fol. 140v (cont.)I
    Passus septimus de visione ·
Trewthe herde telle her-of · and to peris sente
to takyn his teme · and tyllyen his erthe
and purchacyd hym a pardoun · a pena & a culpa ·
for hym and for his eyres · euermore aftur
and badde hym holdyn hym at home and eryen his leyes
and alle þat holpyn hym to erye · to sette or to sowe ·
or eny oþer mystyer · that mygth peris auayle
pardoun wyth peris ploughman · trewthe hath hem grauntyd
kynges and knyghtes · that kepyn holy cherche
and rygthfully in rewmes · reulyn the peple
...........han pardoun þorowȝ purgatorye · to passen full lyghtly
wyth patryarkes and prophetys · yn paradys to be felawe
Buschoppes yblessid ȝif þey ben as they schulde
legistres of bothe lawes · the lewyd þerwyþ to preche
and as muche as they mowe · amende alle synfull
arn peres wyþ þe apostles · this pardoun peris scheweth
and at the day of dome · at the hiȝe deys to sytte
Marchauntes yn the margyn · haddyn many ȝeres ·
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ac .non a pena & a culpa · the pope nolde hem graunte
for they holdyn nougth her holydayes · as holy cherche techeth ·
and for þey swere by her sowle · & so god mote hem helpe
aȝen clene conscyence · her catell to sulle
Ac vndyr his secrete seal · trewthe sente hem a lettre
that they schulde b.ugge boldly · that hem beste lykede
and sytthen it sulle aȝen · and saue the wynnynge
and amende mesondieux ther-myd · and mysese. folke helpe
and wykkyd weyes · wightly hem amende
and do bote to brugges · that to-brokyn were
maryen maydnes or makyn hem nonnys
pore peple and prysones · fyndyn hem her foode
and settyn scolers to scole · or to summe oþere craftes
releue relygyoun · and rentyn hym bettre
and y schall sende ȝow my-sylfe seynt mychael myn Aungel
that no deuel schall ȝow dere · ne fere ȝow at ȝowr deyȝyng
and wyte ȝowe fro wanhope · ȝif ȝe woln thus werche
and sende ȝowr sowles yn saufte · to my seyntes yn ioye
Thanne were marchauntes · merye · many weptyn for ioye
and preysedyn peers the ploughman · that purchacyd this bulle
Men of lawe leste pardoun hadde · that pledyn for mede
for the sauter saueth hem nougth · suche as takyn ȝyftes
and namlyche of ynnocentes · that non vuel kunnyn
Super innocentem munera non accipies · & cetera
Pledours schulde peyne hem to plede · for suche and helpe hem ·
prynces and prelates · schulden p.aye for her trauayle
A regibus & a principibus · erit merces eorum · & cetera ·
Ac many a Iustice and iorrour · wolde for iohan do more ·
than pro dei pietate · leue thu none othur
Ac he that spendethHm.7.48: The first four letters of spendeth are badly rubbed or partially erased. his speche · and speketh for the pouere
that is ynnocentHm.7.49: The letters <s ynn> are badly rubbed or partially erased. and nedy · and noman appeyreth
conforteth hym in that caas · wyþ-outyn couetys of ȝiftes
and scheweþ lawe for oure lordes loue · as he it haþ y-lernyd
schal no deuyl at his deth-day · dere hym amyetea myte
that he ne wurth saufe & his soule · þe sawter beryth wytnesse
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo & cetera
Ac to bygge water ne wynde ne wyt ne fyer the fierthe
these foure the fadur of heuene made · to his folde yn comyn ·
these ben trewthes tresours · trewe folke to helpe
that neuer schull wexe ne wanye · wyth-owtyn god hym-sylue ·
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whanne they drawe vnto dethHm.7.59:There is wide variation at this locus. HmR omit the before deþ. L and W confused thorn with <y> but also omit þe. · and yndulgences wolde haue
her pardoun is full petyt at her partynge hennys
that eny mede of mene men · for her motynge taketh
ȝee legystres and lawyers · holdeth this for trowthe
that ȝif þat y lyȝe · matheu is to blame
for he bad me make ȝow this · and this prouerbe me tolde
Quodcumque vultis vt faciant vobis · homines facite eis · & cetera
Alle lybbynge laborers · that lyuen wyth her hondys ·
