<div1>fol. 200r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><handShift/><foreign><hi><hi>Passus <orig> · ij<expan>us</expan></orig><reg>secundus</reg> · & vltimus de</hi></hi></foreign> <hi><hi>do<seg>-</seg>best · </hi></hi></head>
<l> <handShift/><hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hanne as y wente by the weye · whan y was þus awaked</l>
<l> heuy<seg>-</seg>cherid y ȝede . and elenge yn herte · </l>
<l> y ne wyste where to ete · ne at what place · </l>
<l> and it neiȝed ner þe noon · and wyþ nede y mette</l>
<l> þat affrountyd me fowle · and faytour me callyd</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Canst thu nougth excuse þe · as dude þe kyng and oþere · </l>
<l> þat thu took to þy bileeue · to cloþes and to sustynaunce</l>
<milestone>fol. 200vI</milestone>
<l> and by techynge and by <app><lem><sic>telle</sic><corr>tell[yng]e</corr></lem></app> . of <foreign><hi>spiritus temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> and thu nome nomore · þan nede þe taugthe</l>
<l> and nede ne haþ no lawe · ne neuer schall falle yn dette</l>
<l> <hi></hi> for þre þynges he takeþ · his lyf forto saue · </l>
<l> that is mete whan men hym werneþ · and he no money weldeþ</l>
<l> ne wygth non<del>e</del> woll ben his borwh · ne wed ha<del>.</del><add>þ</add> none to legge</l>
<l> and he caugth yn þat ca<del>..</del><add>as</add> · and com þ<expan>er</expan>to by sleyhte · </l>
<l> he synneþ nougth soiþlyche · that so wynneþ his foed · </l>
<l> and þowh he come so to a cloiþ · and can no bett<expan>er</expan> cheuysaunce</l>
<l> nede anon rygth · nymeþ hym vnder maynpryse · </l>
<l> & <del>...?...</del><app><lem><add>ȝeueþ</add></lem></app><note>Hm.20.18: Hm alone reads <hi>ȝeueþ</hi>, which is over an erasure, against <hi>if</hi> in most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. Note, however, that BmBo read <hi>gif</hi>, with <hi>g</hi> added in Bm, and Cot reads <hi>gyue</hi>. Note too that <hi>ȝeueþ</hi> is the reading of the P family in <hi>C</hi>.</note> hym <app><lem>l<del>....</del><add>eue</add></lem></app><note>Hm.20.18: HmCot alone read <hi>leue</hi>, which is over an erasure in Hm, against <hi>lyst</hi> in most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. The word is followed in Hm by a dividing slash, indicating that the original reading was shorter than 4 characters, possibly like BmBo's <hi>lif</hi>.</note> forto lape · þe lawe of kynde wolde</l>
<l> that <del>..</del><add>he</add> dronk<add>e</add> at eche dy<del>..</del><add>ch</add> · ar he for þurst deyed<add>e</add> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> so nede at gret nede · ma<del>y</del><add>y</add> n<del>y</del><add>y</add>men as for his owen</l>
<l> wyþ<seg>-</seg>owte counseyll of conscyence · or cardynal vertues</l>
<l> so þat he s<del>.</del><add>u</add>we and saue <foreign><hi>spiritus temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> for is no vertu <orig>byfer</orig><reg>by fer</reg> · to <foreign><hi>spiritus temp<expan>er</expan>ancie</hi></foreign></l>
<l> neyþer <foreign><hi>spiritus iusticie</hi></foreign> · ne <foreign><hi>spiritus fortitudinis · </hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> for <foreign><hi>spiritus fortitudinis</hi></foreign> · forfeteþ full ofte</l>
<l> he schall do more þa<expan>n</expan> mesure · <app><lem>ofte and many tyme</lem></app> </l>
<l> and bete men ouer bytterly · and su<expan>m</expan>me of hem to lytell</l>
<l> and greue men <app><lem>gretly · more</lem></app> þan good feiþ wolde · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And <foreign><hi>spiritus iusticie</hi></foreign> · schall iugen woll h<del>y</del><add>e</add> nylle he · </l>
<l> after þe kynges counseyl · and þe comune lyke · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And <foreign><hi>spiritus prudencie</hi></foreign> · yn manye a poynt schal fa<del>.</del><add>y</add>le</l>
<l> of þat he weneþ wolde falle · ȝif his wytt ne were · </l>
<l> wenynge is no wysdom · ne wys ymagynacyou<expan>n</expan> · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>homo p<expan>ro</expan>ponit & deus disponit</hi></foreign> · and gouerneþ alle gode v<expan>er</expan>tues</l>
<l> ac nede is next hym · for anoon he mekeþ</l>
<l> and <app><lem>is as</lem></app> lowȝ as a lombe · for lackyng of þat hym nedeþ</l>
<l> wyse men forsook wele · for þey wolde be nedy</l>
