duodecimusO.12.000: The heading is divided after Passus, so that it appears as two lines.
O.12.1KD.12.1I Am ymagyntijfymagyn[a]tijf quod he idel was I neuere
O.12.2KD.12.2Þouȝ I sitte bi myself in seeknesse & in helþe
O.12.3KD.12.3I haue folewed þee in feiþ þis fyue & fourty wynter
O.12.4KD.12.4And many tymes haue meued þee to þenke on þin ende
O.12.5KD.12.5And how fele ferneȝeris arn faren & so fewe to come
O.12.6KD.12.6And of þi wylde wantounesse þoo þou ȝonge were
O.12.7KD.12.7To amende it in þi mydel age lest . myȝt þee fayle
O.12.8KD.12.8In þin olde elde þat yuele can suffre
O.12.9KD.12.9Pouerte or penaunce or preyeris bidde
O.12.10KD.12.9αSi non in prima vigilia nec in secundaO.12.10: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.11KD.12.10Amende þee whyle þou myȝte þou hast been warned ofte
O.12.12KD.12.11Wiþ poustees of pestelences wiþ pouerte & wiþ angres
O.12.13KD.12.12And wiþ þeise bittir baleyses god beteþ hise dere children
O.12.14KD.12.12αQuem diligo castigoO.12.14: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after diligo, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.15KD.12.13And dauid in þe sauter seiþ of swiche þat louen Iesus
O.12.16KD.12.13α virga tua & baculus tuus ipsa me consolata sunt /O.12.16: This line is set in slightly from the left margin and preceded by a red parasign with a trailing descender.
-þouȝ þ
ou strike me wiþ þi staf wiþ stikke oþ
erO.12.17: YOC2C alone lack wiþ before ȝerde. ȝerde
O.12.18KD.12.15It is but myrþe as for me to amende my soule
O.12.19KD.12.16And þou medelest þee wiþ maystries & myȝtist go seye þi sauter
O.12.20KD.12.17And bidde for hem þat ȝyuen þee breed for þ
er been bokes
O.12.20: OC2 alone lack some form of ynowe at the end of this line.
O.12.21KD.12.18To telle me . what do-wel is do-bette & do-best boþe
O.12.22KD.12.19And prechouris to preue what it is of many a peyre freris
O.12.23KD.12.20I seyȝ wel . he seyde me soþ & sum-what me to excuse
O.12.24KD.12.21Seyde . catoun counfortede his sone þat clerk þouȝ he were
O.12.25KD.12.22To solacen hym sum-tyme as I do whanne I make
O.12.26KD.12.22αInterpone tuis interdum gaudia curis .O.12.26: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.27KD.12.23And of holy men I herde quod I how þei oþerwyle
O.12.28KD.12.24Pleyeden . þe parfiter to be in many places
O.12.29KD.12.25Ac if þer were any wyȝt þat wolde me telle
O.12.30KD.12.26What were do-wel & do-bette & do-best at þe last
O.12.31KD.12.27Wolde I neuere do werk but wende to holy chyrche
O.12.32KD.12.28And þere bidde my bedis but whanne ich eete or sleepe
O.12.33KD.12.29Poule in his pistle quod he preueþ what is do-wel
O.12.34KD.12.29αFides . spes . caritas & maior horum & ceteraO.12.34: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.35KD.12.30Feiþ hope & charite & alle been goode
O.12.36KD.12.31And sauen men sundri tymes ac noon so soone as charite
O.12.37KD.12.32For he doþ wel wiþ-outen doute þat dooþ as lewte techiþ
O.12.38KD.12.33Þat is if þou be man maried þi make þou louye
O.12.39KD.12.34And lyue forþ as lawe wole whyle ȝe lyuen heer
O.12.40KD.12.35Riȝt so if þou be religious renne þou neuere ferþer
O.12.41KD.12.36To rome ne to rochemadour but as þi rule techeþ
O.12.42KD.12.37And holde þee vndir obedience þat hye weye is to heuene
O.12.43KD.12.38And if þ
ou be mayden to marien
O.12.43: OC2 alone have the form marien in place of marye or omission. & myȝte wel contene
O.12.43: OC2 alone have contene in place of continue.