that trewlyche takyn · and trewlyche wynnyn
and lyue yn loue and yn lawe · for her lowe hertys
haue þe same abs.olucyoun · that sente was to peris
Beggers ne bydders · beth nougth yn the bulle
but ȝif the sugestyoun be sooth · that schapeth hem to begge ·
...?...?...for he þat beggeþ or byt · but ȝif he haue nede ·
he is fals wyth the fende · and deffraudeth the nedy
Hm.7.74: The scribe's usual indicator for the rubricated paraph was ignored by the rubrisher, perhaps canceled by two horizontal lines through it.and also he bygyleth the gyuere · aȝenste his wylle
for if he wyste he were nougth nedy · he wolde ȝeue þat another
that were more nedy than he · so the nedyeste schulde ben holpe
catoun kenneth me thus · and the clerke of storyes
Cui des videto · is catouns techynge
And yn the storyes he techeth · to bystowe thyn alm.esse
Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des · & cetera ·
Ac gregorye was a good man · and bad vs gyuyn alle
that asketh for his loue · that vs alle leneth ·
Non eligas cui miseriaris · ne forte preterearis illum qui meretur accipere ·
Quia incertum est pro quo deo magis placias · & cetera ·
For wote ȝe neuere who is wurthy · ac god wote who hath nede
yn hym that taketh is the treccherye · ȝif any tresoun walke
for he that ȝyueth ȝeldeth · and ȝarketh hym to reste
and he that byddeth borweth · and bryngeþ hym-sylfe yn dette
for beggers borwyn euermore · and her borow is god almyghty
to ȝelde hem that ȝyuyn hem · and ȝit vsure more ·
Quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam
vt ego veniam cum vsuris exigere · & cetera ·
Forthy byddeth nougth ȝe neyȝbours · but ȝif ȝe haue grete nede
for who-so hath to byggyn hym breed · the book beryth wytnesse
he hath ynowe that hath breed ynowe þowe he haue nougth elles ·
Satis diues est · qui non indiget pane · & cetera
Late vsage be ȝoure solace · of seyntes lyues redynge
the book bannyth beggers · and blameth hem on this manere ·
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Hm.7.99: The rubricating scribe overlooked a paraph indicator. Iunior fui etenim senui · & non vidi iustum derelictum
nec semen eius querens panem · & cetera ·
For ȝe lyuyn yn no loue · ne no lawe holde
many of ȝow ne wedde nougth · the womman that ȝe wyth delyn
but as wylde bestes wyth wehe · wurthyn vp and wurchyn
and bryngeþ foorth barnes · bastardes that men calleth ·
or the bakke or sum bone · he breketh yn his ȝouthe
and syþþyn gon faytyn wyth ȝoure fauntes · for euermore aftur
ther is more mysschape peple · amonge these beggers ·
than of alle maner of men · that on this molde reignyn
and they that lyuen thus her lyfe mown lothe the tyme
that euere thei were men wrougth · whan they schull hennys fare
Ac olde men and hore · that helpeles ben of strenkthe
and wymmen wyth childe · that werchen ne mowe
blynde and bedred · and brokyn her membrys
that takyn these myschefes · as meselles and othre
han as playn pardoun · as the ploughman hym-syluyn ·
for loue of here lowe hertys · oure lorde hath hem grauntyd ·
her penaunce and her purgatorye · here on this erthe ·
Peris quod a preest tho · thi pardoun muste y rede
for y woll construe eche clause · and kenne it the on englysch ·
And peers at his prayer · the pardoun vnfoldeth
and y byhinde hem bothe · byhulde all the bulle
al yn two lynes it lay · and nougth a lefe more
and was wryten rygth thus · yn wytnesse of trewthe ·
Et qui bona egerunt · ibunt in vitam eternam · & cetera ·
Qui vero mala in ignem eternum · & cetera ·
Peter quod the prest tho · y can no pardoun fynde
but do wel and haue wel · and god schall haue thi sowle
and do euele and haue euele · hope thu non oþerHm.7.127-138: The scribe omitted a line on initial copying. He erased the final eleven lines on the page and overwrote the space with twelve lines, thus producing 41 lines to this page. Kane and Donaldson note that the new lines are in a different ink, but the hand is the same.