<l> and wonedyn yn wyldernesse · and woldyn nougth be ryche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And god al his grete ioyȝe · gostly he lefte · </l>
<l> and cam and took mankynde . and bycam nedy</l>
<l> so nedy he was as seyþ þe book · yn many sondry places</l>
<l> þat he seyde yn his sorwe · on þe selue rode · </l>
<l> boþe fox and fowl · may flee to hole and crepe</l>
<l> and þe fysch haþ fyn · to flete wyþ to reste</l>
<l> þere nede haþ y<seg>-</seg>nome me · þat y moot nede abyde</l>
<l> and suffre sorwes full sore · þat schal to ioyȝe turne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> forþy be nougth abaschid · to byde and to be nedy · </l>
<milestone>fol. 201rI</milestone>
<l> syþ he that wrougth all þe world · was wylfully nedy</l>
<l> ne neuer non so nedy · <app><lem>ne <del>..</del><add>so</add></lem></app> <app><lem><del>...?...</del><add>pore</add></lem></app> <add>deyde</add> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Whan nede hadde vndernome me thus · anon y fel a<seg>-</seg>slepe</l>
<l> and mette full merueylously · <app><lem>yn</lem></app> <app><lem>a mannys</lem></app> forme · </l>
<l> antecryst cam thanne · and all þe crop of trewþe</l>
<l> turnyd it vp<seg>-</seg>sodou<expan>n</expan> · and ouertylt the rote</l>
<l> and fals sprynge and sprede · and spede mennys nedys</l>
<l> yn <app><lem>eche</lem></app> contre þere he cam · he cutte awey trewþe · </l>
<l> and gart gyle growe · þere · as he a god were<note>Hm.20.56-61: Reacting to a stain, hand3 has retouched some letters on these lines.</note></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Freres folwyd þat fend for he gaf hem copes</l>
<l> and religiouus<note>Hm.20.58: Kane and Donaldson read <hi>religiouns</hi>, thus creating a unique reading. However, the scribe infrequently wrote <uu> where a single graphie would be expected; e. g. Hm.14.218 <hi>rybauud</hi> and Hm.3.295 <hi>leauute</hi>. The forms of <u> and <n> are indistinguishable.</note> reuerencid h<del>y</del><add>y</add>m and rongyn here belles</l>
<l> and alle þe couent forþ cam to welcome that tyraunt</l>
<l> and alle hise as well as hym · saue only foles</l>
<l> whiche foles weren wel leuer · to deye þa<expan>n</expan> to lyue</l>
<l> lenger · syþ le<del>...</del><add>wte</add><note>Hm.20.62: The original reading was probably <hi>lenten</hi>, clearly an error, though in all beta manuscripts except Cr. Alpha and <hi>Cx</hi> read <hi>lewte</hi>.</note> was so rebukyd · </l>
<l> and a fals fend antycryst · ouer alle folk regnyd · </l>
<l> and þat were mylde men and holy · þat no myscheef dredde</l>
<l> deffyedyn alle falsnesse and folk that it vsed</l>
<l> and what kyng þat hem conforted · knowyng hem eny while · </l>
<l> þey cursid and her counseyl · were <app><lem>it to</lem></app> clerk or lewyd · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Antecryst hadde þus sone · hundredes at his baner</l>
<l> and pryde it <app><lem>bar vp ful hiȝe</lem></app> . boldly abowte</l>
<l> wyþ a lord þat lyueþ · after lykynge of body · </l>
<l> þat cam aȝen conscience · þat keper was and gyour</l>
<l> ouer kynde crystene and cardynal vertues</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I cou<expan>n</expan>seyle quod conscience þoo · comeþ wyþ me ȝe foles</l>
<l> ynto vnyte holycherche · and holde we vs there · </l>
<l> and crye we to kynde · þat he come and deffende vs</l>
<l> foles fro þe fendes lymes · for peris loue þe ploughman</l>
<l> and crye we to alle þe comune · þat þey come to vnyte</l>
<l> and þere abyde and bykere . aȝenst belyals childryn · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> kynde conscience þo herde · and cam owt of þe planetes</l>
<l> and sent forþ his forreyoures · feueres and fluxes</l>
<l> kouȝghes and cardyacles . crampes and tooþ <app><lem>ache</lem></app></l>
<l> remes and redgoundes · and roynous scalles</l>
<l> byles and bocches · and brennyng agues</l>
<l> frensyes and fowle eueles · forageres of kynde</l>
<l> hadde <app><lem>y<seg>-</seg>prayed and y<seg>-</seg>pryked</lem></app> · polles of peple · </l>
<l> þat largelyche a legiou<expan>n</expan> · losten her lyf sone · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> There was harrow and help · here comeþ kynde · </l>
<milestone>fol. 201vI</milestone>