O.12.44KD.12.39Seke þou neuere seynt ferþer for no soule helþe
O.12.45KD.12.40For what made lucifer to lese his
O.12.45: OC2 alone have his in place of þe. hye heuene
O.12.46KD.12.41Or salomon his sapience or sampson his strenkþe
O.12.47KD.12.42Iob þe Iue his ioye dere it he
O.12.47: OC2 alone have dere it he; variants include dere he (B), dere ytt (G), dere he it (HmCrYLMR), ful deere (W), and deere (F). abouȝte
O.12.48KD.12.43Aristotle & oþere moo ypocras & virgile
O.12.49KD.12.44Alexandre þat al wan elengeli endeden
O.12.49: O alone has the form endeden; most B manuscripts have ended.
O.12.50KD.12.45Catel & kynde witt was combraunce to hem alle
O.12.51KD.12.46Felice hir fayrenesse fel hir al to sclaundre
O.12.52KD.12.47And rosamound riȝt so rufulli bisette
O.12.53KD.12.48Þe bewtee of hir body in badnesse sche dispendide
O.12.54KD.12.49Of many swiche I myȝte rede of men & of wommen
O.12.55KD.12.50Þat wise wordis kun seye & wirche þe contrarie
O.12.56KD.12.50αSunt homines nequam de virtute bene loquentesO.12.56: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after bene, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.57KD.12.51And riche renkes riȝt so gaderen & sparen
O.12.58KD.12.52And þoo men þat þei moost haten mynystren it at þe laste
O.12.59KD.12.53And for þei suffren & seen so many nedy folkes
O.12.60KD.12.54And louen hem not as god bit lesen her soulis
O.12.61KD.12.54αDate & dabitur vobis & ceteraO.12.61: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.62KD.12.58And richesse riȝt so but if þe rote be trewe
O.12.63KD.12.59Ac grace is is a grasse þerof þe greuaunce to abate
O.12.64KD.12.60Ac grace ne growiþ not but among þe
O.12.64: OC2 alone have among þe in place of amonges. lowe
O.12.65KD.12.61Pacience & pouerte þe place is þere it groweþ
O.12.66KD.12.62And in lele lyuynge men & in lijf-holy
O.12.67KD.12.63And þoruȝ þe gyfte of þe holy goost as þe gospel telleþ
O.12.68KD.12.63αSpiritus vbi vult spiratO.12.68: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.69KD.12.64Clergye & kynde witt comeþ of siȝt & techyng
O.12.70KD.12.65As þe book bereþ witnesse to barnes þat kun rede
O.12.71KD.12.65αQuod scimus loquimur quod vidimus testamurO.12.71: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after quod, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.72KD.12.66Of quod scimus . comeþ clergie & kunnyng of heuene
O.12.73KD.12.67O.12.73: OC2 alone lack introductory And.Of
quod vidimus comeþ kynde witt of siȝt of dyu
erse peple
O.12.74KD.12.68And grace is a gyft of god & of greet loue spryngeþ
O.12.75KD.12.69Knewe neu
ere klerk how it komeþ forþ þe
O.12.75: OC2 alone have þe; most B manuscripts have ne. kynde witt þe weyes
O.12.76KD.12.69αNescit aliquis vnde venit aut quo vadit & cetera
O.12.77KD.12.70Ac ȝit is clergie to commende & kynde witt boþe
O.12.78KD.12.71And nameli clergie for cristis loue þat of clergie is rote
O.12.79KD.12.72For Moyses witnesseþ þat god wroote for to wisse þe peple
O.12.80KD.12.73In þe olde lawe as þe lettre telleþ þat was þe lawe of Iues
O.12.81KD.12.74Þat what womman were in auoutrie taken riche oþer pore
O.12.82KD.12.75Wiþ stoones men schulden hir strike & stonye hir to deþe
O.12.83KD.12.76A womman as we fynden was gylti of þat dede
O.12.84KD.12.77Ac crist of his curtesye þoruȝ clergie hir sauede
O.12.85KD.12.78For þoruȝ carectis þat crist wrouȝte þe Iues knewen hem-selue
O.12.86KD.12.79Gyltier as a
-fore god & in gretter
O.12.86: OC2 alone transpose gretter in. synne
O.12.87KD.12.80Þan þe womman þat þere was & wente awey for schame
O.12.88KD.12.81Þe clergie þat þere was counfortede þe womman
O.12.89KD.12.82Holy kirke knowiþ þis þat cristis writyng sauede
O.12.90KD.12.83So clergie is counfort to creaturis þat repenten
O.12.91KD.12.84And to mansede men mescheef at her ende
O.12.92KD.12.85For goddis body myȝte not be of breed . wiþ-out clergie
O.12.93KD.12.86Þe which body is boþe bote to þe riȝtful
O.12.94KD.12.87And deþ & dampnacioun to hem þat dyen yuele
O.12.95KD.12.88As c
ristes carectes counfortede
nO.12.95: O alone has the form counforteden; most B manuscripts have confortede. & boþe coupable scheweden
O.12.95: O alone has the form scheweden; most B manuscripts have shewed.
