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Passus vice-
O.20.000: The heading is divided after vice-, so that it appears as two lines.
ÞAnne as I wente bi þe weye  whanne I was þus awaked
Heuy chered I ȝede  & elenge in herte
I ne wiste where to ete  ne at what place
And it neyȝhede neer þe noone  & wiþ nede I mette
Þat frountedeO.20.5: O alone has the form frountede in place of afrounted. me fulO.20.5: O alone has ful in place of wel or omission. foule  & faytour me callede
Kanst þou not excuse þee  as dide þe kyng & oþere
Þat þou toke to þi bilyue  to cloþes & to sustenaunce
And bi techyng & tellyng  of spiritus temporancie
And þou nome no more  þan nede þe tauȝte
And nede haþ no lawe  ne neuere schal falle in dette
For þre þingys he takiþ  his lijf for to saue
Þat is mete whanne men hym warnen  & he no money weldiþ
Ne wiȝt noon . wole be his borwe  ne wedde haþ noon to legge
And he cauȝte in þat caas  & come þerto bi sleyȝt
He synneþ not soþeli  þat so wynneþ his fode
And þouȝ he come so to a cloþ  & can no better cheuysaunce
Nede anoon-riȝt  nymeþ hym vndir meinprise
And if hym liste to lape  þe lawe of kynde wolde
Þat he drunke at iche diche  er he for þirst deyede
So nede at greet nede  may nyme as for his owne
W-outen counceyl of concience  or cardynal vertues
So þat he sue & saue  spiritus temperancie
For is no vertue bi fer  to spiritus temporancie
Neiþer spiritus iusticie ne spiritus fortitudinis
For spiritus fortitudinis  forfeteþ ful ofte
He schal do more þan mesure  many tyme & ofte
And bete men fulO.20.27: O alone has ful in place of ouer. bitterlie  & summe of hem to litel
And greue men gretter  þan good feiþ wolde
And spiritus iusticie schal iuggen  wole he orO.20.29: OC2 alone have he or in place of he or or alone. nyle he
After þe kyngys counceyl  & þe comune like
And spiritus prudencie in many a poynt schal fayle
Of þat he weneþ wolde falle  if his witt ne were
Wenyng is no wisdam  ne wise ymagynacioun
Homo proponit & deus disponit  & gouerneþ alle goode vertues
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Ac nede is next hym  for anoon he mekeþ
And as lowe as a loomb  for lakkyng of þat hym nedeþ
Wise men forsoken wel  for þei wolden be nedy
And woneden in wildernesse  & wolden not be riche
And god al his greet ioye  goostliche he lefte
And cam & toke mankynde  & becam nedy
So nedy he was as seiþ þe book  in many sundri places
Þat he seyde in his sorwe  on þe self rode
Boþe fox & foul  mowen flee to hole & crepe
And þe fisch haþ fynne  to flete wiþ to reste
Þer nede haþ ynomenO.20.45: O alone has ynomen; most B manuscripts have ynome. me  þat I mote nede abide
And suffre sorwes ful soure  þat schul to ioye turne
For-þi beþ not abassched  to bidde & to be nedy
Siþ he þat wrouȝte al þe world  was wilfullich nedy
Ne neuere noon so nedy  ne alsoO.20.49: Only O has ne also; most B manuscripts have ne alone. porer deyede
Whanne nede hadde vndirnomenO.20.50: O alone has vndirnomen; most B manuscripts have vndernome.O.20.50: OR alone lack me before þus.þus  anoon I fel a-slepe
And mette ful merueylousliche  þat in mannes foorme
. Antecrist .
Antecrist cam þanne  & al þe croppe of truþe 
Ieronimus super illud Danielis . 12 . Beatus qui
expectat & peruenit vsque ad
dies . 1335 . Beatus inquit qui
interfecto antichristo . dies supra
perfinitum . 45 . prestolatur quibus
& dominus saluator in sua
magestate venturus est
O.20.53-60: The Latin lines appear in a column in the right margin, parallel to ll. 53-60 of the text. The passage is taken almost verbatim from Saint Jerome's commentary on Daniel 12.12; see Commentariorum in Danielem, Libri III (IV), S. Hieronymi Presbyteri Opera, Pars I,5, ed. Francisci Glorie, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 75A (Turnhout: Brepols, 1964): [IV].xii.12, pp. 943-44.
