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Passus . XIusvndecimus .
ÞAnne scripture scornede me  & a skil tolde
And lakkede me in latyn  & liȝt bi me sette
And seyde . Multi multa sciunt  & seipsos nesciunt
Þoo wepte I for woo  & wraþþe of hir speche
And in a wyndynge wraþþe  wexe I a-slepe
A merueylous sweuene  mette IO.11.6: YOC2 alone include I. me þanne
Þat I was rauyschid riȝt þere  & fortune me fette
And in-to þe loond of longyng  alone sche me brouȝte
In a myrour þat hyȝte mydleerd  sche made me beholde
Siþen sche seyde vntoO.11.10: OC2 alone have vnto in place of to. me  heer myȝte þou see wondres
And knowe þat þou coueytist  & come þerto paraunter
Þanne hadde fortune folwynge hir  two fayre damysellis
Concupiscencia carnis  men calledenO.11.13: O alone has the form calleden in place of called. þe elder mayde
And coueytise of yen  called was þat oþer
Pride of parfiȝt lyuyng  pursuede hem boþe
And bade me for anyO.11.16: OC2F alone have any in place of my. contenaunce  acounte clergye liȝt
Concupiscencia carnis  collede me aboute þe nekke
And seyde þou art ȝonge & ȝeep  & hast ȝeris ynowe
For to lyue longe  & ladyes to louye
And in þis myrour þou myȝte see  myrþes ful many
Þat lede þee wolen to likyng  al þi lijf-tyme
Þe secounde seyde þe same  I schal sue þi wille
Til þou be a lord & haue loond  lete þee I nylle
Þat I ne schal folewe þi felawschip  if fortune it like
He schal fynde me his freend  quod fortune þer-after
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ÞeO.11.26: The initial thorn has a rubricated ascender. freek þat folewede my wille  faylede neuere blisse
Þanne was þer oon þat hiȝte elde  þat heuy was of chere
Man quod he . if I metteO.11.28: The first <t> in mette is superpuncted as well as subpuncted. wiþ þee  bi marie of heuene
Þou schalt fynde fortune þee fayle  at þi moost nede
And concupiscencia carnis  clene þee forsake
Bittirlich schalt þou banne þanne  boþe dayes & nyȝtis 
Coueytise of ye  þat euere þou it knewe
And pride of parfiȝt lyuyng  to myche perele þee brynge
Ȝhe . recche þee neuere quod recchelesnesse  stode forþ in raggide cloþis
Folewe forþ þat fortune wole  þou hast wel far..O.11.35: A solidus/punctus appears over far and two spaces follow it in which characters have been erased; Kane and Donaldson believe that far has been substituted for faire, the reading of Y. to elde
A man may stoupe tyme ynow  whanne he schal tyne þe crowne
Homo proponit quod a poete  & plato he hyȝte
And . deus disponit quod he  latte god do his wille
If truþe wole witnesse . it be we wel do  fortune to folwe
Concupiscencia carnis  ne coueytise of yen
Ne schal not greue þee gretli  ne bigyle þee but þou wilt
Ȝhe fare-wel phippe quod fauntelte  & forþ gan me drawe
Til concupiscencia carnis  acordede alle my werkis
Allas ye quod Elde  and holynesse boþe
Þat witt schal turne to wrecchednesse  for wille to haue his likyng
Coueytise of yen  counfortede me soone after
And folewede me fourti wynter  or fifty orO.11.47: OGC2 alone have or fifty or; variants include or fifty and (Cr23YCB) and and a fifte (WHmCr1LMRF). more
Þat of do-wel . ne do-bette  no deynte me þouȝte
I hadde no likyng ne lustO.11.49: OC2 alone have ne lust; variants include if þe leste (L), if þe lest (M), if þee list (W), ȝif thu list (Hm), if ye list (Cr1), and ne no luste (Cr23GYCB).  of hem ouȝt to knowe
Coueytise of yen  cam ofter in my mynde
Þan do-wel or do-bette  amongys my dedis alle
Coueytise of yen  counfortede me ofte
And seyde . haue no concience  how þou come to good
Go confesse þee to sum frere  & schewe hym þi synnes
For whyles fortune is þi freend  freris wolen þe louye
And fecche þee to her fraternyte  & for þee biseche
To her priour prouyncial  a pardoun forto haue
And preye for þee pol bi pol  if þou be pecuniosus
Set pena pecuniaria non sufficit pro
spiritualibus delictis
O.11.59: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after pro, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Bi wysschyng of þis wenche I wrouȝte  her wordis weren so swete
Til I forȝate ȝowþe  & ȝerne in-to elde
And þanne was fortune my foo  for al hir fayre biheste
And pouerte pursuede me  & putte me lowe
And þoo fonde I þe frere a-ferd  & flittynge boþe
Aȝens oure first forward  for I seyde I nolde 
Be biryed at her hous  but at my parisch chirche
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For I herde ones  how concience it tolde
Þat þere a man were cristened  bi kynde he schulde be biryed
Or where he were parischen  riȝt þere he schulde be grauenO.11.69: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to alliterate.