O.12.96KD.12.89Þe wo
mman þat þe Iues brouȝten
O.12.96: OC2 alone have the form brouȝten; all other beta witnesses have brouȝte. þat
Iesus þouȝte to saue
O.12.97KD.12.89αNolite iudicare & non iudicabiminiO.12.97: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 98-99; it is divided after iudicare, so that it appears as two lines. The word iudicabimini is underlined twice.
O.12.98KD.12.90Riȝt so goddis body breþeren but it be worþili taken
O.12.99KD.12.91Dampneþ vs at þe day of doom as þe carectes diden þe Iues
O.12.100KD.12.92For-þi I counceyle þee for cristis sake clergie to louye
O.12.101KD.12.93For kynde witt is of his kyn & nyȝ cosyns boþe
O.12.102KD.12.94To oure lord leue me for-þi loue hem I rede
O.12.103KD.12.95For boþe been as myrouris to amende oure defautes
O.12.104KD.12.96And leders for lewede men & for lettered boþe
O.12.105KD.12.97For-þi . lakke þou neuere logyk lawe ne his customes
O.12.106KD.12.98Ne counterplede clerkis I counceyle þee for euere
O.12.107KD.12.99For as a man may not see þat mysseþ hise yen
O.12.108KD.12.100No more can a
O.12.108: GOC2 alone have a in place of no. clerk but if he cacche
O.12.108: OC2F alone have cacche in place of cauȝte. it first þoruȝ bokis
O.12.109KD.12.101Al-þouȝ men maden bokes god was þe mayster
O.12.110KD.12.102And seynt spirit his sau
mplarie & seyde . what man
O.12.110: OC2RF alone have the singular form. schulde write
O.12.111KD.12.103And riȝt as siȝt serueþ a man to see þe hye strete
O.12.112KD.12.104Riȝt so lediþ lettrure lewide men to resoun
O.12.113KD.12.105And as a blynde man in batayle bereþ wepene to fyȝte
O.12.114KD.12.106And haþ noon hap wiþ his ax hise enemyes
O.12.114: OC2 alone have the plural form. to hitte
O.12.115KD.12.107No more can a kynde-wittid man but if clerkis hym teche
O.12.116KD.12.108Come . for al his kynde witt to cristendom and be saued
O.12.117KD.12.109Which is þe cofre of cristis tresore & clerkis kepen þe keyes
O.12.118KD.12.110To vnloken it at her lykyng & to þe lewede peple
O.12.119KD.12.111Ȝeue mercy . for her mysdedis if men it wole aske
O.12.120KD.12.112Buxumlich & benynglich & bidden it of grace
O.12.121KD.12.113Archa dei in þe olde lawe leuytes it kepten
O.12.122KD.12.114Hadde neuere lewed man leue to legge hoond on þe cheste
O.12.123KD.12.115But he were preest or preestes sone patriark or prophete
O.12.124KD.12.126For clergie is keper vndir crist of heuene
O.12.125KD.12.127Was þer neuere no knyȝt but clergie hym made
O.12.126KD.12.128Ac kynde witt comeþ of alle kyns siȝtis
O.12.127KD.12.129Of briddis
O.12.127: OC2 alone lack and before of beestis. of beestis of taastes of truþe & of deceytis
O.12.128KD.12.130Lyuyers to-forn vs vseden to marke
O.12.129KD.12.131Þe selcouþe þat þei seyȝen her sones for to teche
O.12.130KD.12.132And helde it an hye science her wittes to knowe
O.12.131KD.12.133Ac þoruȝ her science soþeli was neuere soule saued
O.12.132KD.12.134Ne brouȝt bi her bokes to blisse ne to ioye
O.12.133KD.12.135For al her kynde knowyng come but of dyuerse siȝtis
O.12.134KD.12.136Patriarkes & prophetes repreueden her science
O.12.135KD.12.137And seyden her wordis ne her wisdomes nas but a folye
O.12.136KD.12.138As to þe clergie of crist counted but a trifule
O.12.137KD.12.138αSapiencia huius mundi stultitia apud deumO.12.137: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.138KD.12.139For þe hye holy goost heuene schal to-cleue
O.12.139KD.12.140And loue schal lepe out after in
-to his
O.12.139: OC2 alone have his; most B manuscripts have þis. lowe erþe
O.12.140KD.12.141And clennesse schal cacchen it & clerkis schul it fynde
