<div1>fol. 51r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><add><foreign><hi>Passus <lb/>
<note>O.13.000: The heading is divided after <foreign><hi><hi>Passus</hi></hi></foreign>, so that it appears on two lines.</note></head>
<l><hi><hi>A</hi></hi>Nd I wakede<note>O.13.1: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>wakede</hi> in place of <hi>awaked</hi>.</note> þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wiþ  witles neer<seg>-</seg>hande</l>
<l> And as a freek þat fre were  forþ gan I walke</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n man<expan>er</expan>e of a mendynaunt  many ȝeer after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of þis metyng many tyme  myche þouȝt Ich hadde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>irst how fortune me faylede  at my moost nede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þ<expan>a</expan>t eelde manacede me  we myȝten neu<expan>er</expan>e<note>O.13.6: O alone has <hi>we myȝten neu<expan>er</expan>e</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>myȝte we euere</hi>.</note> mete</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þ<expan>a</expan>t freris foleweden  folk þat weren riche </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd folk þat weren pore  at litil price þei setten</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd no coors in her kirk<seg>-</seg>ȝerd  ne in her kirke was biried</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut quyk he bequeþe hem ouȝt  or schulde helpe quyte her dettis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how coueytise ou<expan>er</expan>come  clerkis & preestes </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þ<expan>a</expan>t lewed men been lad  but oure lord hem helpe</l>
<milestone>fol. 51vI</milestone>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ<note>O.13.13: The ascender of the thorn in <hi>Þoruȝ</hi> is decorated with a small spray in red.</note> vnku<expan>n</expan>nynge curatouris  to incurable peynes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þ<expan>a</expan>t ymagynatyf  in dremeles me tolde</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f kynde & of ku<expan>n</expan>nyng  & how curteys he is to beestis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how louynge he is to beestis  on loond & on water</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>eneþ he no lijf  lasse ne more</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e creatures þat crepen  of kynde been engendrid</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how ymagynatyf seyde  <foreign>vix saluabit<expan>ur</expan> iust<expan>us</expan></foreign><note>O.13.19: Two crosses, about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the faulty alliteration of l. 19.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne he hadde seyd so  how sodeynlich he passede</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> lay dou<expan>n</expan> longe in þis þouȝt  and at þe last I slepte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as c<expan>ri</expan>st wolde þ<expan>er</expan> come co<expan>n</expan>science  to cou<expan>n</expan>forte me þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bade<note>O.13.23: Cr<hi>1</hi>OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>me</hi> before <hi>come</hi>.</note> come to his court  wiþ clergie schulde I dyne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for co<expan>n</expan>cience of clergie spake  I come wel þe raþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>er</expan>e I seyȝ a mayster  what man he was I nyste </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at lowe loutede and  louelich to scripture</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncience knewe hy<expan>m</expan> wel  & welcomede hym fayre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei wasscheden & wypeden  & wente to dyner</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c pacience in þe paleys  stode in pilg<expan>ri</expan>mes cloþis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd preyede mete <foreign>p<expan>ar</expan><note>O.13.30: WYGO alone have <foreign><hi>p<expan>ar</expan></hi></foreign>; variants include <foreign><hi>pur</hi></foreign> (BF), <foreign><hi>por</hi></foreign> (C<hi>2</hi>), and <hi>for</hi> (HmCrCLMR).</note> charite</foreign>  for a pore heremyte</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncience callede hym In  & curteyslich seyde</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>elcome wye . go & wasche  þ<expan>o</expan>u schalt sitte soone</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>is mayst<expan>er</expan> was maad sitte  & for þe moost worþi</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne clergie & concience  & pacience cam after</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acience and I  weren put to be macches</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd sitte<note>O.13.36: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>sitte</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>seten</hi>.</note> bi oure<seg>-</seg>selue  at a syde<seg>-</seg>boord</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncience callede after mete  & þa<expan>n</expan>ne cam sc<expan>ri</expan>pture</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd s<expan>er</expan>uede he<expan>m</expan> þus soone  of sundry metes many</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f austyn of ambrose  of alle þe foure euangelistes</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ede<expan>n</expan>tes & bibe<expan>n</expan>tes q<expan>ue</expan> ap<expan>u</expan>d eos su<expan>n</expan>t</hi></foreign><note>O.13.40: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>q<expan>ue</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þis mayst<expan>er</expan> ne his man  no man<expan>er</expan>e flesch eeten</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þei eeten mete of more cost  mortrewes & potages</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f þat men myswonnen  þei maden hem wel at ese</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c her sauce was eu<expan>er</expan>e soure  & vnsauery<note>O.13.44: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>vnsauery</hi> in place of <hi>vnsauourly</hi>.</note> ygrounden<note>O.13.44: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>ygrounden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>grounde</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n a morter <foreign>post mortem</foreign>  of many bitter peynes</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut if þei synge for þe soulis  & wepe salte teres</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>vos q<expan>ui</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a ho<expan>m</expan>inu<expan>m</expan> comeditis n<expan>isi</expan> p<expan>ro</expan> eis lac<expan>ri</expan>mas & o<expan>racio</expan>nes effud<expan>er</expan>it<expan>is</expan>  ea q<expan>ue</expan> i<expan>n</expan> delicijs comedit<expan>is</expan> i<expan>n</expan> <sic>tome<expan>n</expan>t<expan>is</expan></sic><corr>to[r]me<expan>n</expan>t<expan>is</expan></corr> euometis</hi></foreign><note>O.13.46: This line begins in the right margin of l. 46, breaks after <foreign><hi>ho<expan>m</expan>inu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, breaking again after <foreign><hi>to[r]me<expan>n</expan>t<expan>is</expan></hi></foreign> and ending in the right margin of l. 48. A red parasign precedes <foreign><hi>euometis</hi></foreign>.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncience curteyslich þoo  comau<expan>n</expan>ded sc<expan>ri</expan>pture </l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ifore pacience breed to brynge  & me . þat was his make</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e sette a soure loof to<seg>-</seg>fore vs . & seyde  <foreign>agite penitencia<expan>m</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd siþen he drowe vs drynk  <foreign>diu p<expan>er</expan>seuerans</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s longe quod he<note>O.13.52: OC<hi>2</hi>RF alone have <hi>he</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>I</hi>.</note> as I lyue  & likham may dure</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>eer is p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruyse quod pacience  þ<expan>er</expan> fareþ no prynce better</l>
