hise p<expan>re</expan>yeris delyuereþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þ<expan>er</expan> is a defaute in þe folk  þat þe feiþ kepen</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>herfore folk been<note>O.15.352: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>been</hi> in place of <hi>is</hi>.</note> þe febeler  & not ferme of bileue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in luschburues is a liþer alay  & ȝit lokeþ he lijk a st<expan>er</expan>lyng</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e merk of þat money is<note>O.15.354: The word <hi>is</hi> seems to have been written over a punctus elevatus.</note> good  ac þe metal is feble</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so it fareþ bi su<expan>m</expan>me folk  now þei han a fayre speche</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>rowne & c<expan>ri</expan>stendom  þe kyng<expan>ys</expan> merk of heuene</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þe metal þat is mannes soule  wiþ sy<expan>n</expan>ne is ful<note>O.15.357: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>ful</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>foule</hi>. The <title>MED</title> lists <hi>ful</hi> as a variant of <hi>foule</hi>.</note> allayed</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe lettred & lewede been  now allayed<note>O.15.358: YOC<hi>2</hi>M alone transpose <hi>alayed now</hi>.</note> wiþ sy<expan>n</expan>ne</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t no lijf loueþ oþ<expan>er</expan>  ne oure lord as I leue<note>O.15.359: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>I leue</hi> in place of <hi>it semeþ</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þoruȝ werre & wickede werkis  & wedres vnresounable</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>edre<seg>-</seg>wise schipmen  &<note>O.15.361: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>witty</hi> before <hi>clerkis</hi>, and thus lack the third alliterating stave.</note> clerkis also</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>an no beleue to þe lifte <note>O.15.362: A solidus/punctus above <hi>lifte</hi>, accompanied by a caret/punctus in the right margin, indicate deletion, although no substitute is supplied.</note>  ne to þe lore of philosophres</l>
<milestone>fol. 65vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>stromyens alday  in her arte faylen</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at wylom warneden<note>O.15.364: O alone has the form <hi>warneden</hi> in place of <hi>warned</hi>.</note> bifore  what schulde falle after</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chipmen & heerdis<note>O.15.365: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>heerdis</hi> in place of <hi>shepherdes</hi>.</note>  þat wiþ schip & scheep wenten</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>isten bi þe welken  what schulde bityde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s of wedres & wyndes  þei warneden<note>O.15.367: O alone has the form <hi>warneden</hi> in place of <hi>warned</hi>.</note> men ofte</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>ilyeris þat tiliden þe erþe  tolden her maystres </l>
<l><hi>B</hi>i þe seed þat þei sewe<expan>n</expan>  what þei selle myȝten<note>O.15.369: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>myȝten</hi> in place of <hi>myȝte</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd what to leue & what to lyue by  þe londe was so trewe</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow faylen<note>O.15.371: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>faylen</hi> in place of <hi>faileþ</hi>.</note> þe folk of<note>O.15.371: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>flood</hi>.</note> flood  & of þe loond boþe</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chepheerdis & schipmen  & so doon þeise tilieris</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> þei ku<expan>n</expan>nen ne knowen  oo cours bifore an<seg>-</seg><expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>stronomyens also  arn at her wittis ende</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f þat was calculed of þe elementis  þe co<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ra</expan>rie þei fynden<note>O.15.375: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>fynden</hi> in place of <hi>fynde</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>G</hi>ramer þe ground of al  bigyleþ now children</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or is noon of þeise newe clerkis  who<seg>-</seg>so nymeþ heed</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at can v<expan>er</expan>sifye fayre  ne formelich endyten</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s<note>O.15.379: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>Is</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Ne</hi>.</note> not oon among<expan>ys</expan> an hundrid  þat an autour can co<expan>n</expan>strue</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e rede a lettre in any langage  but latyn & englisch</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>o now to any degree  & but if gyle be mayster</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd flaterer his felaw  vndir hym to formen</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>iche wonder me þinkiþ  among<expan>ys</expan> vs alle</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>octo<expan>ur</expan>s of decrees  & of dyuinite maystres</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at schulden kunne & knowe  al kyns clergye</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd answere to argumentis  & also to a quodlibet</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> dar not segge it for schame  if swiche weren apposed</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei schulden fayle of her phylosophie  & in her<note>O.15.388: OGC<hi>2</hi>M alone include <hi>her</hi>.