Passus . 7usseptimus .O.7.000: The hand which wrote this passus heading, one contemporary with the main scribe, is not seen elsewhere in the manuscript.
O.7.1KD.7.1TRuþe herde tell her-of & to peers sente
O.7.2KD.7.2 To taken hys teem & tilie þe erþe
A pena & a
culpaO.7.3: The rubric is divided after a, so that it appears as two lines. Three ticks, the first underlined in red, follow it.
O.7.3KD.7.3And purchacede hym a pardoun a pena & a culpa
O.7.4KD.7.4For hym & for hise eires for euere-more after
O.7.5KD.7.5And bade hym holde hym at home & erien hise leyes
O.7.6KD.7.6And alle þat holpen hym to erie to sette or to sowe
O.7.7KD.7.7Or any oþer myster þat myȝte peers auayle
O.7.8KD.7.8Pardoun wiþ peers plowman truþe haþ ygrauntid
O.7.9KD.7.9Kyngys & knyȝtis þat kepen holy chirche
O.7.10KD.7.10And riȝtfulli in rewmes rulen þe peple
O.7.11KD.7.11Han pardoun þoruȝ purgatorie to passe ful liȝt
O.7.12KD.7.12Wiþ patriarkes & prophetis in paradice to be felawe
O.7.13KD.7.13 Bischoppis yblessid . if þei been . as þei schulden
O.7.14KD.7.14 Legistres of boþe þe lawes þe lewid . þer-wiþ to preche
O.7.15KD.7.15O.7.15: OC2 alone lack introductory And. In as myche as þei mowen amende alle synful
O.7.16KD.7.16Arn peres wiþ þe apostelis þis pardoun Peers schewiþ
O.7.17KD.7.17And at þe day of doom at þe hye deys to sitte
MarchauntisO.7.18: Another hand, apparently hand 3, has substituted a supralinear <d> for the <t> in Marchauntis.
O.7.18KD.7.18 ¶ Marchauntis in þe margyne hadden many ȝeres
O.7.19KD.7.19Ac noon
a pena &O.7.19: CrO alone lack a second a before culpa.culpa þe pope nolde hem graunte
O.7.20KD.7.20For þei holden not her halidayes as holi chirche techiþ
O.7.21KD.7.21And for þei sweren bi her soule & so god muste hem helpe
O.7.22KD.7.22Aȝens clene concience her catel to selle
O.7.23KD.7.23Ac vndir her
O.7.23: OC2 alone have plural her in place of his. secreet sehel truþe sente hem a lettre
O.7.24KD.7.24Þat þei schulden bigge boldli þat hem likede best
O.7.24: OC2 alone transpose best likede.
O.7.25KD.7.25And siþen selle it aȝeyn & saue þe wynnyng
How þou schalt do
þin almesO.7.26: The rubric is divided after do, so that it appears as two lines.
O.7.26KD.7.26And amende mesondeux þer-myd & myseyse folk helpe
O.7.27KD.7.27And wikkide weyes wyȝtliche hem amende
O.7.28KD.7.28And do bote to brygges þat to-broken weren
O.7.29KD.7.29Marien maydenes or maken hem nunnes
O.7.30KD.7.30-31Pore peple & prysones fynde hem her lijflode
O.7.31KD.7.32And setten scolers to scole or to summe oþere craftes
O.7.32KD.7.33Releue religioun & renten hem better
O.7.33KD.7.34And I schal sende ȝow my-self seynt Myhel myn archaungel
O.7.34KD.7.35Þat no deuel schal ȝow dere ne fere ȝow in ȝoure doynge
O.7.35KD.7.36And wite ȝow fro whanhope if ȝe wole þus worche
O.7.36KD.7.37And send ȝoure soulis in
O.7.36: OC2 alone have in-to in place of in. sauete to my sey
ntis in Ioye
nne weren marchaundis myrie &
O.7.37: YOC2M alone have and in place of correctly alliterating manye. wepten for Ioye