<l> wyþ deþ þat is dredful · to vndon vs alle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The lord þat lyued after lust · <app><lem><sic>to</sic><corr>t[h]o</corr></lem></app> a<seg>-</seg>loud cryed</l>
<l> after confort a knygth · to come and bere his baner</l>
<l> Alarme alarme · quod that lord · <app><lem>eche a</lem></app> lyf kepe his owen · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þanne mette þese men · er menstrals myghten pype</l>
<l> and <del>..</del><add>ar</add> heraudys of armes · hadden descryued lordes · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Elde þe hore · he was yn the vaumwarde</l>
<l> and bar þe baner byfore deþ · by rygth <del>...?...</del><add>he it cleymed</add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> kynde cam after · wyþ many kene sores</l>
<l> as pokkes and pestylences · and moche peple schente</l>
<l> so kynde þurgh corrupciou<expan>n</expan>s · kylled ful manye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Deþ cam dryuynge after · and all to dust paisched · </l>
<l> kynges and knyghtes · kayseres and popes · </l>
<l> lered ne lewyd · he leet noman stande · </l>
<l> that he h<del>....</del><add>itte</add> <app><lem>euene ·</lem></app> <del>...?...?...</del><add><app><lem>sturidde neuer</lem></app> after · </add></l>
<l> manye a louely lady · and lemmanes of knyghtes · </l>
<l> swowned and swelted · for sorowe of deþes dyntys · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence of his curtasye · to kynde he besougthe</l>
<l> to cese and suffre · and se <app><lem>whe<del>r</del><add>þ<expan>er</expan></add></lem></app><note>Hm.20.106: Hm's original reading <hi>wher</hi> was correct. Cf. Hm.11.87 (KD.11.83), Hm.12.364 (KD.11.189), Hm.12.577 (KD.12.270), Hm.12.599 (KD.12.291).</note> they wolde</l>
<l> leue pryde pryuely · and be p<expan>ar</expan>fyt crystene · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And kynde cesid thoo · to see þe peple amende</l>
<l> fortune gan flatre þanne · þoo fewe þat weren on lyue</l>
<l> and b<del>...?...</del><add>yhiȝte</add> hem long lyf · and lecchery he sente · </l>
<l> amonges alle maner men · wedded and vnweddyd</l>
<l> and gadred a gret ost · all a<seg>-</seg>geyn conscyence</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This lecchery leyde on · wyþ a Ianglyng chere</l>
<l> and wyþ pryue speche · and peyntid woordes</l>
<l> and armyd <app><lem>hem</lem></app> yn ydelnesse · and yn hie berynge</l>
<l> he bar a bowe yn his hand · and many brode arwes</l>
<l> weren feþered wyþ fayr beheste · and manye a fals trewþe</l>
<l> wyþ his vntydy tales · he tenyd full ofte · </l>
<l> conscyence and his companye · of holy cherche þe <app><lem>techer</lem></app></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne cam coueytise · and caste how he myghte</l>
<l> ouercome conscience · and cardynal vertues</l>
<l> and armed hym yn auaryce · and hongrylych lyuede</l>
<l> his wepne was <app><lem>all of</lem></app> w<del>....</del><add>yles · </add>to wynnyn and to hidyn</l>
<l> wyþ glosynges and wyþ gabbynges · he <app><lem>bigiled</lem></app> þe peple</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Symony hym <app><lem>soughte</lem></app> · to assayle conscyence</l>
<l> and preched to þe peple · and p<expan>re</expan>lates þey hem madyn · </l>
<l> to holden wyþ antecryst · her temp<expan>er</expan>altees to saue · </l>
<milestone>fol. 202rI</milestone>
<l> and comen to þe kynges counseyl · as a kene barou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> and kneled to conscyence · in court aforen hem alle</l>
<l> and gart good feyþ flee · and fals to abyde · </l>
<l> and boldlyche bar adou<expan>n</expan> · wyþ manye a brygth noble · </l>
<l> moche of þe wytt and wysdom · of westmynster halle · </l>
<l> he iuged to a Iustice · and iusted in his ere · </l>
<l> and ouertylt al his trewþe · wyþ tak þis vp amendement</l>
<l> and <app><lem>ynto</lem></app> þe arches yn haste · he ȝede anon after · </l>
<l> and turnyd cyuyle ynto symonye · and siþ <app><lem>took</lem></app> þe official · </l>
<l> for a mantell of menyuer · he made lele matrymoigne</l>
<l> <app><lem>be dep<expan>ar</expan>tid</lem></app> or deþ cam · and deuors schapte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Alas quod conscyence and cryed þo · wold cryst of his grace · </l>
<l> that coueytise were crystene · that is so kene a fyhtere · </l>