Turnede it vp-so-doun  & ouer-tilte þe rote
And fals spronge & spredde  & spedde mennys nedis
In iche a cuntre þere hoh[e] coome  he cutte awey truþe
And gerte gyle growe þere  as he a god were
. Freres .O.20.57: The marginal Freres is surrounded by the long Latin gloss beginning opposite l. 52.
Freres foleweden þat feend  for he gaf hem copes
And religious reuerencede hym  & rongen her bellis
And al þe couent forþ cam  to welcome þat tyraunt
And alle hise as wel as hym  saue oneli fooles
Whiche fooles weren wel leuere  to deye þan to lyue 
Lenger þan lenten  to be so rebuked
And a fals freendO.20.63: GYOC2 alone have freend in place of fend. antecrist  ouere alle folk regnede
And þat werenO.20.64: O alone has weren; most B manuscripts have were. mylde men & holy  þat no mescheef dredden
Diffieden al falsnesse  & folk þat it vsede
And what kyng þat hem counfortede  knowynge hem any while
Þei cursedenO.20.67: O alone has curseden in place of cursed. & her counceyl  were it clerk or lewed
Antecrist hadde þus soone  hundredis at his banere
And pride it bare  booldeliche aboutenO.20.69: O alone has abouten; most B manuscripts have aboute.
Wiþ a lord þat lyueþ afterlust &O.20.71: O alone includes lust.þe likyng of body
Þat cam aȝeyn concience  þat keper was & guyour
Ouer kynde cristene  & cardynal vertues
I counceyle quod concience þoo  comeþ wiþ me ȝe foles
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In-to vnite holi chirche  & holde we vs þere
And crie we to kynde þat he  come & defende vs 
Foles . fro þe feendis lymes  for peers loue þe plowman
And crye we to al þe comune  þat þei come to vnite
And þere abide & bikere  aȝeyns belialis children
Kynde . concience þoo herde  & come out of þe planetis
And sente forþ hise forreouris  feueres & fluxes
Cowȝhes & cardiacles  crampes & toþ-aches
Rewmes & radegoundes  & ruynouse scalles
Biles & bocches  & brennynge agues
Frenesies & foule yuelis  forragers of kynde
Hadde priked & preyd  polles of þe peple
Þat largeli a legioun  loren her lijf soone
Þer was harrow & help  heer comeþ kynde
Wiþ deþ þat is dredeful  to vndo vs alle
Þe lord þat lyuede after lust  þoo a-lowde cryede 
After counfort . a knyȝt  to come & bere his baneer
A-larme alarme quod þat lord  iche lijf kepe his owne
And þanne metten þeise men  er mynystrales myȝten pipe
And er heraudes of armes  hadden discryued lordis
Kynde kam after  wiþ many kene sores
As pokkes & pestelences  þatO.20.96: O alone has þat in place of and. myche peple schente
So kynde þoruȝ corrupciouns  killede ful many
Deþ cam dryuynge after  & al to dust passchede
Kyngys & knyȝtis  kaysers & popis
Lered ne lewed  he leete no man stonde
Þat he neO.20.100: YOC2Cot alone include ne. hitte euene  þat neuereO.20.100: CrO alone have neuere in place of euere. sterede after
Many a louely lady  & lemmans of knyȝtis
Swowneden & sweltedenO.20.102: O alone has swelteden; most B manuscripts have swelted.  for sorwe of deþes dyntis
Concience of his curteysie  to kynde he besouȝte
To cece & suffre  & see wher þei woldenO.20.104: O alone has wolden in place of wolde.