<milestone>fol. 52rI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne he brouȝte forþ oþ<expan>er</expan> mete  of <foreign>miserere mei deus</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of <foreign>beati quo<expan>rum</expan></foreign>  of <foreign>beatus vir</foreign> makyng</l>
<l><foreign><hi>E</hi>t quo<expan>rum</expan> tecta sunt  peccata</foreign> . in a dische</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f derne schrifte <foreign>dixi</foreign>  and <foreign>confitebor tibi</foreign></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>rynge pacience su<expan>m</expan> pitaunce<note>O.13.58: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>priueliche</hi> before <hi>quod</hi>, and thus lack the third alliterating stave.</note>  quod concience</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne come to pacience  a pitaunce ybrouȝt</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f <foreign>p<expan>ro</expan> hac orabit ad te o<expan>mn</expan>is s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>us  in te<expan>m</expan>p<expan>or</expan>e op<expan>or</expan>tuno</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd concience cou<expan>n</expan>fortede vs  & carpede vs myry wordis<note>O.13.61: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>wordis</hi> in place of <hi>tales</hi>.</note></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Cor <expan>con</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>tu<expan>m</expan> & hu<expan>m</expan>iliatu<expan>m</expan> de<expan>us</expan> no<expan>n</expan> despicies</hi></foreign><note>O.13.62: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>de<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acience was proud  of þat p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruyse</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd made hym myrþe wiþ his mete  ac I mornede eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þis docto<expan>ur</expan> on þe hye deys  dranke wiyn so faste</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ve vob<expan>is</expan> q<expan>ui</expan> pote<expan>n</expan>tes estis ad bibend<expan>um</expan> vinu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.66: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>ad</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e eete many sundry metes  mortrewes & puddyng<expan>es</expan></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ombe cloutis & wylde brawn  & egges fryed wiþ grece</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne seyde I to my<seg>-</seg>self  so pacience it herde</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is not foure dayes þ<expan>a</expan>t þis freek  bifore þe deen of poulis </l>
<l><hi>P</hi>rechede of penaunces  þat poule þe apostle suffrede</l>
<l><foreign><hi>I</hi>n fame & frigore</foreign>  & flappes of scourges</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ter ces<expan>us</expan> su<expan>m</expan> & a Iudeis q<expan>ui</expan>nq<expan>ui</expan>es q<expan>ua</expan>trag<expan>enas</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.73: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c oo word þei ou<expan>er</expan>hippen  at iche tyme þat þei p<expan>re</expan>chen</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at poule in his epistle<note>O.13.75: O alone has the form <hi>epistle</hi> in place of <hi>pistle</hi>.</note>  to<note>O.13.75: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <hi>al</hi> before <hi>þe peple</hi>.</note> þe peple tolde</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>P<expan>er</expan>ic<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m e<expan>st</expan><note>O.13.76: OR alone lack <foreign><hi>in</hi></foreign> before <foreign><hi>falsis</hi></foreign>.</note> falsis fr<expan>atr</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> no<expan>ta</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.76: This line is written in the right margin. The word <foreign>no<expan>ta</expan></foreign> is accompanied by red and black flourishes at left, right, and bottom.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>oly writ bit men . be war  I wole not write it heer </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>n englich . an aunter it schulde  be reherced to ofte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd greue þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wiþ þat good been  ac g<expan>ra</expan>mariens schul rede</l>
<foreign><hi>. no<expan>ta</expan> .</hi></foreign><note>O.13.80: A red flourish appears beneath the word <foreign>no<expan>ta</expan></foreign>.</note>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>V</hi>nusq<expan>ui</expan>s<expan>que</expan> a fr<expan>atr</expan>e se custodiat<note>O.13.80: A double solidus above each word indicates transposition of original <foreign><hi>custodiat se</hi></foreign>. C<hi>2</hi> alone shares the uncorrected order.</note> q<expan>uia</expan> vt d<expan>icitu</expan>r . p<expan>er</expan>ic<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m e<expan>st</expan> in falsis fr<expan>atr</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c I wiste neu<expan>er</expan>e freek . þat as a frere ȝede  bifore me<expan>n</expan> . on englisch </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>ake it for her teme  & telle it wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute glosyng</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei p<expan>re</expan>chen þ<expan>a</expan>t penaunce is  p<expan>ro</expan>fitable to þe soule</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd what mescheef or malese  c<expan>ri</expan>st for man þolede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þi<add>s</add> goddis glotou<expan>n</expan> quod I  wiþ hise grete chekis</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aþ no pite on vs pore men  he p<expan>ar</expan>forneþ yuele </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at he precheþ . he preueþ not  to pacience I tolde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wisschede wittirli  wiþ wille ful egre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t dissches & doubleris  bifore þis ilke doctour </l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ere molten leed in his mawe  & mahou<expan>n</expan> amyddis</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schal iangle to þis iurdan  wiþ his <del>Iutte</del><add>Ius<supplied>te</supplied><note>O.13.91: A solidus/punctus over <hi>Iutte</hi> and another over marginal <hi>Ius</hi> seem to indicate substitution; however, <hi>Ius</hi> is a fragment the remainder of which has been lost to cropping. The corrector's intention was apparently to substitute <hi>Iuste</hi>, the majority reading, for <hi>Iutte</hi>, a reading shared only by OC<hi>2</hi>. <hi>Iuste</hi> as an adjective is related conjecturally by the <title>MED</title> to the noun of the same form meaning "a vessel with a narrow, long neck and a large bottom"; a <hi>juste wombe</hi> is thus defined as "a belly as large as the bottom of such a receptacle...." Neither the <title>MED</title> nor Skeat lists <hi>iutte</hi> as an adjective, although <hi>jutt(ei)en</hi> appears in the <title>MED</title> as a verb meaning "to project or jut out."</note></add> wombe </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o telle men<note>O.13.92: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>men</hi> in place of <hi>me</hi>.</note> what penaunce is  of whych he p<expan>re</expan>chede raþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acience p<expan>ar</expan>ceyuede what I þouȝte  & wynkede on me to be stille</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyde . þ<expan>o</expan>u schalt see þus soone  wha<expan>n</expan>ne he may no more</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e schal haue a penaunce i<expan>n</expan> his paunche  & puffe at iche a word</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne schal hise guttes groþele<note>O.13.96: YGOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>groþele</hi>; variants include <hi>gothelyn</hi> (Hm), <hi>gottilen</hi> (Cr), <hi>godele</hi> (LR), <hi>gowle</hi> (F), <hi>gruwe</hi> (B), and <hi>goþele</hi> (WCM).</note>  & he schal galpen after</l>
<milestone>fol. 52vI</milestone>
<hi>Docto<expan>ur</expan>s of freris</hi>
<l><hi>F</hi>or now he haþ drunken so depe  he wole dyuyne soone</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd preue it bi her pocalips  & passiou<expan>n</expan> of seynt auereys</l>
