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O.9.000: The heading is divided after Passus, so that it appears as two lines.
SIre dowel dwelliþ quod witt  not a day hennys O.9.1: A small cross, in an unidentifiable hand, appears in the near left margin of this line.
In a castel þat kynde made  of foure kyns þingys
Of erþe & eyr it is maad  medelid to-gyderes
Wiþ wynde & wiþ water  wittiliO.9.4: OC2 alone have wittili in place of witterly. enioyned
Kynde haþ closid þer-Inne  craftili wiþ-alle
A lemman þat he loueþ  lyke to hym-selue
Anima sche hatte  ac envye hir hatiþ
A proude priker of fraunce  princeps huius mundi
And wolde wynne hir awey  wiþ wyles and he myȝte
Ac kynde knowiþ þis wel  & kepiþ hir þe better
And haþ doon hir wiþ sire do-wel  duke of þis marches
Do-bette is hir damysel  sire do-welis douȝter
To serue þis lady lelly  boþe late & raþe
Do-best is aboue boþe  a bisschopps pere
Þat he bit mote be doon  he ruliþ hem alle
Anima þat lady  is lad bi his leryng
Ac þe cunstable of þat castel  þat kepiþ al þe wacche
Is a wise knyȝt wiþ-al  sire Inwitt he hatte
And haþ fyue fayre sones  bi his first wijf
Sire . se wel . & seye wel  & here wel þe hende
Sire . wirche wel . wiþ þin hand  a wiȝt man of strenkþe
And . sire godfrey . go wel  grete lordis for-soþe
Þeise fyue been set  to saue þis lady anima
Til kynde come or sende  to sauen hir for euere
What þing is kynde quod I  canst þou me telle
Kynde quod witt is a creature  of alkyns þingys
Fadir & formour of al  þat euere was maked
And þat is þe greet god  þat gynnyng hadde neuere
Lord of lijf & of liȝt  of lisse & of peyne
Aungelis & al þing  arn at his wille
Ac man is hym moost lijke  of mark & of schaft
For þoruȝ þe woord þat he spake  wexen forþ beestis
Dixit & facta sunt & ceteraO.9.33: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Dixit, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And made man likkest  to hym-selue oone
And eue of his ribbe-boon  wiþ-outen any mene
For he was synguler hym-self  & seyde faciamus
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As who seyþ . more mut þertoO.9.37: GOC2 alone have þer-to in place of herto.  þan my word oone
My myȝt mut helpe now  wiþ my speche
Riȝt as a lord schulde make lettres  & hym lakkede parchemyn
Þouȝ he kouþe write neuere so wel  if he hadde no penne
Þe lettresO.9.41: OCr23C2 alone have the plural form. for al þe lordschip  I leue were neuere ymaked
And so it semeþ bi hym  as þe book telleþ
Þere he seyþ . dixit & facta sunt
He muste wirche wiþ his word  & his witt schewe
And in þis manere was man maad  þoruȝ myȝt of god almyȝti
Wiþ his word & werkmanschip  & wiþ lijf to laste
And þus god gaf hym a goost  of þe godheed of heuene
And of his greet grace  grauntede hym blysse
And þat is lijf þat ay schal laste  to alle lynages after
And þat is þe castel þat kynde made  caro it hatte
And þatO.9.51: OC2 alone include þat. is as myche to mene  as man wiþ a soule
And þat he wrouȝte wiþ werk  & wiþ word boþe
Þoruȝ myȝt of þe mageste  man was ymaked
Inwitt & alle wittis  closed been þer-Inne
For loue of þe lady anima  þat lijf is ynempned
Ouer-al in mannys body  he walkiþ & wandriþ
Ac in þe herte is hir home  & hir moost rest
Ac inwitt is in þe hed  & to þe herte he lokiþ
What anima is leef &O.9.59: OC2 alone have & in place of or. looþ  he latte hir at his wille
For after þe grace of god  þe grettest is inwitt
Mich woo worþ þat man  þat mysruliþ his inwitt
And þat been glotouns glubbers  her god is her wombe
Quorum deus venter estO.9.63: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after deus, so that it appears as two lines.
For þei seruen sathan  her soulis schal he haue
Þat lyuen synful lijf heer  her soule is like þe deuelisO.9.65: OC2 alone have the possessive form.
And alle þat lyuen good lijf  arn like to god almyȝti
Qui manet in caritate in deo manet & ceteraO.9.67: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after caritate, so that it appears as two lines.
Allas þat drynk schal fordo  þat god dere abouȝte
And dooþ god forsaken hem  þat he schope to his liknesse
Amen dico vobis . nescio vos / & alibi / & dimisi eos secundum desideria eorum & cetera
FoulesfoolesO.9.71: A caret beside marginal fooles indicates that it was intended as a substitute for Foules. þat fauten Inwitt  I fynde þat holi chirche 
Schulde fynde hem þat hem fauteþ  & fadirles children
And wydwes þat han not wher-wiþ  to wynne hem hem her fode
Madde men & maydenes  þat helples weren
Alle þeise lakken Inwitt  & lore bihoueþ
Of þisO.9.76: A solidus/punctus appears over the <s> in þis, for no apparent reason. matere I myȝte  make a longe tale
And fynde fele witnesse  amongys þe foure doctouris
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And þat I lye not of þat I lere þee  luke bereþ witnesse
Godfadir & godmodir  þat seen her god-children 
At mysese & meschef  & mowen hem amende
Schul haue penaunce in purgatorie  but if þei hem helpe
For more bilongeþ to þe litil barn  er he þe lawe knowe
Þan nempnyng of a name  & he neuere þe wyser
. . . nota .. .O.9.84: The word nota is accompanied by flourishes at right, left, and bottom.