Leue pride pryueyli  & be parfiȝt cristene
And kynde cecede þoo  to see þe peple amende
Fortune gan flatere þanne  þoo fewe þat were on lyue
And bihiȝte hem longe lijf  & leccherie he sente
Amongys al manere men  wedded & vnweddid
And gaderede a greet hoost  al a-gyn concience
Þis leccherie leyde on  wiþ a lawynge chere
And wiþ pryue speche  & peynted wordis
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And armede hym in ydelnesse  & in hye beryng
He bare a bowe in his hand  & many blody arewes
Weren feþered wiþ fayre bihest  & many a false truþe
Wiþ hise vntidy talis  he tenede ful ofte 
Concience & his company  of holi chirche þe techers
Þanne cam coueytise  & caste how he myȝte 
Ouercome concience  & cardynal vertues
And armede hym in auarice  & hungriliche lyuede
His wepene was alle whyles  to wynne & to hydeO.20.121: O alone has hyde; most B manuscripts have hiden.
Wiþ glosyngys & gabbynges  to bigyleO.20.122: O alone has the infinitive form in place of the preterite. þe peple
Symonye hym sente  to assayle concience
And prechedenO.20.124: O alone has precheden in place of preched. to þe peple  & prelates þei hem maden
To holden wiþ antecrist  her temperaltees to saue
And coomen to þe kyngys counceyl  as a kene baroun
And kneledenO.20.127: O alone has kneleden in place of kneled. to concience  in court afore hem alle
And gerte good feiþ flee  & fals to abide
And boldliche bare adoun  wiþ many a bryȝt noble 
Miche of þe witt & wisdam  of westmynystre halle
He iuggede til a iustise  & iustede in his ere
And ouer-tilte al his truþe  wiþ take þis vp amendement
And to þe arches in haast  he ȝede anoon after
And turnede cyuyle in-to symonye  & siþ he toke þe official
For a mantel of menyuere  he made lele matrimonye 
DeparteO.20.136: O alone has Departe; most B manuscripts have Departen. . er deþ cam  & dyuorce schapte
Allas quod concience & cryede þoo  wolde crist of his grace
Þat coueytise were cristen  þat is so kene a fiȝter
And boold & abidynge  whyle his bagge lasteþ
And þanne lowȝ lijf  & leete dagge hise cloþes
And armede hym in haast  in harlottes wordis
And helde holynesse . a iape  & heendenesse a wastour
And leete lewte a cherl  & lyer . a fre man
Concience & counceyl  he countede it folye
Þus relyede lijf  for a litil fortune
And prikede forþ wiþ pride  preyseþ he no vertu
He careþ not how kynde slowȝ  & schal come at þe laste
And kille alle erþeli creaturis  saue concience one
Lijf leepe a-syde  & lauȝte hym a lemman
Hele & I quod he  & hynesse of herte
Schal do þee not drede  neiþer deþ ne eelde
fol. 85vI
ButO.20.152: OF alone have But in place of And. to forȝete sorwe  and gyue nouȝt of synne
Þis likede lijf  & his lemman fortune
And geten in her glorie  a gedelyng at þe laste
Oon þat myche woo wrouȝte  sleuþe was his name
Sleuþe wexe wondir ȝerne  & soone was of age
And weddede oon wanhope  a wenche of þe stues
Hir sire was a sisour  þat neuere swore truþe
Oon tomme two-tunge  ateynt at iche a quest
Þis sleuþe wexe werre &O.20.160: O alone has two instances of werre &, apparently as the result of dittography. However, because the line makes sense as it stands (if werre is understood as meaning "worse"), it may possibly be the result of deliberate scribal intervention. werre  & a slynge made
And þrewe drede &O.20.161: O alone has &; all other beta witnesses have of. dispeyr  a doseyne myle aboute
For care concience þoo  criede vp-on eelde
And bade hym fonde to fiȝte  & afere wanhope
And eelde hente good hope  & hastilicheO.20.164: O alone lacks he before schifte. schifte hym
And wayuede awey wanhope  & wiþ lijf he fiȝteþ
And lijf fleyȝ for feer  to phisik after help
And bisouȝte hym of socour  & of his salue hadde
And gaue hym gold good woon  þat gladede his herte
And þei ȝyuenO.20.169: OC2 alone have ȝyuen; variants include gyue (C), gafen (BmBo), gaue (CrCotF), and gyuen (WHmGYLMR). hym aȝeyn  a glasen howue
Lijf leuede þat leche-craft  lette schulde eelde