but after þy deþ-day · the deuyl schall haue þy sowle
and peris for pure tene · pullyd it a-twynne
and seyde · si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis
non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es · & cetera
I schal cese of my sowyng quod peris · & swynke nougth so harde
ne abowt my bely ioyȝe · so besy be nomore
of prayers and penaunce · my plough schal ben her-after
and wepyn whan y schuld slepyn · þowȝ whetebrede me fayle
þe prophete his payn eet · yn penaunce and yn sorowe
by þat þe sauter seiþ · so dedyn oþer manye
þat louen god lely · his lyflode is full esy ·
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Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte · & cetera ·
And but ȝif luke lye · lereþ vs by fowles
we schuldyn nougth be to besy · aboutyn this worldys blysse
ne soliciti sitis · he seith yn the gospel
and scheweth vs by ensampull vs-sylfe forto wysse
the foules yn the felde · who fynte hem mete yn wynter ·
haue they no gerner to go to · but god fynte hem alle
What quod the preest to perkyn · peter as me thynketh ·
thu art lettryd a lytyll · who lernyd the on booke
abstynence the abbesse quod peris · myn · a · b · c · me taugth ·
and conscyence came afturward · and kennyd me moche more
were thu a preest peers quod he · þumysteþu myste preche where thu schuldest ·
as dyuynour yn diuinite · wyth dixit in.sipiens thi teme ·
lewyd lorel quod peers · lytyl lokest thu on the bible
on salamones sawes · seldom thu beholdest ·
Ecce dirisores & iurgia cum eis non crescant & cetera ·
The preste and perkyn · apposedyn either othur
and y þorowh her woordes a-wooke · and waytede a-boute
and say the sonne yn the south · sytte that tyme
meteles and moneyles · on maluerne hulles ·
musynge on thes metels · and my wey yȝede
Many tyme thes metels · haue makyd me studye
of þat y sawe slepynge · ȝif it so be mygthe
and also for peris the ploughman · ful pensyf yn herte
and whiche a pardoun peris hadde · all the peple to conforte
and howe the preest ynpungnyd it · wyth two propre woordes
ac y hano ...?...sauour    yn sowngewarye · for y se it ofte fayle
catoun and canonystres · conseylen vs to leue
to settyn sadnesse yn sowngewarye · for sompnia ne cures
ac for the book of the byble · beryth wytnesse
howe daniel dyuynyd · the drem of a kynge ·
that was ..Nabygodonosor · nempnyd of clerkes
daniel seide sures[i]re kynge · thi dremes betokneth
that vncowth knygthes schull come · thi kyngdom to cleyme
amonge lower lordes thi londe schall be departyd ·
and as danyel dyuynyd · yn dede it fel aftur
the kynge les his lordschipe · and lower men it hadde ·
and Ioseph mette merueylously · how þe mone and the sonne
and ...?...?...enleuene sterres · worschipede hym alle
than iacob Iuged · Iosephis sweuene ·
fol. 143rI
beaufys quod his fader · for deffaute we schullyn
y my-selfe and my sones · seche tho for nede
It beffel as his fader seyde · in pharaoes tyme
that Iosep whas iustyse · egypte to lokyn
and tho as his fader tolde · his frendes there hym sougthe ·
and all this maketh me · on thes metels to þenke
And how the ...?...?...preest · prouede no pardon to dowel
and demyd that do wel · indulgences passyd
biennals and tryanals and buschopes seales
and how do-wel at the day of dome is dignylyche vndurfongyn
and passeth all the pardoun · of seynt petres of rome
☞ pardon
Now hath the pope power · pardoun to graunte the peple
wyth-outyn any penaunce · to passe ynto heuene
this is oure byleue · as lettryd men vs techeth
Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum & in celis · & cetera
And so y leue lely · oure lordesHm.7.194: HmGF read oure lorde against lordes in most B manuscripts, though Hm initially had the genitive form. forbode elles
that pardoun and prayers · and penaunce don sauethsauyn
soules that han synnyd · seuene sythes dedly ·
ac to truste to these triennals · trewly me thynketh
is nougth so syker for soules · certys as is do-wel
For-thi y rede ȝow renkes · that ryche ben on this erthe ·
vppon trust of ȝour tresour · triennals to haue ȝe neuere the boldere · to breke the ten hestes
and namely ȝe maystres · mayres and Iuges
that han the welthe of þis worlde and for wyse men ben holdyn ·
to purchace ȝow pardoun · and the popes bulles ·
At the dredful dome · whan the dede schulle aryse
and comyn alle to-fore cryste acountys to ȝelde
how ȝe ladde ȝour lyfe there · and his lawys kepte
and how ȝe dedyn day by day · the doom schall .......reherce ·
a pokeful of pardoun · þere · ne prouyncyales lettrys
they ȝe be fowndyn in the Fraternyte · of all þe foure ordres ·
and haue indulgences dowblefold · but ȝif dowel ȝow helpe
y sette ȝour patentes and ȝour pardoun · at one pyes hele
for-þy y conseyl alle crystene · forto crye god mercy
and mary his moder · be oure mene bytwene
that god ȝyue vs grace · here or we gon hennes
suche werkes to wurche · while we ben here
that aftur our deth-day · do-wel reherce
at the day of dome · we dude as he higth ·