And for I seyde þus to freris  a fool þei me helden
And louede me þe lesse  for my lele speche
And ȝit I criede on my confessour  þat helde hymself so kunnynge
Bi my feiþ frere quod I  ȝe faren lijk þeise wowers
. Exemplum.
Þat wedden no wydewis  but forto welde her goodes
Riȝt so bi þe rode  rouȝtenO.11.75: OC2 alone have the form rouȝten in place of rouȝte. ȝe neuere
Where my body were biryed  bi so ȝe hadde þe siluer
Ich haue myche merueyle of ȝow  & so haþ many oþer
Why ȝoure couent coueytiþ  to confesse & to birie
Rer þan to baptise barnes  þat been cathecumynys
Baptisyng & biryeng  boþe been ful nedeful
Ac myche more merytorie me þinkeþ  is to baptise
For a baptised man may  as maystres tellen
Þoruȝ contricioun come  to þe hye heuene
Sola contricio delet peccatumO.11.84: This line is written in the right margin.
Ac a barn wiþ-outen bapteem  may not be saued
Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua & ceteraO.11.86: This line is written in the right margin.
Loke ȝe lettred men  wheþer I lye or not
And lewte lokede on me  & I lourede after
Wher-fore lourest þou quod lewte  & lokede on me harde
If I durste quod I amongys men  þeise metelis auowe
Ȝhe . bi petir & bi poule quod he  & toke boþe to witnesse
Non oderis fratres
secrete in corde
tuo . set puplice
argue illos
O.11.92: This line is written in the left margins of ll. 91-94. It is divided after fratres, corde, and puplice, so that it appears as four lines.
Þei wolen alegge also quod I  & biO.11.93: The <b> of bi has been altered from another letter. þe gospel preue
Nolite iudicare quemquam .O.11.94: This line is written in the right margin.
And wher-of serueþ lawe quod lewte  if no lijf vndir-tokeO.11.95: OC2 alone lack it at the end of this line. A solidus/punctus appears over the line following vndir-toke, followed by a space in which characters have been erased. In the right margin is a caret/punctus and the word it, faintly visible though erased, suggesting that it may originally have appeared at the end of the line and later have been erased in response to a corrector's instruction to delete.
FalnesseFal[s]nesse ne faytrie . for sumwhat  þe apostle seyde
Non oderis fratrem . & in þe sauter also  seiþ dauid þe prophete
Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis & cetera
It is leuefulO.11.99: O alone has the form leueful; most B manuscripts have licitum. for lewide men  to segge þe soþe
If hem likeþ orO.11.100: OC2 alone have or in place of and. liste  iche a lawe it grauntiþ
Except persouns & preestis  & prelatis of holy chirche
It falleþ not for þat folk  no tales to telle
Þouȝ þe tale were trewe  & it touchede synne
Þing þat al þe werld woot  wherfore schuldist þou spare
And reden it in rethorik  to arate dedli synne
Ac be neuere-more þe first  þe defaute to blame
Þouȝ þou see yuel . seye it not first  be sory it nere amendid
AndO.11.108: OC2C alone have And; variants include a (GYB), No (WHmCrLMR), and & ony (F). þing þat is pryue  puplice þow it neuere
Neiþer for loue laude it not  ne lakke it for envie
Parum lauda vitupera
O.11.110: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vitupera, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
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He seiþ soþ quod scripture þoo  & skipte on hyȝ & prechede
Ac þe matere þat he meuede  if lewide men it knewe
Þe lasse as I leue  louen it þei woldenO.11.113: OC2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde.