<l><note>O.13.99: In the left margin there appears a cross composed of dots with smaller dots and rays, both in red, interspersed; like other, similar designs in this manuscript, it is apparently in the main scribal hand.</note><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t neiþ<expan>er</expan> bakou<expan>n</expan> ne brawn  blankmanger ne mortrewes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s neiþ<expan>er</expan> fisch ne flesch  but fode for a penaunce</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne schal he testifie of a t<expan>ri</expan>nyte  & take hise felawes to witnesse</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat he fonde in a frayel  after freris lyuyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd but if þe first leef<note>O.13.103: OC<hi>2</hi>Cot alone have <hi>leef</hi>; variants include <hi>leyeffe</hi> (G), <hi>lif</hi> (CBmBo), <hi>life</hi> (Y), <hi>lyue</hi> (Cr), <hi>lyue (?lyne)</hi> (WHmLMR), and <hi>lyȝne</hi> (F).</note> be leesyng  leue me neu<expan>er</expan>e after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne is tyme to talke<note>O.13.104: OC<hi>2</hi>R alone have <hi>talke</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>take</hi>.</note>  & appose þis doctour</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f do<seg>-</seg>wel & do<seg>-</seg>bette  & if do<seg>-</seg>best  be any penaunce</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd I sete stille as pacience seyde  & þus soone þis doctour </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s rody as a rose  rubbede hise chekes</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>owȝhede & carpede  & concience hym herde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd tolde hym of a t<expan>ri</expan>nyte  & toward vs he lokede</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat is do<seg>-</seg>wel sire docto<expan>ur</expan> quod I  is do<seg>-</seg>wel any penaunce</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>o<seg>-</seg>wel quod þis docto<expan>ur</expan>  & toke þe cuppe & dranke</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>o noon yuel to þin euene<seg>-</seg>c<expan>ri</expan>sten  not bi þi power</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>i þis<note>O.13.113: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>day</hi> before <hi>sire</hi>, and thus lack the first alliterating stave.</note> sire docto<expan>ur</expan> quod I þa<expan>n</expan>ne  be ȝe not in do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or ȝe<note>O.13.114: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>han</hi> before <hi>harmed</hi>.</note> harmed vs two  in þat ȝe eete þe puddyng</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ortrewis & oþ<expan>er</expan> mete  & we no mussel hadden<note>O.13.115: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>hadden</hi> in place of <hi>hadde</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if ȝe faren so in ȝoure fermorie  ferli me þinkeþ </l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut cheste<note>O.13.117: GYOC<hi>2</hi> alone among beta witnesses lack <hi>be</hi> before <hi>þ<expan>er</expan>e</hi>.</note> þ<expan>er</expan>e charite schulde . be  & childre<expan>n</expan> durste<expan>n</expan><note>O.13.117: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>durste<expan>n</expan></hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>dorste</hi>.</note> pleyne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> wolde p<expan>er</expan>mute my penaunce wiþ ȝoure  for I am i<expan>n</expan> poynt to do wel</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne concience curteyslich  a countenau<expan>n</expan>ce made</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd preynte vp<seg>-</seg>on pacience  to preye me be stille</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seide hym<seg>-</seg>self . sire docto<expan>ur</expan>  & it be ȝoure wille</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat is do<seg>-</seg>wel & do<seg>-</seg>bette  ȝe dyuynouris knowen</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>o<seg>-</seg>wel quod þis docto<expan>ur</expan>  do as clerkis techen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd do<seg>-</seg>bette is he þat techeþ  & t<expan>ra</expan>uayliþ to teche oþ<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd do<seg>-</seg>best dooþ hym<seg>-</seg>self so  as he seiþ & p<expan>re</expan>cheþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Q<expan>ui</expan> fec<expan>er</expan>it<note>O.13.126: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <foreign><hi>fec<expan>er</expan>it</hi></foreign> in place of <foreign><hi>facit</hi></foreign>.</note> & docu<expan>er</expan>it magn<expan>us</expan> vocabit<expan>ur</expan> i<expan>n</expan> reg<expan>no</expan> ce<damage>..</damage><supplied>lorum</supplied></hi></foreign><note>O.13.126: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>magn<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow þ<expan>o</expan>u clergie quod co<expan>n</expan>cience  carpest what is do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> haue seuene sones he seyde  s<expan>er</expan>uen at a castel</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e þe lord of lijf woneþ  to lerne what is do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il I se . þo seuene  & myself acorden</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> am vnhardy quod he  to any whyȝt to preuen it</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or oon peers þe plowman  haþ impugned vs alle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd sette alle science<note>O.13.133: OC<hi>2</hi>R alone have the singular form.</note> at a soppe  saue loue oone</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd no texte ne takiþ  to mayntene his cause</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <foreign>dilige deu<expan>m</expan>  & d<expan>omi</expan>ne quis h<expan>ab</expan>itabit . & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seiþ<note>O.13.136: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>þat</hi> before <hi>do-wel</hi>.</note> do<seg>-</seg>wel & do<seg>-</seg>bette  arn two infinites</l>
<hi>Whiche infinites</hi>
<milestone>fol. 53rI</milestone>
<l><hi>W</hi>hiche infynytes wiþ a feiþ  fynden out do<seg>-</seg>best</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>h<add>i</add>ch schal saue ma<expan>n</expan>nys soule  þus seiþ peers<note>O.13.138: An otiose mark appears above the first <e> in <hi>peers</hi>.</note> plowman</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> can not her<seg>-</seg>onne quod co<expan>n</expan>cience  ac I knowe peers</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e wole not aȝeyn holi writ speke  I dar vndirtake</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne passe we ou<expan>er</expan> til peers come  & preue þis in dede</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acience haþ been in many places  & p<expan>ar</expan>auenture knoweþ </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at . no clerk<note>O.13.143: OC<hi>2</hi>RF alone lack <hi>ne</hi> before <hi>knoweþ</hi>.</note> knoweþ<note>O.13.143: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>knoweþ</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>kan</hi>.</note>  as crist bereþ witnesse</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Pacie<expan>n</expan>tes vincu<expan>n</expan>t & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.144: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>t ȝoure p<expan>re</expan>yer quod paciens þoo  so no man displese hym</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi>isce</hi></foreign> quod he &<note>O.13.146: HmOC<hi>2</hi>F alone include the first ampersand.</note><foreign>doce  <hi>& dilige inimicos</hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi>isce</hi></foreign> and do<seg>-</seg>wel  <foreign><hi>doce</hi></foreign> and do<seg>-</seg><hi>b</hi>ette<note>O.13.147: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack the final phrase of this line, <hi><foreign>dilige</foreign> and dobest</hi>.</note></l>
