tertiodecimusO.13.000: The heading is divided after Passus, so that it appears on two lines.
O.13.1KD.13.1ANd I wakede
O.13.1: OC2 alone have the form wakede in place of awaked. þ
er-wiþ witles neer
O.13.2KD.13.2 And as a freek þat fre were forþ gan I walke
O.13.3KD.13.3In manere of a mendynaunt many ȝeer after
O.13.4KD.13.4And of þis metyng many tyme myche þouȝt Ich hadde
O.13.5KD.13.5First how fortune me faylede at my moost nede
O.13.6KD.13.6And how þ
at eelde manacede me we myȝten neu
O.13.6: O alone has we myȝten neuere; most B manuscripts have myȝte we euere. mete
O.13.7KD.13.7And how þat freris foleweden folk þat weren riche
O.13.8KD.13.8And folk þat weren pore at litil price þei setten
O.13.9KD.13.9And no coors in her kirk-ȝerd ne in her kirke was biried
O.13.10KD.13.10But quyk he bequeþe hem ouȝt or schulde helpe quyte her dettis
O.13.11KD.13.11And how coueytise ouercome clerkis & preestes
O.13.12KD.13.12And how þat lewed men been lad but oure lord hem helpe
O.13.13: The ascender of the thorn in Þoruȝ is decorated with a small spray in red. vnku
nnynge curatouris to incurable peynes
O.13.14KD.13.14And how þat ymagynatyf in dremeles me tolde
O.13.15KD.13.15Of kynde & of kunnyng & how curteys he is to beestis
O.13.16KD.13.16And how louynge he is to beestis on loond & on water
O.13.17KD.13.17Leneþ he no lijf lasse ne more
O.13.18KD.13.18Þe creatures þat crepen of kynde been engendrid
O.13.19KD.13.19And how ymagynatyf seyde
vix saluabitur iustusO.13.19: Two crosses, about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended to point
to the faulty alliteration of l. 19.
O.13.20KD.13.20And whanne he hadde seyd so how sodeynlich he passede
O.13.21KD.13.21I lay doun longe in þis þouȝt and at þe last I slepte
O.13.22KD.13.22And as crist wolde þer come conscience to counforte me þat tyme
O.13.23KD.13.23And bade
O.13.23: Cr1OC2 alone lack me before come. come to his court wiþ clergie schulde I dyne
O.13.24KD.13.24And for concience of clergie spake I come wel þe raþer
O.13.25KD.13.25And þere I seyȝ a mayster what man he was I nyste
O.13.26KD.13.26Þat lowe loutede and louelich to scripture
O.13.27KD.13.27Concience knewe hym wel & welcomede hym fayre
O.13.28KD.13.28Þei wasscheden & wypeden & wente to dyner
O.13.29KD.13.29Ac pacience in þe paleys stode in pilgrimes cloþis
O.13.30KD.13.30And preyede mete
parO.13.30: WYGO alone have par; variants include pur (BF), por (C2), and for (HmCrCLMR). charite for a pore heremyte
O.13.31KD.13.31Concience callede hym In & curteyslich seyde
O.13.32KD.13.32Welcome wye . go & wasche þou schalt sitte soone
O.13.33KD.13.33Þis mayster was maad sitte & for þe moost worþi
O.13.34KD.13.34Þanne clergie & concience & pacience cam after
O.13.35KD.13.35Pacience and I weren put to be macches
O.13.36KD.13.36And sitte
O.13.36: OC2 alone have the form sitte; most B manuscripts have seten. bi oure
-selue at a syde
O.13.37KD.13.37Concience callede after mete & þanne cam scripture
O.13.38KD.13.38And seruede hem þus soone of sundry metes many
O.13.39KD.13.39Of austyn of ambrose of alle þe foure euangelistes
O.13.40KD.13.39αEdentes & bibentes que apud eos suntO.13.40: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after que, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.13.41KD.13.40Ac þis mayster ne his man no manere flesch eeten
O.13.42KD.13.41Ac þei eeten mete of more cost mortrewes & potages
O.13.43KD.13.42Of þat men myswonnen þei maden hem wel at ese
O.13.44KD.13.43Ac her sauce was eu
ere soure & vnsauery
O.13.44: YOC2 alone have vnsauery in place of vnsauourly. ygrounden
O.13.44: OC2 alone have the form ygrounden; most B manuscripts have grounde.
O.13.45KD.13.44In a morter post mortem of many bitter peynes
O.13.46KD.13.45But if þei synge for þe soulis & wepe salte teres
O.13.47KD.13.45αvos qui peccata hominum comeditis nisi pro eis lacrimas & oraciones effuderitis ea que in delicijs comeditis in tomentisto[r]mentis euometisO.13.46: This line begins in the right margin of l. 46, breaks after hominum, and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, breaking again after to[r]mentis and ending in the right margin of l. 48. A red parasign precedes euometis.
O.13.48KD.13.46Concience curteyslich þoo comaunded scripture
O.13.49KD.13.47-48Bifore pacience breed to brynge & me . þat was his make
O.13.50KD.13.49He sette a soure loof to-fore vs . & seyde agite penitenciam
O.13.51KD.13.50And siþen he drowe vs drynk diu perseuerans
O.13.52KD.13.51As longe quod he
O.13.52: OC2RF alone have he; most B manuscripts have I. as I lyue & likham may dure
O.13.53KD.13.52Heer is propre seruyse quod pacience þer fareþ no prynce better
O.13.54KD.13.54And þanne he brouȝte forþ oþer mete of miserere mei deus
O.13.55KD.13.53And of beati quorum of beatus vir makyng
O.13.56KD.13.54α-55Et quorum tecta sunt peccata . in a dische
O.13.57KD.13.55Of derne schrifte dixi and confitebor tibi
O.13.58KD.13.56Brynge pacience su
m pitaunce
O.13.58: OC2 alone lack priueliche before quod, and thus lack the third alliterating stave. quod concience
O.13.59KD.13.57And þanne come to pacience a pitaunce ybrouȝt
O.13.60KD.13.57Of pro hac orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno
O.13.61KD.13.58And concience cou
nfortede vs & carpede vs myry wordis
O.13.61: OC2 alone have wordis in place of tales.