And dryue awey deþ  wiþ dias & draggas
And eelde auntrede hym on lijf  & at þe laste he hitte
A phisicien wiþ a furred hood  þat he fel inO.20.173: O alone lacks an article before palsye. palsye
And þere deyede þat doctour  er þre dayes after
Now I see seyde lijf  þat surgerie ne phisik 
May not a myte avayle  to medele aȝeyns eelde
And in hope of his hele  good hopeO.20.177: O alone has hope in place of herte. he hente
And rode so to reuel  a riche place & a myrie
Þe companye of court men clepeden it sum-tyme
And eelde anoon after me  & ouer myn hed heO.20.180: O alone includes he; most B manuscripts include no pronoun. ȝede
And made me balled bifore  & bare on þe crowne
So harde ȝhe ȝede ouer myn hed  it wole be seene euere
Sire yuele ytauȝt . eelde quod I  vnheende go wiþ þee
Siþ whanne was þiO.20.184: GOC2 alone have þi in place of þe. weye  ouer mennes hedis
Haddest þou been heende quod I  þou woldest haue asked leue
Ȝhe . leue lordyng quod he  & leyde on me wiþ age
And hitte me vndir þe ere  vnneþe may ich here
He buffetede me aboute þe mouþe  & bette me on þe teeþ
And gyedeO.20.189: OC2 alone have gyede; most B manuscripts have gyued. me in goutis  I may not goo at large
And of þe woo þat I was Inne  my wijf hadd reuþe
fol. 86rI
And wisschede ful witterli  þat I were in heuene
For þe lyme þat she louede me fore  & leef was to fele
On nyȝtes nameli  whanne scheO.20.193: O alone has sche in place of we. naked were
I ne myȝte in no manere  make it at hir wille
So eelde & sche soþeli  hadden it forbeten
And as I satte in þis sorwe  I seyȝ how kynde passede
And deþ drowȝ nyȝ me  for drede gan I quake
And criede to kynde  out of care me brynge
Loo eelde þe hoore  haþ me beseyeO.20.199: This and the following eleven lines are written around a very large keyhole-shaped tear in the vellum, at about the center of the leaf.
A-wreke me if ȝoure wille be  for I wolde be hennys
If þou wolt be ywroken  wende in-to vnite
And holde þee þere euere  til I sende for þee
And loke þou cunne sum craft  or þou come þennes
Counceyle me kynde quod I  what craft is best to lerne
Lerne to loue quod kynde  & leue of . alle oþere
How schal I come to catel so  to cloþe me & to fede
And þou loue lelli quod he  lakke schal þee neuere 
Mete ne worldli wede  whyle þi lijf lasteþ
And þere bi counceyl of kynde  I comsede to roome
Þoruȝ contricioun & confessioun  til I coome to vnite
And þere was concience cunstable  cristene forO.20.211: O alone includes for before to. to saue
And bisegede soþeli  wiþ seuene grete geauntes
Þat wiþ antecrist helden  harde aȝens concience
Sleuþe wiþ his slynge  an harde assaute made
Proude preestis coomen wiþ hym  moo þan a þousande
In paltokis & piked schoos  & pissers longe knyues
Coomen aȝens concience  wiþ coueytise þei helden
Bi marie quod a mansed preest  of þe marche of irloond
I counte no more biO.20.219: OB alone include bi. concience  bi so I cacche syluer
Þan I do to drynke  a drauȝt of good ale
And so seyden sixti  of þe same cuntre
And schoten aȝeyn hym wiþ schotte  with many scheef of oþes
And brode hoked arwes  goddis herte & hise nayles
And hadden almost vnite  & holynesse adoun
Concience criede . helpe clergye  or ellis I falle
Þoruȝ imparfiȝt preestis  & prelatis of holi chirche
Freris herden hym crye  & coomen . hym to helpe
And for þei couþenO.20.228: O alone has couþen in place of kouþe.not wel her craft  concience forsoke hem
Nede neyȝhede þoo neer  & concience he tolde
fol. 86vI
Þat þei coomenO.20.230: O alone has coomen; most B manuscripts have come. for coueytise  to haue cure of soules
And for þei arn pore paraunter  for patrimoyne hem fayleþ
Þei wolen flatere to fare wel  folk þat been riche
And seyenO.20.233: GO alone have seyen; most B manuscripts have siþen. þei chosen chele  & chaytijf pouert
Latte hem chewe as þei chosen  & charge hem wiþ no cure
For lomer he lijþ  þat lijflode mote biggeO.20.235: GO alone have bygge; most B manuscripts have begge.