<l> and bold and abidynge · while his bagge lasteþ</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>Thanne</lem></app> lough lyf · and leet dagge his cloþes</l>
<l> and armyd hym yn haste yn harlottes woordys · </l>
<l> and held holynesse a iape · and hendenesse a wastour</l>
<l> and leet <app><lem>lenten</lem></app> a cherl · and lyȝer a freman · </l>
<l> conscience and cou<expan>n</expan>seyl · he <app><lem>accountyd</lem></app> it a folye · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus relyȝed lyf · for a lytel fortune · </l>
<l> and pryked foorþ wyþ pryde · p<expan>re</expan>yseþ he no vertu · </l>
<l> <app><lem>and</lem></app> careþ nougth how kynde slowh · and schall come at þe laste</l>
<l> and kylle alle erþly creatures · saue conscyence one · </l>
<l> lyf leep assyde · and laugth hym a lemman · </l>
<l> hele and y quod he · and hiȝnesse of herte</l>
<l> schall do þe nougth drede · neyther deþ ne elde · </l>
<l> and to forȝete sorowe · and ȝyue nouȝt of synne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This lyked lyf · and his lemman fortune · </l>
<l> and getyn in her glorye · a gadelyng at þe laste · </l>
<l> on that moche wo wroughte · slewþe was his name · </l>
<l> slewþe wax wonder ȝerne · and <app><lem>swyþe</lem></app> was of age</l>
<l> and wedded on wanhope · a wenche of þe stewes</l>
<l> her syre was a sysour · that neuer swoor <app><lem><sic>twrowþe</sic><corr>trowþe</corr></lem></app> </l>
<l> on thomme two tou<expan>n</expan>ge · a<seg>-</seg>teynt at eche a queste · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> This slewþe was war of werre · and a slynge made · </l>
<l> and threw drede of dyspeyr · a dozeyn myle abowte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For care conscyence tho · cryed vppon elde · </l>
<l> and bad hym fonde to fyghte · and affere wanhope · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And elde hente goodhope · and hastylyche he schifte hym · </l>
<l> and weyued awey wanhope · and wyþ lyf he <app><lem>faught</lem></app></l>
<milestone>fol. 202vI</milestone>
<l> and lyf fleyȝ for fere to physyk · after help · </l>
<l> and bisougth hym of socour · and of his salue hadde · </l>
<l> and gaf hym gold good won · that gladed his herte</l>
<l> and þey geuyn hym · ageyn · a glasene howue · </l>
<l> lyf leeuyd þat lechecraft · lette schulde elde · </l>
<l> and dryuen awey deþ · wyþ dyas and drages<note>Hm.20.173: The spelling is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. See <title>MED</title>, <hi>s. v.</hi> <hi>dragge</hi> n.(2) and <hi>drogge</hi> n.</note> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And elde auntred hym on lyf · and at þe laste he hytte</l>
<l> a fysissien wyþ a furred hood · þat he fel yn a palsye</l>
<l> and þere dyed þat doctor · er thre dayes after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now y se seyde lyf · that surgenry ne fesyk</l>
<l> may nougth <orig>amyte</orig><reg>a myte</reg> auayle · to medle aȝen elde<note>Hm.20.178-183: A water stain over parts of these lines does not affect the legibility of the text.</note></l>
<l> and in hope of his hele · good herte he <del>hi</del> hente</l>
<l> and rod<del>e</del> so to reuel · a ryche place and a merye</l>
<l> <del>...</del><add>the</add> companye of confort · men clepid it sumtyme</l>
<l> <hi></hi> and elde anon after me · and ouer myn hed ȝede · </l>
<l> and made me balled bifore · and bare on þe crowne</l>
<l> so harde he ȝede ouer myn hed · it woll be sene eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sire euel ytaugth elde quod y · vnhende go wyþ þe</l>
<l> syþ whanne was þe wey · ouer mennys hedys · </l>
<l> haddest thu ben hende q<expan>uod</expan> y · thu woldest <app><lem><sic>askyd</sic><corr>[haue] askyd</corr></lem></app> leue · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> ȝe leue lurdeyn quod · he and leyde on me wyþ age · </l>
<l> and hitte me vnder þe ere · vnneþe may y here</l>
<l> he buffeted me abowt þe mowþ · <app><lem>and my teeþ owt beet</lem></app></l>
<l> and gyued me yn gowtes · y may nougth go at large</l>
<l> and of þe wo þat y was ynne · my wyf hadde rewþe · </l>
<l> and wuschid ful wytterly · þat y were yn heuene · </l>
<l> for þe leme þat sche louyd me fore · and l<del>...</del><add>eef</add> was to fele</l>
<l> on nyghtes namly · whan we naked were</l>
<l> y ne mygth yn no manere · maken it at her wylle · </l>