</note> phisik boþe</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>herfore I am a<seg>-</seg>feerd  of folk of holy chirche</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>est þei ou<expan>er</expan>hippe<note>O.15.390: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>ou<expan>er</expan>hippe</hi> in place of <hi>ouerhuppen</hi>.</note> as oþ<expan>er</expan>e doon  in offices & in houris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c if þei ou<expan>er</expan>hippen as I hope not  oure bileue suffiseþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s clerkis in <foreign>corp<expan>us</expan> <expan>christi</expan></foreign> feeste  syngen & reden</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t <foreign><hi>sola fides sufficit</hi></foreign>  to saue wiþ lewede peple</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so mowen sarasens be saued  scribes & Iues</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>llas þa<expan>n</expan>ne . but oure lores<seg>-</seg>men  lyuen as þei leren vs</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for her lyuyng þ<expan>a</expan>t lewide men  be þe loþer god to agulten<note>O.15.396: O alone has <hi>agulten</hi>; variants include <hi>agulte</hi> (HmCrC), <hi>to agylte</hi> (G), <hi>to gulten</hi> (C<hi>2</hi>), <hi>þey gilte</hi> (F), and <hi>agulten</hi> (WYBLMR).</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or sarasens han su<expan>m</expan>what  semynge to oure beleue</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þei louen<note>O.15.398: O alone has the form <hi>louen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>loue</hi>.</note> & bileuen<note>O.15.398: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>bileuen</hi> in place of <hi>bileue</hi>.</note>  in oo p<expan>er</expan>soone almyȝti</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd we lered & lewede  in oo god beleuen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd oon Makomede  a man of<note>O.15.400: YOC<hi>2</hi>F alone have <hi>of</hi> in place of <hi>in</hi>.</note> mysbeleue</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>rouȝte sarasens of surre  & se in what man<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<milestone>fol. 66rI</milestone>
<hi>Machomede wiþ <lb/>
his dowue .</hi>
<note>O.15.402: This rubric is divided after <hi>wiþ</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>is makomede was c<expan>ri</expan>sten  & for he muste not be a pope </l>
<l><hi>I</hi>nto surre he souȝte  & þoruȝ hise sutile wittis</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>auntede a dowue  & day & nyȝt hir fedde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e corn þat sche croppede  he caste it in his ere</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if he among þe peple p<expan>re</expan>ched  or in place come</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne wolde þe culuer come  in<seg>-</seg>to<note>O.15.407: GOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>into</hi> in place of <hi>to</hi>.</note> þe clerkis ere</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>enynge as after mete  þus makomede hir enchauntede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd dide folk <add>þanne</add> falle on knees  for he swore in his p<expan>re</expan>chyng</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þe culuer þat come so  come fro god of heuene</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s messager to makomede  men for to teche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þus þoruȝ wyles of his witt  & a whyte dowue</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>akomede in mysbeleue  men & wo<expan>m</expan>men brouȝte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t lered & lewede  ȝit leuen on hise lawes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd siþen oure saueo<expan>ur</expan> suffrede  þe sarasenes so bigyled</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ a cristen clerk  a<seg>-</seg>cursid in his soule</l>
. <foreign><hi>no<expan>ta</expan></hi></foreign> .<note>O.15.417: The word <foreign><hi>no<expan>ta</expan></hi></foreign> is accompanied by a flourish beneath.</note>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for drede of þe deþ  I dar not telle truþe </l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow englisch clerkis a culuer feden  þat <sic>coueueytise</sic><corr>coueytise</corr> hatte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd been man<expan>er</expan>ed after makomede  þ<expan>at</expan> no man vseþ truþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ncres & he<expan>re</expan>mytes  & monkes & freris</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>eren to apostelis  þoruȝ her p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt lyuyng</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>olde neu<expan>er</expan>e þe feiþful fadir  þ<expan>a</expan>t hise mynystres schulden </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f tyrauntis þat tenen trewe men  take any almesse</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut do as domynyk dide  antony<note>O.15.424: OC<hi>2</hi> alone transpose <hi>antony</hi> and <hi>domynyk</hi>.