<l><note>O.13.148: OC<hi>2</hi> alone among beta witnesses lack the introductory clause <hi>Þus tauȝte me ones</hi>.</note><hi>A</hi> lemman þat I louede  loue was hir name</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ wordis & werkis quod sche  & wille of þin herte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u loue lelly þi soule  al þi lijf<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so þ<expan>o</expan>u lere þee to louye  for þe lordis loue of heuene </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>in enemy . in al wyse  euene<seg>-</seg>forþ wiþ þi<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>aste coles on his hed  & al kynde speche</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe wiþ werk & word  fonde his loue to wynne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd leye on hym þus wiþ loue  til he lawȝhe on þee</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd but he bowe for þis betyng  blynde mote he worþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c for to fare þus wiþ þi freend  folye it were</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he þat loueþ þee lelly  litil of þin coueytiþ</l>
<l><hi>K</hi>ynde loue coueytiþ not  no catel . but speche</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ half a laumpe<seg>-</seg>lyne  in latyn <foreign><hi>ex vi t<expan>ra</expan>nsgressionis</hi></foreign><note>O.13.160: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <foreign><hi>t<expan>ra</expan>nsgressionis</hi></foreign> in place of <foreign><hi>transicionis</hi></foreign>.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi> bere þer<seg>-</seg>Inne a bewte<note>O.13.161: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>a bewte</hi>; variants include <hi>aboute</hi> (WCrLMRF), <hi>abounte</hi> (HmY), <hi>a beaute</hi> (GB), and <hi>a beaut</hi> (C). Kane and Donaldson emend to <hi>a bouste</hi>.</note>  fast ybounde . do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n a signe of þe saterday  þat sette first þe kalender</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n<note>O.13.163: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>In</hi> in place of <hi>And</hi>.</note> al þe witt of þe wednesday  of þe nexte woke after</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e myddel of þe mone  is þe myȝt of boþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd her<seg>-</seg>wiþ am I welcome  þ<expan>er</expan> I haue it wiþ me</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>ndo it . latte þis docto<expan>ur</expan> deme  if do<seg>-</seg>wel be þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>inne</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or bi hym þat me made  myȝte neu<expan>er</expan>e pou<expan>er</expan>tee</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>isese ne mescheef  ne man wiþ his tunge</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>olde ne care  ne cumpanye of þeues</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neiþ<expan>er</expan> hete ne hayl  ne noon helle pouke</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neiþ<expan>er</expan> fijr ne flood  ne feer of þin enemyes<note>O.13.171: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the plural form.</note></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>ene þe any tyme  & þ<expan>o</expan>u take it wiþ þee</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Caritas n<expan>ichi</expan>l timet</hi></foreign><note>O.13.173: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is but a dido quod þis docto<expan>ur</expan>  a disouris tale</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l þe witt of þis world  & wiþ<note>O.13.175: OC<hi>2</hi>Cot alone have <hi>wiþ</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>wiȝt</hi>.</note> mennes strengþe</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>an not conformen a pees  bitwene þe pope & hise enemyes</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e bitwene two c<expan>ri</expan>sten kyngys  kan no wyȝt pees make </l>
<milestone>fol. 53vI</milestone>
<l><hi>P</hi>rofitable to eiþ<expan>er</expan> peple  & putte þe table fro hym</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd toke clergie & concience  to cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl as it were</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t pacience þoo muste passe  for pilgrymes kun wel lye</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c concience carpede loude  & curteyslich seyde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>rendis fareþ wel  & fayre spake to clergye</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or I wole goo wiþ þis goom  if god wole gyue me grace</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd be pilgryme wiþ pacience  til I haue proued more</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat quod clergie to concience  ar ȝe coueytous nouþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>fter ȝeresȝeues & ȝiftes  or ȝernen to rede ridels</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schal brynge ȝow a bible  a book of þe olde lawe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lere ȝow if ȝow like  þe best poynt to knowe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at pacience þe pilgryme  p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝtly knewe neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ay bi c<expan>ri</expan>st quod concience <del></del><add>t</add>o clergie god þee forȝelde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or al þat pacience me p<expan>ro</expan>fereþ  proude am I ful<note>O.13.191: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>ful</hi> in place of <hi>but</hi> or omission.</note> litil</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þe wille of þe wye  & ȝe wolen<note>O.13.192: O alone has the form <hi>wolen</hi>; variants include <hi>wille</hi> (CHmBmBoLM), <hi>wull</hi> (C<hi>2</hi>), <hi>wol</hi> (YCot), and <hi>wil</hi> (WCrGRF).</note> of folk here </l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aþ moued my mood  to morne for my synnes</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e good wille of a wyȝt . was  neu<expan>er</expan>e bouȝt to þe fulle</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þ<expan>er</expan> is no tresore þ<expan>er</expan>to  to a trewe wille</l>
<l><note>O.13.196: Two crosses, one below the other and each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably in hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the defective alliteration of ll. 196-198.</note><hi>H</hi>adde <add>not</add> magdaleyn more  for a boxe of salue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an zacheus for he seyde  <foreign><hi>dimidiu<expan>m</expan> bono<expan>rum</expan> meo<expan>rum</expan> do paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þe pore wydowe  for a peyre of mytes</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an alle þoo þat offreden  in<seg>-</seg>to <foreign><hi>gazophilaciu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us curteysliche concience  congeyede þe frere</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd siþen softlich he seyde  in clergyes ere</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>e were leu<expan>er</expan>e bi oure lord  & I lyue schulde</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aue pacience p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝtli  þan half þi bakke<note>O.13.203: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>bakke</hi> in place of <hi>pak</hi>.</note> of bookis</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>lergie to concience  no cungeye wolde take</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut seyde ful sobrelich  þ<expan>o</expan>u schalt se þe tyme</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne þ<expan>o</expan>u art wery for<seg>-</seg>walked  wylne me to cou<expan>n</expan>ceyl</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at is soþ quod concience  so me god helpe</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f pacience be oure p<expan>ar</expan>tynge felawe  & p<expan>ri</expan>uey wiþ vs boþe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan> is no woo in þis world  þat we ne schulde amende</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd confourmen kyng<expan>ys</expan> to pees  and al kyns londis</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>arasens & surry  & so forþ alle þe Iues</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>urne in<seg>-</seg>to þe trewe feiþ  & in<seg>-</seg>til oon beleue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at is soþ quod clergie  I see what þ<expan>o</expan>u menest</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schal dwelle as I do  my deuoyr to schewen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd confermen fauntkyns  & oþ<expan>er</expan>e folk ylered</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il pacience haue s<expan>er</expan>ued<note>O.13.216: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>s<expan>er</expan>ued</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>preued</hi>.