<l> so elde and sche soþly · haddyn it forbetyn · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And as y sat in þis sorowe · y sawh how kynde passed</l>
<l> and deþ drowȝ nyȝ me · for drede gan y quake</l>
<l> and cryed to kynde · owt of care <app><lem>thu me</lem></app> brynge</l>
<l> loo elde þe hore · hath me beseye</l>
<l> awreke me ȝif ȝowr wylle be · for y wolde ben hennys</l>
<l> <hi></hi> ȝif thu wolt be wroken · wende ynto vnyte</l>
<l> and hold the þere euere · tyll y sende for þe</l>
<l> and loke thu konne sum craft · er thu come þennys</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conseyle me kynde quod y · what craft is best to lerne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Lerne to loue quod kynde · and leue of alle oþere</l>
<milestone>fol. 203rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> How schall y come to catel so · to cloþe me and fede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And thu loue lely quod he · lacke schall the neuere · </l>
<l> mete ne worldly <app><lem>mede</lem></app> · while þy lyf lasteþ · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þere by counseyl of kynde · y comsid to rome · </l>
<l> þurgh contriciou<expan>n</expan> and confessiou<expan>n</expan> · tyl i come to vnyte · </l>
<l> and þere was conscyence constable · crystne to saue</l>
<l> and beseged soiþly · wyþ seuene grete gyauntes</l>
<l> þat wyþ anticryst heldyn · harde aȝen conscience · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Slewþe wyþ his slynge · an hard sawt he made · </l>
<l> prowd p<expan>re</expan>estes comen wyþ hym · mo than a thowsand · </l>
<l> yn paltokes and pyked schoes · and pissers longe knyues<note>Hm.20.218-223: A water stain over parts of these lines does not affect the legibility of the text.</note></l>
<l> comen aȝenst conscience · wyþ coueytyse þey heldyn</l>
<l> <hi></hi> By mary quod a ma<del>e</del><add>n</add>sed<note>Hm.20.220: The scribe first wrote an <e> and then overwrote it with an <n> like the one usually appearing in Latin quotations.</note> p<expan>re</expan>est · of þe march of yrlond</l>
<l> y counte nomore conscience · by so y cacche syluer</l>
<l> than y do to drynke · a draugth of good ale</l>
<l> and so seydyn sixty · of the same contre · </l>
<l> and schottyn aȝen wyþ schot · many schef of oþes</l>
<l> and brode hoked arwes · goddys herte and his nayles</l>
<l> and haddyn almost vnyte · and holynesse adou<expan>n</expan> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence cryed help clergye · or elles y falle</l>
<l> þurgh inp<expan>ar</expan>fit p<expan>re</expan>estes · and p<expan>re</expan>lates of holycherche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Freres herdyn hym crye · and comen hym to helpe</l>
<l> ac for þey cowde nougth well her crafte · conscyence forsoke hem · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Nede neiȝghed tho ner · and conscyence he tolde · </l>
<l> that þey come for coueytyse · to haue cure of sowlys</l>
<l> and for þey arn pou<expan>er</expan>e · p<expan>ar</expan>aduenture for pat<expan>ri</expan>moigne þey fayle · </l>
<l> they wollen flatere and fare wel · folk that ben ryche</l>
<l> and siþen þey chosen chele · <del>...</del><add>and</add> chaytyf pouerte · </l>
<l> late hem chewe as þey chose · and charge hem wyþ no cure</l>
i<expan>d est</expan> sepius
<l> for <app><lem><sic>lymer</sic><corr>l[o]mer</corr></lem></app><note>Hm.20.237: <hi>Lomer</hi>, "more often" <OE <hi>gelome</hi>.</note> he lyeþ · þat lyflode moot begge</l>
<l> þa<expan>n</expan> he þat labowreþ for lyflode · and leneþ it beggeres</l>
<l> and syþen freris forsoke · þe felicite of erþe</l>
<l> lat hem be as beggeres · or l<del>y</del><add>e</add>ue<note>Hm.20.240: The correcting scribe's changing the infinitive form <hi>lyue</hi>, "to live" to <hi>leue</hi> is mildly odd. Hand2 usually wrote "live" (both infintive and finite forms) with the <hi>lyue</hi> spelling, though in several instances (e. g., Hm.4.190, Hm.10.154, Hm.13.52, and Hm.14.51) the <hi>leue</hi> spelling was used. At Hm.17.26, Hm alone reads <hi>lyue</hi> against most manuscripts' <hi>leue</hi>. The form <hi>lyeue</hi> at Hm.5.307 was written out by hand2, but the same correction as here is made by hand3 at Hm.15.542 and Hm.15.565.</note> by aungeles foed · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence of þis counseyl þo · comsid forto lauhe</l>