O.13.62KD.13.58αCor contritum & humiliatum deus non despiciesO.13.62: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after deus, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.13.63KD.13.59Pacience was proud of þat propre seruyse
O.13.64KD.13.60And made hym myrþe wiþ his mete ac I mornede euere
O.13.65KD.13.61For þis doctour on þe hye deys dranke wiyn so faste
O.13.66KD.13.61αVe vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinumO.13.66: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ad, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.13.67KD.13.62He eete many sundry metes mortrewes & puddynges
O.13.68KD.13.63Wombe cloutis & wylde brawn & egges fryed wiþ grece
O.13.69KD.13.64Þanne seyde I to my-self so pacience it herde
O.13.70KD.13.65It is not foure dayes þat þis freek bifore þe deen of poulis
O.13.71KD.13.66Prechede of penaunces þat poule þe apostle suffrede
O.13.72KD.13.67In fame & frigore & flappes of scourges
O.13.73KD.13.67αTer cesus sum & a Iudeis quinquies quatragenasO.13.73: This line is written in the right margin.
O.13.74KD.13.68Ac oo word þei ouerhippen at iche tyme þat þei prechen
O.13.75KD.13.69Þat poule in his epistle
O.13.75: O alone has the form epistle in place of pistle. to
O.13.75: OC2F alone lack al before þe peple. þe peple tolde
O.13.76KD.13.70Periculum estO.13.76: OR alone lack in before falsis. falsis fratribus notaO.13.76: This line is written in the right margin. The word nota is accompanied by red and black flourishes at left, right, and bottom.
O.13.77KD.13.71Holy writ bit men . be war I wole not write it heer
O.13.78KD.13.72On englich . an aunter it schulde be reherced to ofte
O.13.79KD.13.73And greue þer-wiþ þat good been ac gramariens schul rede
. nota .O.13.80: A red flourish appears beneath the word nota.
O.13.80KD.13.73αVnusquisque a fratre se custodiatO.13.80: A double solidus above each word indicates transposition of original custodiat se. C2 alone shares the uncorrected order. quia vt dicitur . periculum est in falsis fratribus
O.13.81KD.13.74Ac I wiste neuere freek . þat as a frere ȝede bifore men . on englisch
O.13.82KD.13.75Take it for her teme & telle it wiþ-oute glosyng
O.13.83KD.13.76Þei prechen þat penaunce is profitable to þe soule
O.13.84KD.13.77And what mescheef or malese crist for man þolede
O.13.85KD.13.78Ac þis goddis glotoun quod I wiþ hise grete chekis
O.13.86KD.13.79Haþ no pite on vs pore men he parforneþ yuele
O.13.87KD.13.80Þat he precheþ . he preueþ not to pacience I tolde
O.13.88KD.13.81And wisschede wittirli wiþ wille ful egre
O.13.89KD.13.82Þat dissches & doubleris bifore þis ilke doctour
O.13.90KD.13.83Were molten leed in his mawe & mahoun amyddis
O.13.91KD.13.84I schal iangle to þis iurdan wiþ his
IutteIusteO.13.91: A solidus/punctus over Iutte and another over marginal Ius seem to indicate substitution; however, Ius is a fragment the remainder of which has been lost to cropping. The corrector's intention was apparently to substitute Iuste, the majority reading, for Iutte, a reading shared only by OC2. Iuste as an adjective is related conjecturally by the MED to the noun of the same form meaning "a vessel with a narrow, long neck and a large bottom"; a juste wombe is thus defined as "a belly as large as the bottom of such a receptacle...." Neither the MED nor Skeat lists iutte as an adjective, although jutt(ei)en appears in the MED as a verb meaning "to project or jut out." wombe
O.13.92KD.13.85To telle men
O.13.92: OC2 alone have men in place of me. what penaunce is of whych he p
rechede raþ
O.13.93KD.13.86Pacience parceyuede what I þouȝte & wynkede on me to be stille
O.13.94KD.13.87And seyde . þou schalt see þus soone whanne he may no more
O.13.95KD.13.88He schal haue a penaunce in his paunche & puffe at iche a word
O.13.96KD.13.89And þa
nne schal hise guttes groþele
O.13.96: YGOC2 alone have groþele; variants include gothelyn (Hm), gottilen (Cr), godele (LR), gowle (F), gruwe (B), and goþele (WCM). & he schal galpen after
O.13.97KD.13.90For now he haþ drunken so depe he wole dyuyne soone
O.13.98KD.13.91And preue it bi her pocalips & passioun of seynt auereys
O.13.99KD.13.92O.13.99: In the left margin there appears a cross composed of dots with smaller dots and rays, both in red, interspersed; like other,
similar designs in this manuscript, it is apparently in the main scribal hand.Þat neiþ
er bakou
n ne brawn blankmanger ne mortrewes
O.13.100KD.13.93Is neiþer fisch ne flesch but fode for a penaunce
O.13.101KD.13.94And þanne schal he testifie of a trinyte & take hise felawes to witnesse
O.13.102KD.13.95What he fonde in a frayel after freris lyuyng
O.13.103KD.13.96And but if þe first leef
O.13.103: OC2Cot alone have leef; variants include leyeffe (G), lif (CBmBo), life (Y), lyue (Cr), lyue (?lyne) (WHmLMR), and lyȝne (F). be leesyng leue me neu
ere after
O.13.104KD.13.97And þa
nne is tyme to talke
O.13.104: OC2R alone have talke; all other beta witnesses have take. & appose þis doctour
O.13.105KD.13.98Of do-wel & do-bette & if do-best be any penaunce
O.13.106KD.13.99And I sete stille as pacience seyde & þus soone þis doctour
O.13.107KD.13.100As rody as a rose rubbede hise chekes
O.13.108KD.13.101Cowȝhede & carpede & concience hym herde
O.13.109KD.13.102And tolde hym of a trinyte & toward vs he lokede
O.13.110KD.13.103What is do-wel sire doctour quod I is do-wel any penaunce
O.13.111KD.13.104Do-wel quod þis doctour & toke þe cuppe & dranke
O.13.112KD.13.105Do noon yuel to þin euene-cristen not bi þi power
O.13.113KD.13.106Bi þis
O.13.113: OC2 alone lack day before sire, and thus lack the first alliterating stave. sire docto
ur quod I þa
nne be ȝe not in do
O.13.114KD.13.107For ȝe
O.13.114: OC2 alone lack han before harmed. harmed vs two in þat ȝe eete þe puddyng
O.13.115KD.13.108Mortrewis & oþ
er mete & we no mussel hadden
O.13.115: OC2 alone have the form hadden in place of hadde.