</note> & fraunceys</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>enet & bernard  þe whiche hem first tauȝte</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o lyue bi litil<note>O.15.426: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <hi>and</hi> before <hi>in</hi>.</note> in lowe howsis  bi lele mennes almesse</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>race schulde growe & be grene  þoruȝ her good lyuyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd folkes schulden fynde  þat been in dyu<expan>er</expan>se sekenesse</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e better for her biddyng<expan>es</expan>  in body & in soule</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>er p<expan>re</expan>yeris & her penaunces  to pees schulde brynge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>lle þat been at debate  & bedemen were trewe</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>etite & accipiet<expan>is</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.432: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>alt saueþ catel  seggen þeise wyues</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>V</hi>os estis sal t<expan>er</expan>re & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.434: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e heedis of holy chirche  & þei holy weren<note>O.15.435: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>weren</hi> in place of <hi>were</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>C</hi>rist calleþ hem salt  for c<expan>ri</expan>stene soulis</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>E</hi>t si sal euanu<expan>er</expan>it  i<expan>n</expan> q<expan>uo</expan> saliet<expan>ur</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.437: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c fresch flesch oþ<expan>er</expan> fisch  wha<expan>n</expan>ne it salt fayliþ</l>
<l><note>O.15.439: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack introductory <hi>It</hi>.</note><hi>I</hi>s vnsauery for soþe  ysoþe or ybake</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o is mannes soule soþeli  þat seeþ no good ensaumple</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f hem of holy chirche  þat þe hye weye schulde teche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd be gyde & go bifore  as a good baneour</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd hardye hem þat been bihynde<note>O.15.443: GOC<hi>2</hi> alone transpose <hi>bihynde been</hi>.</note>  & ȝyue hem good euydence</l>
<milestone>fol. 66vI</milestone>
<l><hi>E</hi>lleuene holy men  al þe werld turnede</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n<seg>-</seg>to lele <sic>bibeue</sic><corr>bi[l]eue</corr>  þe liȝtliker me þinkeþ </l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chulden alle man<expan>er</expan>e men  we han so many maystres</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>re<add>e</add>stis & p<expan>re</expan>chouris  & a pope aboue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at goddis salt schulden be  to saue mannes soule</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l was heþenesse su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme  Englond & Wales</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il g<expan>re</expan>gory gerte clerkis  to go & to p<expan>re</expan>che</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ustyn at cauntirbiry  c<expan>ri</expan>stenede þe kyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoruȝ myracles as me<expan>n</expan> mowe<expan>n</expan> rede  al þat marche he t<expan>ur</expan>nede </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o c<expan>ri</expan>st & to c<expan>ri</expan>stendom  & crosse to honoure</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd fullede folk faste  & þe feiþ tauȝte</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore þoruȝ myracles  þan þoruȝ myche p<expan>re</expan>chyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s wel þoruȝ hise werkis  as wiþ hise holi wordis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyde hem . what fullyng & feiþ was to mene</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>loþ þat comeþ fro þe weuyng  is not cumly to were</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il it be fullid vndir fote  or in fullynge stokkis</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>asschen wel wiþ water  & wiþ taseles cracched</l>
<l><hi>Y</hi>touked & yteyntid  & vndir taylouris hand</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so it fareþ bi a barn  þat born is of wombe</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il it be c<expan>ri</expan>stened in c<expan>ri</expan>stis name  & co<expan>n</expan>fermed of þe bisschop</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is heþene as to heueneward  & helples to þe soule</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>eþen is to mene after heþ  & vntiled erþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s in wylde wildirnesse  waxen wylde beestis</l>
crepers<note>O.15.467: Substitution is indicated by a caret/punctus accompanying marginal <hi>crepers</hi>, but the reason for it is unclear since no change is made. Of all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, only R has the correct reading, <hi>keperes</hi>.</note>