<l> and curteysly conforted <app><lem>hym</lem></app> · and callyd <app><lem>alle</lem></app> freres</l>
<l> and seyde syres soiþly · welcome be ȝe alle · </l>
<l> to vnyte and holycherche · ac on þyng y ȝow p<expan>ra</expan>ye · </l>
<l> holdeþ ȝow yn vnyte · and haueþ none enuye · </l>
<l> to lered ne to lewyd · but lyueþ after ȝowr rewle · </l>
<l> and y woll be ȝowr borwe · ȝe schull haue bred and cloþes · </l>
<milestone>fol. 203vI</milestone>
<l> and oþer necessarijs ynowe · <del>..</del><add>ȝow</add> schal<del>t</del> no þynge fayle</l>
<l> wyþ that ȝe leue logyk · and lerneþ forto louye</l>
<l> for loue lafte þey lordschipe · boþe lond and scole</l>
<l> frere fraunces and d<expan>omi</expan>nik · <orig>forloue</orig><reg>for loue</reg> to be holy · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And ȝif ȝe coueyten cure · kynde woll ȝow teche · </l>
<l> þat yn mesure god made · alle maner thynges</l>
<l> and sette it at a certeyn · and at a syker noumbre · </l>
<l> and nempnyd names newe · and noumbred þe sterrys</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Qui numerat multitudinem stellaru<expan>m</expan> & om<expan>n</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> eis · & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> kynges and knyȝtes · that kepyn and deffendyn · </l>
<l> han offyceres vnder hem · and eche of hem a certeyn</l>
<l> and ȝif þey wage men to werre · þey wryten hem yn noumbre</l>
<l> alle oþer in batayle · ben y<seg>-</seg>holde brybours</l>
<l> pylowres and <app><lem>pykeharneyses</lem></app> · yn eche a place y<seg>-</seg>cursid · </l>
<l> wol no tresorer hem paye · trauayle þey neu<expan>er</expan>e so sore<note>Hm.20.262: WB agree with Hm's line ordering; however, most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts supply this line, Hm.20.262, two lines earlier, after Hm.20.159. (The Kane and Donaldson numbering reflects this different ordering.)</note> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Monkes and monyals · and alle men of relygiou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> her ordre and her reule wole · to han a certeyn noumbre · </l>
<l> of lewyd and of lered · þe lawe <app><lem>it woll</lem></app> and axeþ</l>
<l> a certeyn for a certayn · saue only of freres · </l>
<l> forþy q<expan>uod</expan> conscience by cryst · kynde wytt me telleþ</l>
<l> yt is wyckyd to wage ȝow · ȝe wexen owt of noumbre</l>
<l> heuene haþ euene noumbre · and helle is wyþ<seg>-</seg>owt noumbre · </l>
<l> forþy y wolde wytterly · þat ȝe were yn þe registre · </l>
<l> and ȝowr noumbre vnder notarye sygne · & neiþ<expan>er</expan> mo ne lasse · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Enuye herde þis · and heet freres go to scole · </l>
<l> and lerne logyk and lawe · and eke contemplaciou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> and p<expan>re</expan>che men of plato · and preuyn it by seneca · </l>
<l> that alle þynges vnder heuene · auȝten to be in comune · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And ȝit he lyeþ as y leeue · þat to þe lewyd so p<expan>re</expan>cheþ</l>
<l> for god made to men a lawe and moyses it tauȝte · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Non concupisces rem p<expan>ro</expan>ximi tui · & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And euyl is þis yholde · yn p<expan>ar</expan>isches of englond</l>
<l> for p<expan>er</expan>sou<expan>n</expan>s and p<expan>ar</expan>isch prestes · þat schulde þe peple schryue</l>
<l> ben curatours callyd · to knowe and to hele</l>
<l> alle that ben her p<expan>ar</expan>ischenys · penaunce to enIoyne · </l>
<l> and schuldyn be a<seg>-</seg>schamyd · in her schryft · ac schame makeþ hem wende · </l>
<l> and fleen to þe freres · as fals folk to westmynst<expan>er</expan></l>
<l> þat borweþ and bereþ it þyder · and thanne byddeþ frendys</l>
<l> ȝerne of forȝyuenesse · or lenger ȝeres lone</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac while he is in westmynstre · he woll be bifore</l>
<milestone>fol. 204rI</milestone>
<l> and make hym merye · wyþ oþer mennys goodes</l>
<l> and so it fareþ by moche folk · þat to þe freres sc<add>h</add>ryueþ</l>
<l> as sysours and executours · they woll ȝyue þe freres</l>