O.13.116KD.13.109And if ȝe faren so in ȝoure fermorie ferli me þinkeþ
O.13.117KD.13.110But cheste
O.13.117: GYOC2 alone among beta witnesses lack be before þere. þ
ere charite schulde . be & childre
n durste
nO.13.117: OC2 alone have dursten; most B manuscripts have dorste. pleyne
O.13.118KD.13.111I wolde permute my penaunce wiþ ȝoure for I am in poynt to do wel
O.13.119KD.13.112Þanne concience curteyslich a countenaunce made
O.13.120KD.13.113And preynte vp-on pacience to preye me be stille
O.13.121KD.13.114And seide hym-self . sire doctour & it be ȝoure wille
O.13.122KD.13.115What is do-wel & do-bette ȝe dyuynouris knowen
O.13.123KD.13.116Do-wel quod þis doctour do as clerkis techen
O.13.124KD.13.117And do-bette is he þat techeþ & trauayliþ to teche oþere
O.13.125KD.13.118And do-best dooþ hym-self so as he seiþ & precheþ
O.13.126KD.13.118αQui feceritO.13.126: OC2 alone have fecerit in place of facit. & docuerit magnus vocabitur in regno ce..lorumO.13.126: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after magnus, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.13.127KD.13.119Now þou clergie quod concience carpest what is do-wel
O.13.128KD.13.120I haue seuene sones he seyde seruen at a castel
O.13.129KD.13.121Þere þe lord of lijf woneþ to lerne what is do-wel
O.13.130KD.13.122Til I se . þo seuene & myself acorden
O.13.131KD.13.123I am vnhardy quod he to any whyȝt to preuen it
O.13.132KD.13.124For oon peers þe plowman haþ impugned vs alle
O.13.133KD.13.125And sette alle science
O.13.133: OC2R alone have the singular form. at a soppe saue loue oone
O.13.134KD.13.126And no texte ne takiþ to mayntene his cause
O.13.135KD.13.127But dilige deum & domine quis habitabit . & cetera
O.13.136KD.13.128And seiþ
O.13.136: OC2 alone lack þat before do-wel. do
-wel & do
-bette arn two infinites
O.13.137KD.13.129Whiche infynytes wiþ a feiþ fynden out do-best
ich schal saue ma
nnys soule þus seiþ peers
O.13.138: An otiose mark appears above the first <e> in peers. plowman
O.13.139KD.13.131I can not her-onne quod concience ac I knowe peers
O.13.140KD.13.132He wole not aȝeyn holi writ speke I dar vndirtake
O.13.141KD.13.133Þanne passe we ouer til peers come & preue þis in dede
O.13.142KD.13.134Pacience haþ been in many places & parauenture knoweþ
O.13.143KD.13.135Þat . no clerk
O.13.143: OC2RF alone lack ne before knoweþ. knoweþ
O.13.143: OC2 alone have knoweþ; all other beta witnesses have kan. as crist bereþ witnesse
O.13.144KD.13.135αPacientes vincunt & ceteraO.13.144: This line is written in the right margin.
O.13.145KD.13.136At ȝoure preyer quod paciens þoo so no man displese hym
O.13.146KD.13.137Disce quod he &
O.13.146: HmOC2F alone include the first ampersand.doce & dilige inimicos
O.13.147KD.13.138Disce and do
doce and do
O.13.147: OC2 alone lack the final phrase of this line, dilige and dobest.
O.13.148KD.13.139O.13.148: OC2 alone among beta witnesses lack the introductory clause Þus tauȝte me ones.A lemman þat I louede loue was hir name
O.13.149KD.13.140Wiþ wordis & werkis quod sche & wille of þin herte
O.13.150KD.13.141Þou loue lelly þi soule al þi lijf-tyme
O.13.151KD.13.142And so þou lere þee to louye for þe lordis loue of heuene
O.13.152KD.13.143Þin enemy . in al wyse euene-forþ wiþ þi-selue
O.13.153KD.13.144Caste coles on his hed & al kynde speche
O.13.154KD.13.145Boþe wiþ werk & word fonde his loue to wynne
O.13.155KD.13.146And leye on hym þus wiþ loue til he lawȝhe on þee
O.13.156KD.13.147And but he bowe for þis betyng blynde mote he worþe
O.13.157KD.13.148Ac for to fare þus wiþ þi freend folye it were
O.13.158KD.13.149For he þat loueþ þee lelly litil of þin coueytiþ
O.13.159KD.13.150Kynde loue coueytiþ not no catel . but speche
O.13.160KD.13.151Wiþ half a laumpe
-lyne in latyn
ex vi transgressionisO.13.160: OC2 alone have transgressionis in place of transicionis.