<l><hi>R</hi>ude & vnresounable  rennynge wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute crepers </l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>e; menen wel how mathew seyde<note>O.15.468: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the preterite form.</note>  how a man made a feeste</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e fedde hem wiþ no venysou<expan>n</expan>  ne fesauntis ybake</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut wiþ foulis þat from hy<expan>m</expan> nolde  but folewede<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.306: O alone has the form <hi>folewede<expan>n</expan></hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>folwede</hi>.</note> his whystelyng</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ecce altilia mea & o<expan>mn</expan>ia p<expan>ar</expan>ata su<expan>n</expan>t & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.471: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>Ecce</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><note>O.15.472: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>And</hi> before <hi>Wiþ</hi>.</note><hi>W</hi>iþ calues flesch he fedde  þe folk þat he louede </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e calf bitokeneþ clennesse  in hem þat kepen lawes</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or as þe cow þoruȝ kynde mylk  þe calf nurischiþ til an oxe</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o loue & lewte  lele men susteneþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd maydenes & mylde men  mercy desiren</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so<note>O.15.477: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>so</hi> in place of <hi>as</hi>.</note> þe cow calf  coueytiþ swete mylk</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o doon riȝtful men  m<expan>er</expan>cy & truþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c who been þat excusen hem  þat arn p<expan>er</expan>souns & preestis</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at hedes of holy chirche been  þat han her wille heer</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>oute trauayle þe tiþe del  þat trewe men biswynken</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei wolen<note>O.15.482: O alone has the form <hi>wolen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wol</hi>.</note> be wroþ for I write þus  ac witnesse I take </l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe mathew & mark  & <foreign>memento d<expan>omi</expan>ne</foreign> dauid</l>
<milestone>fol. 67rI</milestone>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat pope or p<expan>re</expan>lat now  p<expan>ar</expan>forneþ þat crist hiȝte</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ite i<expan>n</expan> vniu<expan>er</expan>su<expan>m</expan> mu<expan>n</expan>d<expan>um</expan> & p<expan>re</expan>dicate</hi></foreign><note>O.15.485: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>llas þ<expan>a</expan>t men so longe . on makomede  schulden so<note>O.15.486: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include the second occurrence of <hi>so</hi>.</note> beleue</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o many p<expan>re</expan>latis to p<expan>re</expan>che  as þe pope makeþ</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f nazareth of Nynyue  of neptalym & damask</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þey ne wente as c<expan>ri</expan>st wisseþ  siþ þei wolen haue name </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o be pastouris & preche  þe passiou<expan>n</expan> of <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as hym<seg>-</seg>self seyde  so to lyue & dye</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Bon<expan>us</expan> pastor a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>am sua<expan>m</expan> pon<expan>i</expan>t & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.492: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyde it <add>in<note>O.15.493: The hand supplying this interpolation resembles, and indeed may be, hand 2.</note></add> saluaciou<expan>n</expan>  of sarasens & oþ<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or c<expan>ri</expan>sten & vnc<expan>ri</expan>sten  crist seyde to p<expan>re</expan>chouris</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ite vos i<expan>n</expan> vinea<expan>m</expan> mea<expan>m</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.495: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd siþ þ<expan>a</expan>t þeise sarasens  scribes & Iues</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>an a<del>n</del> lippe of oure bileue  þe liȝtliker<note>O.15.497: O alone has the form <hi>liȝtliker</hi>; variants include <hi>lyȝtloker</hi> (HmYBLMRF), <hi>lyghlier</hi> (Cr<hi>3</hi>), and <hi>lightlier</hi> (WCr<hi>12</hi>GC<hi>2</hi>C).</note> me þinkeþ </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei schulde<expan>n</expan><note>O.15.498: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>schulde<expan>n</expan></hi> in place of <hi>sholde</hi>.