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Passus xiusundecimus · de visione · & iiijusquartus · de do-weel ·
Thanne scripture scornyd me · & a skyll tolde
and lackyd me yn latyn · & lygth by me sche sette
and seyde multi multa sciunt · & seipsos nesciunt ·
tho wepte y for wo · and wratthe of her speche
and yn wynkynge wratthe · wex y a-slepe ·
a metels · mette me þanne ·
that y was rauaschid rygth þere · & fortune me fette
and ynto longynge · alone sche me brougth ·
and yn a myrrour þat higth myddel erthe · sche made me to byholde
sytthyn sche seyde to me · here mygth þu se wondres
and knowe þat þu coueytest · & come þerto paraduenture ·
Hm.11.12: The rubricator failed to notice the paraph marker in the left margin. Than had fortune folwynge here · two fayre damysels
concupiscencia carnis · men callyd þe elder mayde ·
and couetyse of eiȝen · y-callyd was þat other
pryde of parfit lyuynge · pursuyd hem bothe
and bad me for my contynaunce · counte clergye hligthteHm.11.16: The initial <l> has been created through the partial erasure of an original <h>. The remaining <h> has been retouched in the process of adding <te>. ·
concupiscencia carnis · collyd me aboute the nekke
and seyde thu art ȝonge & ȝeep · & hast ȝeres ynowe ·
forto lyue longe · and ladyes to louye ·
and yn þys myrour þu mygth see · ful manye
that ledyn þee wylle to lykynge al thy lyfe tyme
the secunde seyde þe same · y schall sue þy wylle
tyl thu be a lord & haue londe · lete þe y nylle
þat y ne schall folowe þy ...?...?...felaschipe · ȝif fortune it lyke ·
He schall fynde me his frende . quod fortune þerafter
þe freke that folwyd my wylle · faylyd neuere blysse
Thanne was þer oon þat higth elde · þat heuy was of chere
man quod he ȝif y mete wyth the · be marye of heuene ·
thu schalte fynde fortune þe fayle · at þy moste nede
and concupiscencia carnis · clene the fursake ·
bytterly schalt þu banne þanne · bothe dayes and nyhtes
couetyse of eiȝe þat euere thu her knewe
and pryde of parfyt lyuynge · to muche peryl the brynge
Ȝit recche þu neuere quod recchelesnesse · stod forth yn raggyd clothys
folowe forth that fortune · wylle · þu hast wel fer to elde ·
a man may stoupe tymes ynowȝ · whan he schal tyne þe crowne ·
homo proponit quod a poete · and plato he higth ·
and deus disponit quod he · lat god don his wylle ·
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ȝif trewthe woll wytnes it be wel don · fortune to folwe
concupiscencia carnis · ne couetyse of eiȝen ·
ne schall nougth greue the gretly · ne bygyle þe but thu wolte
Ȝe farwel phippe quod fawntelte · and forþ gan me drawe ·
tyl concupiscencia carnis · accorded alle my werkes ·
Alas eiȝe quod elde · and holynesse bothe ·
þat wytt schal turne to wreccydnesse for wyl to haue his lykynge
Couetyse of eiȝen · confortyd me anon aftur
and folwyd me fourty wynter · and a fyfte more ·
that of do-wel ne dobet · no deynte nme þougthe ·
y had no lykynge leue me ȝif thu lyst · of hem ougth to knowe ·
for couetyse of eiȝen · came ofter yn mynde ·
than dowel or dobet · amonge my dedys alle
Couetyse of yȝen · conforted me ofte
and seyde haue thu no conscyence · how thu come to good
go confesse the to the frere · and schewe hym þy synnes ·
for whiles fortune is thy frende frerys woln þe louye ·
and fecche the to her fraternite · and for the beseche ·
to her pryour prouyncyal · a pardoun forto haue ·
and preyen for the pol by pol · ȝif þu pecuniosus be ·
Set pena pecuniaria · non sufficit pro spiritualibus delictisHm.11.59: The <e> is ill-formed, and may be an <i>. · & cetera
By wyssynge of þys wenche y wrougth · her woordys were so swete ·
tyl y furȝat ȝougthe · and ran ynto elde
and þanne was fortune my foo · for al her fayr beheste
and pouerte pursuyd me · and putte me lowe ·
and þo fond y the frere · afferedd and flyttynge bothe ·
aȝenst our furst forward · for y seyde y nolde ·
be buryed at her hous · but at my paresch chyrche
for y herde ones · how conscyence it tolde
þat þere a man were crystnyd · by kynde he schulde be buryed
or where he were parschen · rygth þere he schulde be grauyn ·
and for y seyde thus to frerys · afoola fool þey me heldyn
and louedyn me þe lasse · for my lele speche
Ac ȝit y cryed on my confessour · þat helde hym-self so konnynge
by my feiþ frere quod y · ȝe faryn lyke þese wowers
þat weddyn none wydewys · but to welde her goodys
rygth so by þe rode · rougth ȝe neuere ·
where my body were buryed · by so ȝe haddyn my syluer
y haue moche meruayl of ȝow · & so haþ many another
why ȝour couent coueyteþ · to confesse and to burye
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rather than to baptyse barnys · that byn catecomlynges
baptysynge and buryynge and bothe full nedyfull
Ac moche more meretorye · me thynkeþ is to baptise ·
for a baptysed man may · as þese maystres telleþ
thurgh contrycyon come · to þe hyȝe heuene
Sola contricio delet peccatum · Hm.11.84: The line is added in the margins of LMHmOC2 and is truncated to Sola contricio in several witnesses.