Þis was her teme & her text  I toke ful good heed
Multi to a mangerie  & to þe mete weren sumpned
And whanne þe peple was plener comen  þe porter vnpynnede þe gate
And plukkide in pauci priueliche  & lete þe remenaunt go roome
Al for tene of her text  tremblede myn herte
And in a weer gan I waxe  & wiþ my-self dispute
Wheþer I were chosen or not  on holy chirche I þouȝte
Þat vndirfonge me at þe founte  for oon of goddis chosen
For crist clepede vs alle  come if we woldenO.11.122: OC2 alone have the form wolden in place of wolde.
Sarasens & scismatikes  & so he dide þe Iues
O vos omnes scicientes venite & ceteraO.11.124: This line is written in the right margin.
And bade hem souke for synne  saueli at his brest
And drynke bote for bale  broke it who-so myȝte
Þanne mowen alle cristen come quod I  & cleyme þere entree
Bi þe blood þat he bouȝte vs wiþ  & þoruȝ baptisme after
Qui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit & ceteraO.11.129: This line is written in the right margin.
For þouȝ a cristen man coueytede  his cristendoom to reneye
Riȝtfullich to reneye  no resoun it wolde
For may no cherl chartre make  ne his catel selle
W-outen leue of his lord  no lawe wole it graunte
Ac he may renne in arerage  & roome so fro home
And as a reneyed caytijf  recchelesly aboute
Ac resoun schal rekene wiþ hym  & caste hym in arerage
And putte hym after in prisoun  in purgatorie to brenne
For his arerage rewarde hym þere  to þe day of doom
But if contricioun wole come  & crie bi his lyue 
Mercy for hise mysdedis  wiþ mouþ or wiþ herte
Þat is soþ quod scripture  may no synne lette 
Mercy alle to amende  & mekenesse hir folewe
For þei been . as oure bokis tellen  aboue goddis werkis
MisericordiaO.11.144: OC2 alone among beta witnesses lack eius before super. super omnia opera eiusO.11.144: This line is written in the right margin.
Ȝhe . bawe for bokis quod oon  was broken out of helle
Hiȝte troianus hadde been a trewe knyȝt  toke witnesse at þe pope
How he was deed & dampned  to dwellen in peyne
For an vncristen creature  clerkis witen þe soþe
Þat alle þe clergye vndir crist  myȝte me cracche fro helle
But onelich loue & lewte  & my laweful domusO.11.150: O alone has domus in place of domes.
Gregory wiste þis wel  & wylneþ to my soule 
Saluacioun . for soþnesse  þat he seyȝ in my werkis
And after þat he wepte  & wilnede me were grauntid
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. nota .
þe ground of trentalis .O.11.154: The rubric is divided after nota.
Grace . wiþ-outen any bede biddyng  his boone loueO.11.154: Because marginal loue is placed directly above boone, and both are accompanied by a solidus/punctus, it seems likely that it is intended as a substitution. Perhaps a gloss, and not substitution, is intended; however, the words do not have the same meaning, and it seems unlikely that the word boone would have been unfamiliar to any reader. was vndirfongen
And I saued as ȝe mowenO.11.155: O alone has the form mowen; most B manuscripts have may. see  wiþ-out syngyng of masses
Bi loue & bi lernyng  of my lyuyng in truþe
Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne  þere no biddyng myȝte
Lo ȝe lordis . what lewte dide  bi an emperour of rome
Þat was an vncristen creature  as clerkis fynden in bokis
Not þoruȝ preyer of a pope  but for his pure truþe 
Was þat sarasen saued  as seynt gregory bereþ witnesse
Wel ouȝten ȝe lordis þat lawes kepen  þis lessoun haue in mynde
And on troianus truþe to þenke  & do truþe to þe peple
O.11.164: This rubric, written in a larger and more formal script than that of the rest of the text, may not be written in the main scribal hand. It is divided after Exemplum, so that it appears as two lines.