O.13.161KD.13.152I bere þer
-Inne a bewte
O.13.161: OC2 alone have a bewte; variants include aboute (WCrLMRF), abounte (HmY), a beaute (GB), and a beaut (C). Kane and Donaldson emend to a bouste. fast ybounde . do
O.13.162KD.13.153In a signe of þe saterday þat sette first þe kalender
O.13.163: OC2 alone have In in place of And. al þe witt of þe wednesday of þe nexte woke after
O.13.164KD.13.155Þe myddel of þe mone is þe myȝt of boþe
O.13.165KD.13.156And her-wiþ am I welcome þer I haue it wiþ me
O.13.166KD.13.157Vndo it . latte þis doctour deme if do-wel be þer-inne
O.13.167KD.13.158For bi hym þat me made myȝte neuere pouertee
O.13.168KD.13.159Misese ne mescheef ne man wiþ his tunge
O.13.169KD.13.160Colde ne care ne cumpanye of þeues
O.13.170KD.13.161Ne neiþer hete ne hayl ne noon helle pouke
O.13.171KD.13.162Ne neiþ
er fijr ne flood ne feer of þin enemyes
O.13.171: OC2 alone have the plural form.
O.13.172KD.13.163Tene þe any tyme & þou take it wiþ þee
O.13.173KD.13.163αCaritas nichil timetO.13.173: This line is written in the right margin.
O.13.174KD.13.172It is but a dido quod þis doctour a disouris tale
O.13.175KD.13.173Al þe witt of þis world & wiþ
O.13.175: OC2Cot alone have wiþ; all other beta witnesses have wiȝt. mennes strengþe
O.13.176KD.13.174Can not conformen a pees bitwene þe pope & hise enemyes
O.13.177KD.13.175Ne bitwene two cristen kyngys kan no wyȝt pees make
O.13.178KD.13.176Profitable to eiþer peple & putte þe table fro hym
O.13.179KD.13.177And toke clergie & concience to counceyl as it were
O.13.180KD.13.178Þat pacience þoo muste passe for pilgrymes kun wel lye
O.13.181KD.13.179Ac concience carpede loude & curteyslich seyde
O.13.182KD.13.180Frendis fareþ wel & fayre spake to clergye
O.13.183KD.13.181For I wole goo wiþ þis goom if god wole gyue me grace
O.13.184KD.13.182And be pilgryme wiþ pacience til I haue proued more
O.13.185KD.13.183What quod clergie to concience ar ȝe coueytous nouþe
O.13.186KD.13.184After ȝeresȝeues & ȝiftes or ȝernen to rede ridels
O.13.187KD.13.185I schal brynge ȝow a bible a book of þe olde lawe
O.13.188KD.13.186And lere ȝow if ȝow like þe best poynt to knowe
O.13.189KD.13.187Þat pacience þe pilgryme parfiȝtly knewe neuere
O.13.190KD.13.188Nay bi crist quod concience to clergie god þee forȝelde
O.13.191KD.13.189For al þat pacience me p
rofereþ proude am I ful
O.13.191: OC2 alone have ful in place of but or omission. litil
O.13.192KD.13.190Ac þe wille of þe wye & ȝe wolen
O.13.192: O alone has the form wolen; variants include wille (CHmBmBoLM), wull (C2), wol (YCot), and wil (WCrGRF). of folk here
O.13.193KD.13.191Haþ moued my mood to morne for my synnes
O.13.194KD.13.192Þe good wille of a wyȝt . was neuere bouȝt to þe fulle
O.13.195KD.13.193For þer is no tresore þerto to a trewe wille
O.13.196KD.13.194O.13.196: Two crosses, one below the other and each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably in hand 2. They
may have been intended to point to the defective alliteration of ll. 196-198.Hadde
not magdaleyn more for a boxe of salue
O.13.197KD.13.195Þan zacheus for he seyde dimidium bonorum meorum do pauperibus
O.13.198KD.13.196And þe pore wydowe for a peyre of mytes
O.13.199KD.13.197Þan alle þoo þat offreden in-to gazophilacium
O.13.200KD.13.198Þus curteysliche concience congeyede þe frere
O.13.201KD.13.199And siþen softlich he seyde in clergyes ere
O.13.202KD.13.200Me were leuere bi oure lord & I lyue schulde
O.13.203KD.13.201Haue pacience p
arfiȝtli þan half þi bakke
O.13.203: OC2 alone have bakke in place of pak. of bookis
O.13.204KD.13.202Clergie to concience no cungeye wolde take
O.13.205KD.13.203But seyde ful sobrelich þou schalt se þe tyme
O.13.206KD.13.204Whanne þou art wery for-walked wylne me to counceyl
O.13.207KD.13.205Þat is soþ quod concience so me god helpe
O.13.208KD.13.206If pacience be oure partynge felawe & priuey wiþ vs boþe
O.13.209KD.13.207Þer is no woo in þis world þat we ne schulde amende
O.13.210KD.13.208And confourmen kyngys to pees and al kyns londis
O.13.211KD.13.209Sarasens & surry & so forþ alle þe Iues
O.13.212KD.13.210Turne in-to þe trewe feiþ & in-til oon beleue
O.13.213KD.13.211Þat is soþ quod clergie I see what þou menest
O.13.214KD.13.212I schal dwelle as I do my deuoyr to schewen
O.13.215KD.13.213And confermen fauntkyns & oþere folk ylered
O.13.216KD.13.214Til pacience haue s
O.13.216: OC2 alone have serued; most B manuscripts have preued. þee & p
lich þee make
deO.13.216: Make should probably read makede, the reading of all manuscripts except C2, which has made; the <d> (and perhaps a final <e>) has apparently been lost to tearing and patching of the right corner of the leaf.