Schulde no cristen creature  crye at þe ȝate
Ne fayle payn ne potage & prelatis  diden as þei schulden
A Iu wolde not seen a Iu  go iangelyng for defaute
For alle þe mebles on þis moold  & he amende it myȝte
Allas þat a cristen creature  schal be so vnkynde to an-er
Siþen Iues þat we Iuggen  Iudas felawis
Eer of hem helpeþ oþer  of þat þat hym nediþ
Why nylenO.9.91: O alone has nylen; variants include ne woll (HmBR), nel (WGYC2CLM), wyl not (Cr23), and wil (Cr1F). we cristen of cristis  good . be as kynde
As Iues þat been oure lorismen  schame to vs alle
Þe comune for her vnkyndenesse  I drede me schul abye
Bisschopis schul be blamed  for beggers sake
He is wers þan Iudas  þat ȝyueþ iapers syluer
And biddiþ þe begger goo  for hise broken cloþes
Proditor est prelatus cum Iuda  qui patrimonium christi minus distribuit / Et alibi / Perni
ciosus dispensatorO.9.97: OC2 alone lack est before qui.  qui res pauperum invtiliterconsumit
He dooþ not wel þat dooþ þus  ne drat not god almyȝti
Ne loueþ not salomons sawes  þat sapience tauȝte
Inicium sapiencie timor domini & þou doost betteO.9.100: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after sapiencie and domini, and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text.
Drede god for loue & þou doost wel  but not for veniaunce
Þou doost best if þou wiþdrawe  bi day & bi nyȝt 
To spille any speche  or any space of tyme
Qui offendit in vno  est in omnibus reus
Leesyng of tyme  truþe woot þe soþe
Is moost hatid vp-on erþe  of hem þat been in heuene
And siþþe to spille speche  þat spire is of grace
And goddis gleman  & a game of heuene
Wolde neuere þe feiþful fadir  his fiþele were vntempred
Ne his gleman a gedelyng  a goer to tauernes
To alle trewe tydymen  þat trauayle desiren
Oure lord loueþO.9.112: OC2 alone lack hem before &. & lent  loude eiþer stille 
Grace to goo to hem  & a-goon her lijflode
Inquirentes autem dominum non minuentur omni bonoO.9.114: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after non, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Trewe weddid libbynge folk  in þis werld is do-wel
For þei mustenO.9.116: OC2 alone have musten; most B manuscripts have mote. wirche & wynne  & þe werld susteyne
For of her kynde þei camencame  þat confessouris been nempned
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Kyngys & knyȝtis  kayseris & cherlis
Maydenes & martiris  out of a man come
Þe wijf was maad þe weye  for to helpe worche
And þus was wedlok ywrouȝt  wiþ a mene persoone
First bi þe faderis wille  & þe frendis counceyl
And siþþe bi assent of hem-selue  as þei two myȝten a-corde
And þus was wedlok ywrouȝt  & god hymself it made
In erþe þe heuene is  hym-self was þe witnesse
Ac false folk feiþles  þeues & lyeris
Wastouris & wrecches  out of wedlok I trowe 
Conceyued been in yuele tyme  as caym was of eue
Of swiche synful schrewes  þe sauter makiþ mynde
Concepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem & ceteraO.9.130: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after dolore, so that it appears as two lines.
And alle þat come of þat caym  come to yuele eende
For god sente to sem  & seyde bi an aungel
Þin issu in þin issu  I wole þat þei be ioynedO.9.133: Cr23OC2 alone have ioyned in place of wedded.
And not þi kynde wiþ caymes  ycouplid ne spousid
Ȝit summe aȝensO.9.135: The <e> in aȝens seems to have been written over an <o>. þe soonde  of oure saueour of heuene
Kaymes kynde & his kynde  ycoupledeO.9.136: OC2 alone have ycouplede; all other beta witnesses have coupled. to-gyderis
Til god wraþþede wiþ her werkis  & swich a word seyde
Þat I makede man  now me it aþinkiþ
Penitet me fecisse hominemO.9.139: This line is written in the right margin.
And come to noe anoon  & bade hym not lette
Swiþe go schape a schip  of schidis & of boordis
Þi-self & þi þre sones  & siþþen ȝoure wyues
Buske ȝow to þat boot  & bideþ ȝe þer-Inne
Til fourty dayes be fulfillid  þat flood haue ywasschen 
Clene awey þe cursid blood  þat caym haþ ymaked
Beestis þat now been  schul banne þe tyme
Þat euere þat cursid caym  come on þis erþe
Alle schul dye for hise dedis  bi dales & bi hilles
And þe foules þat flyen  forþ wiþ oþere beestis
Except onelich of ich  a kynde & a coupleO.9.150: YOC2 weaken the sense of this line by adding a before kynde, and OC2 destroy it by adding & before couple.