O.12.141KD.12.142Pastores loquebantur ad inuicemO.12.141: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.142KD.12.143He spekeþ þere . of riche men nouȝt ne of riȝt witty
O.12.143KD.12.144Ne of lordis þat were
nO.12.143: OC2 alone have the form weren in place of were. lewede men but of þe hyest lettred oute
O.12.144KD.12.144αIbant magy ab orienteO.12.144: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ab, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.145KD.12.145If any frere were founden þere I ȝyue þe fyue schillyngys
O.12.146KD.12.146Ne in no beggers cote was þat barne born
O.12.147KD.12.147But in a burgeyces place of bedlem þe beste
O.12.148KD.12.147αSet non erat locus in diuersorio & pauper non habet diuersoriumO.12.148: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after &, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.149KD.12.148To pastouris & to poietes
O.12.149: A solidus/punctus appears over the first <e> in poietes, indicating an intended correction, although poietes is not apparently incorrect. Perhaps deletion of the <i> is intended. Hm alone has a different reading, pore men. apperede þe aungel
O.12.150KD.12.149And bade hem go to bedlem goddis birþe to honoure
O.12.151KD.12.150And sungen a song of solace gloria in excelcsis deo
O.12.152KD.12.153Clerkis knewen it wel & comen wiþ her presentes
O.12.153KD.12.154And diden her homage honourabli to hym þat was almyȝti
O.12.154KD.12.154.1And goddis sone þat sittiþ in heuene & schal saue vs alle
O.12.154: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC2CB, on the grounds that it is scribal.
O.12.155KD.12.155Why I haue told þee al þis I toke ful good heed
O.12.156KD.12.156How þou contrariest clergie wiþ crabbede wordis
O.12.157KD.12.157How þat lewede men liȝtliker þan lettred weren saued
O.12.158KD.12.158Þan clerkis or kynde-wittid men of cristen peple
O.12.159KD.12.159And þou seydist soþ of sum ac se ȝit in what manere
O.12.160KD.12.160Take two stronge men & in tamise hem caste
O.12.160: OC2F alone transpose cast hem.
O.12.161KD.12.161And boþe nakide as a nedele arn
O.12.161: O alone has arn; variants include er (YC), ar (C2), þat (B), ther (Cr), hir, and omission. noon sikerer þan oþ
O.12.162KD.12.162Þat oon haþ kunnyng & kan swymme & dyue
O.12.163KD.12.163Þat þer is lewed of þat labour lernede neuere to symmes[w]ymme
O.12.164KD.12.164Which trowist þ
ou of þe
O.12.164: OC2 alone have the definite article; variants include those (Cr), þes (G), this (Y), hem (CBF), and þo (WHmLMR). two in temise
is in moost drede
O.12.165KD.12.165He þat neuere ne dyvede ne nouȝt can of swymmyng
O.12.166KD.12.166Or þe swymmer þat is saaf bi so . hym-self lyke
O.12.167KD.12.167Þere his felaw flet forþ as þe flood likeþ
O.12.168KD.12.168And is in drede to drenche þat neuere dide swymme
O.12.169KD.12.169Þat swymme can not I seyde It semeþ to my wittis
O.12.170KD.12.170Riȝt so quod þe renke resoun it schewiþ
O.12.171KD.12.171Þat he þat knowiþ clergie can sonner arise
O.12.172KD.12.172Out of synne & be saaf þouȝ he synne ofte
O.12.173KD.12.173If hym likeþ & liste þan any lewed lely
O.12.174KD.12.174For if þe clerk be kunnyng he knowiþ what is synne
O.12.175KD.12.175And how contricioun wiþ-out confessioun counfortiþ þe soule
O.12.176KD.12.176And þou seest in þi sauter in salmes oon or tweyne
O.12.177KD.12.177How contricioun is commendid for it caccheþ awey synne
O.12.178KD.12.177αBeati quorum remisse sunt iniquitates & quorum tecta & ceteraO.12.178: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 178-179. It is divided after sunt, so that it appears as two lines.