</note> þee  & p<expan>ar</expan>fiȝt<del>lich</del> þee make<supplied>de</supplied><note>O.13.216: <hi>Make</hi> should probably read <hi>makede</hi>, the reading of all manuscripts except C<hi>2</hi>, which has <hi>made</hi>; the <d> (and perhaps a final <e>) has apparently been lost to tearing and patching of the right corner of the leaf.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 54rI</milestone>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncience þoo wiþ pacience passede  pilgrymes as it were</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne hadde pacience as pilg<expan>ri</expan>mes han  in his poke vitaylis</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>obrete & symple speche  & soþfast beleue</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o cou<expan>n</expan>forte hym & concience  if þei come in place</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e vnkyndenesse & coueytise is  hungry cuntrees boþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as þei wenten bi þe weye  of do<seg>-</seg>wel þei carpeden</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei metten wiþ a mynystral  as me þoo þouȝte</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acience apposede hym þoo<note>O.13.224: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>þoo</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>first</hi>.</note>  & p<expan>re</expan>yede . he schulde hem telle </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o concience . what craft he couþe  & to what cuntre he wolde</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> am a mynystral quod þat man  my name is <foreign>actiua vita</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.13.227: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include introductory <hi>And</hi>.</note> alle ydel ich hate  for<note>O.13.227: YOC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack a word between <hi>for</hi> and <hi>actijf</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>of</hi>.</note> actijf is my name</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> waferer . wole ȝe wite  & s<expan>er</expan>ue many lordis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd fewe robes I fonge  or furred gounes</l>
<l><hi>K</hi>ouþe I lye to do men lawȝhe  þa<expan>n</expan>ne lacchen I schulde </l>
<l><hi>O</hi><expan>er</expan> mantel or money  among<expan>ys</expan> lordis mynystralis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c for I can neiþ<expan>er</expan> taboure ne trompe  ne telle noon geestis</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>arten ne fiþelen  at feestis ne harpen</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>ape ne iogele  ne ienteliche pipe</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neiþ<expan>er</expan> sayle ne saute  ne synge wiþ þe gyterne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> haue no goode gyftes  of þeise grete lordis</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or no breed þat I brynge forþ  saue a benysou<expan>n</expan> on þe sunday</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne þe preest preyeþ þe peple  her <foreign>pat<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>nost<expan>er</expan></foreign> to bidde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or peris þe plowman  & þat hym p<expan>ro</expan>fiȝt wayten</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t I am actijf  þat ydelnesse hatye</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or alle trewe trauaylouris  & tilyers of erþe</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ro myȝhel<seg>-</seg>messe to myȝhel<seg>-</seg>messe  I fynde hem<note>O.13.242: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>wiþ</hi> before <hi>wafres</hi>.</note> wafres</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>egg<expan>er</expan>s & bidders  of my breed crauen</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>aytouris & freris  & folk wiþ brode crownes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> fynde payn for þe pope  & p<expan>ro</expan>uendre for his palfrey<note>O.13.245: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the right margin, probably in hand 2.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd I hadde neu<expan>er</expan>e of hym  haue god my truþe</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>uendre ne p<expan>er</expan>sonage  ȝit . of þe popis ȝifte</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>aue a p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan> wiþ a peys of leed  & two polles a<seg>-</seg>myddis </l>
<l><hi>H</hi>adde <sic>iche</sic><corr>ich</corr><note>O.13.249: Although the <title>MED</title> lists <hi>iche</hi> as a variant of <hi>ich</hi>, it is not this scribe's usual form, nor is it attested by other manuscripts; it is thus probably an error.</note> a clerk þat couþe write  I wolde caste hym a bille</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t he sente me vndir his sceel  a salue for þe pestilence</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t his blessyng & hise bulles  myȝte bocches<note>O.13.251: OC<hi>2</hi> alone transpose the order <hi>bocches myȝte</hi>.</note> distroye</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>n no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo demonia eicient & s<expan>upe</expan>r eg<expan>ro</expan>s man<expan>us</expan> i<expan>m</expan>pone<expan>n</expan>t & b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>ebu<expan>n</expan>t</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd <add>þanne</add> wolde I be prest to þe peple  paast for to make</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd buxu<expan>m</expan> & bisy  aboute breed & drynke</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or hym & for alle hise  fonde I . þ<expan>a</expan>t his p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan></l>
<milestone>fol. 54vI</milestone>
<l><note>O.13.256: Two crosses, each about two lines in height, appear in the left margin, probably by hand 2. They may have been intended to point to the defective alliteration of ll. 256-258.</note><hi>M</hi>yȝte lechen a man  as I beleue<note>O.13.256: OC<hi>2</hi> alone among beta witnesses lack <hi>it</hi> before <hi>schulde</hi>.</note> schulde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or siþ he haþ þe power  þat petir hym<seg>-</seg>self hadde</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e haþ þe potte wiþ þe salue  soþeli as me þinkeþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Argentu<expan>m</expan> & auru<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>st</expan> m<expan>ichi</expan> . quod a<expan>utem</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>eo hoc t<expan>ibi</expan> do .<note>O.13.259: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>in nomine domini</hi> before <hi>surge</hi>.</note> surge & ambula</hi></foreign><note>O.13.259: This line begins in the right margin of l. 258, breaks after <foreign><hi>auru<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign>, then wraps around to occupy the next full line space.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c if myȝt of myracle hym fayle  it is for men been not worþi </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o haue þe grace of god  & no gylt of þe pope</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or may no blessyng don vs bote  but if we wolen amende</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e mannes masse make pees  among<expan>ys</expan> c<expan>ri</expan>sten peple</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il pride be pureliche fordo  & þ<expan>a</expan>t þoruȝ payn defaute</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or er I haue breed of meele  erst mote I swete</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd er þe comune haue corn ynow  many colde mornyng</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o er my wafres be wrouȝt  myche woo I þolye</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l london I leue  likeþ wel my wafres</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd louren wha<expan>n</expan>ne þei lakken<note>O.13.269: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack an additional pronoun between <hi>lakken</hi> and <hi>it</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>hem</hi>.</note> it  is not longe passed</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan> was a careful comune  wha<expan>n</expan>ne no cart come to toune</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ breed fro stratford  þoo gonnen begg<expan>er</expan>s wepe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd werkmen weren agast a litil  þis wole be þouȝt longe</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n þe date of oure dryȝte  in a drye ap<expan>ri</expan>l </l>