O.7.38KD.7.39And preyseden peers þe plowman þat purchacede þis bulle
O.7.39KD.7.40Men of lawe leest pardoun hadde þat pleteden for mede
O.7.40KD.7.41For þe sauter saueþ hem not swyche as taken ȝiftis
O.7.41KD.7.42And nameli of Innocentis þat noon yuel kunnen
O.7.42KD.7.42αSuper Innocentem munera non accipies
O.7.43KD.7.43Pledours schulden
O.7.43: O alone has the form schulden; most B manuscripts have sholde. pyne hem to plede for swiche & helpe
O.7.44KD.7.44Prynces & prelatis schulden paye . for her trauayle
O.7.45KD.7.44αA regibus & principibus erit merces eorum
O.7.46KD.7.45Ac many iustises & iurour wolden for ion do more
O.7.47KD.7.46Þan pro dei pietate leue þou noon oþer
O.7.48KD.7.47Ac he þat spendiþ his speche & spekiþ for þe pore
O.7.49KD.7.48Þat is Innocent & nedy & no man appeyreþ
O.7.50KD.7.49Counfortiþ hym in þat caas wiþ-outen coueytise of ȝiftis
O.7.51KD.7.50And schewiþ lawe for oure lordis loue as he it haþ lerned
O.7.52KD.7.51Schal no deuel at his deþ-day deren hym a myte
O.7.53KD.7.52Þat he ne worþ saaf & his soule þe sauter bereþ witnesse
O.7.54KD.7.52αDomine quis habita...bit in tabernaculo tuo .
O.7.55KD.7.53Ac to bigge water ne wijnd ne witt ne fijr þe ferþe
O.7.56KD.7.54Þeise foure þe fadir of heuene made to his folde in comune
O.7.57KD.7.55Þeise been truþis tresoris trewe folk to helpe
O.7.58KD.7.56Þat neu
ere schul waxe ne wanye wiþ
O.7.58: OC2 alone lack oute(n) after wiþ, so that the sense of the line is destroyed. god hym
O.7.59KD.7.57Whanne þei drawen vn-to þe deþ & Indulgences wolden haue
O.7.60KD.7.58His pardoun is ful petyt at her partyng hennys
O.7.61KD.7.59Þat any mede of mene men for his motyng takiþ
O.7.62KD.7.60Ȝe legistres & lawyers holden þis for truþe
O.7.63KD.7.60Þat if þat I lye mathew is to blame
O.7.64KD.7.60.1For he bade me
takemakeO.7.64: OC2 alone have take. ȝow þis & þis p
erbe me tolde
O.7.64: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on grounds of "prosiness and verbosity" as well as its failure to
O.7.65KD.7.60αQuodcumque vultis vt faciant vobis homines facite eis
O.7.66KD.7.61Alle libbynge laborers þat lyuen wiþ her handis
O.7.67KD.7.62Þat trulich taken & truliche wynnen
O.7.68KD.7.63And lyuen in loue & in lawe for her lowe hertis
O.7.69: OC2 alone have Han; variants include Haueþ (WCrYLMR), haue (HmG), þey have (F), Has (C), and Haþ (B). þe same absoluc
n þat sent was to peers
O.7.70KD.7.65Beggers ne bidders ne been not in þe bulle
O.7.71KD.7.66But if þe suggestioun be soþ þat schapiþ hem to begge
O.7.72KD.7.67For he þat beggyþ or bit but if he haue nede
O.7.73KD.7.68He is fals wiþ þe feend & defraudiþ þe nedy
O.7.74KD.7.69And also he bigyleþ þe gyuer aȝeynys his wille
O.7.75KD.7.70For if he wiste he were not nedy he wolde it gyue an-oþer
O.7.76KD.7.71Þat were more nedy þan he so þe nedyest schulde be holpen
O.7.77KD.7.72Catoun kenneþ me þus & þe clerk of stories
catoun of
almes-dedisO.7.78: The rubric is divided after of, so that it appears as two lines.