Lawe wiþ-outen loue quod troianus  ley þere a bene
Or any science vndir sunne  þe seuene artis & alle
But þei be lerned for oure lordis loue  lost is al þe tyme
For no cause to cacche syluer þerbi  ne to be called a mayster
But al for loue of oure lord  & þe bette to loue þe peple
For seynt ion seyde it  & soþe arn hise wordis
Qui non diligit manet in
O.11.170: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after in, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Who-so loueþ not leue me  he lyueþ in deþ-deyinge
And þat alle manere men  enemyes & frendes 
Loue her eyþerer  & lene hem as hem-seluen
Who-so leneþ not he loueþ not  god woot þe soþe
And comaundedeO.11.175: OC2RF alone have the preterite form. iche creature  to conforme hym to louye
And souereynli pore peple  & her enemyes after
For hem þat haten vs  is oure meryte to louye
And pore peple to plese  her preyeris mowen vs helpe
For oure ioye & oure hele  iesu crist of heuene
In a pore mannys apparayle  pursueþ vs euere
And lokiþ on vs in her liknesse  & þat wiþ loueli chere
To knowe vs bi oure kynde herte  & castyng of oure ye
Wheþer we louenO.11.183: OC2 alone have the form louen in place of loue. þe lordis heer  bifore oure lord of blisse
And exciteþ vs bi þe euangelie  þat whanne we maken feestis
We schulden not clepe oure kyn þerto  ne no kyn riche
Cum facitis conuiuia
nolite inuitare a
O.11.186: This line is written in the left margin opposite ll. 185-188. It is divided after conuiuia and <a> in amicos, so that it appears as three lines.
Ac calleþ þe careful þerto  þe croked & þe pore
For ȝoure frendis wolen fede ȝow  & fonde ȝow to quyte 
Ȝoure feestynge & ȝoure fayre ȝiftes  iche freend quyteþ so oþer
Ac for þe pore I schal paye  & pure wel quyte her trauayle
Þat ȝyueþ hem mete or money  & loueþ hem for my sake
For þe beste been summe riche  & summe beggers & pore
For alle arn we cristis creaturis  & of hise coferis riche
And breþeren as of blood  asO.11.194: OC2F alone lack wel after as. beggers &O.11.194: OC2F alone have & in place of as. erlesO.11.194: At the bottom right margin of this page, boxed catchwords have been lost to cropping; only the top of the box is visible.
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For on caluarie of cristis blood  cristendom gan sprynge
And blody breþeren we become  þere . of oo body wonne
As quasi modo geniti  & gentil men ichone
NeO.11.198: OC2 alone have Ne in place of No. begger ne boye amonge vs  but if it synne made
Qui facit peccatum seruus est
O.11.199: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after est, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
In þe olde lawe  as holi lettre telliþ
Mennys sones  men callede vs ichone
Of adamþisadamis issu & eue  ay til god-man deyede
And after his resurecciounredemptor was his name
And we hise breþeren þoruȝ hym bouȝt  boþe riche & pore
For-þi . lyueO.11.205: O alone has lyue in place of loue. we as leue breþeren schul  & iche man lawȝhe onO.11.205: GOC2F alone have on; most B manuscripts have
ForO.11.206: OC2 alone have For in place of And. if þat iche man may forbere  amende þere it nediþ
And euery man helpe oþer  for hennes schul we alle
Alter alterius onera portate & ceteraO.11.208: This line is written in the right margin.
And be we not vnkynde of oure catel  ne of oure kunnyng neiþer
For noot no man how it is  to be ynome fro boþe
For-þi . lakke no lijf oþer  þouȝ he more latyn knowe
Ne vndirnyme not foule  for is noon wiþ-outen faute
For what-euere clerkis carpenO.11.213: OC2 alone have the form carpen in place of carpe.  of cristendom or ellis
Crist to a comune womman seyde  in comune at a feeste
Þat fides sua schulde sauen hir  & saluen hir of synnes
Þanne is beleue a lele helpe  aboue logyk or lawe
Of logyk ne of lawe  in legenda sanctorum
Is litil allowaunce maad  but if beleue hem helpe
For it is ouerlonge . er logyk  any lessoun assoyle
And lawe is loþ to louye  but if he lacche syluer
ButO.11.221: OC2 alone have But in place of Boþe. logyk & lawe  þat louenO.11.221: OC2 alone have the form louen in place of loueþ. not to lye
I counceyle alle cristen men  cleue not þer-on to sore
For summe wordis I fynde writen  werenO.11.223: O alone has weren; most B manuscripts have were. of feiþes techyng
That sauede synful men  as seynt Ion bereþ witnesse
Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis  remecietur vobisO.11.225: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after the caesura, and the second line is preceded by a red parasign.