<l> a p<expan>ar</expan>cel to p<expan>ra</expan>ye for hem · and make hem<seg>-</seg>sylf merye · </l>
<l> wyþ þe residue and þe remenau<expan>n</expan>t · þat oþ<expan>er</expan> men <app><lem>byswonge</lem></app></l>
<l> and suffren þe dede in dette · to þe day of dome</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Enuye herfore · hated conscyence · </l>
<l> and freres to philosophie · he fond hem to scole</l>
<l> þe while coueytise and vnkyndenesse · conscyence assaylid</l>
<l> in vnyte holycherche · conscience held hym</l>
<l> and made pes port<expan>er</expan> · to pynne þe ȝates · </l>
<l> of alle tale tellers · and tyterers yn ydel · </l>
<l> ypocrisie and he · an hard sawt þey maden · </l>
<l> ypocrisie at þe ȝate · harde gan fyghte · </l>
<l> and wounded wel wyckydly · manye wyse techers</l>
<l> þat wyþ conscyence accorded · and cardynal vertues</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscience callyd a leche · that cowde wel schryue</l>
<l> go salue þo that syke ben · and þurgh synne y<seg>-</seg>wounded</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Schrift schoop scharp salue · and made <app><lem>hem</lem></app> do penaunce</l>
<l> for her mysdedes · þat they wrougth haddyn · </l>
<l> and þat peris were payed · <foreign><hi>redde q<expan>uo</expan>d debes</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> So<expan>m</expan>me lykeden nougth þis leche · and lettres þey sente · </l>
<l> ȝif eny surgyen were þe segge · þat softer cowd plastre</l>
<l> sire lyf to lyue in lecchery · lay there and gronyd · </l>
<l> for fastyng of a fryday · he ferde as he wold deye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ther is a surgien in þis segge · þat softe can handle</l>
<l> and more of fysyk by fer · and fayrer he plastreþ · </l>
<l> on frere flaterer · ys fysissien and surgyen · </l>
· c ·
<l> <hi></hi> Q<expan>uo</expan>d contriciou<expan>n</expan> to conscyence · do <app><lem>hym to</lem></app> come to vnyte</l>
<l> for here is manye a man hurt · þurg<del>t</del><add>h</add><note>Hm.20.317: Hand2's usual form is <hi>þurgh</hi> but he had in one case written <hi>þurgth</hi> (Hm.12.341).</note> ypocrisie</l>
<l> <hi></hi> We han non nede quod conscyence · y wot no bett<expan>er</expan> leche</l>
<l> þa<expan>n</expan> p<expan>ar</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> or p<expan>ar</expan>isch p<expan>re</expan>est · pentaunc<expan>er</expan> or buschop · </l>
<l> saue peris þe ploughman · þat haþ power ou<expan>er</expan> hem alle · </l>
<l> and yndulgence may do · but ȝif dette l<del>o</del><add>e</add>tte it · </l>
<l> y may wel suffre <app><lem>quod</lem></app> conscience · siþ ȝe desyryn</l>
<l> þat frere flaterer be fet · and fysyk ȝow s<del>y</del><add>e</add><damage>k</damage>e</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The frere her<seg>-</seg>of herde · and hiȝed faste</l>
<l> to a lord for a lettre · leue to haue <del>......tres</del><add>cure · </add><note>Hm.20.325: Ultraviolet light shows, faintly, letters that may be <hi>tres</hi>, the scribe having written prematurely the last word of the following line.</note></l>
<l> as a curatour he were · and cam wyþ his lettres</l>
<l> baldly to þe buschop · and his brief hadde</l>
<milestone>fol. 204vI</milestone>
<l> in contrees <del>.......</del><add>þ<expan>er</expan> he ca<expan>m</expan></add> ynne · confessiouns to here</l>
<l> and cam þere conscyence was · and knokkyd at þe ȝate</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Pes vnpynnyd it · was porter of vnyte</l>
<l> and in haste askede · what his wylle were · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> In feiþ quod þis frere · for p<expan>ro</expan>fit and for helþe · </l>
<l> carpe y wolde wyþ contriciou<expan>n</expan> · and þerfore cam y hider</l>
<l> <hi></hi> He is syk seyde pes · and so arn many othere · </l>
<l> ypocrisye haþ hurt hem · full hard <app><lem>it is</lem></app> ȝif þey keuere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I am a surgien <app><lem>quod</lem></app> the segge · and salues can make · </l>
<l> conscience knoweþ me wel · and what y can do boþe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I praye þe quod pes þo · er thu passe ferþer</l>
<l> what h<del>......</del><add>attest</add> thu y prayȝe þe · hele nougth þy name</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Certes seyde his felawe · sire <foreign><hi>pen<del>.</del><add>e</add>tra<expan>n</expan>s domos · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝee go þy gate quod pes · by god for al þy fysyk · </l>