ac a barne wyth-oute bapteme · may nougth so be sauyd
Nisi quis renatus fuerit · & cetera
looke ȝe lettryd men · wher y lye or do nougth ·
And lewte lokyd on me · and y louryd aftur
wherfor lourest thu quod lewte · and lokyd on me harde ·
Hm.11.90: The rubricator failed to notice the paraph marker here. If y durste quod y amonges men · this metels a-vowe ·
ȝis by peter and by poule quod he · & tooke hem bothe to wytnesse ·
Non oderis Fratres secrete in corde tuo · sed publice argue illos · & cetera ·
They woln a-legge also quod y · and by the gospel preuyn ·
Nolite iudicare quemquam · & cetera ·
And wherof serueth lawe quod lewte · ȝif no lyf vndurtook yt ·
falsnesse ne faytrye · for sumwhat þe apostle seyde ·
Non oderis fratrem · and yn þe sauter also · seyþ dauid þe prophete ·
Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis · & cetera
It is licitum for lewyd men · to synge the sothe ·
yf hem lykeþ and luste · echaech a lawe it graunteth ·
except persouns and preestys · and prelates of holy cherche
yt falleþ nougth for þat folke no talys to telle
thouȝ þe tale were trewe · and it touche synne
Thyng þat all þe worlde wote · wherfor schuldest thu spare
to redyn it yn retoryke · to arate dedly synne
ac be thu neuer þe furste þe defaute to blame ·
þowȝ þu see euyl seye it nougth furst · be sory it nere amendyd
no þynge þat is priue · publysche it neuere
no neyþer for loue laud yt nougth · ne lacke it for enuye
Parum lauda · vitupera parcius · & cetera ·
he seith sooþ quod scrypture tho · and scyppyd an hiȝe and prechid ·
ac þe mater þat sche meuyd · ȝif lewde men yt knewe ·
the lasse as y leue · louyn it they wolde · Hm.11.113:As Hm is written, this line is followed by KD.11.425; then 104 lines follow, including the rubric heading, running through Hm.12.88; this line is followed by KD.11.218, and the text proceeds in sequence till KD.11.424 (Hm.12.294), which is followed by KD.11.111; after 101 lines in Hm's count, KD.11.217 is followed by KD.12.82, and all then proceeds as it should; Kane and Donaldson (p. 10) describe and explain this dislocation in notes 63 and 64, but they cite the old foliation of Hm, their count being one too high in each case. In their analysis of the problem, they appear to be following the unpublished notes on the manuscript put together by Captain R. B. Haselden in 1931. Haselden, R. W. Chambers, "The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman in the Hungtington Library, and Their Value for Fixing the Text of the Poem," The Huntington Library Quarterly 8 (1935): 15, and Kane-Donaldson alike agree that the scribe's exemplar had mistakenly bound leaves in the quire. See our discussion above in the Introduction II.1.2 Dislocation.
schall neuyr chalengynge · no chydynge · chastyse amana man so sone ·
as schame and schende hym · and schape hym to amende ·
for late a dronkyn daffe · yn a dyke falle ·
lat hym lygge loke nougth on hym · tyl hym lust to ryse ·
for þowȝ reson rebukyd hym þanne · it nere but pure synne ·
ac whan nede is nymeþ hym vp · for doute laste he sterue ·
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and schame schrapeþ his cloþes and his schynes wascheþ
thanne wote the dronkyn daffe · wherfor he is to blame
Ȝe seyn sooth quod y · y haue seen it ofte
þer smyt no thynge so smerte · ne smelleþ so sowre
as schame þere he schewyth hym · for euery man hym schonyeth ·
why ȝe wysse me þus quod y · was for y rebukyd resoun ·
certys quod he þat is sooþ · and schoop hym forto walke
and aros vprygth wyþ þat · and folwyd hym aftur
and prayde hym for his curtasye · to telle me his name