Þan he þat laboureþ for lijflode  & leneþ it toO.20.236: O alone includes to. beggers
And siþen freris forsokenO.20.237: O alone has forsoken in place of forsoke.  þe felicite of erþe
Freris .O.20.238: The first of these additions appears in the extreme left margin, the other in the left margin just opposite the line. Lines 238-250 are written around a very large keyhole-shaped tear in the vellum, at about the center of the leaf, which existed at the time of copying.
Latte hem be as beggers  or lyue bi aungelis fode
Concience of þis counceyl þoo  comsede forto lawȝhe
And curteysliche counfortede hem  & callede in alle freris
And seyde sires soþeli  welcome be ȝe alle
To vniteO.20.242: O alone lacks and before holi. holi chirche  ac oo þing I ȝow preye
Holdeþ ȝow in vnite  & haueþ noon envie
To lered ne to lewed  but lyueþ after ȝoure rule
And I wole be ȝoure borwe  ȝe schul haue breed & cloþes
And oþere necessaries ynowe  ȝe schul no þing fayle
Wiþ þat ȝe leue logyke  & lerne for to louye
O.20.238-248: This and the preceding ten lines are written around the same keyhole-shaped tear in the manuscript described at O.20.199.For loue laftenO.20.248: O alone has ynomen; variants include þerof lofte (Bo), þerof loste (BmCot), lost (Cr), þei (GC2), and lafte (WHmYCLMRF). þei lordschipe  boþe lond & scole
Freres fraunceys & domynyk  for loue to be holy
And if ȝe coueyte cure  kynde wole ȝow teche
Þat in mesure god made  alle manere þingys
And sette it at a certeyn  & at a siker noumbre
And nempnede names newe  & noumbrede þe preestis
Qui numerat multiudinem stellarumO.20.254: OR alone lack et omnibus eis after stellarum. & ceteraO.20.255: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after numerat and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first.
Kyngys & knyȝtis  þat kepen & defenden
Han officeris vndir hem  & ofO.20.256: O alone has & of in place of and or of alone. iche of hem a certeyn
And if þei wage men to werre  þei writen hem in noumbre
Wole no tresourerer hem paye  traueyle þei neuere so sore
Alle oþere in batayle  been yholden brokourisO.20.259: O alone has brokouris; most B manuscripts have Brybours.
Pilouris & pikeharneys  in iche a place a-cursid
Monkes & monyalis  & alle men of religioun
Her ordre & her rule wole  to haue a certeyn nowmbre
Of lewed & of lered  þe lawe itO.20.263: OHm alone include it. wole & askeþ
A certeyn for a certeyn  saue onliche of freris
For-þi quod concience bi crist  kynde witt me telleþ
It is wikked to wage ȝow  ȝe waxen out of nowmbre
EueneO.20.267: Although the MED lists Euene as a form of the word Heaven, this is the only occurrence of the form in this manuscript, and O is the only B manuscript in which the form occurs in this line. haþ euene nowmbre  & helle is wiþ-oute nowmbre
For-þi I wolde witterli  þat ȝe weren inO.20.268: OM alone among beta witnesses lack þe before registre; in M it has been erased. registre
And ȝoure nowmbre vndir notaries sygne  & neiþer mo ne lasse
fol. 87rI
Enuye herde þis . & leeteO.20.270: O alone has leete; most B manuscripts have heet.  freris . go to scole
And lerne logyk & lawe  & eke constellaciounO.20.271: O alone has constellacioun in place of contemplacion.
And preche men of plato  & preue it bi seneca
Þat alle þingys vndir heuene  ouȝtenO.20.273: OF alone lack to before be. be in comune
And ȝit he lieþ as I leue  þat to þe lewed so precheþ
For god made to men a lawe  & moyses it tauȝte
Non concupscesconcup[i]sces rem proximi tui & ceteraO.20.277: This line is written in the right margin.