For-þi lerne we þe lawe of loue  as oure lord tauȝte
And as seynt gregori seyde  for mennysO.11.227: OC2 alone have the plural form. soule helþe
Melius est scrutari scelera nostraO.11.228: A double solidus indicates transposition of original nostra scelera. quam naturas rerumO.11.228: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after naturas, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Why I meue þis mater  is moost for þe pore
For in his liknesse . oure lord  ofte haþ been yknowe
Witnesse in þe paske weke  whanne he ȝede to Emaus
Cleophas knewe hym not  þat he crist were
For his pore apparayle  & pilgrimes wedis
Til he blessede & brake  þe breed . þat þei eten
So bi hise werkis þei wisten  þat he was Iesus
Ac bi cloþing þei knewen hym not  ne bi carpyng of tunge
And al was in ensaumple  to vs synful heer
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Þat we schuldenO.11.238: OC2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde. be lowe  & louelich of spechesO.11.238: YO alone have the plural form.
And apparayle vs not proudeli  for pilgrimes arn we alle
And in þe apparayle of a pore man  & pilgrimes liknesse
Many tyme god haþ been met  amonge nedy peple
ÞatO.11.242: OC2 alone have Þat; most B manuscripts have Ther. neuere segge hym seyȝ  in secte of þe riche
pureO.11.243: Because pore is accompanied by a solidus/punctus above, and marginal pure by a caret/punctus, it seems clear that substitution is intended.
Seynt ion & oþer seyntis  weren seyn in pore cloþing
And as pore pilgrimes  preyeden mennys goodis
Iesu crist on a Iues douȝter aliȝte  gentil womman þouȝ sche were
O.11.246: A cross about two characters in height appears in the near left margin between this line and the next; the hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty, but resembles hand 3.Was a pure pore mayde  & to a pore man weddid
Martha on marie magdalene  an huge pleynt sche made
And to oure saueour self  seyde þeise wordis
Domine non est tibi cure quod soror mea reliquit me solam & ceteraO.11.249: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mea, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And hastili god answerede  & eyþeris wille folewede
Boþ in marthas & in maries  as matheu bereþ witnesse
Ac pouerte god putte bifore  & preysede it þe better
Maria optimam partem elegit que non auferetur ab eaO.11.253: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after que, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And alle þe wise þat euere werenO.11.254: OC2 alone have the form weren in place of were.  bi ouȝt I can aspie
Preysen pouerte for best lijf  if pacience it folewe
And boþe better & blessider  bi many foold þan richesse
And þouȝ it be soure to suffre  þer comeþ swete after
As on a walnote wiþ-outen  is a bitter bark
And after þat bitter bark  be þe schelle aweye
Is a kirnel of kounfort  kynde to restore
So is after pouerte or pacienceO.11.261: OC2 alone have pacience in place of penaunce.  pacientlich ytake
For it makiþ man to haue mynde in god  & a greet wille 
To wepe & to wel bidde  wher-of wexeþ mercyO.11.263: OC2 alone lack the following line attested by all other B manuscripts: "Of which crist is a kernell to conforte þe soule."
And wel sikerer he slepiþ  þe man þat is pore
And lasse he drediþ deþ  & in derk to be robbed 
Þan he þat is riȝt riche  resoun bereþ witnesse
Pauper ego ludo  dum tu diues meditarisO.11.267: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after diues, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And þouȝ salomon seyde  as folk seen in þe bible
Diuicias nec paupertates & ceteraO.11.269: This line is written in the right margin.
Wiser þan salomon was  bereþ witnesse & tauȝte
Þat parfiȝt pouerte was  no possessioun to haue
And lijf moost likyng to god  as luke bereþ witnesse
Si vis perfectus esse vade & vende & ceteraO.11.273: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after &, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And is to mene to men  þat on þis moold lyuen
war munkes &
O.11.275: This rubric is divided after &, so that it appears as two lines.
Who-so wole be pure parfiȝt  mote possessioun forsake
Or selle it as seiþ þe book  & þe syluer dele
To beggers þat goon & beggenO.11.277: OC2 alone have the form beggen; all other beta witnesses have begge.  & bidden good for goddislouegoddis loue
. nota .O.11.278: The word nota is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red.