</note> t<expan>ur</expan>ne who<seg>-</seg>so t<expan>ra</expan>uayle wolde  to teche he<expan>m</expan> of þe t<expan>ri</expan>nite</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Q<expan>ue</expan>rite & i<expan>n</expan>ue<expan>n</expan>iet<expan>is</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.499: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is ruþe to rede how  riȝtwise men lyueden</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow þei defouleden<note>O.15.501: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>defouleden</hi> in place of <hi>defouled</hi>.</note> her flesch  forsoken her owne wille</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>er fro kyþ & fro kyn  yuele ycloþede ȝeden</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>adly ybeddid  no book but concience</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no richesse but þe rode  to reioycen<note>O.15.504: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>reioycen</hi> in place of <hi>reioisse</hi>.</note> he<expan>m</expan> Inne</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Absit m<expan>ich</expan>i<note>O.15.505: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <foreign><hi>m<expan>ich</expan>i</hi></foreign>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <foreign><hi>nobis</hi></foreign>.</note> gl<expan>or</expan>iari n<expan>is</expan>i i<expan>n</expan> c<expan>ru</expan>ce d<expan>omi</expan>ni n<expan>ost</expan>ri & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.505: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoo was plente & pees  among<expan>ys</expan> pore & riche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd now is ruþe to rede  how þe reed noble</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s reu<expan>er</expan>enced er þe rode  receyued for þe worþier </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an c<expan>ri</expan>stes crosse þat ou<expan>er</expan>cam  deþ . & dedli synne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd now is werre & woo  & who<seg>-</seg>so why askeþ</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or coueytise after c<add>r</add>osse  þe crowne stant in gold</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe riche & religious  þat rode . þei honouren </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at in grotes is grauen  & in golden<note>O.15.513: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>golden</hi> in place of <hi>gold</hi> or omission.</note> nobles</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or coueytise of þat crosse  men of holi chirche</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chul turne as templeris diden  þe tyme approcheþ faste</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ite ȝe not wise men  how þoo men honoureden<note>O.15.516: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>honoureden</hi> in place of <hi>honoured</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore tresore þan truþe  I dar not telle þe soþe</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>esou<expan>n</expan> & riȝtful doom  þoo religious demeden<note>O.15.518: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>demeden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>demede</hi>.</note></l>
. <hi>war</hi> .<note>O.15.519: The word <hi><hi>war</hi></hi> is accompanied by a flourish beneath.</note>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so ȝe clerkis for ȝoure  coueytise . er longe </l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chul þei deme <foreign>dos eccl<expan>es</expan>ie</foreign>  & ȝoure pride depose</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Deposu<expan>i</expan>t pote<expan>n</expan>tes de sede & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.521: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f knyȝthood & kynde witt  & comune co<expan>n</expan>cience</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o<seg>-</seg>gyderes loue lely  leueþ it wel ȝe bisschoppis</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e lordschip of londis  for eu<expan>er</expan>e ȝe schul lese</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lyue as leuytici  as oure lord ȝow techeþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>P<expan>er</expan> p<expan>ri</expan>micias & decimas & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.526: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne co<expan>n</expan>stantyn of curteysie  holy chirche dowede</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ londis & leedis  lordschippis & rentis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>n<del>d?</del> aungel men herden  on hyȝ at rome crie</l>
<milestone>fol. 67vI</milestone>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>H</hi>odie venenu<expan>m</expan> e<expan>st</expan> effusu<expan>m</expan> in ecc<expan>les</expan>ia d<expan>e</expan>i</hi></foreign></add><note>O.15.530: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this gloss, which occurs only in OC<hi>2</hi>, on the grounds that it is scribal.