O.7.78KD.7.73Cui des videto is catounys techynge
O.7.79KD.7.74And in þe stories he techiþ to bestowe þin almes
O.7.80KD.7.75SiþSi[t] elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des
O.7.81KD.7.76Ac gregori was a good man & bade vs ȝyuen
O.7.81: OC2 alone have the form ȝyuen in place of gyuen. alle
O.7.82KD.7.77Þat asken for his loue þat vs alle leneþ
O.7.83KD.7.77αNon eligas cui miserearis ne forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipere / Quia
O.7.84KD.7.77βIncertum est pro quo deum magis placeas
O.7.85KD.7.78For ȝe woten neuere who is worþi ac god woot who haþ nede
O.7.86KD.7.79In hym þat takeþ is þe trecherie if any tresoun walke
O.7.87KD.7.80For he þat ȝyueþ ȝeldiþ & ȝarkeþ hym to rest
O.7.88KD.7.81And he þat biddiþ borweþ & bryngeþ hym-self in dette
O.7.89KD.7.82For beggers borwen euere-moo & her boruȝ is god almyȝti
O.7.90KD.7.83To ȝelden hem þat ȝyuen hem & ȝit vsure more
O.7.91KD.7.83αQuare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam vt ege O.7.91: OC2 alone have ege in place of ego. veniens cum vsuris exigere & cetera
Of falseO.7.92: The <l> and <s> in false are connected by a ligature because of a cut in the vellum. beg
gerisO.7.92: The rubric is divided after beg-, so that it appears as two lines.
O.7.92KD.7.84For-þi biddeþ not ȝe beggers but if ȝe han nede
O.7.93KD.7.85For who-so may bigge hym breed þe book beriþ witnesse
O.7.94KD.7.86He haþ ynow þat haþ breed ynow þowȝ he haue not ellis
O.7.95KD.7.86αSatis dyues est qui non indiget pane
O.7.96KD.7.87Latte vsage be ȝoure be ȝoure solace of seyntis lyues redyng
O.7.97KD.7.88Þe book banneþ beggrie & blameþ in þis manere
O.7.98KD.7.89Iunior fui etenim senui & non vidi iustum derelictum nec semen eius querens panem & cetera
O.7.99KD.7.90For ȝe lyuen in no loue ne no lawe holden
O.7.100KD.7.91Many of ȝow ne wedden
O.7.100: OC2 alone have ne wedden; most B manuscripts have ne wedde. not þe womman ȝe wiþ delen
O.7.101KD.7.92But as wylde beestis wiþ we
-he &
O.7.101: OC2 alone include this ampersand, which weakens the sense of the line. worþ vp & worchen
O.7.102KD.7.93And bryngen forþ barnes þat basterdis men callen
O.7.103KD.7.94Or þe bak or sum boon he brekiþ in his ȝouþe
O.7.104KD.7.95And siþþen goon faiten wiþ her
O.7.104: OC2 alone have her; most B manuscripts have youre. fauntis for eu
-more after
O.7.105KD.7.96Þer is moo mysschappid peple amongys þeise beggers
O.7.106KD.7.97Þan of alle manere men þat on þis moolde walken
O.7.107KD.7.98And þei þat lyuen þus her lijf mowen loþe þe tyme
O.7.108KD.7.99Þat euere he was man wrouȝt whanne he schal hennys fare
O.7.109KD.7.100Ac olde men & hore þat helples been of strengþe
Þe pardoun
of peris Plowman .O.7.110: The rubric is divided after pardoun and peris, so that it appears on three lines.
O.7.110KD.7.101And wommen wiþ childe þat worche ne mowen
O.7.111KD.7.102Blynde & bedrede & broken her membres
O.7.112KD.7.103Þat taken þeise mescheues mekeliche as meseles & oþere
O.7.113KD.7.104Han a
O.7.113: OC2F alone have a; most B manuscripts have as. pleyn p
n as þe plowman hym
O.7.114KD.7.105For loue of her lowe hertis oure lord haþ hem grauntid
O.7.115KD.7.106Her penaunce & her purgatorie heer on þis erþe
O.7.116KD.7.107Peers quod a preest þoo þi pardoun muste I rede
O.7.117KD.7.108For I wole construe ich a clause & kenne it þee on englisch
O.7.118KD.7.109And peers at his preyer þe pardoun vnfoldiþ
O.7.119KD.7.110And I bihynde hem boþe bihelde al þe bulle
O.7.120KD.7.111Al in two lynes it lay & not a leef more
O.7.121KD.7.112And was writen riȝt þus in witnesse of truþe
O.7.122KD.7.113-114Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam . qui vero mala in ignem eternum
O.7.123KD.7.115Peter quod þe preest þoo I can no pardoun fynde
O.7.124KD.7.116But do wel & haue wel & god schal haue þi soule
O.7.125KD.7.117And do yuele & haue yuele hope þou noon oþer
O.7.126KD.7.118But after þi deþ day þe deuel schal haue þi soule
O.7.127KD.7.119And peers for pure tene pullede it atweyne
O.7.128KD.7.120-121And seide .