O.13.217KD.13.215Concience þoo wiþ pacience passede pilgrymes as it were
O.13.218KD.13.216Þanne hadde pacience as pilgrimes han in his poke vitaylis
O.13.219KD.13.217Sobrete & symple speche & soþfast beleue
O.13.220KD.13.218To counforte hym & concience if þei come in place
O.13.221KD.13.219Þere vnkyndenesse & coueytise is hungry cuntrees boþe
O.13.222KD.13.220And as þei wenten bi þe weye of do-wel þei carpeden
O.13.223KD.13.221Þei metten wiþ a mynystral as me þoo þouȝte
O.13.224KD.13.222Pacience apposede hym þoo
O.13.224: OC2 alone have þoo; most B manuscripts have first. & p
reyede . he schulde hem telle
O.13.225KD.13.223To concience . what craft he couþe & to what cuntre he wolde
O.13.226KD.13.224I am a mynystral quod þat man my name is actiua vita
O.13.227: OC2 alone include introductory And. alle ydel ich hate for
O.13.227: YOC2F alone lack a word between for and actijf; most B manuscripts have of. actijf is my name
O.13.228KD.13.226A waferer . wole ȝe wite & serue many lordis
O.13.229KD.13.227And fewe robes I fonge or furred gounes
O.13.230KD.13.228Kouþe I lye to do men lawȝhe þanne lacchen I schulde
O.13.231KD.13.229Ouþer mantel or money amongys lordis mynystralis
O.13.232KD.13.230Ac for I can neiþer taboure ne trompe ne telle noon geestis
O.13.233KD.13.231Farten ne fiþelen at feestis ne harpen
O.13.234KD.13.232Iape ne iogele ne ienteliche pipe
O.13.235KD.13.233Ne neiþer sayle ne saute ne synge wiþ þe gyterne
O.13.236KD.13.234I haue no goode gyftes of þeise grete lordis
O.13.237KD.13.235For no breed þat I brynge forþ saue a benysoun on þe sunday
O.13.238KD.13.236Whanne þe preest preyeþ þe peple her pater-noster to bidde
O.13.239KD.13.237For peris þe plowman & þat hym profiȝt wayten
O.13.240KD.13.238And þat I am actijf þat ydelnesse hatye
O.13.241KD.13.239For alle trewe trauaylouris & tilyers of erþe
O.13.242KD.13.240Fro myȝhel
-messe to myȝhel
-messe I fynde hem
O.13.242: OC2 alone lack wiþ before wafres. wafres
O.13.243KD.13.241Beggers & bidders of my breed crauen
O.13.244KD.13.242Faytouris & freris & folk wiþ brode crownes
O.13.245KD.13.243I fynde payn for þe pope & p
rouendre for his palfrey
O.13.245: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2.
O.13.246KD.13.244And I hadde neuere of hym haue god my truþe
O.13.247KD.13.245Neiþer prouendre ne personage ȝit . of þe popis ȝifte
O.13.248KD.13.246Saue a pardoun wiþ a peys of leed & two polles a-myddis
icheichO.13.249: Although the MED lists iche as a variant of ich, it is not this scribe's usual form, nor is it attested by other manuscripts; it is thus probably an error. a clerk þat couþe write I wolde caste hym a bille
O.13.250KD.13.248Þat he sente me vndir his sceel a salue for þe pestilence
O.13.251KD.13.249And þ
at his blessyng & hise bulles myȝte bocches
O.13.251: OC2 alone transpose the order bocches myȝte. distroye
O.13.252KD.13.249αIn nomine meo demonia eicient & super egros manus imponent & bene habebunt
O.13.253KD.13.250And þanne wolde I be prest to þe peple paast for to make
O.13.254KD.13.251And buxum & bisy aboute breed & drynke
O.13.255KD.13.252For hym & for alle hise fonde I . þat his pardoun
O.13.256KD.13.253O.13.256: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably by hand 2. They may have been intended to
point to the defective alliteration of ll. 256-258.Myȝte lechen a man as I beleue
O.13.256: OC2 alone among beta witnesses lack it before schulde. schulde
O.13.257KD.13.254For siþ he haþ þe power þat petir hym-self hadde
O.13.258KD.13.254He haþ þe potte wiþ þe salue soþeli as me þinkeþ
O.13.259KD.13.254αArgentum & aurum non est michi . quod autem habeo hoc tibi do .O.13.259: OC2 alone lack in nomine domini before surge. surge & ambulaO.13.259: This line begins in the right margin of l. 258, breaks after aurum, then wraps around to occupy the next full line space.
O.13.260KD.13.255Ac if myȝt of myracle hym fayle it is for men been not worþi
O.13.261KD.13.256To haue þe grace of god & no gylt of þe pope
O.13.262KD.13.257For may no blessyng don vs bote but if we wolen amende
O.13.263KD.13.258Ne mannes masse make pees amongys cristen peple
O.13.264KD.13.259Til pride be pureliche fordo & þat þoruȝ payn defaute
O.13.265KD.13.260For er I haue breed of meele erst mote I swete
O.13.266KD.13.261And er þe comune haue corn ynow many colde mornyng
O.13.267KD.13.262So er my wafres be wrouȝt myche woo I þolye
O.13.268KD.13.263Al london I leue likeþ wel my wafres
O.13.269KD.13.264And louren wha
nne þei lakken
O.13.269: OC2 alone lack an additional pronoun between lakken and it; most B manuscripts have hem. it is not longe passed
O.13.270KD.13.265Þer was a careful comune whanne no cart come to toune
O.13.271KD.13.266Wiþ breed fro stratford þoo gonnen beggers wepe
O.13.272KD.13.267And werkmen weren agast a litil þis wole be þouȝt longe
O.13.273KD.13.268In þe date of oure dryȝte in a drye april
O.13.274KD.13.269A þousande & þre hundrid twyes twenti & ten
O.13.275KD.13.270My wafres weren gesen wha
nne chic
hestre was meyr
O.13.275: The letter <h> is rewritten in the right margin, apparently to reinforce its insertion above the line.