</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi>D</hi>os eccl<expan>es</expan>ie</foreign> þis day  haþ ydrunken venym</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoo þat han peteres power  arn appoysouned alle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> medycyn muste þ<expan>er</expan>to  þat may amende p<expan>re</expan>latis</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at schulden p<expan>re</expan>ye for þe pees  possessiou<expan>n</expan> hem lettiþ</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>akeþ her londes ȝe lordis  & latte he<expan>m</expan> lyue bi dymes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f possessiou<expan>n</expan> be poysou<expan>n</expan>  & imp<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt he<expan>m</expan> make</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>ood were to dischargen hem  for holy chirchis sake</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd p<expan>ur</expan>gen hem of poysou<expan>n</expan>  er more p<expan>er</expan>el falle</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f preesthode were p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt  þe peple schulde amende</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at co<expan>n</expan>trarien c<expan>ri</expan>stes lawe  & c<expan>ri</expan>stendom despisen<note>O.15.540: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>dispisen</hi> in place of <hi>dispise</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or alle paynemys preyen  & p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝtly bileuen</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n þe holy greet god  & his grace þei axen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd maken her mone to makomede  her message to schewe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us in a feiþ leuen þat folk  & in a fals mene</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat is ruþe for riȝtful men  þat i<expan>n</expan> þe rewme wonyen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in<note>O.15.546: Only GOC<hi>2</hi> have <hi>yn</hi> alone; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>a</hi>.</note> p<expan>er</expan>el to þe pope  & p<expan>re</expan>lates þat he makeþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.15.547: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>And</hi> in place of <hi>That</hi>.</note> beren bisschoppis name<add>s</add>  of bethlem & of babiloyne</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at hippen aboute<note>O.15.548: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>in</hi> before <hi>englond</hi>.</note> englond  to halewe mennes auteris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd crepen among<expan>ys</expan> curatouris  co<expan>n</expan>fessen aȝens þe lawe</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi>olite m<expan>i</expan>tt<expan>er</expan>e falce<expan>m</expan> i<expan>n</expan> messe<expan>m</expan> aliena<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.550: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>m<expan>i</expan>tt<expan>er</expan>e</hi></foreign> and <foreign><hi>messe<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, so that it appears as three lines.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>M</hi>any man for c<expan>ri</expan>st<expan>es</expan> loue  was martirid in romayne</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>r þan any<note>O.15.552: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>Er þan any</hi>; variants include <hi>Er</hi> (F), <hi>Ar</hi> (R), <hi>er þan</hi> (Hm), <hi>Er any</hi> (WCrGM), <hi>Er þat eny</hi> (B), and <hi>Er ar any</hi> (YCL).</note> c<expan>ri</expan>stendom was knowen<note>O.15.552: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>knowen</hi> in place of <hi>knowe</hi>.</note> þ<expan>er</expan>e  or any crosse honoured</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>u<expan>er</expan>y bisschop þat bereþ crosse  bi þat . he is holden</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ his p<expan>ro</expan>uynce to passe  & to his peple schewe hy<expan>m</expan></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>elle hem & teche hem  of<note>O.15.555: OC<hi>2</hi>BoCot alone have <hi>of</hi> in place of <hi>on</hi>.</note> þe t<expan>ri</expan>nite to beleue</l>
O.15.556KD.15.573, 576
<l><hi>A</hi>nd fede he<expan>m</expan> wiþ goostli fode  & gyue þ<expan>er</expan>e it nediþ</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>n domo mea no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>st</expan> pa<expan>n</expan>is n<expan>eque</expan> vestime<expan>n</expan>tu<expan>m</expan> & i<expan>de</expan>o nolite <expan>con</expan>stitu<expan>er</expan>e me i<expan>n</expan> rege<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>sias seiþ for swiche  þat seek been & feble</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>nf<expan>er</expan>te o<expan>mn</expan>es deci<expan>m</expan>as i<expan>n</expan> orreu<expan>m</expan> meu<expan>m</expan> vt s<expan>i</expan>t cib<expan>us</expan> i<expan>n</expan> domo & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.15.559: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>meu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c we c<expan>ri</expan>sten c<expan>re</expan>atures  þat on þe crosse bileuen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>rn ferme as in þe feiþ  goddis forbode ellis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd han clerkis to kepe vs þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne  & he<expan>m</expan> þat schul come after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd Iues lyuen in leel lawe  oure lord wrote hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n stoon . for it stedefast is  & stonde schal eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><foreign><hi>D</hi>ilige deu<expan>m</expan> & p<expan>ro</expan>x<expan>imu</expan>m tuu<expan>m</expan></foreign> is p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt Iues lawe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd toke it moyses to teche  men . til messie come</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.15.567: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>on</hi> before <hi>þat</hi>.