O.12.179KD.12.178And þis counfortiþ iche a clerk & keuereþ hym fro wanhope
O.12.180KD.12.179In which flood þe feend fondeþ a man hardest
O.12.181KD.12.180Þere þe lewed lijþ stille & lokeþ after lenten
O.12.182KD.12.181And haþ no contricioun er he come to schrift & þanne can he litil telle
O.12.183KD.12.182And as his loresman lereþ hym bileueþ & trowiþ
O.12.184KD.12.183And þat is after p
n or p
reest & p
arauenture he
O.12.184: OCr23C2 alone include he.
O.12.185KD.12.184 Vnku
tet[o]O.12.185: Although the MED lists te as a variant of to, it is not the scribe's usual form of the word, nor is it attested by other manuscripts; it is thus probably unintended. lere lewede men as luke bereþ witnesse
O.12.186KD.12.185Dum cecus ducit cecum Ambo in foueamO.12.186: OC2 alone include the last three words of this quotation from Matthew 15:14. & ceteraO.12.186: This line is written in the left margin of ll. 187-188. It is divided after cecum, so that it appears as two lines.
O.12.187KD.12.186 Woo was hym marked þat wade mote wiþ þe lewede
O.12.188KD.12.187 Wel may þe barn blesse þat hym to book sette
O.12.189KD.12.188Þat lyuynge after lettrure sauede hym lijf and soule
O.12.190KD.12.189Dominus pars hereditatis mee & cetera is a myrie verset
O.12.191KD.12.190Þat haþ taken fro tybourne twenty stronge þeues
O.12.192KD.12.191Þere lewed þeues been lolled vp loke how þei been saued
O.12.193KD.12.192Þe þeef þat hadde grace of god on good fryday as ȝe
O.12.193: OC2 alone have the plural form; all other beta witnesses have þow. speken
O.12.193: OC2 alone have the form speken; variants include speke (YBLMRF), spake (CrGC), and spekest (WHm).
O.12.194KD.12.193Was . for he ȝalte hy
m creaunt to c
rist on
O.12.194: OC2 alone among beta witnesses lack an article before crosse. crosse & knewe hy
m gylti
O.12.195KD.12.194And grace axede of god & he is euere redy
O.12.196KD.12.195Þat buxumli bidden it & been in wille to amenden hem
O.12.197KD.12.196And þouȝ þat þeef hadde heuene he hadde noon hye blisse
O.12.197: Two crosses, about two lines in height and apparently by hand 2, appear in the right margin of this line.
O.12.198KD.12.197As seynt Ion & oþ
ere seyntis þat deserued hadde
nO.12.198: O alone has the form hadden; most B manuscripts have hadde. better
O.12.199KD.12.198Riȝt as summe men ȝyuen me mete & setten me amydde þe flore
O.12.200KD.12.199Ich haue mete more þan ynow ac not so myche worschip
O.12.201KD.12.200As þoo þat sitten at þe table or wiþ souereyns of þe halle
O.12.202KD.12.201But sitte as beggers bordles bi my-self on þe ground
O.12.203KD.12.202So it fareþ bi þat feloun þat on good friday was saued
O.12.204KD.12.203He sittiþ neiþer bi seynseyn[t] Ion symond ne Iude
O.12.205KD.12.204Ne wiþ maydenes ne martires confessoures ne wydewes
O.12.206KD.12.205But bi hymself as a soleyn & serued on þe erþe
O.12.207KD.12.206For he þat is ones a þeef is euere-more in daunger
O.12.208KD.12.207And as lawe likeþ to lyue or to dye
O.12.209KD.12.207αDe peccato propiciato noli esse sine metuO.12.209: This line is written in the right margin, followed by a cc parasign apparently in hand 2.
O.12.210KD.12.208And for to serue a seynt & swich a þeef to-gyderes
O.12.211KD.12.209It were neiþer resoun ne riȝt to rewarde hem boþe yliche
O.12.212KD.12.210And riȝt as troian
us þe trewe knyȝt tilte
O.12.212: OC2 alone have the form tilte; most B manuscripts have tilde. not depe in helle
O.12.212: Two crosses about two lines in height, apparently in hand 2, appear in the right margin; to their right, in the extreme right
margin, appears a cross composed of dots with red flourishes radiating from them, probably in the main scribal hand.