Þat in þi schyngled schip  schul been ysaued
Heer bouȝte þe barn  þe bele-sires gyltes
And al for her forfadris  þei ferden þe wers
Þe gospel is her-aȝeyn  in o degre I fynde
Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris & pater non portabit & ceteraO.9.155: OC2 alone have portabit & cetera; variants include & cetera (GYCB), portabit iniquitatem filij (RCrF), portabit iniquitatem filij & cetera (WHmL), and portabit iniquitatem & cetera (M).O.9.155: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after patris, so that it appears as two lines.
Ac I fynde if þe fadir  be fals & a schrewe
Þat sumdel þe sone  schal haue þe sires tacches
Impe on an ellerne . & if  þin appil be swete
Miche merueyle me þinkiþ  & more of a schrewe
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Þat bryngeþ forþ any barn  but if he be þe same
And haue a sauour after þe sire  selden seest þou oþer
Numquam colligimus de spinis vuas nec de tribulis ficusO.9.162: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vuas, and a red parasign precedes the second line.
And þus þoruȝ cursid caym  cam care vp-on erþe
And al for þei wrouȝten wedlok  aȝens goddis wille
nota . Of wedlokO.9.165: The word nota is surrounded by red and black flourishes at top right and left and beneath.
For-þi . haue þei maugre  þat so marien her children
For summe as I see now  soþe for to telle
For coueytise of catel  vnkyndelich been weddid
Ac careful concepcioun  comeþ of swiche mariages
As bifel of þe folk  þat I bifore of . tolde
For goode schulden wedde good  þouȝ þei no good hadde
I am via & veritasO.9.171: OC2 alone lack the phrase seiþ crist or seid crist before the second occurrence of I. I may auaunce alle
It is an vncomeli couple  bi crist as me þinkiþ
To ȝyue a ȝonge wenche  to an olde feble
Or wedden any wydowe  for welþe of hir goodis
Þat neuere schal barn bere  but if it be in armes
Many a peyre siþ þe pestilence  han pliȝt hem to-gyderis
Þe fruyt þat þei bryngen forþ  arn foule wordis
In ielousye ioyles  & ianglyng on bedde
Haue þei no children but chest  & choppyng hem bitwene
And þouȝ þei do hem to donmowe  but if þe deuel helpe
To folewen after þe flicche  fecche þei it neuere
And but þei boþe be forsworen  þat bacoun þei tynenO.9.182: OC2 alone have tynen in place of tyne.
For-þi I counceyle alle cristen  coueyte not be weddid
For coueytise of catel  ne of kynred riche
Ac maydenes & maydenes  macche ȝow to-gyderis
Widowes & widowers  wircheþ þe same
For no londes but for loue  loke ȝe be weddid
And þanne getenO.9.188: O alone has geten in place of gete. ȝe þe grace of god  & good ynow to lyue wiþ
And euery manere seculer  þat may not contene
Wiseli go wedde  & war hym fro synne
For leccherie in lokyng  is lyme-ȝerd of helle
Whiles þou art ȝong  & þi wepen kene
WerkeO.9.193: OC2 alone have Werke in place of Wreke. þee wiþ wyuyng  if þou wilt been excusid
Cum sis vir fortis  ne des tua robora scortis
Scribitur in portis  meretrix est ianua mortis .
Whanne ȝe han wyued . beþ war  & wircheþ in tyme
Not as adam & eue  whanne caym was engendrid
For in vntyme truli  bitwene man & womman
Ne schulde no bourde on bedde be  but if þei boþe werenO.9.199: O alone has weren in place of were. clene
Boþe of lijf & of soule  & in parfiȝt charite
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Þat ilke derne dede do  no man ne schulde
AcO.9.201: YO alone have Ac; most B manuscripts have And. if þei leden þus her lijf  it likeþ god almyȝti
For he made wedlok first  & hym-self it seyde
Bonum est vt vnusquisque vxorem suam habeat propter fornicacionem
And þei þat oþer-gates been geten  for gedelynges been holden
As fals folk fondelynges  faytouris & lyeris
Vngracious to gete good  or loue of þe peple
Wandren & wasten  what þei cacche mowen
Aȝens do-wel þei doon yuele  & þe deuel seruen
And after her deþ-day  schul dwelle wiþ þe same
But god gyue hem grace heer  hem-self to amende
Do-wel my freend . is to do  as þe lawe techiþ
To loue þi freend & þi foo  leue me . þat is do-bette
To ȝyuen & to ȝemen  boþe ȝonge & olde
To helen & to helpen  is . do-best . of alle
And . do-wel . is to drede god  & . do-bette . is to suffre
And so comeþ . do-best . of boþe  & bryngeþ adoun þe mody
And þat is wickid wille  þat many werk schendiþ
And dryueþ awey . do-wel  þoruȝ dedly synne