</note> þat lawe þei leuen ȝit  & leten it þe beste</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝit knowen<note>O.15.568: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>knowen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>knewe</hi>.</note> þei crist  þat c<expan>ri</expan>stendom tauȝte</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or a p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt p<expan>ro</expan>feet  þat myche peple sauede</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f selcouþe sores  þei seiȝen it ofte</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe of myracles & m<expan>er</expan>ueylis  & how he men festede </l>
<milestone>fol. 68rI</milestone>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ two fisches & fyue loues  fyue þousande peple</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bi þat mangerie men myȝten<note>O.15.573: O alone has the form <hi>myȝten</hi>; in place of <hi>myȝte</hi>.</note> see  þ<expan>a</expan>t messye he semede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne he lifte vp lazar  þat leyd was in graue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd vnder stoon deed & stanke  wiþ stiffe voyce he callede</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>L</hi>azare veni foras</hi></foreign><note>O.15.576: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>D</hi>ide hym rise & rome  riȝt bifore þe Iues</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þei seyde & sworen  wiþ sorcerie he wrouȝte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd studieden to struye<note>O.15.579: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>struye</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>struyen</hi>.</note> hym  & struyeden hem<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoruȝ his pacience . her power  to pure nouȝt he brouȝte</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>acie<expan>n</expan>tes vincu<expan>n</expan>t .</hi></foreign><note>O.15.581: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>Pacie<expan>n</expan>tes</hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>D</hi>anyel of her vndoyng  dyuynede & seyde</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>u<expan>m</expan> s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>us s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>o<expan>rum</expan> ve<expan>n</expan>iat . cessab<expan>i</expan>t vnct<expan>i</expan>o v<expan>est</expan>ra</hi></foreign><note>O.15.583: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>o<expan>rum</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝit wenen þoo wrecches  þat he were <foreign>pseudo p<expan>ro</expan>ph<expan>et</expan>a</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t his lore be lesyng<expan>ys</expan>  & lakken it alle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd hopen þ<expan>a</expan>t he be to come  þat schal hem releue</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oyses eft or messye  her maystryes<note>O.15.587: OR alone have <hi>maystryes</hi> in place of <hi>maistres</hi>.</note> ȝit deuyneþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd sarasens & pharisees  scribes & grekis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>rn folk of oo feiþ  þe fadir god þei honouren</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd siþþen þ<expan>a</expan>t þe sarasens  & also þe Iues</l>
<l><hi>K</hi>un þe first clause of oure bileue  <foreign><hi>credo i<expan>n</expan> d<expan>eu</expan>m p<expan>at</expan>rem & c<expan>etera</expan><note>O.15.591: Only OC<hi>2</hi> have <foreign><hi>& c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign> alone; variants include <foreign><hi>omnipotentem & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign> (HmR), <foreign><hi>omnipotentem</hi></foreign> (WLMF), and omission.</note></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>P</hi><expan>re</expan>lates of c<expan>ri</expan>sten p<expan>ro</expan>uynces  schulden<note>O.15.592: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>schulden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>sholde</hi>.</note> preue if þei myȝten<note>O.15.592: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>myȝten</hi> in place of <hi>myȝte</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ere he<expan>m</expan> litlum & litlu<expan>m</expan><hi><foreign>& i<expan>n</expan> <expan>iesum</expan> <expan>christum</expan> filiu<expan>m</expan> eius & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il þei couþe<expan>n</expan> speke & spelle  & <foreign>in sp<expan>iritu</expan>m s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>tu</expan>m</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd rede it & recorde it  wiþ <foreign><hi>remissione<expan>m</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>o<expan>rum</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>C</hi>arnis resurrecc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>em & vita<expan>m</expan> et<expan>er</expan>na<expan>m</expan> amen .</hi></foreign><note>O.15.596: This line is written in the right margin. It wraps around beneath after <foreign><hi><hi>et<expan>er</expan>-</hi></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>