<l><hi>A</hi> þousande & þre hundrid  twyes twenti & ten</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>y wafres weren gesen  wha<expan>n</expan>ne chic<add>h</add>estre was meyr<note>O.13.275: The letter <h> is rewritten in the right margin, apparently to reinforce its insertion above the line.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi> toke good keep bi crist  & concience boþe</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f haukyn þe actijf man  & how he was cloþid</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e hadde a cote of c<expan>ri</expan>stendam  as holi chirche beleueþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c it was moled in many places  wiþ many sundry plottes</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f pride heer a plot & þ<expan>er</expan>e a plot  of vnbuxu<expan>m</expan> speche</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f scornyng & of scoffyng  & of vnskilful beryng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s in app<expan>ar</expan>ayle and in poort  proud among<expan>ys</expan> þe peple</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>wise þan he haþ wiþ herte  or ye schewynge</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ym willynge þ<expan>a</expan>t alle men wenden<note>O.13.284: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>wenden</hi> in place of <hi>wende</hi>.</note>  he were þat he is not</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>why he bosteþ & braggeþ  wiþ many bolde oþes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd inobedient to be vndirnome  of any lijf lyuynge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd so synguler bi hym<seg>-</seg>self  ne noon so poppe<seg>-</seg>holy</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n habyte as an heremyte  an ordre bi hym<seg>-</seg>self</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>eligiou<expan>n</expan> saunz rule  & resounable obedience</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>akkynge lettred men  & lewede men boþe</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n liknyng<note>O.13.291: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>liknyng</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>likyng</hi>.</note> of lele lijf  & a lyer in soule</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ inwit & wiþ outwit  ymagynen & studien</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s best for his body be  to haue a badde name</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd entermete hym ou<expan>er</expan> al  þ<expan>er</expan>e he haþ not to done</l>
<milestone>fol. 55rI</milestone>
<l><hi>W</hi>ilnynge þ<expan>a</expan>t men wende  his witt were þe best</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if he gyue ouȝt to pore gomes  telleþ what he deleþ</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ore of possessiou<expan>n</expan> in purs  & in cofres boþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as a lyou<expan>n</expan> on to loke  & lordlich of speche</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>aldest of begg<expan>er</expan>s  a boster þat nouȝt haþ</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n toune & in tau<expan>er</expan>nes  tales to telle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd segge þing þat he neu<expan>er</expan>e seyȝ  & for soþe sweren it</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f dedes þat he neu<expan>er</expan>e dide  demen & bosten</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of werkis þat he wel dide  witnesse & segge<note>O.13.303: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>segge</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>siggen</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oo if þ<expan>o</expan>u leue me not  or þ<expan>a</expan>t I lye wene<note>O.13.304: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>wene</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wenen</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>xeþ at hym or at hym  & he ȝow can telle</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat I suffrede & seyȝ  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tymes hadde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd what I kouþe & knewe  & what kyn I come of</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l he wolde þ<expan>a</expan>t men wisten<note>O.13.308: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>wisten</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wiste</hi>.</note>  of werkis & of wordis</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hiche myȝte plese þe peple  & preysen hem<seg>-</seg>seluen<note>O.13.309: OC<hi>2</hi>CR alone have <hi>hem-seluen</hi> in place of <hi>hym-selue(n)</hi>.</note></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Si ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>ni</expan>b<expan>us</expan> placere<expan>m</expan> <expan>christi</expan> s<expan>er</expan>u<expan>us</expan> no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>ss</expan>em / & alibi ne<expan>mo</expan> p<expan>otest</expan> duob<expan>us</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>nis s<expan>er</expan>uire & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.310: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>s<expan>er</expan>u<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign> and <foreign><hi>duob<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign>, and red parasigns precede the last two lines of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>i crist quod concience þoo  þi best cote haukyn</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aþ many moles & spottes  it muste been ywasschid</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>he . who<seg>-</seg>so toke <add>heed</add> quod haukyn  bihynde & bifore</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat on bakke & on body  & bi þe twey sydes</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>en schulden fynde many frounces  & many foule plottes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd he turnede hym as tijt  & þa<expan>n</expan>ne toke I heed</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t was fouler bi fele foold  þa<expan>n</expan> it first semede</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t was bidroppid wiþ wraþþe  & wikkide wille</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ enuye & <del>wicked</del><add>. yuel .<note>O.13.319: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the incorrectly alliterating reading <hi>wicked</hi>, though marked for deletion.</note></add> speche  entycynge to fiȝte</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>iynge & lawȝhynge  & leef tunge to chyde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l þat he wiste wickid  bi any wiȝt tellen it</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd blame men bihynde her bak  & bidde hem meschaunce</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat he wiste bi wille  telle it to watte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat watte wiste  wille wiste it after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd made of frendis foos  þoruȝ a fals tunge</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r wiþ myȝt of mouþe  or þoruȝ ma<expan>n</expan>nes strengþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>uenge me fele tymes  ouþ<expan>er</expan> frete my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>Inne as a schepsters schere  yschrewede men & cursede</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Cui<expan>us</expan> maledicc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>e <hi>o</hi>s plenu<expan>m</expan> e<expan>st</expan> & amaritudi<expan>n</expan>e sub ling<expan>ua</expan> ei<expan>us</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan><note>O.13.329: OC<hi>2</hi>RF alone lack the final phrase <foreign><hi>et lingua eorum gadius acutus</hi></foreign>; OC<hi>2</hi> alone substitute <foreign><hi>& c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign> for it.