For faylede neuere man mete  þat myȝtful god seruede
Non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius querens panemO.11.279: This line, which occurs here only in OC2, is written in the right margin. It is divided after derelictum, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text. The word nota is surrounded at left, right, and bottom by flourishes in black and red. This line has occurred previously at 7.98; Kane and Donaldson (221) exclude it as a "contamination," probably inserted from memory.
As dauid seiþ in þe sauter  to swiche þat ben in wille 
To serue god goodlich  ne greueþ hym no penaunce
Nichil impossibile volentiO.11.282: This line is written in the right margin.
Ne lakkeþ neuere lijflode  lynnen ne wollen
Inquirentes autem dominum non minuentur omni bono .O.11.284: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after mi- in minuentur, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
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Of annueleris preestis
IfO.11.285: The <I> in If is decorated with flourishes. preestis weren parfiȝt  þei wolden no syluer take
For masses ne for mateyns  not her mete of vsureris
Ne neiþer kirtel ne kote  þouȝ þei for coold schulden deye
And þei her deuer dide as dauid  seiþ . in þe sauter
Iudica me deus  & discerne causam & ceteraO.11.289: OC2 alone have & cetera in place of meam. spera in deo & ceteraO.11.289: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & cetera, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Spekiþ of preestis  þat han no spendynge syluer
Þat if þei trauayle trulich  & triste in god almyȝti
Hem schulde lakke no lijflode  neiþer wollen ne lynnen
And þe title þei taken ordre bi  telleþ . ȝe been auaunced
Þanne nediþ not ȝow take syluer  for masses þat ȝe syngen
For he þat toke ȝow ȝoure title  schulde take ȝow ȝoure wages
Of þe bisschop þat blessiþ ȝow  if þat ȝe been worþi
For made neuere kyng no knyȝt  but he hadde catel to spende
As bifel for a knyȝt  or fonde hym for his strenkþe
It is a careful knyȝt  & of caytijf kyngys makyng
Þat haþ no loond ne lynage riche  ne good loos of hise handis
Þe same I seye for-soþe  bi alle swiche preestis
Þat han neiþer kunnyng ne kyn  but a crowne oone
And a title a tale of nouȝt  to his lijflode at mescheef
He haþ more bileue as IO.11.304: The <I> seems to have been written over an anticipated <l> from leue. leue  to lacche þoruȝ his crowne 
Cure . þan for kunnyng or knowyng  for clene of beryng
I haue wonder & why  & wherfore þe bisschop
Makeþ swiche preestes  þat lewide men bitrayenO.11.307: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this and the preceding line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as failure to alliterate.
A chartre is chalengeble  bifore a cheef Iustise
If fals latyn be in þat lettre  þe lawe it impugneþ
Or peyntid par interlynarie  parcellis ouer-skippid
Þe goom þat gloseþ so chartres  for a goky is holden
So it is a goky bi god  þat in his gospel fayliþ
Or in messe or matyns  makiþ any defaute
Qui offendit in vno in omnibus est reusO.11.314: This line is written in the right margin.
And also in þe sauter seiþ  dauid . to ouerskippers
Psallite deo nostro psallite / quoniam rex terre deus israel sallite[p]sallite sapienter
Þe bisschop schal be blamed  bifore god as I leue
ÞatO.11.318: OC2 alone lack croune(þ)(d) before swiche, and thus lack the first alliterating stave. swiche goddis knyȝtis  þat kunne not sapienter
Synge ne salmes rede  ne segge a messe of þe day
Ac neuere neiþer is blameles  þe bisschop ne þe chapleyn
For euere eiþer is enditid  & þat of ignorancia
Non excusat episcopos  nec ydiotes preestis
Þis lokyng ofO.11.323: OGC2F alone have of in place of on. lewid preestis  haþ doon me lepe fro pouerte
Which I preyse þere pacience is  more parfiȝt þan richesse
Ac myche more in metyng þus  wiþ me gan oon dispute
And slepyng I seyȝ al þis  & siþen cam kynde
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And nempnede me bi name  & bade me nymeO.11.327: OC2 alone have the form nyme in place of nymen. heed
And þoruȝ þe wondris of þis world  witt for to take
And on a mounteyn þat mydleerd hyȝte  as me þoo þouȝte
I was fet forþ  bi ensaumples to knowe 
Þoruȝ iche a creature & kynde  my creatoure to louyeO.11.331: The <o> in louye is written over an illegible character.