O.12.213KD.12.211Þat oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtlich out . so leue I þe þeef be in heuene
O.12.214KD.12.212For he is in þe lowest heuene if oure beleue be trewe
O.12.215KD.12.213And wel loselich he lolleþ þere bi þe lawe of holy chirche
O.12.216KD.12.213αQuia reddit vnicuique iuxta opera suaO.12.216: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after opera, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
O.12.217KD.12.214 And why . þat oo þeef on þe crosse creaunt hym ȝelte
O.12.218KD.12.215Raþer þan þat oþer þeef þouȝ þou wolde appose
O.12.219KD.12.216Alle þe clerkis vndir crist ne couþe þe skyle assoyle
O.12.220KD.12.216αQuare placuit quia voluit .O.12.220: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.221KD.12.217And so I seye bi þee þat sekest after þe whyes
O.12.222KD.12.218And aresoundest resoun a rebukyng as it were
O.12.223KD.12.221And of þe floures in þe friþ & of her fayre hues
O.12.224KD.12.222Wher-of þei cacchen her colouris so clere & so bryȝt
O.12.225KD.12.219And willest . of briddis & beestis & of her bredyng knowe
O.12.226KD.12.220Why summe been a-lowe & summe a-loft þi likyng it were
O.12.227KD.12.223And of þe stones & of þe sterres þou studiest as I leue
O.12.228KD.12.224How-euere beeste or brid haþ so breme wittis
O.12.229KD.12.225Clergie ne kynde witt ne knewe neuere þe cause
O.12.230KD.12.226Ac kynde knowiþ þe cause hym-self & no creature ellis
O.12.231KD.12.227He is þe pies patroun & putteþ in hir ere
O.12.232: The ascender of thorn in Þat is decorated with a small spray in red. þ
ere þe þorn is þikkest to bylden & brede
O.12.233KD.12.229And kynde kenneþ þe pocok to kauken in swich a kynde
O.12.234KD.12.230And kennede adam to knowe hise pryue membris
O.12.235KD.12.231And tauȝte hym & eue to hilen hem wiþ leeues
O.12.236KD.12.232Lewede men many tymes maystres apposen
O.12.237KD.12.233Why adam hilede not first his mouþ þat eete þe appel
O.12.238KD.12.234Raþer þan his likham a-low lewede axen þus clerkis
O.12.239KD.12.235Kynde knoweþ why . he dide so & no clerk ellis
O.12.240KD.12.236Ac of briddes & of beestis men bi olde tyme
O.12.241KD.12.237Ensaumples token & termes as tellen þe poetes
O.12.242KD.12.238And þat þe fayrest foul foulest engendriþ
O.12.243KD.12.239And feblest foul of fliȝt is þat flyeþ or swymmeþ
O.12.244KD.12.240-241And þat is þe pocok &
O.12.244: OC2 alone lack the definite article before pohenne. pohenne proude riche me
n þei betoknen
O.12.245KD.12.242-243For þe pocok . & men pursuen hym may not flye hye
O.12.246KD.12.244For þe traylyng of his tayl ouer-taken is he soone
O.12.247KD.12.245And his flesch is foule flesch & hise feet boþe
O.12.248KD.12.246And vnlouelich on
O.12.248: OC2 alone have on in place of of. ledne & layþ for to here
O.12.249KD.12.247Riȝt so þe riche if he his richesse kepe
O.12.250KD.12.248And deleþ it not til his deþ-day þe tayl of al sorwe
O.12.251KD.12.249Riȝt as þe pennys of þe pocok peyneþ hym in his fliȝt
O.12.252KD.12.250So is possessioun peyne of pens & of nobles
O.12.253KD.12.251To alle hem þat it holden til her tayl be plukked
O.12.254KD.12.252And þouȝ þe riche repente hy
mO.12.254: OC2 alone include hym. þa
nne & birewe þe tyme
O.12.255KD.12.253Þat euere he gaderede so grete & gaf þerof so litil
O.12.256KD.12.254Þouȝ he crie to crist þanne wiþ kene wille . I leue
O.12.257KD.12.255His leden is in oure lordis ere yliche
O.12.257: OC2 alone have yliche; all other beta witnesses have lik. a pies
O.12.258KD.12.256And whanne his careyn schal come in caue to be biried
O.12.259KD.12.257I leue it flawme ful foule þe folde al aboute
O.12.260KD.12.258And al þe erþe
O.12.260: A solidus/punctus appears above erþe, indicating deletion; a word has apparently been substituted in the left margin, of which only one character, perhaps <d>,