si ambulauero in medio vmbro mortis non timeboO.7.128: OC2 alone lack mala or malum following timebo. quoniam tu mecum esO.7.128: Line 128 is divided after tu, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.7.129KD.7.122I schal cecen of my sowyng q
uod peers & swynke not so harde
O.7.129: Line 129 is divided after not, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.7.130KD.7.123Ne be aboute my beli ioye so bisili no more
O.7.131KD.7.124Of preyeris & pen.aunce my plow schal be her-after
O.7.132KD.7.125And wepe whan I schulde slepe þouȝ whete breed me fayle
O.7.133KD.7.126Þe prophete his payn eete in penaunce & in sorwe
O.7.134KD.7.127Bi þat þe sauter seiþ so diden many oþere
O.7.135KD.7.128Þat loueþ god lelly his lijflode is ful esye
O.7.136KD.7.128αFuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
O.7.137KD.7.129And but if luke lye he lereþ vs bi foulis
O.7.138KD.7.130We schulden not be to bisye aboute þe werldis blis
O.7.139KD.7.131Ne soliciti sitis he seiþ in þe gospel
O.7.140KD.7.132And schewiþ vs bi ensaumples oure-seluen to wisse
O.7.141KD.7.133Þe foules in þe feeld who fynt hem mete at wynter
O.7.142KD.7.135Haue þei no gerner to go to but god fynt hem alle
O.7.143KD.7.136What quod þe preest to perkyn peter as me þinkeþ
O.7.144KD.7.137Þou art letterid a litil who lernede þee on booke
O.7.145KD.7.138Abstynence þe abbesse quod peers myn a b c me tauȝte
O.7.146KD.7.139And concience come afterward & kende me myche more
O.7.147KD.7.140Were þou a preest peers quod he þou myȝtist preche where þou schuldist
O.7.148KD.7.141As dyuynour in dyuynyte wiþ dixit insipiens to þi teme
O.7.149KD.7.142Lewid lorel quod peers litil lokest þou on þe bible
O.7.150: OC2 alone include Or. on salomons sawes selden þ
ou biholdist
O.7.151KD.7.143αEice derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant & cetera
O.7.152KD.7.144Þe preest & perkyn apposede eyþer oþer
O.7.153KD.7.145And I þoruȝ her wordis a-woke & waytede aboute
O.7.154KD.7.146And seyȝ þe sunne in þe souþ sate þat tyme
O.7.155KD.7.147Meteles & monyles on maluerne hilles
O.7.156KD.7.148Musynge on þeise metelis & my weye ich ȝede
O.7.157KD.7.149Many tyme þeise metelis han maad me studie
O.7.158KD.7.150Of þat I seyȝ slepynge if it so be myȝte
O.7.159KD.7.151And also for peers þe plowman ful pensyf in herte
O.7.160KD.7.152And whych a pardoun peers hadde alle þe peple to counforte
O.7.161KD.7.153And how þe preest impugnede it wiþ two propre wordis
O.7.162KD.7.154Ac I haue no sauour in sompnewarie
O.7.162: OC2F alone have the form sompnewarie in place of songewarie. for I see it ofte fayle
O.7.163KD.7.155Catoun & canonystres counceylen vs to leue
O.7.164KD.7.156To sette sadnesse in sompnewarie for sompnia ne cures
O.7.165KD.7.157Ac for þe book of þe bible bereþ wittenesse
O.7.166KD.7.158How danyel dyuynede þe dremes of a kyng
O.7.167KD.7.159Þat was Nabugodonosor nempned of clerkis
O.7.168KD.7.160Danyel seyde sire kynge þi dremelis bitokenen
O.7.169KD.7.161Þat vnkouþe knyȝtis schul come þi kyngdam to cleue
O.7.170KD.7.162Amongys lower lordis þi loond schal be departid
O.7.171KD.7.163And as danyel dyuynede in dede it fel after
O.7.172KD.7.164Þe kyng lees his lordschip & lower men it hadde
O.7.173KD.7.165And Ioseph mette m