I seyȝ þe sunne & þe sehe  & þe sond after
And where þat briddis & beestis  bi her make ȝeden
Wylde wormes in wodis  & wondirfulO.11.334: The <u> in wondirful seems to have been written over an <o>. foulis
Wiþ flekked feþeris  & of fele colouris
Man haddeO.11.336: OC2 alone have hadde in place of and. his make  I myȝte boþe beholde
Pouerte & plente  boþe pees & werre
Blisse & Bale  boþe I seyȝ at ones
AndO.11.339: OC2F alone lack how before men. men token mede  & mercy refusedenO.11.339: O alone has the form refuseden; all other beta witnesses have refused.
Resoun I seyȝ soþeli  suen alle beestis
In etyng & drynkyng  & in engendryng of kynde
And after cours of concepcioun  noon toke keep of oþer
And whanne þei hadden riden in rotey tyme  anoon-riȝt þerafter
Males drowen hem to males  on morwenyngesO.11.344: O alone has on morwenynges; variants include all mornynge (Hm), on morninge (Cr3), on morwnynge (C2), on mornings (Cr2), on mournes (G), amornynges (LCr1), amorwenges (YC), amorwynges (Cot), and amorwenynges (WBmBoMR). bi hem-seluenO.11.344: O alone has the form seluen in place of selue.
InO.11.345: OC2 alone lack introductory And. euenynges also  þe males fro þe femeles
Þere was cow ne cowkynde  þat conceyued hadde
Þat wolde belue after boles  ne boor after sowe
Boþe hors & houndis  & alle oþer beestis
MedeledenO.11.349: OC2 alone have the form Medeleden; all other beta witnesses have Medled. not wiþ her makes  þat wiþ foole werenO.11.349: OC2 alone have þat wiþ foole weren; most B manuscripts have þat wiþ fole were.
Briddes I behelde  þat in buskes maden nestis
Hadde neuere wye witt  to worche þe leeste
I hadde wondir at whom  & where þe pye lernede 
To legge þe stykkes  in whiche he leiþ & brediþ
Þer nys wyȝtO.11.354: OC2 alone have wyȝt; most B manuscripts have wryȝt. asO.11.354: The <a> in as seems to have been written over an <a>. I wene  schulde wirche hir nest to paye
If any masoun made a moold þerto  myche wondre it were
And ȝit me merueylede more  how many oþere briddes 
Hidden & hileden  her eyrenO.11.357: OC2 alone have the form eyren in place of egges. ful derne
In mareys & mooris  for men schulde hem not fynde
And hydden her eggys  whanne þei þerfro wenten
For feer of oþere foulis  & for wylde beestis
And summe troden her makis  & on trees bredden
And brouȝten forþ her bryddis so  al aboue þe grounde
And summe briddes at þe biblebile  þoruȝ bredyngO.11.363: OC2 alone have bredyng in place of breþyng. conceyuedenO.11.363: O alone has the form conceyueden in place of conceyued.
And summe kakeledenO.11.364: OC2 alone have the form kakeleden; most B manuscripts have caukede. I toke keep  how pecokkis bredden
Miche merueylede me  what mayster þei haddenO.11.365: OC2 alone have the form hadden; most B manuscripts have hadde.
And who tauȝte hem on trees  to tymbre so hye
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ÞereO.11.367: The thorn in Þere is decorated with flourishes in red and black. neiþer barn ne beest may her briddis reche
And siþen I lokede on þe sehe  & so on þe sterres
Many selkouþis I seyȝ  been not to seye nouþe
I seyȝ flouris in þe friþ  & her fayre colouris
And how among þe grene gresse  grewe so many hewes
And summe soure & summe swete  selcouþe me þouȝte
Of her kynde & her colour  to carpe . it were to longe
Ac þat moost meuede me  & my mood chaungede
Þat resoun rewartdede  & rulede alle beestis
Saue man & his make  many tyme & ofte
No resoun hem folewede  & þanne I rebukede 
Resoun . & riȝt toO.11.378: An otiose tilde appears above the <t> in to. hym-seluen seyde
I haue wondre of þee quod I  þat witty art holden
Why þou ne sueste man & his make  þat no mysfayt hym folewe
And resoun aratede me  & seyde recche þee neuere
Why I suffre or not suffre  þi-self hast not to done
Amende þou if þou myȝte  for my tyme is to abide
Sufferaunce is suereyn vertu  & ofO.11.384: OC2 alone have of in place of a. swift veniaunce
Who suffredeO.11.385: WYOC2 alone have the preterite form. more þan god quod he  no goom as I leue
He myȝte amende in a mynute whyle  al þat mysstondeþ
Ac he suffredeO.11.387: OC2 alone have the preterite form. for summe mans good  & so is oure bettre
Þe wise & þe witti  wroote þus in þe bible
De re que te non molestat noli certareO.11.389: This line is written in the right margin.