remains uncropped. OC2 alone have erþe; most B manuscripts have oþere. þ
ere it lijþ enuenemyþ þoruȝ his attir
O.12.261KD.12.259Bi þe poo feet is vnderstonden as I lernede in auynet
O.12.262KD.12.260Exsecutours false frendis þat fulfillen not his wille
O.12.263KD.12.261Þat was writen . & þei witnesse to wirche as it wolde
O.12.264KD.12.262Þus þe poete preueþ þe pocok for hise feþeris is reuerencid
O.12.265KD.12.263Riȝt so is þe riche bi resoun of hise goodes
O.12.266KD.12.264Þe lark þat is a lasse foul is more louelich of leddene
O.12.267KD.12.265And wel awey of weenge swifter þan þe pocok
O.12.268KD.12.266And of flesch bi fele folde fatter & swetter
O.12.269KD.12.267To lowe libbynge men þe lark is resembled
O.12.270KD.12.268Aristotle þe greet clerk swiche tales telleþ
O.12.271KD.12.269Þus he lykneþ in his logyk þe leeste foul oute
O.12.272KD.12.270And wher he be saaf or not þe soþe woot þe
O.12.272: GOC2 alone have þe in place of no. clergie
O.12.273KD.12.271Ne of sortes ne salomon no scripture can telle
O.12.274KD.12.272Ac god is so good I hope þat siþ he gaf hem wittis
O.12.275KD.12.273To wissen vs weyes þ
er-wiþ þat wissen vs to be saued
O.12.275: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the right margin, probably by hand 2. They may have been intended to point
out the defectiveness of the line.
O.12.276KD.12.274And þe better for her bokes to bidden we been holden
O.12.277KD.12.275Þat god of his grace gyue her soulis reste
O.12.278KD.12.276For lettred men weren lewede ȝit ner lore of her bokes
O.12.279KD.12.277Alle þeise clerkis quod I þoo þat on crist leuen
O.12.280KD.12.278Seggen in her sermouns þat no sarasens ne Iues
O.12.281KD.12.279Ne no creature of cristes liknesse wiþ-outen cristendom worþ saued
O.12.282KD.12.280Contra quod ymagynatijf þoo & comsede for to loure
O.12.283KD.12.281And seyde saluabitur vix iustus in die iudicij .
O.12.284KD.12.282Ergo saluabitur quod he & seyde no more latyn
O.12.284: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the margin, probably by hand 2.
O.12.285KD.12.283Troianus was a trewe knyȝt & toke neuere cristendom
O.12.286KD.12.284And he is
O.12.286: OC2 alone lack saaf before as; C2 has seiþ, O nothing at all. These manuscripts thus lack the first alliterating stave. as seiþ þe book & his soule in heuene
O.12.287KD.12.285For þ
er is fullyng in
O.12.287: Cr23OC2 alone among beta witnesses have in in place of of. founte & fullyng in blood schedyng
O.12.288KD.12.286And þoruȝ fijr is fullyng & þat is ferme beleue
O.12.289KD.12.286αAduenit ignis diuinus non comburens set illuminans .O.12.289: This line is written in the right margin.
O.12.290KD.12.287Ac truþe þat trespassede neuere ne trauersede aȝens his lawe
O.12.291KD.12.288But lyueþ as his lawe techeþ & leueþ þ
er be no better
O.12.291: Two crosses about two lines in height appear in the right margin, probably by hand 2.
O.12.292KD.12.289And if þer were he wolde amende & in swich wille deyeþ
O.12.293KD.12.290Ne wolde neuere trewe god but truþe were alowed
O.12.294KD.12.291And were it worþ or not þe beleue is greet of truþe
O.12.295KD.12.292And an hope hangynge þer-Inne to haue mede for his truþe
O.12.296KD.12.293-293αQuia deus dicitur quasi dans vitam eternam suis hoc est fidelibus . Et alibi / Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis & ceteraO.12.296: This line begins in the right margin of l. 295, breaks after vitam, and wraps around to occupy the next full line space.
O.12.297KD.12.294Þe glose graunteþ vp-on þat vers a greet mede to truþe
O.12.298KD.12.295And witt & wisdam quod þat wye was sum-tyme tresore
O.12.299KD.12.296To kepe wiþ a comune no catel was holden better
O.12.300KD.12.297And myche myrþe & manhood & riȝt wiþ þat he vanyschede