O.13.276KD.13.271I toke good keep bi crist & concience boþe
O.13.277KD.13.272Of haukyn þe actijf man & how he was cloþid
O.13.278KD.13.273He hadde a cote of cristendam as holi chirche beleueþ
O.13.279KD.13.274Ac it was moled in many places wiþ many sundry plottes
O.13.280KD.13.275Of pride heer a plot & þere a plot of vnbuxum speche
O.13.281KD.13.276Of scornyng & of scoffyng & of vnskilful beryng
O.13.282KD.13.277As in apparayle and in poort proud amongys þe peple
O.13.283KD.13.278Oþer-wise þan he haþ wiþ herte or ye schewynge
O.13.284KD.13.279Hym willynge þ
at alle men wenden
O.13.284: OC2 alone have the form wenden in place of wende. he were þat he is not
O.13.285KD.13.280For-why he bosteþ & braggeþ wiþ many bolde oþes
O.13.286KD.13.281And inobedient to be vndirnome of any lijf lyuynge
O.13.287KD.13.282-283And so synguler bi hym-self ne noon so poppe-holy
O.13.288KD.13.284In habyte as an heremyte an ordre bi hym-self
O.13.289KD.13.285Religioun saunz rule & resounable obedience
O.13.290KD.13.286Lakkynge lettred men & lewede men boþe
O.13.291KD.13.287In liknyng
O.13.291: OC2 alone have liknyng; all other beta witnesses have likyng. of lele lijf & a lyer in soule
O.13.292KD.13.288Wiþ inwit & wiþ outwit ymagynen & studien
O.13.293KD.13.289As best for his body be to haue a badde name
O.13.294KD.13.290And entermete hym ouer al þere he haþ not to done
O.13.295KD.13.291Wilnynge þat men wende his witt were þe best
O.13.296KD.13.299And if he gyue ouȝt to pore gomes telleþ what he deleþ
O.13.297KD.13.300Pore of possessioun in purs & in cofres boþe
O.13.298KD.13.301And as a lyoun on to loke & lordlich of speche
O.13.299KD.13.302Baldest of beggers a boster þat nouȝt haþ
O.13.300KD.13.303In toune & in tauernes tales to telle
O.13.301KD.13.304And segge þing þat he neuere seyȝ & for soþe sweren it
O.13.302KD.13.305Of dedes þat he neuere dide demen & bosten
O.13.303KD.13.306And of werkis þat he wel dide witnesse & segge
O.13.303: OC2 alone have segge; most B manuscripts have siggen.
O.13.304KD.13.307Loo if þ
ou leue me not or þ
at I lye wene
O.13.304: OC2 alone have wene; most B manuscripts have wenen.
O.13.305KD.13.308Axeþ at hym or at hym & he ȝow can telle
O.13.306KD.13.309What I suffrede & seyȝ & sum-tymes hadde
O.13.307KD.13.310And what I kouþe & knewe & what kyn I come of
O.13.308KD.13.311Al he wolde þ
at men wisten
O.13.308: OC2 alone have the form wisten; most B manuscripts have wiste. of werkis & of wordis
O.13.309KD.13.312Whiche myȝte plese þe peple & preysen hem
O.13.309: OC2CR alone have hem-seluen in place of hym-selue(n).
O.13.310KD.13.312αSi hominibus placerem christi seruus non essem / & alibi nemo potest duobus dominis seruire & ceteraO.13.310: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after seruus and duobus, and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text.
O.13.311KD.13.313Bi crist quod concience þoo þi best cote haukyn
O.13.312KD.13.314Haþ many moles & spottes it muste been ywasschid
O.13.313KD.13.315Ȝhe . who-so toke heed quod haukyn bihynde & bifore
O.13.314KD.13.316What on bakke & on body & bi þe twey sydes
O.13.315KD.13.317Men schulden fynde many frounces & many foule plottes
O.13.316KD.13.318And he turnede hym as tijt & þanne toke I heed
O.13.317KD.13.319It was fouler bi fele foold þan it first semede
O.13.318KD.13.320It was bidroppid wiþ wraþþe & wikkide wille
O.13.319KD.13.321Wiþ enuye &
wicked. yuel .O.13.319: OC2 alone have the incorrectly alliterating reading wicked, though marked for deletion. speche entycynge to fiȝte
O.13.320KD.13.322Liynge & lawȝhynge & leef tunge to chyde
O.13.321KD.13.323Al þat he wiste wickid bi any wiȝt tellen it
O.13.322KD.13.324And blame men bihynde her bak & bidde hem meschaunce
O.13.323KD.13.325And þat he wiste bi wille telle it to watte
O.13.324KD.13.326And þat watte wiste wille wiste it after
O.13.325KD.13.327And made of frendis foos þoruȝ a fals tunge
O.13.326KD.13.328Or wiþ myȝt of mouþe or þoruȝ mannes strengþe
O.13.327KD.13.329Auenge me fele tymes ouþer frete my-selue
O.13.328KD.13.330Wiþ-Inne as a schepsters schere yschrewede men & cursede
O.13.329KD.13.330αCuius malediccione os plenum est & amaritudine sub lingua eius & ceteraO.13.329: OC2RF alone lack the final phrase et lingua eorum gadius acutus; OC2 alone substitute & cetera for it. & alibi . Filij hominum dentes eorum arma & sagitte & ceteraO.13.329: This line begins in the right margin of l. 328, breaks after malediccione, and wraps around to the next full line space, ending in the right margin.