For . be a man fayre or foule  it falleþ not toO.11.390: GOC2 alone among beta witnesses have to in place of for to. lakke 
Þe schappe ne þe schaft  þat god schope hym-seluenO.11.391: O alone has seluen in place of selue.
For al þat he dide was wel do  as holi writ witnessiþ
Et vidit deus cuncta que fecerat & erant valde bona . .O.11.393: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after fecerat, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And bade euery creature  in his kynde encrece
Al to myrþe wiþ . man  þat moost woo þolieþO.11.395: OC2RF alone have wo þolieþ most B manuscripts have wo þolie. These scribes seem to have understood moost as a superlative, where others interpreted it as a modal.
In fondyng of þe flesch  & of þe feend boþe
For man was maad of swych a mateer  he may not wel asterteO.11.397: The word asterte was rewritten in the right margin, apparently because the er suspension in the first occurrence was misplaced and smudged.
Þat ne sum-tyme hym bitid  to folewe his kynde
Catoun acordeþ herwiþO.11.399: OC2 alone have herwiþ; most B manuscripts have þerwiþ.nemo sine crimine viuit
Þoo cauȝte I colour anoon  & comsede to be a-schamed
And IO.11.401: YOC2F alone include I. awakede þer-wiþ  woo was me þanne .
Þat I in metels ne myȝte  more haue I-knowen
Þanne seyde I to myself  & chidde þat tyme
Now I woot what do-wel is quod I  bi dere god as me þinkeþ
And as I caste vp myne yen  oon lokede on me & axede 
Of me . what þing it were  I-wisse sire I seyde
To see myche & suffre more  certis quod I is do-wel
Haddist þou suffred . he seyde  slepynge þoo þou were
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Þou schuldist haue yknowe þat clergie can  & conceyued more þoruȝ resoun
For resoun wolde haue reherced þee  riȝt as clergie seyde
And for þin entremetyng heer  art þou forsaken
Philosophus esses si tacuissesO.11.412: This line is written in the right margin.
Adam whylis he spake nouȝt  hadde paradijs at wille
Ac whanne he mamelede aboute mete  & entremette hym to knowe 
Þe wisdam of þe witt of god  he was put fro blisse
And riȝt so ferde resoun bi þee  þou wiþ rude speche
Lakkedist & losedest þing  þat longede not to done
Þoo hadde he no lykyng  for to lerne þee more
Pride now & presumpsioun  paraunter wolen þee appele
Þat clergie þi companye  ne kepeþ not to sue
Schal neuere chalengyng ne chydyng  chastiseO.11.420: HmOC2F alone have chastyse; most B manuscripts have chaste. a man so soone
AsO.11.421: HmOC2 alone lack shal before schame. schame & schenden hym & schape hym to amende
For latte a drunken daffe  in a diche falle
Latte hym ligge loke not on hym  til hym liste to rise
For þouȝ resoun rebukede hym þanne  it were but pure synne
And whanne nede nymeþ hym vp  for doute lest he sterue
And schame schrapiþ hise cloþis  & hise schyns wasschiþ
Þanne woot þe drunkun daffe  wherfore he is to blame
Ȝe seggen soþ quod I  ich haue yseyn it ofte
Þer smyt no þing so smerte  ne smelleþ so soure
As schame þere he schewiþ hym  for euery man hym schonyeþ
Why ȝe wissenO.11.432: OC2 alone have ȝ wissen in place of ye wisse. me þus quod I . was  for I rebukede resoun
Certis quod he þat is soþ  & schope hym for to walke
And I a-roos vp riȝt wiþ þat  & folewede hym after
And preyede hym of his curtesie  to telle me his name