erueylouslich how þe mone &
O.7.173: OC2F alone lack þe before sunne. sunne
O.7.174KD.7.166And þe elleuene sterres haylesede hem alle
O.7.175KD.7.167Þanne iacob iuggede iosephs sweuene
O.7.176KD.7.168Bew fitz quod his fadir for defaute we schullen
O.7.177KD.7.169I my-self & my sones seche þee for nede
O.7.178KD.7.170It bifel as his fadir seyde in pharaoes tyme
O.7.179KD.7.171Þat ioseph was iustise egypt to loken
O.7.180KD.7.172It bifel as ahis fadir tolde hise frendis þere hym souȝten
O.7.181KD.7.173And al þis makiþ me on þeise meteles to þenke
O.7.182KD.7.174And how þe preest preuede no pardoun to do-wel
O.7.183KD.7.175And demede þat . do-wel indulgences passede
O.7.184KD.7.176Byennalis & tryennalis & bischoppis lettres
O.7.185KD.7.177And how do-wel at þe day of doom is dignelich vndirfonge
O.7.186KD.7.178And passeþ al þe p
n of seynt peteris chirche
O.7.186: OC2 alone lack the following nine lines attested by all other B manuscripts:
"Now haþ þe pope power pardon to graunte
[Th]e peple wiþouten penaunce to passen [to ioye]
This is [a leef of] oure bileue, as lettred men vs techeþ
Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum & in celis &
And so I leue lelly, lor[d] forb[e]de ellis,
That pardon and penaunce and preieres doon saue
Soules þat haue synned seuen siþes dedly.
Ac to trust [on] þise triennals, trewely, me þynkeþ
It is noȝt so siker for þe soule, certes, as is dowel."
now haþ þe
er .
O.7.187: The marginal addition is divided after þe, so that it appears as two lines. Any text that may have followed has been lost to cropping; it would have appeared as a
continuation of the first marginal line, since per appears alone on the second with blank space following it. It would seem to have been a version of the first missing line
following l. 186, "Now haþ þe pope power pardon to graunte."
O.7.187KD.7.187For-þi I rede ȝow renkes þat riche been on þis erþe
O.7.188KD.7.188Vp-on trist of ȝoure tresore triennalis to haue
O.7.189KD.7.189Be ȝe neuere þe balder to breke þe ten hestis
O.7.190KD.7.190And namelich ȝe maystris meyres & iugges
O.7.191KD.7.191Þat han þe welþe of þis werld & wise men been holden
O.7.192KD.7.192To p
urchace ȝow p
n at
O.7.192: OC2 alone have at; all other beta witnesses have and. þe popes bulles
O.7.193KD.7.193At þe dredeful doom whanne dede schul arise
O.7.194KD.7.194And come
O.7.194: OC2 alone have the form come in place of comen. al bifore crist acountis to ȝelde
O.7.195KD.7.195How þou laddist þi lijf heer & hise lawes keptest
O.7.196KD.7.196And how þou didist day bi day þe doom wole reherce
O.7.197KD.7.197A poke-ful of pardoun þere ne prouyncialis lettres
O.7.198KD.7.198Þouȝ ȝe be founden in þe fraternyte of alle þe foure ordris
O.7.199KD.7.199And haue indulgences double-foold but if do-wel ȝow helpe
O.7.200KD.7.200I sette ȝoure patentes & ȝoure pardoun at a pies hele
O.7.201KD.7.201For-þi I counceyle alle cristen to crye god mercy
O.7.202KD.7.202And marie his modir be oure mene bitwene
O.7.203KD.7.203Þat god gyue vs grace heer er we goon hennys
O.7.204KD.7.204Swiche werkis to wirche whyle we been heer
O.7.205KD.7.205Þat after oure deþ-day do-wel reherce
O.7.206KD.7.206At þe day of doom we diden
O.7.206: OC2 alone have the form diden in place of dide. as he hyȝte