O.13.330KD.13.331Þer is no lijf þat I louye lastynge any whyle
O.13.331KD.13.332For tales þat I telle no man tristeþ to me
O.13.332KD.13.333And whanne I may not haue þe maystrie wiþ malencolie I take
O.13.333KD.13.334Þat I cacche þe crampe þe cardiacle sum-tyme
O.13.334KD.13.335Or an ague in swich an angre & sum-tyme a feuere
O.13.335: The ascender of the thorn in Þat is decorated with a flourish. takiþ me al a twelue
-moneþ til þ
at I dispise
O.13.336KD.13.337Lechecraft of oure lord & leue on a wicche
O.13.337KD.13.338And seggeþ
O.13.337: OC2 alone have the form seggeþ; all other beta witnesses have seye. þat no clerk ne can ne crist as I leue
O.13.338KD.13.339To þe souter of souþwerk &
O.13.338: OC2 alone have &; most B manuscripts have or. of sordich
O.13.338: OC2F alone have the form sordich; most B manuscripts have Shordych. dame emme
O.13.339KD.13.340And seggeþ
O.13.339: OC2 alone have seggeþ; most B manuscripts have seye. þ
at no goddis word gaf me neu
ere bote
O.13.340KD.13.341But þoruȝ a charme hadde I chaunce & my cheef hele
O.13.341KD.13.342I waytede bisiloker & þanne was it suylid
O.13.342KD.13.343Wiþ likyng of lecherie & bi lokyng of his ye
O.13.343KD.13.344For iche a mayden
O.13.343: OC2 alone have the form mayden in place of maide. þat he mette he made hir a syngne
O.13.344KD.13.345Semynge to synne-ward & sum-tyme he gan taste
O.13.345KD.13.346Aboute þe mouþe or bi-neþe bigynneþ to grope
O.13.346KD.13.347Til eyþer wille waxeþ kene & to þe werk ȝeden
O.13.347KD.13.348As wel in fastynge-dayes as fridayes & forboden nyȝtis
O.13.348KD.13.349And as wel in lente as out of lente alle tymes yliche
O.13.349KD.13.350Swiche werkis wiþ hem weren
O.13.349: O alone has the form weren; most B manuscripts have were. neu
ere out of sesou
O.13.350KD.13.351Til þei myȝten no more & þanne hadden myry tales
O.13.351KD.13.352And how þat lecchouris louyen lawȝhen & iapen
O.13.352KD.13.353And of her harlotrie & horedam in her elde . tellen
O.13.353KD.13.354Þanne pacience parceyuede of poyntis of his cote
O.13.354KD.13.355Was culmy þoruȝ coueytise & vnkynde desyryng
O.13.355KD.13.356More to good þan to god þe goom hys loue caste
O.13.356KD.13.357And ymagynede how he it myȝte haue
O.13.357KD.13.358Wiþ false mesure
O.13.357: OC2 alone have the singular form. & met & wiþ fals witnesse
O.13.358KD.13.359Lenede it
O.13.358: YOC2 alone include it. for loue of þe wed & loþ to do truþe
O.13.359KD.13.360And I
O.13.359: OC2 alone include I. awaytede þoruȝ . which . weye to bigyle
O.13.360KD.13.361And mengede his marchaundise & mad a good moustre
O.13.361KD.13.362Þe wors
O.13.361: OC2 alone have wors in place of worste. wiþ
-Inne was
O.13.361: OC2 alone lack a before greet. greet witt I lete it
O.13.362KD.13.363And my neiȝbore hadde any hyne or any beeste ellis
O.13.363KD.13.364More profitabel þan myn many sleyȝtis I made
O.13.364KD.13.365How I myȝte haue it al my witt I caste
O.13.365KD.13.366And but I hadde bi oþer weye at þe laste I stale it
O.13.366KD.13.367Or pryuyliche his purs schoke vn-pikede hise lokkis
O.13.367KD.13.368Or bi nyȝt or bi day aboute was Ich euere
O.13.368KD.13.369Þoruȝ gyle to gaderen þe good þat I haue
O.13.369KD.13.370If I ȝede to þe plow I pynchede so narwe
O.13.370KD.13.371Þat a foote loond or a foruȝ fecchen I wolde
O.13.371KD.13.372Of my next neyȝbore nymen of his erþe
O.13.372KD.13.373And if I repe . ou
er-reche &
O.13.372: GOC2 alone have & in place of or. ȝaue hem reed þat rope
O.13.372: OC2 alone have rope; variants include repen (CrYBoCotR), repen it (F), and ropen (WHmGCBmLM).