</note> & ali<expan>bi</expan> . Filij ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>nu</expan>m de<expan>n</expan>tes eo<expan>rum</expan> arma & sagitte & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.329: This line begins in the right margin of l. 328, breaks after <foreign><hi>maledicc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>e</hi></foreign>, and wraps around to the next full line space, ending in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan> is no lijf þat I louye  lastynge any whyle</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or tales þat I telle  no man t<expan>ri</expan>steþ to me</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wha<expan>n</expan>ne I may not haue þe maystrie  wiþ malencolie I take </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t I cacche þe crampe  þe cardiacle su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r an ague in swich an angre  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme a feu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<milestone>fol. 55vI</milestone>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at<note>O.13.335: The ascender of the thorn in <hi><hi>Þat</hi></hi> is decorated with a flourish.</note> takiþ me al a twelue<seg>-</seg>moneþ  til þ<expan>a</expan>t I dispise </l>
<l><hi>L</hi>echecraft of oure lord  & leue on a wicche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seggeþ<note>O.13.337: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>seggeþ</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>seye</hi>.</note> þat no clerk ne can  ne crist as I leue</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o þe souter of souþwerk  &<note>O.13.338: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>&</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>or</hi>.</note> of sordich<note>O.13.338: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone have the form <hi>sordich</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Shordych</hi>.</note> dame emme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seggeþ<note>O.13.339: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>seggeþ</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>seye</hi>.</note> þ<expan>a</expan>t no goddis word  gaf me neu<expan>er</expan>e bote</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þoruȝ a charme hadde I chaunce  & my cheef hele</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> waytede bisiloker  & þa<expan>n</expan>ne was it suylid</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ likyng of lecherie  & bi lokyng of his ye</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or iche a mayden<note>O.13.343: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>mayden</hi> in place of <hi>maide</hi>.</note> þat he mette  he made hir a syngne</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>emynge to synne<seg>-</seg>ward  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme he gan taste </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>boute þe mouþe or bi<seg>-</seg>neþe  bigynneþ to grope</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il eyþ<expan>er</expan> wille waxeþ kene  & to þe werk ȝeden</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s wel in fastynge<seg>-</seg>dayes as fridayes  & forboden nyȝtis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as wel in lente as out of lente  alle tymes yliche</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>wiche werkis wiþ hem  weren<note>O.13.349: O alone has the form <hi>weren</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>were</hi>.</note> neu<expan>er</expan>e out of sesou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il þei myȝten no more  & þa<expan>n</expan>ne hadde<expan>n</expan> myry tales</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how þ<expan>a</expan>t lecchouris louyen  lawȝhen & iapen</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of her harlotrie & horedam  in her elde . tellen</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne pacience p<expan>ar</expan>ceyuede  of poyntis of his cote</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>as culmy þoruȝ coueytise  & vnkynde desyryng</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore to good þan to god  þe goom hys loue caste</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ymagynede how  he it myȝte haue</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ false mesure<note>O.13.357: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the singular form.</note> & met  & wiþ fals witnesse</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>enede it<note>O.13.358: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>it</hi>.</note> for loue of þe wed  & loþ to do truþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd I<note>O.13.359: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>I</hi>.</note> awaytede þoruȝ . which . weye to bigyle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd mengede his marchaundise  & mad a good moustre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e wors<note>O.13.361: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>wors</hi> in place of <hi>worste</hi>.</note> wiþ<seg>-</seg>Inne was<note>O.13.361: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>a</hi> before <hi>greet</hi>.</note>  greet witt I lete it</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd my neiȝbore hadde any hyne  or any beeste ellis</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore p<expan>ro</expan>fitabel þan myn  many sleyȝtis I made</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow I myȝte haue it  al my witt I caste</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd but I hadde bi oþ<expan>er</expan> weye  at þe laste I stale it</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r pryuyliche his purs schoke  vn<seg>-</seg>pikede hise lokkis</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r bi nyȝt or bi day  aboute was Ich eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ gyle to gaderen  þe good þat I haue</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f I ȝede to þe plow  I pynchede so narwe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t a foote loond or a foruȝ  fecchen I wolde</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f my next neyȝbore  nymen of his erþe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if I repe . ou<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>reche  &<note>O.13.372: GOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>&</hi> in place of <hi>or</hi>.</note> ȝaue hem reed þat rope<note>O.13.372: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>rope</hi>; variants include <hi>repen</hi> (CrYBoCotR), <hi>repen it</hi> (F), and <hi>ropen</hi> (WHmGCBmLM).</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyse to me wiþ my sykil  þat I sewe neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<milestone>fol. 56rI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd who<seg>-</seg>so borweþ of me  abouȝte þe tyme</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ p<expan>re</expan>sentis p<expan>ri</expan>ueylich  or payede su<expan>m</expan> certeyn</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o wolde he or he nolde  wynnen I wolde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd boþe to kiþ & to kyn  vnkynde of þat ich hadde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd who<seg>-</seg>so chepede my chaffare  chiden I wolde</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut he p<expan>ro</expan>ferede me to paye  a peny or tweyne</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore þan it was worþ  & ȝit wolde I swere</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t it coste me myche more  <add>&</add> swore many oþes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n halidayes in holi chirche  wha<expan>n</expan>ne ich here<note>O.13.382: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the present-tense form; all other beta witnesses have the preterite.