And yuele is þis yholdenO.20.277: O alone has yholden; variants include holde (Cr), to hold (G), ȝolden (B), and yholde (WHmYC2LMRF).  in parissches of englond
For persounys & parisch preestis  þat schulden þe peple schryue
Been curatouris called  to knowe & to hele 
Alle þat been her parischenes  penaunce to enioyne
And schulden be a-schamed in her schrifte  ac schame makeþ hem wende 
And flee to þe freris  as false folk to westmynyster
. westmynyster .
Þat borwen & beren þidir  & þanne bidden frendis 
Ȝerne of forȝyuenesse  or lenger ȝeris lone
Ac whyle he is in westmynyster  he wole be bifore
And make hym myrie  wiþ oþere mennys goodis
And so it fareþ biO.20.287: HmYO alone have bi in place of with. myche folk  þat to þe freris hemO.20.287: WOF alone include hem. schryuen
As sisouris & exsecutouris  þei wolenO.20.288: O alone has wolen; all other beta witnesses have wol. ȝyue þe freris
A parcel to preye for hem  & make hem-seluenO.20.289: O alone has hem-seluen; all other beta witnesses have hemself. myrie
Wiþ þe residue & þe remenaunt  þat oþere men biswonken
And suffre þe dede in dette  to þe day of doom
Enuye her-fore  hatede concience
And freris to philosophie  he fondeO.20.293: O alone lacks a word between fonde and to; most B manuscripts have hem. to scole
Þe while coueytise & vnkyndenesse  concience assayledenO.20.294: O alone has the form assayleden in place of assaillede.
In vnite holi chirche  concience helde hym
And made pees porter  to pynne þe ȝates
ForO.20.297: O alone has introductory For; most B manuscripts have Of. alle tale- telleris  & titerers in ydel
Ypocrisie & he  an harde saute þei maden
. ypocrisie .
Ypocrisie at þe ȝate  harde gan to fiȝte
And woundede wel wikkidli  many wise techeris
Þat wiþ concience acordede  & cardynal vertues
Concience callede a leche  þat wel couþe schryue
Go salue þoo þat seke been  þoruȝ synne &O.20.303: O alone includes & before woundid. woundid
. schrifte .
Schrifte schope scharpe salue  & made men do penaunce
For her mysdedis  þat þei wrouȝtenO.20.305: O alone has wrouȝten in place of wroȝt. hadde
And þat peers were payed  redde quod debes
Summe likeden not þis leche  & letteres þei senten
If any surgien were þe segge  þat softer couþe playstre
Sire leef to lyue in lecherie  lay þere & gronede
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F..or fastyng of a friday  he ferde as he wolde deye
Þer is a surgien in þis þisþis sege  þat softe can handele
And more of phisik bi fer  & fayrer he playstreþ
. Frere flaterer .
Oon frere flaterer  is phisicien & surgien
Quod contricioun to concience  do hym come to vnite
For heer is many a man hirt  þoruȝ ypocrisie
We han no nede quod concience  I woot no better leche
Þan persoun or parisch preest  penytauncer or bisschop
Saue peers þe plowman  þat haþ power ouer hem alle
And indulgence may do  but if dette lette it
I may wel suffre seyde concience  siþ ȝe desiren
Þat frere flaterer be fet  & phisike ȝow seke
Þe frere her-of . herde  & hyede hym faste
To a lord for a letter  leue to haue cure
And as a curatour he were  & cam wiþ hise lettres
Booldli to þe bisschop  & his breef hadde
In cuntrees þer he coome inne  confessiounO.20.326: CrO alone have the singular form. to here
And cam þer concience was  & knokkede at þe ȝate
Pees vnpynnede it  was porter of vnite
And in hast askede  what his wille were
In feiþ quod þis frere  for profiȝt & for heleO.20.330: O alone has the form hele; most B manuscripts have helþe.
