fol. 180v (cont.)I
us ij · de secundus Passus - bet · do
. · · · pass us us ij secundus
fol. 181rI
For wyndes wolt þu ¶yten e w q he · to w uod.ten it fro fallynge yHm.16.25-28: The first four lines are written in the same hand and script but in a slightly larger form than the remainder of the leaf.
fol. 181vI
fol. 182rI
fol. 182vI
Hm.16.172:, "the both of them." her boþers myhtes
aȝenst deeþ and þe deuyl · destruyed her boþers fol. 183rI
fol. 183vI
- owten muliereHm.16.227: The scribe appears to take the word to be Latin here, in view of his use of display script, but at line Hm.16.230, he treats it as English. muliere · is nougth moche to pyse · re
ne matrymoigne wyþHm.16.238: Hm alone omits the following line, given here in the spelling of L:
. Calues flesshe & cakebrede and knewe what I thouȝte
wesch her feet and wyped hem · and aftyrward þey etyn. Calues flesshe & cakebrede and knewe what I thouȝte
Hm.16.256: We have resolved the word as , but neither paleography nor context provides secure evidence that would exclude leenyd. leeuyd
and deffendyd hem fro þe fend · folk þat on me leenydcc ea mundi atHm.16.263: F reads . ecce qui tollit peccata mundi & c etera qui tollit p · Ecce agnus dei
fol. 184rI