O.13.373KD.13.374And seyse to me wiþ my sykil þat I sewe neuere
O.13.374KD.13.375And who-so borweþ of me abouȝte þe tyme
O.13.375KD.13.376Wiþ presentis priueylich or payede sum certeyn
O.13.376KD.13.377So wolde he or he nolde wynnen I wolde
O.13.377KD.13.378And boþe to kiþ & to kyn vnkynde of þat ich hadde
O.13.378KD.13.379And who-so chepede my chaffare chiden I wolde
O.13.379KD.13.380But he proferede me to paye a peny or tweyne
O.13.380KD.13.381More þan it was worþ & ȝit wolde I swere
O.13.381KD.13.382Þat it coste me myche more & swore many oþes
O.13.382KD.13.383In halidayes in holi chirche wha
nne ich here
O.13.382: OC2 alone have the present-tense form; all other beta witnesses have the preterite. messe
O.13.383KD.13.384Hadde I neuere wille woot god witterli to beseche
O.13.384KD.13.385Mercy for my mysdedis þat I ne mornede more
O.13.385KD.13.386For losse of good . leue me þan for my likhams gyltes
O.13.386KD.13.387As if I hadde dedli synne doon I drede not þat so sore
O.13.387KD.13.388As wha
nne I lenede
O.13.387: YOC2C alone lack a word between lenede and levede; most B manuscripts have and. . levede it lost or longe . er it were payed
O.13.388KD.13.389So if I kidde any kyndenesse myn euene-cristene to helpe
O.13.389: OC2 alone lack a before cruel. cruel coueytise myn herte gan hange
O.13.390: OC2 alone lack if before I. I sente ou
er sehe my s
eruantis to brugges
O.13.391KD.13.392Or in-to pruselond my prentice my profiȝt to wayten
O.13.392KD.13.393To marchaunden wiþ money & make her eschaunges
O.13.393KD.13.394Myȝte neuere me counforte in þe mene tyme
O.13.394KD.13.395Neiþer messe ne mateyns ne no manere siȝtis
O.13.395KD.13.396Ne neuere penaunce parfornede ne pater-noster seyde
O.13.396KD.13.397Þat my mynde ne was more on my good in
O.13.396: GOC2F alone lack a before doute. doute
O.13.397KD.13.398Þan in þe grace of god & hise grete helpes
O.13.398KD.13.398αVbi thesaurus tuus ibi & cor tuum .O.13.398: This line is written in the right margin.
O.13.399KD.13.409Whyche been þe braunches þat bryngen a man to sleuþ
O.13.400KD.13.410Is wha
nne a man
O.13.400: OC2 alone have the reading Is whanne a man. Variants include Is qwan man (B), hys woman (GYCLR), He þat (WHmCrM), and þat (F). morneþ not for hise dedis
O.13.400: OC2 alone lack some variant of mys- before, or in place of, dedis. ne makeþ no sorwe
O.13.401KD.13.411Ac penaunce þat þe preest enioyneþ parforneþ yuele
O.13.402KD.13.412Dooþ noon almes-dede drediþ hym of no synne
O.13.403KD.13.413Lyueþ aȝeyn þe beleue & no lawe holdeþ
O.13.404KD.13.414Iche day is an holy
O.13.404: OC2 alone lack the phrase with hym before &. &
O.13.404: OC2 alone have &; most B manuscripts have or. an hyȝ ferie
O.13.405KD.13.415And if he ouȝt wole here it is an harlottis tunge
O.13.406: OC2 alone include introductory And. wha
nne men carpen of crist or clennesse of soule
O.13.407KD.13.417He waxeþ wroþ & wole not here but wordis of myrþe
O.13.408KD.13.418Penaunce & pore men &
O.13.408: OC2 alone lack þe before passioun. passiou
n of seyntis
O.13.409KD.13.419He hateþ to here þerof & alle þat it telliþ
O.13.410KD.13.420Þeise been þe braunches . be war þat bryngen a man to wanhope
O.13.411KD.13.421Ȝe lordis & ladies & legates of holy chirche
fedenO.13.412: Carets accompanying þat and marginal feden indicate that the corrector's intention was to insert feden as the second word in the line. Most B manuscripts have fedeþ. foles sage
O.13.412: OC2F alone have the singular form. flaterers & lyeris
O.13.413KD.13.423And han likyng to liþen hem to do ȝow to lawȝhe
O.13.414KD.13.423αVe vobis qui ridetis & ceteraO.13.414: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after vobis, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.13.415KD.13.424And ȝyuen hem mete & mede & pore men refusen
O.13.415: OC2 alone have the form refusen; most B manuscripts have refuse.
O.13.416KD.13.425In ȝoure deþ-deiynge I drede me ful sore
O.13.417KD.13.426Lest þe þre manere men to myche sorwe ȝow brynge
O.13.418KD.13.426αConsencientes & agentes pari pena punientur
O.13.419KD.13.427Patriarkes & prophetis & prechouris of goddis wordis
O.13.420KD.13.428Sauen þoruȝ her sermoun mannes soule from helle
O.13.421KD.13.429Riȝt so flaterers & foles & þe feendis disciplis
O.13.422KD.13.430To entice men þoruȝ her tales to synne & harlotrie
O.13.423: OC2 alone have As; most B manuscripts have Ac. clerkis þat knowen holy writ schulden kenne lordis
O.13.424KD.13.432What dauid seiþ of swiche men as þe sauter telliþ
O.13.425KD.13.432αNon habitabit in medio domus mee qui facit superbiam & qui loquitur iniqua
O.13.426KD.13.433Schulde noon harlot haue audience in halle ne in chaumbres
Lo lordis
& prelatisO.13.427: The rubric is divided after lordis, so that it appears as two lines.
O.13.427KD.13.434Þere wise men weren witnesse goddis wordis
O.13.428KD.13.435Ne no mysproude man . amongys lordis . be alowed
O.13.429KD.13.454Ac flaterers & foles þoruȝ her foule wordis
O.13.430KD.13.455Leden þoo þat louen hem to luciferes feeste
O.13.431KD.13.456Wiþ turpiloquio a lay of sorwe & lucifers fiþele
O.13.432KD.13.457Þus haukyn þe actijf man hadde ysuyled his cote
O.13.433KD.13.458Til concience acoupede hym þerof in a curteys manere
O.13.434KD.13.459Why he ne hadde wasschen it or wiped
O.13.434: OC2 alone lack it before wiþ. wiþ a brusche