Carpe I wolde wiþ contricioun  & þerfore cam I hider
He is seek seyde pees  & so arn many oþere
Ypocrisie haþ hirt hem  ful hard is if þei keuere
I am a surgien seyde þe segge  & salues can make
Concience knoweþ me wel  & what I kan do boþe
. Frere leche .
I preye þee quod pees þoo  er þou passe forþer
What hattest þou I preye þee  hele not þi name
Certis felaw seydeO.20.338: O alone has felaw seyde in place of seide; all manuscripts except OF have felaw as subject and place it in final position in the a-verse. he  sire penetrans domos
Ȝhe go þi gate quod pees  bi god . for al þi phisik
But þou kunne sum craft  þou comest not heer-inne
I knewe swich oon ones  not eyȝte wynter passed
Coome in . þus y-coped  at a court þere I dwelte
And was my ladyO.20.343: O alone has lady; most B manuscripts have lordes. leche  & my lordis boþe
And at þe last þis lymytour  þo my lord was oute
He saluede so oure wommen  til summe were wiþ childe
Heende speche heete pees  to opene þe ȝates
Latte in þe frere & his felaw  & make hem fayre chere
He may see & here  so it may be-falle
fol. 88rI
Þat lijf þoruȝ his lore  schal leue coueytise
And be adrad of deþ  & wiþdrawe hym fro pride
And a-corde wiþ concience  & kisse her eiþerer
Þus þoruȝ heende speche  entrede þe frere
And cam in . to concience  & curteysli hym grette
Þou art welcome quod concience  canst þou hele þe seke
Heer is contricioun quod concience  my cosyn ywounded
Counforte hym quod concience  & take keep to hise sores
Þe playstres of þe persoun  & poudres biten to sore
He leete hem ligge ouer-longe  & loþ is to chaunge hem
Fro lenten to lenten  he latte hise playstres byte
. Frere confessour .O.20.360: A flourish appears centered beneath the marginal addition.
Þat is ouer-longe quod þis lymytour  I leue I schal amende it
And gooþ & gropeþ contricioun  & gaue hym a playstre
Of a pryue payement  & I schal preye for ȝow
And for alle þat ȝe been holden to  al my lijf-tyme
And make ȝow . my lady  in messe & in matynes
As frereO.20.365: WHmO alone have the singular form frere in place of the plural, although Y has suster. of oure fraternyte  for a litil syluer
Þus he gooþ & gadereþ  & gloseþ þere he schryueþ
Til contricioun hadde clene forȝeten  to crie & to wepe
And wake for hise wikkede werkis  as he was wont to done
For counfort of his confessour  contricioun he lafte
Þat is þe souereynest salue  ofO.20.370: O alone has of in place of for. alle kyn synnes
Sleuþe þanne sawO.20.371: O alone has þanne saw; most B manuscripts have seigh. þat  & alsoO.20.371: O alone has also in place of so. dide pride
And cam wiþ a kene wille  concience to assayle
Concience crience criede efte  & bade clergye helpe
And also contricioun  for to kepe þe ȝate
He lijþ & dremeþ seyde pees  & so doon many oþere
Þe frere wiþ his phisik  þeiseO.20.376: YOC2 alone have the plural form. folk haþ enchauntid
And playstred hem so esily  þei dreden no synne
Bi crist quod concience þoo  I wole bicome a pilgryme
And walken as wyde  as þe werld lasteþ
To seke peers þe plowman  þat pride may distruye
And þat freres hadden a fyndyng  þat for nede flateren
And counterpleden me concience  now kynde me auenge
And sende me happe & hele  til I haue peers þe plowman
And siþ he gradde after grace  til I gan awakeO.20.384: This line is followed by six ticks.
ExplicitO.20.385: The initial capital of the word Explicit is heavily ornamented and outlined in red. hic dialogus petri plowmanO.20.385: This line is underlined both above and below in red. Small red ticks appear between each of the preceding words and after plowman.
LauderisO.20.385: The initial capital of Lauderis is ornamented and outlined in red. christe  quia finitur liber isteO.20.385: Small red ticks appear between each of the preceding words; three ticks in black appear at the end of the line.O.20.385: The word finit, written unevenly in a large, crude hand, appears centered in the bottom margin about three vertical spaces below the final trailer.