<l> but thu konne sum craft · thu comest nougth her<seg>-</seg>ynne · </l>
<l> y knew such on ones · nougth <orig>· viij ·</orig><reg>eiȝht</reg> wynter passed · </l>
<l> com yn þus y<seg>-</seg>coped · at a court · þere y dwelte</l>
<l> and was my lordes leche · and my ladyes boþe · </l>
<l> and at þe laste þis lymytour · þo my lord was owte</l>
<l> he salued so owr wommen · tyl su<expan>m</expan>me weren wyþ childe · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Hende speche heet pes · opne the ȝates</l>
<l> lat in þe frere and his felawe · and make hem fayr chere</l>
<l> he may see and here · so it may by<seg>-</seg>falle · </l>
<l> þat lyf þurgh his lore · schall leue coueytise · </l>
<l> and be a<seg>-</seg>drad of deþ · and wyþ<seg>-</seg>drawe hym fro pryde · </l>
<l> and accorde wyþ conscience · and kesse her eiþer oþ<expan>er</expan> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus þurgh hende speche · entryd þe frere<note>Hm.20.354: A modern hand in the right margin has written <hi>Here the <unclear>.</unclear>00 MS ends</hi>. British Library MS Additional 10574 (Bm) ends at this point. Bm is finished in Dr. Adam Clark's hand, possibly from Hm, and it is possible that he wrote this note since he owned both manuscripts. The number given here does not correspond to the shelf marks (102 for Bm, 129 for Hm) in his library for either manuscript.</note></l>
<l> and cam ynto conscience · and curteysly hym grette · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thu art welcome quod conscyence · canst þu hele þe syke · </l>
<l> <del>....</del><add>here is</add> contriciou<expan>n</expan> quod conscyence · my cosyn y<seg>-</seg>woundyd</l>
<l> confort hym quod conscience · and tak kep to his sores</l>
<l> þe plastres of þe p<expan>ar</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> · and powdres byten <app><lem>sore</lem></app><note>Hm.20.359: In W, <hi>to</hi> is written above the line. </note> · </l>
<l> he lat hem lygge ouerlonge · and loiþ is to chaung hem · </l>
<l> fro lenten to lenten · he lat his plastres byte · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is <app><lem>to</lem></app> longe quod þis lymytour · y leeue y schal amende it · </l>
<l> and goiþ and gropeþ contriciou<expan>n</expan> · and gaf hym a plastre</l>
<l> of a p<expan>ri</expan>uey payment · and y schal p<expan>ra</expan>ye for ȝow · </l>
<l> for alle þat ȝe ben holdyn to · all my lyf<seg>-</seg>tyme · </l>
<l> and make ȝow my lady · yn masse and yn matynes</l>
<l> as <app><lem>frere</lem></app> of owr fraternyte · for a lytel syluer</l>
<milestone>fol. 205rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus he goþ and gadreþ · and gloseþ þere he schryueþ</l>
<l> tyl contriciou<expan>n</expan> hadde clene forȝetyn · to crye and <app><lem>wepe</lem></app> </l>
<l> and wake for his wycked werkes · as he was wont to done</l>
<l> for confort of his confessour · <app><lem>conscyence</lem></app> he lafte</l>
<l> that is þe souereynest salue · for alkyn synnys</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Slewþe sawh that · and so dede pryde · </l>
<l> and comen wyþ a kene wyl · conscyence to assayle · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscience cryed eft · and bad clergye helpe hym</l>
<l> and also contriciou<expan>n</expan> · forto kepe the ȝate · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> He l<del>y</del><add>y</add><del>.</del><add>þ</add> and dremeþ seyde pes · and so don manye oþere</l>
<l> þe frere wyþ his fysyk · this folk haþ enchaunted · </l>
<l> and plastred hem so esyly · they drede no synne · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> By cryst quod conscyence þo · y woll bycome a pylgrym · </l>
<l> and walkyn also wyde · as all þe world lasteþ</l>
<l> to seke peris the ploughman · that pryde may dystroye · </l>
<l> and þat freres hadden a fyndyng · þat for nede flatren · </l>
<l> and count<del>...?...</del><add>erpletyn</add> me conscyence · now kynde me avenge · </l>
<l> and sende me hap and hele · tyl y haue peris þe ploughman</l>
<l> and siþ he gradde after grace · tyl y gan a<seg>-</seg>wake · </l>
<trailer><hi><foreign>¶ Explicit visio Petri</foreign> ploughman · </hi></trailer>