</note> messe</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>adde I neu<expan>er</expan>e wille woot god  witterli to beseche </l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ercy for my mysdedis  þ<expan>a</expan>t I ne mornede more </l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or losse of good . leue me  þan for my likhams gyltes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s if I hadde dedli synne doon  I drede not þat so sore</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s wha<expan>n</expan>ne I lenede<note>O.13.387: YOC<hi>2</hi>C alone lack a word between <hi>lenede</hi> and <hi>levede</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>and</hi>.</note> . levede it lost  or longe . er it were payed</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o if I kidde any kyndenesse  myn euene<seg>-</seg>c<expan>ri</expan>stene to helpe</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>p<seg>-</seg>on<note>O.13.389: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>a</hi> before <hi>cruel</hi>.</note> cruel coueytise  myn herte gan hange</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.13.390: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>if</hi> before <hi>I</hi>.</note> I sente ou<expan>er</expan> sehe  my s<expan>er</expan>uantis to brugges</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r in<seg>-</seg>to pruselond my p<expan>re</expan>ntice  my p<expan>ro</expan>fiȝt to wayten</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o marchaunden wiþ money  & make her eschaunges</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>yȝte neu<expan>er</expan>e me cou<expan>n</expan>forte  in þe mene tyme</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eiþ<expan>er</expan> messe ne mateyns  ne no man<expan>er</expan>e siȝtis</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neu<expan>er</expan>e penau<expan>n</expan>ce p<expan>ar</expan>fornede  ne <foreign>pat<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>nost<expan>er</expan></foreign> seyde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t my mynde ne was more  on my good in<note>O.13.396: GOC<hi>2</hi>F alone lack <hi>a</hi> before <hi>doute</hi>.</note> doute</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an in þe grace of god  & hise grete helpes</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>V<expan>bi</expan> thesaur<expan>us</expan> tu<expan>us</expan> i<expan>bi</expan> & cor tuu<expan>m</expan> .</hi></foreign><note>O.13.398: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hyche been þe braunches  þat bryngen a man to sleuþ </l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s wha<expan>n</expan>ne a man<note>O.13.400: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the reading <hi>Is whanne a man</hi>. Variants include <hi>Is qwan man</hi> (B), <hi>hys woman</hi> (GYCLR), <hi>He þat</hi> (WHmCrM), and <hi>þat</hi> (F).</note> morneþ not for hise dedis<note>O.13.400: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack some variant of <hi>mys-</hi> before, or in place of, <hi>dedis</hi>.</note>  ne makeþ no sorwe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c penaunce þat þe preest enioyneþ  p<expan>ar</expan>forneþ yuele</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>ooþ noon almes<seg>-</seg>dede  drediþ hym of no synne</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>yueþ aȝeyn þe beleue  & no lawe holdeþ</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>che day is an holy<seg>-</seg>day<note>O.13.404: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack the phrase <hi>with hym</hi> before <hi>&</hi>.</note>  &<note>O.13.404: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>&</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>or</hi>.</note> an hyȝ ferie</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if he ouȝt wole here  it is an harlottis tunge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.13.406: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include introductory <hi>And</hi>.</note> wha<expan>n</expan>ne men carpen of crist  or clennesse of soule</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e waxeþ wroþ & wole not here  but wordis of myrþe</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>enaunce & pore men &<note>O.13.408: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>passiou<expan>n</expan></hi>.</note> passiou<expan>n</expan> of seyntis</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e hateþ to here þ<expan>er</expan>of  & alle þat it telliþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>eise been þe braunches . be war  þat bryngen a man to wanhope</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>e lordis & ladies  & legates of holy chirche</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at <add>feden<note>O.13.412: Carets accompanying <hi>þat</hi> and marginal <hi>feden</hi> indicate that the corrector's intention was to insert <hi>feden</hi> as the second word in the line. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>fedeþ</hi>.</note></add> foles sage<note>O.13.412: OC<hi>2</hi>F alone have the singular form.</note>  flaterers & lyeris</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd han likyng to liþen hem  to do ȝow to lawȝhe</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ve vobis qui ridetis & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.13.414: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>vobis</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<milestone>fol. 56vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝyuen hem mete & mede  & pore men refusen<note>O.13.415: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have the form <hi>refusen</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>refuse</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n ȝoure deþ<seg>-</seg>deiynge  I drede me ful sore</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>est þe þre man<expan>er</expan>e men  to myche sorwe ȝow brynge</l>
<l><foreign><hi>C</hi>onsencie<expan>n</expan>tes & agentes  pari pena punient<expan>ur</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>at<expan>ri</expan>arkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetis  & p<expan>re</expan>chouris of goddis wordis</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>auen þoruȝ her s<expan>er</expan>mou<expan>n</expan>  mannes soule from helle</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝt so flaterers & foles  & þe feendis disciplis</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o entice men þoruȝ her tales  to synne & harlotrie</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s<note>O.13.423: OC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>As</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Ac</hi>.</note> clerkis þat knowen holy writ  schulden kenne lordis</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat dauid seiþ of swiche men  as þe sauter telliþ</l>
<l><foreign><hi>N</hi>on h<expan>ab</expan>itabit in medio dom<expan>us</expan> mee q<expan>ui</expan> fac<expan>i</expan>t s<expan>upe</expan>rbia<expan>m</expan> & q<expan>ui</expan> loq<expan>ui</expan>t<expan>ur</expan> iniq<expan>ua</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chulde noon harlot haue audience  i<expan>n</expan> halle ne i<expan>n</expan> chau<expan>m</expan>bres</l>
<hi>Lo lordis <lb/>
& p<expan>re</expan>latis</hi>
<note>O.13.427: The rubric is divided after <hi>lordis</hi>, so that it appears as two lines.</note>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e wise men weren  witnesse goddis wordis </l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no mysproude man . amongys  lordis . be alowed</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c flaterers & foles  þoruȝ her foule wordis</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>eden þoo þat louen hem  to luciferes feeste</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><foreign>turpiloq<expan>ui</expan>o</foreign> a lay of sorwe  & lucifers fiþele</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us haukyn þe actijf man  hadde ysuyled his cote</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il concience acoupede hym þ<expan>er</expan>of  in a curteys man<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hy he ne hadde wasschen it  or wiped<note>O.13.434: OC<hi>2</hi> alone lack <hi>it</hi> before <hi>wiþ</hi>.</note> wiþ a brusche</l>